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EDU2203 Assessment2-ESSAY


There are multiple methods and ways for a teaching style, and one of the

techniques is TPR( total physical responses), and how can a teacher send

information to her/his students in an organized way so they can understand the

information that he/she get it. Total Physical Response is a method of teaching

which can combine the English vocabulary meaning with actions, pictures, and

objects (Brown, 2001: 29). TPR is a language teaching method built around the

coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through

physical (motor) activity(Restu.A,2013). In this essay, I will cover whose

created this method? How he created it? how TPR works? I will add also some

theory that linking to this method. What a teacher and students role in this

method? And I will give some of the examples that I saw it in the teaching

practicum. When can the teacher use this method? advantages and disadvantages

of using this technique and at the end of the essay, I will give my opinion.

TPR was created by Dr. James J Asher professor emeritus of psychology

at San Jose State University. He found that by observing parent talking to their

infants by using this technique called a language- body conversation, For

example when a father of the infant starts to speak with his baby by saying look

at daddy and infants start to return his/her face to the direction. ( Graciela.B,

26Jan2010). In this phase, infants listen and answer by actions. Dr.Asher made

three hypotheses based on his observations: at the beginning, language learned

by listening. Also, we can find that there are principles of using TPR method in

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EDU2203 Assessment2-ESSAY

the classroom: teachers use an instruction approach with students- its also build

on their experience of vocabulary by develop speaking and listening knowledge,

they also develop this method to reduce students stress(gingerfresa,2016).

According to Dr.James, he said that there is a relationship between language and

children body(James, A, 1972).

This term focus on stimulus-response model taken from behavioral

psychology known as Sv-R type learning in TPR activity. According to

Stepheneseifert, she said that Dr.Asher he use Trace theory to learning by

movement. Trace theory is a psychological method used to connect memory

with action. The biggest point behind this theory is to develop a memory of

words and connected to action in imagery, so it let students must save the visual

image or action that related to the word that they learned. The goal of TPR is to

learning a second language. There are three elements of Total Physical Response

which are they :( 1-non-abstractions and abstractions, 2-Speech acts, 3- The

lexical approach to vocabulary acquisition). Firstly, non-abstractions students

will be in action mode so they will get a quick response from teacher

instructions, while abstractions is explanation after commands, for example,

teacher say stand up and talk to your friend how they are today its let

students learn how they can ask people in politely way how they are feeling.

Secondly, Speech acts and role play students can get a benefit learning with this

method. Thirdly, lexical approach to vocabulary acquisition is how a teacher can

teach her/his students by chunks the word or phrase it by grouped words in

traditional English learning, for example, to teach actions we grouped like

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EDU2203 Assessment2-ESSAY

jump, setdown, standup, run, walk. When someone said TPR, suddenly they

think that is all about learning by dance and song while its about body


In the TPR technique students and teacher have a role according to (stephenseifert, n.d.).

Students roles are: have to improve their listening skills- students will

need to listen individually-they have to be more speech. While teachers roles

were cultivated trust and fun in the classroom- teacher is responsible to build

students knowledge during TPR activity- teachers need to have a plan to slowly

let students understand in a simple way.

Teachers can use this technique for students in the class by saying the

word and model it, for example, the teacher says jump and model it with

students in the first time by the time when teacher repeat it many time students

will understand and feel confident with a word. This technique can help a

teacher in: vocabulary lesson- grammar- instructions- storytelling.

When Im in teaching practicum, I observed my MST using a TPR

technique to set the circle time and go back to the desks. In the TPR students

sing a song together while they move from their desk to the carpet. Firstly,

teacher said we are going to the... and students completed carpet and start

to sing a song while they moving tow little feet go tap tow little hand go clap

if you are ready to line one turn around go to the carpet and sit- down " and they

completed with 3 more group after students finish and they are all sit-down

students say we are ready all of us lets start our circle time. Then teacher start

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with them a circle time, and when a children finish from a circle time they have

to sing to back to the set line 3 stand up line 3 goodbye its time to change and

try new things and they complete with 3 more groups too.

Also when I tried to teach students by using TPR. Firstly, I created

words about body parts and actions which were: (put your hands up, put your

hands down), I tried to change my voice during said these with acting with

them at the first time. So for the second time, they move their body while Im

singing and try with to do with them a little beat. Even when I introducing

directions, but it was horrible because I didnt prepare well.

As we know everything has advantages and disadvantages of using TPR

in the class.

The advantages of using this technique are not suitability a particular age

and including all the student's levels, it helps students to learn fast and easy for

memorable by using actions that related to the word. Students can also enjoy

during a lesson and make it more active because they will move their body and

change their mood. It has a benefit for the teacher because its spare no expense

of preparing, so teachers will not lose money or papers for TPR because its

depend on the creative side of the teacher. Its good method for kinesthetic

learners who need more active.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of using this technique

too. Firstly, in this method, teachers cant explain everything. It also doesn't give

a chance for students to creative and showing their ideas and thoughts. Some

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students feel embarrassed to do that, for example, some of the student's

personality are shy so they will not accept to do the actions in front of their

classmate .( Frost, R. (2016) )

Finally, as we defined before TPR is method depends on teaching with

actions and speeches. In my opinion, we can say that this method is useful but a

teacher has to change her/his style of teaching way because sometimes it will

not work and if its overuse students will feel bored (Asmarani, 2013). In this

essay, I discussed TPR and what is the theory behind it and how its work with a

role of students and teachers.

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EDU2203 Assessment2-ESSAY


1. Anwar, C., & Fitriani, D. (2016). Total Physical Response and Direct Method in Students
Vocabulary Mastery Learning. Researchgate. Retrieved 19 November 2017, from
2. Bilat, G. (2010). Total Physical Response. [online] Available at:
3. (n.d.). The Total Guide to Total Physical Response (TPR) in ESL
Classrooms | FluentU English Educator Blog. [online] Available at:
4. Frost, R. (2016). Total physical response - TPR. [online] TeachingEnglish | British
Council | BBC. Available at:
5. gingerfresa (2013). total physical response. [online] Available at:
6. Hogshead, S., Bernoff, J. and Pitts, L. (n.d.). Advantages and Disadvantages of TPR |
Linguistics | Learning. [online] Scribd. Available at:
7. Jafri (2016). TPR (Total physical Response). [online] Available at:
8. Method of language teaching. Retrieved 19 November 2017, from
9. (n.d.). total-physical-response noun - Definition, pictures,
pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at [online] Available at:
10. (n.d.). Theory of learning. [online] Available at:

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