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An indigo car of foreign make pulled up in front of the store.

Mr. Hong, who had just opened the store, stopped his mopping. A
man wearing a beige leather jacket was getting out of the car.
"Damn good style and a damn good car, too."
Just when he thought the man couldn't possibly have any
business around here, the man looked toward the store. No, more
like glared at the store. The man looked at the shoddy sign and
the plastic rose curtains covering the windows and made a face as
if he couldn't believe his eyes.
"What, too tacky for you?" Mr. Hong felt like scowling but even
his brave efforts at it failed to give the effect of a mean eye.
Time and age had pulled his eyelids down to the effect of a
Southern Mongoloid. Like a hush puppy.
"Stop gawking, will ya? Giving me the creeps. Shoo, shoo. I
won't sell you no coffee, see if I do."
As Mr. Hong muttered to himself, the man made a
condescending face and shook his head. His expression near
shouted, 'I'd rather drink cheap bus station vending machine
coffee than drink the coffee this place sells.' Even so, the man
walked toward the store. He stopped to read the 'Help Wanted'
sign posted on the front glass door before stepping in.
You want to work here? You? No way. Not at your age.
"We're not open yet," --was what Mr. Hong was about to say,
but before he had the chance, he had to squint his eyes. Maybe it
was because the man had his back turned to the sunlight, but it
seemed that there was a bright halo behind the man's head. It
was so dazzling that Mr. Hong couldn't look at him properly. He
missed his chance to speak, and before he knew it, the man had
already taken a seat at a table by the window.
"Coffee, please."
"Oh, of course."
It was reflex. Mr. Hong thought, 'Damn it, that's not what I
meant to say..." as he walked into the kitchen. The cuckoo clock
hanging on the wall started chiming. 11 o'clock. Now he couldn't
even say that the store wasn't open yet. After all, the sign on the
door did say, "Opening time: 11 o'clock."
The man was a sophisticated dandy boy rarely seen in that
neighborhood. Clean cut and handsome. Twenty seven? Twenty
eight? He was looking out the window with his long legs crossed.
His facial features were rather sharp, but he carried a rather
swaggering air about him. The fabric of his pants looked like they
were better fit to make women's scarves than men's pants, and
his leather jacket clung to his body as if it were his skin. Not only
that, but the width of the pants at the thighs looked like they
were less than six inches wide. How the hell do his legs fit
through that? What is he, a freak? I don't know what's with the
world these days. You call that a man's leg? Damn pansy.
Mr. Hong moved his chubby roly-poly of a body to serve coffee.
He set the cup in front of the dandy boy.
Dandy Boy didn't even look up. He smelled like perfume from
up close.
"What kind of a man..." thought Mr. Hong as he wrinkled his
nose. Just then he felt the man's gaze like a stab. He quickly put
on a smile, but Dandy Boy was looking past him toward the back.
He was looking at the kitchen, the wall, the floor. He made the
same expression as when he was outside the store.
What is this, a pigpen? A stable? Was what his eyes said. So
what? What's it to you? Stop gawking, boy. If you're a customer,
just act like one and drink your coffee and get out of here. What
do you think you're doing, gaping around here like that? Hey! Who
do you think you are, giving me, the owner, a once-over. What do
you keep staring for? What, you like my style, do ya?
Mr. Hong was brought out of his silent and petulant reverie by
something that sparkled in his sight. Around one of Dandy Boy's
hands, the one stretched out to lift the cup, was a shining watch.
Mr. Hong, who had planned to go back to the kitchen, approached
the man as if pulled.
"Uh... It doesn't... seem... like you're from around... here...
The watch, which emanated a white gold light, was a watch of
famous Swiss make, the brand Mr. Hong had only ever heard
about. Mr. Hong couldn't help but be a bit humbled.
"Did you come here to meet someone?"
"Yes. Aren't there any other employees?" asked Dandy Boy,
turning the cup with the edge of his fingers.
"Oh, yea, there was, but he quit recently. That's why the sign's
up over there. Looking for a part-timer."
By "recently," Mr. Hong meant eight months ago. There was a
part-timer who ended up quitting because business was so bad. In
fact, business was so bad that Mr. Hong could work all by himself
and still have time left to kill, and it was difficult anyhow just to
pay the rent. So he put the store on the market, but there was
only dead silence for two months. Finally, a few days ago,
someone claimed the store and signed the contract, but Mr. Hong
hadn't yet told this fact to his family.

Roadside snack wagon, my ass. In all 39 years of my life, I've
never done anything else but sell coffee.
"So, you clean the store, make the coffee, serve the coffee,
and receive the money? All by yourself?"
"I've got to. What else could I do? Do you know how hard it is
to find a hard-working, honest part-timer these days?"
"You're quite the multi-tasker."
"Ha ha, I do have quite a variety of talents," laughed Mr. Hong
"So, did you study coffee-making somewhere?"
What, you need a certificate to make coffee?
"I didn't study it anywhere, but I do have a lot of experience. I
worked part-time at a coffee shop all through college. It's more
familiar to me than my major was. Ha ha."
"How long have you had this store?"
"Third year this year. Location's not too good."
"So you knew that. Location's not the only thing at fault,
though, is it? What was that idiom about the carpenter blaming
his chisel..."
The hell are you saying, boy?
"I passed some pretty big buildings on my way here."
"Yea, last year some banks and stock companies set up shop
around here. But what good did that do? That Bucks and Seattle
there killed the field. Not only that, but that huge supermarket
just totally shat on the small businesses nearby. See, this is what's
wrong with our country. Shouldn't the people support small
businesses first? Only then can the commoners' economy thrive,
and only when the commoners' economy thrives can our national
soccer team make it to the Sweet 16, don't you think so? After all,
the most important body part, be it man or country, is the lower
back, don't you think? Ha ha ha!"
Dandy Boy did not laugh. Mr. Hong was embarrassed.
Dandy turned the cup another revolution with his fingertips,
then inspected the saucer, the coaster, the teaspoon, and the
cubed sugar by turn. Then, he lifted his cup as if sampling wine.
Mr. Hong felt nervous for some reason, and killed his breath. He
didn't know why his chest felt like it was shrinking into itself. He
found himself staring at Dandy Boy's lips. He knew it was strange
to stare, but he couldn't tear his gaze away. Dandy Boy was barely
wetting his lips with the coffee.
Mr. Hong wanted to ask, "How do you like it?" but the words
crawled back down his throat. Because Dandy was wincing. He
took it away from his lips and then tried another small gulp, and
then slammed the cup down on the table as if he never wanted to
see it again.
What the hell's the matter with you?
Mr. Hong started to get pissed. If nothing else, he prided
himself on brewing a decent cup of coffee.
"Do you not agree with the flavor?" Mr. Hong forced a smile.
"Tastes like boiled maple leaves."
"I suppose if you boil them long enough, it'd turn this color,
right?" said Dandy Boy with no expression. That pissed Mr. Hong
off even more. Just then the door was flung open.
"Mister! Have you seen En Se?" The kid who had run in gasping
and sweating was En Chan.
"Haven't seen her. Why?"
"Ah, damn it! I'm gonna go crazy! Where the hell is this damn
girl hiding? You sure she didn't come here?"
"Why are you lookin' for En Se here? What, you think this is
some kind of youth protection center or somethin'?" snapped Mr.
Hong, who was still pissed off. But En Chan was too excited to
notice his ill mood.
"Aaargh stupid kid. Where the hell am I going to find her?"
"What is it this time?"
"She skipped class to go to some kind of audition. Damn! Just
you get caught! I'll introduce her face to the toilet!" The kid's
voice rang like a construction site overseer after one too many
drinks. "That reckless kid even ran off with a teacher's shoes!
She's saying she only borrowed it, but who'll believe that? If you
run off with something without telling, that's stealing. She's gonna
learn a lesson this time!"
"Yea, well, the whole world knows if Ko En Se's got anything,
she's got guts."
"Damn, where does she come from anyway! I mean, I know it's
pretty strange that I myself came out of my mother's womb, but
it's a damn world wonder that she did. If she wants something,
she loses it. Even so, taking a teacher's shoes from the teacher's
lounge.... Damn!"
Mr. Hong was getting swept away by En Chan's excitement.
"Why don't you try going to the place where the auditions are?
Won't she be there?"
"I just came from there! Grrr!!!" En Chan stomped inside
wearing a jumper over a TaeKwonDo practice suit. Even though it
was almost March, it was still snowing in the early hours of the
morning, and the wind was chilly. Even so, En Chan's forehead was
shining with sweat. En Chan bent down to the faucet and drank
the water straight from the tap. After gulping it down and
burping, En Chan hand went up to wipe the mouth.

"Her lottery number was 1 so she auditioned first. Total
shitshow. I have no idea why that kid who sings perfectly fine at
home always messes up at auditions, singing as if she's chanting
mantras or something. They said she gave up halfway through and
ran out in despair. Her friend ran to get her, but couldn't find her."
"She's a real handful, that one."
"Anyway, if you see her, hit me up right away. Even if you have
to break her legs, keep her here, ok?"
"Well, I don't know if I'll be able to restrain the likes of her,
but I'll try."
"Ok, thanks." En Chan ran out before Mr. Hong could even
respond. Even after En Chan's departure, the store vibrated with
the energy and excitement En Chan had brought in.
"That kid...." Mr. Hong knew that behind those tough words, En
Chan cared about En Se, and that that was the reason behind the
frantic search. Wanting to be of some help, Mr. Hong considered
calling up the PC Cafe En Se frequented. But then again, En Chan
had probably checked there, too.... Suddenly the door flung open
"Hey, mister, you were looking for a part-timer?" Mr. Hong
looked at En Chan, who he thought had already left."
"Huh? Oh... yea...."
"You should've told me earlier! Didn't you know I was looking
for a part-time job?"
Suddenly color began to circulate in En Chan's face. Black eyes
twinkled in a white face. En Chan's attitude was tough and
reckless, sure, but En Chan's face, at least, was that of a total
pretty boy. There wasn't a single girl in the neighborhood schools
who didn't know about Ko En Chan. They would crowd around the
TaeKwonDo dojo door, even taking numbers just to get a glimpse.
The kid's popularity bordered on ridiculousness.
"What's this? What's up with these qualifications? '5'9'' minimum
height'? hmm... close 'nuff. Still growing, you see. I haven't
checked recently, but I'm probably somewhere around 5'8''. It's ok
if I round up, right?"
"Uh, yea. Listen."
" 'Hot bods, hot faces, welcome.' " En Chan's face rotated
under Mr. Hong's eyes as if they were cameras. "You have heard, I
presume, that I was voted Hottest Face 9 weeks straight on some
website, right?"
"I have heard that, yes."
"You've heard it because it's true. Even if it was three years
ago." En Chan kept reading the advertisement posted on the glass
door line by line.

" 'Killer smiles, angel smiles, welcome.' That's easy. Next. '
Popular with older women, welcome welcome welcome' Check.
Ha ha, what is this? 'Must have special talent,' 'Must not have
girlfriend,'? What's the point in being so picky? Hey mister, you
setting up a talent agency? You trying to raise yourself some
"N-no... It's not like that..."
Actually, the content of the ad had been sent to Mr. Hong via
e-mail from the new owner of the store. En Chan incredulously
listed off the list of qualifications. Mr. Hong had been just as
flabbergasted as En Chan was right now. He had also thought the
same thing.
What is this, a talent agency?
"Five dollars an hour. Wh-what? Really? Lunch, dinner, AND five
bucks an hour? Woah! That's, like, twice what I get now! Mister,
hire me, will you? I'll start tomorrow, even! Please? Please?"
"Hey hey hey, take a closer look there. Only hiring me- "
"In other words, I've gotta be a total stud. Hmm... This job
was made for me."
Mr. Hong was at a loss for words. It said on the ad in black and
white that the new owner was only looking for men. Did En Chan
never look in the mirror after taking a bath? It was almost sad
how a twenty four year old girl could still be so confused about
her own identity. It might even be that she really thought she was
a man.
"Business must sure be pretty bad, huh? You're starting to use
some strange methods."
"That's not my ad."
"Huh? Then whose it is? A different store?" En Chan suddenly
gave Mr. Hong a piercing stare and sidled up to him. She squinted
her eyes and whispered, "A host bar, perhaps?"
"Hey, don't go spouting nonsense. Do they give out five an hour
at a host bar?"
"Well, I meant, you know, five an hour as a cover, you know? As
in, not including tips..."
"Why, would you rather work at a host bar?" a snide voice
chimed in. Startled, Mr. Hong and En Chan's heads snapped up and
turned toward the Dandy Boy. He was lounging in the chair with
an arrogant air. He uncrossed his legs and stood up. He
straightened his body as if to reinforce his height and walked
toward them.
"Aa-aaaarrggh!!!" En Chan suddenly roared like King Kong, and
Mr. Hong, whose ear had unfortunately been directly under her
mouth, fell backwards onto his rear. His heart pounded and his

ears rang. A pallid En Chan was staring at the Dandy Boy. Then she
said incredulously,
"P-pervert c-cabbage slug man?" Dandy Boy's eyes suddenly
grew violent. Then, with an expression that could not be
distinguished between a sneer and a glare, he came toward her.
"What's with the practice suit? Are you demonstrating your
'superior physical strength' in street shows these days?"
"What? You son of a--"
"Or is that a flunky uniform?"
En Chan's two clenched fist came up. Twin fires burned in her
eyes, and it seemed she would kick out with her foot at any
second. Even Mr. Hong could understand why.
How dare he call the dignified suit of a TaeKwonDo master a
flunky uniform? That man sure has a way with words.
"Ha, pretty cute, aren't you? Your form's not bad, either."
"Whatever are you doing here, young master, sir? Don't your
holy feet hurt if they walk on such rude and uncarpeted floors?"
sneered En Chan. The man didn't blink an eye at this un-En Chan-
like behavior.
"It's all right, I'm wearing particularly excellent shoes. Shoes so
expensive you probably couldn't own them if you died and came
back to life. But shoes aside, you've been glaring at me for some
time now. Hey, kid, relax those eyes, why don't you?"
"You got a problem? You want to go?"
"Go? Go where? The market? The playground? Don't fool
yourself, kid. If you want to get a part-time job, you'd better fix
those eyes, you little leech."
Dandy Boy sneered and turned to Mr. Hong.
"I'm Choi Han Kyul. I signed the contract a few days ago."
"Oh... yes...." Mr. Hong found himself shaking hands with the
man. Then it finally hit him as he watched Dandy Boy walk toard
the kitchen. The name that the man who had come to sign the
contract in the owner's stead had written was Choi Han Kyul.
"What? What's up with this, mister? What's that pervert
cabbage slug saying?"
"Huh? Oh, yea... I think he's saying he's the owner of this
"Whaaat? Ha! What a riot. That idiot's probably still
experiencing jet lag or something."
"Well, I did sell the store."
"M-mister!! You're kidding... right?!??"

*Chapter One*
One Month Earlier: En Chan's 25th Hour

< Part 1 > 7:50 PM – En Chan Buys Meat

Flowers are flowers and trees are trees, but this is pretty
confusing. Are you a flower or a tree?
En Chan was gazing intently through the glass window at the
painting. Sunflowers were standing in two neat rows, and a
mother and child were walking between them holding hands.
You know, I've already counted all of you seven years ago.
There's seventy two of you guys. But is that seventy two flowers
or seventy two trees? That's what so confusing.
Right then, there was a loud clanking sound. The meat shop
had finally opened its doors.
“Heyyyy, Mister Ku, you were there?” En Chan wheedled as she
dragged her flip flops into the store. The unique fragrance of a
meat shop wafted into her nose. Drool began to form in her
En Chan's eyes wandered around as she approached the
counter. She kept her gaze, which was flashing with greedy lust,
glued on the glass cover of the display counter. The eyes that had
rationally appraised the sunflowers were now emanating a
visceral, wild look. As soon as she saw the deep red of the raw
meat, adrenaline began to pump through her veins.
“Did everything go well? You said you had to take care of
something.” The butcher replied with a sullen look as he
continued to sharpen his knives.
“What was the thing you had to do anyway?”
“It seems like the bacon meat's not selling well these days,
huh mister?”
En Chan is, as some would say, a pork maniac. When she
looked at meat, she could see images of their respective dishes in
her head. Pork cutlet, salty boiled pork, sweet and sour pork in
orange sauce... Whenever she looked at pork ribs, she found
herself grinding her teeth. Not only was her appetite strong, she
could also conjure up images of food in less than a second.
“You want bacon meat?”
“Naw, just give me some meat off the front legs. I'm going to
make kimchee stew.”
The kimchee stew was already boiling in En Chan's head. The
proportionally cut kimchee, the pork meat with just the right
amount of fat attached, all of this went into a thick broth and
bubbled and simmered merrily. En Chan, who was swallowing the
saliva that had been building up in her mouth, noticed that
something was off kilter and raised her head. Mr. Ku was too
silent. He was sitting on the edge of the room's threshold staring
blankly at the meat in the glass display case. She studied his
round meatball face. He looked deflated and shriveled. A bruised
“Hey, mister, what's the matter? Did something happen?”
Mr. Ku, who had been staring vacantly only at the meat replied
in a tired voice.
“Hey, En Chan, when you look at all this meat, what do you
“Meat, you say?”
“What kind of meat? This? The shanks?”
“No, just in general.”
“Beef as well as pork?”
“Stop kidding around and answer the question.”
“Even pig's feet and cow tails?”
“No! Just, just, meat! Meat in general!” shouted Mr. Ku
suddenly. En Chan, who had been joking around until then threw
a startled look at the butcher. But she soon recovered and jovially
said as she smiled,
“Hey, what're you yelling about? Calm down, relax. It's not
good for your blood pressure. Look, your face is already turning
“Forget it. Forget it! You haven't got a sincere bone in your
body. That's why you're still living like that!”
“Hey now, don't get all sulky now. What's the matter? Did
swine cholera break out somewhere again?”
“I said drop it. What could I possibly talk to you about? Just
drop it.”
“Tsk tsk, let's not get all shy and sulky now. Just tell me what's
the matter.”
“You're not understanding what I'm saying is the matter! Just
meat! Meat in general! MEAT!”
“Yea, meat! That's why I asked earlier. What meat? Sirloin or
ribs? I've gotta know if I'm gonna answer.”
“Arrrgh!” An incensed Mr. Ku started pulling out the meat
platters from the display case and slamming them onto the
counter top. The perky meat danced on top of the trays. En Chan
was struck dumb. As she watched, she began to get heated along
with him. What the hell is this guy doing?
“If I say meat in general, you should understand that I'm saying
meat in general! Hind legs are meat too, aren't they? Who says
only sirloin and ribs are meat!” Mr. Ku began to stab the sirloin
and ribs with his fingers. And every time he did, En Chan's eyes
grew wider and wider and her breath grew more and more
This guy is going too far! Why's he ruining perfectly good
meat?! Who's gonna eat that?! Those dirty fingernails went in
nearly all the way! How was he going to sell THAT?
Then a thought came to her that brought her peach
He can't sell it. If he does, he's got no conscience. But, it'd be
a shame to throw it out, so if he asks me to, I could bring myself
to take it. It'd probably be all right if I grill it. But still! What's the
big idea, abusing meat that so reverently offered itself up to be
“No matter how expensive, that HanWoo brand is still the
same meat, and so's Kobe beef! Do you get it, kid? Now, I'm asking
you, what do you think when you see this meat?!”
“Meat is meat. What is there to think about?”
“Of there there's something to think about, you dummy!”
“D-dummy?” En Chan was momentarily incensed. “Hey! Who
you calling dummy? When I look at meat, I just want to eat it.
What else is there to think about, huh?”
“Wow, even though you're a girl, you've got no emotions, do
“What does this have to do with being a girl? You dried up old
geezer bachelor!”
“You little pig! You got a problem with that? You got a problem
with me being an old geezer bachelor?”
“Right back at you! You got a problem with me being born a
“You're a girl who can't even stand up for herself when people
call you a guy, you moron.”
“It gets tiring after a while, all right? It's not just once or
twice, it's every day! Having to explain every single time.... Damn
it! You know what I mean! What's wrong with you?”
“You secretly enjoy it, don't you.”
“What? Secretly enjoy what?”
“You secretly enjoy people mistaking you for a guy. When
screaming middle and high school girls surround you and snap
away with their cameras, it makes you feel good, doesn't it?”
“Hey, listen, mister, I'm no pervert! You old fart, what do you
think you're doing, pouring salt on the wound?”
“Old fart? Fine, you want it to go that way, do you, huh?!”

“I don't know where you got screwed or who you got screwed
by, but why are you taking your anger out on me, huh? What am I,
your stress dummy? You're always taking out your rage on me.”
“And what, I can't get angry? I can't get mad just because I'm a
good-for-nothing who failed the ShinChon Literary Exam fourteen
“What, are you proud of having failed fourteen....” En Chan
trailed off. Fourteen? Oh... just yesterday the number had been
thirteen! Ah. So that's why Mr. Ku's face looked like it was about
to explode.
“They... announced the results, ey?” Tsk tsk, guess he failed it
“The dream I had was spot on. A few nights ago I dreamed that
I was trapped and suffocating beneath a milk cow. The cow was
suffocating me with her udders and she kept saying, 'Cut me, why
don't you. Just try and cut me.' I kept struggling because I felt
like I was going to pass out and die, but the next moment I
realized I was trying to cut the cow from underneath it.” Mr. Ku
set the pork front leg on the chopping board and began to cut it
into large pieces. “But this stupid knife wouldn't listen. It just
kept kneading at the cow's skin as if it was sawing away at it or
something. And the cow laughed. It laughed and kept saying, 'Cut
me. Cut me.'”
“Must've been pretty nice, though.”
“What must've been pretty nice?”
“You like udders, don't you? Nice, big 'udders'.”
“Why you little--!”
“I know you have pictures of 'udders' posted on your bedroom
wall. I mean, I can understand your liking them, but that
calendar's from 1999, mister. How can you still have it up?”
“What, do you think I leave it up because of the picture? I left
it up because that's the month my parents died. That's your
problem. Even though you're a girl, your mind's a gutter. I don't
know how you think you're qualified to teach children. If I ever
have a kid, I'd never leave him under your care.”
“Ha, get married first, then talk.”
“You can have kids without getting married, you brat.”
“How? Adoption?”
“That's not what I... Whatever, I can't even talk to you without
getting dizzy. Where did I stop?”
“The stupid dream.”
“Damn bastards. What do they know, huh? All judges are the
same, you know that? The literary world is rotten to the core. It's
just a playground for inbred idiots.”

“Yea. Rotten to the core. Totally,” En Chan agreed emptily as
her gaze fixed on the chopping board. The number of front leg
meat pieces was growing. What was he trying to do, make meat
“What's in a poem? Emotion. Impression. You should calmly
relish each verse, even each blank and space. And you've got to
read it all the way so that you can enjoy the exquisite thrill of the
twist at the end. These bastards only read the title and the first
one or two lines and then throw it out. They don't take the duty
of a judge seriously enough. What does it matter if you're a
famous poet or novelist if you don't know how to appreciate real
“What was the title this time?”
“The Infinite Hexahedron of Raw Meat. The dripping blood,
the glutinous meat, the white fat, the thick sap hidden in the
hard bones. The life of the butcher who cuts this piece of raw
meat into a hexahedron, his joys and sorrows, his solitude. My
poem was soaked in these things.
“Is that why you kept asking me what I thought when I looked
at meat?”
“Yea. When I look at all this meat....” Mr. Ku let out a deep
sigh and picked up the knife that he had put down in his
excitement. En Chan couldn't help wishing he'd notice how thin
the pieces had already become.
“Meat, to me, if life itself. A love-hate relationship I couldn't
let go of even if I wanted to. How could they not understand that
“Guess they must be vegetarians or something.”
“You know, the judges might be vegetarians or something.
Eating healthy's the new fad, you know?” Mr. Ku stood stock still,
nonplussed with his knife in midair. En Chan took this chance to
rescue the meat.
“Eating... healthy?”
“Yea. That's why these days vegetables are more expensive
than meat. Didn't you know?” She held out a fiver to pay for the
meat that was now too absurdly thin to use for stew.
“Forget it.”
“Why?” Mr. Ku went back into his room with a blank stare.
What is he getting all shocked for just because I suggested
that the judges might be vegetarians? I was just saying it was

< Part 2 > 8:50 PM: Go, Tekken V, Go!

The building En Chan works in is four stories high. She works
on the second floor, at the DongMoon TaeKwonDo dojo. On the
left of the building is a small entrance. The stairs are so small and
cramped that an adult standing on it takes up the whole of its
space, and the floor is dusty. There's graffiti on an picture frame
that is hanging on a cracking wall. Half of the frame's glass has
been broken and hastily taped. In the frame is a picture of the
dojo's students who had won medals in some competition. The
students are smiling widely, floral wreaths around their necks.
The dojo master is standing with a reserved look on his face. In
other pictures, the student with the medal is a different boy or
girl, but the look of the dojo master is changeless. Even after so
many years, it has not changed.
En Chan picked up a gum wrapper that had fallen on the floor
and then fixed the crooked picture frame. She flew over the last
three steps and stepped into the dojo.
“Yea?” As soon as she stepped in, a kid came to tell on
“Seung Kyung brought Simba with her.”
En Chan left the plastic bag with the pork in it on top of the
desk and looked around. Seung Kyung was standing with a small
poodle in her arms. The other children surrounded her like an
courtroom audience waiting to hear En Chan's verdict.
“Why aren't you guys going home? If you're done with practice
you should go home.”
“We were gonna eat pizza. Why, is that illegal or something?”
challenged Bong Tae Won.
Dear God, when is that little brat gonna get past puberty?
“Seung Kyung ordered pizza. She ordered yours, too, Master.
Your mother's not home today, right? Seung Kyung's mother went
somewhere today, too.” The speaker of this breathless
explanation was the little girl named Yun Jung who had come to
tell on Seung Kyung about Simba.
“Hey, I already told you, she didn't just go 'somewhere,' she
went to go see a 'musical'.”
“Oh yea, musical.” Seung Kyung rolled her eyes at Yun Jung
but the latter didn't seem to care.
“I felt bad for Simba because he was going to be home alone. I
can play with him here until Mom comes to pick me up, right?”
Even if she spoke more nicely than Bong Tae Won, there was
definitely an arrogant air in her tone. What in the world is with
kids today. Why should I feel intimidated by a twelve year old
girl? And En Chan couldn't even say, “How could you even think of
bringing a dog into this sacred dojo?” to these kids because they
were the ones who were bringing in the money.
“You'll only have 30 minutes. It's almost time for the next
group's practice.”
“30 minutes is enough. The pizzas will be here soon. I ordered
your favorite: bulgogi pizza.”
En Chan's eyes suddenly flashed. Ohhhh, yes! Bulgogi! But she
tried her best to act aloof. She started rummaging around the
desk drawers.
“Y-you guys eat...”
“Hey Seung Kyung, can Simba eat this?”
“Yea, whatever.”
The children were tempting Simba with a sausage. En Chan
didn't yell at the children even though they were running around
the wooden dojo floor with the dog. Usually, she would've
screamed, “Hey! Knock it off!” but right now she was looking at
the children with hazy eyes and saliva filling up in her mouth.
Seung Kyung was looking up at En Chan with rapture in her eyes,
and Tae Won was furiously glaring at En Chan. The two were rising
sixth graders this year, and they fought and played like Tom and
Jerry. Since Tae Won enrolled after Seung Kyung did, did that
make him Tom? And En Chan is the cheese, the center of the
En Chan couldn't think of anything but dinner. She would leave
the next group's practice to the dojo Master and go upstairs to her
house on the roof to eat. It was a good plan.
And she'd eat pizza beforehand. Then the main course, the
kimchee stew with rice, and then Mom's Pretty Pretty Salad for
desert. Heh heh heh.
“Master, you're drooling,” said Seung Kyung.
“Huh? Oh...” En Chan gave a sheepish grin and wiped the
saliva with her sleeve. Tae Won made a face as if to say, “that's
disgusting,” but Seung Kyung watched even this action with
“Master, did you read the e-mail I sent you?”
“You sent me an e-mail? I haven't read it yet...” En Chan
wasn't too friendly with the computer. Come to think of it, she
couldn't exactly remember her own e-mail address. It looked like
it would be an awkward situation, but En Chan reached for the
computer on the desk anyway with a forced smile.
“Sh-shall I take a look? What kind of e-mail could Seung Kyung
have sent me?”
“No! No!” Seung Kyung flew to the computer and turned it off.
She blocked the monitor with a face that was blushing furiously
and glanced nervously at Tae Won.
“R-read it later. Oh, hey! Look! Pizza's here!” Seung Kyung
skitted off and opened her pink wallet. En Chan couldn't bring
herself to watch a disciple pay, so she pretended to be busy doing
other things. During this act, she made eye contact with Tae Won
who had been watching her.
Tae Won gave her a look of exasperation and took off.
“That brat...”
“Master, come and eat quickly!”
“Oh, yea, yea, let me just.. finish this. Go ahead, eat.”
I can't just dive right in. I've got my pride as a master. She
kept rummaging through the desk. But her charade didn't last
longer than a few seconds. This was because the fragrance of the
pizza had come wafting into her nose. Not only that, but the
children were eating so avidly and with such delightfully slurpy
gusto that En Chan felt her ears would soon start drooling as well.
“M-maybe I'll try a piece,” she muttered to herself as she
headed toward the children.
“Here, master,” said Seung Kyung, handing En Chan a piece
she had saved especially. This kid was too cute.
It was right then when Tae Won said,
“Master, phone.”
“Huh?” Tae Won was pointing at the desk. Not even with his
fingers, but with his chin.
En Chan, whose five sense had been totally enraptured in the
pizza, only just then heard the ring tone of her cell phone. Damn
it! Who the hell was it? En Chan was not just a little pissed. There
was nothing to do but pick up the phone she had left on the desk.
“Obba, it's me.” (translator's note: Korean females use the
familiar title “obba” to refer to older males.) Sparks flew from En
Chan's eyes. Who was this prank-calling wench?! The “obba” gave
it away. All throughout middle school and high school, En Chan
had been chased incessantly by hormone-starved juniors with
confused sexual identities, and they had all called her “obba.”
Even some girls in the same grade used to pant “obba, obba”
after her.
And they still haven't recovered from their delusion?!
“You've got the wrong number.” She was just about to hang up
when a panicked voice said,
“Obba, it's me! Me, En Se.”
“I can't talk right now.”
Why? I'll tell you why, I was just about to....

Seung Kyung was holding out a huge slice of pizza and
motioning to En Chan to come and eat it. En Chan beamed at her
and nodded her head.
“I'm busy right now so call me later. I'm gonna hang up now.”
“Obba, I'm in trouble! Some punk keeps bothering me.”
“What?” The pizza left En Chan's head. “What punk?!”
“I keep telling him to go away but he keeps following me. He's
in front of me right now. Won't you come and help me, obba?”
“What kind of son of a-- where are you!”
“Coffee Prince.”
The only people who could drag En Chan away from food were
Mom and En Se. En Se blew her bangs out of her eyes and
snatched up her jumper. She headed toward the exit with the
phone against her ear.
“Why the hell are you hanging out with that kind of bastard?!
And what have you been doing wandering around and not going
“I kept trying to go home, but this guy....”
“Shut up! I don't want to hear it! You're really gonna get it.
Hey, Mr. Hong's there, right?”
“Mr. Hong? Yea. He's watching us from the counter.”
“Then don't move and --”
En Chan's two legs flew through the air (“AARRGH!”) and then
she promptly fell on her ass. The children all stopped eating their
pizzas and turned to look at En Chan. One hand was in her jumper
sleeve, the other, holding the cell phone. One knee was trying to
hold her body up and the other leg was held up high in the air.
From the foot of this leg dropped Simba's brown dung.
F....fu..... aaaack !! I'm going to strangle this dog!
“Obba, what's the matter? Obba?” En Se's shrill voice spilled
out of the phone. The trophy cabinet began to waver. All eyes
went toward the cabinet as the trophies began to fall. En Chan
reflexively put out her hands.
“Umph!” She'd barely caught the trophy when, just as she was
about to take a sigh of relief, the TaeKwon boy's head fell off
from the top of the trophy and rolled away across the floor. En
Chan gasped. En Chan could hear the children breathing. En Chan
could feel their gazes filled with both anxiety and pity alike.
“When the dojo Master finds out about this...”
“damn it...” She had to put the boy's head back on the trophy
and then go wash her feet, but Seung Kyung kept wrapping gauze
around her hand.
“Master, you're bleeding.” It was only a small scratch between
the thumb and index fingers that came from the encounter with
the trophy's sharp edge, but nobody could stop Seung Kyung. “We
have to treat it quick. If we don't, it'll keep bleeding.” Seung
Kyung was even on the verge of tears. A band-aid would've been
sufficient. But Seung Kyung kept wrapping the gauze around and
around En Chan's hand. Eventually the gauze came all the way up
to her wrist and it was stiff like a cast. Even so, En Chan couldn't
blame Seung Kyung. She knew the girl hated the sight of blood.
En Chan was very much aware of the fact that Seung Kyung had
lost her little brother in a car accident. And also of the fact that
Seung Kyung had been there to witness it.

< Part 3 > 8:55 PM: En Chan Meets the Punk From the Land
of the Crows

En Chan arrived with dried saliva on her sleeve and dried dog
poo on her pants leg.
“Obba, what's wrong with your hand? Did you get hurt?”
“Ko En Se, you...” En Chan sometimes has trouble recognizing
her little sister En Se. This is because En Se looks like a totally
different person in the morning on her way to school. There was
no doubt in En Chan's mind that En Se's school uniform was in its
usual place: the subway lockers.
“Obba, I thought I told you to stop fighting. You keep getting
hurt because you always go around beating up every punk you
see. Give your fist a rest every now and then.” En Se was being
disgustingly sweet. En Chan could guess what that fox of a girl
was up to.
In any case, did anyone have anything to eat?
“What the hell is this? This is your boyfriend? Ha, that's funny,”
said an insolent voice. En Chan gave a cursory glance at the youth
sitting in front of him. What the! Who is he, a punk from the land
of crows (translator's note: in Korea, they liken people with dark
skin to crows. The punk in this story is a dark-skinned youth; thus,
punk from the land of crows.)? His skin was strikingly dark, and...
dear Lord, to make things worse, his hair was frizzy to the max.
That was the kiss of death.
En Chan couldn't tell whether the youth was shaking his leg
because he was nervous or because he was trying to give off a
tough-guy aura.
“Oh, God...” En Chan couldn't stop herself from groaning. She
was leaning against the chair, but still her entire body ached. Her
head felt like it was splitting apart. A part of the reason was
because of the after effects of the fall, but En Chan was tired
mentally as well. Right behind her right ear, about 3 cm away was
a scar the size of a quarter. As she fell on the wooden floor, a
piece of gum someone had spit out had stuck to her head. Boy, if
she ever caught the brainless halfwit that spit out that gum... but
that wasn't the point. She should've known something bad was
going to happen when Tae Won, who was usually so taciturn,
made a fuss waving around a pair of scissors saying he'd cut her
hair for her. As Seung Kyung wrapped her hand in gauze, Tae Won
stood by and cut her hair with a strange look on his face.
Goosebumps had run up and down her entire body as she heard
the swishing of the scissors. It was almost like being in a horror
movie. In the end, she had no choice but to borrow the dojo
Master's neighborhood security watch hat that was hanging on the
“Yo, En Se, you've got to be kidding me. You're dumping me for
this wimpy jerk?” In response to the punk's snide comment, En Se
stuck onto En Chan's side and put her own arm through hers. The
boy's eyes grew fierce. Man, that dark face looks really terrible all
twisted like that.
En Chan blew out a short breath with her mouth as she looked
at the glaring youth. It was her habit to blow her hair out of her
eyes like that. But the hat started to move around, so she pressed
down on it.
“Obba, get rid of him for me. Seriously, I'm about to go crazy
because this kid keeps bothering me. I keep telling him that I'm
dating someone, but he won't believe me.”
So, this time, En Se wasn't asking En Chan to pretend to be her
big brother. She was asking En Chan to pretend to be her
boyfriend. The punk was right. You've got to be kidding me.
When are you going to grow up, Ko En Se. I'm your freakin'
En Chan couldn't do anything but give out big sighs. Mr. Hong
brought her some water.
“What's wrong with your hand? Did you hurt it breaking
through wooden boards?”
“Don't worry about it. Hey, mister, is there anything to eat?”
“To eat? Only biscuits. You want that, at least?”
En Chan sighed. If En Se hadn't made such a fuss about this
punk, she probably would've changed before coming. And eaten
the pizza, of course. Actually, now that she thought about it, the
plastic bag full of pork she'd left on the desk was starting to worry
her as well.
“Yea, I'll take that, at least.”
“What do you want to drink?”
“Oh, come on, you know...” En Chan, who had just been about
to skip over drinks to save money, suddenly remembered the fact

that a very strange, very dark youth was sitting in front of her.
Eh. He'd probably pay for it.
“Fresh fruit juice, then. A lot of it.”
“Seems like something a fruit like you'd order. Yo, En Se, are
you sure you're going out with this... thing? What's wrong with
you? Didn't this obba tell you? You shouldn't mess around with poor
little kids like him.”
En Se snorted in reply.
“Ha, don't make me laugh. Ya, Hwang Min Dal, who says you're
some kind of obba? You're nothing but a lowlife punk.”
“It's not Min Dal, it's Min Yup! How can you say such bitchlike
things and still be so freakin' cute?”
Ugh... I'm gonna toss my cookies.
En Se poked En Chan's side. It was a signal to hurry up and get
rid of the punk. En Chan looked the youth up and down from
underneath a hat too big for its owner. As soon as Seung Kyung
finished wrapping the bandages she had hastily rubbed her foot
on a mop and ran out the door. She'd come here with only the
thought that she had to save En Se, but now, seeing the so-called
“opponent” who now sat across from her, there was nothing she
could do but sigh. He couldn't even be called a punk. As in, this
was the kind of guy who would rip snot-smeared dollar bills off of
elementary school kids on playgrounds. He might talk tough, but
En Chan couldn't see a mean look in his eyes. Of course, he didn't
seem to posess any fighting abilities either.
“Yo, is this thing a middle schooler?” sneered the youth.
“Ya! You're really starting to piss me off!” En Se had a mean
streak herself. “Who the hell are you to keep referring to him as
“this thing”, huh?”
En Chan didn't really enjoy watching En Se's mean side, but
she was touched by the fact that her sister was standing up for
family. Little brat...
“He's four years older than you! Show some respect!”
“What? This thing is four is older than me. What do you take
me for, huh? You think I'm blind? This wimp couldn't be any older
than, fine, a high schooler. What, did he tell you he was twenty?
You fell for it, stupid! Hey! You! Listen, you bastard, tell the
truth. What's your freakin' age?”
“This is why I don't like you. Why do you have to look at
everything so negatively? What, you think everyone's just like you?
Just because every time you open your mouth a dirty lie comes
out, you think everyone else does that too? You dirty liar.”
As soon as En Se finished her snide comment, the youth lost it.
“What? You little!”

“What, what're you going to do if you keep mad dogging me
like that? You gonna hit me? Fine, go head, hit me. Then let's end
this once and for all.”
“This is seriously fucked up...”
Is this how high schoolers talked to each other? What, in the
name of heaven, did she call me out for. It looks like it's
something they could've figured out themselves...
En Chan sunk lower in her chair, leaning her head against the
back of it, waiting for the fresh fruit juice to come. En Se noticed
this and poked her side again.
“Obba, say something!” En Chan glared furiously at the hat.
She caught En Chan's eyes and sent a message telling her to hurry
“Uh.. yea...”
Her throat was cracking. En Chan put her hands on her empty
belly and straightened her back.
If she was going to force me to pretend to be her boyfriend,
she could've at least gotten me something to eat. I can't muster
up the energy to go on. At this rate...
En Chan low voice went even deeper.
“You............ what's your name?”
“What do you need to know his name for?” En Se said
petulantly. En Chan looked at the youth through the brim of the
hat and spoke in an even deeper voice.
“You like my En Se or something?”
“Obba, why the hell are you asking him that?”
“Your En Se? Does she belong to you or something?”
En Chan knew that he looked down on her. The first thing was
height. En Chan may have been popular among middle and high
school girls, but her actual physical build couldn't compete with
the average guy. At 5'8'', she was only slightly thicker boned than
most girls.
“Listen, kid, you're not understanding what I'm saying. That's
not the point. What I'm asking is, do you or do you not...”
Right then, the fruit juice arrived. En Chan abruptly stopped
her sentence and held out her arm. But her arm didn't move very
well. The bandages were wound so tightly she couldn't get a good
grip. Damn it. With no other alternative, she held out her other
arm. Mr. Hong tsked tsked. En Chan immediately gulped it down
in one shot. It took less than five seconds for her to finish an
entire glass of fruit juice.
“Ew, that is too gross.”
“Hey, forget all this crap. Let's just go at it,” said the
impatient youth. En Se's eyes rediscovered their twinkle as she
turned to En Chan. Her eyes pleaded for her sister to “go at it.”
There was no doubt that that's why En Chan had been called out.
Sometimes, En Chan wondered if she had such a girl as her sister.
She would put her sister in the ring and then parade around like
the round girl, huh?
En Chan smacked her lips and wiped her mouth. She briefly
considered asking for a refill.
“Hey, you deaf? I said, come outside.” The youth threw out
this challenge and went outside, but En Chan didn't move.
“What's wrong with him? He's pretty manly, isn't it?”
“Mister!” En Se glared at the owner. But still Mr. Hong
continued to say with an unctuous look on his face,
“Just a few days ago you two walked right by here holding
hands. You get sick of him already?”
“I've only just found out his real character.”
“What's his real character like?”
“He's a total punk. He spits in front of girls, he's got no
manners, his temper's dirty as hell, and he told me he was re-
taking a year of high school after graduating, but it turns out he
flunked back down.”
“Ah. So that's the critical blow.”
“Seriously! He told me he went to an engineering college, but
it turns out he's nothing but a punk at an engineering high school
who flunked down. Total liar!”
“I don't think you're in any position to be talking about this kid
going to an engineering college or an engineering high school. As
if you ever do any studying!” En Se returned to pleading mode as
even En Chan joined in.
“Aw man, can't you talk about stuff like that at home later?
I'm really in a bad fix right now!”
“Oh, really? It's tough work, dating, isn't it? I feel soo bad for
“Studying isn't the issue here! Your little sister is about to be
“Abducted shmabducted. He probably couldn't even hurt a
“You're saying that because you don't know. He tried to take
me to his room earlier by force!”
“You know what's funny? You only consider En Chan your unni
(translator's note: females call familiar older females “unni” in
Korea) when you're in a fix. Mr. Hong's retort was met with the
daggers from En Se's eyes. “Brr, I'm so scared,” exaggerated Mr.
Hong as he hid himself behind the counter, still smiling.
“Unni, seriously, this is the last time. I'll never ask you to do
something like this again.”
En Chan gave a sigh and looked at En Se. She had asked her to
do something like this around last Christmas. She considered
bringing that up. But then she decided it wouldn't make a
difference anyway, and so she asked a question instead.
“You've got another boy, don't you?”
“No. Seriously, no.”
“Then why do you want to get rid of that guy?”
“So I can start studying. I'm a senior in high school now. I've
really got to study, you know? If I go to an arts school and study
music seriously, it'll be easier for me to become a singer.”
“I've got to grow up now. I can't always ask you for money.
When I get into college, I'm going to find work on my own and
earn my own spending money. So, sis, sissy, please, just one more
En Chan hadn't expected her sister to say such things. Her
nose began to tingle. She'd never dreamed she'd hear such
wonderful words from her sister. En Chan wanted, like a father
would, nothing but for En Se to grow up healthy and not cause too
much trouble. And now she was all grown up, talking about
earning her own spending money... En Chan was totally touched.
“Hey, what are you saying? You're no trouble to me...”
Right then the youth who'd gone outside stuck his head in and
“Yo! What are you doing? Come outside! What, you scared, you
little wimp?”
“No, I'm just hungry, kid.”
“Come inside.”
“Who do you think you are to order me around? Come
“Sit down.”
The youth surprisingly came back inside and flopped back in
his seat, seething, but without much fuss. It was because he had
only just then noticed En Chan's Tae Kwon Do practice suit. Even
though she was wearing a jumper on top, on the bottom, she was
still wearing her suit. The black belt probably did much to dispel
the idea that she was simply wearing white pants.
“Listen, kid. Older brother's not in a position to beat anyone
“What the hell is this shithead saying?”
At the curse word, En Chan got angry.

“Watch your mouth! Or I'm gonna rub it down with sandpaper,
got it?”
“What? You little bastard!”
“I said, SHUT UP!” En Chan tried to calm down and speak in a
persuasive tone. “Listen. If I beat you up, I gotta go to the police
station, and if I go to the police station, it'll ruin my livelihood,
do you get it? So. Let's solve this a different way.”
“Don't be spouting horse shit. Let's just fight!”
“We can do something you're actually good at.”
“Ha! Trying to be cool, huh? Listen, do you really think I'd lose
to you at anything?”
“Oh yea? Ok.” En Chan raised her head and looked for Mr.
Hong. The store was still empty. Man, business is really bad at this
place. “Mister! Call up Sea King Palace, would you?”
“Hey, just leave it. You're gonna stink up the place.”
“C'mon, it'll be over quick.”
“I don't know. Fine. It's been a while since the last time, so I'll
let it go this time, all right?”
“Yes, sir!”
Watching Mr. Hong call the Sea King Palace, En Se muttered
“Why can't you just eat dinner at home?” En Chan ignored her
and got in the youth's face.
“Hey... you got money?”
“What, are you going to mug me? You're full of all kinds of
crap, huh?”
“We're going to bet on a jja jang myun eating race. Don't you
think it's only fair the loser pays for the food?”
“What? Jja jang myun? What the hell... You little wimphead
want to compete against me in an eating race? Freakin... Fine. I'll
give you a break. I wanted to work up that mug of yours, but I
guess you don't want to get hit, huh? But! Ko En Se, you better not
change your tune afterwards. You promised to be mine if I beat
this guy right here right now, remember?”
“Promise? What promise?”
“Fine, fine, you lying punk.” She then turned to En Chan and
smiled sweetly as she said,
“Wrap it up quickly, obba, ok?”
The youth looked slightly put off when the ten bowls of jja
jang myun arrived. If he had been able to see En Chan's eyes,
which were hidden under the hat, emit fluorescent light, he
would probably have been even more disconcerted. After finishing
the first bowl in 13 seconds, En Chan's face was as sunny as an
angel's. She nearly ate with her face shoved into the bowl, but
the area around her mouth was surprisingly clean. To En Chan, jja
jang around her mouth would've been a waste.
Meanwhile, the youth was going through hell shoving the
noodles into his stomach, which had significantly shrunk by
nervousness and a bit of intimidation. There was a fair amount of
competition until about the third bowl. But on the fourth bowl,
the gap was evident and growing wider by the minute.
“Dog food. Octopus stew. Pizza. Pork porridge.”
The first one to give up or throw up would be proclaimed the
“Margarine. Cooking oil. Fried pig skin. Ox tail soup,”
murmured En Se, who was sitting with her chin in her hand. The
words she threw out so nonchalantly were of the truly disgusting
“Oily chop suey. Cheesy cheese. Hard-boiled eggs. Creamy
En Se glanced at the two players who were eating like dogs.
When En Chan raised her head after emptying five bowls, the
youth was reaching toward the fifth bowl. His face looked like
hell, but it looked like his insides felt more like hell.
“Bananas. Strawberry yogurt....”
It may have been that En Se had gone too far. The poor youth
dashed to the bathroom with his hand over his mouth. Mr. Hong
called after him,
“Hey, be careful not to spill any on the floor.”

< Part 4 > 9:55 PM : The Epic of the Ring

En Se ran off, leaving the youth behind to continue his

“Hi, Hae Wook, where are you? Are you done with cram
school? Uh huh, I'm nearby right now... Really? Ok, I'll be right
there!” After hanging up, she pranced away with a smile on her
“Obba, I'm probably coming home pretty late tonight.”
“Ya! Ko En Se!”
The kid spread out on the chair like a wet mop kept making
vomiting motions like a broken water pump. Still, it couldn't be
After all, En Chan only had a buck fifty in her pocket to call
her own.
“Sorry, kid, but a game's a game, right?”

En Chan kept on drinking water while the youth, who had
become rather pale and haggard, paid for the jja jang myun.
“You want some water, too?” offered En Chan, but the youth
only glared at him and left in a huff.
Huh. Wonder if I hurt his pride.
“It doesn't seem like he's a bad kid through and through,
though, huh? At least he paid before he left.”
“Yea, that's true. Oh man, am I full,” En Chan patted her
stomach as she thanked the owner and left the store. It was
evening and the temperature had dropped, and the air was chilly.
Ko En Se, you little hussy. You told me you didn't have a
different boy, and see how you run off!
“As the saying goes, you break your teeth on the tofu you
trust. Little brat,” En Chan muttered to herself as she walked the
night streets alone. “Who's Hae Wook, huh? How many guys is she
dating at the same time, for cryin' out loud?” She entered the
market still murmuring to herself. She was stepping into the
building where her roof apartment was when she heard a
thunderous shout.
“Ko En Chan, you little rascal! How dare you leave without
even a word!”
“M-m-master....” The eyebrows of the master who stood in the
doorway of the dojo waggled. Suddenly, the decapitated Tae
Kwon boy, the chaotic image of the children running around
eating pizza all came rushing back to her.
“W-well, you see, master, um... I, uh...”
“Hey! Is that my hat? Why are you going around wearing
somebody else's neighborhood watch hat?!”
“Ack!” He whipped the hat off of her head.
“You're a really strange one. It doesn't even fit you. Why would
you want to wear it around?”
Who said I wanted to wear it around? It's because of the stupid
hole in my hair...
It was too dark for the dojo master to tell, but En Chan still
self-consciously rubbed at the side of her head.
I can't believe my head is actually cold because of that little
hole. I wonder what happened to the Tae Kwon boy's head. I sure
hope Seung Kyung put it back on correctly.
“Take this.”
“What is it?”
The dojo master shook the black plastic bag he held in his
hand. Oh! My meat! En Chan quickly ran to receive the meat.
“I thought I told you not to go around wearing your practice
suit!! You troublemaker!”

“Ow!!” If it came from the dojo master, even a single knuckle
sandwich hurt like hell and make her head ring.
“Aiish, Master! What are you trying to do, put a hole in my
“Don't 'aiish' me, you brat! Hurry up and go upstairs. It seemed
like your mother was up there alone.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And be sure to lock up tight.”
“Yes, sir. Have a good night!”
“Yea,” said the dojo master as he ruffled En Chan's hair. The
place where he had given her a knuckle sandwich still tingled.
“Agh, f....” she climbed the stairs towards her roof
apartment. She passed the PC bang and the pool hall and finally
reached the roof. The dojo master was the one who had arranged
a room for them to live in in this old and decrepit building. It was
also the dojo master who had convinced the building owner to let
her familiy pay only the electricity and water bills. He had been
marine comrades with En Chan's late father. That was the reason
why En Chan's family was always in debt to the master, for the
house, for the job, basically for their livelihoood itself.
“I'm home.”
“Is that my little prince?”
“Did you have fun at the reunion?” En Chan, who had entered
the room, saw her mother who was lying down with a facial mask
on. She was, as usual, dressed elegantly in a deep plum
“A face pack as soon as you come home?”
“If I don't relax my face immediately, it'll get all rough. The
wind is so cold and harsh today, it felt like all of my soft skin was
going to peel off.”
“Oh, come on, aren't you exaggerating a little?”
“I'm serious! Feel it. Here.” She put En Chan's finger under the
paper mask so that she could feel the skin underneath.
“Oh wow, it really is pretty rough. Kind of like sandpaper.”
“Oh my God, really?”
“Kidding, kidding!”
“That's mean! I'm upset about it anyway, don't make me feel
“What kind of mask is it?”
“Moisture repleneshing. Since I can't use better make up, I
have to use these more often. The only reason why my skin is this
nice is because I take good care of it. Whoever heard of a woman
who uses cheap forty, fifty dollar skin lotions like I do having skin
this nice? At this age, I mean.”

“You're absolutely right. Madame Na has million-dollar skin, if
“Mm it feels so nice and moist. Did you eat dinner? The salad
was still in the fridge.”
“I ate before coming home.”
“What did you eat?”
“Jja jang myun.”
“My dear, I thought mommy told you not to eat that kind of
food made out of flour. It's bad for your skin.”
“It couldn't be helped today. What did you eat, Mom?”
“I had Italian.”
“Oh, you went to the bistro? Must've been delicious.”
En Chan's mouth forgot about the five bowls of jja jang myun
and started excreting saliva.
“It was just so-so today though. All my friends said the food
tasted great and ate it all up, but I could tell. I'm pretty sure they
changed the chef. The sauce just didn't taste the same.”
“Yea, you're pretty sensitive to that kind of stuff. So you were
pretty disappointed, huh?”
“I just accepted it and ate without complaining. But what's
this smell? Something stinks.”
“Something stinks?”
En Chan, who had been in the process of taking her jumper
off, discovered the brownish yellow stain on the end of her suit
top. Oh shit!
“R-really? I-I don't smell anything. What, what kind of sauce
was it?”
“The, the sauce. Didn't you say it was good the last time you
went there?”
“Oh, saffron foam sauce? I didn't have that today. That's with
salmon.....” And so began the explanation of En Chan's mother,
who had attended professional Italian cooking classes for about
five weeks about ten years ago. En Chan gave a sigh of selif as she
changed out of her Tae Kwon Do clothes. If her neat mother had
found out, she probably would've made her change outside.
She didn't care if it was Simba or Shitba, she wasn't about to
let it in the dojo again.
En Chan secretly rolled up her dojo suit when her mother
“What about about En Se?”
“She said she's going to be a little late...”
“Again? What's wrong with that kid? Has she got thorns on her
bottom or something? Why can't she just sit down for a single hour

to study? What's a high school senior doing running around outside
and not studying? For crying out loud. Hand me that phone.”
En Chan gave her mother the phone and quickly ran to the
bathroom. She put the dojo suit into the washing machine and
took a shower. The boiler was running out of hot water, and she
shivered as she washed. All throughout her shower, she could hear
her mother's voice on the phone. It was apparent by the way her
mother's voice grew in volume and roughness that En Se was not
about to listen to her mother.
“Ugh, it's like jumping into a frozen lake.”
The thin trickle of water became colder and colder. She
hurried to finish and put her clothes on.
“Ah, damn it. How am I supposed to cover this up?” said En
Chan worriedly as she dried her hair. She tried to cover the hole
with hair, but the empty space coudn't be hidden.
“Bong Tae Won, you've got some skill with scissors. Stupid kid
managed to cut so close to the surface.”
She had to do something. If she kept it like this... En Chan
pulled out the medicine box from the bathroom counter. She cut
a piece of gauze to about the size of the hole and taped it onto
her head. She had no choice but to go around like this for a while.
En Chan came out of the bathroom when the phone rang.
“Hello? Oh, is this Dong Ok? Hi~”
En Chan thought how bright and clear her mother's voice was
as she opened the refrigerator door. Occupying the middle spot of
honor was a fancy bowl covered with plastic wrap. Inside that
bowl was a vegetable assortment the size of a fist, also known as,
Pretty Pretty Salad.
People said that En Chan's mother's cooking skills could
probably get her a job at an elegeant restaurant as a chef. So
there was no complaint about the flavor or taste of her cooking.
En Chan didn't have any particular complaints either. The only
problem was the portions. To En Chan, who wrestled and rolled
around with children all day, the portion was pitifully lacking. Her
mother didn't know this and would often say,
“Oh my, En Chan, if you finish all of that, you're going to get
fat. People have to eat vegetables to be healthy. Did you know?
There's nothing as disgusting as a glutton. Even though I can't
make soybean soup or kimchee stew, I'm excellent at making
things like spaghetti and salads. Not only that, I can bake cakes
and cookies, and what else? Oh yes, seafood risotto, potato
Mom's cooking was delicious. The flavor was worth all the time
and money and effort put into making the food. It was just that

En Chan liked traditional Korean chicken broth, bulgogi and
grilled bone ribs.
“What? Ring? What ring?”
Suddenly her mother's voice rose sharply. En Chan covered up
the badaid with her hair and went into the room.
“Oh.......... who did, I did? Who said that? Oh, Jin
Hyang......... oh...... oh, no no no........” Suddenly her mother
got up and started pacing the room restlessly.
“Huh? O-of course. It's, it's safe with me. Uh huh. Of course.”
Her mother, who had just crawled a lap around the room, started
patting and sweeping the floor with her hand. En Chan looked at
her mother, who was wearing an expression as if she'd burst out
“What's wrong, Mom?”
“O-ok... I-I'll keep it safe. Huh? Wh-when? F-five days? My, that
must be tough. Anyway, have a good time. Uh huh. Ok. Bye.” As
soon as she hung up, she grabbed En Chan.
“Have you seen a ring?”
“What ring?”
“Did you see one or not? Oh my God, what am I going to do?
That ring... that ring...”
“What? What about the ring?”
“I was wearing it, wearing it right here. It's a diamond ring....
It-It's gotta be around here somewhere, right? Right?”

*Chapter Two*
One Month Earlier: Han Kyul's 25th Hour

< Part 1 > 9:50 AM: Dong Yi Group Headquarters

The gleaming lobby could be seen through the revolving doors.

It was a dazzling and extravagant lobby, and it was even more
magnificent once you stepped inside. It was spacious, warm, and
“Welcome, sir. May I help you with anything?”
An amiable voice with a decorous smile. He fancies for a
moment that he is still on board the airplane.
“Which floor is the president's office?”
“Are you here to see the president?”
“Didn't you hear that she had a young gigolo? That's me.”
The employee's well-trained charm broke down momentarily,
but then she quickly scanned Han Kyul's appearance. A green
suede jacket, a long scarf in lieu of a tie, a pair of grey pants and
a hunting cap to match. Han Kyul scrutinized the woman as well.
Especially the area around her painted red lips.
“Do you... have an appointment?”
“Appointment? Did I? Hmm... I can't recall...”
“Ah, well, in that case, who should I say has come to call?”
“Her exclusive masseuse.”
“Oh... yes... of course. One moment, please. I'll confirm it
immediately.” The female employee picked up the receiver and
turned her body slightly.
“Tell her if it's not just the two of us, I won't meet,” said Han
Kyul to the employee before he turned and leaned against the
information desk to survey his surroundings. Right then, he heard
footsteps. A succession of men were crossing the lobby and
heading towards the elevators. He could see recognizable faces in
his peripheral view.
“Y-yes...... exclusive masseuse...... Ah, yes. I understand.”
Han Kyul asked the female employee who had just hastily
replaced the receiver,
“What's today?”
“Excuse me?”
“Old geezers are arriving in flocks.”
“Oh... There's a global management strategy conference
“Yes, in the 11th floor conference room...”
“At 10 o'clock?”
It seems I've been played.
“The president's office is on the 23rd floor. If you take a right
after getting off of the elevator, it should be right...”
“Miss...” Han Kyul read her nametag and continued. “Miss Yuh
Sun Ae. About 10 minutes from now, there'll be a phone call from
the president's office. When it comes, please relay this message.
The exclusive masseuse very suddenly developed severe cramps in
his fingers, so he had to return immediately. Also, there's
absolutely no reason for you to call up ahead. Now, if you'll
excuse me.”
“Ah, excuse me....” Han Kyul swiftly turned his body and
escaped out of the lobby.
“You idiot. Can't you tell bait apart? This is what you get for
being greedy.”
He was muttering to himself as he headed toward the
basement parking lot when he heard voices in the stairwell.
Great. It had to be faces he knew. He had no choice but to hide
behind the door.
“Should be a sight to see today, huh? A real explosive fireworks
“What's there to explode? One's fire, one's ice. They're too sly
to even rub against each other. They'll probably just growl at each
other for a while and it'll be over.”
“There's also one more. Han Sung hyung's (translator's note: in
Korea, males call familiar older males “hyung”) mother.”
“In that case, a bigger player'll probably step up from this
side. Uncle's fire, too. Fire against fire, I suppose.”
“If the representative comes, wouldn't Grandmother come as
well? What do you think, hyung? Which side do you think she'd be
“How should I know what she's thinking.”

“There's talk that she's called out Han Kyul. That Grandmother
herself did.”
“This isn't some children's' fistfight. There's no point in
increasing the headcount. The dead man's dead, and there's no
law saying the oldest son has to become the representative. I
don't know what the hell everyone thinks they're doing. If we
keep bickering over this we're going to muck up our family's
reputation. It's so terribly vulgar.”
“If you think about it from Han Sung hyung's point of view, it's
pretty unfair that he's had his rightful throne taken away from
underneath him. Han Gyu hyung's not going to want to let go of
this golden opportunity as long as he's got his hands on it. Look
how he's even called in Han Kyul. Hey, don't you think if we wait
around long enough our turn'll come too? Don't you think so,
“I don't even want it. As long as some crazy unpredictable frog
doesn't come in and hop around breaking everything, I'll be
thankful for that.”
His cousins' laughter were growing fainter. Even after the
laughter had gone, Han Kyul didn't move. He stood stiffly and was
ridiculing himself for hiding. He finally turned his body. The
stairwell was silent. He took a step down and clenched his fist.
Then he cracked a smile.
Crazy unpredictable frog, huh?
When Han Kyul entered the parking lot, a white sedan pulled
up and parked, incidentally, right next to Han Kyul's car. Han Kyul,
who was taking out his keys, found himself meeting the eyes of
the driver of the white car.
Goddamn it, what is up today?
“If it isn't Han Kyul.”
Han Kyul lightly shook the hand Han Sung offered and said,
“Long time no see. Time hasn't been too kind to you, has it?”
“I'm not even thirty yet.”
“Let me know when you do turn thirty. I'll set up reservations
for you at Silver Town retirement homes. It's the least I could do
for you, hyung.”
“You're still the same, huh, kid?”
Of all of Han Kyul's cousins, Han Sung was the one he was most
comfortable with. It should've changed to be the opposite, but
Han Kyul didn't act uncomfortably around Han Sung. Han Sung, for
his part, treated Han Kyul the same way he had three years ago.
The reason they could treat each other this way as because both
were sure of what they liked and disliked, and never tried too
hard to hide their opinions. In other words, they were the type of
personalities that could argue and fight and still be friends.
“When did you get here?”
“I don't know. A few days ago? A few hours ago? It kind of even
feels like I'm still in the plane.”
“Did you come to see Grandmother?”
“What am I, crazy? We live in the same house. Why should I
come all the way here just to see her?”
“But you are crazy.”
Han Kyul snorted at Han Sung's sharp joke. Turning his car keys
in his hands, he drawled,
“I got hooked.”
“You're telling me there's actually a fishing tackle capable of
hooking Choi Han Kyul?”
“Is Grandma on some kind of steroids? Her poker face is
getting better and better. A brand new car in exchange for ten
minutes teatime with her.”
“Not a bad deal.”
“Well, I fell for it, hook, line, sinker and walked right into the
tiger's cave, and discovered that today's the day when all the
tigers congregate to sharpen their claws together. Man oh man, I
got so scared that I'm running away.”
“Is company work really that uninteresting to you?”
“Well, if it started being interesting, you and the other hyungs'
lives will probably get a lot less interesting, isn't that right?”
“How would someone who does nothing but observe know?”
“I don't want to get in the middle of an old geezers' ball
“You could be a cheerleader at least.”
“What for? There's so much fun to be had in the world. If
you're getting tired, why don't you take a breather on the bench
for a change?”
“I sense thorns in your words.”
“You can pick 'em out and listen or just let it slide out of one
“Is there no vaccine for your poison? It's getting harsher and
“Let it be. There's nothing wrong with passing on after living
life this way.”
Han Sung looked at his watch and then picked up his briefcase.
“I've got to go in now.”
“Don't use me as an excuse for being late. Nobody, not Father
or Han Gyu hyung, knows I came to the company today.”
“Why don't you see them before you leave?”
“Whatever. Hey, let's get together soon, you, me and the
vixen. You do know that we came back together, right?”

Han Kyul glanced expectantly at his cousin's expression but
there was no change to be found. Grandma's poker face was
probably a genetic trait.
“Did you know or didn't you?”
“I don't really care.”
“Ooh, so cold. So they were right when they called you ice.”
“Run along. Once you get over jet lag, give a ring.”
“To who, the vixen?”
“Senseless, silly boy.”
“All right. Get on with your work.” Han Kyul, who was getting
in the car, waved at Han Sung, who was waiting for the elevator.
He muttered to himself as he drove out of the parking lot,
“What the hell is wrong with the ties on every bloke I see?
What, is the company giving them out or something?”

< Part 2 > Slept until 5 PM

Starved all day from sleeping, but no major problems.

< Part 3 > Started drinking at about 7 PM

Got smashed with chums who are comfortable to be around

because they aren't very close.
< Part 4 > The next morning, 10:50 AM: Women Trouble

Han Kyul, who had been tossing and turning, sat up so abruptly
in bed that his head spun. It felt like there were 20 squirrels
runnings in wheels inside his head. He grabbed his head and
flopped back down.
Even his own groaning made his insides rumble. There was a
voice coming from somewhere. It was probably the squirrles,
having a conversation.
“My goodness, what's this?”
“Salmon salad.” The female squirrel was asking the questions,
the male squirrel was answering.
“Oh, salmon! It looks delicious.”
“Please enjoy yourselves.”
Did squirrels eat fish? Something smelled good. It wasn't the
“Obba, get up. I ordered room service. Come on, get up and
have breakfast.”

Something get shaking his shoulder. He wrenched an eye open
and squinted even harder as it was flooded with an intense pink
light. As he raised his gaze, he saw brown hair.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Oh, come on, obba. You want to wash up first? Are you thirty?
I'll bring you some water.”
Han Kyul, careful not to repeat the same painful mistake, sat
up slowly. His insides burned and his eyes were heavy. His head
was spinning, so he pressed his temples hard. Now there were
only 10 squirrels. He carefully turned his aching neck and looked
around. A gold-embossed vanity. An antique style table and sofa,
another bed. So it was a hotel.
“Obba, here's your water.”
He saw her face smile amiably as she gave him the glass of
water. Yup, he didn't know her. In any case, he took the water and
drank it all off and then thought hard. Who is this?
“Do you remember now?”
“You! You ended up—!”
“Good morning.”
What the hell was with this woman? He pushed away the
woman who had tried to hug him and got out of bed. He stumbled
a little because he was dizzy, but he soon regained his stance.
“What kind of girl can't understand after I say no so many
times, huh?!”
Han Kyul turned around and quickly put on his pants.
“Did your eardrums rot out or did your brain?”
“No matter how much you struggle, we can't change our
“What? Desti-what?”
“I knew the moment I saw you, 'This is the one! This person is
my destiny!'”
“I'll be honest with you. I fell in love with you at first sight. I
think I'm going to start liking you.”
As soon as he heard these words, he woke up. The blood in his
heart felt like it was freezing. Even the cute first impression he
had had of her was destroyed. In fact, he detested her like an
Be honest with me? What's being honest? The only thing he
could honestly say was that pouring alcohol into an empty
stomach made his insides hurt very much. Emotions were not part
of chemistry. There is no equation for them. You could never tell
if they were going to change because of any little thing or

whether they weren't going to change for anything. You couldn't
even know what those “things” were.
“So? So what?”
“Why don't we eat first? Aren't you hungry? I'm hungry.”
Han Kyul coldly brushed off the woman who had come to put
her arm through his.
“I'm pretty sure I've told you about a dozen times not to touch
The woman glared at him while rubbing her arm.
“What is it you want from me? Why did you ignore me when I
said I didn't want you and harass me all night? What's the reason,
huh? Did what I said mean nothing to you?!”
“Do you really not like me touching you?”
“Do I look like a girl? Saying I don't like it when I really do?”
“Why? Why don't you like it? I've never met a guy who doesn't
like women.”
“I don't exist for you to see me. Now hurry up and get out of
my sight before things get uglier.”
Han Kyul, who was on his way to the bathroom, saw that the
woman hadn't moved and said,
“Do you want me to break your body in half? Is that what you
want? Just because I'm your brother's friend, that makes me your
jackpot? Or is it money that you need? I don't have any cash, but
you can take my credit card. Do you want it?”
He took out his wallet from his pants pocket.
“Obba, your words are so ugly and mean.”
“You want me to call Do Hyun for you? If you weren't his sister,
I would've tossed you out by your hair a long time ago. I'm
tempted to try it and see if you'll talk about destiny even after
that, but I'm gonna pass for Do Hyun's sake. Now, hurry up and get
out before I call your brother.”
“Call him.”
Shockingly, the girl still stood her ground. Man, this little kid
was coming out strong. What the hell gave this little brat so much
confidence? Why can't you just leave when I tell you nicely?
“What are you going to say to my brother if you call? How are
you going to explain me being here?”
Even as Han Kyul's eyes grew colder and colder with hatred,
the woman still flounced about like a spring day.
“Actually, why don't you call my mother instead? She probably
won't be too angry about the fact that I slept with you. Mother-in-
laws are like that.”
“Did you get high yesterday?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“It's just that I think you're still hallucinating.”
“You're one to talk. You got so smashed you can't even
remember anything.”
“Shut your trap.”
Han Kyul was really pissed. The fact that he was bickering
with a brat of a girl this early in the morning itself was enough to
make him really pissed.
“Even if you did the limbo naked in front of me, I wouldn't
give a shit.”
“I'm sorry, but yesterday was different.”
“What are you, a con artist? Talking about destiny, love at first
time; it's that easy to lie?”
As if she had still retained the last shred of her conscience,
the woman shrank back a little. She bit her lip and her eyes grew
moist. He could tell what strategy she was aiming for. Heaving a
sigh, he said in an even colder voice,
“I'm going to tell you one more time, so listen up. If I died and
they sent me to the autopsy room, if the doctor cutting me open
is a woman, I'd probably sit right up. That's just how I am. Do you
understand? The only time I'll ever even touch a woman is when
I'm wide awake, and I mean so wide awake I could thread a
noodle through a needle. If I touched you at all during the night, I
will commit suicide right here and right now. Now, if you've
gotten my drift, quietly get out. If you show yourself to me ever
again, I'm going to call your father, Director Park, at his hospital
office. Got it?”
From her reddened eye, a tear dropped. Han Kyul ignored this
and went into the bathroom. He didn't feel much when he saw
women's tears. The only thing he might feel would be a curiosity
as to whether the tear was meant to be a part of a plan or
because she was truly afraid.
“Ugh... my head....”
Goddamn it! He couldn't remember anything. What if he really
did touch her? What the hell was wrong with Do Hyun? That
bastard couldn't even take care of his own sister. Damn.
The more he tried to remember, the more his head throbbed,
but he had to try. What he did remember was that he had left the
party early and had gotten on the elevator. At first, it had been a
party with only a few of his friends. But sometime during the
night, the party had grown, and more and more unfamiliar faces
had arrived. Of those, Do Hyun's sister and her friend were part.
As the party ripened, total chaos broke out, and phrases like,
“Hey, leave him. He regards you as less than chewing gum he'd
chew and spit out,” and “Ya, ya, seriously, don't mess with him.
You're gonna get yourself slapped” were being said. That's when
everything became irritating and annoying. All he could think of
was sleeping when someone came and put her arm through his....
“Man, if that's not a leech, I don't know what is. How the hell
did she follow me in here? There's no way I could've let her in
without a fuss....”
After he finished his shower, he put some cologne and a robe.
When he entered the room drying his hair with a towel, it was
empty. He thought to himself that she had finally left and began
to feel relieved when he heard voices from the living room.
“Where's Choi Han Kyul?”
“Who are you?”
What the hell! Where'd the whiny, crying voice go, and where
did this bright and perky voice come from? Damn it!
“Ya! I can't believe you still can't understand...” Han Kyul
stopped in a middle of a bellow. His mother stood in the living
room. He gave a great big sigh.
“You can leave now, miss.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, you must be hard of hearing. Listen, lady. I'm his mother,
so I come first. So get out. Do you understand me now?”
“Oh, he-hello, how are you?”
“No use greeting me now.”
“Then... I'll just... be on my way...”
The woman began to back away, face full of defiance. Han
Kyul smiled bitterly.
This just kept getting better and better. What rotten luck he
had. Women. The troubles he had with women.
He detected the fragrance of coffee and headed to the table.
Fresh breakfast foods were quickly getting cold. He picked up the
coffee cup and looked down at the bagel before turning his body
“O-obba, I'll see you later, then.”
“Wait just a minute there, young lady.”
“Dear, won't you check to see if you have all the teaspoons
and forks? Make sure there's nothing missing. Check thoroughly.
You don't want to be the victim of a misunderstanding later, do

“Wh-what? Are you talking to me?”

“No, I'm talking to my son. My goodness, are you already losing
your hearing? Oh! How dare you glare at an elder like that!
Looking like a hussy.”

Han Kyul ignored both the redfaced girl who stood in the
doorway and his mother who sat haughtily in her chair and walked
to the sofa.
“What the hell! I can't believe this!”
“You've got such awful manners. Speaking of which, let's look
inside that purse of yours. Open it up and turn it upside down.”
“Why are you doing this? Are you implying that I've stolen
“You say such strange things. Did I say you stole something?
Are you being pricked by guilt right now? Hmm?”
“My God, I can't even believe this shit is happening.”
“You really shouldn't speak like that in front of elders. Where'd
you learn your manners? (sigh) I shouldn't even bother. My son,
don't hang around such low class, inferior girls like that again, all
After the door slammed shut, his mother's evil laugh pervaded
the air.
“My goodness, what kind of a fool is she? Oh, my, what fun.”
His mother's childlike laughter grew louder. Han Kyul winced and
when he could no longer stand the shrillness, he thrust in a
“How did you know about me staying here?”
“Why would I not know? I know all about the bars, the salons,
the hotels, the saunas that you like to go to.”
“Do you have to make me into a mama's boy like that? If you
left me alone, I would've gone home by myself. Why do you have
to come all the way here to get me?”
“Do you know how many words we've spoken to each other
since you've come home after three years abroad? This is the first
conversation we've had since the first evening when we all had
dinner together as a family. Hey, is that coffee? It smells good.
Give me a cup.”
Han Kyul put a bagel and a cup of coffee in front of his
mother. On a finger of the hand that brought the coffee cup to
her mouth was an emerald the size of a fist. There were jewels
sparkling on her ears and neck, too. Han Kyul had never seen any
woman with whom such extravagance was fit so well. When she
didn't make herself up, his mother looked like any other poor
woman. Because she understood her own appearance and aura,
she tried her best to make herself up as much as possible. She
dressed herself up like a South American parrot and pasted fake
eyelashes and wore lots of jewels. And she obviously believed she
“Who was that?”
“I trust you because your female life is usually so clean. And
even if you had a problem, you wouldn't hide it right?”
“Just state the reason why you're here.”
“Sleep at home. It's frightening for me, your grandmother and
your sister-in-law to sleep alone. We have two sons, but the
company took one away. If I knew this was going to happen, I
would've had at least two more.”
“Why don't you count Father?”
“Oh, right. That man's family too, isn't he? It's just been so
long since I've last seen him.”
“I can see that it's abut time for you to go shopping. You sound
like you lack energy. Why don't you take a trip to Hong Kong or
“Tsk tsk, you rude boy.”
Han Kyul put down the empty cup and stood up. He tied and
tightened his robe sash as he said irritably,
“I'll go home today, so you can leave now. Even a scarecrow
CEO should keep her place occupied in the company.”
“I'm only there until you come to fill it, you know that right?
What do I know that I would stay in that position? When are you
going to join the company?”
“I told you that I wouldn't.”
Han Kyul went back into the room. This was why he had
avoided meeting family members after coming back to Korea. As
soon as they saw him they would all ask when he was coing into
the company. This was also why he had been forcefully brought
back. Two years ago, his eldest uncle had passed away, and his
father had taken over the company. Suddenly, Han Kyul had
become a vital person for the company. His father had tried to
get him to settle down somehow, but it hadn't worked. Han Kyul
didn't listen to him. He was afraid and abhorrent of the idea of
jumping into that battlefield where that long and lonely war was
being fought.
He had put on his pants and was putting his shirt on when his
mother walked into the dressing room.
“I just don't want to.”
“Don't you have any ambition?”
“Then think of it as filial duty. He's your father. Even if
everyone else points his fingers at him, you, at least, should
understand and help him.”
“What makes you think I'm qualified to do something like
“What do you mean?”
Han Kyul closed the clasp on his belt and took out his leather
jacket. He walked toward his mother.
“The entire world knows that Grandfather held Eldest Uncle's
hand. Then Father and hyung took over that playing field. Imagine
I joined the fray. What are people going to say? Don't you think
they're going to say that we're being too greedy and that we're
trying to take over everything?”
“Don't you think you're at least as qualified as your brother-in-
“When did you guys drag him into this? My, aren't we quick on
the uptake. This is a fine mess. Why don't we all fight over the
same bowl of rice?”
“You're overreacting, dearie.”
Han Kyul, who had walked past his mother into the living, put
on his jacket and looked for his hat. But he could not find it
anywhere. When he went back into the dressing room, his mother
was standing over the vanity holding the hat.
“I heard you blew off your appointment with Grandmother.”
“She wanted to see me at the same time the CEOs were
having their meetings. I'm not a fool.”
“Tsk tsk. Seems like Grandma's bait wasn't skilled enough to
catch a cunning raccoon.”
“You should leave now.”
“Take this.” What his mother held out was a brand new
cellphone of the newest model.
“It's got a tracking device so be sure to keep it on you at all
“Of course I will. Just don't tap it.” After watching Han Kyul
stick the phone in his back pocket, his mother said,
“Father says he's going to marry you off.”
“He says it's an ultimatum. You either come into the company
or you get married.”
“Mother, are you hallucinating?” Han Kyul thought the idea
was so ridiculous that he played it off as a joke, but for some
reason there was a cold chill racing down his spine.
“But it's true. I came here on your father's special commands.
He says to make your decision within today and report to him.”
“What the hell is this? And you didn't say anything to him while
he was saynig this?”
“What would I say to your father? I'm supposed to be the
model wife. I have to follow my husband's commands.”
“Does Grandma know?”

“She says it's her wish to see a great-grandson who looks just
like her youngest grandson, so she welcomed the idea with open
“No way! This doesn't make sense!”
“What, didn't you know that there are things in life that don't
make sense?”
Seeing Han Kyul at a loss for words made his mother fall into
her childlike laughter again. Han Kyul was so stunned that he felt
like he couldn't breathe and that his blood wasn't flowing.
Now they were using all kinds of tricks to try and get him to
come into the company. This was bullshit. He couldn't see a way
out of this. So Grandma wasn't about to give him a car, she was
trying to come up with ways to chase him out empty-handed. Join
the company or get married? I'd rather die! Goddamn it!

*Chapter Three *
What is this, a rigged poker game?

< Part 1 >

Mom had come home from the reunion wearing Dong Ok

ahjumma's (translator's note: in Korea, males as well as females
call older women “ahjumma.” This is not familiar, but not formal
either.) ring. That is, she should've come back home with it. But
at an unknown place at an unknown time somewhere along the
way, she had lost the ring. The ring itself had been a little too
large for her mother. She had been trying it on, and then had
simply gotten up and left for home with it still on her hand. En
Chan could understand how Ms. Dong Ok, who had to leave
urgently at her mother-in-law's call, could forget, but couldn't
understand why Mom couldn't have stopped her and said, “Hey,
you should take your ring.”
Could her mother, who could still remember the exact details
of this $4000, 2.12 carat diamond ring which had been placed on
the highest shelf of the third case to the right in the B brand
display area of the Shin Woo Joo Department Store where Ms.
Dong Ok, together with her husband, had gone on their 22nd
anniversary to buy, truly forget the fact that she was still wearing
the ring? Not to mention not feel that she was no longer wearing
it?!?!? Oh, my poor blood pressure. Oh, my poor weakening legs.
“Tell ahjumma.... tell her the truth... she's rich.... so......”
“No! I can't! I can't tell her!”
“What else can you do in this situation? You have to tell her
that you lost it and tell her that we're going to reimburse her, and
that even though we don't have the money right now, that we're
going to pay her back soon. She's your friend of 30 years, she's not
going to demand that you pay her back immediately.”
“No! I won't! I'd rather die! I'd rather bite down on my tongue
right here and die!”
“Mom, you silly, why would you die because of something like
Her mother, who had wrapped up her aching head and laid
down, began to cry aloud in earnest.
“Mom, are you crying? For Pete's sakes, Mommy, don't cry.”
“If it was you, do you think you could tell someone something
like that so easily, obba? Even I couldn't do it. I'd rather die before
I would,” said En Se, who had been eating dinner.
“Why couldn't you? Is there another way to get out of this
mess without telling?”
“There's no choice but to take out a loan from a local shark.”
“Oh God, just be quiet and eat your food.”
“Don't you remember, Mom? When Dong Ok ahjumma's family
went bankrupt way back when, you were kind of mean to her.
Back then, when Dong Ok ahjumma called you or came to see you
you'd tell us to say you were out or you'd hide. When Dad died, I
heard the other ahjummas talk among themselves saying that a
person should do right when she has the chance in order to be
helped later.”
Christ! Could this girl really be her sister? She'd heard the
phrase “fear the ones you know” before, but how could a
daughter pinpoint and attack every wound on her mother and be
so mean about it?
“Serves you right for acting so stuck up when Dong Ok
ahjumma was going through a hard time.”
“Ya!' En Chan rapidly crawled on her knees and put her hand
over En Se's mouth. Right then, her mother, who had been lying
down, abruptly stood up and flung open the closet doors. A mink
coat the size of a bear slid down.
“I've got to sell this.”
En Chan let go to En Se and flew to hold down her mother.
“Mom, Mom, calm down and sit down.”
“I... I can sell this at least... Your father... (sob).. your father
bought it for me before he died.... It's the only this left after
selling all my... all my pearls... my ruby ring... all my jewels, it's
the on-only thing left, but at least... at least I can sell this...
(sobs) Oh my dear, I'm.. I'm so sorry!”
“Mommy.... d-don't cry... don't cry Mommy...” En Se began to
wail, adding to the noise that her mother, who was spralwed on
the floor like an ahjumma at a street market, was making. “What
do you mean you're going to sell that? You can't sell that. D-daddy
b-bought it for you for your birthday. H-he was so happy when he
saw you in it... He s-said it made him happy because (sob) it
made him believe he'd kept his promise to let you live
En Chan, who had momentarily begun wondering how much
the coat would've fetched, was embarrassed. Her chest tightened
painfully as En Se talked about their father while sobbing so
miserably. Her father's last words came to her. Lying in a hospital
bed, his body torn and bloodied from the car crash, her father
had lifted a bloodied hand to hold her own, and he had said to
“Chan-ah, now you're the head of the family. Your mother... En
Se... take care of them. I can trust you, right, Chan-y? I can go in
peace, trusting you, right?”
It would have been impossible to say no. There was nothing to
be done but to promise him that she would. And she had worked
and run all this way since then to keep that promise.
En Chan picked up the bear-like mink coat and hung it back up
in the closet. The dry cleaning bill would be ridiculous if it
somehow got dirtied.
“I'll figure something out.”
“Wh-what could you possibly do?”
“Unni, do you have money stashed away somewhere?” How
could I, you little brat! Do you know how much money you took
from me to buy bags and shoes and clothes?
“Well... kind of...”
“What! Really? Well, why are you telling us that now? What,
you didn't want to give it away? You cheapskate. I thought as
much. Shoot, I feel all stupid for crying. Mom, don't worry, obba's
going to take care of it.”
“Huh? Really?”
She didn't tell them that there was only $420 dollars in the
bank. She also didn't tell them that she was planning to meet Ms.
Dong Ok, who had said she'd come around to pick up the ring in
five days, by herself and plead with her. She simply told them,
both hands clenching into fists,
“I didn't tell you because I wanted Mom to learn to be careful.
Who do you think I am? Of course I have money. Just trust me. I'll
handle it.”

< Part 2 >

Han Kyul doesn't dance or smile much, but somehow he always

stands out in a crowd. There's always an atmosphere of stylishness
and mysteriousness around him. It could be said that by simply
entering a room, he draws attention to himself. It was as if he
carried around his own colored spotlight. On rainy Seattle winter
nights, you can find Han Kyul at Highway, his favorite bar,
surrounded on all sides by beautiful women. All he's doing is
watching the cellist play with a depressed look on his face and
drinking his beer, but the beauties refuse to leave his side for
several hours. When the night grows deep and he gets up from his
seat, some woman will unfailingly try to take his arm. Without
even a smile, he will push her away. Blondes and redheads alike.
Yu Ju saw Han Kyul fighting his way out of a swarm of women.
She handed him the bottle of Miller Light she had only taken one
sip from. Han Kyul, who was breathing slightly harder than usual,
gulped down the beer, his adam's apple moving up and down.
“I don't understand why you come to these kinds of clubs so
“Why? Do you disapprove?” The fragrance of sweat and heat
emanated from Han Kyul, who sat back down after ordering more
beer. The scent was not displeasing to Yuju.
“It's not like you like to drink, and it's not like you came here
with a mind to chase women.”
“Why not? I like drinking and I've a mind to chase all the
women I want.”
“Really? So why...”
“So why aren't I passed out smashed, and why aren't there any
women in hysterics trying to rip me off for money?”
“Well, that's not exactly what I meant. Fine. Tell me. Why
aren't there?”
“Because that's the end. If I stumbled around drunk on the
streets like a dog or turned my family upside down because of
women problems, what would I be left with? Lock and chains, is
what I'd be left with. All that stuff, I gotta do at the very end. I'm
not done enjoying myself yet. I don't want to waste my youth, you
“If you can control yourself like that, it might mean that youth
is already over for you.”
“Don't say such horrible things. If my youth is over, what does
that make me? Middle aged?”
“Why, are you scared?”
“Who likes getting old? Aren't you scared of getting old, Ms.
“Me? Sometimes... There are days when I'm afraid of
tomorrow. It might be that I'm afraid that tomorrow may never
come. I think that's the reason why I work so hard—so that I can
forget that.”
A slim beauty walked by, leaving a fragrant trail behind her.
Her long black hair came down to her waist, but her miniskirt was
barely long enough to cover her buttocks. Yu Ju felt Han Kyul look
at the woman. Han Kyul spoke, still looking at the woman,
“You're still all right. Even in ten, twenty years, you'll still be
At his unexpected words, Yu Ju suddenly felt shy. It was
because she knew he wasn't a man to say such things easily, and
because it had been a long time since she'd heard them.
“Hmm. It feels pretty good to hear a compliment from a good
looking man. I'll consider it a welcome-back gift.”
Just then, Han Kyul's friend Pak Do Hun approached them.
“Ya, what're you doing here? What do you think you're doing,
hanging around out here while we're all waiting for you inside?
They're all saying you blew them off.”
“What's there to do in a dark room? Makes you feel like you're
trapped or something. Tell them to come outside.”
“You honestly think fifteen people are going to move just for
one of you? Man, you still do as you please, don't you?”
“Hello? Can't you see me?” At Yu Ju's interjection, Do Hun
made a surprised face.
“Wow! It was you, nuna (translator's note: in Korea, males
address familiar older females “nuna.”)? I thought this guy
snagged a catch or something. But never mind that, when did you
get so beautiful, nuna? Seriously! I thought there was a fairy was
sitting at the bar.”
“I see you still overact. It's nice to see you, anyway. You've
been well?”
“Of course. I don't even have to ask you. Your face is glowing.
Did something good happen?”
“I'm just glad to be home. Hey, Han Kyul, since everyone is
inside, it'd probably be better for us to go inside, too.”
“It's all right. You just come, nuna. We didn't come here to see
this jerk. We actually really don't care if he's come back to Korea
or left the Earth. But we wondered and wondered and wondered
when you were coming back and...” Han Kyul abruptly cut off the
banter before it got any longer by asking,
“Did hyung come?”
“Hyung? Who?” Han Kyul indicated Yu Ju with a quick glance.
With that, Do Hun immediately understood and said,
“Oh..... No. Did he say he was going to come?”
“I left him a note because he was in a conference, but I guess
his secretary didn't give it to him.”
Han Kyul skillfully circumvented the topic, but it looked like
Yu Ju didn't believe him. When he had called, Han Sung hadn't
said that he'd come, or that he wouldn't come. But Han Kyul had
believed that he would. Han Sung wasn't the kind of person to
waste time on lost causes, but Han Kyul had thought maybe he'd
come on account of his pride. Han Kyul had wanted Han Sung to
show up looking nonchalant and to sneer at the uncomfortable
look on Yu Ju's face. Han Kyul wanted it to happen so that Yu Ju
would be able to deal with the guilt and regret in that way, at
Han Kyul took the miniskirt woman into the room where Yu Ju
and his friends were. Even the friends who at first looked
outraged at the newcomer went wild when they saw her dance.
They even called in her friends, and the party began to rage until
it was about to explode. Around midnight, Yu Ju picked up her
purse. Han Kyul, who had seen her sneak out, followed her.
“You're leaving already?”
“Yea. I'm kind of tired.” Han Kyul thought to himself that it
had been Han Sung who Yu Ju had waited for.
“Let's go, I'll drop you off.”
“It's ok. I'll just take a cab.”
Han Kyul wordlessly took her by the wrist. It concerned him
that her wrist was so thin. It reminded him of the first time he
met Yu Ju. He was eight. Even then, her fingers and her wrists
were very thin. At the time, if someone had asked Han Kyul what
he hated most in the world, he would have said milk, the piano,
and his father. He had been force-fed milk, even though he said it
was fine if he didn't grow any more; so he hated milk. He had
been forced to play the piano, even though he said he didn't want
to become a pianist or anything; so he hated the piano. And for
forcing him to do all these things against his will, he hated his
father most of all.
That day, he had poured milk all over the piano, which he had
played for two years. He had been beaten and humiliated in front
of guests who had happened to be visiting and banished to his
room. He was so angry that he couldn't stop his tears. It was then
that long-haired Yu Ju, who was taller than Han Kyul and could
play the piano better than he could, came into the room.
“Hey, do you want to be my younger brother?”
Han Kyul thought to himself that she was a very strange girl.
“If you say you will, I'll put medicine on your wounds for you.”
She showed him the ointment she held in her hand. Her mouth

was closed tight as if she'd begin crying if he didn't quickly say
that he would.
“Wait here. I'll bring the car around.”
“You've been drinking. We should call a substitute driver
(translator's note: in Korea, if someone is too drunk to drive, a
substitute driver can be hired to take the person and the person's
car home.).”
“It's entertaining to drive when you're slightly off your rocker.
Don't worry, if things turn for the worse, I won't put anyone else
in danger. I'll just shove my car into the river. What's the worst
that could happen, other than dying? Don't you think it'd be all
right to die with a cool guy like me? As a woman, I mean.”
“You're just drunk, right? You haven't gone crazy or anything?”
“What're you getting all nervous for? It's ok, I've only had a
bottle of beer.”
“Still... Listen, I'll go buy some coffee from over there.”
“You don't trust me?”
“As if I could tell the almighty Choi Han Kyul that I couldn't
trust him.”
“I want to have some coffee too.”
“Fine, then.”
Han Kyul went to the parking lot and Yu Ju went to the
convenience store on the other side of the street. He'd parked the
car and was walking toward the store when Yu Ju came out
holding coffee cups in both hands. Right then, a motorcycle
whizzed by her. Without slowing down, the person on the
motorcycle snatched the purse hanging from her wrist and sped
“Aaaah!” At her scream, Han Kyul sped like a bullet to Yu Ju.
The cups were on the ground, and Yu Ju was standing still,
“Nuna! Are you all right?”
“Ah... I....”
“Are you hurt anywhere?” Han Kyul clutched a pale and
trembling Yu Ju against his chest. Right then, a scooter appeared
out of nowhere and clattered its way past them.
“Ya! You son of a bitch! Stop right there!” An incredibly loud
voice rang through the night street. Han Kyul read the shining
letters on the back of the scooter:
“Midnight Snack Delivery”
“Let's get in the car. Can you walk?”
“I-I'm ok. I was just so startled...” As Han Kyul helped her
along, Yu Ju forced a laugh and said, “Shoot, my bag... I bought
that in Paris.... What a shame.”
“Women! The bag is not the problem. I'll buy you another
“You promise? You can't take back your word later.”
“Did you hit your head or something? What kind of nonsense
are you talking about?”
Yu Ju, who was about to get into the car, suddenly stopped.
Her face went rigid and there was shock in her eyes. Han Kyul
followed her line of sight and his prediction was proven right
when he saw the man standing there. It was Han Sung.
“So you're coming just now, are you?”
“You're leaving?”
“We were going to, but there was a slight incident...”
Suddenly a siren blared. A patrol car was chasing the scooter
chasing the motorcycle that was heading back toward them. With
a cry of “Shit!” the person on the motorcycle threw Yu Ju's
handbag. Han Sun found himself catching the bag, and Han Kyul
reflexively began to chase after the motorcycle.
“Han Kyul!”
“Ya! Stop right there!” The thought that he had to catch the
jerk had just fired Han Kyul up to sprint for the first time in a
long time when the scooter clattered past him.
“Ya! Shit! There's no choice! Ya! You son of a bitch!” Han Kyul
whipped the helmet off the scooter's driver and chucked it at the
motorcycle. It flew in a parabola and hit the mugger square in the
back. The motorcycle buckled and crashed, and the thief
crumpled to the ground, but apparently he wasn't seriously
injured because he stood right up and tried to pick up his
motorcycle. The midnight snack delivery boy flew onto the
escaping mugger. Woah. Not bad. Han Kyul walked slowly toward
them, regretting that he had not been the one to catch him. He
was breathing hard.
“Hah.... hah.....”
I guess I should quit smoking.
The delivery boy grabbed the thief and pulled him up by his
collar. It looked like the two of them were bickering with each
other. But by the time Han Kyul and the policeman arrived, the
only one left was the delivery boy. The mugger had left his
motorcycle and escaped in that short time. Han Sung and Yu Ju
caught up with the group.
“You aren't hurt anywhere?”
At the policeman's question, the delivery boy nodded his head
even though a cut on the cheekbone was bleeding. The policeman
turned to Yu Ju.
“Is anything missing?”
“Any other damage?”
“None at all. Just a little startled.”
“It'll be easy to catch him since we have his motorcycle, right?
We can look it up?”
At Han Kyul's question, the policeman replied noncommittally,
“Who knows? There are so many fakes these days. It could be
a stolen motorcycle. Also, there are a lot of motorcycles these
days smuggled in from China, so there are lots of motorcycles
that are unregistered roaming about.”
Then shouldn't the policeman chase after him? He was just
here to take the victim's statement? You call that a policeman?
“So you're saying you're not going to catch him?”
“Well, no, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that it'll be
hard to. These kids are usually minors who don't have licenses.”
“For Christ's sakes! What, is that supposed to impress me?”
“Stop it.” Han Sung came over and pulled at him. Even as the
policeman's face began to fall, the midnight snack delivery boy
was desperately trying to put on a broken helmet.
“Hey, you, student.”
“Yes?” The policeman called the delivery boy over.
“Did you see his face?”
“It was too dark; I didn't get a good look.”
“Tsk. Ok. If you go home and find that you're injured
somewhere, call up the station. We'll give you a reward or
“Oh! Right.” Yu Ju came forth with her bag in her hand.
“Thank you so much. It's thanks to you that I got my bag back.
This isn't much, but...”
“N-no, no, it's ok. I just wanted to...”
“Hold it.” Han Kyul was glaring at the boy. Something smelled
fishy. It was fishy that the mugger could escape so easily, and it
was fishy that this kid would, after having interfered in other
peoples' business and getting hurt, refuse to accept compensation
reward. It was fishy that the bag was given back so easily, and it
was fishy that the mugger and this kid looked about the same
age. What is this, a rigged poker game?
The policeman's radio began to shriek loudly. He left to return
to his DUI crack down, and Han Sung took Yu Ju back to the car.
Han Kyul grabbed the delivery boy who was trying to get back on
the scooter.
“Call this number tomorrow.” He dug around in his pockets
until he found a piece of paper and wrote down his number on it.
“I'll take care of your reward.”

“No, really, it's fine.” The delivery boy blew the bangs out of
his eyes and raised his eyebrows. He looked insulted.
“How much do you make in a month?”
“Excuse me?” Sparks appeared in his round eyes. “What are
you asking me that for?”
Look at this kid. Who do you think you're dogging? Han Kyul
put his desire to smack him into a snide remark.
“I'll give you a month's wage, so call me. There's no reason to
let pride get in the way. It's only natural that you receive
compensation.” He snorted at the 50cc scooter and asked,
“Which toy store did you pick this up from?”
“Do they even repair things like this? If they do, I'll pay for it.
Call me tomorrow.” Han Kyul held out the piece of paper. In spite
of a face that looked like it would rather die than accept it, a
hand came out to take it. Han Kyul looked at the hand and
gripped the paper tightly. The boy glared and snatched it away.
Han Kyul watched the scooter clunking away and smiled
Yea, that's right you little punk. What the hell do you think you
can do? You'll get it, for sure. Little punk. I'll get both of you!

< Part 3 >

En Chan looked in the mirror as she put a band-aid on her

“Man! What a jerk!”
She had finally landed a part-time job, and lost it on the same
day. The delivery was late so the customer got angry, the helmet
was cracked, and the scooter that had been fine on the way to
the store clattered and broke down right when the owner began
to scream at her. This was all because of that that idiot, the crow
of a punk that followed En Se around. She thought he'd only rip
snot-smeared money from children, but he'd gone and mugged a
person in the street. The moment she saw some jackass snatch a
woman's purse, she had flared up and knocked him down, but
when she saw his face, who else could it be but En Se's punk.
Right then, she'd not only felt surprise at a familiar face, but
she'd also felt pity. He'd been dumped by En Se and then had to
pay for the jja jang myun. If he had to be dragged away to a
police station, his life would become too pathetic. Plus, he'd said
that he was a senior in high school, and if he was really repeating
a grade, it probably meant he was determined to graduate high
school, at least...
“I've still got to catch that punk and teach him a lesson. What
the hell is he thinking? That blockhead. He got so nervous he gave
the bag back.”
She gave up trying to cover up the hole in her head with her
hair and pushed her hat down. She was glaring from underneath
the cap when another jerk's face came rising up.
“What're you looking at, jackass? Looking down on people with
that prissy face. What? Toy store? What a complete jackass. I've
never met a bigger bastard in my entire life. Seriously.”
How nice it would be if she could just blow it off. But she
couldn't leave without taking the number of the man who didn't
even know how to say thank you. She didn't know whether she
should be thankful or angry that her mother's mink coat floated
up in her mind. She'd soon find out.
En Chan took out the paper from her pocket. She realized only
after getting home that it was actually a picture. On one side was
the phone number the man had scrawled, and on the other was
some smiling woman. She looked pure and pretty.
Is she his girlfriend? How could he go around giving out
pictures of his girlfriend to stranger? What an unbelievable guy.
Seriously, if he hadn't gone on talking about a month's wages or
something, I really wouldn't have taken it. Damn it. Stupid money.
Hmm... how much did he think a month's wages was?
En Chan took a deep breath and picked up her phone. A
familiar piano song played over the line (translator's note: in
Korea, the dial tone can be exchanged for music, much like Muzak
when you're put on hold.) She was unconsciously humming along
to the tune when the song was abruptly cut off and was replaced
by a strange voice.
Heavy breathing.
A gruff, gravelly monstrous voice.
“Ah... I-I'm...”
[Wrong number.]
“Excuse me?”
The jerk hung up. En Chan stared at the phone in disbelief.
“What the hell! What is the deal with this jackass? Damn!”
She was angrier at herself. She hadn't known how to answer
him when he asked who it was, and so she'd acted like a loser.
What made her angrier, though, was the fact that she had to call

En Chan calmed her mind and pressed the button. The voice
that cut the music off seemed to scrape at her ears as it said,
[If it's you again, I'm going to kill you.]
What kind of phone etiquette was this? En Chan scowled and
“I'm the person who needs to receive the compensation
[Receive what?]
“The compensation reward.” She had to be stubborn and
brazen. There was no other choice. She had to put on her game
face and forget the fact that doing this made her feel dirty and
stupid, and she had to be stubborn.
So he finally remembers.
“That's right.”
[You're going to take it?]
This jerk! I knew he was going to come out like this! Damn it!
“Well... That's not really... Well, the photo... the paper you
wrote your number on is a photo... I feel like I should return that
to you, too....”
God! I wish I could just blow this off. What a dirty and cheap
“I-I got fired.... and the helmet cracked... Oh, and the
scooter's totally trashed.”
[Ugh... my head.]
“Excuse me?”
[No, never mind, go on. So how much do you want?]
“About $4000. And something seems a bit off right now. I
never asked you for it, you said you were going to give it to me. I
mean, if you don't, that's the end of it, but I did get fired from my
part-time job. And since you said you'd give me a month's wages
or something, you should probably take responsibility....”
“Well, not responsibility, per se, but... you told me to call,
didn't you?”
There was nothing to be ashamed of, she was just receiving
what she should—or so she wanted to think. Damn. If it wasn't for
Dong Ok ahjumma's ring, she would've just yelled, “Listen, you
total jackass, you think I did it to get money? You freakin' jerk.
Jerk off!” and hung up on him.
[I didn't think you'd actually call.]
[Fine. Come here.]
“Where's 'here'?”
There was no guarantee that he'd really give her the money if
she went, but there was nothing else she could do. En Chan
waited for the man's reply, torn between expectation and despair.
[Dong Yi Hotel, room S11.]

*Chapter Four*
What happened in room S11?

< Part 1 >

En Chan, who had never been in the hotel before, couldn't

have known that there were a row of separate villas in the back.
If an employee hadn't shown her the way, she would've
undoubtedly gotten lost. Room S11, which the employee had
called a VIP villa, was in a forest.
When the employee rung the bell, it rang clearly. There was
no answer, so she pressed it again. Even after that, it was a while
before the door opened. En Chan was startled by the appearance
of a bare chest, but the female employee, who seemed used to
these kinds of things, simply said,
“I've brought your guest to you, sir.”
En Chan didn't know where to put her eyes.
“You've got a killer fashion sense.”
Really? En Chan dumbly looked down at her clothes.
“Mop shop? Rag shop?”
What the hell!
“Come in.”
The man walked back inside, drying his hair with a towel. The
employee motioned for her to enter, but En Chan felt trapped.
She was already fed up with the guy after one sentence, and
wanted to go back. If he found out that she kind of knew the
mugger and had kind of let him go on purpose, he wouldn't be
nice about it. From what she'd already seen, this was a guy who
didn't have even the slightest amount of tolerance. He might even
report her to the police. She was nervous. She had unintentionally
tricked him, and now she was here to pick up her reward? Her
conscience throbbed. Not to mention, she was incredibly
embarrassed. She'd seen her fair share of bare chests at the dojo,
and so she couldn't figure out why she was suddenly so sheepish.
“Please enter.”
“Ah, yes, thank you.” She began to shuffle inside when the
man shouted from inside the room,
“Hey! Get me some coffee.”
“Yes, sir,” the employee answered before she closed the door.
For some reason, En Chan felt that it wasn't right for the door to
be closed, so she furtively left the door open about 10cm and
then felt better about it. Even if he was tall, she thought she
could take him on if she had to, but something in her told her to
be cautious.
Her attic house in its entirety could probably have fit in the
living room. Damn, look how big this place is. Where is this guy,
anyway? The carpet, the curtains, the sofa, the table, the
dressers, the lighting fixtures were all so magnificent that she felt
“How'd you get here?”
What do you mean how did I get here?
“I took the subway.”
The man smirked. How in the world did this man manage to be
such a jackass?
“I don't know if kids these days have bigger guts than they
used to or if they just don't have any fear. You should've just gone
on with your delivery, what'd you interfere for? What, you think
you're TaeKwon V? You wanted to get some kind of Good Citizen
award? Or is it that you just can't pass up the opportunity to
meddle in everybody's business? Since you've come all the way
here to get paid, you probably didn't do it out of unadulterated
sense of justice, right? Sit down, kiddo.”
I probably shouldn't have come here. I should've known when I
felt I'd rather kill myself than come here. Damn it to hell.
How can someone who looks like a gigolo talk like such a
jackass? His slanty looks look just like Mashimaro, and his
upturned nose looks like a pyramid, and his lips are so pouty he
looks like Angelina Jolie. He must've gone suntanning or
something 'cause his skin looks just like well cooked salmon...
Ah... salmon... I want to eat some salmon.... Whatever, anyway,
he just looks sleazy all around and his face pisses me off. How tall
is he, about 5'9''?
“Stop pouting and sit down.”
En Chan glared at the man and then flopped onto the sofa.
After discovering that the man wore nothing underneath save a
towel, she got angrier and angrier. She kept telling herself that
she had to get out of there quick, and kept scowling at the violet
flowers that were on top of the table.
She heard the man's voice coming from somewhere.
“You're a high schooler, aren't you?”
What? She whipped her head around in disbelief but couldn't
see the man.
“What grade are you in? You skipping class right now? Or have
you been suspended? Expelled?”
She turned her head towards the sound and saw the man's
silhouette through the glass. A vague outline of his buttocks could
be discerned through the opaque glass. But it was skin colored!
He's changing his underwear in front of somebody? What the hell
is this man thinking?
En Chan snapped her reddened face back and almost yelling,
“What do you mean no? Which part is no?”
“I'm not a high schooler!”
“C'mon. A middle schooler, then?”
“No! I'm twenty-four!”
“Hey, kid, is someone deaf in here? What're you yelling
Why was he still bare-chested? If he was going to put on
clothes, he should've put on all his clothes. All he was wearing
was a pair of jeans that rode dangerously low. What kind of
fashion sense is that?!
The man crossed the living room, entered the room, and came
back out before saying,
“It's a good age to be. I know, I know, you want to be treated
like an adult so badly you'd even lie about your age.”
The man was putting his watch on in front of his room door.
Pants and then watch? A unique order to put on clothes, that's for
“If you were delivering midnight snacks, what do you do in the
“That's none of your business.”
“Look at this kid, being all tight-assed.”
“Hey, ahjussi (translator's note: in Korea, males and females
alike call older men “ahjuhssi.” This is not familiar, but it is not
formal, either.), why do you keep talking to me like that? Why do
you keep dissing me?”
“What? Ahjussi?”
“I know you're older than I am, but it's not cool to diss me like
that, you know? You should ask me if I'm all right with you
treating me so familiarly. Isn't that basic etiquette?”
“You're one to talk. Hey, labor boy, may I treat you familiarly?
You happy?”
“As if you haven't already been treating me like that.”
“How old is the kid who got away?”
En Chan gasped. Shit! What did I just say?
“I-I don't know. H-h-how would I know that?”
She knew by the look on his face that it was too late to
recover. The sneer on his face reminded her of a Japanese
inquisitioner torturing a Korean freedom fighter. Even if you
should put a sword to my neck, I won't surrender! My first wish is
Korean independence, my second also, my third, also... should've
been what she said, and it wasn't even something as noble as
that, but she'd gone ahead and.... Goddamn it! Nothing ever
works out!
Still, she tried to cover up by forcing and laugh and saying,
“W-what I meant was that... he looked... about twenty... He
might not be, but I'm a pretty good judge of character....”
“You'd have better luck fooling a ghost. If you were going to do
it, you should've done a better job at it. Clumsy twit. You look
just like a little girl, and you can't do anything right.”
Suddenly something flared up inside of her. She'd heard that
phrase, “you look like a little girl” enough to make her ears
bleed, but for some reason, it still really pissed her off. Why?
Because... because....
...because I am a girl. I don't consciously think about it
usually, and sometimes even I get confused, but I'm still a girl.
But, judging by the look on his face, this mess of a human being
doesn't even consider the possibility that I could be a girl. Not
even a clue. Psh. Not that anything would change if he did see me
as a girl. Sometimes I do wish people would see me like that....
Yea. Fine. Whatever. You think whatever you want to think,
ahjussi. I'd love to see the look on your face if I up and told you
right now that I'm a girl, but I don't want to. If you don't see me
as a girl at all, there's no point in my telling you, “I'm actually a
girl,” especially since you haven't even asked me. It's pathetic to
turn myself in. Damn pathetic.
“Is the policeman in on it too, by any chance? Are you guys a
scam group? Or a kid flunky for a mob? Not that I'd believe you if
you said no.”
En Chan abruptly stood up.
This sad excuse of a human being was really pushing it! She
felt like scrubbing out his tongue with sandpaper.
She was so angry she couldn't remain sitting. Compensation
reward or no, it seemed best to just run away. That's when it
happened. She'd tried to whip past him, but her shoulder had
collided with the cup of water the man was drinking out of.
The water that should've gone into the man's mouth spilled
onto his chest.
“Oh shoot!” En Chan's hand unconsciously reached out. Her
exact intention was to try and wipe away the water that was
flowing down the man's chest, so her hand ended up trying to
wipe away the water on the man's chest. But as soon as her palms
felt skin, she realized that this was a very very strange position to
be in. The man looked at her, surprised, and En Chan froze. Right
then, there was something like a scream.
“Oh my GOD!”
En Chan turned her head with her hand still on the man's
chest. There, a woman stood with both hands covering her mouth
as if she'd seen something forbidden.
“Wh-what the hell are you two men doing together?!?”

< Part 2 >

When he'd showed up wearing baggy jeans, a hoodie jumper

and a baseball cap, Han Kyul had thought that the kid was nothing
but a punk. But now that he was in a suit and tie, Han Kyul
thought he didn't look half bad. Ko En Chan. He insisted he was
twenty four, but it was pushing it to say he was more than twenty
two or so. The social security number he'd written on the
employment contract was probably a phony as well. That's just
how kids like him were. Their lives revolved around lies and
He couldn't be more than 5' 7'', and had a slim frame. His skin
was white, his eyes were big and round, and his lips were
uncommonly red. He looked just like the lead singer of some idol
group. These days, boys who looked pretty enough to be mistaken
for girls were all the rage. Ko En Chan was no exception. With his
mouth closed, his atmosphere was different. Han Kyul thought to
himself, man, what a waste of a good face. Dick would be
drooling if he was here.
Han Kyul kept his eye on En Chan, who was entering the
restaurant. He stared at him as hard as he could so that the
woman who sat across from him could feel it. Finally the woman
turned her head and looked at En Chan, who had sat down at the
adjacent table.
“Is it someone you know?”
“Seems that way.”
“Oh, then you should go and say hello. It's all right with me.”
Where the hell did he find such a tacky suit? Twit, if you're
going to wear a suit, you should've found one that actually fit
“I'm considering it. I don't know if I should, though.”
“Why not?”
Because it's hella embarrassing. What is this, a 7080 concert?
What's with that wide tie?
“We have an... awkward past.”
If that dumb broad hadn't gone into hysterics about being gay
or whatnot, Ko En Chan would've gone straight to the police
station. The stupid girl, even after having been scolded by his
mother, still dropped by the hotel and harassed him, but she had
been horrified by the sight of him and Ko En Chan together. When
Han Kyul saw her run away with that disgusted look on her face, a
lightbulb had gone on in his head.
Get married? Go ahead. Good luck marrying me off.
He presented Ko En Chan with a proposition. What did he think
about a part-time job? But even after having his scam with the
mugger exposed, this unbelievable kid had asked for the money
up front. Not only that, but he had even asked for several times
the original compensation reward amount. Han Kyul even now
couldn't understand what made him say he would. If he wanted
to, he could've used the threat to toss him in the clinker to make
him do whatever he wanted.
“What do you think about his type? I heard pretty boys are all
the rage these days.”
“Well, I personally don't really...”
The woman he had a date with today was being overly quiet in
order to appear mature and pure. He was so bored he wanted to
yawn. Right then, he saw the waiter approaching the table En
Chan was sitting at. He could read his lips: The B course, please.
“Could you excuse me a moment?”
“Oh, of course.”
Han Kyul hurried over, but the waiter had already taken the
order and walked away.
“Hey! Ko En Chan, imagine seeing you here.” He made his
voice bright, but his expression remained angry as he sat next to
En Chan. The woman could see En Chan's front and Han Kyul's
profile from where she was sitting.
“Out of all days, you had to have a date on a busy Friday
afternoon? I'm busy all afternoon. What are you, a loafer?”
“Oh, shut up, kid. You, who told you you could order food?”
growled Han Kyul lowering his voice as quiet as it could go.

“What, do you expect me to sit here in a place like this and
just drink water? It'll seem strange, don't you think?”
“You pay for it then.”
“I only have enough for the bus.”
“That's not my problem. I've already cleared my account with
you in case. Did you bring your ID?”
“I-I told you I lost it. I applied for a replacement, but i-it
hasn't arrived yet.”
“I have your picture in my cell phone, so if you're thinking of
pulling anything funny, don't. If you do, I'll wallpaper the police
station with your mug shot.”
“Mug shot? What the hell did I do? You should learn to trust
people and think more positively. Why're you so twisted?”
“What! You little!”
“Why are you treating me like a criminal?”
“That's why I'm telling you to do it well. Anyhow, what's with
this suit? Is it your father's?”
“You told me to wear a suit.”
“You don't even own a suit? Oh, forget it. Let's go to phase 1.”
“Already? I haven't even eaten yet...”
“I haven't either, kid.”
“Yea, so let's just eat first and then...” En Chan, who had
stopped talking, looked over toward the woman. Han Kyul didn't
turn around and kept looking at En Chan, whose eyes were
blinking continually.
“That's the woman, isn't it? The picture?”
“You know, the paper you wrote your number on last time. Oh!
Didn't I give that back to you?”
“Put your hand on the table.”
“Do we really have to do this?”
“What, do you think I want to?”
En Chan made a face like she'd just chewed through a unripe
persimmon and lifted her arm onto the table. Han Kyul put his
hand on her arm, as lovers would.
“Smile, kid.”
“Ahjussi, I am smiling.”
Han Kyul grinned. As he moved his upper body to close the
space between them, En Chan's distorted smile shriveled even
“You're a pervert, aren't you, ahjussi?”
“You gonna mess around?”
“Do you really think this is going to work?”
“You saw as well as I did. The woman from before.”
“She was pretty...”
“Why? You interested?”
“I couldn't see any reason why Mr. Cranky should dump her. It'd
probably make more sense for you to have been dumped.”
“Do you want me to hit you? Do I look like a dumbass to you?”
“No. You look like a cranky twisted pervert.”
“You little son of a...”
“You'll get it later. All right. It's time. Twenty minutes from
now we go onto phase 2.”
Before getting up, Han Kyul reached out and tousled En Chan's
hair. Suddenly, he flinched. This wasn't part of the plan...
Han Kyul turned away awkwardly.
“I'm very sorry. We have a lot to talk about.”
The woman already had a sour look on her face. She was at
the top of the list that his mother had brought to him. That
meant she came from a good household and was smart and pretty.
And so he wanted to pour milk all over her. The same way he
wanted to break that perfect order of black keys and white
“Why don't we eat?”
Han Kyul stretched out his hand toward his water glass and
felt something strange. The sensation from before revived in his
fingertips and made them tingle. The sensation of the kid's black
hair. It had been smooth and thin and silky. It was probably
because he was still so young. Even pigs have soft hair when
they're babies. But why did he ruffle his hair in the first place?
Oh, it was just part of the act. Right. To make it more convincing.
Wow. Look at that kid go. He was cleaning off the plates as
soon as they arrived. The appetite of a pig indeed. Moreover, a
euphoric smile filled his face. Han Kyul had never seen anyone
smile like that while eating alone. He gave the waiter who
brought him ice cream and a tart a smile as if he'd give him his
liver if he'd asked for it. He gobbled down the unbearably sweet
desserts in the blink of an eye and then went on to lick his
fingers. Thanks to him, the meal on this end seemed even more
unbearably boring. The woman was cutting the steak that was
smaller than her fist one minuscule piece at a time. She'd
probably have been better off if she'd asked them to grind it for
her beforehand.
“So you graduated from the business school at Washington
What was this girl's name? Anyway, it seemed her woman's
sense was kicking into gear. He could tell by the way she began to
bring up his educational background.
“I remember going in there, but I don't remember coming
“Excuse me?”
“The place is too beautiful to just sit around and study.”
“I have heard that Seattle is the best place to live in the
United States.”
“It's a good place to be a hermit. Also a good place to kill
yourself. When you open your eyes in the morning, it's most
probably raining, or it's so foggy that it makes you want to walk
into a telephone pole and get electrocuted. Oh, but there's no
need to worry. It's all good if you fill up with 16 ounces at a go, 40
times a week.”
“Fill up with what?”
“Coffee,” Han Kyul answered and raised his hand to call the
waiter over to order coffee. The woman hadn't even finished a
third of her meal.
“Oh, don't worry about me and take all the time you want. You
don't like wasting food, right? I knew it. It's such a good habit.”
The face of the woman who had just been about to clear her
plate grew rigid and picked her knife back up to stab at her meat.
20 minutes had already passed and the kid hadn't moved. Han
Kyul glowered at En Chan who was shoveling in ice cream, but
only after he'd licked the plate clean did he commence action. He
knocked the glass of water over.
“Woah!!” The water spilled onto his lap and the glass
shattered on the floor. As En Chan stood up, Han Kyul dashed to
his side. He whipped the towel from the approaching waiter and
started wiping at En Chan's thighs.
“Are you all right?” he asked with a surprised and concerned
look on his face. En Chan's face that looked down at Han Kyul was
a riot. It said, “What a freakin' psycho!” Han Kyul knit his
eyebrows and demanded wordlessly that he begin to get his act
“G-get away from me! You don't have to concern yourself with
me anymore. W-we're over! Bastard!” En Chan shoved Han Kyul's
shoulder. This wasn't an act. It was a full-force hit. Ugh! Han Kyul
stopped the groan that rose automatically to his throat. That son
of a! Anger boiled inside of him, but he focused his energy into
the last part of the act. It was to shout after the damn brat, who
was walking away with a satisfied face, calling agitatedly,
Expelling a deep sigh, Han Kyul was met with the women's
cold and shocked look that was filled to the brim with suspicion.
Now all that was left was the dramatic ending. Han Kyul spoke
calmly as one would in a confessional.
“I'm curious as to what you think. About gays, I mean.”

< Part 3 >

Spring break had ended, so there weren't anymore morning

sessions, but this was not necessarily good news. This was
because the number of students signing up for Tae Kwon Do
lessons was lessening by the day.
“How about curry for lunch?”
Even if she said it was for lunch, it'd probably be dinnertime
by the time it was done.
En Chan glanced at her mother who was taking out vegetables
from the refrigerator before rolling her pencil. The pencil, which
had tiny letters pasted on the side, rolled and rolled before it
stopped and read: Pork boned rib.
“Mom! It says pork boned rib!” She ran after her mother
holding the pencil.
“Oh, you!” Down came the ladle.
“Go and buy some potatoes.”
It'd been eight days since she'd last eaten meat. She even
wanted to become a cow so she could regurgitate. The steak she
had eaten at that fancy restaurant appeared before her eyes.
She'd run the act two more times after that, but the jerkface
cheapskate had shouted at her to drink only juice, so she hadn't
been able to even taste meat. When, oh when was this bizarre
job going to end? Thanks to the job, she'd been able to pay for
Dong Ok ahjumma's ring, but she was still sitting on a pile of debt.
It was because she'd had to borrow money from butcher Mr. Koo
to pay for living expenses.
“Hey, Ko En Chan.”
Speaking of the debt, it was Mr. Koo.
“Is your mother home?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Oh, I was just going to give her this.”
“What is that?” En Chan had run into Mr. Koo in the small
doorway of the staircase she'd just come down from.
“This? Walnut oil. The folks back on the farm sent it up. It's
good for colds. I hear your mother's caught a cold?”
“She's all better now, though.”
“S-still, it's good to take it.”
“Really? Ok. Thank you.”
“N-no, I'll take it up. Weren't you on your way out?”
“Oh, it's ok, I'll just...”
“I said I'll take it up! G-go on, off you go.”
The man grasped the bottle as if afraid she'd take it away from
him and ran up the stairs like a escapee. En Chan stood there
dumbfounded. Right then, the phone rang.
[Yes, this is En Se's school. I'm her homeroom teacher.]
“Huh? Oh, y-yes! Hello!”
zStartled, En Chan bent to a 90 degree angle and bowed. She
hadn't done anything wrong, yet her heart beat like a drum. It
wasn't as if the school was the police station or anything...
[This is En Se's older brother, yes?]
“Excuse me? Older brother?”
[That's what it says here in the file.]
What! Fooling around with official documents now, were we?
[I tried calling home, but it was disconnected. Did your phone
number change?]
“No, it hasn't. What number did you call?”
The random call from the homeroom teacher was to ask for
their mother to come to school. When asked why, the teacher's
answer was exactly what she predicted: En Se had gone and made
trouble again. She had created some kind of brand name club or
something. If it was just that, there would be no way for the
teacher to know, but there had also been reports that she had
embezzled the club's membership fees. Embezzled?
“Just you wait until I get you, you stupid girl! Goddamn it!
Shit! Why does my own sister have to give me trouble all my life?
I'm gonna go freakin' berserk! Ko En Se, how am I going to fix you
up good this time, huh? You better watch out. I'm going to smash
your face in with raw eggs!”
En Chan sent messages to all of En Se's friends and ran around
combing the PC bangs and parks, but she could not find Ko En Se.
Eventually, she had no choice but to return to the dojo sweating
buckets and boiling over with anger. On top of the desk in the
dojo, there was a mountain of gifts wrapped in sparkling paper.
“What's this?”
“Some girls came and left it here. I told them they couldn't
just barge in like that, but they wouldn't listen. Hmph.”
En Chan opened the gifts while Seung Kyung complained.
Letters and chocolate, letters and chocolate, letters and
chocolate, just chocolate...
“Who left this here?”
“Some unnis. They were wearing Dong Mun Girls' High School
uniforms. They said they were your juniors.”
“When were they here? Wasn't it during class time?”

“I don't know. They were fat and ugly and looked like they
were stupid, too.”
“What's the occasion? Is today my birthday?”
“It's Valentine's Day. You don't even know a thing like that,
“Oh, I see. Well, whatever. Hey kids! It's lesson time. Gather
'round. Hup hup!”
“Ten hut! Salute the flag!”
After several consecutive lessons on an empty stomach, she
was exhausted. Her tongue ached from all the chocolate she had
eaten from time to time. When she finished the last lesson, the
sky looked yellow. Her mouth tasted sweet but her stomach
ached, and her head hurt from worrying about En Se. She drank a
glass of milk and had to change out of her dojo suit without a
chance to take a shower. En Se's phone was still turned off. Damn
stupid girl! Where was she?!


Having received the dojo master's permission, she stepped out

of the dojo when a group of high school girls rumbled towards
“Sunbehnim! (translator's note: in Korea, both males and
females call familiar older males and females “sunbeh” if they've
gone or are going to the same school, company, or job. These
younger males and females are in turn called “hubeh”s.)”
“Master! (translator's note: Here, the term “master” refers to
En Chan's position as a dojo master. For those of you with dirty
minds, shame on you. ;p) We're here!”
There were girls who had learned Tae Kwon Do from her
before and there were girls who had been her juniors in school.
En Chan, who hadn't been able to muster the energy to fend off
the girls suddenly remembered and asked,
“Hey, have you seen En Se?”
“En Se? Who's En Se?”
“You know, sunbehnim's younger sister. She's a senior at our
“Yea, that's her. Have you seen her?”
“Today's Valentine's Day, so she probably went to meet her
boyfriend or something.”
Boyfriend? Not that crow-faced punk?
“Sunbenim, let's eat dinner together.”
“We'll buy you your favorite! Pork boned rib!”
“Huh? B-boned rib? N-no, no. Sorry, I can't, I'm a little busy
right now.”
Goddamn it. My boned ribs. This is all your fault, Ko En Se!
“Aw, come on, master, today's Valentine's Day. Let's go to
karaoke together!”
She was refusing, swallowing bitter tears, when her phone
rang. She picked it up immediately thinking it could be En Se.
There was no reply on the other end. Desperate, En Chan
pressed her mouth against the phone and said,
“Hello? This is En Se, right? YA! Ko En Se!”
[Damn, did you swallow a steam engine or something?]
It wasn't En Se.
[My eardrums nearly burst, you brat!]
“Oh.... What is it?”
[What do you mean, what is it? What else would I be calling
you for? Get here quick. You know Joshua? In front of Kang Nam
“Can I go next time? I'm really busy right now. There's a bit of
an emergency.”
[What? Look at the guts on this kid. Do I look like a
philanthropist to you? If you've been paid, you have to work. I
thought you were working out pretty well the first few times, and
now you're showing your true face, huh, punk? Come here right
now and give me my money back or get a job on the streets.]
Her face grew hot with rage. Many pairs of bright eyes were
watching En Chan's face, which had grown red from anger, with
“I'm really very sorry, but I'll go next time. Today's not a good
day,” said En Chan between clenched teeth.
[Why, did you break your legs goofing around?]
“No, it's not that....”
[If it's not that, come here immediately. If you don't, you're
“What? Dead? Hey, listen, mister!”
[The thumb print on the slave contract hasn't even dried yet.
You already jumping ship?]
“Are you freakin' serious? I'm in a real situation here.”
[What kind of situation could someone like you possibly be in?]
“What, someone like me can't have an honest problem....”
[Time's running out. Get here in ten minutes.]
“Shit! Just kill me, why don't you, you bastard! AAARGH!”
But he had already hung up the phone. En Chan slammed the
cover down. She was so angry she couldn't stand it anymore.
“That son of a bitch! Fine! I'll go! I'll go, goddamn it!” She
kicked at the wall with her foot in anger. “Just you wait, you
jackass! I'm going to punch your jaw off your face!”
A chorus of adoration followed the back of En Chan who was
storming off in a rage.
“You saw that? Did you see that? Oh my God, how cool!”
“Seriously, that was just too hot. So tough! So charismatic!”
“Oh, only En Chan for me! My Love Chan!”

*Chapter Five*
It won't do to disappoint the witch

< Part 1>

A Valentine's Day party for singles.

It was more like a single peoples' desperate attempt to
participate in the national holiday for couples. Well, whatever it
was called, Choi Han Kyul couldn't miss this chance to raise his
notoriety. Most of the faces at the party were ones he knew.
There were some guys who weren't even single. If married men
insisted they were single, it was the special law of the day not to
try too hard to find out the truth.
“Obba, don't you know her?”
Damn it. It was Pak Do Hun's younger sister.
“You know, Sang Won Construction Company's youngest
daughter. Weren't you two supposed to go on an arranged date?”
Do Hun must be taking his younger sister around everywhere
he went. That half-wit.
“Hi. My name's Jang Mi Suk.”
Han Kyul looked at the seemly girl who had just greeted him
and was momentarily moved. If she hadn't been the girl his mom
was planning to set him up with this weekend, he might've made
a move. But she was a train carrying the label, “for arranged
marriage use only,” and he wasn't about to take the risk of
throwing himself onto the tracks. Not to mention she was close to
Pak Do Hun's leech of a sister, so no, thank you very much. He
could easily imagine what those two girls had gossiped about. So
he figured he'd kill two birds with one stone and smiled, pleased
with himself.
“I fell for your little act, didn't I? I wasn't in the right frame of
mind to figure it out at the time. It makes me sad that you'd go so
far to keep me away from you, but I understand. I've heard time
and time again that you're a free soul. It seems like you
misunderstood me. I don't want to cage you up. So how about
using me instead? It's better than having strange rumors floating
around the arranged marriage circles. If the adults find out, it's
going to be bad for you.”
The leech kept rubbing up against him, and he flinched in
disgust. No, this wasn't a leech. This was an anaconda. The
lawless animal of the Amazon that swallowed anything and
everything up whole.
“Don't worry about Mi Suk. I'll figure something out.”
Putting on the gay act had to be better than being stuck with
this anaconda. Han Kyul began to plan his “One show, two kills”
operation. He was going to get rid of two women in just one act.
Han Kyul tsked at En Chan, who was gasping for breath from
running. If he himself had walked blindfolded into a closet and
pulled random clothes from its hangers, he couldn't have come up
with an outfit like that. A seriously washed out pair of jeans, a
mud colored corduroy shirt, an indigo jumper obviously a size too
much. It wasn't as if the kid was still going through puberty, why
couldn't he wear clothes that fit him? And what in the world was
that hat all about?
“Ahjussi! I was going to let it slide, but...” En Chan hissed as
soon as he arrived. Han Kyul ignored him and whipped off the
neighborhood watch cap. Using the gap as En Chan started, Han
Kyul grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall. In
that split second, En Chan's arm whipped between them and
pressed into Han Kyul's ribs. Han Kyul was surprised at the
unexpectedly quick reflexive block, but he didn't let it show. His
ribs hurt from the arm digging into it. He put on a fiercer
expression to mask the pain and shoved his face into En Chan's.
“You listen, and you listen good. If you don't act well this
time, it's over. You got it?”
“Let go.”
“Answer me first.”
“I'll give you your money back. Just give me some time and I'll
give you your money back so count me out of this fucked up
“This fucked up show ends today. If we make it definite
today...” Han Kyul's eyes suddenly flashed as he heard the words
he himself had carelessly thrown out.

Yes! That was it! He'd make it definite today. He would come
out in front of all these people. There was no way these
blabbermouths were going to keep quiet, and rumors would
spread everything. If those rumors somehow found their way into
the old man's hear, there'd be hell to pay, but they wouldn't be
able to find a woman to marry him off to for years! All right!
Lucky chance!
“Do you promise? After today you're going to rip up that
“So do it right, kid, got it?”
Han Kyul let go of En Chan's collar and pushed him inside. But
he soon let out a sigh of despair. Judging from En Chan's actions,
he just couldn't be sure of tonight's success. According to Han
Kyul's aesthetics, En Chan's fashion sense was no better than that
of Future Boy Conan. If he said that he was going out with this
kid, all they were going to do was snort. There had to be some
kind of standards, goddamn it!
“No choice but to trust his pretty face....”
Han Kyul decided to bet his pot on the kid's pretty boy aura
and went up onto the stage. His heart raced and an excitement
he couldn't figure out took over his entire body. He was torn
between the excitement that something very interesting was
going to happen and a strange nervousness.
“I've gotta have a drink.”
All eyes went to the bar where Han Kyul and En Chan were
sitting. Of those, a pair belonged to Pak Do Hun's anaconda sister.
“Hey, drink up.” Han Kyul handed him a tequila. En Chan, who
was also wrapped up in atmosphere, dumbly took the shot. Han
Kyul clinked glasses with En Chan and poured the shot into his
mouth. He needed to borrow the strength of alcohol to overcome
his nervousness. The kid was probably nervous as well. Han Kyul
recalled the incident in Seattle when his next door neighbor, Dick,
had suddenly attacked him with a kiss. The sensation itself could
be said to have been nice. Only, the fact that the kisser had been
a six foot three musclehead was the problem. If Han Kyul hadn't
knocked him down and become friends with him, he probably
couldn't have understood homosexuality at all. But understanding
it and experiencing it are two very different things.
En Chan, who had downed the tequila in one shot, was
clasping his throat. His usually white face had been dyed purple.
Han Kyul put a lemon in the kid's mouth.
“You can't dress. You can't drink. Is there anything you're good
at?” He was tsking away when an image floated up in his head.

Hmm. Yea. A 540 degree roundhouse kick. That, you're pretty
good at.
Just then, someone tapped Han Kyul on his arm. When he
turned around, Pak Do Hun was standing there with an look of
curiosity on his face.
“Who is that?” asked Do Hun, indicating En Chan with his chin.
Han Kyul simply replied,
“My slave.”
Do Hun was just about to ask more when a voice rang through
the speakers through the microphone.
“All right, everyone. Now that we've all greeted each other,
let's liven it up a little with the main event. And the main event
is: Kings! Why don't we have the host and hostess of tonight's
party, Pak Do Hun and Pak Ye Rang, the incorrigible sibling pair,
come up on stage? They will be tonight's Tyrant and the Witch.”
Red-faced youths went wild with whistles and cheers. The
sibling pair who had reached the stage called out a man and a
woman from the crowd. To Han Kyul's knowledge, the man had a
fiancee and the woman, he had never seen before. The Tyrant's
demand was a lapdance.
The woman ran away shrieking but the man pulled her back.
He said he would do the dancing instead. It was different from
what the crowd had expected, but the atmosphere grew hot. The
man gyrated his hips in front of the woman in the chair and went
closer to her. He undid his shirt buttons one by one and requested
the woman's hand on his bare chest. He flicked his tongue as if to
lick her lips, and then rubbed his narrow buttocks against the
woman's lap. Here and there were lewd shouts, and the air grew
hotter and hotter. Swallowing sounds could be heard. When Han
Kyul looked over, En Chan said,
“W-water. Is there any water?”
Ha, seems like this kid's getting excited at a thing like that.
Ah, youth.
“They only sell alcohol here.”
The man and woman hugged lightly as they came down the
stage. They tried hard to keep their manners, but they were
exchanging looks that held the promises of the coming night.
Right then, a naughty voice flowed from the microphone.
“The man I want is... Choi Han Kyul.”
Loud applause and a swarm of eyes. Han Kyul didn't move and
smiled coldly at Pak Ye Rang.
“Oh, I'll mention a rule here. The witch may not participate in
the game.”
“What? What kind of rule is that?”
“The witch has to be wicked through and through. It's no good
if she falls for a guy and becomes all soggy.”
“Yea, that's true, it's no fun if the witch acts nice.”
“Keke that's too bad.”
“All right, the man is Choi Han Kyul. Now choose the woman,
Miss Witch.”
Ye Rang, who had been looking around with a sulky pout,
suddenly rested her gaze somewhere. All the eyes in the room
flew to where she was looking at. Han Kyul saw that at the end of
that gaze was Jang Mi Suk. No way... Just then Ye Rang smiled
suggestively and said,
“The second participant doesn't necessarily have to be a
female, right?”
There was dead silence for about a second. Then loud cheers
and a mischievous atmosphere took over.
“Now that's a witch!”
“It's Choi Han Kyul's welcome back home show! Hey! How bout
a strip show?”
“That man over there.” Ye Rang pointed at En Chan. And she
declared, evilly, “Kiss!”
In response to Ye Rang's look of “Go ahead, let's see if you
can,” Han Kyul threw a “Thank you.” Weren't things working out
better than he'd planned? This was a hundred times better than
introducing a shabbily dressed idol star-like pretty boy and saying,
“I'm gay.” Since it was a game, it wouldn't seem forced. But he
had to leave an impression. He wanted people to wonder, “Hey, is
that guy really guy?” and then not provide them with a direct
answer. That was the best way for rumors to get spread.
A rigid-faced Han Kyul said in a low voice to En Chan,
"Show time."
As Han Kyul took the stage, the crowd went wild with clapping
and shouting. Han Kyul looked toward En Chan. She hadn't moved.
She was looking at him with an expression that all but shouted,
"Are you completely insane?!" Han Kyul took the mike and
delivered a critical blow.
"Come here."
"Oho, that's hot, Han Kyul!"
"What, are they really doing it?"
The reaction from the female crowd was explosive.
"Oh my God, look at him, he's absolutely adorable. I just want
to bite him!"
"Look at those soft cheeks! I feel like I've seen him somewhere
before. Hey, do you think he could be from Dong Bang Shin Gi?"
"Who's that kid? I've never seen him before?"
"I dunno. Looks like he's Han Kyul's squeeze."
"Squeeze? What, is it a girl or a guy? Damn, he's so freakin'
Somebody gave En Chan a push. Suddenly, hands from all
around began pushing at her. Watching En Chan approach, Han
Kyul felt a wave of apprehension himself. The only experience he
had kissing men was that one time when Dick surprise attacked
him. He wasn't sure he'd be able to pull it off.
His heart began to beat faster. Goddamn it, he couldn't take
his eyes off of those lips. Shit. What if I throw up?
“I'd rather give your lips to that boy than give it to Mi Suk. But
are you really going to do it? You're going to lose your appetite.”
If it wasn't for Ye Rang's snide comment, he was planning to
settle for a kiss on the cheek. But that look on her face, that look
that said, “I know it's all just an act” made him realize
something. If he didn't do it right, he'd never get rid of this
anaconda. It made him determined. I'm going to get rid of you.
I'm going to do it right in front of you. Open your eyes wide and
watch carefully, you anaconda.
En Chan got on the stage. She looked as if she'd just shat her
pants. For some reason, Han Kyul wanted to burst out laughing.
This situation was just too unbelievable and too ridiculous. He
felt like he was going to go crazy. "Are you serious?" said the look
on En Chan's face. In reply, he said aloud,
"Close your eyes."
All right, I'm just going to do it. He grabbed En Chan's head.
He pressed his lips against En Chan's, who had gone completely
"What the!"
"Oh my God, they're doing it!"
"Crazy motherf-"
"What, are you serious? They're really doing it?"
Even as the wolf whistles pierced his ears, Han Kyul found
himself thinking,
Huh. This kid's unexpectedly soft and smooth.
Han Kyul didn't know it, but his hand was naturally wrapping
around En Chan's waist and pulling her toward him. The hand
holding her head was strengthening its grip. En Chan's body began
to bend as he pulled her body forward and dipped her head back.
Han Kyul didn't even realize he was beginning to turn his head and
that their lips were meeting perfectly like well tuned wheels. He
increased the soft movements of his lips.
The room became silent as if someone had dropped an
unpinned grenade. Everyone was frozen in shock from the
unexpected passion and length of the kiss.

Han Kyul was completely immersed in what he was doing,
oblivious to the situation. Suddenly, En Chan eyes were wide open
and bulging. It was only then, as he met her eyes, did he realize
that he had put his tongue in her mouth.

*Chapter Six*
Want me to lend you my bubble wrap?

< Part 1 >

“We need to talk. I'll see you there.”

Han Sung hated the fact that the “there” the woman spoke of
still existed as “there.” Even if “there” was still “there,” it
should've been erased from his memory. But “there” was still
“there.” Exactly the way he remembered it.
In spite of a hundred reasons not to go, Han Sung went
“there.” It wasn't because he was curious what she'd say or what
kind of look she'd have on her face as she said it. It was because
he was curious what kind of look he'd have on his own face and
what kind of emotional reaction he'd have. He went there with
this kind of rational and contemplative mindset. When he got
there, she was already siting down, a Cosmopolitan bleeding red
tears on the table in front of her.
“You're here.”
“Am I late?”
“Of course not. I got here early.”
Yu Ju asked Han Sung as the waiter approached,
“You'll have the same, right?”
“I'll have a Manhattan.”
They'd always ordered the same drink, a Cosmopolitan, but
this time he ordered something different. He knew it was lame

but he wanted to do it anyway. But it seemed that the action
hadn't been as lame as he believed. Yu Ju's mouth hardened.
“Your face has gotten....”
When Han Sung looked at her, she couldn't finish her sentence.
It'd been three years since they'd seen each other from this close.
She still looked sophisticated and feminine. When he met her for
the first time in college, he had felt that if only his mother would
stop stressing the fact that she was from a good household and
that it would be fine if he chose to get into a serious relationship
with her, he wanted to keep meeting her. He felt from the
moment he saw her that she was lovable. She wasn't pushy like
his mother, and so he felt comfortable with her. He thought it was
good that she didn't seem to be the working mother type. All
these things still applied to her, but it was no longer comfortable
or pleasant or good to be looking at Yu Ju. He couldn't even get
angry anymore.
For a long time, the two of them drank their cocktails in
“I heard that you're managing the company. Congratulations.”
Han Sung gave her a cold smile that resembled a snort. Yu Ju's
eyebrows wrinkled and she asked in a hurt voice,
“Why are you laughing?”
“It's just entertaining to be congratulated for existing.” That
was how Han Sung had lived his life. If he wasn't working, he was
as good as dead. “Congratulations on being alive.”
“Isn't that something worth congratulating? Not everyone who
breathes is necessarily alive.”
Han Sung looked coldly into Yu Ju's emotion-filled eyes.
“Is that what you had to see me about?”
“I wanted your permission.... no, I wanted to hear your
thoughts on something. I'm thinking of working at the Dong Yi art
Had she changed a bit? She was looking at him straight in the
eyes. Yes, it could be that this was the real Han Yu Ju.
“Grandmother called me. She said she'd heard that I might be
working at the Saints Department Store gallery, and asked me to
fill in the empty spot she had at Dong Yi. I heard that it wasn't
that she made a spot especially for me. You know better than I do
that Grandmother is very warm and kind to me...”
“You meant to say the president was very warm and kind to
you, didn't you?”
“Do you really have to put it like that?”
“If we no longer have a personal relationship, shouldn't we
treat each other in a business-like manner?”

Her habit of biting her lips had remained the same. As if she'd
all the energy she'd put into an attempt to speak calmly had been
spent, emotion pervaded the face that had just a moment ago
looked tranquil. Right then, there was a loud crash from
somewhere in the hall. An employee had dropped the tray she
had been carrying.
“Oh! I'm so sorry. It's my first time... I'm really very sorry.” A
voice louder than the cups' crash was apologizing over and over.
All the customers' eyes went to the tall female employee in the
red skirt and white shirt. The manager appeared and the
apologies continued. The small commotion quietly disappeared
from Han Sung's focus and he had to face Yu Ju again. There was
no trace of comfort left, only tension remained. Had he ever felt
this tense meeting Han Yu Ju? It was probably because they were
no more than strangers to each other now.
“Do whatever you like.”
“You don't like it though?”
“Me? Is there a reason why I shouldn't?”
“It makes no difference to me who the art gallery hires, and it
make no difference to me where you work.”
“Mother... I mean, your mother probably won't like it.”
“She doesn't concern herself with the art gallery anymore. It's
not something she can interfere with anymore. And that'd be my
problem. It makes no difference to you what my mother...”
“Can you stop saying that?” said Yu Ju sharply. In the three
years that they'd gone out and been engaged, she'd never been
like this before. She'd sulked or pouted, but she'd never flashed
her eyes at him, breathing raggedly and arguing with him in such
a shrill voice. “Stop saying that it makes no difference to you as if
you enjoy saying it. I know it doesn't make a difference, but just
because it doesn't make a difference to you it doesn't mean that
you can ignore me.”
“I am ignoring you.”
Han Sung emptied his glass. His hand gripped the glass tightly.
Something in his brain had been set off. It might have been the
familiar scent, but whatever it was, it made him angry. He
wanted to kill this woman who looked him so straight in the eye,
who spoke so clearly and directly to him.
“If you're done talking, why don't you get up first?”
“You have an appointment?”
“I didn't think there'd be time to move to another place.”
“Why didn't you tell me beforehand? I could have postponed...
I'm sorry to have wasted your time.”
Han Sung looked away as Yu Ju stood up. He could see the
back of the female employee who was washing the dishes. The
way she carried the dishes looked precarious.
“Just once... You could've asked how I'm doing just once.”
Han Sung raised his eyes toward Yu Ju.
“No matter how angry you are, no matter how disappointed
and hateful you feel toward me, for the sake of the times we
spent together, you could ask me at least once.”
“I could. But I don't want to.”
“Why not?”
“It's a waste of time.”
“I'd forgotten. I'd forgotten how cold and unyielding your
family was. How you never waste time investing in lost causes.”
“I'm glad to hear you'd forgotten.”
Yu Ju's eyes brimmed with tears at his cold reply. Still
standing, she bit her lip and said in a choked voice,
“Even though I knew, I still waited. Like a fool.... How shocked
and hurt he must have been when I called off the engagement, I
thought to myself. I thought you'd come and find me if only
because of you were angry and indignant. But you didn't even call
me, not once. Even though I was going away to study abroad, you
didn't ask where I was going or why. Even though I was the one
who did you you wrong, you didn't even once ask me. I didn't even
hope for you to stop me. I just wanted you to ask.... I wanted you
to come to me and ask why we had to become like this. I wanted
you to ask what kind of situation I was in, and how I felt about
Her impassioned voice rang throughout the room. People were
beginning to stare and the manager squirmed uncomfortably. Yu
Ju was spilling tears, and Han Sung was watching her, his
expression and body unmoved.
“I went to the airport.”
“Nobody was pushing you from behind. You walked in there on
your own two feet. You just... walked right on in.”
“Let's stop this. I'm tired of it.”
“Tired of what? What've we done? We've only just started to—“
“Leave me now. It's time for my next appointment.”

< Part 2 >

Yu Ju left, her eyes full of resentment. Even before the
tension in the air had settled down, Director Byun from the
company arrived. Han Sung was in charge of Dong Yi Group's Dong
Yi Pharmaceuticals, but the rising stock attraction in the group
was the venture into the food industry. The ones in charge of that
department were Han Kyul's mother and older brother. But
originally, the person who was meant for that position was Han
Sung's late father.
“It looks like five of the directors who supported the late
president are going to be discharged at the next meeting.”
“And you're one of them, I presume.”
“Yes. Also, they're preparing to pick nine more directors to
strengthen their voting platform. There's talk that they're thinking
of including the second son in this group of nine.”
“Han Kyul?”
“I saw him once. He resembles the late chairman the most.”
“He's a fearless and open-minded one.” And insolent and lazy
and insincere to a T. Han Kyul could fit either description. It
depended on which he wanted to be.
“The opinion is polarized: some are for giving him a chance,
and some are skeptical of the possible results. What are you going
to do about the foreign investors? It looks like the other side is
going to keep interfering. Are we going to be able to see it
“I'll have to gather the directors together and persuade them.
Raising revenue should always be the first priority, don't you
After grandfather had died, there had been discord among the
brothers. It had been arranged for Han Sung's father, who had
been the eldest, to succeed as the chairman, but his brothers, led
by Han Kyul's father, who was the second eldest, had protested.
Han Sung planned to take back his father's rightful seat. This was
why Han Sung was being carefully scrutinized and kept in check. A
single mistake could ruin everything.
Even after Director Byun had left, Han Sung sat alone at the
bar and drank by himself. The inside of his head was clear, but
the inside of his heart was blurred. It was because of Yu Ju.
Memories were moving his emotions, and even beginning to affect
his rationality. I can never forgive a woman who left me. Never!
By the time he'd emptied a bottle of Chivas Regal, there were
only two people in the bar. A few minutes later Han Sung
witnessed a middle aged man being carried out on the back of
some employee. The calves of the employee carrying a man twice
her size on her back were thin.
“Are you going to be all right?”
“Oh, don't worry. I've got nothing but physical strength.”
The little fox pants as she piggy-backs a bear. Little fox,
bear.... Just imagining it made him snicker. It was the effect of
the alcohol. Han Sung, who had finally finished the last shot,
raised his hand.
“Hey, the bill.”
“Excuse me?” the employee who had scampered over asked,
her eyes opened wide. “Did you call, sir?”
“The bill.”
Han Sung took out a credit card from his wallet and pushed it
toward her.
“Oh, of course.” The employee hastily turned around and her
buttocks crashed into the table. Han Sung's head, which had been
resting on his hand, fell listlessly onto the tabletop.
“Oh my God! S-sir! Are you all right?”
“What is it this time?”
“This gentlemen... his head...”
Han Sung, who had hit the surface forehead first, remained
hunched over the table. It was more comfortable than keeping his
head raised.
“I accidentally hit the table...”
“How many times do I have to tell you a day? I told you be
careful! For chrissake, I can't believe this! What'd a girl like you
grow up eating?”
“I told you. I've got nothing but physical strength.”
“Shuttup! Uh, sir? Sir?”
“It's all right. Just take care of the bill.”
After the manager left with the credit card, the employee said
“Is your head all right?”
Han Sung waved his hand and raised his body. The employee,
who was standing next to him, held his arm. He glanced at her to
see who it was, and who else could it be but the very same
female employee that had broken all the cups? She was probably
the one who carried out the bear of a man, too. Why was she
holding his arm? She going to carry me out too?
“It's fine.” Han Sung took his arm back and began to walk
away. After about three or four steps, he realized that he was not
walking straight. Apparently, he was drunker than he thought. The
moment he thought that the floor was trembling, someone
grabbed his arm again.
“I'll take you to the exit, sir. Would you like for me to call a
substitute driver? Or would you prefer a taxi?”

Was it because she was tall? All he'd given her was his arm, but
he felt supported. As if he was walking along with his arm against
a brick wall.
“A substitute driver....”
“Yes, sir. It'll arrive in five minutes. And here's your credit
card. May we have your signature as well?”
Even though he was quite drunk, Han Sung signed the slip and
replaced his credit card in his wallet. In his wavering vision, the
woman's face came into view. From up close, he could see that
hers was a unique face. Short hair, round eyes, white skin. Was it
because he was drunk? She looked like a boy. A pretty, red-lipped
“Would you wait here please? Or would you like for me to take
you to your car?”
Han Sung brushed off the woman's arm again and stumbled
forward. He somehow managed to exit the bar, and the cold night
air hit him. This was better. It helped clear his mind a little. He
was heading toward the parking lot when his innards sent up a
menacing signal. He assured himself he would be fine and turned
the corner of the building. Immediately, his stomach rose up. He
ended up having to empty the contents of his stomach with his
head leaning against the wall. It was the first time he'd had to
throw up since freshman year in college.
“I knew it. I knew this would happen.”
“Ugh!” The fist pounding on his back made his chest ring. He
couldn't breathe. It hurt so badly that all his vomit seemed to pull
itself back inside. Han Sung waved around his hand frantically and
signalled to stop, but the pounding only grew harder.
“Just empty it all out. You'll feel much better.”
“Oh, water? Ok, wait a minute.” Han Sung slid to the floor,
listless. He ended up sitting next to his own vomit. He felt the
cold wind and heard the sound of cars. When he began to come
back around, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth.
“Here, water.”
After rinsing out his mouth once or twice and coughing, he felt
better, and he looked around at the woman, who was moving
around busily. She was taking the trash out. Then she approached
him holding something in her hands.
“Are you feeling better, sir?”
It was obvious from her tone of voice that she'd had customer
service training. Han Sung smiled in spite of himself.

“It looks like you're doing better. But it seems kind of dirty
over there, so why don't you come sit over here?”
Han Sung followed the woman's line of vision and lifted his
body. He sat on the steps on the back entrance of the store.
“You were the one who carried the man out, weren't you?”
“Oh, yes. He was very drunk. He was really heavy because he
was so drunk.... I put him in a cab. I wonder if he made it home
all right.”
“You've got some strength.”
“That's the problem.” The woman gave a sigh and came closer.
She flopped down next to him and played around with the piece
of plastic she held in her hand. It made a pop! popping sound.
“Today was my second day, and my record is already eight
“Eight cups?”
“Broken, I mean. Two broken dishes. One broken vase. The
manager told me I don't have to come to work starting
The woman gave out another long sigh.
“Ever since this month started, nothing's been working out. My
mom lost a ring. My one and only younger sister started a brand
name club and then embezzled the membership fees to enroll in a
voice lesson class. Crazy brat. (sigh) I feel bad for her, if I think
about it. If she was willing to go so far....”
“You want a cigarette?”
“Huh? Oh, no. If you want to smoke, that's fine, ahjussi.”
Switching from “sir” to “ahjussi” so easily, talking so
nonchalantly about her own troubles in front of a complete
stranger—what an interesting woman.
“The dojo keeps getting emptier and emptier and the price of
meat keeps going up and up. I keep getting fired from part-time
jobs, and the only thing I have now is my early morning job.”
“Early morning job?”
“Yea. But that doesn't pay much. It's delivering milk. Not to
mention my bike's in bad shape, so the future looks pretty dark.
The other day, the handle suddenly stopped working so I had to
run all around the neighborhood until I started smelling something
sweet in my nose. That day, during lessons, it started to bleed,
and boy, that was a riot. Both nostrils started gushing blood, and
Seung Kyung started bawling and Tae Won ran around saying he'd
block it up for me. That kid. He's always got to do everything
himself. It was my first nosebleed since I was in fourth grade
when I went up against a wooden board.”
Went up against a wooden board?

“The worst part is that pervert cabbage slug of a bastard....
yecch! I'm not even going to think about it.”
“Cabbage slug?”
“Yea. Have you ever seen a cabbage slug? When I was a kid, I
was picking cabbages was I saw one. I don't get scared or
disgusted easily, but it was totally gross! And that man totally
reminds me of that cabbage slug. And he's a total pervert. Crazy
idiot. Damn! Stupid bastard!” She spit twice.
Even as she cursed, she didn't let go of the plastic thing in her
hand. In fact, every time she cursed, the popping sound grew
louder and more violent.
“Is that fun?”
“Huh? Oh, this? Bubble wrap?”
“Bubble wrap?”
“Yea. Want to try it? It's the best at getting rid of stress.”

*Chapter Seven*
Good dogs don't bark

< Part 1 >

Mr. Hong was in the middle of interviewing people for the

part-time job. He had originally been doubtful that anyone could
meet all of the criteria, but surprisingly the list of candidates was
long. A two-round interview to choose part-timers for this
mousehole of a coffee shop? The more incomprehensible thing
was that the dandy model of a man had hired him as well. He'd
made a face as if the coffee tasted like crap, and then he'd asked
him to take over the kitchen. If that was case, Mr. Hong
wondered, what was the man going to do?
Introduce yourself. Turn around. Smile. Special skills? Sing.
The candidates followed along with everything he asked, as if
they thought it was entertaining that the interview was as
selective and demanding as an audition. As if the things they were
asked to do were a piece of cake. Everyone had so much talent
and showmanship it was enough to make one dizzy.
Anyway you looked at it, Dandy Boy didn't seem to Mr. Hong as
the type of man who would stick around a small town cafe with

no more than seven tables to its name. Could it be that he was
actually a scout from some entertainment industry company?
The new owner of the cafe was refreshingly straightforward as
he decided the fate of the candidates on the spot.
“You, ok.”
When he'd picked two, Mr. Hong wondered what this man
planned to do, and he felt the same way again when the third was
“You, ok.”
Once again, the shop was the size of a mousehole— and now
there were three part-timers. He was out of his mind. Mr. Hong
couldn't help but heave great big sighs. He reckoned the store
wouldn't last a month.
“Mr. Hong.”
“Just letting you know that we're going to have a conference
at 9 am tomorrow morning.”
“We have to decide on the overall concept and image of the
store, the interior design, uniforms, things like that.”
“I have to decide?”
The new owner looked at him as if he'd just said something
stupid. Even Mr. Hong himself considered it an idiotic question.
But he couldn't for his life understand what the new owner was
talking about. Once again, the shop was the size of a mousehole—
a conference about the interior design? He can just figure that
out on his own.
“With the four part-timers. Do you understand what I'm saying
“Ah, yes. But, four part timers? You just picked three...”
“There's Ko En Chan.”
“En Chan? Did En Chan agree to that?”
Mr. Hong recalled the incident when the two people met a few
days ago. After hearing that the store had been sold to this man,
En Chan had gone red-faced cursing and throwing a fit. She'd
called the man a pervert, a disgusting excuse for a human being,
and said that she was afraid she'd see him in nightmares to his
face. Mr. Hong had never seen her face full of so much outrage.
And she'd work under this guy? Not a chance.
“He's a bit short, but he's got a face the women'll go for, so
we'll use him. I've been watching the area for a while, and most
of the people who pass by here are salarymen and women in their
twenties or thirties. Most people who'll sit in a cafe to drink
coffee are women, so we'd have to assume most of our customers
will be women in their twenties or thirties. Young, good-looking
male employees are the best for comfortably and pleasantly
dealing with the key demographics of this shop. It'll work like a
charm. Ko En Chan, too. He's metrosexual.”
Er... He's not thinking Ko En Chan's a man, is he?
“That kid probably won't want to do it...”
“Did he win the lottery or something?”
“N-no, I haven't heard that.”
“Then tell him to come out. Poor breadwinners can't be
choosers. If he insists that he won't, tell him that I still have the
slave contract.”
Slave contract? Was that something similar to a body waiver
oath? In that case, was this man a loan shark?
“Is that kid in your debt too? Man, what a life that kid has.”
Mr. Hong tried his best to defend En Chan. It wouldn't do for
this man to take out any of En Chan's organs just because she
couldn't pay the loan back.
“I-I wonder who caused the trouble this time. Tsk tsk. The
mother and the sister take turns getting into trouble and sucking
the marrow of out En Chan's bones.:
Mr. Hong glanced at the new owner and went on with his plan
to incite pity on her behalf.
“You know, that kid's been the head of the family since senior
year in high school.”
At Mr. Hong's words, Han Kyul furrowed his eyebrows and
looked at him.
“Really? What about his father?”
“The business went bankrupt and he died in a car accident, I
think. The mother's pretty immature. She was raised spoiled, so
she spends like a fiend, and her credit card debts are incredible.
The sister's basically the same. En Chan has to stand between the
two and take care of the mother, the sister, earn money for
food... it's back-breaking work. Teaching little kids Tae Kwon Do
barely earns the kid enough money to eat, but one accident after
another makes it impossible for money to stay in the bank. Tsk
“Aren't there any relatives?”
“I didn't ask, but probably not. That's why the kid's working so
hard, you know? So cut the kid some lack. I don't know how much
the debt, but En Chan's not the type to rip you off.”
“Does he really teach Tae Kwon Do? I thought he delivered
snacks at night.”
“Deliver snacks? Didn't mention doing that, but it's possible.
The kid's so busy it's hard to keep track. Milk delivery in the early
morning, coffee sales in the market...”
“So, basically, if it'll earn him money, he'll do whatever.”
“Probably. En Chan's pretty open to everything. Not very picky.
The kid'll probably do anything but steal.”
“And what would stop him from stealing, huh?”
“Ha, no, you don't know what you're talking about. En Chan's
definitely not that kind of kid.”
“You never know. Anyway, tell him to come to work starting
Han Kyul left Coffee Prince and headed to the company in his
car. His father had called. Once the rumors about him and some
man had reached his family's ears, the house had turned itself
upside down. His father had bellowed up a storm, and his mother,
who was quick on the uptake, had looked incredulous at his
outrageous scheme. Thanks to Ko En Chan, the long list of
arranged dates had tucked its tail between its legs and
What? Pervert cabbage slug? Did that stupid kid think he
enjoyed it?
Han Kyul recollected the event and gave a hollow laugh.
Admittedly, it was pretty crazy. Why the hell did it go in? Even
Dick hadn't tried to put his tongue in, you bastard. So why the
hell did it go in, huh? Goddamn it.
All right. I can't blame Ko En Chan for being shocked. I admit
it. That's the only reason why I didn't do anything as he cursed me
out. Otherwise, I would've smacked him when he threw a hissy fit
outside the club.
Han Kyul turned up the music. This was not the time to be
thinking of things like this. It was time to face his father, who had
finally found out about his grandmother's proposal. A 300%
increase in sales in three months. It'd been ten days since these
talks began. Ten days ago, his grandmother had picked out a snot-
sized coffee house. The sign read “Coffee Prince.”
“If you can create a 300% increase in sales in three months,
you're a free man. Nobody will say anything to you if you play
basketball again, travel the world, whatever.”
“Basketball at this age? Ha.”
“But if you can't—come into the company.”
“What about Father?”
“I'll talk to him.”
“Really? You're going to protect me?”
“tsk tsk, it won't do for a baby tiger to be so afraid. Are you in
or out?”
“What about my car?”
“You'll probably need one if you're going to work.”
“If you don't buy me one, I'll sell all my stocks.”
“Don't go there. I don't want to see my grandson beaten to
death by his own father.”
“If you buy me one, I'll give you a coupon good for 5
“Cheapskate. Ten.”
“All right, fine. It's a deal.”
He had known that just because his grandmother said not to,
his father wasn't going to stay quiet about this. But he really
didn't want to go. Ever since he was a kid until now—no, now
more than ever, his father was a frightening person to him. The
most frightening person in the whole world...

< Part 2 >

After having burst through the door, En Chan stopped short

when she saw the unfamiliar youths.
“Oh, you're here? Come sit down.”
What the hell was this? En Chan had been in a fury since she'd
receive Mr. Hong's call yesterday afternoon. Hearing that the
slave contract was still in existence gave her a serious migraine.
He'd said he'd rip it up, that son of a! And so she'd ran all the way
here, still angry.
“You can say hello to me later. First, listen to this.”
“I have something to say to you!”
“Be quiet.”
“Why the hell would I...” The man gave her a stern look.
“have to... listen... to....”
En Chan, whose words had faltered increasingly, shut her
mouth. His atmosphere was different than before. His eyes were
sharp and serious. Before, he had seemed like a loafer—now he
seemed like a working man. He looked busy holding a bunch of
papers and a pen in one hand. Crap. What the hell?
“This cafe's concept is: 'Dark as a demon, hot like hell,
beautiful as an angel and sweet like love.'”
Psh. As if.
“That's coffee, isn't it?” said the man wearing the black
framed glasses. En Chan glanced at him and then swallowed.
What? Who's this kid? Why's he so good-looking? Oh man. I can't
even look at him straight in the eye.
“Your name is.... Kwon Nak Kyun. You're right, Nak Kyun. The
star of a coffee shop is, of course, the coffee. We have to try our
best to express the true identity of the coffee through the taste,
the fragrance, and the color. And, of course, the employees.”

“The employees?” Even Mr. Hong was listening attentively. En
Chan, dissatisfied, scowled at
Han Kyul with her arms crossed. Whatever he was saying, she
wasn't paying attention, and was simply glaring at him, whether
he noticed or not.
“The feeling, the essence of coffee should emanate from
yourselves as well. In that sense, all of you are just perfect. You
smell of coffee.”
“That sounds like some kind of coffee promotion slogan. Are
we the Westlife of coffee? Or the Eastlife? Hee hee. So which part
does that make me? The sweet part?” This time it was the blonde
guy who spoke. His voice was incredibly energetic. She couldn't
help but take a look at him. He was a bright blonde with huge
eyes and a small face. He was the brightest, most shining man En
Chan had ever seen in the flesh until today. Her tense tense
helplessly relaxed. It felt like being buried in sweet cream.
“Well, to each his own in due time...” Why are you looking
this way? I still have a lot to say to you, ahjussi. You just wait.
Oh, you just wait.
“I feel like Ha Rim is just right for hot coffee.”
“Heh, really? My hands and feet are usually pretty cold.”
“Your essence is, I mean. I especially like that hair of yours.
Speaking of which, I'd like for Ha Rim and Sun Ki to be in charge
of uniforms. The two of you go out and take pictures of uniforms
you like.”
“We can pick whatever we want?”
“You'll be the ones wearing it.”
“Is it ok even if they're expensive?”
“Just take pictures for now. I'll pick from among your choices
tomorrow. All right, No Sun Ki?”
The man nodding his head wordlessly stood right next to En
Chan. But En Chan didn't dare look at him. What she'd seen by
slightly turning her head had made her heart beat like a drum.
That shining black hair. Oh, for the love of God! Could this be a
human being? His nose was art. He was like a sculpture. This must
be what it's like to look at a movie star, she thought. From which
star did these three gorgeous musketeers come from?
“The man who'll be taking care of the interior will be here in
ten minutes. Be here to meet him, Mr. Hong.”
“Huh? Me?”
“Oh, and Nak Kyun as well. I've already told him generally
what kind of feeling I want, so he'll be here with a few samples.
Just choose from those. I'm leaving it to the two of you.”
En Chan couldn't get a grip on the situation. Until the man
“Follow me.”
Who? Me?
“When you're done with what you're assigned to, you can go
home and come back to work by 9 am tomorrow. If you don't think
you can handle working here, I'll get the point if you just don't
show up tomorrow, so don't be annoying and call me or anything
like that. What are you doing? Let's go, Ko En Chan. Follow me.”
And then he was gone with the wind. Everyone stood around
slightly dumbfounded when the blonde gave a killer smile.
“I have no idea what that guy's talking about. Ko En Chan? I'm
Jin Ha Rim. Nice to meet you.”
“Er.. yea...”
“Let's get to meet everyone. I think he said your name was
Nak Kyun? And you're No Sun Ki, right? How old is everyone? I was
born in '86.”
Everyone immediately looked at En Chan as if they couldn't
believe it. She laughed awkwardly and tried to deal with the
situation somehow. “J-just act comfortably around me. It's ok.”
“Channy, see me for a minute,” said Mr. Hong with a look on
his face. She stood up unsteadily when the door sounded.
“Are you coming or what?”
Why am I so popular today?
“Let's talk later,” said Mr. Hong. Then he whispered in her ear,
“By the way... you were a guy?”
En Chan's eyes grew intensely round. Mr. Hong was looking at
her with a worried look on his face. That was the reality of it. The
new owner was looking for male part-timers, and he still believed
that she was a man, and she still hadn't told him that she was
actually a girl.
When she went outside, he was smoking a cigarette in front of
a shiny car. Watching him blow out smoke made her angry. The
scene from two weeks ago overlapped in her head and made it
feel like it was going to burst.
“Ahjussi!!” En Chan stomped over to him belligerently. “Slave
contract? Why is that still in existence!”
He, as always, smiled infuriatingly and then tossed the
cigarette away.
“Ahjussi! Just where do you think you're throwing that?”
“It doesn't exist.”
“The slave contract. It doesn't exist. Are you going to work or
“I won't.”
“Why not?”
“You're honestly asking me? We agreed after the Valentine's
Day incident. We agreed that even if we should pass each other
on the street we would act like we didn't know each other.”
“Then we can just act like we don't know each other.”
“I don't want to work under you. I feel like throwing up when I
even look at your face. Yecch!”
“Man, you talk too much. You're still sulking about the little
prank I pulled? What a girl. A guy should be more laid back.”
“A prank? You call shoving your tongue in my mouth a prank?”
“Son of a! Why don't you just use a megaphone?”
The two of them stood fuming at each other, red-faced.
“Do you know how much I suffer from nightmares of that
“What kind of guy are you, to make such a big fuss about
nothing? It's not like it'll kill you or anything.”
“That's what scares me more. If I died, I wouldn't have any
more nightmares. Damn it.”
“Fine, let's just forget about it. What am I doing with a kid
like you.... Go. Just leave.”
Watching Han Kyul get into the car, En Chan felt something
like a stab. Uh oh, this isn't right, she thought. She had just
kicked away a golden part-time job opportunity that had rolled in
on its own. Only then did she remember that the dojo master had
told her that the dojo was closing its doors starting next month.
The dojo's situation was so bad that he was planning to go down
to the countryside to farm. The big new dojo that opened nearby
had too big of an effect on enrollment numbers. Even so, how
could he close the dojo? He had said that he'd search for a new
dojo for her to go, but it still felt like the sky was crashing down
around her. And in that crash, a string of hope had let itself down
toward her, and she was kicking it away. Shoot! Pride didn't
provide food, did it? Damn!
“Then I'm not a criminal who works with muggers anymore?”
Han Kyul stopped in the middle of getting in his car. En Chan
avoided his gaze and got into the car. Getting in the car after her,
Han Kyul said,
“I'm going to put up security cameras.”
“You think I'm going to steal money from the cash register or
“Of course.”
Tsk tsk. What's with this guy and trusting people?”
“Where are we going?”
“Bone China.”
“What is that?”
“You'll see.”
En Chan was impressed by the elegance of the car seat as she
put on her safety belt.
“So what happened to the arranged dates? Do you still go on
“Why do you care?”
“I'm just curious. It'd be sad if there's no result after all that.”
“Why'd it be sad for you? You got your money, didn't you?”
“Psh. What do you take me for? You think I only did it for the
money? I felt bad for you, having to get married to someone you
don't even like, and it's not even the JoSeon period or anything. I
wanted to be of some help since you were in a tight spot and –
aaaaahhhh!” En Chan was surprised by the sudden swerving of the
car. A white car in the next lane had cut in front of them without
so much as a signal.
“Check out this mother!”
“Ahjussi, honk your horn!”
But it was hot-tempered En Chan who reached out her arm to
push at the horn. Honk honk hooonk!
“Ya! Stay still!”
“He went into that lane. Wow, look at him, moving around like
a weasel. Are you going to take that, ahjussi? Show him what
you've got!”
“You shouldn't have messed around while driving. Let's see
what you got.”
“The light changed! Hurry! Hurry!”
Han Kyul's indigo sportscar sprung forward and slid
precariously in front of the white car. But the driver behind them,
who apparently had become just as incensed, immediately
changed lanes and stuck by them.
“All right, let's go, boy!”
“Aw man! He's getting ahead of us! Go to the side! The side!”
Han Kyul moved to the fourth lane and raced ahead. He then
changed lanes again and got in front of the white car.
“All right!”
“You won't even be able to see my rear headlights!” Han Kyul
slammed down on his accelerator and zoomed past the yellow
light. En Chan whipped her head around and saw that the white
car was stuck at the light behind them and screamed,
“All right!”
“Jackass. Follow me if you can.”
The two of them jumped around and high-fived each other so
much that the car body itself shook and they laughed gleefully.
“Man, that guy's probably real pissed. Whew! That felt good.”
“Hey kid, you're really that excited?”
“Aren't you excited? We won, didn't we?”
“How can a kid be so easily pleased?”
“Psh. Like you didn't have fun.”
“It's nothing to get excited about. It was a matter of fact that
I should win.”
En Chan's mouth opened in disbelief and Han Kyul looked
straight ahead with a nonchalant look on his face. After fifteen
minutes of silence had ensued, they finally arrived at a building.
It was a professional tableware store.
En Chan's eyes grew huge as she exclaimed upon one
magnificent bowl after another. It felt as though she was in a
museum. The lighting was bright and there was calm music
playing. The customers who'd come to look at bowls muffled even
their own footsteps and walked slowly around as if they were
pilgrims in a holy place.
“Hey, Physical Strength Boy! Don't stand there looking dumb,
come here and choose.”
“Choose what?”
“What do you mean what? Coffee cups.”
“Oh. Hey, when are we going to eat? I'm hungry.”
“It's only ten o'clock, you ringworm.”
“I didn't get any breakfast. Mostly.”
“What do you mean by mostly? Did you eat or didn't you?”
“I only ate one row of kimbab and two hard-boiled eggs.”
“Tsk tsk. How so very hungry you must be.”
“Oh, and a glass of milk.”
Han Kyul, who had lifted a cup to look at it, gave a
incredulous smirk and walked away. En Chan clutched her
growling belly and ambled after him.
How can I choose when they're all so pretty and magnificent?
It was too big of a task for En Chan. She knew she had a
regrettable history of breaking dishes, so she was extra careful. It
was nice to look at them, but she was afraid of walking between
the displays. But Han Kyul walked ahead unhesitatingly. She'd
never seen him so serious.
So he's been here often, huh? I didn't even know a place like
this existed. How much are these if I break them anyway?
En Chan picked up the dish that he'd studied and set down.
Two stewardess-like employees in black business dresses were
following him around. If he asked a question, a red-lipsticked
mouth would smile brightly and answer him with a friendly tone.

En Chan lagged behind so as not to interfere with him and the two
Elegantly dressed women were looking at dishes here and
there, and newlyweds could be spotted every now and then. In
their midst, En Chan stood out, walking with her hands behind her
back. En Chan felt the gaze of ahjummas and young women being
targeted towards her. If she happened to meet the eyes of any of
these women, they'd give her a sheepish smile. Then En Chan
would turn her head as if she hadn't seen.
“What're you doing there? Come here for a minute.”
Of course you're going to stand out if you're wearing a bright
red shirt and a huge black necktie. It's not even like you're short.
You might as well be shouting, look at me, look at me! The guy
thinks he's some kind of model.
“What kind of color do you like?”
“Color? I like all of them.”
“This one or this one?”
“They're both pretty nice.”
“Geraniums or rosemaries?”
“Which one is the geraniums?”
“Forget it. Go pick out teaspoons or something.”
She was banished to the spoon section. There was a plethora
of small, shining teaspoons. She studied them for a while, but, as
expected, it was too difficult for her.
They're all so pretty.
When she got tired of looking around, she looked for him. His
face, as he studied the coffee cup, looked as keen and serious as
that of a chinaware appraiser. So it seemed he was unexpectedly
attentive to detail. She saw that he was speaking to the
employees about something. Curious, she snuck closer and
“This one's quite heavy.”
As soon as he ended his sentence the employee replied,
“This one's a bit lighter than that one. It's lighter, yet durable,
and it's very good at trapping heat. This is part of the new line
that just came out. The design is very exotic, so it's very
“Morrocan style, I see.”
“Oh, so you know? You must be very knowledgeable about
bone chinaware.” The employee giggled.
“Designwise I like Hermes better, but Aynsley's got better
colors. Porcealin is too antique...”
“Ack!” En Chan, who had appeared out of nowhere, grabbed
Han Kyul's arm. “YA! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Ahjussi, did you see the price tags? You thought it was $12,
right? Man, what kind of coffee cup.... Ok, don't be shocked or
anything, ahjussi. That cup is $120.” En Chan put up one and two
fingers on either hand and repeated in a quiet voice, “One-two-
“Did you pick out the spoons?”
“Huh? Oh, no, I didn't.”
“(sigh) Why oh why did I bring you along, huh?!” He strode
over and rapidly picked up spoons, forks, dishes and glass
tumblers. Apparently he likes dishes better than women.
En Chan caught her breath whenever he pointed at something.
Even using her slow arithmetic, the sum was an incredible
number. After a few minutes, she gave up even tryng to calculate
the cost.
She stared dumbly at him as he replaced his credit card into
his wallet at the counter. The words she'd meant to keep in her
head popped out on its own.
“You should call me sajangnim (translator's note: “sa jang” is
the owner / CEO / director / president of some store / office /
company.) now, kid. Even if it's a bit embarrassing.”
“Sajangnim ahjussi.”
“Take out ahjussi.”
“Are you really that rich?”
“Let's go get lunch.”
All right! Food!

*Chapter Eight*

< Part 1 >

Han Kyul, whose face had become as red as his shirt, didn't
know where to let out his anger, and so he continued to fume.
Maybe it'd be a good idea to get him something to break or some
balloons to pop. It was pretty obvious now that he was a hot-
tempered guy. En Chan decided to be his Red Cross volunteer
before the man died of his anger.
“Oh, man, my eye. I hope I don't lose my sight because of
“Shuttup. Keep your mouth closed. I'm just about ready to
“I don't get it. I'm the one who got hit, so why are you the one
getting so angry? I mean, it's the other guy's fault a hundred times
over, but I could've handled it on my own—“
“Ya! You could've handled it on your own, huh!? So why do you
look like a freakin' raccoon?!”
“Lordy. You don't know what you're talking about, ahjussi.
People like me can't run around doing roundhouse kicks whenever
we want to, you know?”
“You've got to be kidding me. Tell me the truth. Your becoming
a Tae Kwon Do master—who'd you have to sleep with to get that?”

This man is really pushing it! Grrr... All right, it's ok, get let it
slide, let it slide, let it— NO! I can't let it slide!
“What the hell do you mean, who'd I have to sleep with!?”
“I'm in a foul mood, so don't mess with me right now, kid.”
Even so, it seemed he was in a better mood than before. His
skin color had gone closer to normal. But no matter how much she
thought about it, she couldn't figure out why he was in such a foul
mood, or why he had gotten so angry. Well, admittedly, he was
bad-tempered all the time.
“You ok?”
“Yes, what do you mean yes? There's going to be a huge bruise
on that creamy skin of yours by tomorrow. Thank God we don't
open until next month. There's no way we can do business with a
face like that.
Psh. And I thought he was actually worried about it. So he was
worrying about his own business, eh?
“If you couldn't fight back, at least you should've avoided the
hit. Among all the Tae Kwon Do masters I've seen, you're the first
one to wipe out like that.”
“How many Tae Kwon Do masters do you know anyway?”
“You're short, your legs are short, man, what a drag. And
there're children who come to learn from you?”
I'm tall for a girl!
“Psh? Who do you think you're 'psh'-ing?”
“Relatively to my height, my legs are pretty long, if you don't
“Pretty long my ass. It's not more than half my leg length.”
“Seriously, what the hell is your prob—”
Han Kyul was saved by his cell phone bell. If it hadn't rung, she
had planned to put him on the news tonight.
What manners. Apparently, this was the way he answered all
his calls.
[Your big brother.]
“Han Kyu?”
[Haha what're you getting all nervous for? It's me.]
“Goddamn it, do you want to die?”
Even his friends didn't seem normal. Laughter rang through the
car phone speakers. It was a very irritating laugh.
“What kind of trouble are you thinking of cooking up this time?
I'm busy.”
[No matter how busy you are, you probably won't be able to
resist this.]
“I'm not falling for it, punk. Hang up.”
[Yo! Yo! Miss World.]
“What? You expect me to beli—really?”
[All live. Seung Soo says it's his junior from someplace or
another, and she went out for the Miss World contest last year. He
said she's bringing friends, so get here quick, dude.]
[Seung Soo's summer house.]
“What? JeJuDo?”
[Hey, think about it before you hang up. Bomb body and
[You're coming, right?]
“What time's the flight?”
En Chan's mouth sprung open at the way things were playing
out. She couldn't say a word even when the man stopped his car
at the curb. What kind of absurd situation was this?!?
“Yo, get out.”
She was so dumbfounded she couldn't say a word. When she
simply blinked her eyes, he even opened the door for her. Owner
or no, she wanted to take this guy and!
“Take a cab.”
“Or the bus.”
“What about lunch?”
“Eat it on your own.”
“Ahjussi! A-ahjussi!!”
En Chan was pitilessly thrown out onto the curb. It was no use
screaming\ at the car that was getting farther and farther away. It
only made her hungrier.

< Part 2 >

It's a good thing that En Se has a dream in life. Even so,

sometimes I can't help but lament the fact that her dream is to
become a singer—something much like a cloud in the sky. I try to
think about it positively: “she's passionate enough about it to use
her friends' money to register into a voice lesson hakwon.” But
even so, I can't help but heave a sigh, wishing she'd had told me
about it beforehand. Anyhow, En Se seems like she's working hard
towards something for the first time in her life, and Mom's
recovered enough energy to take a long time to make delicious
spaghetti. Even so, I can't help but regret the fact that the
portions of that delicious spaghetti were about the size of a hand.
I regret it so much I feel like crying.
En Chan dragged her secondhand bicycle to its place and went
up the stairs. She washed and ate breakfast before coming back
out to deliver coffee to the market vendors. After three years of
doing this, she'd already memorized each regular's coffee drinking
time and taste preference. On her way back from her deliveries,
she ran into Mr. Ku, the butcher.
“It's good to be young, eh? Just yesterday it looked like a
chestnut, and now it's all gone.”
“It doesn't matter what anyone says, meat is the best answer.”
“A girl getting into fights... I can only imagine how much your
mother suffered raising you.”
“I already told you. He went by like a lightning bolt. There
was no time for me to react.”
“I heard Seung Kyung brought you an entire box of eggs.”
“It looks like we're going to live off of eggs for a while. Tae
Won said he feels humiliated that his Tae Kwon Do master's going
around getting beaten up. Man, I just can't seem to get along with
him, even to the end, huh?”
“It's because you're too close to Seung Kyung.”
“You've got as much sense as a box of fermented beans. Tae
Won likes Seung Kyung, didn't you know?”
“Yea, I knew that.”
“And you still don't get it? You know that Seung Kyung likes
you, right?”
“Yea, I knew that too. What does that—what? Oh come on,
jealousy? They're in elementary school!”
“These days, even kindergarteners give each other couple
“I mean, come on! I'm an adult, you know. And.... No, no, it
doesn't make sense. Ahjussi, I'm a girl.”
“My point exactly. If you're a girl, you should act like one.
Anyhoo, hey, you. I hear you're going to be working at Coffee
“And how did you find that out?”
“What are you planning to do? I hear the new owner is a real
strange one. I hear he's working on a pretty-boy project or
She'd forgotten that Mr. Ku and Mr. Hong were drinking
“I mean, we don't care much whether you're a girl or a boy,
but it's not the same with that guy. It seems like his plan is to
target the women who come to drink coffee by using good looking
boys, you know?”
“Oh!! I see!”
“This isn't the time to shout eureka. Seriously, what are you
planning to do?”
“I'm going to try sticking it out.”
“And what if you get caught?”
“It's not like he's going to report me to the police or
“Well, you've got some guts. Even if you do have a flat,
volume-less, sadly boyish body, you'll get found out sooner or
later. Men and women are different. Don't ask how. I get confused
when I look at you.”
“You think I don't get confused when I look at your body,
ahjussi? Do you tell apart men and women by the gut flab? Or the
butt that hangs down to the calves?” En Chan attacked, not giving
in to a word he said. The knife repeatedly slammed down on the
chopping board. En Chan took a step back and said lightly, “Mr.
Hong didn't realize for an entire year. And the only reason he ever
found out was because he saw me coming out of the women's
restroom and threw a fit. All I have to do is be careful of the
“I'm seriously worried about you.”
“It's five bucks an hour—five bucks. You think part-time jobs
like that are easy to find? Keep the secret, please.”
“He can afford to give out that much? Hong worked by himself
and couldn't raise enough to pay his rent. How much can you
make from a snot-sized coffee shop to be using four part-timers?
And I heard he asked Hong to stay. How much money is that per
month for labor? How's he going to handle all of that? Mark my
words, it'll be over in a month.”
“Ahjussi, are you praying for us to fail right now?”
“Ya, that's not what I—”
“Ack, whatever. Putting me in a bad mood so early in the
“Hey! Don't just leave! I'll give you meat for some stew, take
“Forget it.”
“You're sulking?”
“What do you take me for, a kid?”
“Girls sulk a lot.”
“Hey, get rid of those prejudices. That's why you can't get
married. Why are you giving me the meat anyway?”
“Oh, ah, just because. Hey, take good care of your mother.
She must be tired these days, her face doesn't look so good.”
“Don't worry about it. My mom's skin is much lovelier than
Even as she returned home carrying the meat, her mind was
heavy with the words Mr. Ku had said about it ending in a month.
No matter how many times she punched the numbers into a
calculator after she'd returned home, the only conclusion she
could come to was that Mr. Ku was right. Not only that, but the
absurdly expensive coffee cups, the first-class interior remodeling
seemed themselves an omen to the store's closing.
What exactly was the man thinking? Did he think at all?
Even though she usually didn't bother with worries, En Chan's
head hurt. She wanted to hurry up and meet the man so she could
ask, but he was nowhere to be seen. He'd left a whole bunch of
instructions and disappeared with Mr. Hong. Something about
finding the flavor of Coffee Prince?
The four 5-dollars-an-hour part-timers gathered around to
come up with ideas for the flyers they were going to pass out. En
Chan was the one to ask.
“Yea, ok, so, do you think we're going to be able to get paid?”
“He probably started this because he had some money. Also,
he's probably investing in this because he has some kind of plan.
His CPU didn't seem too bad. Do you really think he would've
picked four part-timers if he didn't even have a plan?” said Nak
“CPU? What's that?”
Nak Kyun knocked on En Chan's head.
“Oh, head? Well, he didn't seem all that smart, either. He's
only obsessed with his outer appearance.”
“Didn't you see his car? Do you know how many hundred
thousand dollars it's worth?”
“Hundred thousands?”
“Man, I'd love to try on that Hugo Boss leather jacket he wears
around. His watch, though, is a bit too old-people style for me.
Anyway, from shoes to wallet, they're all brand names, so the
money he's pouring into this store is probably the price of gum.
This kind of tiny shop is probably just a hobby or something. He
probably considers it a game of jacks,” said blonde Ha Rim. No
matter how mean the things he said were, he was still so very
cute. Sun Ki wordlessly emanated charisma as he sampled coffee.
That was part of today's tasks too, to sample each of the coffee
that the owner had blended before leaving and to appraise them.
“The price of gum? Is gum made out of gold in your
“I said for our owner. Did I say for me?”

“In that case, what does that make us, who work in the store
that costs as much as gum? Gum wrappers?”
“What's the point in asking? We're just servants. What, did you
think we were doing something grand here? You pretend to be
pretty smart, and you still don't know that, huh?”
“You may be a servant, but we're employees. Employees who
provide established services and receive fixed pay. We're not here
to goof around and kill time like you, all right?”
“What? Forget it. Let's drop it. What a tightass.”
Even as Ha Rim and Nak Kyun began to quarrel in what became
an increasingly dangerous mood, En Chan was immersed in her
own thoughts.
“Will it be ok then?”
It might be all right if the owner really was that rich. When
she thought of that incredible hotel room, she could believe that
this coffee house was just a game to him.
“Hey, do you want to take a look at this? They're pictures we
took yesterday. Which one do you like, hyung?” an affectionate
Ha Rim held out his cell phone. On the screen were pictures of Ha
Rim and Sun Ki modeling uniforms. They looked good in whatever
they wore, just like real models. En Chan swallowed a small gasp
as she looked at the pictures. It was because she felt a stab in her
Is it really all right for me to participate in this pretty-boy
project? I'm actually pretty short, and all those pictures that got
me voted hottest face were photoshopped by En Se... Hmm...

< Part 3 >

The best way to ensure the most efficient development of the

employees' abilities is to give them a sense of ownership. In other
words, make them feel that the store is their own. To do this, one
must make clear the details of the trade and to open up the doors
of discussion in order to encourage participation in the
management of the store. This was the philosophy that Han Kyul
worked out of, and he looked proudly upon the employees of
Coffee Prince who were earnestly offering their suggestions.
“I'm telling you, red is too flashy. White is the best. It's nice
and safe.”
“You know what you're talking about, old man. Since the new
interior atmosphere is calm, we should stand out more. I mean,
come on, to be honest, coffee tastes pretty much the same
everywhere, doesn't it? We can't catch up to the Star or the
Seattle Brand up by the intersection, so we should consider other
methods of attack. The reason why sajangnim chose us was
because he wanted to reap the benefits of our good looks, isn't
that right, sajangnim?”
“Using your faces isn't enough. If that was the only thing I
needed, I would've used mannequins.”
“You mean we need to provide good service as well? Well, duh,
everyone knows employees have to be friendly.”
“One more thing. We need sex appeal.”
“So that they want to keep coming back. Now that would be
reaping the benefit of having chosen you all. Now, let's continue.
Nak Kyun, what color do you like?”
“Black or white. I like clean colors.”
“What about you, Sun Ki?”
“I don't really have a preference...”
Everyone's answer seemed to represent their personalities.
Would Ko En Chan maybe say pink? If Ko En Chan wore a pink
shirt, he'd look like cotton candy. Han Kyul found himself smiling
as he imagined the scene and felt a stab. It was because he'd
suddenly been reminded of the Valentine's Day nightmare. But the
person himself was too busy eating meat.
“Ya, Ko En Chan.”
Everyone turned their heads toward Ko En Chan, who was
sitting at the end of the table, but she was not in a situation to
answer. Her mouth was full of pork boned rib, and all she could
do was blink his big eyes at everyone. Who knows how many
servings he'd eaten all by himself? thought Han Kyul. How am I
supposed to handle this kid's appetite from here on out? I'd
probably be better off raising a cow.
“Forget it. Eat. Let's decide amongst ourselves. So, Ha Rim's
the only one for red, right?” Ha Rim stabbed his finger into the
side of En Chan, who was busy chewing. Not knowing what for,
she raised a hand that held a pepper.
“Ok, two people. White, then.”
When Mr. Hong raised his hand, Nak Kyun followed, and even
Sun Ki raised his hand. The fact that Sun Ki, who was usually quiet
and inexpressive of his opinions, had raised his hand meant that
he truly disliked the idea of red uniforms.
“Aw, man! Red is good, you guys. Y'all are all too sissy.
Sajangnim, I'll wear red by myself.”
“If you really want to wear it, you can go ahead.”
“Really? It's ok?”
“Why not? It's not like this is school or anything. Oh, by the
way, where did you say you went to school?”
“I told you I'm taking a post-graduate year. Nak Kyun's taken
time off of school and... what did you say you did, Sun Ki?”
“I'm just....”
Right then a cell phone rang. Everyone dug around in their
pockets to check their cell phones, but the ringing didn't stop.
Everyone looked at En Chan.
“Hyung, phone.”
She shoved a wrap into her mouth with one hand while taking
the phone out with the other. En Chan turned off the phone
without even looking to see who it was.
“Why didn't you pick up? Who is it?”
“That kid doesn't pick up the phone when he eats.” Everyone
seemed satisfied by Mr. Hong's explanation.
“Hey, everyone, dig in, before En Chan shovels it all in.
Sajangnim, why don't you take a drink?”
Han Kyul held out his glass and received the soju. A merry
atmosphere passed the cup around. Everyone was more than
willing to lay one back. Sun Ki didn't eat much meat, but never
passed up alcohol, and Ha Rim's face had gone red after two
shots, making his yellow hair look even more yellow. Nak Kyun's
clean-cut drinking manners made him seem rather mature.
“Ahjussi, you're married, right?”
“With two kids.”
Ha Rim, drunk off of three shots, became rather talkative and
laughed a lot. The boy had a very cute, affectionate side to him.
“Sajangnim probably isn't married yet. Do you have a
“Why, you want to introduce me to one?”
“Haha. A stud like you, there are probably gorgeous babes
hanging all over you, am I right?”
“I don't keep girlfriends. I can't even keep pets, how am I to
keep a woman?”
Right then, Ko En Chan's thunderous voice rang out,
“Ahjumma! Could you change the pan here? And three more
servings of boned rib! And kimchee!”
After the pan was exchanged and the meat was grilling, En
Chan gulped down the kimchee water. Han Kyul had never seen
anyone eat so well.
“Hey, you're not eating that?”
“This? It fell on the table.”
“It's all right, give it to me.”
She would even eat meat that had fallen on the table. Right
then, a mischievous look came over Ha Rim's face.

“Oops!” He dropped a piece of meat on the floor. “Oh, what a
shame. Better throw it away.”
En Chan held out her chopsticks.
“Hey, what do you mean you're going to throw it away. Give it
here. It'll be all right if I grill it again.”
Ha Rim snickered and handed the meat over. And then with a
smile that had probably melted not a few girls' hearts, he
“You saw that, right, sajangnim? That hyung, he'll probably eat
anything as long as it doesn't have dirt on it. This afternoon, we
ordered triple servings of jja jang myun, and Sun Ki left some,
right? And this hyung took that bowl and wiped it clean, all the
way to the sauce. I've never seen anyone with such a strong
Everyone was looking at En Chan with wonder when Mr. Hong
“That kid was the lone survivor when his class went on their
class trip. They ate some kind of bad seafood, and the legendary
boy who walked away clean when everyone else was laid up in
the hospital with food poisoning is this kid right here. His friends
were all groaning in hospital beds, and this kid's was sitting down
mixing an entire pot of rice with side dishes and eating it all up
by himself.”
Everyone nodded their heads. Han Kyul said to a snickering Ha
“Hey, keep a close watch on him. Make sure he doesn't eat the
coffee cups or anything.”
Ha Rim burst out laughing, and even Nak Kyun cracked a
smile, but Sun Ki was, as usual, expressionless as he emptied the
soju bottle. It was part of his attractiveness, and it was one of
the reasons why he'd picked out Sun Ki. He didn't say much, but
he wasn't unapproachable, he didn't smile much but he didn't
seem cold, and no matter how much you looked at him, you still
couldn't figure out what lay inside of him. Han Kyul knew from
the moment he'd seen Sun Ki that this was an attractive guy.
The mood had ripened considerably when Ha Rim began to
grope at Mr. Hong.
“Hey hey, what's wrong with this kid? Hey, how much have you
had to drink?”
“Heh, ahjussi.”
Everyone looked shocked and horrified.
“You stupid moron! Where do you think you're putting your
lips, huh? Ya!”

While Mr. Hong was furiously scrubbing at his cheek, everyone
else stopped what he was doing and continued to watch Ha Rim's
actions, shocked. Ha Rim, unfazed, went on smiling and crawled
sideways. As if he'd felt that Nak Kyun was not a kid to mess with,
he threw himself onto Sun Ki. Sun Ki pushed away Ha Rim's
approaching chest, but it was no use. Ha Rim managed to hold
onto Sun Ki's head and kiss his cheek. He moved onto his next
“Damn, that kid's drinking habit is real erotic, ain't it? I bet
he's gotten more than one girl in trouble.”
“He doesn't get them in trouble, he gets himself in trouble. He
digs his own freakin' grave.”
En Chan too busy grilling meat to pay attention to what was
going on next to her. When she saw that Ha Rim had sidled up
right next to her, she gave a start. Han Kyul found himself looking
at En Chan's white and creamy face. Both cheeks had been dyed a
soft pink from the heat of the fire and the influence of alcohol.
For some reason, Han Kyul felt displeased. He wanted to jerk
back the head of Ha Rim, who was approaching En Chan.
“Mrmgmm hyung....”
“Hmm?” The moment En Chan turned around, Ha Rim put out
his lips.
“Ewp!” Their lips collided. Everyone went rigid with shock,
and even Ha Rim's eyes went wide with surprise. Han Kyul wanted
to smack him upside the head. For some annoying reason, he felt
angry. He didn't want to see the two of them next to each other.
His head kept saying, 'hey, this isn't right,' but his heart kept
saying, 'those lips are MINE!' It was an extremely frustrating
“Ya! You little!” En Chan's angry voice rang as Ha Rim was
flung backwards. En Chan's palm had smacked away Ha Rim's
“Where the hell do you think you're putting your freakin' lips,
you moron! If you're gonna be drunk, be drunk nicely!”
“Meat's burning.”
With that, the episode was over. En Chan, who had shouted so
loudly everyone in the restaurant had turned around to look, sat
right back down like nothing happened and flipped over the meat.
Han Kyul lost his appetite. He felt like ripping out his own hair.

< Part 4 >

By the time Han Kyul led his part out of the restaurant, it was
past ten o'clock. As he walked alongside Mr. Hong, he looked at
the four youths ambling ahead. Ko En Chan, who'd finished up the
meal with more rice and noodles, Jin Ha Rim, who looked happy-
go-lucky even after being hit, Kwon Nak Kyun, who'd loosened up
a bit and was starting to answer attempts at conversation, and No
Sun Ki, who'd maintained his silent aura even as women in the
restaurant had fallen over themselves drooling at him. All four
had such distinctive personalities that the future worried him.
Initially, he'd thought running a snot-sized coffee house would be
a piece of cake...
Han Kyul took the party to a cafe on the intersection. He then
forced all of them to try six different cups of coffee.
“You tried the coffee I blended this afternoon, right? How'd it
“Oh, that. En Chan hyung had four cups of that. He said it
wasn't filling enough.”
Ha Rim, who'd intercepted the answer, fell over sniggering, his
hand clutching his stomach. Nak Kyun, who gave him an
exasperated look, answered,
“I'd never tasted it before.”
“It was kind of... rough, kind of scratchy, and it kind of made
my tongue numb.”
“What about you, Sun Ki? Had you had it before?”
“How'd the taste compare?”
“I'm not too sure. But...”
“My mouth leans toward heavier tastes....”
“So it didn't fit?”
“Well, not exactly, but I like a fuller, more woody taste.”
“Why do you want to know these things anyway, sajangnim?
You keep telling us to try coffee, and so we keep trying coffee
because you tell us to, but what's the point of part-timers
knowing that kind of stuff? Isn't it enough for the person who
makes the coffee to know? I'm sure Mr. Coffee here's going to take
care of it. Isn't that right, ahjussi?” Ha Rim slurred as he pushed
his face into Mr. Hong's.
“Hey hey, you're making me sick. Get off.”
“Yo, Tae Kwon V, what about you?” En Chan, who had been
swirling around the foam in the caramel macchiato, lifted her
head. Her eyes were wide, like a tadpole who'd been caught
goofing around.
“How was the espresso?”
“Oh, that... It was bitter...”
“You drank four cups of the stuff and that's all you have to say
about it?”
“It was strong, too... and... oh! I can't sleep.”
“These days, I kept feeling sleepy after lunch, but after
drinking that stuff, I couldn't sleep. Did you put in some kind of
ingredient that keeps your eyes open?”
“So did you open your eyes to your faults?”
“Open my eyes to my faults? Why would I have to open my
eyes to my faults? If anything, Mr. Cranky—I mean, sajangnim
should be the one to open his eyes to his faults.”
“What did you say? What did I ever do wrong?” Han Kyul,
who'd been thoughtlessly retorting saw En Chan's meaning-filled
eyes and flared up. Noticing that En Chan was glaring, incensed,
the four remaining individuals looked at Han Kyul curiously. Han
Kyul bunched up his eyebrows and glared at En Chan. Judging
from the look in his eyes, he's definitely thinking about the
Valentine's Day incident. What the hell is this kid planning to say?
He's not planning to blab about that right now, is he? “If you say
anything ridiculous, you're going to die.”
“Man, you keep saying 'you're going to die'. Even if I am a part-
timer, I have rights, don't I? If you keep talking that way....”
“What? You gonna keep being belligerent, kid?”
“Wow! Seriously! When did I act belligerent? Hey, raise your
hand if you think I was being belligerent! No one? No one? See!
You think being sajang makes you God or something? You think it
gives you the right to look down on part-timers? Huh?”
“Ya, stop it, Ko En Chan,” entreated Mr. Hong as En Chan's
eyes grew wide with excitement.
“Hey, ajuhssi, it's just getting good, so don't talk 'em out of i.
Watching people fight is the best entertainment in the world.”
“You kids! you should be thinking of how to stop this!”
“As the saying goes, paintings and fights should be appreciated
from a distance.”
Seeing that even Nak Kyun had begun to smile, Han Kyul shut
his mouth. If he got swept away by Ko En Chan's pace, it was only
a matter of time before he ruined his image. Just talking to that
kid got him all riled up. He was just going to ignore him.
Han Kyul took a sip of his cafe au lait and then began in a
officious voice,
“It'll be good for you to do some studying as well, Mr. Hong. To
my knowledge, the closest barista training facility is in Shin Sa
Dong. If you've a mind to continue selling coffee, it'd be a good
idea to get a certificate. To be frank, your coffee as of right now
is low class.”
Mr. Hong blushed and laughed awkwardly.
“It's not low class. It used to be so popular back in the day....
Just ten years ago, female college students would line up to drink
the coffee I made. Didn't I mention before? Oh, right, Channy, you
know, right? I told you how I met my wife.”
“Yes. But what's a barista?”
“I-I'm not sure either. I've never heard of the word.”
This was unbelievable. A man who'd been in the coffee
business for over ten years didn't even know what a barista was.
He hadn't studied at all, eh? That's why there was no growth.
“Find out about it, then. There are books written on the
subject too.”
Mr. Hong's face went rigid with embarassment, but Han Kyul
pretended not to have seen. He wasn't going to see these people
after three months, anyway. Even if he was to see them again,
Han Kyul wasn't the type of person to stomach talking pretty.
“Three months from now, sales will have gone up 300%. I'll
make that happen, so you can take over from there, Mr. Hong. As
long as we haven't fallen flat on our faces, you'll probably be able
to carry on with these members right here.”
“What do you mean? You're only going to be here for three
At Nak Kyun's question, everyone looked at Han Kyul with
expressions that said they had no clue what was going on. Han
Kyul made a cocky face and nodded his head.
Han Kyul turned to En Chan, who was glaring at him. Her gaze
was full of condemnation. What is it this time? What the hell is
this kid's problem?
“I made a bet with a certain person,” answered Han Kyul,
looking En Chan straight in the eye. “I said I'd raise sales 300% in
three months. I did it because it was the only way I could get
some peace and quiet. That's why I picked you guys. You don't
have to worry, though, Mr. Hong, even if sales do jump 300%, I'll
sell you the store back at the price I bought it at.”
“What? How can you talk like that?!” shouted En Chan. “Who
the hell do you think you are, talking about raising sales 300%!
What a total jackass!”
“What? You parasite, are you done talking or do you have more
to say?!”
“Ya! Ko En Chan, what's wrong with you!”

“Let go, ahjussi, let GO! Damn! You pervert cabbage slug! You
think you're all that, huh? Just a month ago, you were nothing but
a good-for-nothing loafer, so don't be looking down on people just
because you've got some money, all right? 300%? 300%? That's not
talent, that's money'll-take-care-of-everything bullshit! You think
Mr. Hong's not as good as you are? What? Low class? Who the hell
you calling low class, huh, punk? Who the hell are you to be
judging other people! You're garbage! Nothing but garbage!”

*Chapter Nine*
There's no such thing as Vienna Coffee in Vienna

< Part 1 >

You want to die with your head smashed against the wall or
with your nose smashed against a plate? I don't want either. I have
to go on living. I have to pay for En Se's hakwon fees and I have to
pay off the bank loan, and I have to pay off a lot of loans we had
to take out here and there. Fine. You want to beg for forgiveness
on your knees or do you want to write out an apology? I don't
want either. I don't want to beg on my knees and I really don't
want to write anything. Can I just stand on my head?
En Chan, who'd spent the entire night conversing with God,
went to work with her head hanging low. Even if the sajang was a
piece of garbage, she shouldn't have kicked away a golden part-
time job.... She must've lost it for a moment. All she had to do
was to put up with it for a little while longer.
En Chan glanced around at the construction taking place in the
coffee shop before greeting Mr. Hong, who as coming out of the
“What's with that face? Did the almighty En Chan stay up all
night worrying just because she opened her big mouth?”
“I couldn't sleep.”
“Aren't you the kid who'll fall asleep if someone so much as
pressed their finger against her head?”
“It's probably that damned coffee. What about loafer man?”
“Looks like he's not coming out today.”
“Did he say... anything...?”
“Not really. Hey, the flyers will be here from the printshop in a
bit, so hand 'em out. There's Nak Kyun. You know, that sajang's
not such a bad guy.”
“Why do you say?”
“I told him you were weak on alcohol and spouting nonsense,
to cut you some slack because you were delirious and he said—“
“And he said?”
“That's he'd tame you.”
“Huh? Tame me?”
“Something about knowing how to tame unruly dogs.”
“What? Dog? He's saying I'm a dog?”
“Oh, hey, Nak Kyun. You're right on the dot, eh? It's exactly 9
“Good morning. Did you sleep well, hyung? Ha, your eyelids
look funny. Your eyes got really big.”
Well, something had changed since yesterday, because these
guys are treating me differently. Ha Rim, of course, but even Nak
Kyun, who used to act like a taciturn gentleman began to smile
and make conversation, and even Sun Ki sent out his rare killer
smile. Ugh, my heart! I should feel like this is heaven, mixed
between these three gorgeous men, but why oh why and I so
Mr. Hong began working up a storm trying to fix his “low class”
coffee, and En Chan and Sun Ki went out to hand out flyers.
Knowing that Ha Rim and Sun Ki had a shaky relationship, the
others deliberately made them a team, with the intention to get
them to become closer by working together.
“Hey, isn't that Channy obba?”
“Oh! Obba!”
The girls who ran over waving their hands were En Se and her
“Ko En Se, you brat! What are you doing skipping school and
messing around?”
“Obba, it's Saturday.”
“Even if it is Saturday, you should be studying!”
“God, stop screaming.”
“It's still early in the school year, so we don't have to study too
much. Anyway, obba, what are you doing here? Can we help you
with anything?”
“Oh my Gosh, obba, do you work here? Wow, you're so
The high school girls who'd taken away the flyers jumped
around screaming.
“Who's this obba? Damn, he's FINE!”
“Your picture came out pretty well, obba. Hey, who's this?”
The eyes of all the girls flew straight to Sun Ki. Immediately, all
phones flipped out in unison and began to take pictures. En Se not
excluded. Sun Ki, who'd suddenly become the center of a new fan

club, was poker-faced. He didn't even look flustered or seem
“Unni, you know that obba's phone number, right?” En Se
whispered. En Chan, horrified, put her hand over En Se's mouth.
“Hey! Call me obba!” En Chan pried the girls away and drove
them off with En Se. She couldn't know when they'd start blabbing
about her being an unni, or talk about Dong Moon Girls' High
School. Her heart raced. Sun Ki looked indifferent.
Everyone had gathered at the store to eat lunch when the sky
began to cloud over. Ha Rim and Nak Kyun, far from becoming
friendly, didn't so much as say a word to each other. It was
obvious that even though they hadn't used their fists, they'd
gotten in a fight. She was contemplating ways to get them to
speak to each other when a motorcycle pulled up in front of the
“Hey, it's that kid....” En Chan, who'd turned around at Mr.
Hong's words, jumped up at the sight of a familiar face.
“Hey! Mugger boy!” The guy got off his motorcycle when En
Chan shouted at him. His size was one thing, his dark face and
sharp glare made the whole room feel uneasy.
“Hey, Chan,”
“It's all right.”
En Chan came out of the store and stood across from the guy.
Raindrops began to fall.
“Long time no see, buddy! Woah! Nice motorcycle. Didja buy
it or didja steal it again?”
For some reason the guy looked pissed off.
“Hey, try to live nice, all right? If I catch you mugging someone
again, I'm going to report you to the cops, got it?”
“Do whatever the fuck you want.”
“Oh man, this kid still hasn't learned. Hey, if you keep living
this way, you're going to end up dying alone and sad in an empty
room somewhere, or go in and out of prisons all your life. Or end
your life on a backstreet somewhere. That'd be too pathetic,
don't you think?”
“I didn't come here to listen to Mr. Principal deliver a
“Wow! You even know how to use the word “harangue,” huh?
You're smarter than you look.”
“Stop yappin' and let's stick it.”
“It's not like we're magnets or anything to stick. I thought I
already told you. This precious body is the body of a sacred dojo
master, so I can't go around punching people outside the dojo. It's
not the way of the martial artist.”

“Then just get hit!” Suddenly the guy flung his fist out. She
somehow managed to dodge it, but a little slower and she
would've had another dark circle around her eye to worry about.
She didn't know what about, but he was pretty pissed about
something. It didn't look like he was going to back away with an
eating contest this time. Is that so? All right, fine.
“Hey, you still chasing En Se's tail? Is that what this is about?”
“I don't give a fuck about En Se or anything, let's just go,
goddamn it!”
“What, are you trying to ruin my livelihood? I've got a chance
to make a living using my face, you moron. Hey, let's just settle
this with that.”
“I won't do eating, asshole.”
“Man, again with that cursing. Fine. I'm in a pretty sour mood
myself, so let's have a go. One condition, we're going to settle it
with that.”
En Chan was pointing at an arcade game located about 10
meters away from where they were standing. It was a worn out
punching game.
“The person who gets the higher score wins. One shot. All
right? No more bitching even if you lose.”
“Speak for yourself, jackass.”
“Promise me, man to ma—I mean, human being to human
En Chan held out her hand to shake, but the jerk simply spit in
her palm and walked ahead of her. He even put the coins in
himself. She let the guy hit first. The guy put his entire body into
his punch, but En Chan hit quick and strong. No need to say, it
was En Chan's victory. After looking at the machine as if he
couldn't believe it, the guy backed away surprisingly without a
fuss. It was a battle of the fists after all, and he couldn't help but
admit defeat. He pouted, as if his pride had been hurt. He
scowled wordlessly, but he didn't make anymore stubborn
Tsk tsk. Listen, kid. I've gone up against this old metal heap for
the last four years. I know it to a T. You can try a hundred days in
a row, see if you can beat me. Half-wit.
En Chan smiled sweetly as she waved at the motorcycle that
was fading out of sight and came back into the store.
“Hey, guys, it's raining. We should probably pass these out

< Part 2 >

Pleasant atmosphere, delicious coffee, cheerful service from
gorgeous employees... the game was basically won. When he
thought of the pitiful number from before, raising sales not three
but even five times wasn't out of the question. Han Kyul was full
of confidence and was even beginning to feel excited. At first,
he'd only thought of the cafe as a chance to do away with the
pressure from home, but now he felt that he'd feel rather good if
he succeeded. Having studied this and that from here and there
would've proven to have been a good investment.
After playing poker well into the early hours of the morning,
Han Kyul woke up in the afternoon and unhappily ran right into
his elder brother. He had been pouring coffee in his underwear
since he'd just woken up. His brother, who had been coming up
the stairs, flared up.
“You punk!”
This was why he didn't want to come home.
“You're walking around looking like that when you know your
sister-in-law's in the house?!”
Han Kyul picked up his coffee and ambled back into his room.
The second floor was divided into Han Kyul's living space and his
brother's living space, separated by a living room and a kitchen.
The left side belonged to Han Kyul and the right side belonged to
his older brother and his wife. All that Han Kyul's room contained
was an elevated bed, a long blue-grey sofa, and a hanging
flatscreen TV. You could do three consecutive cartwheels in the
space that was left.
“Hey you, sit down for a minute.”
“If you're going to lecture me, forget it. I heard enough when I
got called to the company by Father yesterday.”
“If I tell you to sit down, just sit down.”
Han Kyul, drinking his coffee, sat at the edge of the sofa
where his elder brother was sitting.
“How long are you going to run around like that? Stop goofing
off and come help Father.”
“Didn't you hear? I'm a proud owner of a business now. I'm so
busy my eyeballs spin.”
“Don't you realize what Grandmother's trying to do? She's
baiting you, trying to get you to look at yourself and all the talent
you have. Don't waste three months on this stupid test and come
develop your skills in the company.”
“Regardless of what Grandma meant to do, I'm going to do
what I want. You guys are doing fine, even getting our brother-in-
law involved. What's the matter with you and Father? I'm just one
person, can't I just live my life? Do you really have to push me
into this ugly battle with a musket in my hand?”
“Listen, kid, Father's in a bad spot right now.”
“From the way you're speaking, people will take me to be
Midas or something. You've probably received the reports of how I
fooled around in America. I didn't study. At all. I went partying
every night and chased tail as often as I could. Who's going to
even blink if I throw myself into this stupid company?”
“Chris Choi.”
Han Kyul looked at his brother, startled. Seeing his brother's
sincere gaze, he turned his head.
“Winner of the Mutual Fund Investment Game sponsored by
Morgan Stanley.”
“That was just.... damn it, how'd you find out?”
“When Grandfather favored you, there was a reason for it. Do
you remember what he used to ask us when he was bored? If you
only have a dollar, and you want to buy a pair of skates that costs
$100, what do you do? He used to ask that everytime our cousins
came over to visit. Do you remember what you said then?”
“Don't know. Can't remember.”
“You said that Grandmother would buy it for you since your
birthday wasn't too far away. So you'd spend the dollar on the
helicopter toy that you wanted.”
“My answer was that simple?”
“Well, Grandfather liked it. He said you were a kid who
wouldn't let go of the dollar or the skates. Even if you have no
interest in the company, Grandfather was always considering you.
I heard that every time people gathered around to drink, he'd say
to everyone's face that the only person worthy of being his
successor was “Choi Han Kyul and no one else,” and kill the
mood. All the uncles and cousins and even the stockholders know
this. That's why we need you right now.”
“Father didn't like it. Don't you know? He was scared that
Grandfather would bypass him and make me his successor. Uncle
hated it more. When I graduated from high school, he said if I
even thought about taking over the company, I'd better be
prepared to be standing alone in the desert without even a gun,
that the company was a world where you couldn't trust anyone.”
“You mean he said that to a kid? So what? You're saying you're
too scared to come into the company?”
Han Kyul finished off his coffee and stood up.
“I have to shower. I've got someplace to go.”
“Han Sung's movements are pretty worrisome.”
“It has nothing to do with me.”
“Idiot, Father might have to go under investigation!”
“For what? Tax evasion? Slush fund? There's quite a number of
things, really.”
“Isn't it something we had to overcome when Uncle died?
Uncle took up the gun, Father pulled out, and Uncle died from
that, and somehow in all the chaos Father ended up in charge of
the company. When you look at it like that, it's not hard to
understand Han Sung hyung.”
“You brat! Whose side are you on anyway? I know you and Han
Sung stuck around together, did you go over to his side?”
Han Kyul stopped in front of the bathroom door. He looked at
his angry brother and said in an accusing voice,
“What are we, children? Talking about sides. If we're all in the
same pan, we're all in the same pan together.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“We all share the same blood, don't we?”
Except for me.
Han Kyul came into the bathroom and turned the shower on.
His head felt hot. His chest felt tight as if a sumo wrestler was
pressing down on it. The words in his memory rang throughout his
“Don't you even feel sorry for him? Why do you have to be so
frightening to him?”
“He should be thankful that we brought him in and took care
of him. We picked him up from the countryside where he was a
regular little dirtball, and now look at him. He doesn't even know
what gratitude is.”
“Gratitude? What gratitude? He's just a boy. What sin has he
committed? The adults are the ones to blame...”
It was the sound of his parents arguing. He'd accidentally
overheard them and had finally figured out why there were no
pictures of his first birthday. Choi Han Kyul had been adopted.
He'd been adopted from some orphanage in the countryside.

< Part 3 >

“Press down harder when you're tempering it. You have to

press down with approximately 13.5 kg of pressure if you want
the proper taste.”
“It seems you've had some training from somewhere, huh,
“One of my friends back in the States was a barista. I learned
a bit about coffee from him.”
Han Kyul, who'd made his appearance in the store late in the
afternoon, had gathered the employees around and had begun to
explain. Outside, the spring rain was drizzling down.
“But there's one person missing. Where's the parasite?”
“He went to pass out flyers and hasn't returned. Hey, No Sun
Ki, weren't you with him?”
“We were heading back when he said he had to see about
“Leave him. He's probably holed up somewhere eating
Han Kyul gave demonstrations in a hastily cleared up kitchen.
The strong smell of coffee permeated the entire place. The sound
of the rain and the fragrance of coffee blended well to make a
pleasant atmosphere.
“What about the coffee cups?”
“Always keep them warm.”
“Of course.”
Han Kyul took out a glass cup and poured sugar and coffee
before added foamed cream to the top.
“Now, this is Vienna Coffee. Don't stir it with a spoon. That's
an insult to Vienna Coffee. Just drink it.”
The three pretty boys tasted their first ever cup of Vienna
Coffee and was unstingy with their praise. Mr. Hong looked put
out, but Han Kyul decided to push on ahead. It seemed to be
stimulating the man. Perhaps he was practicing at home; Mr.
Hong's coffee tasted better and better. It made Han Kyul proud to
see effort showing.
When he sent everyone home and closed up the shop, it was
already dinnertime. He really didn't want to eat dinner at home.
If he met up with his friends, drinking was inevitable, but he
didn't feel like going clubbing tonight. It looked he had no choice
but to go to the hotel. Maybe he'd eat dinner and then read a
Han Kyul stretched out his hand to turn up the volume. He
drummed his fingers on the steering wheel while singing along to
Katty B's “Let's Hear it For the Boys.” The hard rain on his
windshield and the quick beat of the song mixed together and
reminded him of strong Jamaican Rum. He felt like having a glass
before eating dinner. He was thinking, “and maybe a hot bath,
too....” when suddenly a black figure jumped out in front of his
car. An alarmed Han Kyul quickly stepped on the brakes. His heart
was beating like a drum. He looked in front of his car, breathing
fast, but he couldn't see anything.
He hadn't hit anyone had he? If he had, he hadn't felt it...
When Han Kyul came out of his car shaking, the person who'd
been squatting on the ground lifted his head. He was gathering up
something in the light of the headlights.

“Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm really very sorry.” The lifted head was
illuminated by the headlights.
“Are you all ri—... YA!”
The moment he saw the face, relief and anger rushed into
“Huh? Sajangnim? Were you on your way home?”
“If you're going to kill yourself, do it decently! Don't jump out
in front of a fucking car!”
“Who said anything me killing myself?”
Han Kyul felt angry that he'd been so alarmed. He pulled En
Chan's hair.
“Come here you little brat. You deserve to learn a lesson.”
Han Kyul put him in a headlock and showered knuckle sandwiches
on his head.
“Is this a demonstration of your “physical strength”? Huh? You
make a bet with someone to see who'd win, the car or you? HUH?”
“Ow ow ow oww!! Damn it! It HURTS!”
Han Kyul grabbed onto En Chan who was struggling to get free
and felt that his clothes were soaked. He let go of and looked in
surprise at En Chan, who was shivering. His hair and clothes were
completely soaked through.
“What the hell are you doing out in the rai—“ He stopped
when he saw what En Chan held in his hand. “You're still passing
that out?”
“No, I finished handing out what we had to hand out.”
“So these people kept throwing it away on the streets. I felt
like it'd be bad for our cafe's image, so I was going around picking
them up. Do you know how long it took us to decide on the flyer
design? We used the best quality paper, too. It's a waste. I'm going
to dry them and pass them back out tomorrow.”
“So you went around picking them up in this rain?”
For a moment, Han Kyul stared at En Chan, who was standing
there getting wet with rain. He was looking at his hair and face
soaked with rain when he felt something strange. A lump rose in
his chest and he found himself wanting to embrace this kid, to
take care of him—a feeling that couldn't possibly belong to him
rose up bubbling inside of him.
“You moron.”
Han Kyul scolded all the more intensely in order to hide his
strange emotions.
“Do you really think you're going to be able to reuse those just
by drying them? I'm sure people will love it if you give them a

wrinkled up piece of paper. Man, this is why people say the hands
and feet suffer when the head is empty.”
“What's wrong with a little bit of wrinkling....”
“Get in, kid.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Just get in.”
“I have to go home and eat.”
“I'll feed you, so just get in the car, kid.”
Han Kyul opened the trunk and took out his sports bag. It was
from yesterday morning, when he'd gone swimming.
“Don't get the seat wet. Wipe off with this.”
En Chan, who'd dried off his face and hair with the towel
flared his nostrils and said,
“This towel smells like perfume.”
“It's because I used it.”
“Don't pretend to be so neat.” Han Kyul took the towel from
the grimacing En Chan and rubbed at his head.
“Ack! I'll do it!”
“Stay still, kid. Don't you even dare think about saying you
can't come to work because of a cold. I'll fire you on the spot.”
“I won't catch a cold because of something like— ow!”
“Man, you've got a lot of hair. Dry it off completely.”
Han Kyul threw the towel back and turned the ignition on. He
drove his car back toward the hotel.
His fingers on the wheel were tingling again. Every time he so
much as touched the kid's hair, electricity would run through

*Chapter Ten*
Lemon Coffee for Hangovers

< Part 1 >

“Your hair is silky, you've got no mustache... Hey, do this with

your neck.”
En Chan looked at Han Kyul, startled. Without time to react,
her chin was pushed upwards.
“And you've got no Adam's apple.”
“W-what's that?”
“Hey... are you really a boy?”
En Chan's mouth hung open, her face frozen as she looked at
“Looks like this kid's ready to be belligerent again. Why, you
want to have a go? Well, even if we do, let's eat first.”
En Chan couldn't breathe the entire time they were climbing
up the wooden stairs. She looked ahead at the man walking in
front of her and her heart raced. She felt like she was going to
die of a heart problem. Lying sure seemed bad for the body. Run
“Yo, don't be a slow poke and hurry up,” he shouted as he held
open the door to room S11. Damn it. That five bucks an hour is
holding me back by my ankles.
A pleasant warmth greeted her as she stepped inside. Room
S11 seemed to be always waiting for him to return. It made her
Is this where he lives?
“Wash up.”
“Excuse me?”
“Aren't you going to wash up? You're going to eat looking like a
drowned rat?”
“It's all right. It'll dry off naturally in a little while.”
The man heaved a sigh as he opened his dresser and muttered,
“Man, the kid's too freakin' small. Here, wear this.”
“Oh, it's fine. Why would I wear something that belongs to
“Don't talk back and go wash up.”
A black shirt and a pair of khaki pants, a pair of underwear
still in its wrapper came flying at her. She had no intention at all
of wearing men's underwear, but she did feel like using the
restroom. She had to pee.
Given no choice, she took the clothes and went to the
bathroom. She locked the door and hurriedly took care of her
business. She looked around and saw that the bathroom was not a
little impressive. The bathroom in her own home was always
chilly, the water pressure was terrible, and the floor was so cold
it was a pain to clean. No matter how much the years had trained
her to be used to those conditions, she still felt it was a shame to
leave without having taken advantage of such a warm and
comfortable bathroom. After checking once again that the door
was closed, En Chan boldly stepped into the shower.
“What's this? Why are there so many shampoos?”
En Chan lifted up each of the many bottles that lay around the
shower area. All the writing on them were squiggly lines, so she
couldn't know how each was supposed to be used. All she could
recognize was the word, 'shampoo.' Well, she didn't need to know
anything else, so there was no point in trying to figure it out,
“Ahh, this feels good.”
After washing her hair and finishing her shower, En Chan
wrapped her body in a towel that was as big as she was and dried
her hair with a smaller towel. After drying off, she lifted up her
own sopping clothes, but they were too wet to wear comfortably.
Fortunately, her underclothes weren't wet. When En Chan came
out of the bathroom, the doorbell rang. En Chan folded the
sleeves and legs of the shirt and pants and moved toward the
sound. It miffed her that the pants waist fit her perfectly. To
think that a man could have a 28 inch waist, the same size as she!
What a turnoff, seriously.
“You done washing?”
This was the smell of steak.
“You used to wear these pants back in high school, right?”

“I graduated high school a long time ago. Why would I still be
wearing pants from back then?”
“Then they're too small for you to wear now?”
“Hey kid, if you want the pants, just say so. Don't beat around
the bush just because of a pair of pants. I don't want to wear
something you've worn anyway, so take it.”
“Where are you going?”
“To wash my hands.”
“I can start eating first?”
“If I say no, would you be able to wait?”
“Well... if you said to wait...”
“I'm not a sadist. Eat.”
En Chan excitedly raised her fork and knife. Delicious and
expensive looking food covered an intensely white tabletop. But
she didn't worry about what to eat first. She was going to eat it
all anyway.
“Mmmm this is killer. What is this, calf meat? It's so tender.”
She was slurping down the pasta with a hint of garlic when he
returned. Tsking away as he poured out wine he said,
“If that's not the way a beggar eats, I don't know what is.”
Even being subject to these words, En Chan smiled happily as
she ate her food. She drained every cup of wine he poured out for
“If you get drunk and start rebelling again, you're dead.”
En Chan, her mouth full of meat, shook her head. How could
she rebel against he who gave her her daily bread?
“Where did this come from? Does the hotel give this out for
free for their visitors?”
“No such thing as a free lunch in this world. This is all money.”
In that case, this was sure to be extremely expensive. Maybe
she should take it a little more slowly.
“It's from the Italian restaurant in this hotel. My Ex-Wife's
Secret Recipe. Have you heard of it?”
En Chan, her mouth full of fresh, crispy salad, shook her head
“The chef is Italian. The sajang of this hotel tried his cooking
in Italy and was blown over, so he brought the chef here. It's
French-Italian style. It's pretty good, huh? A mouth like yours
probably never tasted anything like it.
“What was the name? Something wife? I can't remember, it
was too long.”
“My Ex-Wife's Secret Recipe.”
“That's the name of the restaurant?”
“Yea, if you translate it, probably.”

“Probably? Heh, you're not sure either, are you sajangnim? You
can't speak English well either, can you? Did you take a vow of
silence while you were studying in America or something?”
“Just eat your food.”
She dunked her bread in the steak sauce and finished off with
an apple mousse. But something was strange. Usually when she
ate, she got energetic, but right now, she was getting more and
more languid. It wasn't a bad feeling; in fact, it was extremely
comfortable and plesant.
En Chan held out her emptied glass. Han Kyul, who was still in
the middle of his meal, poured her more wine.
“Look at that posture. Sit up straight when you eat.” En Chan
lifted up her legs onto the chair and sat Indian-legged.
“I'm done eating anyway.”
“What's with that expression on your face?”
“What's wrong with it?”
“It looks like the face of a sacrificial pig.”
“Man, you talk so mean. I can't understand why women follow
you around. It's probably the money, isn't it? But you don't want to
get married, sajangnim? The women who came out for the
arranged dates all looked pretty good to me. Oh! Do you have a
woman stashed away somehwere?”
“You don't talk so pretty either. A woman stashed away
somewhere? Is a woman a piece of luggage, to stash away?”
En Chan smacked her lips as she drank the sweet wine. After
tucking so much away, she began to feel a little dizzy. I should get
home before I get any looser...
“That woman back then was pretty good-looking too, just a
little loud and annoying.”
“I don't know which woman you're talking about, but all
women are loud and annoying.”
“Oh, I know! You're a misogynist, aren't you?”
“Do you even know what you're yapping about?”
“I know. A misogynist hates women, right?”
“Why would I hate women? If I hated women, how would I deal
with thinking about sex every 30 seconds?”
En Chan choked. The wine came spitting out of her nose. The
man threw her a napkin. She blushed furiously, embarrassed. Not
only that, the sensation of the time he'd kissed her came back to
her and made her heart race. Her eyes kept trying to look at his
lips, so she shifted her eyes from side to side to avoid it.
“Well, there is a way to deal with it for men, I suppose.”
The situation was getting worse and worse.
“Why? You scared?”
“Scared, nothing...” En Chan faltered, snorting stiffly.
“Your face says you're scared. I gargled three times, I was so
disgusted, so don't even bring it up ever again.”
“Did I say anything about it? You're the one who keeps bringing
it up.”
“Now that I think about it, it's pretty funny. It's funny how
such strange things happen in life.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“I have a gay friend, right? And all he ever thinks about is sex.
You're still pretty young, so you probably go crazy when you so
much as look at a skirt. Let me tell you, as a senior in life—take
care of your body when you're young. If you mess around too
much when you're young, you might ruin your life. In that sense,
that guy's got it pretty easy, huh? He doesn't have to worry about
getting anyone pregnant or taking responsibility or jack.”
“What about A-AIDS?”
“You sure talk about pleasant things. Are you sure you're living
in the 21st century? AIDS doesn't happen to you just because your
gay. Condoms aren't there just to make balloon animals.”
Right then, the man slit his eyes and peered at En Chan
through them. En Chan suddenly caught her breath. Her heart
palpitated when it suddenly occurred to her that they were alone
in a hotel room. Even though she looked like a boy on the outside,
on the inside, she was a regular girl. It was a matter of course
that her heart would race if she was alone with a handsome and
stylish man. Her racing heart and nervousness made her words
“Wh-why are you looking at me like that?”
“You've used cond—forget it. There's no way you haven't used
one at your age, right?”
“Y-you don't like babies?”
En Chan changed the subject as she felt her pulse reach its
critical limit.
“Is that why you're not getting married?”
“Do you think you could lead a person's life in the right
direction and take care of them for close to 20 years?”
En Chan was at a loss for words at his suddenly sincere
“I-If you put it like that, I can't really....”
“Sometimes—no, very often, it's hard to even take care of your
own self. That's life. You think that'll change if you turn forty? Or
fifty? When the world turns ugly, your head and body shrivel and
eventually you'll be so weak and powerless that you'll have to
depend upon someone else. It's for this that people get married
and have kids.”

He drank his wine with a cynical look on his face. She saw his
face as if it was being projected onto a big screen. The wine
entering his lips cleanly, the fingers that held the wineglass, the
cheeks that hollowed slightly as he swallowed the wine, the gaze
that looked down in a 45 degree angle. En Chan breathed
shallowly. She admitted once again that he was a good looking
man. It was just her female instinct being drawn to a handsome
man. There was nothing else to it....
“Think about it. You make mistakes and regret them, so who
are you to become someone else's guardian?”
“Parents are human too, of course they'll make mistakes.”
“What if they make mistakes towards their children?”
“Nah. I've made more mistakes towards my parents than
they've made mistakes toward me. Well, I used to get hurt when I
was younger, but you start to understand as you get older. When
you become an adult, you start to realize that being an adult
doesn't mean being perfect.”
“If getting hurt is all there is to it, that'd be fortunate. But
intentionally or not, you could end up ruining their life. It could
be poverty or illness, or a sudden car crash like your father.”
“My father?”
En Chan woke up from her alcoholic stupor immediately.
“Are you trying to say that my father ruined my life?”
“I didn't say he ruined it. I said it could have.”
“That's the same thing!”
“Don't yell, kid. I'm trying to say that getting married is like
digging your own grave.”
“Wow, what a twisted human being.”
“Hey, that's enough. No more alcohol for you.”
“It's my dad's fault that he died early? My father is a man who
caught me when I accidently fell from the balcony while I was
fooling around. Do you get it? His own arm was broken, but he
didn't even notice. He was so scared that he ran to the hospital
carrying me as I cried. If my father hadn't caught me then, I
wouldn't be here right now. That's a parent. If it's for their
children, they'll give anything they have. That's parenthood.”
Recalling her father when she was drunk made her nose sting.
But the cold voice once again sneered,
“Children don't know that it's dangerous to fool around on the
balcony. Adults know, but they're careless. If you weren't born
into this world, you wouldn't to face any of these dangers. Do you
know why newborns cry so agonizingly when they're born? They're
cursing the fact that they're born. 'You guys forced me into this
world on your own, so don't you smile at me! This place is hell!
You guys should know, you live here!' That's what they're saying.
They know because that's the moment when humans are the
closest with the gods. They know that life on this earth is no
different from hell.”
“Star in your own melodrama, why don't you? Tsk tsk. What
made you so twisted? Did you get seriously hurt by someone when
you were growing up?”
“Why would someone like me have an experience like that? I
grew up lacking nothing.”
“Psh. That means everything you've said so far is all just
Right then, the cell phone rang. After checking the name of
the caller, he took the phone into the room. His voice could be
heard through the narrow opening of the door.
“Yea, something came up. Yes, it's more comfortable here.”
< Part 2 >

En Chan picked up her wine glass and prowled around the

living room. Fancy cabinets, a built-in aquarium, a landscape
painting of spring, a huge flower vase...
“Tell him to do whatever he wants. When did Father ever ask
my permission for anything?”
“Grandfather handed it down to me. Why won't you let me use
it the way I want to? You just try blocking off the account. I'm
going to sell off all the land and stocks I own.”
[Just come home to sleep, please?]
“If I'm only going to sleep there, what's the point of my going
home? Father doesn't want to see me either.”
[Are you going to keep being stubborn? Father's worried about
you too.]
“I'm sure he is.”
[If you make Grandmother wait any longer, you're a bad
“Whew... seriously.”
[Sleep there for tonight, but after that, come home. Mommy
will talk to the others for you. All right, my son?]
“Even if I do go into the house, I'm only going to sleep there.
Don't change your tune later.”
[My son is such a good little child.]
“I'm hanging up now.”
Han Kyul, who'd thrown his phone down on the bed, heaved a
huge sigh. If he went back into the house, he'd probably end up
fighting with his father and brother about every little insignificant
thing, and even though she wouldn't say anything, he'd have to
endure his grandmother's gaze that said she'd like for him to come
into the company, and he'd even have to deal with the haughty
looks that his sister-in-law, who was the daughter of a hoity toity
household, would give him. He just couldn't figure out why he had
to go back into that house.
“Damn it, I should just move out of that house,” muttered Han
Kyul as he crossed the living room to get to the dining room.
“Hey, it's getting late. Stop drinking and...” The dining room was
empty. When he came back out to the living room, he discovered
En Chan, who was lying on the sofa.
There was no answer.
“Ya. YA!”
Only when he shouted in his ear and shook his shoulder did his
eyes flutter open.
“I'm really sleepy. Can I just take a little nap here?”
“That's why I told you to take it easy on the wine.”
“I'll just take a two hour nap.”
“Ya, go home and sleep. Come on, get up.”
“Don't be so cruel. Just two hours. Promise.”
Han Kyul looked incredulously at En Chan, who'd fallen asleep
with his body scrunched up.
“This kid really does as he wants.”
“You have to wake me up in two hours. You have to....”
“Hey, do you know how much it costs to sleep here? You have
to pay half of it, ok?”
“I have to deliver milk... I have to sell coffee...”
“One shot of milk for the vegetable vendor, two sugar cubes.
Two shots of cream for the fish vendor, two sugar cubes. Straight
black for the side dish vendor. The shoe store....”
Han Kyul looked down at En Chan, who'd fallen asleep
mumbling to himself. A minute hadn't even passed when his
breath told of deep sleep.
“Totally knocked out, huh?”
He was turning around when he saw the fliers laid out
individually on the pearl-colored coffee table. He'd told him to
throw them out, but it seemed he was determined to dry them
and pass them out again.
“I don't know if this kid's an idiot or just innocent. Well, it's
the same thing, I guess...”
Han Kyul brought a blanket and pulled it over En Chan. En
Chan, who slept so sweetly that he wasn't even moving, looked so
cute to Han Kyul. Is this what it would feel like to have a younger
brother? As Han Kyul carefully tucked En Chan into the blanket,
he felt so touched that his heart ached.
How creamy this boy's skin is. Look at all that baby hair. How
could he not have a mustache at all? Probably stunted growth. It
was probably because he didn't get to eat much growing up.
That's why he eats like he's possessed. There are some kids who
develop late, I guess. Even so, how can a guy's skin be so....
Han Kyul's hand moved on its own to En Chan's cheek. Just
before his fingers touched skin, he snatched his hand back.
Somehow it managed to skim En Chan's hair. It was the same as
last time, that sensation.... He felt the electricity running
through him again. Startled, he tousled En Chan's hair roughly.
“He won't even wake up, this sleep fiend.”

< Part 3 >

No. No, it's me. I'm F4. Ha Rim, Nak Kyun, Sun Ki, and me. Not
sajangnim.... hey! What are you doing? Why are you trying to take
my clothes off? Damn it, I'm telling you, I'm part of F4! Let go! Let
“LET GO!” En Chan, who'd jumped up like a frog, opened her
sleep-filled eyes and looked around her surroundings. “Where am
I? Oh crap! Milk!”
Her knee crashed into the coffee table as she sprang up and
knocked over chairs and picked them back up as she whirled
around the living room.
“My clothes! My socks! Damn it!”
She ran around, but all she found was her jumper hanging on a
clothes hanger.
“I told him to wake me up after two hours!”
En Chan jumped and looked behind her.
“D-did I wake you up? I didn't mean to.”
“How's your stomach?”
She told herself she should be grateful that he was wearing
boxers, at least. This was his territory after all.
“My stomach's fine but my head kind of hurts....”
“Well, you drank after eating like that, so it's no surprise your
stomach's doing all right.”
He came out and went into the dining room. Her gaze went to
his lean back and hairy legs. And his waist. Damn, how could his
waist be so smooth looking?
“I-I gotta go.”
“No, seriously, I gotta go deliver milk. I'm late—“
He came out holding a cup full of something.
“Drink this.”
“What is it?”
En Chan, who'd taken the cup, took a smell and looked at the
color and crinkled her nose.
“It's good for hangovers, so drink it up. Drink it up and close
the door quietly as you leave. I'm going to go back to sleep.”
Having handed her the cup, he went back into his room. The
fragrance and color both said it was coffee, so she couldn't
believe that it would be good for hangovers. Still, she thought of
him getting up so early in the morning to prepare something for
her, so she put it to her lips. It was coffee, but it was very sweet
and slightly sour.
After quietly leaving room S11, En Chan took a taxi straight to
the milk delivery center. She arrived ten minutes late and went
straight to deliveries. By the time she'd finished her deliveries,
she was starving.
“Damn, I'm hungry. I should probably go home and eat some
En Chan, who was pedaling her rusty bicycle past Coffee
Prince, saw that the light was one. Since it was still before dawn
and dark, the light seemed even brighter than usual.
Huh? Did someone already come into work?
She parked her bike next to the store and opened the glass
doors, but the door was locked and it did not open. W-was it a
thief? No. A thief wouldn't steal with the lights on. Or the door
locked. No, no, you never knew. Thieves these days had guts.
She was worrying what she should do when she saw a blonde
head appear.
“What!” En Chan pounded on the glass door and called to Ha
Rim. Ha Rim, who turned around, was holding a pack of ramen in
his hand.
“Hyung! What are you doing here so early?”
“You're one to talk. What are you doing here?”
After entering the store, En Chan looked in surprise at the
Styrofoam and blanket that lay on the floor.
“You slept here?”
“Yea, but don't worry about it. Oh, goody. Hyung, I'm hungry,
feed me.”
Swept away by a pleading Ha Rim, she found herself taking
him to a restaurant.
“Ahjumma, two blood clot stews, please.”
“Give us lots of clot chunks! And rice!”
“What an EnChanstic order.”
“What? What-stic?”
“It's a new word we came up with recently. EnChanstic.
EnChanly, EnChanically. The word can be used in a wide range of
situations. It can be used to describe the act of shoving as many,
more, or as big a thing as you can into a space that couldn't
otherwise physically handle it, or not feeling anything even after
having bruised and scratched yourself breaking and bumping into
everything that lay in a 2 meter radius of yourself.”
“Hey, what's the big idea, making up words like that? Am I
really that eccentric? Hey, wouldn't you say that our sajang is
stranger than I am?”
En Chan's eyes shone as she snapped her fingers together.
“HanKyulious. Hankyulistic. What do you think this means? It
means you're a small-minded cheapskate who looks down on
people just because you've got some money, and you act like
you're all that and—“
“But he really is all that.”
“Looking good isn't everything. You should be good mentally as
well. You just don't know it yet. The man is a real pessimist.”
The soup arrived as she spoke. She turned the rice bowl upside
down and mixed it furiously with her spoon. She first tasted the
hot broth and then shoveled the cabbage leaves into her mouth.
“Ow, hot!”
“You know, hyung, you look just like a girl, but you eat like a
sumo wrestler.”
En Chan, who had ignored him and was tucking in so avidly
that she was sweating rain, threw a casual glance at Ha Rim and
then ordered another bowl of rice.
“Ahjumma, don't forget to add the radish kimchee!”
After having placed her order, En Chan tried to remember the
important thing she had thought to talk about. Oh!
“Yo, it slipped my mind for a while, but you better tell me the
truth. Why are you sleeping on the floor of the store? What about
your house? Did something happen with your family?”
“Nothing happened. I'm just camping.”
“It's not even summer, don't give me that crap about camping.
If you don't tell me the truth straight out, I'm going to tell on you
to that small-minded cheapskate.”
“Come on, are you really going to betray me like that?”
“So tell me the truth. We're a family now, eating out of the
same rice pot. We should help each other, don't you agree?”
“You're a regular Schweitzer.”
“Don't be a smartass.”

En Chan poured the radish kimchee juice all over the second
bowl of rice. She mixed it thoroughly with her spoon as she grilled
Ha Rim. He finally said,
“I left home.”
“I just didn't like it.”
“You didn't like what? The wallpaper? The carpeting? You didn't
like what?”
“Man, don't grill me like that.”
“So just tell me everything.”
“I left home because my father kept telling me to go to a
school I didn't want to go to. It's the same old story. I wanted to
go to art school, my father wanted me to go to med school. I got
into the art school a few months back, but he wouldn't pay for
the tuition. I started working part-time at a construction site, but
then I hurt my legs while working. In the six weeks that I hobbled
around on crutches, my chances at being able to go to school
went bye bye.”
“So that's when you left home?”
“I come and go. It's been, what, two months this time? I have
a friend who lives alone, but he recently got a girlfriend, and he
keeps dropping hints. That unloyal bastard.”
“Ya, still, you have to come to terms with your father
somehow. If you leave home, you're the one who suffers, right?
You're cold, you're hungry, you're lonely. You want to be a bum at
that age?”
“I'm telling you, there's no way of getting through to my old
man. He won't even give me any other alternatives. It's just
doctor doctor doctor.”
“What do you want to become?”
“An art director. You know, when you watch a movie, the
screen comes to life because of the wallpaper or the small props
on the set? When I see that, I feel like an art director is so much
cooler than actors or film directors. It gives off the feeling of
being a supporting strength without saying too much. Like
She'd thought he was just a smiling, senseless airhead, but
surprisingly, his answer was clear and direct. En Chan looked at
him in a new light.
“Does your father know that you're here?”
“If I tell him that, what's the point of leaving home? You have
to go undercover completely without letting on whether you're
alive or dead if you want them to realize what a precious son you

“Go undercover? Who do you think you are, Osama bin
Laden?!” said En Chan as she smacked Ha Rim's head with her
“Damn, why are you hitting me? I'm eating here.”
“Oh, right. Go ahead.”
As if to apologize for disrupting his meal, En Chan picked up a
precious chunk of clot and put it into his bowl. Watching him
smile happily made her feel happy. Is this the feeling mothers felt
when they fed their children?
“Wow, I'm full. I'm so full I can't even go back to sleep. Hyung,
let's go to the sauna.”
“Huh? Oh... I-I already washed. I took a shower in the
“You call that face washed?”
“You go by yourself. I have to go sell coffee and go home so I
can get ready to come back to work.”
“In that case.”
Ha Rim held out a hand. En Chan paid for the food and
emptied her pockets to hand over some money to Ha Rim for the
sauna fee. Hearing that Ha Rim was going to be sleeping in the
store made her worry. They hadn't known each other for very
long, but he already felt like a younger brother to her. She hoped
he wasn't going to catch a cold or anything....

*Chapter Eleven*
This is how our store has changed

< Part 1 >

When you get to the top of the wooden stairs, the first thing
that catches your eye is the red mailbox. On the top of a long
pole is a mailbox shaped like a little house. Written on the house
in white paint is the word, “Hi!”
On either side of the front doors are big glass panes, so if you
looked at the store from the front, you could see the entire
interior. The lighting is a soft gold and the floors are the color of
water. The walls are green. The tables and chairs are coffee
colored with thin stripes, and the cushions are ivory colored.
There are two tables on either side of the windows, and two more
tables by the right wall. All in all, there are six tables. Once you
enter the store, you can see the kitchen and the counter; to the
left of that is the bathroom, and between the bathroom and the
tables is a notebook computer (that used to belong to the sajang)
and a mini garden. Not only does the garden feature flowers, but
there is also a small fountain with fish and a small wooden boat.
On the green blackboard hanging on the wall is today's special
menu. Below that are small glass vases for purple narcissus
flowers, but the white and black stones inside are not to be
mixed. This is because the small-minded cheapskate sajang gets
pissy when they are.

They decided to hold a free sampling party on opening day. En
Chan and Sun Ki set up a small table in front of the store and
offered coffee to the passers by.
“We just opened today. Please come visit us soon!”
Even though En Chan held out the cups with a small, everyone
flocked to Sun Ki. It should be a matter of course for the place to
be crowded with the sajang's customers on opening day, but there
is none of that. People walking by would stand stand in line to get
free coffee, but there was no one who was willing to pay to drink
it inside. Busy with I-don't-know-what, they all just glance at the
sign and pass by.
“I get a bad feeling that this is because we didn't offer
sacrifices to the gods,” En Chan muttered, looking at the
salarymen and women who had come out for lunchtime. “We
need to get these people to become customers. We should've
gotten a pig's head and offered spirits to the gods. We should've
done the whole stuffing the pig's nose with bills and passing
around rice cakes to neighboring business things so that we can
draw some attention, you know? As long as we were born Korean,
we should follow the traditions of our heritage. Even if he went to
school in America. Doesn't he eat kimchee? If he's going to eat
kimchee, there's no excuse. Don't you think so?”
Sun Ki didn't reply. He was too busy handing out coffee to the
female bank employees and the herd of female high schoolers
that En Se had brought with her. According to her, En Se had come
to help out with the opening, but all she was doing was sticking
right next to Sun Ki. Without a single thought to help her sister.
“Man, I'm hungry.”
Right then, a compact car pulled up in front of the store. It
was almost embarassing to call the color white, what with all the
scratches and the dents. Out of this car came Mr. Ku.
“Tsk tsk, he really should consider getting a new car.”
“Hey, Chan!”
“You came? Wow, you shouldn't have...”
En Chan carried the orchid that Mr. Ku had brought into the
“Ahjussi, you have to buy the most expensive thing we have
here, ok?”
“Hey, is this the same store as before? It looks nice.”
En Chan put in an order for an iced Mocha Java through the
kitchen and went toward Mr. Ku's table.
“You should've gotten your hair done before you came.”
“Why? Does it look funny?”
“Well, not really, but a lot of women come here.”
Mr. Ku, who'd only just seen the crowded table outside looked
“Well, it's not like cutting my hair's going to help me with any
of those young women. Is that guy your sajang?”
Han Kyul was on the phone by the counter.
“He's a lot younger than I imagined. Looks like the type to
throw money around. How old is he anyway?”
“I don't know. Probably not thirty yet.”
“What do these kids grow up eating? They're so tall. Everyone's
a celebrity these days. Hey, you doing all right so far? You haven't
been found out?”
“Shh!” En Chan's eye, which was looking around nervously, met
with Han Kyul's, which was looking in her direction. Feeling a
stab, she quickly said in a loud voice,
“Thank you for visiting! We'll do our best!” She bowed at a 90
degree angle and walked away from the table. Han Kyul
approached her and said,
“What is this, a Chinese restaurant? Lower your voice.”
“Yes, sir!”
“You little...”
En Chan gave a quick smile and ran toward the door. There,
she ran into someone who was walking in.
She squinted at the person in pain and surprise. She met the
eyes of a man who looked quite smart.
“Oh, I'm very sorry. W-welcome.” She returned to her
employee manners and greeted him. “I'll show you to your table.
This way, please.”
The size of the place didn't warrant her guidance, but keeping
her manners, she began to lead him.
“No, it's all right. I don't have much time......” The man
trailed off, and looked at her with wide eyes. En Chan recognized
him as well and smiled brightly. Until she soon remembered that
she should not be glad to see this person. Oh my God! It was the
man from before!
“B-bubble.. wrap....” A slight smile rose on the man's face
then. En Chan took this to mean that he remembered and
recognized her and trembled in fear. This man knew her sex. If he
by chance should call her, “miss,” everything would be ruined.
“Hey, how'd you find out?”
“I heard from Grandmother. It's very cozy and nice.”
“It's just a child's game. Sit down.”
Uh oh! He even knew the sajang! En Chan balked and began to
back away.
“What's that outside? Did you come here to confess your love
to me?”
“Presents on opening day are meant to signify flame-like
“Ha, how so like you, hyung.”
There was a five-tiered flower wreath by the front glass door.
A wreath full of bright red roses, nonetheless.
“Hey, Ko En Chan, where's Ha Rim?”
En Chan, who was trying to sneak away, was caught in the act
and called.
“I-I don't know. Probably the bathroom.”
“When Ha Rim comes out...” Han Kyul cut his words short and
his face suddenly grew bright.
“Han Yu Ju!”

< Part 2 >

A lovely woman was standing by the entrance. She looked

splendidly stylish in a purple trench coat. Her waist was willowy
and her ankles were slender. Her curled long hair and fresh
features made her seem pure and innocent. But En Chan had seen
this woman somewhere before as well.
Trying to hide her face somehow, she ran over to Mr. Ku.
“H-how's the coffee?”
“Ya, what's with this unctuous cream?”
“Th-that's what makes it tastes so good.”
While pretending to talk to the ahjussi, En Chan watched the
movements around Han Kyul. For some reason, the atmosphere
was strange. Han Kyul smiled as happily as someone who'd found
money lying on the street, but the bubble wrap man and the
woman looked awkward. It seemed as though they knew each
other, but their expressions were lukewarm.
“S-so you came too, obba?”
Han Kyul, as if trying to cover for Han Sung's stiff answer,
asked in an un-Han Kyul-likely bright voice,
“How did you find out?”
“I heard from Do Hun.”
“And how did that guy find out, I wonder? I didn't tell any of
my friends.”
“Ye Rang knew, too. We were going to come together, but
something came up and she couldn't make it. Actually, she had to
go to the dentist to pull out her wisdom teeth. She told me not to
tell you, though. She said it was embarrassing.”
“Please, don't even mention that girl's name. I don't even want
to know.”
“Why? She's cute. She seemed real busy dating these days. Oh,
by the way, take this. Congratulations on your opening.”
Yu Ju held out a present box decorated with something like
seed pearls.
“Wow, opening day sure is nice. Even Han Yu Ju comes to my
door bearing gifts.”
“It's nothing. It's just a wreath. It's a show of my skills—or the
lack thereof.”
“Really? Let's take a look, shall we? What does something
made with Han Yu Ju's skill look like?”
A red star came out of the present box. It was a star made out
of a fruit that looked like cherries.
“Red here, too, huh? For a 'flame-like success'? Looks like the
two of you connected today.”
En Chan's gaze followed Han Kyul's movements as he took and
hung the wreath on the glass door and smiled, satisfied. The
space hadn't seemed empty before, but now that the wreath was
there, the it made the area look much prettier and more
charming. But for some reason, seeing him smile like that at a
woman made her feel bad. What's so hard about making a stupid
thing like that?
“Since you're here, you should taste the coffee, at least. Sit
“I've got to go. I have a conference.”
The expression on Yu Ju, who'd been about to sit, went rigid.
“Ooh, I see how to is, Choi Han Sung. The stupid conferences
you have night and day are more important than my store's
opening day, huh?”
What the hell is that guy talking about? Of course a conference
is more important, you stupid sajang.
“Ya, I should go. If I leave the store for too long, I'll lose
Mr. Ku made started to leave. En Chan, alarmed that her
subterfuge was moving, held him down.
“Hey, sit down for a little while longer. It's not like you have a
lot of customers anyway.”
“Listen, sonny, just because there aren't a lot of customers,
it's no excuse for an owner to be fooling around in a tea house.
That'd be the end of it.”
“Tea house? This is Coffee Prince, where coffee princes work.”
“Princes and one maidservant, probably.”
Startling herself with her own shout, En Chan hardened. The
bubble wrap man who'd been on his way out looked her way. En
Chan, who'd been breathlessly frozen, stood up abruptly and
“H-have a good day!”
“God, what a ham.”
En Chan, disregarding Han Kyul's grumbling, skittered out.
“Hey! Where do you think you're going?”
“To hand out free coffee!” En Chan shouted.
She grabbed the bubble wrap man in front of his luxury vehicle
which was parked in front of the store.
“Um, excuse me...”
When Han Sung looked at her, she found herself speechless.
“W-wait just a minute. Don't leave, ok?”
En Chan went back to Sun Ki's table, which had quieted down
considerably, and poured some coffee into a paper cup. She
handed the waiting man the coffee and made a desperate face.
“Please drink this and don't get me into trouble, please?”
“Shh!!” En Chan hurriedly put her hand over the man's mouth.
Her action caused the cup in his hand to sway and coffee
spattered on the man's suit.
“Ooh my God, what have I done? I'm so sorry. I'm really very
very sorry.”
En Chan pulled her shirt out of her pants waist and began to
wipe at the coffee.
“Stop. It's fine.”
“I'm really sorry. I'll pay for your dry cleaning bill.”
“You're the miss I met at Da Soop?”
“Oh, please, don't say that....” En Chan stopped her hand
from going back up to the man's mouth and whispered, “Don't call
me miss. Right now I'm... well, anyway, I'm in a bit of a situation
here, so right now, I'm a man.”
The man knit his eyebrows. Soon, he nodded his head to
indicate that he'd understood. She'd thought he looked pretty
smart. Guess he was quick on the uptake.
“It's pretty surprising that Han Kyul fell for it. He's got a good
eye, that guy.”
“That's probably because when I first met him I was in the
middle of a roundhouse kick. Oh! Wait, you were there, weren't
you? With that other lady. Oh, now I remember. That lady's the
one who almost got mugged, and she's the one who was with you
at Da Soop, right?”
“Oh, now I see that you're the scooter boy.”
“Yea! That was me! You thought I was a boy then, right?”
The man nodded his head. He then looked her up and down as
if fascinated. En Chan felt a bit shy and blushed.
“You look like a boy right now, too.”
“I've rarely ever looked like a girl....”
“Then I was lucky enough to catch one of those 'rarely''s.”
“Well, lucky's probably not the right word....”
“By 'don't get me into trouble' you mean keep our meeting at
Da Soop a secret from Han Kyul, yes?”
“Wow! You really are very smart!”
“Hmm. I'll think about it?”
“E-excuse me?”
Expressionless, the man climbed into his car. En Chan, who'd
thought that things were working out pretty good, dumbly gazed
at the man as if stabbed in the back. The car window slid down.
“I think it should be a double contract. I have to keep some
parts of that night secret too.”
“Oh! I-I won't tell anyone. I didn't see anything. I didn't see
you stumbling around drunk, and I didn't see you throw up,
“Well, now.”
The man smiled and left. A double contract, huh? He didn't
even shake on it. Damn.

< Part 3 >

The dojo, which had begun to clear out since a week ago, had
finally closed its doors yesterday. During the goodbyes, Seung
Kyung had cried, and Tae Won had grilled En Chan about when the
dojo was goig to open its doors again, and what she was planning
to do now. There had even been a small farewell party with the
high school and regular session masters. The inside of En Chan's
head felt tangled as she ended up having to take the dojo master,
who'd gotten drunk off of two beers, back to his home.
“There's no place in this goddamn city for a man to work or to
play. If you're going to get old, you got to have money at least, or
if you don't have money, don't get old!” This was the dojo master's
final farewell.
The morning after sending off someone who'd been like a
father to her was gloomy. She'd eaten breakfast and was getting
ready to go to work when she heard rustling sounds from the
master bedroom. Her mother started as she opened the door.
“What? Why?”
“What's that?”
En Chan slit her eyes and dug into her mother's side, snatching
up a water drop patterned scarf.
“I haven't seen this before. Did you buy it again? What the!”
En Chan, who'd seen the label, began yelling at her mom.
“B-bulga—when did you buy this?!”
“This is just... well, it's spring and...”
“Man! I just don't believe this! You promised me you wouldn't
use the credit card again. And now you go and do this again.
Where's the receipt? Which department store did you buy this at?”
“I-I didn't buy that, it's—“
“Another present? I'm not falling for it again. I know that you
don't have any friends left who'd buy you something like this, so
tell me the truth. Where did you buy this?”
Her mother suddenly made a face as if she'd begin sobbing. En
Chan began to think maybe she was being too harsh, but hurriedly
firmed her stance. If she let it go now, she'd begin to buy
handbags and shoes and home appliances, and there'd be no
stopping her. Think back to when Dad died. Mom had gone shop-
crazy from the loneliness. They hadn't had enough money to
afford even a one-room apartment, and still she'd bought
everything she'd laid her eyes on. If it hadn't been for their uncle,
who had since immigrated to Canada, things would have turned
out very badly. Now that even their uncle had gotten sick of them
and immigrated to Canada, there was no one left to beg.
“Aren't you being too harsh on me? How can you say such
things to your own mother?”
“Even if I'm being too harsh, it can't be helped. Who's going to
end up having to pay off all our debts other than me? If you were
going to buy this, you could've at the very least asked me before
buying it. How could you do this when you know the dojo's was
closing down and that times were getting hard? What am I, this
family's workhorse?”
En Chan felt a sob coming as well, so she took a deep breath.
“Hand over the card. When did you make a new one anyway?”
“Mr. Ku bought her that,” said En Se, who had come out from
the bathroom. “He gave it to her yesterday. You don't even know,
so don't overreact.”
“What? Mr. Ku? The butcher?”
“Yea, you dumbass. Does it feel good to rip Mom apart like
that so early in the morning? Now that you're making some money,
you think you're the shit, huh? You don't even see your own
mother who gave birth to you or your own sister, right? Who died
and made you God? I can't stand how dirty and cheap you are.”

En Chan's bottom part of her throat went cold and her face got
hot. En Chan helplessly looked at her mother.
She felt torn apart when her mother replied by turning over
onto her side.
“Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't get mad, huh? Man, why did I
do that? I must not have eaten enough for breakfast. I-I mean, I
must have eaten too much. Maybe it's indigestion. Yea, it's
probably indigestion. You know I don't get indigestion very often,
but when I do, I go crazy and say wild things. You know that, don't
you Mommy? Huh?”
“Tsk tsk. Hey, just hand over some cash. I have to go buy
Even after En Se had left, En Chan continued her one-woman
“Hey, Mom, here's an idea—why don't you just hit me? Huh? I
deserve it. Here. Hit me. Please?”
“How could I hit ever you... There's not one spot on you I'd
ever want to hit.”
Whew. Finally, she's not angry anymore.
“There's a lot of spots you could hit. You could hit my belly,
you could hit my butt, you could hit my calves, you can hit lots of
Her mother, who'd gotten up abruptly, lightly slapped En
Chan's thighs.
“If you ever say you're a workhorse again, I'm really....”
En Chan hurriedly embraced her mother and soothed her.
“Ok, ok. I won't ever do it again. If I do it again, I'm not Ko En
Chan, I'll be Low En Chan, ok? Don't be mad, Mommy. Don't be
She'd finally managed to get a smile from her mother, but
something felt off when she left the house. Why would butcher Ku
buy her mother such an expensive gift? Did he want to ask me a
favor or something?

< Part 4 >

It was a day warm enough to merit the highest recorded

temperature in 30 years. The weather was beautiful as if summer,
not spring, had come. The sun, the wind, the flowers, everything
was beautiful—but there was nothing to do. Mr. Hong, in his
kitchen, Ha Rim under the parasol outside the store, Sun Ki in a
chair in the farthest corner of the room, everyone was
d.o.z.i.n.g.o.f.f. !
“Hey, Nak Kyun.”
“When was the last time we had a customer?”
“Fourteen hours ago.”
“Ah. I see.”
Standing in the doorway, En Chan snickered at Ha Rim, who
had been woken up by a car's horn. Ha Rim yawned as he made
his way to her.
“My entire body feels heavy. There's not a single place that
isn't sore.”
En Chan, wary of what lay behind her, said in a low voice,
“Don't you miss a warm room and a soft, comfortable bed? Not
everyone can be a bum. Go home already.”
“Why couldn't it have been soft sofas? What's with the wooden
chairs, huh? Damn. Oh man, I feel like going to the sauna.”
“You talk about going to th sauna every day. You sound like a
middle-aged man.”
“Hey, hyung. You up for a game of basketball?”
“Why basketball all of a sudden?”
“There's a court right around here. Let's go play for 30
minutes. We can wake ourselves up and lunch will taste even
better. Well, it always tastes good for you, though, huh, hyung?
What do you think?”
“It's working hours... What if the sajang comes?”
“We can just say we went to the market.”
“Shall we?”
En Chan felt pretty heavy herself, not to mention depressed
from having said such terrible things to her mother in the
“You think it'd be all right for us to leave Mr. Hong here?”
“Well, either Sun Ki hyung or Nak Kyun should stay behind,
since you're no match for me.”
En Chan raised her eyebrow and shot Ha Rim a look.
“And why not?”
“Think about the difference in our muscle makeup. You're all
flab, hyung. You don't work out, do you?”
“What do you take me for, huh? As a matter of fact, I... forget
it. Victory doesn't come from words. Let's bet on it.”
“What? Really?”
“Yea. Let's bet lunch.”
“Man, you and your food. Beer and karaoke.”
And so En Chan put her pride on the line and went to play
basketball with Ha Rim. When they got to the courts, a few male
students had just finished their game and was about to head
back. En Chan borrowed their ball and began a one-on-one game
with Ha Rim. En Chan had been good enough in basketball to have
been chosen as a representative back in middle school. Of course,
that had been among girls.
“Hey, you've got some skills.”
“You little brat, you making fun of your hyung? You just
prepare to pay up.”
En Chan dribbled low to get past Ha Rim's defense and made a
basket. Ha Rim's legs were long, and he strode across the
basketball court. Before she knew it, he'd whipped past her and
jump shot! Young men really are pretty quick, thought En Chan.
Right then, a motorcycle approached the courts. En Chan, who'd
bent down in preparation to shoot, straighten her back to look at
the motorcycle.
“What? It's that kid again.”
The punk from the land of the crows. Everytime she'd just
about forgotten about him, he showed up.
Huh. I might just get attached to this punk.
“Hey, it's good you're here. You, be on my team.”
“Hyung, that's not fair.”
“I'm getting old. I'm going to sit down and take a breather, so
you play against this kid,” said En Chan to a protesting Ha Rim
before tapping the punk's arm.
“Hey. You. You play ball? You're playing in my stead, so do a
good job. I've got a bet riding on this game. All right?”
“Who said I was here to play basketball?! This time, let's go at
it, fist against fist, bitch!”
“Bitch nothing. If you don't play ball, I won't fight you.”
“What, you little asshole!”
En Chan pushed the outraged punk's chest away with her
“I hear you're not even chasing after En Se anymore. I hear
you have a new girlfiend. Did I hear wrong?”
“Th-th is has nothing to do with En Se.”
“So why do I have to fight you, huh? Not to mention, you've
lost to me twice already. If you want to fight a champion, you've
got to prove you're worth it. Kind of like a player's fee. Don't you
She forcefully pulled the kid's arm and handed him the
“Hey, you can't lose, all right? This is a man-to-man battle with
pride riding on the line. Step all over that slimy blonde, ok?”
She pushed him and was walking away when suddenly
something struck her behind the head.
Who the hell! was what she didn't say as she turned around,
and good that she didn't, either. The sajang was standing with his
legs apart. He looked fantastic, as usual. Black pants and black
shirt, and a grey jacket on top. He didn't wear a tie, and three of
his shirt buttons were turned loose.
“What a Hankyulistic look.”
“What the hell are you saying, you moron! Hey kid, if you
wanted to goof off, you should've gone off on your own. Why'd
you lure Ha Rim to play hooky with you?!”
“There weren't any customers, and...”
“If there aren't any customers, you should've gone out and
dragged them in. You've got a long way to go, kid, a long long
“Hey, come on, don't be like that. Why don't you join us for a
“What? What the hell are you—don't you smile at me, kid.”
“Just 30 minutes. If you play, I'll stand on the side of the road
and display my killer smile while dancing like an idiot.”
“What? Dance like an idiot on the side of the road? Ha. Sounds
amusing. You swear it?”
“Well, not for nothing. The loser has to. Ok?”
“Ok. You're dead.”
Han Kyul rolled up his sleeves. Why were men so damn simple?
“Who's that punk?”
“He's En Chan hyung's partner. You and I are a team,
Han Kyul knit his eyebrows and stared at the punk from the
land of crows. En Chan felt a sudden stab and so she took the ball
and began to dribble it.
“The game has started!”
Simple-minded Han Kyul forgot about the mugger and focused
on the game. The mugger boy forgot about the duel and focused
on the game. The game went on past 30 minutes, and En Chan
sweat until even her underclothes were soaked. I guess it's about
time I go eat some dog soup. Man, all this precious soup sweating
out of me!
En Chan dropped to the floor, exhausted. Breathing raggedly,
she yelled, irritated,
How could this happen?! She'd! Lost!
“Ha, ha, you gonna dance,” said Han Kyul, who was breathing
She flopped onto the ground, arms and legs splayed apart.
Right then she heard the sound of a motorcycle. En Chan, who'd
sat right back up, saw that the punk from the land of crows was
getting farther and farther away.
“Hey! You running away?!”
Good game. See you later. How hard was that to say? Did
losing hurt his pride? That kid's getting pretty cute, ey?
“Ya! Ya!”
The sajang rushed up in her face. She flinched at his
threatening expression.
“That punk! That's punk's that punk, isn't he?!”
Uh oh.
“Wh-who? I-I don't know what you're talking about—ohhh hey!
Ha Rim! You going to wash off? Let's go together.”
En Chan jumped up and ran like lightning. She even passed Ha
Rim and arrived at the faucet ahead of him. She turned on the
tap and shoved her head under the water.
“What's wrong with sajangnim?” asked Ha Rim, watching the
sajang approach. En Chan, who could see the sajang through her
spread apart legs, sent up a prayer.
Dear God, please shower down the potion of forgetfulness.
Please erase that punk's face from our sajangnim's head. Please.
Having reached En Chan's side, Han Kyul turned on the water
and washed his face. When he saw that En Chan, who was bowing
her head, hadn't moved, he simply said,
“Stop it. You'll catch a cold.”
She washed her face and wrung out her hair. The water kept
dripping and soaked even her outer clothes.
Oh shit! I can't get my clothes wet!
After landing the job in the store, she'd began wrapping her
chest with a large bandage, as a precaution, but if her shirt got
wet, even that was sure to show. En Chan didn't know what else
to do, so she remained with her head bowed over the sink, water
dripping off of her. Right then, a handkerchief appeared before
her eyes.
“If you couldn't handle it, what'd you wash your hair for? You
always act first and think later, don't you? You airhead. You want
to be called a no-brain in addition to being called a parasite?”
The handkerchief was way too small to even think about
drying her hair off with it, but even so, she was extremely
touched. She used the handkerchief to wipe off some of the
water and stood up. She heard Ha Rim snickering from her side.
“Ooh, even sexier when he's wet! Very 'EnChanting.” I'm going
to have to add this one. A man who oozes enough sex appeal to
even melt other men.”
“Ya! Sh-shut up! Whose fault do you think this is?”

“Aw man, if you were going to take the blame for it, you
should've just taken it all the way. Sajangnim, I'm very sorry.
Playing basketball was my idea. But hey, you got to move around
for the first time in a while, right? Wow, you had mad skills back
there! Those amazing assists especially were the best. I bow down
to you.”
“Let's go. We've got ourselves a dance to watch.”
Before walking away, Han Kyul put his hand out toward En
Chan. It was just a moment, but his hand touched her chin before
falling away. It was an action intended to wipe away a drop of
water, but something was strange. En Chan stopped short, her
hand holding the handkerchief still up by her hair.
Why did he wipe it off? It's my chin. But my heart, my heart is
racing. It's been pumping just fine for 24 years, but I've never
heard it make this kind of sound before. She could hear the sound
ringing through the inside of her ear.
Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump.

*Chapter Twelve*
Rebel With a Cause

< Part 1 >

En Chan was in the men's room with her ears perked. If

someone walked in, she would stand in front of the urinal with
her legs apart and flush it. She'd smile brightly and wave her hand
in greeting.
“What is that? Waving your hand like a girl.”
Psh. En Chan washed her hands and hurried out of the
bathroom. She'd begun this ridiculous show a few days ago when
Ha Rim had said jokingly,
“You know, I've never seen you change your clothes. Hey Sun Ki
hyung, have you ever seen En Chan hyung change his clothes? Nak
Kyun, you've never seen it before either, right? Where do you hide
when you change? Do you have a tattoo or something? Or a huge
So she began to put on this show once a day to wave away any
suspicion. She had to be especially careful of Ha Rim, who kept
yapping about her being sexy or whatnot and making her stomach
go cold. She'd never paid so much attention do anything she'd
done before. The weather getting nicer and nicer worried her as
well. What was she going to do during summer, the season of skin
exposure? Damn, my head hurts just thinking about it.
Nak Kyun hadn't come to work, and couldn't be reached at all
today. En Chan, who'd finished the morning chores, was sitting
down to a cup of morning coffee. There was no sign of customers
today, either. The only action they'd seen was a few women who'd
dropped by last night. How was he planning to raise sales 300%
like this?
En Chan sighed and sat down at the computer. She'd
remembered that Seung Kyung had said she'd sent her an e-mail
during their farewell party.

Hello~ Master (- -) (_ _) (^ ^) It's Seung Kyung. “^▼^”

Thank you so much for teaching me until now. Thanks
to Master, Seung Kyung's body is much more healthy
now. ^m^ It's so sad that I can't see Master every day
anymore. o(T^T)o Mom enrolled me in a dojo down by
the intersection. ( ㅠ . ㅠ ) It'd be so nice if Master came to
that dojo! (^----------^) Even if the dojo's been closed
down, Seung Kyung will drop by to see you. Eat well and
always be happy! >>-------►♥ Seung Kyung really likes
Master. (♥ ♥) Seung Kyung will become a good person
just like master. Aja! o(-”-)o Good bye.
Have a good day. (*^-^) I'll e-mail you again. (~.^)
Your Pretty Seung Kyung

En Chan was reading the e-mail, her nose tingling, when a

shadow fell over the monitor.
“What are these, letters or pictures?”
“It's all heart. (sniff)”
“You crying?”
“Well, it's very touching.”
Getting up from the chair, En Chan sniffled as she escaped to
the counter. Her heart hurt at the thought that she'd let go of Tae
Kwon Do, something she'd done almost every day since
elementary school. She didn't when she'd be able to teach the
children again, if she taught them at all....
“Nak Kyun hasn't come in yet. He's not picking up his phone,
either,” said Mr. Hong as he handed Han Kyul a cup of coffee. “He
got a phone call yesterday just before closing time. He ran out
with his face looking like rotten tofu. I think he's got trouble at
home or something.”
“I'll try calling him again.”
En Chan picked up her phone when Han Kyul said,
“Leave him. He already called me.”
“He called you? What'd he say?”
“He quit.”

Everyone stared at Han Kyul, surprised. Even Sun Ki and Ha
Rim, who came out from cleaning the bathroom, crowded around
“Why? What happened?”
“He said something came up so he quit. I told him to go
“What? You just told him to go ahead? You didn't ask what was
“If he wanted to tell me, he would've told me.”
“How could you not even ask him?”
“I don't need quitters.”
“All right, gather around. I have something to say.”
Han Kyul began to talk about something, but En Chan's head
was busy thinking about Nak Kyun. She regretted that she hadn't
gotten to know Nak Kyun. Even though they were coworkers, she
didn't know much about Ha Rim or Sun Ki. A sense of responsibility
that had been carved into her as the eldest daughter made her
anxious to contact Nak Kyun.
“Ko En Chan, are you even listening?”
En Chan made a sheepish face at the gazes on her face and
asked blandly,
“What are we talking about?”
“He's asking about our impressions of the first few days. Why
do you think we're not getting any business?”
“I-I wonder....”
“It's not that our coffee tastes bad, and the atmosphere is
“We've even got a dashing owner and good looking employees,
Ha Rim and Mr. Hong drummed to the same beat.
“What about you, Sun Ki?”
“I really don't know.” At his serious answer, the mood plunged
back down.
“If only people actually walked by this place...” mumbled En
Chan to herself before looking at Mr. Hong and saying, “You said
so yourself before, didn't you? The people in this neighborhood
are all working people, so no one has the time to sit down for a
leisurely cup of coffee.”
“That's true. Most people here are young business workers.
When work ends, they go downtown; they don't stick around here
in the outskirts.”
“In the afternoons, there's practically no one. Other than in
the morning when people go to work, lunch time and quitting
time, it's hard to see anyone. It's like a ghost town,” said En Chan
spookily. The room went silent. Then suddenly Han Kyul
straightened his back and said,
“We've got to change strategies. Let's switch to take-out.”
“What? Star already does that. There's no distinction.”
“We just have to open earlier than Star does. I'll get the
disposable cups and things ready, so let's begin as soon as we
“Then what time are we supposed to come to work, exactly?”
Ha Rim asked in a complaining tone. What could he possibly
complain about? He's the one that slept in the store. All he had to
do was open his eyes. If anyone should be complaining it should
be Sun Ki who lived— wait a minute, where did Sun Ki live? En
Chan stared at Sun Ki, full of curiosity.
“We're going to open at 7, so you'll have to come in at least
half an hour before.”
Everyone made a face as if to say they were dead, but no one
said it aloud. This was because they knew just how bad a
situation the store was in.
En Chan followed a suddenly very busy Han Kyul around
“Show me Nak Kyun's resume.”
“Aren't you even curious, sajangnim? The kid just suddenly up
and quits, and you're not even worried?”
“There you go sticking your nose in other peoples' business
again. He's an adult. If he's got a problem, he'll handle it. Even if
it's difficult, it's his own business, and even if he needs help, it's
his own responsibility to ask for it. How do you even have time to
worry about other people? You can't even take care of yourself.”
Grrr! If only he wasn't the sajang!
“But still, he's a coworker, like a family member. How can you
be so uncaring? He's only just twenty-one, what can he know?
Were you a full adult by the time you were twenty-one? Do people
draw a line at age twenty and say, you're a kid before you hit this
line and then an adult after you pass it? People develop gradually.
What kind of sajang are you? You have zero affection toward your
employees. How can I work under such a cold sajang?”
“Then you quit too.”
En Chan hissed.
“You put those lips right back in.”
“Just give me his address.”
“Shut up. Go feed the fish.”

A pouting En Chan clenched her fists and went to feed the
fish. On her way toward the tank, her gaze went to the glass
vases. A very good idea came into her mind. She smiled
mischievously and snickered to herself.

< Part 2 >

That afternoon.
“Gather 'round!”
Tsk tsk. How far apart could we be scattered in this snot-sized
coffee shop to have to 'gather 'round'?
En Chan swallowed her laughter and walked toward Han Kyul
with a blank look on her face. The two female customers sitting
by the window turned around and watched them as if wondering
what was going to happen.
“Who did this?”
“Did what? Did something happen?” En Chan asked innocently.
Even when a fierce look flew to her face, En Chan stubbornly
stared it down with a guile-less expression.
“You did it, didn't you?”
“Did what? I've got to know if I'm going to answer.”
“Oh! That....” Just then Sun Ki pointed to the glass vases. The
eight vases lay in a neat row full of blooming pink petunias.
“What about it?”
Ha Rim took in a sharp breath. He wanted to burst out
laughing, but the sajang was still sharpening his knives of
suspicion. Even if she received suspicion, she wasn't about to fess
up to it, so she feigned ignorance.
“What? I don't see anything strange.”
“The rocks in the vases. The white stones are mixed with the
black ones.”
Everyone knew that it was En Chan's handiwork, but no one
showed it on the outside. Only Han Kyul glared coldly down at En
Chan like a prince of ice.
“Fix it.”
“Me?” She pretended to flinch under the unrelenting glare, but
she didn't give up. “I think it looks quite nice that way. White
stones and black stones mixed together like that, it seems
friendly somehow. Don't you think so, Ha Rim?”
“I-I don't know.”
“I'm going to go finish my coffee book now.”
Everyone hurried away from the line of fire until only En Chan
and Han Kyul were left in front of the mini garden.

“What do you care so much for? It's not like you care one bit
about your own employees.”
“Ko En Chan, come here!”
“I have to wipe down the tables outside. The kids who came
by left crumbs.”
En Chan picked up the dishrag and came outside. When En
Chan went back inside, Han Kyul had taken all the stones out of
the vases and was re-segregating them. That there is a disease in
itself. The vase always had to be in the same place, the row could
never be even the slightest bit crooked, the tables and chairs had
to be exactly 12 cm apart from each other. To this, Ha Rim and En
Chan have only one thing to say:
How so very HanKyulistic.
Around dinnertime, Han Kyul called En Chan over and said,
“You still hang out with those kinds of kids?”
She'd thought he was going to scold her for the stone-mixing
incident, but his words were unexpected.
“You still making trouble with that mugger boy? Is your
situation really that bad?”
“What are you saying? Are you asking me if I do night-work or
scam people with that punk?”
“Ha. Thanks for being so clear.”
En Chan was so incredulous she asked in an attacking voice,
“And what if I was? What are you going to do about it?”
Han Kyul simply stared at her. En Chan felt her cheeks growing
hot so she gave a cough. She scratched her face and laughed
“Kidding, kidding. That kid... he's just someone I happen to
Even En Chan had to admit that there was a suspicious nuance
to her situation. But that was the truth. To be honest, she'd only
heard his name once from En Se, so she didn't even remember his
name too well. En Se usually called him 'that idiot punk' or 'the
engineering high school moron'.
“Why are you asking anyway? You're not worried that I'd still
be hanging out with him, are you? There's no way our sajangnim
could be worried about me, right? His heart is ice, pure ice. Even
if one of his employees just up and quits he doesn't even ask the
“Go and change your clothes.”
“Huh? It's not closing time yet.”
“You asked for his resume, didn't you?”
En Chan's eyes grew as wide as bells, and so did the eyes of all
the other employees who had been listening in on their
conversation. They looked at each other as if to say, what's come
over that guy?
“Y-you're coming, too?” stammered En Chan.
“Y-Y-yes, I am,” mocked Han Kyul as he threw his jacket on.
“It looks like you're going to be bugging me about it for a
considerable length of time, so it's probably better that I be
bugged once by going with you.”
“It's something you should do anyway, so don't be so
“Oh, you don't want to go?”
“N-no, no! Just wait right here. I'll be right back in ten
En Chan took her clothes out of the cabinet and automatically
ran towards the bathroom, not even noticing that Han Kyul was
watching her do so.
After hurriedly changing her clothes, she waved to the
employees and flew into Han Kyul's car. She called Nak Kyun
throughout the entire ride, but he didn't pick up.
“Sajangnim, give me your phone for a minute. I think he's not
picking up because he's avoiding my number.”
“He doesn't pick up my calls either.”
“When did you try calling him?”
“When I was picking the stones apart, all right?”
En Chan burst out laughing. The hilarious image of Han Kyul
squatting on the floor picking the stones apart came back to her.
“You'll rip your mouth, laughing like that.”
En Chan was laughing hysterically, tears streaming down her
face, even. She found herself slapping Han Kyul's shoulder.
“Is that really that funny?”
“I-It's not that....” she managed to say between pants. “B-
before, my dad.... we were living in an apartment back then. He
was wrestling with me in the living room when we knocked over a
basket of peas that was on the veranda.” En Chan could breathe
regularly now, but her voice was still full of excitement. The
basket of peas well into the garden so we got scolded like crazy
by my mom, and my dad and I ended up having to pick up peas all
afternoon. I was just reminded of that.”
En Chan began to feel strange, so she shut her mouth. When
En Chan quieted down, Han Kyul turned the music on. Songs
without lyrics always made En Chan sleepy. She leaned her head
against the window, watching the lights go by, and very soon, had
fallen asleep.

< Part 3 >

A few days later.
Dong Yi Pharmaceuticals had purchased a large volume of
shares of the Dong Yi group's core project, Dong Yi Foods. Because
of this incident, the mood in his house was that of a night before
the storm. The fight for the management rights of the company
had truly begun. Han Kyul was afraid to go back to that landmine
field called home. Not to mention, he had his own problems.
To be honest, he had worried, initially, what he would do if
Coffee Prince turned out to be too big of a success. If it was a big
enough success to grant him freedom from the company, he would
have to do something fantastic to show everyone that his freedom
was justified. To tell the truth, though, he didn't know what he
would do, and there wasn't anything he really wanted to do.
Maybe it was because of this arrogance, but sales were truly
And there was another, bigger problem. Ko En Chan. He was
confused about how to deal with this kid. Every so often, the kid
would look.... well..... goddamn it, he would look pretty to him!
It was the kid's fault for being such an overly pretty boy. Han Kyul
felt like he was really going to lose it.
“Choi Han Kyul, are you even listening to me?”
“Huh? Oh, yea, yea, I'm listening,” answered Han Kyul
carelessly. When he saw that Yu Ju was scowling at him, he
apologized. “Sorry. Something's kind of bugging me.”
“Then let's hear it. It doesn't look like you're willing to come
to the gallery extension party anyway.”
“Oh, when is that again?”
“The day after tomorrow.”
“I'll go. You came to my opening, didn't you?”
“Oh, my, how gracious of you. Now, why don't you go ahead
and tell me what's been bugging Choi Han Kyul these days?”
“Nah. It's nothing. Tell me about you. Have you talked to Han
Sung hyung recently?”
“That really is nothing. Let's just drink.”
The two of them buried what they wanted to talk about in
their hearts and drank their beers. Soon, they looked at each
other and smiled at the same time. Han Kyul opened his hand and
“Ladies first.”
“It really is nothing... Obba still thinks I'm terrible, and even
though I've only now begun to regret what I've done, I'm still
saddened by the fact that he thinks I'm terrible. It's like that right
now. There's no progress at all.”

“Hyung's a perfectionist, you know that. There's no
aftereffect, but that's just how cold-hearted he is.”
“I know. That's why I'm just taking it. It was his birthday a few
days ago.”
“It was?”
“I went to the company with a gift.”
“Woah, Han Yu Ju, pulling all the stops, ey?”
“I ran right into your grandmother.”
“Man, nobody can escape that old fishing needle.”
“I'm just glad I didn't run into his mother.”
“You've got to understand Aunt's feelings. What kind of mother
would say 'thanks for stopping by' to the woman who dumped her
“I know that too. Even if obba takes me back, his mother
won't allow it. But life is full of 'if's', so I've got to have hope.”
“You've grown, Han Yu Ju. I think it's a good thing for you to
have gone abroad to study. Before, I used to think you seemed
like some kind of puppet, letting hyung toss you around like
“You sure say some nice things. Sometimes when I look at you,
you're so similar to obba. Your words are always so cold, and you
look down on other people.”
“And yet I'm still so very attractive?”
“Tell me about meeting Grandma.”
“She asked me to join her for lunch so the three of us,
Grandmother, obba, and I, ate lunch together. Obba stayed mum
the entire time and did nothing but eat. Grandmother and I ended
up conversing only with each other.”
“I can imagine.”
At the time when Han Yu Ju broke off her engagement to Han
Sung, her father was a senator. When he realized that the house
he was marrying his daughter into was rife with slush fund and
bribe scandals, he'd ruthlessly commanded Yu Ju to cut off all
connections to them in order to prove their own innocence. Yu Ju
was essentially forced into America, and Han Sung had had to deal
with a broken engagement on top of his father's death. Because of
this incident, even the love that the two had shared had grown
cold. The way Han Kyul saw it, the bridge that connected their
two hearts hadn't been broken. It was simply frozen over, and the
river beneath it was no longer flowing....
“Let's stop talking about such dull things and listen to your
“It's not important or anything,” Han Kyul began. He
moistened his throat with beer. “There's a kid who works in the
store, and his family's in a tight spot. He quit a few days back so I
went to see him, and it turns out his father runs a roadside snack
“You actually went to his house yourself?”
“Yea, it just happened that way. There's another kid that
drives me crazy all the time. Well, I went because that kid kept
bugging me to go, but the important thing is that the other kid's
father had injured his hips a few days ago, so he'd come out to
work in his father's stead. He'd go out to buy ingredients and cook
and everything, all by himself.”
“No mother?”
“Yea. He's got a little sister though. 10th grade.”
“That's too bad.”
“He usually looks so well-balanced, I couldn't have even
imagined he was in such a bad situation.”
“There are lots of kids like that who have to stand in the front
lines in their parents' place.”
To tell the truth, the that wasn't what was really bugging him.
Apparently, ever since that day, En Chan had started helping out
at the snack cart late at night. That morning, Han Kyul had
caught him dozing off and was about to scold him when Mr. Hong
let him know. En Chan had said that he knew that Nak Kyun's
father's injury wasn't something that would heal quickly, but that
he wanted to help out until he recovered at least somewhat.
“Why don't you just help them out financially?”
“He went crazy when I suggested it, saying I should never do
“Went crazy? Who did?”
“Ko En Chan. According to him, apparently it's one of the
worst ways to hurt a guy's pride.”
“Do you really think so?”
“He said he knew because it'd happened to him before. He's
saying no matter what, he'd protect his family himself. According
to him, having pity money thrown at you in by some spoiled brat
is the most infuriating experiences ever. What kind of
stubbornness is that, don't you think? I mean, what kind of pride
is that? Real pride is knowing when to receive other peoples' help,
and to pay back what you've been given. But this kid calls that
the male's instinct to protect its own territory, or something. That
kid... he forces absurd terms on every situation.”
Han Kyul, who had emptied his bottle, felt that Yu Ju was
gazing at him.
“So you decided not to give them the money?”
“Because of what this En Chan person said?”
“You don't know because you haven't had endure him.”
“Do you know something? You just said 'according to him'
twice. Like you're quoting Confucious or something. I've never
heard you reiterate anything anyone's said before like that. It's
rather fascinating. I kind of want to meet this person.”
“That kid's probably at the snack cart right now. He sticks his
in nose into everybody's business.”
Han Kyul recalled the un-erasable memory of the time he'd
kissed En Chan. The image of the boy's face dripping with water
after the basketball game floated up as well. The sensation on his
hand when he'd unconsciously stretched out to touch his chin....
How could this kid be so soft? There was definitely something
strange about the way he changes alone in the restroom. He'd felt
it in the hotel as well, but En Chan was overly feminine. He was
fragrant, and soft, and warm...
“Hey, Yu Ju, I'm sorry, I've got to go somewhere.”
“Huh? Where?”
“Sorry. I'll see you later—I mean, I'll see you at the gallery
extension party. Take care.”
Han Kyul picked up his jacket and left the cafe. He then got
into a cab and headed toward Nak Kyun's roadside snack cart.

*Chapter Thirteen*
I'm happy to be a woman

< Part 1 >

It had become part of En Se's daily routine to stop by the

store. Insisting that she was dropping by on her way to cram
school, she made her way to the store everyday to get a free cup
of coffee. She didn't talk much as she drank, or do much, but she
came to drink coffee without fail. She really was a useless little
Mr. Hong and Sun Ki had already left, and En Chan was
preparing to leave. She was planning to go to the snack cart. Nak
Kyun's father, who felt uncomfortable leaving the cart alone with
Nak Kyun, always came out to watch. That was why she felt
strangely guilty if she came late and Nak Kyun was getting ready
by himself.
En Chan, who had been hurriedly changing out of her clothes,
got her hair stuck in her shirt buttons.
She was straining to untangled her hair from the buttons when
the door was flung open.
“Who is it?!”
En Chan froze. In her rush, she'd forgotten to lock the door.
“Oh, it's you.”
Once he entered the room, Ha Rim's gaze landed squarely on
En Chan's undershirt. The bandage was wound around her under
the shirt, but the protruding curves hadn't been completely
Not only that, but there was something inexplicably strange
about the collarbone area or the curves leading down from the
neck to the shoulders.
“He-help me with this....”
En Chan held her head, hair still entangled in the shirt
buttons, out toward him. Waddling forward uncertainly, Ha Rim
hesitated, as if unsure of where to put his hands, before
managing to grasp her hair. The inside of his mind was completely
white, and he didn't know what to say. When at last he backed
away holding the shirt in his hand, En Chan quickly put her own
clothes on.
“Wh-what do you think you're doing, barging into the
bathroom without even knocking?”
“H-hyung.... are you......”
“If you tell anyone, I'll kill you.”
En Chan came out of the bathroom pulling on her jumper. Her
heart raced insanely, but she tried hard to seem calm.
“H-hyung... so you're really......”
Why, oh why, did it have to be Ha Rim?! Of all the people she
could've been found out by, why did it have to be the guy with the
biggest mouth?!
“a-aa-aaaAAAAAAACCCCKKKK!!!” shouted Ha Rim from behind.
En Chan turned around and glared at him as he jumped around in
a frenzy. “No way! No freakin way! It's not true!! AACK!”
“Ko En Chan a girl? Ko En Chan? A g-girl? A girl? AACK!”
Ha Rim was making a spectacle of himself, kicking chairs and
hitting his head against the walls.
Unable to stand by and watch anymore, En Chan ran to Ha Rim
and held him down. Ha Rim ran away from her in terror.
“D-don't touch me. Don't lay a hand on my body.”
“Why, you little....”
En Chan, who'd been about to get angry, decided against it and
began to plead.
“Ha Rim, I'm begging you. You can't ever, ever tell anyone. Ok?
Got that?”
“Wh-why did you lie? So you could work here?”
“I didn't start out meaning to lie, but somehow somethings
just happened and here we are.”
“Then what was the whole standing-while-you-pee thing
Ha Rim's eyes swept up and down, scrutinizing En Chan's body.
When his gaze remained an especially long time on her chest, En

Chan lost her patience and smacked up upside the head. Ha Rim
staggered, but still kept his eyes on En Chan's body.
“I knew it. I thought it was strange. That's why you wear your
uniform a size larger than normal, right? Hip hop fashion my ass.
Tsk tsk. Now it makes sense. I just figured, since you were so
small, your 'thing' was probably the size of a peanut, too. It never
showed through your pants.”
Grrr, stay calm, stay calm. If you want to keep this big mouth
sealed, you have to stay calm. How nice it would've been if it had
been Sun Ki.
“Oh my God, I really can't deal with this. I need a Tylenol.”
She was watching Ha Rim move toward the kitchen when she
noticed that the clock read 11 PM.
“You really can't tell anyone, all right? If you tell anyone, I'm
going to tell everybody that you're sleeping here. Got it?”
“But hyung, I mean, nuna, why does your sister call you oppa?
Did you guys plan that too?”
“No, she's just like that.”
“Well, I'll admit, it's hella confusing. Your chest is nearly.....
maybe you're just sexless?”
“Fine. Make fun of me all you want. I gotta go.”
“Wh-where are you going! If you leave me here like this I
might die from the shock. My heart is already beating funny. I feel
like I'm going to go insane from the confusion my emotions have
been thrown into.”
“Then just go insane.”
“I'm not ready to accept it yet, so just give me a minute here.
No, how can anyone be ready for something like this? Who
could've imagined? Who else knows, other than me? Nobody?”
“Mr. Hong. Seriously, if you tell anyone, especially the sajang,
I'm really going to kill you.”
“My heart doesn't feel like my heart right now. Oh, I'm dizzy.”
Watching Ha Rim playfully fall onto his mattress, En Chan had
to force herself to keep her anger in check. Ha Rim had already
made his way out of his shock and was making a mischievous face.
It seemed the thoughtless kid found this situation pretty amusing.
En Chan shook off Ha Rim, who insisted she had to stay with
him until he'd calmed down, and left the store.
“Crazy bastard. (sigh) Bravo, my life. How I ended up getting
caught by that guy, I'll never know...”
She was leaving the store, muttering to herself, when some
car pulled up in front of the entrance. It looked like it was trying
to park itself in front of the store. She was heading toward it to
let the owner know that the spot had to be vacated by the
morning when the driver got out of the car.
“Is the store closed already?”
“H-hello, how are you?”
It was bubble wrap man. It seemed she was having a bad-luck
day. She kept running into men who knew her true identity.
“Sajangnim has already left.”
He'd gone out after having received some woman's phone call.
For some reason, her intuition told her that it was the woman
who'd come to the opening, the one who'd almost had her purse
mugged. Judging by the fact that her intuition was still alive and
kicking, she was, without a doubt, still a woman. The sajang had
shot out of the store, his expression and feet light. Seeing that
hadn't made her feel good. It was probably because she
disapproved of a sajang who kept running off to fool around.
“I didn't come here to meet Han Kyul. I came here to meet
“To meet me?”
“Get in. It looks like you're off for the night; I'll give you a ride
“No, tha—” En Chan, who had been about to refuse, decided
to take him up on his offer since she was late and so that she
wouldn't have to pay for transportation. “In that case, can you
take me to where I need to go?”
“Sounds good. Get in.”
Looks like I'm getting to ride in luxury cars pretty often these
days. En Chan exclaimed over the wide interior and then snuck a
glance at Han Sung. The car slid through the streets without a
sound. They say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they
drive. This man drove deftly while steering the car calmly and
accurately at the same time. His neat suit became him very well.
Gold cuff links and a tie-pin, there wasn't a single flaw in his
En Chan asked, feeling a bit humbled,
“What was it you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Last time, you asked me not to get you in trouble, right?”
Ack! So this cheapskate was about demand something from
her. Man, and here I was thinking he looked like a good person. It
seems he's rich, too. Skin a flea for its hide, why don't you.
“Do me one favor.”
“What is it?” asked En Chan crossly, not bothering to mask the
annoyance in her voice.
“Spend a day, no, an afternoon and evening with me.”
“Huh? To do what? Nothing like household chores or anything,
right? I can't do anything.” En Chan furiously shook her head as
she explained. “I might be a girl by name, but I can't do anything
that other girls can do. I can't cook, can't wash dishes, can't do
the laundry. If I try cleaning, I end up breaking everything
instead. You saw it, didn't you? I got cut from Da Soop after just
two days. There was a reason why.”
“It's nothing like that, so don't worry. Just think of it as a date
with me.”
“A d-date?” En Chan jumped in her seat in surprise, and the
man looked at her and, of all things, laughed delightedly. The car
arrived at the street where the snack cart was.
“Judging from your reaction, you've never been on a date,
have you?”
“I-it's not that, it's just... y-you've got strange tastes, haven't
you? Stop right here, please.”
The man snickered again and then said as he parked the car,
“I'll come by to pick you up the day after tomorrow at three.”
“N-no! Don't come to pick me up. If sajangnim sees me, I'll be
in big trouble.”
“Then I'll need your phone number.”
The man held out his cell phone.
“Do you really have to do this?” En Chan said, looking at Han
Sung suspiciously.
The sajang had called him hyung, right? His car was nice, his
style was good, and it didn't seem like he was a bad person; but
then bad people didn't go around wearing labels that said what
they were.
“And with this, you'll never mention anything ever again,
En Chan felt trapped, but she had no choice but to punch her
number into his cell phone. She didn't think that the man was
interested in her or that he was attracted to her. His expression
said as much. He looked dry, as one speaks to another about
matters of business.
“Is this a real date?”
“Is there such a thing as a fake one?” The man nodded and
saved the number in his cell phone.
En Chan, who'd gotten out of the car, walked toward Nak
Kyun's snack cart full of mixed feelings and confused thoughts. At
the same time, she heard a rough voice.
“Hey, mister, who said you could start doing business here
Han Sung, who had been about to drive away, stopped and
looked at the gangsters. En Chan, surprised, dashed over. It was
the bastards who'd injured Nak Kyun's father's hip.
“Yo! Go away! Go stuff your face somewhere else! Shit! Hey,
assholes, I told you to buzz off!”
“Fuckin' a, you'd better do as we say!”
The gangsters were driving customers away with curses.
“I thought we told you to either pay the street tax, or get the
hell out of our turf, old man!”
There were four in the pack. They began to break the cart
“Who the hell do you guys think you are, you assholes!”
shouted Nak Kyun. Watching Nak Kyun's furious eyes as he ran into
the gangster, En Chan thought to herself, Even if I can't be a Tae
Kwon Do master anymore, I've got no choice.
“Hey, mister! Grab your son!”
En Chan flew into the air and executed a brilliant double jump
side kick. Jump lightly and then a turning wheel kick.
It may be that she had learned Tae Kwon Do for this kind of
day. To protect the weak and the innocent people of the world.
But this was still violence in the face of violence, so En Chan tried
to finish the fight quickly by targeting vital spots.
“What is going on here?!”
Han Sung came running. Seeing Han Sung arrive next to her, En
Chan shouted,
“Don't get closer! You'll get hurt!”
“Even so, I'm still a man. You stand back.”
Han Sung suddenly got in front of En Chan. En Chan started in
surprise at the man's back which had suddenly appeared in front
of her. Han Sung took off his jacket and tossed it at En Chan.
“Women should just hold onto things like that.”
En Chan received the jacket, completely dumbfounded. She
had no idea how to react because she'd never been treated like
this before. When was the last time, if at all, someone had done
something for her?
Seeing Han Sung's fist carry its own, En Chan thought to
herself, oho, pretty good. But she soon saw that Nak Kyun was in
trouble, so she ran over to help him.
“Nak Kyun! Get out of the way!”
Right then, she heard a familiar voice shouting from
“What the fuck!!”
Huh? WHAT?! That man was....
“You fuckers, what the fuck!”
En Chan did a double take when she saw Han Kyul, who'd
suddenly jumped into the fray. She saw him take a punch to the
face and fall down. Wh-what the hell was with this ahjussi?!

< Part 2 >

Nak Kyun ran over to Han Kyul and helped him up. Even more
outraged, Han Kyul thrust Nak Kyul away and ran in violently
“You assholes are all dead!”
Why the hell are you here, goddamn it!
En Chan wanted to finish things up quickly. Right then, a siren
sounded from a distance. Apparently, a customer had called the
cops. The gangsters ran away, leaving En Chan standing stupefied,
in the middle of the chaotic mess. Han Kyul ran after the
gangsters, chasing them until god-knows-where.
“Mister, are you alright?”
Han Sung dealt with the police when they arrived. En Chan
watched him deal with the police in a calm and collected manner.
For some reason, whe felt reassured.
“Nak Kyun, take your father and go home. I'll clean up here.”
Nak Kyun looked like he wasn't thinking anything. He was
looking at the scene of pandemonium with a dumb expression on
his face. Then he said in a hollow voice,
“I guess I can go back to the construction site now... It's
probably for the best....”
So Nak Kyun hadn't much approved of working at the snack
cart. After Nak Kyun had led his father home, Han Kyul limped
into view. She didn't know how far he'd chased them, but he was
sweating up a storm.
En Chan, who'd been clearing away the dishes and the broken
chairs and tables, stopped what she was doing and looked at Han
Kyul. There was blood on the side of his mouth. En Chan picked
up a roll of tissues that was lying on the ground and went toward
“Why'd you come here anywa—”
The moment she tried to wipe the blood away, Han Kyul
collapsed to the ground. His legs had given away. En Chan
squatted on the floor and took Han Kyul's chin, lifting it up.
“Phew, you smell like alcohol. Did you drink before coming
here? That's why all your punches hit nothing but air.”
He slapped her hand away irritatedly.
Then he wiped the blood away with the back of his hand. Ooh,
Mr. Tough Guy, huh? En Chan sighed and stood up. She poured
some water into a cup she picked up off of the ground. Normally,
he wouldn't have even touched it on accounts of germs or

something, but he snapped it out of her hand and gulped it down.
Must've been real thirsty, huh?
“Are you ok?”
“Who the hell were those bastards?”
“Gangsters. This is their turf, I think.”
“What the hell were they bitching about?”
“Street taxes.”
“Bastards.... I'll fix them up.”
After having sent the police away, Han Sung came to them. En
Chan found the jacket she'd put away somewhere and brought it
to him.
“Are you all right?”
“I guess lifting barbells has its uses.”
“Oh, you've been scratched here. We should probably disinfect
that,” said En Chan gently, feeling grateful. She dipped some
tissues into water and wiped off the back of Han Sung's hand.
“Hyung, what are you doing here?” blurted Han Kyul angrily.
Looking extremely put off, he snatched away En Chan's arm that
was holding Han Sung's hand.
“Ow!” En Chan yelled unconsciously. Han Kyul, who'd been
glaring at Han Sung, turned his gaze to En Chan. Seeing that she
was in pain, he immediately rolled up her sleeve. On her arm was
a dark bruise that filling up with blood. She'd gotten it when some
bastard had struck down on her with a wooden stick. Han Sung
came toward her and said worriedly,
“Are you ok? That bruise looks bad...”
“I'm ok.” Just when Han Sung was about to lay his hand on her
injury, Han Kyul jerked her toward him by her shoulder.
“Let's go to the hospital.”
“What? The hospital just because of this little thing.... Muscle
relaxant strips will work fine.”
En Chan tried to escape from Han Kyul's arm, which was
pulling her toward him. It was because the position, which almost
looked like he was embracing her, made her feel strange. She
could smell the scent of his body and feel his rough breathing. But
he was holding onto her so tightly she couldn't get away.
“Let's take my car. I'll drive you there.”
“No, it's fine. We'll take a cab.”
Han Kyul turned his back on Han Sung and pulled En Chan
toward him. Behind him, Han Sung was looking at Han Kyul as if
he couldn't believe what was happening, but Han Kyul didn't pay
him any heed. En Chan managed to turn around and say,
“Thank you. Hey, how 'bout letting go now?”
“Just keep walking, you idiot.”
“Why are you getting mad at me?”
“Why is that hyung here, huh? Is he taking over even the snack
cart? Is even that hyung infatuated with you? This flirt of a boy's
got ninety nine tails.”
“I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you saying that
stuff about me right now?”
“I don't know, you dumbass!”
“Damn, why are you screaming at—. Man, you've got a weird
temper. You're a real question mark, sajangnim.”
“Yea, even I don't know myself. Goddamn it.”
In the end, Han Kyul succeeded in dragging En Chan to the
hospital. A hospital in the area would have been fine, but Han
Kyul took her all the way to the Dong Yi Oriental Medicine Center.
Despite the fact that it was a relatively shallow wound, En Chan
was taken care of very thoroughly. A muscle relaxant strip would
have done the trip, but she had to endure some kind of electric
radiation treatment and foul-smelling ointment. But it turned out
that that was nothing.
She'd noticed he was limping, but she couldn't know that his
legs could have been that swollen. He'd been by her side the
entire time her bruised arm was being treated, so she really had
had no idea how bad of a condition he was in. He'd shown the
doctor, not his split lips, but a severely swollen ankle, which a
unconcerned look on his face. He received acupuncture and even
drew blood. En Chan stayed by him the entire time as well,
watching. For some reason, her father came to mind. Her father,
who'd run to the hospital, oblivious to his own broken arm....

< Part 3 >

“Hey, hyung! Leave it. I'll do it.”

En Chan had been about to put down the Benjamin vase when
Ha Rim came and stopped her.
“Leave the men's restroom cleaning to me. I do it better.”
Ha Rim again. Mr. Hong looked at him as if wondering, what
the heck? She felt so nervous she was going to go crazy.
“Uh uh, I'll do the hammering.” Then he whispered in her ear,
“these kinds of things should be done by men.”
She couldn't decide whether she could say this made her life
easier. The catch phrase of some commercial popped up in her
'I'm happy to be a woman.'
“Hey, isn't that Nak Kyun?”

Nak Kyun was coming in through the entrance. She looked at
him in surprise as he bowed his head in greeting and smiled
“I'm here.”
“What's the deal? You coming back to work?”
En Chan tried to follow Nak Kyun into the dressing room, but
was stopped at the door by Ha Rim.
“Stop right there. No more.”
En Chan flashed her eyes and tried to push Ha Rim away.
“Look here, nuna. Isn't it enough that you've looked to your
heart's content until now?”
“Hey, who said I—“ En Chan blushed to her very ears. To be
honest, she hadn't not seen the boys change. But that was
because she had to blend in with them to convince them that she
was a guy. She hadn't meant to be a peeping tom.
“There was nothing to see anyway. Especially you, Jin Ha Rim.
You're the most—“ En Chan made a derisive face and shook her
head. Ha Rim then shouted with resentment in his eyes,
“What?! Damn, I'm going to tell everyone about you!”
En Chan was trying to put her hand over Ha Rim's mouth when
Nak Kyun came out. She gave him a weak smile.
“What are you guys doing, standing here?”
“I-I was just trying to talk to you...”
En Chan grabbed Nak Kyun and took him outside.
“What happened? Didn't you say you were going back to the
construction site?”
“Sajangnim fixed our snack cart for us.”
“Really? What's with Mr. Cranky all of a sudden? So you're going
to take the snack cart back up again? What about those bastards?”
“They're all at the police station.”
Nak Kyun snickered at En Chan's eyes, which had grown round
with surprise.
“Hyung, do you know that you look just like a girl when you
make that face?”
“Wh-what?” En Chan, even more alarmed, didn't know what to
do. “D-didn't you see me fighting that night? I was a hundred
times better at it than our sajang.”
“Yea, that's true. Man, hyung, you really flew.”
She hadn't seen Nak Kyun talk with such a bright face for such
a long time that she had trouble adjusting to it.

“There's nothing a little backup support can't do in this world.
I don't know the details, but those bastards suddenly turned
themselves in.”
“They went to the police on their own two feet?”
“Yea. I didn't believe it at first either, but they really did. In
return for not pressing charges, they're going to help out with my
father's snack cart for a while.”
“I decided to come back to work here. I'm going to save up my
tuition and go back to school starting next semester.”
“That's a really good idea. But did the sajang say you—“
“What are you boys doing standing around and goofing off
when you should be working?”
Like the devil himself, Han Kyul appeared. He hadn't come to
the store yesterday, saying he was busy with something. She'd
thought that he couldn't come to the store because the swelling
in his ankles worsened, but now it looked like he really had been
busy. Busy making the gangsters turn themselves in....
“Good morning.” Nak Kyun stood up to greet Han Kyul, who
simply nodded his head before going inside. Oho, so Nak Kyun
coming back to work has already been settled, huh? After firing
him so heartlessly....
En Chan, who'd followed Han Kyul inside, hastened to prepare
coffee. She took the coffee to the seat that Han Kyul had
basically reserved as his own.
“How are your ankles?”
“They're fine.”
“Aren't you going to ask me about my arm?”
En Chan lifted her sleeves up and showed him the bruise,
which had turned yellowish.
“It's almost gone. That radiation thing must've had some
effect. It felt all nice and warm, too.”
Han Kyul, even while pretending not to care, stole a glimpse
at the bruise. En Chan smiled at this. En Chan, standing beside
him holding the tray, gave him a friendly smile and said,
“I wanted to talk to you about leaving a bit early today.”
Han Kyul, who had been carrying the cup of coffee to his
mouth as he read the paper, looked up at En Chan.
“At three... no, two-thirty.”
“What is this, high school? What do you mean, leave early?”
En Chan simply remained standing with a long face. He asked,
“Are you sick?”
“No. Oh, I mean.. yes.”
“I mean, not me, my mother. She has the flu, and she's feeling
pretty terrible. Her bones ache and sh-she feels like throwing up
and... En Se has to go to cram school....”
“You have to be at work by six-thirty tomorrow. If you're late
by even just one minute, you're dead.”
“What? Oh, yes! Of course!”
En Chan smiled widely and then stooped down to say into Han
Kyul's ear,
“Sajangnim, thank you very muchos gracias.”
She gave a scowling Han Kyul another smile.

< Part 4 >

When Han Sung arrived, the little miss in the baggy jeans and
grey jumper was on the phone. When he stopped the car, she
waved her hand and climbed into the passenger's seat laughing.
“Hello, how are you?” Then she said into the phone, “Oh, just
an ahjumma I know. I said it's ok. What's going on with you? It's
not like you to worry about me, much less my mother. Sajangnim,
haven't you heard people say if you show signs of belated
maturity, it's because it's about time to die?”
Then a man's voice could be heard from the phone.
[If you keep talking like that, I'm going to cut you.]
“Cut me? Cut what? My hair?”
The man's voice sounded like Choi Han Kyul. The woman
snickered in reply to something he'd said. Surprisingly, Han Kyul's
laughter could be heard as well. Han Sung was nonplussed. He'd
never before heard Han Kyul talk to someone on the phone this
“Ah, I'm sorry.”
Han Sung quietly started the car. She finished her call. Then,
even though he hadn't asked, she told him,
“It's our sajangnim. I lied and said my mother was sick, and
then he said that I should take her to the hospital. He even said
he'd call ahead and make reservations. Don't you think that's
overdoing it? What, are all the doctors in stand-by mode for
whenever he calls? Psh. It's probably because he's ticked off that I
took off early today. He said that my mom had to get better so I
wouldn't give him excuses to leave early. Seriously, that guy can
be such a jerk—”
She then changed the topic quickly, as if worried she'd gone
too far.

“I didn't get to thank you properly last time. Thank you so
much once again. How's your hand?”
“Han Kyul looked really angry. Were you all right, miss?”
“You know him. That's just how he is, he goes back and forth
between emotions.”
“Does he, now...”
“Hey, where are we going?”
“You'll see.”
En Chan peered at Han Sung through narrowed eyes.
“You're not going to ask me to pretend to be your lover or
anything, right?”
Han Sung was caught off guard, but he didn't let it show. He
“Not a lover, per se. You just have to be next to me.”
Suddenly, En Chan began to smack her head against the car
window. Han Sung was so surprised that he almost let go of the
steering wheel. It was an act that threw even Han Sung, who
usually never so much as blinked at anything, in for a shock.
“Arrgh! Arrgh! I knew it. I knew it! You can't fool me. How is it
that everyone.... Why don't I just open up a substitute
girl/boyfriend service center, huh? How 'bout that?”
“Who else...” Han Sung caught on quickly. About two months
ago, he'd heard an outrageous rumor that Han Kyul was taking
around a pretty boy wherever he went. Now that he thought
about it, it might not have been just a groundless rumor.
Especially when you considered Han Kyul's expression and actions
that night back at the snack cart. Had Han Kyul maybe already
figured out that she was a girl, and was pretending not to know?
“Since you have experience, you'll do a good job. You and Han
Kyul have gotten pretty close, haven't you?”
“Close nothing. We always fight and scream at each other.
Man, things are real sticky between the two of us these days.
We're just not meant to get along or something. Oh, well, not like
fortune-telling or anything. Just the energy between two people,
you know? I don't think we match. How do you guys know each
other anyway? You guys aren't brothers, right?”
“Oh, I see. Well, in that case... The lady from before...”
When Han Sung didn't answer, En Chan answered herself.
“A f-friend, huh? Right? It's not like a love triangle, right?” En
Chan laughed loudly by herself. She soon grew sheepish and shut
her mouth.
When En Chan had grown quiet, Han Sung found that he felt
rather empty. After meeting her at Da Soop, he'd think of her
every once in a while. It was probably because of the bright and
pleasant energy around her. After meeting Yu Ju that night, he'd
felt trapped and frustrated. And then he'd spoken to this woman
for a short while, and found that he was feeling much better,
that, strangely, his mind had grown calmer. He'd been fascinated
by his own actions, laughing as he popped bubble wrap...
“Is the business pretty good?”
“No. We're actually doing pretty badly, so we're all pretty
worried. Our sajang invested a lot into this.”
Han Sung had heard about the deal between Han Kyul and his
grandmother. That situation had actually put him in a rather tight
spot. One part of him wanted Han Kyul to do well and to live go
on doing whatever he wanted, and another part of him worried
that Han Kyul might, following his grandmother's intention,
realize his management potential and begin to like working,
which would complicate things.
“We decided to switch to take out tomorrow, so it'll get
better. If nothing else, sajangnim has some good sense inside that
head of his. I don't think we're going to fail.”
“Han Kyul still doesn't know?”
“Huh? Oh... yea.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. If he knew, you think he'd let me be? He would've
already fired me.”
“You won't be able to hide it forever.”
“(sigh) I don't know either. Sometimes I want to just go ahead
and blurt it out, but every time I get that feeling, I end up
arguing with him. Sometimes I just want him to figure it out on
his own, and other times I feel nervous that I'll get found out. My
emotions go back and forth.”
“It's rather strange. He's not a dense guy.”
“Most people don't notice either anyway. If you hadn't met me
at Da Soop, you probably wouldn't have known either, ahjussi.
Hey, is it ok if I call you ahjussi? If I have to be your girlfriend, do
I have to call you by your name or call you obba? Or honey? Yecch!
That gives me the creeps.”
Han Sung cracked a smile. It was amusing to watch En Chan
talk to herself, counting things off on her fingers and then
shivering all on her own. She really did seem like a troublemaker
boy. He could understand how Han Kyul could be confused.
“When do we eat?”
“Are you hungry?”
“N-not really.. just... yes.”
“We don't have time....”

When Han Sung looked at his watch, En Chan hurriedly
reassured him that it was all right. Han Sung took her word for
granted and parked his car in the beauty shop parking lot. Once
inside the shop, he set his briefcase on a desk arranged in the
shop. The designer who he'd already contacted was waiting to
take En Chan away. Before she disappeared, En Chan made a face
like a puppy being chased away and said,
“You can't leave without me, ok?”
Han Sung spread out his work and tried for a while to
concentrate on it, but he kept getting distracted. Being cold and
apathetic toward other peoples' business was the trademark of
this bloodline. So it was surprising that Han Kyul would care about
even the health of an employee's mother. Not only that, but even
when En Chan spoke freely to Han Kyul in such a impertinent
manner, Han Kyul was still keeping her company. This was nothing
short of a world-shaking event. What was it that she had said to
him? Signs of belated maturity mean it's about time you die? This,
from an employee, to her boss. And the boss was enduring it? Not
just any boss—the almighty Choi Han Kyul was enduring it? How
And even more amusing events were sure to be waiting at the
Han Sung picked his files back up, but he couldn't concentrate.
This time, he was distracted by his curiosity about Ko En Chan,
who'd been dragged away to the dress room after her hair and
make up were done. Eventually, Han Sung put his work away and
went to help En Chan pick out her dress.

*Chapter Fourteen*
Soft and Warm like a Cafe Latte Part I

< Part 1 >

There were quite a few people gathered in the room with the
paintings. Each person, wearing his or her own unique formal
wear, walked around with a glass in one hand and talked to each
other or looked at the paintings. En Chan pulled along her
chocolate colored dress that laid one shoulder bare and followed
after Han Sung. The bottom half of the dress wound around her
legs. The feeling was cool and smooth, like the sensation of ocean
waves. She'd never worn anything that was so thin and soft and
form-fitting before. She walked carefully on account of wearing
high and narrow heeled shoes. So it was true that clothes dictated
the movements of your body. She truly felt as if she'd become a
graceful and sexy woman.
En Chan had put on a wig and false eyelashes. She couldn't
believe her own reflection. The surprise of the people around her
couldn't compare to the shock she herself was feeling. The
transformation could very nearly compare to the prince and the
pauper. She was, by essence, the soot-ridden Cinderella arriving
at the palace. But true to her habit, En Chan couldn't control
herself in front of food. When she saw the food arranged by the
wall on one side of the hall, she lost her head. She abandoned
Han Sung and proceeded to stuff her face.
“Here you are.”
En Chan was in no position to reply. Not only was her mouth
full of food, she was also holding bread pieces covered with
canapes and anchovies in either hand. Han Sung looked at her
squirming lips and knit his eyebrows. En Chan smiled sheepishly
before holding one of the bread pieces out to him.
“No, thanks.”
Han Sung shook his head and then brought her a glass of water.
Right then, he caught sight of a man and a woman walking in
through the entrance.
“Eat later.”
He snatched up En Chan's wrist, which had been stretching
toward the food. She glared at Han Sung.
“Don't say anything. Your voice might give everything away.
Now, smile.”
En Chan licked her fingers as she was being dragged away.
“Good evening, senator.”
“Oh, so it's you. Long time no see.”
Han Sung thought to himself that he might regret it later. But
he wanted to, just once, show the senator that he hadn't lost his
dignity. He didn't care if that was useless obstinancy or foolish
pride. This needed to be done so he could get closure.
“So you're in charge of pharmaceuticals? I hear you're doing
very well with it. Everyone's saying that young men's passion is a
thing to be feared and shivering in their pants.”
“It's only just the beginning. I hope I can count on you for
“What could I possibly guide you on? I should be the one asking
for guidance.”
The dignified senator showed no sign of being flustered as he
laughed heartily. Yu Ju's mother, who stood next to him, was
simply standing there, rigid. Han Sung had politely bowed his
head to her in greeting, and still she hadn't said a single word.
“Darling, there's Yu Ju...”
“Oh, right. Let's have a drink next time, shall we?”
“Of course, senator.”
Han Sung bowed and purposefully did not turn around. He felt
Yu Ju's gaze on his back as he escorted En Chan toward the
entrance. Right then, En Chan discovered Han Kyul, who was just
coming in through the entrance.
This time, En Chan, who had whipped her body around, found
her eyes meeting Yu Ju's. Han Sung put a hand on her bared
“Stay still.” He then whispered in her ear, “I'll take care of it.”
En Chan felt Han Sung's touch on her back and glanced at him.
For some reason, she had a feeling that this man was enjoying
this situation, while she felt the blood dry up in her veins.
“I didn't know you would be coming here, hyung.”
“It's a company affair. Of course I have to be here.”
En Chan stood still, torn between anxiety and anticipation,
fear and thrill. On on hand, she was sure he wouldn't recognize
her, and on the other, she kind of hoped he would. As if her
tremor had been transmitted, the hand on her back moved lightly.
“And this is...”
En Chan lowered her gaze when she realized Han Kyul was
looking at her. If she looked him in the eye, she felt like she was
going to unconsciously begin signaling, 'it's me!' to him.
“A friend.”
Han Kyul crinkled his nose at Han Sung's concise answer.
“What kind of an answer is that? Is this a girlfriend you've
tucked away somewhere?”
“Watch your words.”
“Oh, excuse me. You must understand. I'm just that kind of a
bastard. My name is Choi Han Kyul.”
Han Kyul held his hand out. En Chan debated whether she
should hold out her big, rough, unwomanly hands or not.
Fortunately, a woman appeared just then. En Chan's heart began
to beat faster. Not even during competitions had she been so
“You're here? Oh, you're here too, obba?”
“Wow, you look absolutely stunning, Han Yu Ju. I feel like
whisking you away from here.”
As soon as she heard what Han Kyul had said, En Chan felt
anger rising up from inside of her. Suddenly, she was angrier than
she could express in words. She quickly swept her eyes up and
down the woman. She was wearing a black dress cut deeply in the
front, and truly did look elegant. A long string of pearls hung from
her neck and her hair was swept up high. Her body, which had
only seemed tall and thin when En Chan had seen her before,
seemed voluminous in the dress. Even En Chan felt that she was
so beautiful that she wanted to run away. She suddenly became
very depressed.
“The party's a success. Congratulations, Han Yu Ju.”
“Thanks.” Yu Ju smiled shyly in response to Han Kyul's words.
The image of that smile stabbed En Chan's heart. She vowed to
practice that smile as soon as she returned home.
“I thought your style was limited to a girlish look like Degas,
but modern Chilean art? It's surprising,” said Han Kyul, looking at
the paintings.
“It's because I visited the Santiago art gallery the last time I
went touring. That trip really helped me.”

“See? I told you. I've said this a couple times, but going abroad
really was the best thing you could have done. Hey, isn't there any
dancing at this party? I want to dance the blues with you.”
Han Kyul pulled the woman to him by her waist.
“What are you doing? Stop it.”
The woman tried to push him away, but it didn't seem like she
minded overly much. As En Chan watched the two of them look at
each other and chatter, a fire began to roar inside of her. So
unconsciously, she blew the hair out of her eyes. Right then, her
eyes met Han Kyul's. At the same time her eyes grew wide, Han
Kyul's eyes filled with suspicion. His sharp look seemed to reach
inside of her mind. Even thinking that she should run away, En
Chan was frozen stiff and couldn't move a finger. Han Sung, who'd
caught on immediately said,
“Well, then, we're off....”
Han Kyul approached them. En Chan began to unconsciously
back away when her feet, unfamiliar to heels, gave way.
She stretched out her arm as she stumbled. Both men grabbed
on either side grabbed an arm. En Chan looked at Han Kyul with a
rigid face. Han Sung, who was holding the other hand asked,
“Are you ok?”
En Chan nodded her head and shook off both arms. She
whipped around and limped away. Suddenly, she felt her body
being lifted into the air. Han Sung had come and picked her up.
Finding herself abruptly in a man's arm, En Chan was so surprised
she didn't know what to do. She then saw, over Han Sung's
shoulder, Yu Ju's expression. Her face read shock.
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“Stay still.”
“People are staring.”
The vein in Han Sung's temple rose from the strain of her
weight. En Chan, embarrassed and angry, growled into Han Sung's
“Put me down.”
“We're almost there.”
En Chan glanced back at Han Kyul and Yu Ju, who were
watching them. Both expressions looked grim. She got scared that
Han Kyul might follow them.
Han Sung put En Chan down onto a bench in the backyard. His
forehead was sweating because En Chan, for a girl, had been
pretty heavy.
“Why in the world did you do that? My legs were fine!”
En Chan shouted angrily. The anxiety and tension she'd held
inside exploded and she couldn't see anything else. The image of
Han Kyul with the woman was embedded in her head, refusing to
disappear. The more she thought about it, the hotter the fire
inside of her grew.
“I see now why you brought me here. You wanted to show me
to that woman, right?! Am I right?!”
Seeing the man take out a cigarette and put it in his mouth,
En Chan stood up abruptly. Her heels slipped again in the travel
and she tottered.
En Chan took her heels off and held them in either hand, and
walked away with her legs spread out as usual. Then she turned
around and said, still heated,
“These shoes and this dress.”
She snatched off the voluminous wig on her head.
“And this wig, I'm going to return it to the store tomorrow, so
do whatever you want with them!”
“Look here.”
The man came toward her and grabbed her arm. En Chan
roughly shoved him off and seethed,
“You piece of garbage.”
The man's expression contorted and his face grew frightening.
“I said, you piece of garbage! How could you treat someone
like this! Who do you think you are?”
“You're being rather careless with your words...”
“So what if I am? It's a hundred times better than being
careless in the way you treat people.”
The two of them breathed hard as they glared at each other.
En Chan didn't try to hide the disgust and disapproval she felt as
she shot,
“What the hell is this? What did you want to show them by
doing this? You don't think this is being stupid? Do you know how
hard it was to keep my mouth shut when all I wanted to do was
blurt out the truth? If only our sajang wasn't there.... Grrrr! Ko En
Chan's really learning how to keep her temper.”
En Chan blew out with her mouth again to calm herself and
then continued.
“Even if being in love means being stupid, you shouldn't do
something like this. Do you think it's all right for you to use
somebody and hurt them? What does that make me? When I asked
you not to get me in trouble, it was because I was desperate. And
you use me like this? Man, the more I think about it, the angrier I
get! Damn!”
She was turning around to leave when the man grabbed her
“Wait. I'll drive you home.”
“Forget it! This is the end, right? We're done!”
“Where do you think you're going, looking like that!” shouted
the man. He probably wasn't feeling too good about himself
either. Judging by the look on that woman's face, there's
definitely something there. Is it really a love triangle, then? It
looked like the sajang liked her too...
“Damn, how the hell should I know? It's got nothing to do with
“Stop right there, Ko En Chan!”
En Chan, who'd turned around at Han Sung's shout, felt
another gaze and lifted her head. What she saw surprised her so
much that she nearly fell backwards. The woman was standing
there. How long has she been there?!
En Chan breathed in sharply. Yu Ju's surprised expression was
focused on En Chan's hair. Her face said, I can't believe this. I
know who you are. Only then did En Chan remember that she'd
taken her wig off. Without a second thought, En Chan began to
run like a maniac. She harshly thrust away Han Sung's hand and
ran through the garden barefoot.
Fuck! How long had she been there? How much had she heard?
Shit! More and more people were finding out. Goddamn it! This is
getting out of hand!

< Part 2 >

En Chan, who always came to work having eaten breakfast

after delivering milk, looked down at Ha Rim, who was still
asleep. On one side of the store was a broken orchid vase. Maybe
he had gone to the bathroom late at night; one side of the vase
was broken. En Chan was in a bad mood after having tossed and
turned for the majority of the night. She was about to shake Ha
Rim awake to give him a good scolding when she happened to
look at the entrance. The red wreath hanging on the front glass
door. En Chan put the wreath away along with the broken vace.
She quietly woke Ha Rim up and proceeded to clean silently.
At exactly six-thirty, Han Kyul arrived. En Chan hid in the
kitchen, pretending to be busy. Han Kyul hung up a sign by the
entrance stating that take-out was now possible, and was sitting
drinking coffee at a table outside. En Chan peeked out at him
from time to time. Every time she did, the image of him with the
woman looped around in her head and irritated her. That he
might have recognized her yesterday at the art gallery didn't
make her feel anxious so much as even more irritated. Her
temper rose at how casually he acted. And she felt
disappointment. Her appearance, which even she had thought
was quite attractive, had already disappeared from his mind. If
he had so much as asked a suspicion-riddled question, she might
have immediately blurted out the truth....
The weather grew warmer and warmer with the advent of
April. Han Kyul, who had been drinking coffee while reading his
paper, called to Mr. Hong. He wanted to talk about the menu.
“How can we go around each and every time.....”
“We need a personalized service feature. Some people will
want to enjoy their coffee properly with sugar, and some people
who are in a hurry will want fast-melting syrup. Whipped cream
or steamed milk, cinnamon powder or cocoa powder? If we give
them these choices, they'll feel like they're being served coffee
made especially for them, don't you think?”
“If we want to do all that, it'll take an enormous amount of
time. Also, when we take their order, it'll be easy to get confused.
If we mess up because we're so busy, it'll slow us down twice as
“That's why I'm thinking about an order form. Since you're in
charge of the kitchen, I'm sure you can make a more precise order
form than I can, Mr. Hong.”
“I mean, that would be nice... but you'd have to put aside
more money for ingredients.... We came out with a huge loss last
month, too...”
“Don't worry about me.”
Even though he was speaking to Mr. Hong, Han Kyul was
conscious of En Chan, who was sweeping the front of the store.
“Energetic” wouldn't do the energy the kid put into his sweeping
justice—it looked like he was trying to dig into the ground.
“Hey, Superior Physical Strength boy.”
En Chan jumped at his sudden calling. She looked at him
guiltily and Han Kyul motioned for her to come over. She
approached him with an expression of dissatisfaction and
crossness. He frowned when he saw her expression. It looked like
he was about to scold her for something. En Chan clenched both
fists, stood rigidly, and looked at him stiffly.
“How's your mother doing?”
En Chan answered shortly with no expression.
“Did you lie to me so you could skip work?”

“What am I, a kid? Skipping work... I graduated high school a
long time ago.”
At En Chan's brusque words, Han Kyul knit his eyebrows.
“So you did go to school, huh?”
“Why are you picking a fight again? What did I ever do to you
that you'd have to pick on me so early in the morn—”
Shoot! Her temper couldn't endure more than three seconds
before it showed itself. En Chan bit down on her tongue.
Let's not do this, let's not do this. This man is he sajang, and
I'm an employee. That's it. Don't think about anything else. Don't
think about that woman; don't think about their relationship, it's
got nothing to do with me.
“If you've finished speaking, sajangnim, may I please excuse
myself from your presence?”
“What the hell is wrong with you today? Did you not get
breakfast for something?”
“I ate breakfast.”
“Did you not have enough of it?”
“No, I did.”
“Did you deliver coffee to the market vendors?”
“No. I had to come here, how could I? How many of me do you
think there are?”
“Well, you're such a monster of a kid that I thought maybe
you'd finished it all before coming here. What about your milk
“Did it.”
En Chan maintained her belligerent attitude while answering
his questions curtly. When Han Kyul stopped talking and simply
looked at her, she looked down at him and said,
“If you've finished speaking, may I excuse—“
“The fish vendor—how many packets of cream?”
“Excuse me?”
At the sudden question attack, En Chan found herself holding
up two fingers.
“T-two. And two cubes of sugar.”
“The side dish store?”
“The ahjumma there likes it black.”
“The vegetable store?”
“One packet of cream, two cubes of sugar. The ahjussi takes
only two sugar cubes. Why?”
“All right. Go to work.”
Han Kyul then turned to Mr. Hong. Mr. Hong looked at her with
such a helpless look on his face that she mouthed, 'what's wrong'
to him. But the two of them wordlessly stood up and left.
“What the heck? Ignoring people, huh? Psh.”
She was sulking as she swept when she finally realized
something. She'd failed. She couldn't just think of him as her
sajang. She couldn't just think of him as another person either. My
God, what's happened to me?!

< Part 3 >

The moment she lost herself in her self-torture, people began

to stampede into the streets. They were white-collar men and
women who'd just come from the train station. En Chan
immediately changed her expression and stood straight up
“Coffee Prince Cafe now offers takeout! Come and get it!”
Two females who'd turned to look smiled at her and came into
the store. En Chan greeted them and led them inside. That was
the beginning. They came one by one, and in thirty minutes, the
store was chock full of customers. They were all waiting for
coffee. Mr. Hong became so busy that even Han Kyul was
recruited into the kitchen, and En Chan and Sun Ki, who had no
talent with their hands, were relegated to order-taking and the
register. Nak Kyun and Ha Rim ushered the customers and
provided water and simple conversation. Ha Rim joked around
with the customers and Nak Kyun treated them with courtesy and
kindness. The customers laughed and enjoyed themselves.
Customers who were waiting read the papers and books that had
been prepared and even sat in front of the computer that had
been set up.
She'd worked two hours straight without sitting once, but En
Chan didn't feel the passing of time or the pain in her legs. It had
been a while since she'd been this busy and lively. Everyone
worked well together and dealt with the customers with no
problem. When the customers flooded out again like the waves on
the beach, the crew was silent in the post-frenzy atmosphere.
Just then, Ha Rim jumped up and down shouting,
Only then did it really hit them. Everyone ran around hugging
each other and jumping up and down. It being their first time,
there had been a few mistakes here and there, but everyone
complimented each other on doing a good job.
“Man, the smell of makeup on those women! I went all dizzy
back there.”
“It wasn't that bad. You and your exaggerations.”
“By the way, sajangnim, did you see the curly-haired woman
sitting here in the middle table?”
“Four lattes to go?”
“Yea. She asked how old you were.”
En Chan glared sharply at Ha Rim and Han Kyul. Oblivious, Ha
Rim kept sniggering as he continued,
“It looks like you're the most popular out of all of us. It's
probably because all the women around here are kind of old, huh?
Anyway, you must be feeling pretty good, huh?”
“If she got some lipo done around her waist and transplanted
some hair onto her forehead, she would've been all right.”
“What? Wow, you're real sharp! You saw all of that from there?
Man, players really are something different.”
“If she comes around asking my age again, that's what you tell
“You planning to ruin us all or what?” said En Chan, even
though for some reason, she'd felt better after hearing Han Kyul's
answer. Sometimes, it pays to be impertinent.
“But the table in front of the mini garden was a total
nightmare, don't you agree?”
Ha Rim looked at Nak Kyun and Nak Kyun replied, smiling,
“I wanted to call the EOD.”
“The what? Call the what?” asked En Chan. Han Kyul answered
from the kitchen,
“Explosives Ordinance Disposal.”
“Explosives.... Ya, Kwon Nak Kyun, you're pretty picky too,
aren'tcha? I never knew.”
“If I'm not picky now, when else could I be? There's a saying in
India, 'A beautiful woman belongs to the world, and an ugly
woman belongs only to you.' You've got to share when you can.”
Men. Tsk tsk.
“Ah, I'm hungry,” yawned En Chan, before jumping up
suddenly. “Hey everyone, in honor of our first take-out day
success, I'll take care of lunch.”
“Did the sun rise from the west today?”
“I'll make you all sandwiches. Hey kids, wait just a little bit,
and this hyung will make you the Ko En Chan special sandwiches.”
“Ya, you're going to make it yourself?”
“Is it even edible?”
“You're probably better off just buying kimbab from the
convenience store.”
En Chan, disregarding everyone's protests, eventually
succeeded in buying all the ingredients she needed to make
sandwiches and spread it all out in the kitchen. I suddenly have
the loving urge to make something you can all eat with my own

hands; what can I do? The instincts of a woman can't be helped
once set in motion.
She was busy making the tuna sandwich when the phone rang.
En Chan unconsciously stretched out her hand to pick the phone
“Hello, this is Coffee Prince, home of delicious coffee.”
Suddenly, everyone, who'd been scattered in different places
doing different tasks, stood up in unison. They all stared at En
Chan as if they were looking at a ghost. What the hell is up with
everyone? Oblivious, En Chan looked at Ha Rim and repeated,
Strangely, the phone continued to ring, but nobody thought of
answering it.
“Why aren't you picking up the phone?”
She tried to turn around to look at Mr. Hong when suddenly
Han Kyul shouted,
“Don't move!”
She had no idea what the hell was going on. En Chan
impatiently opened her mouth to ask what was going on.
“Don't make a sound and don't move!” shouted Han Kyul, not
even allowing her to ask a question. Just what in the world was
going on?
The way everyone was looking at her and the tense
atmosphere made her heart begin to beat faster. Everyone else
seemed to feel the same, standing stock still, tensed up. Their
strange reactions made her feel uncomfortable and anxious. She
wanted to shout back at Han Kyul, but he wouldn't let her, so it
made her feel even more scared and worried.
“Don't turn your head....”
The sajang crept slowly toward her and suddenly snatched
away the phone she was holding in her hand.
Immediately, everyone breathed out in unison.
“Ya... Ko En Chan, you.....”
“God, hyung, I can't believe you! You're going to drive me
Mr. Hong collapsed into a chair, Ha Rim began yelling at her,
and Nak Kyun began to tear at his hair saying he was going to go
insane. Seeing that even the usually reactionless Sun Ki was
shaking his head from side to side made En Chan believe that
something pretty big had just happened. Something that had
something to do with her. Just what exactly was this something?!
“You idiot!”
“Ow!!” shouted En Chan indignantly as Han Kyul smacked her
upside the head. “What're you hitting me for?!”
“You, come out from there. Now.”
“Yea. Ko En Chan, you're hereby banished from the kitchen
area. All you do is break cups and you're no help anyway, so don't
even come near the kitchen again.”
“Why? What hap—“
Right then, Han Kyul shoved a huge gleaming cleaver in front
of her face.
“Does this look like a phone to you, you idiot?! You know what;
don't even pick up the phone either. All right?!”
There were beads of sweat on Han Kyul's nose. En Chan finally
realized that she had picked up the cleaver from the cutting
board and brought it to her ear, and had said 'hello' into it.
“Oh! I-I didn't know...”
“What are you, an imbecile?!”
“Oh man, why did I do that? You guys all got scared because of
me, huh? Sorry, sorry....”
“Grrr! If only I could just....”
“You want to be the next van Gogh or something?”
Once Ha Rim began to tease her, the atmosphere became a bit
lighter. Mr. Hong didn't fail to notice how Han Kyul had been
overly alarmed and gone pale. He didn't fail to notice how En
Chan clowned around the sajang, smiling and laughing, trying to
cheer him up, either.
“Sajangnim, were you so scared that your lifespan was
shortened? What are you going to do? You're already pretty old, so
I guess you're going to be forty now, huh?”
The irritation from this morning had vanished. She wasn't one
to be angry for long anyway, but it was the sajang's alarmed
expression, looking more scared than anybody else, that had
melted her.
“Buzz off.”
“How can I buzz off? What am I, a bee?”
“You little—”
Right then, the glass doors opened and a middle-aged woman
came into the store.
“Welcome to Coffee Prince,” said Sun Ki, who had been the
first to see her come in. Everyone stood up from their seats when
Ha Rim, who'd just turned around, shouted,
Surprised, everyone bowed awkwardly and backed away.
Mother and son sat down at a table in the corner of the store. En
Chan served them warm and soft cafe latte. She wanted them to

be able to melt their differences, if any, warmly and softly, like
the cafe latte.
“How did you know I was here?”
“I heard from Gwang Il.”
“Man, I told that guy not to say anything...”
“Do you get enough to eat? Where do you sleep?”
“Just here and there...”
“You don't have any money... have you been sleeping outside
like a homeless person?”
“N-no. I slept here. At the store...”
Suddenly, everyone, who'd been eavesdropping, opened their
eyes widely. Han Kyul, who'd been sitting in front of the
computer, looked around at En Chan. When their eyes met, En
Chan replied to his fierce stare with an awkward smile. Strangely,
the sajang was really good at figuring things out without being
Fascinating. Did I make a guilty face or something?
“You'll ruin your health that way. Just look at your face. Oh,
I'm so upset....”
“I eat well and I sleep well. Don't worry about me.”
“My one and only son leave the house, and I'm not supposed to
worry? Ha Rim, please, stops this and let's goes home with
Mommy, hmm? Father worries about you a lot.”
“Ha Rim.”
“Even if I went in now, it'll just be the same thing. You know
as well as I do, Mom. Dad will just yell at me to get out.”
“So you're not going to come home?”
Seeing Ha Rim look so serious and depressed for the first time
made En Chan feel bad. The other employees who hadn't known
Ha Rim had left home glared at En Chan, looking as if they'd been
betrayed. Nak Kyun asked in a low voice,
“Why'd he leave home?”
“College issues.”
Ha Rim's mother pleaded with him, crying. Ha Rim tried to
comfort her, but it didn't look like he was about to bend his own
will. Right then, Han Kyul stood up from the computer. He strode
over to the table. The employees who had been watching
breathlessly opened their eyes widely in surprise. En Chan
bounced her butt in the air as she looked at Han Kyul's back.
What is that man going to say?
“Jin Ha Rim.”
Ha Rim slowly got up and hung his head.
“Pack your things and get out.”
Alarmed, En Chan dashed over and tried to dissuade Han Kyul.
“Sajangnim, wait just a moment here.”
But Han Kyul pushed her away with a firm and serious
expression. And then he spoke to Ha Rim again in a dispassionate
“Go and compromise with your father. Until you do, don't you
lay a foot in my store.”

*Chapter Fifteen*
Marine Boy Part I

< Part 1 >

The coffee house picked up momentum as more and more

customers filled up the store. As if avenging itself against the lack
of activity in the past, business attacked the store guerrilla-style
with customers flooding in and flooding out. Eventually, they had
to install a second kitchen by tearing through the glass door on
the left. There, Mr. Hong and relatively quick-handed Nak Kyun
took over, while the inner kitchen was passed onto Han Kyul
himself. Outside, they increased the number of tables for take-
out customers, and they fixed up the landscaping and the
facilities. Newspapers, magazines, and books were set up, the
mailbox greeted customers, and outside speakers were installed
to keep waiting customers from getting bored. Next week, they
would try out the order form.
“En Chan obba, I'm here.”
“Oh, hey, how are ya? Cappuccino, right?”
“Uh huh. I want obba to make it for me.”
There are a lot of female customers who come looking for En
Chan. Especially this one, a helper at a nearby karaoke place,
who comes to seduce En Chan everyday at around four PM.
Han Kyul couldn't concentrate on his conversation with Mr.
Hong. It was because of the girl who, without fail, showed up
today as well, wearing a low cut shirt and a mini skirt, smiling at
En Chan. He found himself checking to see if En Chan was looking
at her chest. He hated himself for doing so, so much that he felt
like he was going insane, but he couldn't help it. His eyes moved
there on their own.
“Obba, come visit our place. I'll give you a lot of specials. No,
in fact, I'll treat you.”
“Ok. When I have time...”
“Gosh, when's that going to be?”
She looked older than Ko En Chan, and still she was calling him
obba; it was incredible. Mr. Hong noticed that Han Kyul was
glaring at the woman for some time now. The conversation had
come to a stop and even though Mr. Hong was looking at Han Kyul,
he didn't seem to notice.
“I get off work early tonight. Do you want to go watch a late-
night movie with me? There's a good one that I wanted to see.”
“Man, it's been a while since I've seen a movie. I like action
movies. Is it an action movie?”
“Oh, what was the title again...”
“Ya, Ko En Chan!” Han Kyul called sharply, having seen that En
Chan had finished making the cappuccino.
“Yes?” Hearing Han Kyul call him, En Chan hurriedly handed
the cappuccino over to the woman. “Hey, I gotta go. Rain check
on the movie.”
Han Kyul said looking at En Chan, who'd run over,
“Don't flirt with the customers.”
“Huh? When did I—“
“Being friendly and flirting are two different things. Right
now, you were flirting, all right?”
“N-no way!”
“It's always the one who can't work properly that creates all
the problems. So you have to be especially careful.”
“When did I ever create problems?”
“Shuttup, kid.”
En Chan threw a fit saying Han Kyul was being unfair, but Han
Kyul didn't even seem to be listening. Watching En Chan call over
the other employees to ask if he was flirting or not made him
want to self-destruct.
Have you gone mad, Choi Han Kyul? What the hell are you
doing? Why are you paying so much attention to that kid? Man, I'm
going nuts! Seriously! I hate everyone who gets close to him,
regardless of sex or age. I don't want him to be nice to anybody
else. But that kid's nice to everyone and anyone. What a loose
kid. What a pushover!
After sending Ha Rim home, he hadn't employed anyone else.
Han Kyul was planning to wait a week. If Ha Rim didn't contact
him until then, he would have to use someone else. Since the
weather started changing for the better, they were becoming
more and busier.
The final number for the second month's sales wasn't bad at
all. Compared to what he'd estimated in the beginning, it was a
pathetically small number, but the first month's losses had been
enormous, so he had to be thankful that the second month had
even put them into the black.
Han Kyul said as the last customer left the store,
“How 'bout a company dinner tonight?”
“Wow! It's been a while, hasn't it? Let's eat pork boned rib!”
“Yea? I was going to suggest sirloin....”
“Sirloin!! I call!”
Han Kyul watched En Chan brighten up immediately, all
feelings of victimization gone, and clenched his teeth. It was to
stop himself from laughing.

Coffee Prince had become a morning-based cafe. They opened

their doors at dawn and closed their doors at nine at night.
Sometimes when there were customers who came to drink coffee
after dinner, they left it open until ten, but when that happened,
Mr. Hong or Han Kyul were the only ones to remain behind while
everyone else was free to take off. This was because Han Kyul felt
bad that they'd worked two months straight without letting a
single day off. Han Kyul didn't know that he would feel such
apologetic feelings toward his employees. Thankful and
apologetic emotions mixed together and made him more
affectionate toward them. It was the first time he'd ever felt this
strange feeling, but it didn't feel bad.
He'd put his apron away and was preparing to close up when
he heard laughing from somewhere. En Chan and Sun Ki had put
their heads together and were whispering something. The only
person that Sun Ki, who never wasted words, ever talked to was
En Chan. It was a mystery why, but Ko En Chan possessed the
strange ability to pull words out from anyone.
Even when Han Kyul had come out from washing his hands, En
Chan and Sun Ki were stuck together. Watching them as they
whispered, holding something up, made him feel strange inside.
An unnamable emotion began to unfold and bloom inside of him.
This feeling, this feeling that rose up every day when he looked at
Ko En Chan, confused him. So much so that he'd even called Pak
Do Hun's elder brother, someone he didn't know very well, on the
That conversation had proceeded thusly.
[How unexpected. A call from you? What's the matter?]
“I'm sorry, hyung, I meant to go visit you, but I've been so busy
that I've only just had the chance to call you. You see, I'm kind of
busy doing something these days.”
[Oh, I think I heard from Do Hun. A coffee shop, right?]
“Yes. It started out as just a way to kill time, but it takes up
more time than I thought.”
[I see. And you're having fun?]
“Well, I'm not doing it to have fun, but it's not boring. The
reason I'm calling is because I have something to ask you. A friend
of mine is stuck in a dilemma, and I thought maybe a psychologist
could help.”
[What are the symptoms?]
“Well.. you see....... There's this guy that my friend has met
recently, and this guy is real pretty, just like a girl. The way he
talks or acts says that he's a male, but this twenty-four year-old
guy is a total pretty boy. But whenever my friend so much as looks
at this guy, his heart starts pounding and the guy starts to look
pretty, and he starts w-wanting to t-touch him.... Anyway, that's
what he says. Unbelievable, huh? It's not like he's gay or
[If he's your friend, he's probably around your age, yes?]
“The same age, actually.”
[Perhaps this is a case of belated self-discovery.]
“Excuse me? Are you saying he's gay? Even though this has
never happened before?”
[Well, we can't jump to conclusions. It could be a temporary
case, so if the symptoms worsen, send him to our hospital. But
hey, how pretty is this guy that this would happen? If your friend's
the same age as you are, why don't you tell him to just try going
for it? He has experience with women, I presume?]
“Of course.”
[In that case, tell him to try light physical contact. This will
clear everything up. Even though he thinks he wants to touch
him, once he embraces or even kisses the other guy, he might
realize he's actually averse to it. He might even be lost in his own
fantasy. Or it might be just curiosity about pretty boys....]
Han Kyul was chewing over the contents of the conversation in
his head when his cell phone rang. It was Yu Ju. By her breathing,
it sounded like she was walking somewhere while on the phone.
[You're still at your coffee shop, right? I'm on my way there
right now.]
[A reporter who came to cover the art gallery asked me to
introduce him to a good coffee shop, so I recommended Coffee
“You shouldn't have.”
[Why? Doesn't your store need help? I was just trying to—]
“No, no, thanks. So he's coming here right now?”
[No. I'm giving you a few more props. Last time, I noticed that
the left wall was a bit barren. The reporter's going to take
pictures to put in the magazine, so the store should look nice. I
wanted to come earlier, but the meetings only just ended. Ah, I'm
hungry. Feed me.]
As soon as he heard her say this, En Chan came into view close
up. He suddenly remembered the woman he met a few days ago
at the party who'd come with Han Sung. The moment she'd blown
the hair out of her eyes, he'd thought of Ko En Chan. Hey, that's
Ko En Chan's habit, he'd thought. For a moment, the woman's face
and En Chan's face had lined up, but Han Sung had carried her
away, so the image had broken. He'd become angry at Yu Ju's
crumbled expression, so he'd forgotten about it. But now that he
saw En Chan, that woman came to mind again. To think that that
glamorous woman was Ko En Chan was, he had to admit, pretty
absurd. That woman had had long hair with big eyes and sensuous
lips and plump breasts with long legs and a tight body, smelling of
perfume... a far cry from Ko En Chan. Now you're imagining all
sorts of things, Choi Han Kyul. Have you finally gone insane? Are
you "lost in your own fantasy"? Goddamn it.
“All right.”
He hung up and put the cell phone in his pocket when En Chan
swaggered over to him.
“Sajangnim, aren't you coming?”
“You guys are going to have to have the company dinner
without me tonight.”
“Aw man! Why?” said En Chan with an annoyed look on his
face. Han Kyul wanted to tear his own hair out. Just why did he
think this guy was insanely cute?!
“You don't need me; you just need my credit card.” Han Kyul
took his gold credit card from his wallet and held it out to En
Chan. “Here, take it. Don't overdo it.”
“Hey, what makes you think you can trust me with this card?”
En Chan immediately changed his tune and snatched the card
away. For having worried at all about this parasite, Han Kyul had
only one thing to say to himself:
Crazy bastard.
“We're going to go to three different places tonight!”
Han Kyul smacked En Chan, who was whistling as he went out
the door, upside the head as he said,
“You trying to make everyone be late to work tomorrow? You
better not come in late tomorrow. I'll fire all of you.”
“Psh. I knew it from the moment you handed over your credit
card without a fuss.”
“I give you my card and you're still complaining?”
“How could I, sajangnim? I'll be sure to eat well without
complaining. But where are you going? A date?”
“Yea. What are you going to do about it?”
Suddenly, En Chan's face crinkled like a silver pot. He then
whipped around and went outside. Han Kyul, who'd been waiting
for En Chan's retort, looked after him, feeling rather empty.
“What the heck? What's with the sudden long face? Is he
hungry or something?”
After the employees had gone, Han Kyul was left alone in the
store. When they were leaving, En Chan hadn't said a single word
or even so much as looked at him. Han Kyul had had to restrain
himself from calling him over to ask what the matter was. He
didn't want the other employees to think anything strange.
The worse you feel, the more you eat. In this, Ko En Chan's
stomach was of a superior kind.
Stuffed with meat, En Chan stood up when the restaurant
employee began taking the plates away and said,
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Oh, let me go with you.”
“Excuse me?”
En Chan looked at Mr. Hong, shocked, when he followed her
out. Under the influence of alcohol, she'd momentarily forgotten
that they were supposed to be the same sex.
“Oh, right. Right. L-let's go.”
Fortunately, the bathroom in the restaurant was co-ed.
“Ya,” said Mr. Hong as he urinated outside the stall. “Why
don't you just come clean?”
“Come clean about what?”
“About sitting down to pee.”
Horrified, En Chan hurriedly pulled her pants up. She flushed
the toilet and came outside, but Mr. Hong was nowhere to be
seen. When she came outside, she saw Mr. Hong smoking a
cigarette and glared as she approached him.
“What if someone had heard that? I've been nervous enough as
it is since Ha Rim.”
“The sajang... are you sure he doesn't know yet?”
“Of course. If he knew, do you think that old cheapskate
would let me be?”
En Chan hung her head. She was worried enough as it is. She'd
wondered if the woman from the art gallery had figured anything
out, so she'd called the bubble wrap man, and sure enough, he
said that the woman had found out. He said not to worry because
he'd take care of it, but to En Chan, it seemed like it was only a
matter of time before word reached the sajang's ears. Maybe it
was a better idea to tell him herself before then. These men's
clothes now felt confining. She wanted to get out of this act and
return to the way she was before. Recently, she'd been feeling
time and time again that she'd like for him to look at her for who
she really was.
“What can he do about it now? You're a part of the team. Do
you really think he'd kick you out?”
“Even if he does, there's nothing to be done about it. I'm
considering telling him sometime soon. It's weird. Male, female, I
didn't really think about it until now... When I was younger, it was
kind of amusing to see the other kids' reactions. After Dad died, I
was too busy to care.”
“But you care these days, don't you?”
“It's not so much that I care as much as it is that I don't like
fooling someone. But why are you suddenly saying I should come
clean? Do you think maybe the sajang has already figured it out?”
“No, nothing like that... just... it just seems like there's
something between the two of you.”
“Huh? What do you mean 'something'?”
“Nothing. Let's go inside.”
En Chan tilted her head from side to side as she followed Mr.
Hong inside.

< Part 2 >

Han Kyul took Yu Ju to a Japanese restaurant nearby. It

seemed that something had happened between her and Han Sung
during the art gallery party, but Yu Ju said nothing. In her words,
she was just tired, but her face was drawn and she looked
impatient, as if being chased by something. It was probably
because of Han Sung. Even if it wasn't for Yu Ju, Han Kyul found
himself disliking Han Sung more and more these days.
“Your cafe closes early, doesn't it? I wanted to see your
employees, too.”
“Why? You interested in one of them? If you are, let me know.
I'll stick him with you.”
“What are you saying? Interested.... It's just... That person, Ko
En Chan....”
Han Kyul unconsciously gave Yu Ju a sharp look.
“He's the one who got me my purse back, right? I didn't get to
properly thank him. I didn't realize it at the time because it was
dark, but he's really pretty, huh? For a guy....”
“If you're worried about thanking him, I've thanked him
enough for the both of us, so don't worry about it.”
“Maybe Han Sung obba likes that type.”
“I-I mean, if that person was a woman. He's pretty, just like a
girl. He's bright and honest and open and strong.”
“Just when did you get to know that kid this well?”
Han Kyul realized that he was being edgy and clenched his
eyes shut. Wake up, Choi Han Kyul! This is Yu Ju, Han Yu Ju. She's
got nothing to do with Ko En Chan.
Han Kyul took in a deep breath and put the edge out of his
voice as he said,
“If Han Sung hyung went for that type, do you think he
would've dated Han Yu Ju for three years? What's wrong with you
all of a sudden? You've been strange ever since that party at the
art gallery. Did something happen?”
“No. I'm just wondering if he's sick of me. Until now, I've
thought that it was just because he was angry that I broke off the
engagement on my own, but now I'm starting to think that maybe
that's not it. It might be that he's totally uninterested in me, or
that he's drawn to other types of women. Don't men want to try
dating different types of women?”
“That's most guys. Choi Han Sung is a special breed.”
“What about you?”
“Me? I'm a man amongst men, so I put value on variety.” Han
Kyul paused for effect before snickering as he said, “I don't even
discriminate among sexes.”
Just when Yu Ju looked at him through wide eyes, his phone
rang. It was his older brother. Han Kyul, whose face had
immediately hardened, picked up the phone call and heard the
news that his father had collapsed.
[Come to the hospital. Now.]
He then heard for the first time that his father was in danger
of a blocked artery in his heart. He'd known that his father
suffered from hypertension and so he had to undergo chemical
treatments and watch what he ate, and that's all he knew. He
didn't know that while he was studying abroad, his father had
collapsed twice from excessive stress and drinking.
When Han Kyul arrived at the hospital with Yu Ju, he was
stopped at the entrance of the hospital room.
“Wait. He says he needs to talk to Han Sung.”
“Han Sung hyung's inside there? How is he here before I am?!”
“Be quiet.”
Han Kyul, who'd thrust his older brother aside, stopped at his
grandmother's call.
“Han Kyul, come here.”
He hung his head and walked over to the sofa where his
mother and grandmother were sitting. When his grandmother
took his hand and pulled him closer, he collapsed onto his knee.
“He collapsed during a meeting. That's why Han Sung brought
him here.”
At his mother's words, Han Kyul raised his head.
“A meeting? Until this hour?”
“It looks like Han Sung's going to take over Foods.”
“So he collapsed from the shock of that? Is that what this is?”
His grandmother gave a long sigh and said,
“The Choi family wants a new president, is what this is.”
This had happened before. When his uncle had undergone
police investigation, the Choi family had coldly asked for Han
Kyul's father's rise to the presidency. This time, it looked like the
successor was going to be the son of the eldest son, Choi Han
Sung. Han Kyul didn't care who was in charge of the company. But
he didn't want what happened to his uncle to happen to his
father. He wouldn't allow it.
The door opened and Han Sung appeared. Everyone stood up
and looked at him.
“He says he wants to rest. He says there are nurses around, so
it's all right for everyone to go back.”
Han Sung blocked Han Kyul, who was trying to go inside the
“He said not to let anyone in. He's going to sleep.”
“I said MOVE!”
“Han Kyul.” Despite his mother's appeal, he pushed Han Sung
aside. Just then the nurse came out from the room and repeated
that he'd just fallen asleep, so it was probably better to come the
next day.
“Grandmother, go and take some rest. Uncle's going to be
better soon.”
“Han Sung, see me for a minute.”
“Why don't I see you at the company tomorrow, hyung?
(translator's note: here, he's speaking to Han Kyul's older brother,
who would be his older cousin.) I have something to say to you in
private as well. For tonight, take Grandmother home.”
In the midst of the extreme tension, Grandmother stood up.
Han Kyul's mother and sister-in-law held her arms and she walked
out quietly. His older brother left as well, and all who remained
were Han Sung, Yu Ju and Han Kyul.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?!” roared Han Kyul at
Han Sung, gritting his teeth. “ 'You made my father die, let me
give you a taste of what I've got,' is that it?!”
“Choi Han Kyul!” Yu Ju stood between them and tried to stop
Han Kyul. Both Han Kyul, clenching both fists, and Han Sung,
standing calmly, glared at each other.
“Or is this because of Han Yu Ju? You think if you become the
president of the company, Senator Han's going to offer his
daughter up to you? You can't ask for her because of your dignified
pride, so you're trying to get him to offer her—“
Yu Ju's hand slashed across Han Kyul's cheek. Han Kyul stood
there with his head to one side, and Yu Ju ran out, tears in her
“Take good care of Uncle. Don't do anything to stress him.”
Han Sung left and Han Kyul kicked at the sofa, letting out his
“You fool! You goddamn fool! Goddamn it!”
His anger rose up and drove him crazy. He felt like he was
going to explode from the despair and self-hatred he felt.

< Part 3 >

En Chan's group went to a karaoke bar after dinner. But even

when she sang fun songs, En Chan didn't feel up to it. She kept
thinking about the sajang. She was so curious what he was up to
at the moment that she couldn't focus on the song. That date or
whatever was probably with that woman, Han Yu ju. Maybe the
two of them were at a fantastic restaurant eating dinner and
drinking wine. Imagining the two of them together made her feel
ill-tempered. She vowed to stop thinking about it and sang her
throat out while jumping around. En Chan was the only was
dancing like an idiot. Nak Kyun was completely tone-deaf and Mr.
Hong only sang Kim Gwang Suk songs.
“Man, this is boring. I wish Ha Rim was here. If he was here,
he'd play along...” grumbled En Chan as she returned to the sofa.
The song Mr. Hong had reserved began to play.
“Looks like you're in a bad mood tonight,” said Sun Ki, who
was sitting next to her. En Chan, who'd been watching the screen,
turned her head that was resting on her hand to look at Sun Ki.
“Are you tired?”

En Chan drank her soda while listening to Mr. Hong sing. She
swayed from side to side, singing along, and then stopped and
turned to Sun Ki and said,
“You know the quail feather grandpa? He came today too, at
9:30 am sharp. And I failed again. Why is that old man's tastes so
By 'quail feather grandpa,' En Chan meant the elderly
gentleman who came to Coffee Prince every morning at 9:30
sharp, wearing a checkered suit and a homburg hat with a quail
feather stuck in it.
“I just don't know what he wants. I made it exactly the way he
told me to, and he still said it wasn't right, that there was too
much cinnamon in it today. Whew. I've never met such a picky
grandpa in my life.”
“But that grandpa only ever orders from you, hyung. He
doesn't even look at the rest of us.”
“That's what makes me even madder. How did he know that
I'm the worst out of all of us and order from me? It's like he's
saying, 'haha, let me mess around with you now.' Psh. We'll see
about that. We'll see who wins, him or me.”
When Mr. Hong's song ended, Sun Ki took the microphone. En
Chan looked in surprise at Sun Ki, who was heading to the stage.
The intro began to play. The song on the screen was Buzz's
“Hey, look at him, his pose looks good, huh?”
Just as Mr. Hong said, Sun Ki stood like a real singer and began
to sing skillfully. The voice he rarely let anyone hear was so sweet
and smooth....
En Chan, who'd picked up a peanut, stopped in mid-action.
Completely dazzled, she looked at Sun Ki. Short of drooling, En
Chan looked like a complete idiot. And there goes the drool. Nak
Kyun and Mr. Hong both watched Sun Ki and exclaimed to each in
turn. His high notes were perfect and heart-wrenching. When the
song ended, the three people who'd listened as if possessed stood
up in unison and gave him a standing ovation.
“Ya, No Sun Ki, how could you? How could you fool us like
“You could totally be a singer! I'm seriously really jealous.”
“You bastard, you actually play around a lot, don't you? You
secretly go around club-hopping at night, don't you?”
“Hey, sing another one.”
“Yea, this time, sing a faster one. This bastard probably
dances really well too.”

Sun Ki, after declining to dance several times, began to sweep
the stage like a b-boy. His long arms and legs went whirling, and
everyone's eyes went spinning. His body was so flexible that it
reminded En Chan of a salmon strongly making its way upstream.
“No Sun Ki! No Sun Ki!”
The group went wild with cheering. Eventually, everyone grew
excited and stood up to shake their bodies. Nak Kyun, shaking a
tambourine, looked like a cheerleader. En Chan thrust away Mr.
Hong as he tried to spin her and danced by herself.
When Mr. Hong, who'd become rather excited, began to sing
Kim Gwang Suk's “The Place The Wind Blows To,” En Chan quietly
left the group and headed toward the bathroom. Apprently, she'd
eaten too much sirloin. Unconsciously, she ended up in the
women's bathroom. She was about to go back out when she
laughed at her own identity confusion, and went back in. She was
sitting on the toilet when she smelled cigarettes.
“You know the room next to ours? I was walking by and I heard
a familiar voice so I peeked in.”
“Someone you know?”
“Marine Boy.”
The cigarette smoke plumed over the stall door. En Chan
scowled and waved her hand around to dispel the smoke.
“What? What's that bastard doing here? Did he quit the other
place? Is he working here now?”
“Hey, do they use men here? I think I did hear something about
madam looking for a few...”
“Aw shit! Another run in my stocking!”
“Just take it off. Hey, judging by the looks of those old
geezers, they're not going to tip much, so let's cut them off early
and go hang out at a bar somewhere.”
“I'm broke, you bitch.”
En Chan, who'd come out of the bathroom, felt like throwing
up from the smell of cigarette smoke and perfume. She was
holding her breath as she washed her hands when her cell phone
“Hello, this is Coffee Prince, home of deli— Oops!”
It'd become habit to say this line, even when she was picking
up her own cell phone. En Chan hurriedly said,
[Tae Kwon V.]
The pronunciation of the words was slurred, so it was hard to
make out what was being said.
“Who is this?”
[Me? Hmm... I wonder who I am?]

This was a familiar way of speaking. Oh! And here I am,
wondering who it is.
“Mr. Cranky Sajang, what's the matter? Is your date no fun?”
[Date? Ok, let's go on a date.]
What the hell is he saying?
“Sajangnim, are you drunk?”
[No. I'm drinking. Ya, Ko En Chan!]
“Damn, you're going to make me deaf. Why, sajangnim!”
[You, come here.]
“Huh? Right now?”
[Yea. Come here.]
“We're having fun right now, why are you trying to make me
leave? I don't want to. If you have something to say to me, tell me
tomorrow. Or you should come here, sajangnim. Did you know
that Sun Ki sings really—“
[Sun Ki? Oh, No Sun Ki. You're with that guy right now?]
“Of course. It's our first company dinner in a long time. Do you
think I'd let anyone get away?”
[Don't hang around that guy! I don't need him. Shake him off
and you come here.]
“Are you at your hotel right now?”
[Yea. Our hotel.]
“Do you know what time it is right now? If I go all the way
there, when, exactly am I supposed to go to sleep? Aren't you
overworking your employee too much? I have to deliver milk
tomorrow, too. It's not like I'm your secretary or anything....”
[Hey kid! Can't you just come when I ask you to?]
“Goddamn it....”
[I need you right now.]
Surprise took En Chan's breath away.
[I need you....]

*Chapter Sixteen*
Love is a Secret You Can't Hide Part I

< Part 1 >

Having arrived at the door of room S11, En Chan took in a

deep breath before ringing the bell. Her heart was still pounding
from what he'd said on the phone. She told herself that he
probably hadn't meant it, that it was a slip of the tongue or joke
or a thoughtless remark. But it wasn't working very well.
She heard pounding feet and the door opened, but there was
nobody there, just the smell of alcohol. En Chan, who'd come
inside, looked at mess that started from the door on and was
surprised. The farther she went into the room, the worse the
mess became. Clothes were crumpled and rolled up on the floor,
chairs were knocked over, wet towels and tissues boxes, books,
DVDs were all scattered about.
Hearing a squishing sound from underneath, En Chan looked
down. An enormous vase had been knocked over, and the carpet
was thoroughly soaked.
“What the hell is all this?” En Chan struggled to set the vase
up straight. “Why's it so messy in here?”

“Just step around it and come inside,” came the answer from
inside. He'd either drunken too much, was still drinking, or had
spilled his drinks, because the room absolutely reeked of alcohol.
“You're usually such a neat freak, why'd you make this mess?
It's very un-Han-Kyulistic.”
“What are you yapping about? It's not like you're going to clean
it for me.”
He was right. En Chan stepped around the clothes lying on the
floor and moved to the living room by stepping only in empty
He was on sitting on the floor in the living room, between the
sofa and the coffee table. His shirt was flung open and his hair
was rumpled as if someone had begun to wash it and then quit. In
one hand he hand a green liquor bottle and was watching the
“Ya, come here. This is really funny,” he said, watching the
screen and waving her over. En Chan scowled and tiptoed toward
him. She pushed aside his jacket on the sofa and sat down.
“Come sit here. I don't like having people stare at the back of
my head.” En Chan glared at the back of his head.
There was nothing else she could do but slide down and sit on
the floor.
“Come over, go away, come here, sit down, what am I, a dog?”
“A dog?” he snickered. Without taking his eyes off the
television, he held out his palm. “Shake.”
En Chan smacked his hand down hard, and he whined, saying
it hurt. And then suddenly he put his arm around her shoulder. En
Chan looked at him in surprise. He was still watching the game
show on the television. He lifted the bottle.
“Do you want a sip?”
“No, thanks.”
“Hey, don't be shy. Here. Drink.”
He forced the bottle to her mouth.
She couldn't get away because he was holding tightly onto her
head. Eventually, En Chan opened her mouth and then
immediately winced at the strong smell.
The alcohol wasn't just strong, it was overpowering. It felt like
her throat was shriveling into itself. She was coughing and gasping
for air when he stretched out his hand to wipe off the liquor that
was flowing down her chin, as if to a child. He then took the
bottle to his mouth like nothing had happened.

It was rather worrisome the way he was gulping it down. En
Chan watched him drink, even wetting his neck, and asked,
“You get dumped?”
“Pfff!!!” Alcohol sprayed from his mouth. He coughed the
liquid from his windpipe and said, “Wh-what did you say?”
Just then, she saw the stream of liquid on his chin. Without
thinking, En Chan stretched out her hand and wiped it off, just
like he had. His eyes grew wide with surprise. En Chan pretended
not to notice as she clucked her tongue.
“You got dumped by that lady, right? It was one-sided, right? I
knew it. Date, my butt. I can tell just by looking that you liked
her all by yourself and then got kicked in the behind. Even I have
to say that you and that lady don't look good together. That lady
looks better with that pop wrap ahjussi. Well, the pop wrap
ahjussi might be kind of a jerk, but he's a good-mannered jerk,
dependable, too.”
“What's all this pop-popping about? Stop pop popping.”
(translator's note: in Korean, bubble wrap is pronounced “bbok
bbok”, a word that require a significant pout of the mouth to say.
The point of this dialogue is that this pout diverts Han Kyul's
attention to En Chan's lips, so I had to change “bubble wrap” to
“pop wrap” since the word “pop” requires more pouting than
“Why? Pop wrap is the best! Haven't you ever tried refrigerator
poppers? It's the best of all pop wraps.”
En Chan raised a thumb and continued to explain.
“You know, before, when my family bought a new refrigerator
—do you know how big refrigerator poppers are?—my dad and I
spread it out on the floor and popped all of them. Do you know
how we did it? We rolled around. We pressed down with our backs
and it popped, like this, pop pop, and in our ears we could hear
pop pop, pop pop.....”
En Chan stopped when she felt that the mood had suddenly
turned strange. He began to come closer, looking at her as if to
bore a hole in her face. She began to be pushed back as he came
closer, and her head began to fall backwards.
“Wh-what are you doing?”
His eyes were gathered on her lips. Her heart felt like it was
about to burst from his sudden proximity.
“You're funny.”
En Chan tried to make a joke to get away.
“I-I'm not funny, I-I can't even tell a joke.”
“No, you're funny.”
It didn't work. He was still looking at her intensely and he'd
gotten so close she could feel his breath on her.
“Your hair is funny....” He fingered a few strands of it and
rubbed it as if to test it. Then his hand strayed down to her face
and rested on her cheek. Her heart strained to burst out of her
“Your skin is funny....”
Her pulse was going crazy. En Chan swallowed hard and looked
at his eyes, which were unblinking. She felt like she was going to
melt into the fragrance that emanated from his body.
“Your lips are funny....”
What was funny was En Chan's heart. Her mind was a complete
blank. It might have been that he'd figured out that she was a
girl, and this might be him trying to tell her that, but her mind
was a complete blank. All she could do was tremble with the
anticipation and excitement that his fingers would soon touch her
Finally his thumb reached her lips. He gazed at them intensely
as he touched, and her lips parted on their own. He lifted to his
eyes to capture her own. En Chan looked at him, shaking with
excitement and anxiety.
Just then, he said,
“Are you a..... gay?”
Suddenly, everything lurched to a stop. Anticipation and
excitement vanished into air. En Chan felt irritated at her strange
sense of disappointment.
“You might not have known it yourself until now, but—“
En Chan shoved him away by his chest. She stood up abruptly
as he flailed backwards. Her heart was still pounding quickly. She
felt embarrassed that she'd expected anything and her reddening
face felt like it was on fire.
“Wh-what the hell are you talking about!”
“Ah... ow.. my back.....”
He squirmed on the floor.
“If you've gotten drunk, you should just pass out like a decent
person! Why'd you have to call me out and say ridiculous things?
Really! You're completely no help! Stop whining and go to bed!”
Right then, he pulled the bottle out from under his back. En
Chan looked at him in surprise. Groaning, he sat up and winced as
he rubbed his lower back.
“Man... that sure as hell woke me up. Fuu....”
“A-are you all right?”
En Chan sat back down and helped massage the injured area.
“Serves you right for saying such nonsense... Are you all
“Man, you may be peanut-sized but you're hella strong. How
much meat did you eat today?”
En Chan answered as she massaged,
“Not much. About 18 servings?”
“All by yourself?”
“No, all together. I only ate six servings by myself.”
“Six servings? You ate six servings all by yourself? Isn't that
past the lethal dosage for a human?”
“Lethal dose? Nah. A sumo wrestler could probably finish
sixteen servings all by himself.”
“What a very EnChanlistic statement.”
“You feeling better now?”
He stood up and rotated his torso before saying,
“Now that I'm wide awake, I've got to drink some more. For
the almighty Ko En Chan, who finishes six servings of meat like it
was nothing, this kind-hearted sajangnim will open up a bottle of
excellent wine.”
“It's late. I have to go home.”
“You can't go home today. Stay the night.”
“I can't. I have to deliver milk in the morning....”
“Hey, scrap that, all right? Starting today, I mean, tomorrow,
don't do anything. Just stay by my side. All right, Mr. Ko En Chan?”
Wide awake my ass. He's still talking nonsense.
En Chan flopped onto the sofa, dumbfounded. To be honest,
she didn't want to leave either. With a word, he could control her
emotions, making her happy and then disappointed, back and
forth. Her body would heat up and then cool down with a single
look from him. Ahhh I give up. I don't know what's happening to
me. I must've caught cold or something.

< Part 2 >

Han Kyul sat on the left end of the sofa, En Chan on the right.
They looked at each other as they drank. In the middle of the
sofa were their legs, entangled together.
“What size shoes do you wear?” asked Han Kyul, giving En
Chan's foot a light kick with his own foot. En Chan sipped the
wine before answering,
“Size 8 ½.”
“7 ½.”
“I wear 9 ½ size shoes.”
“No, really, I either wear size 8 ½ or 7 ½.”
“Your foot looks like a size 6.”
“Big shoes are in fashion these days.”
“What are you, a kid? Still following fashion trends?”
“Don't you buy new ties when the tie trend changes?”
“That's not the same thing.”
The two of them continued drinking for a while, kicking each
other's feet. En Chan had already begun to melt from the wine,
and Han Kyul had become quite mellow as well.
“What are you going to do about Ha Rim?”
“I'm not going to do anything.”
“I don't know what happened, but he won't pick up his phone.
Why is it that if someone leaves Coffee Prince, they stop picking
up their calls? What if it's not that he's not picking up the phone,
and it's that he can't pick it up... What if something bad
“What do I look like, a guidance counselor for runaway teens?”
“Ha Rim's not a runaway teen. He's an adult, and he has a very
clear goal.”
“If you have a goal, you should expect obstacles.”
“I heard that his father's extremely strict. His son left home
for two months, and he didn't even go looking for him. There's no
doubt that his father's completely old-fashioned and stubborn as
hell. Ha Rim probably took after his mother.”
Seeing that he'd finished his glass, en Chan stood up. She felt a
little dizzy, but the buzz felt nice. She lifted the bottle and
precariously poured the wine in. Red droplets splashed onto his
hand. En Chan wiped it off with her fingers and leaned back into
the sofa.
Han Kyul drank again. After draining half the cup in one
draught, he said, looking at En Chan,
“What kind of a man was your father?”
“My dad? He was a really good person. My grandmother used
to say that other than athlete's foot, there was nothing at all to
find fault with in him.”
Han Kyul then suddenly looked at En Chan's feet and began to
retract his own feet slowly. En Chan snickered and playfully
tickled the bottoms of his feet with her toes.
“Hey, hey, athlete's foot is genetic, you know.”
“If you say so, sajangnim.”
His foot that had been running away from her tickling
stretched out suddenly and placed itself on top of En Chan's foot.
“Hey, who do you think you are?”
En Chan whipped her foot out and lifted it onto the top of his
foot. For a while, all four legs struggled to win the top. The game
of strength, in which the spirit of competition roared like fire in
the two competitors, concluded in a draw. Both lost one leg and
won one leg.
“What about you, sajangnim? What kind of a person is your
father? You know, now that I mention it, you never talk about
yourself. How many siblings do you have? Don't you have a house
other than this hotel? You don't live with your family?”
“I'm an orphan.”
“Ah.” En Chan, who'd carelessly nodded her head, looked at
him, completely taken aback. “Wh-what did you just say?”
“You gonna be cruel and make me say it again?”
“Oh! S-sorry.”
“If you're sorry, keep your mouth closed on this. You're the one
who made those words come out of my mouth.”
En Chan closed her lips tightly and shook her head.
“When I was ten, I accidentally overheard my parents talking.
I found out later that I'd been sent to an orphanage as soon as I
was born. Not long after that, I was adopted to this family. I have
an older brother and an older sister. My grandmother, my father,
my mother, my elder brother and his wife all live in the same
house, and I have a room there, too. My elder sister's married
with a kid. Satisfied now?”
“Y-you must've been surprised, huh? Being so young...”
En Chan was surprised as well. She saw him in a new light.
She'd thought that he wouldn't have any worries or scars since he
was a rich kid from a rich family. She thought that he lived
however he wanted because he grew up not lacking in anything.
But the more she got to know him, but more surprised she
became. She thought he only cared about superficial things, but
he ran the cafe diligently, and always used polite speech to Mr.
Hong, and the most surprising thing was Nak Kyun's incident. That
was when she changed her opinion of him. He'd gone from being a
vain, cold-hearted libertine to being a cold but genuine person
who could hold his head up proudly, and who could, at times,
possess the warmth of heart to help others.
The fact that this kind of man was an orphan made her heart
ache deeply. It's not that there weren't more unfortunate people
in this world, or that her situation was better than his, but for
some reason, her heart throbbed at the thought that he was an
orphan. Not just anybody, but he was....
En Chan was gazing at him steadily when Han Kyul said,
“I hated the world. Everyone seemed like a liar. They would
smile on the outside and on the inside, they'd curse me, saying I
was a fatherless bastard. If I hadn't been adopted, I probably
would've been despised by everyone. That's why I don't trust
them. The bitches who say they like me. It's obvious what they
like about it. They don't know anything about who I really am,

and all they like to see is what's on the outside. If I took off my
shell, they'd probably set sail and run away.”
“If they really liked you, they wouldn't run away.”
“I don't believe you.”
“Did someone run away?”
“I don't show anyone who I really am.”
“Does that mean you've never been in a deep relationship with
a woman before?”
“Pretty smart there, aren't you?”
“What about that lady, Han Yu Ju? She doesn't know either?”
“I told you, you're the only one.”
A shy smile floated up on En Chan's face. She could blame the
redness on the alcohol, but what could she blame her sudden
happiness on?
“But why don't you go home....?”
“I don't want to live the way my father tells me to. If I live at
home, I have to live my life the way he tells me to.”
“He wouldn't tell you to live a bad life, though.”
“It's childishness. I want to plan my own life, but he's already
planned it, so I get angry. As you've probably noticed, I have to
have things go my own way to be happy.”
“I-it's suddenly become confession time, huh? Can I tell you
something about myself?”
En Chan swallowed drily. She thought that this was her
chance. Her insides told her to tell him right now. They shouted,
you can't lie when he's being honest. He's drunk now, so he might
take it better. He might even forgive you. But. Then.
“What could you possibly have to confess? You're nothing but
honesty, kid. Too honest, actually. That's why I like you, though.”
Said he.
“I-I lied about Ha Rim sleeping at the store...”
“He probably asked you to keep it a secret. If you'd gone and
ratted him out, you'd have probably been left out from the group.
The only way a group can work together is if they trust each
So what? So she did the right thing? She wanted to shout,
'What exactly is your definition of being honest?! I'm human too! I
lie too! I'm actually telling an unbelievable lie right now!!”
“Ko En Chan.”
“Do you want to become blood brothers?”
“Isn't that something that comes out in the Three Kingdoms?”
“Are you saying that having even read the Three Kingdoms?”
“I've read the first few pages.”
“Anyway, let's do it. You don't have an older brother, I don't
have a younger brother. It might kind of be my loss and it might
be a little annoying for me to have to clean up after you, but I'll
take it. Instead, you have to listen to whatever hyung says. Ok?”
“Psh. There you go again, doing whatever you want. Who says
it's ok? I don't need a hyu—“
Suddenly he set his glass down and came closer. En Chan,
afraid of what he'd do this time, folded her legs and stood up. Her
head spun.
“Ugh... Your face looks like there's four of them, sajangnim.”
“Your face looks like Princess Fiona.”
He took the small hoop earring from his own ear and then
scowled as he looked at En Chan's ear.
“Your ears aren't pierced?”
“Why would I pierce my ear? It'd be painful, right?”
“Well, no can do. Come here. I'll pierce it for you.”
En Chan felt danger and raised her body. She was so dizzy that
her she teetered from side to side.
“Hey, hey, come here already. We need some kind of mark that
we've become blood brothers.”
“No! I don't want it!”
“If you let me pierce it, I'll buy you a Monk's Jump Over the
“I don't need no monk or no wall!”
“You idiot, Monk's Jump Over the Wall. You don't know it?”
“I don't care if it's a monk or a punk jumping over the wall, I
don't want to!”
“It's a Chinese dish.”
En Chan, who'd been running away from Han Kyul, stopped and
looked around.
“It's something to eat?”
“Yea, stupid. It's good for you. You like stuff like that right? It's
ear shell with pine mushrooms, sea cucumbers, carp bladder, deer
tendons, and.. what else was there... anyway, it's a soup that has
ten different ingredients in it. I'll buy it for you.”
“D-deer tendons? I don't eat stuff like that. Damn it, I don't
want to!”
“You're quite the scaredy cat for a boy..... Wait a minute,
needle. I need to find a needle. Where's the needle again?
Where's my phone? My phone....”
“What do you need your phone for?”
“Stupid. I have to call the manager and ask him to send over a
“No!!! I won't pierce my ear! Never!”
En Chan jumped somewhere and pulled the blanket over
herself. She could hear the sajang on the phone in the living
room. He was really asking the manager to bring over a needle. It
was incredible. What was more incredible, however, was that no
matter how hard her heart was beating, she couldn't keep her
eyes open. Sleep rushed to her like waves....

< Part 3 >

Han Kyul wriggled at the sound of the alarm. He stretched out

his arm and groped around to turn the alarm off and tried to go
back to sleep mode. He felt something soft and warm, so he
pulled it toward himself. The thing he was holding moved and
came into his bosom. The thing that had come into his bosom was
cushiony and tender, and it made him feel good. He held onto it
tightly and puckered out his lips. He drew it up to his mouth and
smacked kisses on it repeatedly. He then moaned satisfactorily
and went back to dream land............ huh?
Han Kyul wasn't the only one who opened his eyes as wide as
they would go in surprise. The moment their eyes met each other,
they both sprung up.
“Aacck!!” screamed En Chan. She had no idea how they could
both be sleeping in the same bed, not to mention holding each
“What are you screaming about...” Han Kyul muttered in a
flustered voice as he got out of bed. He was wearing nothing but
boxers. Alarmed, En Chan hurriedly looked down at her own self.
Thankfully, she was still wearing her clothes.
“Oh! Milk! Shit! I'm dead!”
“Hey, hey, I told you to scrap that. The kid never listens.”
Forget milk, she was going to be late in getting to work on
time. En Chan was hurriedly getting out of bed when she stopped
because of a strange ache somewhere. Figuring it was a hangover,
she ran to the bathroom. She was rushing to wash her face when
something was strange. It was then that she noticed something
sparkling on her right ear.
“Ah.. aaaarrrrgggggh!!!!!!” she shouted as she jumped out
from the bathroom. She yelled at Han Kyul, who was reading the
paper, still dressed only in his boxers, “What are you, a freakin'
psycho?! How could you pierce someone's ear like this?! You're
“Goddamn it, kid, don't scream. You're making my head ring.”

En Chan went back to the living room mirror and looked at the
piercing again before letting out another shout.
“How can you tell me not to scream right now! Were you
insane?! Ow, it's hurts.”
Everytime she yelled, her right ear shook and ached even
“What the hell are you yelling about?”
En Chan felt like she was going to burst from the frustration.
“My ear!! My ear! You pervert cabbage slug! I said I didn't want
to! I said I didn't want to, so why'd you go and pierce it you
“You little punk!” He came toward her with a scowl. Han Kyul
finally discovered when he looked at En Chan in the mirror that
the earring that had hung on his ear was now hanging on the end
of En Chan's ear.
“Ya, what's that doing on your ear?”
“Arrgh! Arrgh!!”
En Chan was punching at her own chest when suddenly a fear
came rushing up to her. What if the piercing went wrong and
began to swell up? Then she'd have to pull a van Gogh and.....
AAAAARGGGGGH!!!!!! A cry of terror rang in her chest. En Chan
whipped around and grabbed Han Kyul's arm as she asked,
“Wh-what did you pierce it with? A needle? Where's the
needle? Did you disinfect it? Argh, you crazy man! If there are any
side effects, I won't stand for it!”
“You're saying I did this piercing?”
“I don't remember that.... Well, for having done it while
drunk, it's done pretty nicely. Oh, scab.”
He suddenly touched the end of her ear with his hand. The
next moment, En Chan screamed at the pain and kicked him in his
Watching him jump around the living room with his hands
wrapped around his leg made her feel a bit better.
“You little! Who the hell do you think you're kicking?!”
“I didn't even kick you that hard, don't whine. Compared to
what you did to my ear, that's nothing. I'll pay you back for this
someday, so just you wait.”
“Ya! Pay me back with cash. I pierced your ear for you and
even gave you my earring. That's 24k gold, kid.”
“Hurry up and wash. We're late.”
Han Kyul, who walked into the bathroom muttering, took a
leisurely shower. En Chan was throwing a fuss in the living room,
but he took his time. No matter how late he was going to be, he
had to take a shower. To think that she'd be able to avoid scolding
because she'd come in with the sajang was an error. After starting
take-out, the morning time was incredibly busy. If things kept on
this way, she'd end up being sorry to the other employees.
Eventually, En Chan left without waiting for Han Kyul.
“Ya, Ko En Chan! What happened to you yesterday? You left
without a word. Your mother called looking for you.”
Oh shoot! I forgot to call home.
“S-something came up...”
“Get a new cell phone. I couldn't get through again.”
“Sometimes the reception's really good. Last time, I even got
bars in the underground parking lot. Pretty amazing, huh?”
“You're supposed to get reception even in the underground
parking lot.”
En Chan, who'd just barely made it on time, moved quickly.
Ten minutes later, Han Kyul entered the store like a runway
“Good morning!”
With that, he went straight to the kitchen to pour coffee. Just
then, Nak Kyun started the drip machine. Han Kyul moaned at the
whirring sound and grumbled,
“Can't you do that later?”
“Excuse me?”
Nak Kyun stared at him as if to say, what kind of ghost-
shelling-peanuts nonsense is that? The sajang sighed and waved
his hand.
“Never mind.”
Judging by the way he was pressing down on his temples, he
was suffering from a hangover. En Chan was suffering not so much
from a hangover than from hunger. Usually, she'd have had
breakfast thirty minutes ago.
The two suffering gazes met in midair. En Chan, suddenly
sheepish, looked away, but he kept looking after her. Finally, En
Chan threw him a questioning gaze. He then spun around toward
her and said quickly in a low voice,
“I brought you vegetable porridge, parasite boy. There's
antibiotics, too, so take it. Otherwise, it'll infect.”
Boy, this guy really gives you the illness and then feeds you the
medicine. Psh.

*Chapter Seventeen*
A Woman I Don't Know Part I

< Part 1 >

“Raindrops keep falling on my head, and just like....”

Han Kyul found himself singing to himself in his car on the way
to work. The streets were full of pink azaleas and red roses
moistened by the spring rain. Raindrops clearer than crystal were
sliding down his windshield and cheerful music flowed inside the
car. Han Kyul discovered that he was tapping his steering wheel
and was in quite a good mood.
It was true that now that the cafe was becoming busier, he
was beginning to like it more. Well, to be totally honest, it wasn't
just because of the work. He'd begun to like something else. Ko
En Chan. It was delightful to see the kid. Even when their
opinions clashed, their arguments were fun. Quarreling with each
other and playing on each other's words was the best at getting
rid of ennui. It was also intensely amusing to watch the kid, who
always flared up at the slightest provocation, get angry. When
they were together, he never got bored, and sometimes, he even
found himself thinking that he was happy. Just look at how he'd
simply quivered with rage just because he'd pierced his ear. Even
after arguments, he was always so easily pacified. What a simple
kid. Han Kyul couldn't help but laugh.
Han Kyul unconsciously burst out laughing and in turn became
rather sheepish. A few drops of rain came through the slightly
open window. He leaned an arm against the rain-smeared window
and suddenly began thinking. What is this? What is this feeling? I
even told him about my being an orphan. For some reason, Han
Kyul had wanted to tell him. Maybe it was because he was feeling
frustrated, but the fact that it had to be this kid made him
wonder. Why did it have to be him?
Han Kyul breathed out a sigh and said,
“Que sera sera.”
Was he gay? Well, if he was, so what? So what if he was gay?
What did it matter if he liked him? Wasn't it better than having an
affair or prostitution? He'd no intention of following along with
other peoples' principles anyway. He didn't even consider the
notion that he had to care about what other people thought about
him. What was wrong with liking a guy? It's not like he was saying
he was going to do anything about it just now, just that his mind
was leaning that way....
“It might not even be that. It might be just attraction
between one person and another person. It's not unacceptable for
two friends to embrace each other. It might just be feelings of
friendship..... He's pretty cute anyway....... Maybe it gets a little
beyond that and I'm attracted to him....... shit. Goddamn it!”
Yea. It was untrue to say that he wasn't worried at all. He'd
received an orthodox education and his ethics grades had been
pretty high. As long as his eyes and ears remained open, it was
inevitable that he'd be trained to follow the principles of this
society. But if I like him, and he likes me, what was the big deal?
This body will live the way this body wants to. Yea. Let's just let it
flow the way it wants to. If I start to think about it, it'll only give
me a headache.
It seemed the employees had also begun to like the store more
these days. Recently, they'd begun to lay out their suggestions
during meetings. Of those many good suggestions, he decided to
try two of them. The first was to give every 100th customer a
small cactus plant present, and the second was to give out an
apple a customer every morning. The latter was a suggestion from
Nak Kyun, and the former was, without question, En Chan's
suggestion. Cacti were good for blocking electromagnetic waves
and apples in the morning was good for the health, so it was
worth trying out in the sense of customer service.
When he was almost to the cafe, a call came from his
“Did you sleep well, Grandma?”
[I don't like begging for attention. Come home and say good
morning to me properly.]

“There are some things I have to take care of today, so I don't
think I'll be coming home tonight. I'll present you with the reasons
for not sleeping at home in a report.”
[Bring your account book and buy me a meal. I want to eat
potato noodles.]
“It hasn't been three months yet. Has there been a change in
our contract?”
[I'll know how you'll do if I see your progress in the past two
months. Have your car ready in front of the company building by
five PM today.]
“Yes, ma'am.”
He didn't know exactly what his grandmother wanted to talk
to him about, but he was sure it had to do with the company. His
older brother Han Kyu had told him as much when their father
came home from the hospital last night.
“Start as a proxy director and gradually master management.
Only then can Father retire in peace. Right now, even though he
wants to rest, he can't because he's anxious. In the end, it just
means that you're the one making him continue to work. He's not
being absurd. I know. Even though he doesn't say as much, the
reason why he's more strict with you is because he trusts your
abilities more. Do you know something? Our personalities have
switched since we were children. I was the troublemaker and you
were the good one. Whatever Mother had you do, you did it
without complaining and without a single mistake. You always
made your bed perfectly and your desktop was always clean.
Father even entrusted you to organize his library. You even
created a catalogue. Not a millimeter of error, the entire
bookshelf looked like a flat wall, the books were so carefully
placed. Whenever guests came over, Mother would take them to
show it off. A ten year-old who was like a little librarian. But
somewhere along the way, you changed. You did whatever they
told you not to do, and you rebelled against Mother and Father.
We all thought it was just puberty but..... you can't expect us to
believe that that's still going on. Are you still stuck in puberty?”
After hearing his brother speak, his head felt tangled. The
three months his grandmother had given him were coming to a
close, but he didn't know how he would settle the contest. If he
only counted sales, 300% was a possibility, but if they were talking
profit, there was no contest. If he wanted to reimburse his
grandmother's loan, business would have to continue in this same
manner for at least a year. Would his grandmother count this loan
or no, and would he accept it if she did would decide the results.
Since she'd said sales, he could, technically, argue that he
couldn't add investment capital into the calculation. If he did,
though, his grandmother would probably be disappointed. I've
given you three months to think, and you're still coming up with
ways to run away? she'd probably say. He knew his grandmother's
true intention.
Han Kyul shut his car door when the shop's glass doors opened
and En Chan ran out. In his hand was a large trashbag.
“Sajangnim, take this.”
Han Kyul, who'd unconsciously begun to smile in joy of seeing
the kid again, felt incredulous. En Chan had handed the trash bag
over to him and had run back into the store.
But it was no use to yell after him.
Han Kyul grumbled to himself as he put the trash bag in its
designated spot and went into the store. He was coming out from
washing his hands when En Chan brought him coffee.
“Looks like we're not going to get too many take-out
customers this morning, huh? They're probably not going to want
to wait in line in this rain. Maybe we should've set up canopies
outside. Hey, maybe we should do that when it rains. I'm busy, so
hurry up and drink this and help me. I have to wash the apples.”
This kid was just impossible to hate.
Han Kyul rolled up his sleeves and washed apples together
with En Chan and put them into baskets. The drizzling spring rain
somehow felt artistic. He suddenly felt sentimental. He wanted to
sit with En Chan by the window drinking coffee and listening to
music. Peacefully......
After the morning business men and women swept past, the
store was quiet.
“ 'The coffee tastes great. The best I've ever had. I'll be
expecting more of the same from now on.' “
“ 'Friendly.' ”
“That's it? That's all they wrote?”
“It's the biggest compliment.”
En Chan and Nak Kyul were reading the customer comment
“ 'Totally dazzled. I was about to pass by because I was busy,
but I was lured by the fragrance of coffee, so I ended up standing
in line. There were five people in front of me, but they
disappeared in a second. En Chan obba, you really are best. How
can you memorize everyone's tastes? You must be really smart,
too. Ho ho ho.' “
“What's the ho ho ho about?”
“It's written here, just like that. Look.”
They held up the card as they analyzed its contents and
laughed in delight.
“This person wrote a suggestion that we should sell
sandwiches or cakes that go well with coffee to serve as
“If we have to make those as well, what time, exactly, do we
have to come to work?”
“We can just order from somewhere else. We can't make all of
“My Mom makes the best sandwiches.”
“Oh really? Try asking her if she'll do it.”
“No. My Mom takes forever to make it anything. Now, this, and
this, and this—“
En Chan pushed aside dozens of cards to one side.
“What is this?”
“Fan letters. Hey, No Sun Ki, take 'em.”
Sun Ki came and looked at the cards before saying,
“Aren't we going to hang up a banner or anything?”
En Chan and Nak Kyun stared at Sun Ki together.
“The magazine reporter came to cover this place yesterday,
right? The restaurant across the street hung up a banner saying
they were on television.”
Sun Ki then disappeared with an embarrassed look on his face.
There was an awkward silence.
“What planet did he come from?”
At En Chan's words, Nak Kyun snickered. Just then, Mr. Hong
called En Chan's name. She turned around and saw that the quail-
feather grandpa was standing by the entrace.
“Oh, hello, grandpa, how are you?”
En Chan greeted him and prepared to take his order. The
elderly gentleman, holding up a great big black umbrella twitched
his mustache as if displeased and said,
“Today's recommendation is conpana? How am I supposed to
know what it is if all there is is writing? You should have a picture
up or something.”
“Oh, that's a good idea, a picture.”
En Chan quickly smiled and agreed with him before cautiously
“What would you like to have today? Just coffee...”
“Can't you just tell what I want to drink?”
No, how could I? I'm not telepathic or anything. But En Chan
retained her smile and said,
“Oh, then let me guess. Hmm.... How about a cafe latte?”
“Too watery.”
“What about a neat and clean-tasting Americano?”
“Don't feel like it. You don't know anything. Give me a cup of
Blue Mountain.”
“Blue Mountain it is, sir.”
En Chan hurriedly relayed the order to Mr. Hong and went back
to the gentleman. The senior never drank inside. He'd order the
coffee and then sit outside at a table and wait. But today, the
chairs were wet from the rain. Seeing the gentleman standing
outside the store made En Chan restless. Finally, she tucked a
towel inside her apron and ran outside.
En Chan pulled a chair inside the narrow eaves of the building
and wiped it down with the towel. All the employees watched
from inside, and the grandfather was watching from underneath
the umbrella.
“Grandpa, please, sit here.”
En Chan stood waiting for the grandfather to come. He stood
there a while, watching her, then he began to walk over. Seeing
the grandfather sit, En Chan smiled in relief.
“When the coffee's ready, I'll bring it out to you,” she said,
and was about to go back into the store when the gentleman
suddenly said,
“My grandchildren never speak to me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Do I look that frightening?”
“N-no, of course not,” answered En Chan, firmly shaking her
head. “You're quite dashing, Grandpa. That hat, especially, is
“Hrm hrm.”
“Oh, well, by killer I meant.. um... it's the bomb... I mean...
no... uh...”
“It's 'totally happening'?”
“Oh, yes! Yes! Totally happening. That.”
“Tsk tsk. Such a lack of intelligence in such a young man. I
speak the most when I come here. There's no point in talking to
the old farts down at the senior citizen center. You have to talk to
young people and see how the world is turning.... Aren't you going
to give me my coffee?”
“I'll be right back with it.”
En Chan dashed back into the store and quickly brought the
coffee out to the grandfather. He first took in its smell and then
began to speak about Jamaica and Blue Mountain coffee. As she
stood there listening to him speak, En Chan realized something;
he hadn't really disliked the coffee she'd served until now.
The grandfather didn't forget to reprimand her for the lack of
density in the coffee. Even after he'd left, En Chan felt something
surging in her chest. It was a happy and proud feeling. She felt
that her work hadn't been fruitless, and vowed to live an even
better life.
“Hyung, what are you thinking about?” asked Nak Kyun,
watching a deeply pensive En Chan.
“I think I've found my calling in life.”
“Calling in life? So you're not going to be a Tae Kwon Do
master anymore?”
“I like martial arts, but I think this has more meaning. When
customers look satisfied as they drink the coffee we make, I feel
really good. Especially on Monday mornings, when people who
were tired stand in line and greet each other, smiling; it makes
me feel like I've done something good and gives me pride. Don't
you feel like that?”
“I do, too.”
“If someone looks down or depressed, it makes me want to
liven them up and help them out, right?”
Seeing Sun Ki nod his head made En Chan smile widely. Sun Ki's
face had grown brighter since they'd first met, and he was talking
more as well. En Chan felt that Coffee Prince was becoming a
place that gave smiles to people. She said,
“You know that quail feather grandpa? He's really
knowledgeable about coffee. He knows way more than I do. But
you know what? I think he likes me.”
“You only just figured that out? That old man only likes you,
“I'm going to be even nicer to him.”
“Don't be nicer. He'll start comparing us to you.”
“Where's that coffee book that Mr. Hong was reading before? If
I want to have a good conversation with that grandpa, I've got to
do some studying. Wow, Ko En Chan's actually studying for once,
Just then, someone pushed open the glass door and came in.
Han Kyul, who'd been watching the person from the other side of
the glass, furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at him sharply. En
Chan shouted,
“Jin Ha Rim!”
Ha Rim, who'd jumped into the store, collapsed onto a chair.
“M-my God!”
Ha Rim was barefoot and limping, and on his face were
countless bruises.

< Part 2 >

Han Kyul took Ha Rim out somewhere. He made Ha Rim put on

a pair of sneakers Mr. Hong kept around as a spare and put him in
his car and rode off. En Chan worried about the grave look on Han
Kyul's face. Ha Rim had said, crying, was that he'd argued with his
father for several days on end about school, and his father had
finally exploded. He'd beat Ha Rim up and locked him in his room.
That was two days ago, and he said he hadn't had a single cup of
water to drink since then because his father had nailed his door
shut. This was when En Chan blew up. How could anyone starve
his own child?! Eating was a matter of survival. It was the same as
telling his son to die.
“Just what in the world did you say to him?!” asked En Chan in
a rage. Ha Rim answered through a fat lip,
“I admit I was wrong. I was so frustrated and angry... I said I'd
rather be an orphan....”
“What? How could you say that to your own father?”
At Nak Kyun's words, Ha Rim sharply shot out,
“You don't know what you're talking about, so shut up1”
“You bastard. You don't even know how luck you are....”
“What did you say?!”
“Hey, stop it.” En Chan stopped the two who were glaring at
each other. In Nak Kyun's perspective, Ha Rim's anger probably
didn't seem more than a child's petulance. She wondered what it
would've been like if the two had been switched at birth. Then
Nak Kyun would've been able to study what he wanted and Ha Rim
wouldn't have to go to medical school...
Han Kyul, who'd until then had listened wordlessly, said,
“If you don't go to medical school, what is he planning to do to
“He's going to kick me out of the house and remove my name
from the family register. He gave me until tonight to think about
it and that's why I ran away,” said Ha Rim in a weak voice.
“So did you think about it?” asked En Chan.
“It's not that I don't want to go to medical school; it's that I
want to go to art school. I studied to go to medical school until
junior year. Art was just something I started as a hobby, but now I
like it, so what can I do? I want to study painting and cinema. I
want to become something different. It's not that I can't
understand my father. If I don't take over the hospital that my
grandfather built, he'll have to close it down. I understand that he
feels disappointed and I feel apologetic toward my grandfather,
too. But I don't want to give up what I want to do just because of
that. I, my dream is....”
“Ya, what are you crying for? Be a man...” comforted En Chan.
Ha Rim grabbed onto her. En Chan stood awkwardly, patting Ha
Rim on the back.
“Stand up,” said Han Kyul. “Get him a pair of shoes. Put them
on and follow me.”
Just like that, they'd left, and there had been no word from
either of them for the past several hours.
“Man, I'm about to die from worrying about what's going on. I
should've gone with them.”
“You're that worried about him?”
“It's just that the sajang's got himself a nasty temper.”
“It's not like he's going to beat Ha Rim up again, and it's not
like he's going to go beat up his father.”
“I'm just worried that he's going throw a fit and get himself
hurt.” Seeing that Mr. Hong was gazing steadily at her quiet
mumblings made her blush.
“Hey, when'd you pierce your ear? Didn't you say that you'd
never do something as savage as paying money for pain?”
“I-it just turned out that way.”
En Chan went to the glass doors to avoid Mr. Hong and stood
watching the streets. It looked like the rain was going to continue
all day. The person she was worried about wasn't coming either....
Around dinnertime, Ha Rim came in with band-aids plastered
on his face. Maybe it was because he'd been treated, but his
expression was a lot brighter. En Chan went to him and
immediately asked,
“Why are you alone? Where's the sajang?”
“He said he had a dinner appointment. He said he'd be back
before closing time.”
“So what happened?” she asked Ha Rim, but suddenly
customers began to flood in one after the other. These days,
word-of-mouth had spread and there were so many customers
that it had become difficult to even close at 10 PM. It was good
for the store, but it made life difficult for the employees, who
had to come in early in the morning. Maybe it was a good idea to
separate the employees into morning shifts and afternoon shifts.
They didn't get to hear Ha Rim's story until it was close to
closing time. The bright expression that had been on his face had
calmed down a little. It looked as if his mind was heavy after
thinking some more.
“We went to the hospital first. They treated me and hooked
me up to an IV drip and got a medical diagnosis.”
“Medical diagnosis? What for?”
“To report my father to the police.”
“Ya, you crazy jackass—“
“That's what the sajang said he'd do, even though I'd be the
one reporting him.”

“Goddamn it, I knew I should've gone along. I knew something
like this would happen. What are we going to do about this idiot
“I had a bowl of porridge and then we went to my father's
“Your father was probably terribly angry.”
“He turned the entire hospital upside down. He screamed at
us to get out. That's when the sajang put the medical diagnosis
down on the desk and said he'd report him.”
“Man, he must've flipped.”
“No, actually, he kind of froze and couldn't say anything.
That's when it started to get really scary. Father began to ask the
sajang who the hell he thought he was to come between a father
and his son and to fuck off.”
“And the sajang?”
“He said things like, don't treat your son like an object, don't
think he's an idiot who's going to change his mind just because he
took a few hits. He's a person and an adult who can report you.
Look at him person to person, man to man. The best thing a son
could do for his parents is to live a good and happy life. But
parents sometimes fall into the delusion that if their children live
as they tell them to, they will be happy. Even if Ha Rim regrets it
later, that's his cross to bear, and his own life. Jin Ha Rim is
already an adult, and he has the right and obligation to decide his
own life.”
“The idiot sajang said all that? Seems like he was
unexpectedly calm.”
“His face was scary as hell though. I haven't seen such a scary
expression in my life.”
“So what happened then?”
“He told my father about me sleeping on the floor of the
store. He said that the fact that I did that, not for one or two
days but for nearly a month meant that I had the will power to do
what I want. He said he'd given him two days to think. If he had
any intention of sitting down to talk quietly with his son, to give
him a call. He handed over a business card and we came out.”
“And your father didn't do anything? He was probably
“He roared bloody murder. He said he'd never see me again.”
“What the? Isn't that back to square one?”
“I don't think so. His reaction was scary enough, but I think
he's thinking about the problem sincerely for the first time, and
for me, too......”

“When we went to the hospital, there were tons of patients
waiting in line. They said he was seeing patients without even
having eaten lunch.”
Ha Rim hung his head. En Chan felt depressed as well. She
sighed deeply and patted Ha Rim on his shoulders. What exactly
was the relationship between parents and their children? They
loved each other and yet they hurt each other, they yelled and
screamed at each other and yet they ached inside.... I don't know
either. It's a complicated relationship for sure.

< Part 3 >

Han Kyul ate dinner with his grandmother at her favorite

potato noodle restaurant and followed her to her favorite
traditional tea house to drink persimmon leaf tea. His
grandmother, who'd sipped her tea quietly while listening to
traditional instrumental music, suddenly opened her small
handbag. From there, she pulled out an old, worn picture.
Han Kyul looked at the woman who smiled at him and then
looked back at his grandmother.
“Why are you doing this? This is different from the contract
“I'm not telling you to go on an arranged date. I don't know
how to begin.”
After pausing for a moment, she continued in a low, calm
“This is your mother who gave birth to you.”
Han Kyul furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the picture. His
eyes gradually widened and he felt his heart drop. All the blood in
his veins seemed to grow cold.
“It wasn't long after your father entered Dong Yi Construction.
There was an accident at the Ma San Construction site. He was
there for a month to take care of the situation, and apparently
that's where he met her. They say she was a singer at a nightclub.
About two months after he returned, he suddenly began drinking
a lot and he wouldn't smile. He even made mistakes at work, so I
investigated the matter, and it turns out that the girl was
pregnant with you.”
Han Kyul grew rigid with shock.
“You're probably pretty shocked. But I couldn't think of any
other way. I'm sorry, Han Kyul. Your mother didn't give birth to

you. But you know how good she was and is to you, right? You
can't feel lonely or sad, hmm?”
“G-grandma... then... I.... I'm.... Th-then I'm my father's son?”
“Of course. Do you think your father didn't make sure you
were before he brought you? You're most definitely part of our
A cold sweat broke out in his back. His head started to spin.
His blood, that had been frozen, began to jump in his veins,
heating his body. It felt like it was going to start spurting out of
the back of his head. It wasn't because he was happy or glad. It
was because he felt anger and regret at himself, who'd never
even bothered to find out the whole truth, and who'd lost himself
in his own conclusions.
“Han Kyul....”
“W-where is this woman...”
“I sent her to America. I prepared a position for her in a place
where there were a lot of Korean people. But not even a month
before she arrived, we heard that she died in an accident while
touring a mountain.”
“S-she left her son here... without a word....”
“You, whose hot temper resemble your father's the most,
should know better than anyone. It seems he told her that he'd
give her enough money to spend in a lifetime so she'd take you
with her. I stopped him in this. You're part of our bloodline, how
could we leave you with a woman who used to be a nightclub
singer.... I didn't want to leave you with your birth mother. It was
my greed. So I convinced him to let you stay with us. She was
twenty-four at the time.”
“Then what's the orphanage about? Wasn't I brought home
from the orphanage?”
“I found out about that by coincidence.”
“I didn't even know..... I should've told you earlier....” his
grandmother let out a long sigh. He offered her water, and
drained a cup clean himself.
“When did you find out? You must've thought a lot of things.”
“We couldn't just bring you home because of your mother.”
“So you brought me through the guise of adoption?”
“It was the only way. But it was no use anyway. Your mother's
quick on the uptake and she figured it out soon enough. Not six
months had gone by when I had to tell her everything. It seems
she'd been prepared for it, because she didn't seem too surprised.
It was hard on her for a month or two. And then she changed her

mind. Even if I thanked her a hundred, no, a thousand times, it
wouldn't be enough.”
“What about Father?”
“He was outraged, but what could he do? He was the sinner.
He had no choice in the matter.”
Han Kyul stared at the picture again. Now that he looked at it,
it did look like a promotional picture that a nightclub would use.
She wore thick makeup and had wavy hair. His mother now was a
magnificent, fun and cool person. That fact that she'd taken a son
her husband had borne out of wedlock as her own showed this
more than sufficiently. But this woman... he didn't know.
“Do you want to see her? She's your blood, after all...”
“No. I don't feel anything. I don't want to see her or anything.
She's a woman I don't know anyway.”
“Do you resent me? For taking you away from your birth
Han Kyul lifted his head and looked at his grandmother.
Remorse filled her benevolent face. His heart ached at her
reddened eyes. Tears came to Han Kyul's eyes. He shook his head
and said in a choked voice,
“N-no....... no, Grandma.”
“Do you, do you see why I had to tell you this?”
Han Kyul quickly wiped his eyes and looked at her.
“Because of the company?”
“I know that you have talent and ambition in management.
Whether you come into the company or not is your decision. I
would just like for you to get along better with your father. I
know that the way your father was strict with you was different
from the way he treated Han Kyu or Han Hui. He didn't forgive the
smallest mistake from you. Han Kyu would pretend to be sick to
skip cram school, and he wouldn't care, but you, you would be
scolded to an inch of your life. I know, I know.”
Han Kyul fell into reverie and said,
“He'd leave Han Hui nuna alone even if she fell asleep during
piano practice time. He whipped my calves for reading a science
book during piano time.”
His grandmother gave a deep sigh and looked at Han Kyul with
a compassionate gaze.
“It's his own guilty conscience. Your mother was so good to you
and him, so he felt even more sorry and guilty. He was trying to
make up for his own sins.... Han Kyul.”
“Yes, Grandma.”
“It seems there are no father-son relationships that are easy in
this world.”
Tears ran down Han Kyul's cheeks.
“Your father and your late grandfather were the same. Your
grandfather often said that you would accomplish anything you
set your mind to. He never treated his son with half as much
affection as he did you. Didn't your father have a hard time
because he never received attention from his own father?”
“It seems there are such things between fathers and sons.
From some moment, they began to understand each other and
they got along. They would go golfing together and hiking
together. Later on, they grew comfortable with each other and
got along like friends. Why don't you do the same? Understand
your father and....”
Han Kyul sobbed silently. He hid his tears with his hands and
said to himself,
What are you feeling so lonely for, you idiot? You idiot....
After leaving his grandmother, Han Kyul drove around for a
while. After about two hours, he found himself sitting by the
river, watching the riverwater flow past him. A face rose up in his
hollow mind and he took out his cell phone.
[Hello! This is Coffee Prince!]
As long as he wasn't hungry, his voice was always full of
energy. Han Kyul smiled softly and said in a purposefully stiff
“Hey you, what happened to the “home of delicious coffee”
[You told me to get rid of it because it was tacky. Man, you
really do whatever you want, huh?]
“That's because I'm the owner, kid. How was business?”
[Oh, so you do care. We were hella busy. As expected, with
the ice man gone, customers just flooded in.]
“You letting your tongue flap because we're on the phone?”
[Aren't you coming in? Ha Rim is waiting for you.]
Oh, that's right. He'd totally forgotten about Ha Rim's problem.
[Hey, how can you get the kid to completely leave the house?
You should've gotten them to solve the problem peacefully
somehow. What's this about reporting him to the police? Tsk tsk.]
“You're one to talk. Why'd you let the kid sleep at the store?
Instead of sending him home, you let him sleep on the store floor?
You need a good scolding.”
[I g-guess that was wrong of me.]
En Chan immediately admitted his mistake, his voice
dejected. Han Kyul became dejected along with him. He needed
En Chan to talk back to him belligerently so that he could feel
better. He'd called En Chan so that he could become energized. It
was better than being comforted.
[I didn't think ahead. What are we doing to do about Ha Rim?]
“Tell him to come to the Dong Yi Hotel. I'm going there
[Oh, you're going to let him sleep there? Lucky bastard. He
gets to sleep in a luxury hotel, eh? Hey, by the way, what's wrong
with your voice?]
“Now you're picking a fight about my voice?”
[No, it's just that it sounds different than usual....]
Pretty sharp for a little boy.
“I might be coming down with something.”
[That's because you keep wandering around at night. Tsk tsk.
Stop going to all those useless nightclubs and go home and eat
some soup. You really want to go club-hopping at that age?]
“Hey punk, how dare you say 'wandering around' to your own
sajang?! You starting to think you can step all over me, huh?”
[I don't know what you call it, but I call leaving the store
behind to play around 'wandering around.' You didn't get that? Oh,
closing time. I'm hanging up now.]
“Hey! You punk, hey!”
Han Kyul shouted into the phone. When he saw that the call
had ended, he smiled. He wanted to hear more of the kid's voice.
But Han Kyul felt much better now. For some reason, he always
felt a strange kind of peace when he spoke to him. He was able to
show himself openly and honestly. So he felt better.
“Cute bastard.”

*Chapter Eighteen*
Blinding Memories Are Making My Heart Ache Part I

< Part 1 >

The building owner had told them to move out. The building
was too old and worn out, so he was going to demolish it and
rebuild it. He said he had no intention of building them an attic
room, so he was telling them to get out. This is what her mother,
eyes swollen, told her when she'd come home from work the night
before. And there was a bigger shock awaiting her. He'd asked her
mother, who was in despair from the building owner's
announement, to move in with him. That he had spare rooms, and
to consider it free room and board. “He” was Mr. Ku, the butcher.
He'd probably been waiting to say it for a long time so he'd
blurted it out just like that. This was from En Se. “Waiting to say
it for a long time?” she'd asked. In reply, her sister had called her
“So you're saying ahjussi like Mom? Even though he's six years
younger than she is?” she'd asked, incredulous, and En Se had
“God, you're so tacky. What does age have to do with
anything? And you call yourself a person of the 21st century?
Anyway, in my view, this offer is nothing short of a marriage
proposal. I guess he felt it was kind of strange to ask her to marry
him, so for now he's just asking her to move in with him. Ahjussi's
parents passed away and he's living by himself, right? I heard the
supermarket lady say that he lives in a two-story western style
house, and it's pretty nice. We can't dream of paying rent in a
place like that, so it's for the best, I suppose. It doesn't seem like
Mom's totally against the idea, either.”
“Not totally against the idea?”
“Can't you tell by the way she accepted the scarf? No matter
how much Mom likes brand name stuff, she's got enough self-
respect not to accept gifts from a man she doesn't like at all.”
En Chan was dumbstruck. Even after looking at her mother and
peeping at Mr. Ku, she couldn't see anything different. They were
the people she thought she knew. When had they begun to have
feelings for each other?
“Ouch! Hot!” En Chan drew her hand back and jumped. She'd
been distracted, and finally, she had caused an accident.
“What happened? Did you burn yourself? You should've been
more careful.”
She'd poured the coffee not into cup but onto her hand. The
back of her hand swelled and turned red in an instant.
“Shouldn't you go to a hospital?”
“Hey, don't just stand there. Come here.”
Having caused this accident on such a busy morning
inconvenienced everyone. En Chan ran to receive the ice pack
that Mr. Hong was holding out.
“I'll take care of it.”
She took the ice pack and ran to the bathroom. She turned the
sink faucet on and immersed her hand into the water. The back of
her hand stung. En Chan took a deep breath and looked in the
“Let's wake up, Ko En Chan.”
There were a few reasons why she wasn't herself these days.
The sajang acting like a depressed person the past few days was
one of them. No matter how many times she asked him, he
wouldn't say anything, so she was about to go crazy from worrying
about it. But the biggest reason why she'd caused this kind of
accident this morning was, no question, her family situtation. To
be honest, they had no other choice. If they didn't move in with
Mr. Ku, she'd have to receive the baton from Ha Rim and sleep on
the floor of the store.
When her burned hand began to lose feeling, Han Kyul
appeared in the mirror.
“Give me your hand.”
He was standing there in a black shirt and black pants with a
black apron around him, holding a white medicine box in his
“Leave it there. It's busy outside.”
Han Kyul wordlessly turned En Chan around. Her hand was still
red, but the swelling had gone down some. He looked at it and
then wiped off the water and opened the box. He didn't say a
single word. En Chan blew out her bangs and said,
“Man, this is so awkward that I can't stand it. Can't you tell me
what's go—“
“Stand it.”
En Chan shut her mouth.
Han Kyul didn't even look at her while he took out the gauze.
He cut a piece about the size of the back of her hand and
carefully taped it on. En Chan, who'd been steadily gazing at him,
noticed that the corners of his lips were slightly turned up.
“Why are you smiling?”
“I saw it. You just smiled.”
“All right, all done. It's not too bad, so you'll probably only
have to keep this on for today. Or you can watch its progress and
go to the hospital in the afternoon.”
En Chan looked at the cleanly wrapped hand and nodded her
“Mmm. Wrapped very HanKyulistically.”
“So I guess now my name also correlates to thankfulness,
“Oh, thank you. Hey, do you have liability insurance? I'm
thinking about suing you for about $100,000.”
“Don't talk nonsense and go sweep the front of the store. Don't
go around serving people with that hand.”
With that, the sajang left. Something was definitely there, but
it seemed he didn't want to talk about it. But to think this would
go on for several days....
“As if he's the only one. I don't feel like telling you anything
today, either.”
It was the tragedy of an employee that she had to continue
smiling, even when her family was on the brink of becoming
The magazines were delivered in the afternoon.
“Wow, this is cool! Sajangnim, come look at this. These photos
are awesome.”
“Why is the group picture so small? You can't even see our
“Hey, these pictures make our shop look pretty good, huh?”
“Yea, right? Especially the picture of the entrance here, it
looks really pretty.”
“Oh, it's even a two-page spread. Sajangnim, when did they
take so many pictures? Let's take a look at it.”

Everyone crowded around the magazine. En Chan was refilling
the cups of the customers sitting by the window.
“Will you be needing anything else?”
“No, thank you.”
En Chan smiled and was backing away when she suddenly
looked outside the window. Two big men were loitering around
the store.
“What are flunkies doing around here in broad daylight?” she
mumbled. The phone rang.
“Hello, this is Coffee Prince, home of delicious coffee.”
[Is the sajangnim there? This is the National Economy
newspaper calling.]
“Oh, yes, please hold.”
She'd turned the phone over to Han Kyul when Ha Rim called
her over with his eyes.
“Did you know about this?”
In a low voice, Ha Rim read a section of the article in the
“Coffee Prince's owner, Choi Han Kyul, is twenty-nine—twenty-
nine? They made him a year older here. Look here. Grandson of
Dong Yi Group's president Kuk Ji Hwa, youngest son of Dong Yi
Construction's president Choi Myung Ro, graduated from
Washington University with a major in management. In a word, a
handsome and sophisticated third-generation plutocrat with a
sharp intellect to boot. Dong Yi Group president's grandson? My
God, my heart's pounding. I can't read anymore, my heart's going
to give out.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Give it here.”
En Chan couldn't understand what was going on so she took the
magazine and read it herself. No matter how many times she read
it, it said the same thing. Dong Yi Group.... third-generation
plutocrat.... Reading it repeatedly, she felt like a gong had fallen
on her head. Her head rang.
“I thought he looked too rich. I said so, didn't I? From the top
of his head to the tip of his toes, all covered in brand names. I
told you that I'm sleeping at the Dong Yi Hotel villa these days,
right? I felt bad because I thought he was spending a lot of money
on me, but according to this, that place is basically home to him,
right? Man, we should probably stay on sajangnim's good side,
huh? So we can get the scraps that fall from that table.”
“For a punk who's been run out of his home, you're pretty
energetic, aren't you? I really can't understand you,” criticized
Nak Kyun.

Ha Rim's father hadn't contacted him in the end. He could say
he walked out on his own two feet, but it was the same as being
kicked out. So Ha Rim had been coming to work from the sajang's
S11 hotel room ever since a few days ago. He said he was
planning to get an underground single room somewhere.
“Wow... I can't believe I've met a plutocrat.”
“We worried that he might have some debts from investing too
much in the store... but I guess we didn't have to, huh?”
Even Sun Ki made a incredulous face.
“Yea... Guess so.”
En Chan remained in shock until Han Kyul's voice made her
raise her head and turn around. Han Kyul was on the phone, his
face full of displeasure.
“Listen here. I said I don't want to. I don't need to explain to
you why I don't want to. I just don't. I'm hanging up now.”
Han Kyul been polite enough in his reckoning. He roughly
smashed the receiver down and then came to snatch the
magazine from En Chan's hands. He whipped his gaze around at
everyone and made a scary expression.
“These freakin' idiots!” he said angrily before throwing the
magazine into the trashcan. His eyes met En Chan, who'd been
watching him. En Chan was still in a state of shock. She was
looking at Han Kyul as if he was a stranger. Han Kyul seemed as if
he was about to say something when the phone rang again. Han
Kyul gruffly picked up the receiver.
“Hello, this is Coffee Prince.”
[Hello, could I speak to Choi Han Kyul, please?]
“May I ask who this is?”
[Oh, hello, this is the Economics Weekly magazine.]
“He's not here.”
With that, he hung up the phone. All the employees stood
around awkwardly, watching him. They crowded around each
other and watched him as if he was a wild animal on display. Han
Kyul scowled and let out a deep sigh.
“What're you all staring at? Go back to work.”
After that, the phone didn't stop ringing. Eventually, Han Kyul
ripped the cord out from the wall. This time, everyone's cell
phones began to ring. Everyone and their relatives began to call
them like mad. After suppressing his anger, Han Kyul finally
“Goddamn magazine fuckers! How could they fucking do
While Han Kyul phoned the magazine people and laid it out on
them, En Chan sat dumbly in the employee room. Han Kyul was

screaming so loudly that all the customers were beginning to be
“This is different from what you asked at the interview! You
interviewed me as the owner of Coffee Prince, who said you could
talk about my private life in here? What did you say? Are you
fucking insane? How am I a public figure? You better recall every
issue when I tell you to. If I see even one copy, I'm going to sue
you! And what? Twenty-nine? I'm going to sue you for defamatory
Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, what was the difference..... she
was thinking dumbly when Mr. Hong came in.
“What are you doing here?”
En Chan simply sat there expressionless like a statue. He came
to her side.
“What's wrong? Shock too big for you?”
“Is he really a plutocrat?”
< Part 2 >

“Is he really a plutocrat?” asked En Chan despondently.

“Looks that way. I knew he was rich, but I didn't know he was
that rich. I should've known when a young man poured all that
money into the store. His watch too, like Ha Rim said, not to
mention it didn't look like he did anything before this store.
Where would a guy like that get so much money? I thought, he's
probably from a pretty rich household. Still... Dong Yi Group....”
said Mr. Hong, letting out a sigh.
“Man made money, not the other way around. Even so, the
man's got a bit of a wicked streak, hasn't he? It's like I'm seeing
him in a new light. Some people don't have the money to run even
this one store, and some people own several huge companies.
When I look at him, I think I understand what people mean when
they say that money earns money. When that guy first talked
about 300% and whatnot, I secretly laughed at him. All right, go
ahead, go ahead and make a fool out of yourself. Looks like you
still don't know how bitter the world is. And look, he goes and
does it. Damn, money really makes a moron out of a person,
doesn't it?”
En Chan agreed with him. She'd believed him to be the
youngest son of some rich family, but there was a huge difference
between that and being a plutocrat who was a part of the
enormous Dong Yi Group. It was like the difference between
saying, 'look at that big mountain over there' and saying 'look,
that's Mt. Everest.'
“The building owner told us to get out,” said En Chan, as if
talking about somebody else.
“Which building owner?”
“Our house.”
“What? Why? He's kicking you out now that the dojo master's
gone? What a jerk!”
“He says he's demolishing the building and rebuilding it.”
“Oh..... that building is pretty old, huh?”
En Chan, who'd been sitting still, suddenly looked at the
ramen box on top of the cabinet and said,
“Se Cham Ramen's from Dong Yi Group, right?”
Mr. Hong, who'd followed her gaze, nodded.
“The multivitamin my mom takes every day's from Dong Yi
Pharmaceuticals. I know because I buy it for her. Do you know
who built the apartment complex behind the market there?”
“Dong Yi Construction.”
“That's not all. The fusion Korean chain food restaurant my
wife likes is theirs too.”
“The company En Se auditioned with last time is D
“Right. That's Dong Yi Group's too.”
“But they dropped her.”
A silence ensued. The inferiority and powerlessness, the
feeling of injustice and unnameable anger that a commoner felt
when they looked at a plutocrat made their lips heavy.
“You have to find somewhere to live. Want me to help you?”
At his words, En Chan smiled and said in a self-mocking tone,
“We have no money.”
“H-how much do you have?”
“Nothing but debts. But they say our sajang is a plutocrat.”
Suddenly, something hot flared up inside of En Chan. An
emotion she hadn't known she had seemed to break into a
thousand pieces. Something that had been stacking up in her
heart unbenownst to her came tumbling down at all once.
“I've never once thought this before..... Well, no... when Dad
died, and now.... but... the world is really unfair, isn't it? I really
tried hard to live my best.... I tried my best to keep my
promise... with my dad... and.....”
En Chan burst into tears. Mr. Hong didn't know what to do with
himself. Ever since he'd gotten to know En Chan, he'd never seen
her cry.
“Ch-chan-ah..... what's the matter.....”

“H-how could he? Tricking me like that..... And he was so far
away..... I didn't know he was someone who was so far out of
reach....... I d-didn't know......”
En Chan buried her face in her lap and sobbed. The harder she
tried to control herself, the harder her emotions rose up from
inside of her, and she could not stop crying. The memories they'd
shared together rose up in her mind. Those memories came to her
like scenes in a movie. When they'd first met in the street, and
she'd thought he was an arrogant bastard, the time she'd met him
in the hotel and had put her hand on his bare chest, the awkward
kiss they'd shared in front of so many people, memories of Coffee
Prince, the fight in the parking lot when they'd gone to buy
dishware, when they played basketball, when he pierced her ear,
when he wrapped her hand up for her......
Suddenly, shock struck down on her head. I.... I like him. The
moment the thought came to her, an uncontrollable wave of
sorrow crashed into her. Shock tore at her chest. It was painful,
as if her heart was being ripped to shreds.
“W-what do I do..... oh God, ahjussi..... what do I do.......”
En Chan began to weep. Mr. Hong, feeling sympathetic
towards her, awkwardly put out his hand to pat her on the back
and tried to comfort her. But now that En Chan's tears had came
out of their gate, they had no intention of holding back or
stopping. Then abruptly she stood up. She went toward the
window and turned with her back to him. She quickly wiped away
her tears and turned around at him and said in a husky voice,
“I-I'm just embarrassed is all. To have looked up a tree I can't
climb. For someone like our sajangnim, someone like me has no
chance. He probably doesn't think of me as more than a spot on
the ground, right?”
“Damn, how embarrassing. You c-can't tell anyone, ok? If you
tell anyone, you be my son, heads up seven up. Ah-ahjussi.... I
want to be alone for a while.”
Thick tears fell from En Chan's eyes. Just then, the employee's
lounge door flung open. En Chan immediately turned her body
toward the window and hid her tears.
“What are you going to eat for lunch? We're going to order
from Gong Joo Restaurant today. Hyung, you want a bulgogi
dubbab, right?”
“I-I'm not eating.”
“Ahjussi, you want—..... w-wait. What? Hyung, I think I heard
you wrong.....”
“L-let's go outside.”

Mr. Hong dragged a dazed Ha Rim outside. Han Kyul was
getting ready to leave to get to his lunch date with his mother. Ha
Rim, who had been dragged out from the employee's lounge, said
in a shocked voice,
“Hey, Nak Kyun. En Chan hyung's saying he's not eating lunch.”
“April Fool's Day's already passed.”
“I'm serious. Either that or I'm going deaf. Ahjussi, you heard
it, right?”
“Just leave him. Channy has those kinds of moments too, you
Immediately, everyone stopped what they were doing and
turned to look at Mr. Hong. Nak Kyun, who'd been cleaning off the
tables, stopped with a cup held up in the air. Sun Ki stopped
drying his cup, and Han Kyul stopped in the middle of putting on
his jacket. Everyone froze, as if someone had said “Red light.”
The first one to hear “green light” was Han Kyul.
“What's going on? Is he inside?”
Mr. Hong stopped Han Kyul, who was trying to get into the
“He wants to be alone.”
“What?” Han Kyul looked at Mr. Hong in surprise, but all he
could do against a head-shaking Mr. Hong was to look at the door.

< Part 3 >

The expression on Han Kyul's face as he entered the restaurant

was rather dark. He was angry at the arbitrary actions of the
magazine, he was worried about En Chan who'd said he wouldn't
eat lunch, and he was afraid of what his mother was going to say
to him.
“I heard from Grandmother.”
“Let's eat first before we talk.”
“How can we just eat? Let's talk as we eat, then.”
Han Kyul put down the fork that he had been about to put in
his mouth and sighed.
“Let's hear it, then.”
“Mmmm taste this. It simply melts in your mouth.”
Han Kyul forced his mouth open to receive the sea bass that
his mother was offering him.
“How is it? It's delightful, isn't it?”
“If you're just going to repeat yourself, please don't. I still
have time left for the promise I made with Grandmother, and I
need time to think.”

“Really? All right, I won't then. But you know, they say you can
tell that a tree is going to be magnificent from the time it's a
sapling. I could tell since you were a child that you were going to
be something great. It's not just Grandfather who knew. You was
clear enough about cutting people off when you had to, but you
also had a lot of affection to spare. You seemed cold and stiff on
the outisde, but you would wordlessly comfort and support
people. That's when I thought to myself, this kid will earn the
trust and affection of many people. For people in business, if you
can't earn peoples' trust, you can't do anything. I thought that you
were an individual who had the basics down.”
“You must have been supremely disappointed.”
“I'm still waiting on you. How can a mother ever give up the
hopes and dreams she has for her child?”
“One of the guys who works under me left home because of a
conflict he had with his father about schooling issues. I told him
to come out. Being forced to do something you don't want is no
better than being dead.”
“How difficult it must have been for the father.”
Han Kyul told his mother about Ha Rim. It was the first time
he'd ever told her anything about his daily life. Telling her about
Ha Rim was a sort of justification on his part. It was like telling
her that he was sorry and thankful at the same time.
“It's a difficult problem. I can say that easily if it's someone
else's problem, but since it's so similar to my own....”
Suddenly his mother laughed to herself.
“I was just thinking how glad I would be if you suddenly said
you were going to study art or cinema. I wanted at least one of
my children to enter the art world.”
“You have three children, though, Mother.”
“Yes, I do. I have three children. And how glad I am that I do.”
Han Kyul drank coffee and his mother ate ice cream.
“I hear your coffee house is doing extremely well. I hear
rumors saying the taste of your coffee is quite excellent.”
“It's fun. When there are no customers, I have to wonder why
there aren't. When there are a lot of customers, I have to wonder
why there are. It's pretty exciting to analyze every situation that
comes up.”
“It's too small a task for you. Your true vocation is something
much bigger. You'll become bored with it soon enough.”
“I said I'll think about it.”
“And I said I understood, Choi sajangnim.”
It had been a more pleasant lunch than he had expected.
When he stood up to leave, quite some time had passed.
“Are you going back to the company?”
“I have to to arrange to take your father home.”
After leaving the hospital, his father had gone back to work,
and was on a strict no-smoking, five-day-workweek, 5-pm-quitting
time schedule.
“Mother,” called Han Kyul as she was getting in the car. His
mother then turned around and as if reading his mind, simply
“Forget about it. Just bring some roses when you come home
from work tonight. Bright red ones.”
Han Kyul choked up as he nodded his head. The words of
thanks that had been hanging in his throat passed into his heart.
After seeing his mother off, he was on the way back to the
store when he received a call.
“Who is this?”
[Sajangnim! We're in big trouble, sajangnim!]
“Why? Did En Chan break another Royale cup?”
[R-royale cup? That, too, probably....]
“What? 'that, too, probably'? Did he break the Spanish vase?”
[That's broken too. B-but listen!! H-he himself!! H-he got
himself hurt too!]
“What do you mean he got himself hurt?” said Han Kyul, who'd
been about to get into his car. Suddenly he felt a chill going down
his spine. “Take it easy and tell me slowly. What happened?”
[Wh-what happened was that... there were some punks who
came looking for Sun Ki hyung.... flunkies by the dozen came and
trashed the store. They said that Sun Ki hyung stole money from a
hostbar and fled. Sun Ki hyung and I were eating lunch when they
rushed in. We were in the lounge with the door locked. Channy
hyung told us not to open the door....]
“YA! What the hell are you saying? Where's Nak Kyun? Put Nak
Kyun on the phone!”
[N-nak Kyun? Ho-hold on a moment....... hey... he wants to
talk to you...]
Han Kyul's insides burned with frustrated and he tore at his
hair. He himself got hurt? Does that mean En Chan got hurt? He'd
burned his hand in the morning, sure... Is that what he was
talking about? Then what was this about the host bar? Someone
trashed the store? What? Who did?! Why?!
Nak Kyun picked up the phone. Han Kyul gripped the phone
tightly and said quickly,
“Tell me what happened. Who got hurt?”

[En Chan hyung got hit in the head with a chair. He's
unconscious. We're on our way to the Dae Won hospital
emergency room. Come quickly.]
Han Kyul was not in his right mind. His entire head felt
blacked out. He didn't even know the reason why he was driving
like a maniac down the road. He didn't know where he was going
or why, just that he was speeding down the streets, breathing
raggedly. As soon as he reached the hospital he jumped out of the
car and ran like crazy. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.
The sky turned yellow and the ground shook, making his insides
quake as well. He felt like he was going to throw up.
That's when he discovered his employees. Ha Rim had gone
pale and Nak Kyun's face was covered with scratches while his
clothes were covered in blood. Mr. Hong approached him, limping.
“Wh-where is he?”
Han Kyul, who'd walked straight into the operating room, was
chased out by a surprised nurse. But in that short moment that he
was in there, he'd seen En Chan lying on the operating table. His
white shirt was drenched with blood. The nurse who'd pushed Han
Kyul out asked him stiffly,
“Are you the guardian?”
Han Kyul tried desperately to pay attention to what she said
and replied, syllable by syllable,
“He's my employee.”
“Ask the guardian to get here quickly. We have to operate
At that moment, mother and daughter ran down the hallway,
crying out,
“E-En Chan! Where's my En Chan!”
“Wh-where's my En Chan? Where's my En Chan? Ch-chan-
“Are you the guardian?” The nurse asked, holding the mother
“My daughter, my daughter, what happened to her? Is she
“Mom! What are you talking about? Why would unni die? Sh-
she's not dead, right? Unni's fine, right?”
“There's been some cerebral hemorrhaging. We need to go
into surgery immediately, so come this way.”
“Cerebral hem-orrahging? Oh God, oh my poor child! Taking
the place of her father as the head of the family and suffering

through so much..... oh God, my poor daughter... my poor
Watching En Se carry her weeping mother away, Han Kyul
turned to Mr. Hong, looking stupefied.
“That's... well... you see...”
Mr. Hong sighed deeply and hung his head.
Nak Kyun's question was still ringing in the air when Ha Rim
blurted out,
“Channy hyung, I mean, Channy nuna is a girl. That's what
makes me even crazier. Fuckers! How can they smash a chair
down like that on a girl? No Sun Ki you asshole, you just wait till I
find you!”

*Chapter Nineteen*
That Day

< Part 1 >

That day, having heard that he was a third-generation

plutocrat, En Chan had cried until her eyes were swollen stiff. In
that moment, she had realized that she had really liked him.
She'd gradually come to know him while working in the coffee
house with him. She'd come to know how he spoke, how he
laughed, how he walked, and also how open he was, how fun he
was, what an amazing man he was. She'd found out his past and
his family and his thoughts, and she'd come to understand him
and follow him. She'd unconsciously begun to resemble him and
help him, and lean on him. As the sunset dyes the evening sky, her
love for him had diffused and spread itself into her heart.
That day, she'd discovered that the dyeing of the heavens by
the rays of the sunset were irrevocable. She couldn't know if it
was love or co-worker camaraderie or friendship or just plain
affection, or all of the above, but all she knew was that she liked
him. When she found out that he was a tree she couldn't even
dream of climbing, the loss she felt made her heart hurt badly.
And so she learned that liking someone didn't necessarily
constitute happiness, but that it included also pain and sorrow
and suffering.
That day, after he had left, Nak Kyun and Mr. Hong had
finished eating lunch, and it was Sun Ki and Ha Rim's lunch shift.
En Chan was in the hall alone, greeting the customers as they
came. Right then, the punk from the land of crows came in.
“Ya! Let's go at it. I definitely won't just leave today. Let's
fight it out for real this time, you asshole!”
“Ya! You punk, where do you think you are....”
The punk from the land of crows stumbled in drunk, spewing
ridiculous nonsense and making a scene.
“I went easy on you, and you little mouse of an asshole, are
you looking down on me? You think being a Tae Kwon Do master
makes you the shit, huh? Let's go at it for real today! If you beat
me, I'll call you hyung!”
His incredibly stupid words added flame to En Chan's anger.
That's when the dark men had suddenly rushed in. They blocked
the entrance, squeezing in by the dozen, and cast a shadow over
En Chan and asked in a snake-like voice,
“Hey, squirt. Where's Marine Boy?”
What was WITH all of these useless schmucks today? She was
thinking to herself that her luck for the day was as rotten as hell
when the crow punk squeezed himself into the fray.
“What the hell are these jackasses? If you've got business
around here, wait outside. I was here first, asshole.”
And that was when things began to get out of hand. At the
time, she didn't even know that No Sun Ki was Marine Boy or why
they would be looking for him. The situation began with the
customers fleeing in fear and the crow punk and one of the
flunkies grabbing each other's collars. At first, she denied knowing
any such person, but she figured they'd come here already
knowing what they needed to know, so she began to ask what the
reason was. Then they told her that No Sun Ki had run off with
their sajang's money. Only later did she find out that he had done
so to pay for his mother's hospital bills. Well, whatever the
situation, it didn't look like the situation would come to an end
without her giving Sun Ki over to them, so En Chan tried to appeal
to them to talk calmly when the punk from the land of crows
went and ruined everything.
“You fuckers! Do you know whose turf this is? You assholes are
all dead!!”
He'd gotten carried away. Nothing could be done to prevent
the resulting chaos.
“Ya! No Sun Ki! Come out! You better come out quick, you
fucker! Do you want to die?!”
That was when En Chan finally lost her cool. Who the hell
were these assholes to come and tear apart their store and ruin
their business? No matter what No Sun Ki had done wrong, she
couldn't put up with anymore. She could no longer suppress her
fury and had flown into a double sidekick. She couldn't put the
blame completely on Sun Ki or the crow punk. If she had only
acted more rationally then, she wouldn't have gotten so seriously
injured. And misfortune wouldn't have come so abruptly to her.
He wouldn't even let her explain.
En Chan underwent surgery, and fortunately, the surgery as
successful. About the time when her body began to recover, her
mind grew tired of waiting for the person who never came to
visit. Unable to wait any longer, she called him.
[Who is this?]
“I-It's me. The Tae Kwon V that had brain surgery.”
How could you not come to visit even once? These aching
thoughts rose up to her throat, but, having committed a crime
herself, she approached him meekly.
“H-have you been well? I heard you went into the company.
You must be pretty busy, huh?”
[What do you want?]
His icy voice froze En Chan all over. Gripping the receiver
tightly, En Chan didn't know what to do. She'd expected him to be
angry, but she hadn't expected to be treated with this degree of
coldness. If he was this angry, no wonder he hadn't come to visit,
she thought.
“Y-you're pretty angry, huh? Aw man, I really was planning to
tell you....”
[Tell me what?]
“Hey, don't be cranky. You see, um, last time, when we drank
at the hotel, I tried to tell you, but you stopped me from
[If you're talking about you lying to me about being a boy,
forget it. I'm not the owner of that coffee house anymore anyway.
That's between you and Mr. Hong, who'll decide to use you or not,
so it has nothing to do with me. If you're going to beg for your
job, call him. Take care.]
With that, he hung up. No matter how many times she called
back, he didn't answer. What else could that mean? He didn't even
want to speak to her. He had said in such a business-like, stiff and
dry manner that it had nothing to do with him. To En Chan, it had
been the same as a death sentence. A death sentence that stated,
'This is the end of you!'
En Chan's predictions were validated by Han Sung, who'd come
to visit her that evening.
“I had a drink with him yesterday, and he got absolutely
trashed. He said while he was drunk that he'd been played. That
for the first time since he'd been born, he'd been honest with a
woman, and that that woman had played with him.”
“That I played with him? Man, this is driving me crazy. When?”
“He said he'd been betrayed. That since it was the first time
he'd ever trusted anybody, it was the first time he'd ever been
betrayed, too.”
Tears immediately sprung up in En Chan's eyes. She herself
didn't know they were there, but they streamed down her cheek
“Damn it... I... I really didn't... b-betray him..... damn it....
this is unfair....”
En Chan wiped her tears away with her fist and plead her case
to Han Sung.
“I-I really was going to tell him. I was going to wait for the
right moment... It's my fault that I didn't tell him, but I was afraid
he was going to kick me out of the store. I knew he was going to
be this angry. That's why I couldn't tell him..... because I was
afraid I'd n-never be able to see him again.......”
“That's just how he is. He's a contradiction. He's got a side of
him that's as aloof as a Taoist monk, and another side of him
that's full of vulgarity, and another side of him that's like a child.
Right now, he's a child. He's angry, so he won't listen to anything
anyone says to him.
“I knew it would be like that, but still.....”
When she'd found out that he was a plutocrat, she'd cried
because of the feelings that had been gathering inside of her. It
had been a shock that he was someone that was so far away. The
fear that he was someday going to leave her, that the day would
come when she'd never see him again, that anxiety had made her
cry. But now, those fears had become reality. So this is what it
feels like when the sky crumbles down...

*Chapter Twenty*
Loving You

< Part 1 >

Five months later.

En Chan didn't wholeheartedly approve of her mother's
remarriage. She simply couldn't imagine that Mr. Ku would be her
father. Her late father had been strong and kind and dependable,
like a father should. But Mr. Ku seemed more like a friend than a
father. Not knowing what to do, she asked Mr. Ku,
“If you had to choose between my mom and being awarded
the amateur literature award, which would you choose?”
“How could you even ask something like that? Of course I'd
choose your mother.”
“Then you're giving up the award?”
“Poems, I can write and show your mother. I can be satisfied
with that.”
“So you're saying you'd choose my mother over the award,
“Wasn't winning that contest the goal of your life for the past
twenty years?”
“Man, you really don't approve of me, do ya, kid?”
“When did I say I didn't like you?”
“Are you saying you like me then?”
“Tsk. Shoo....”
The progress of En Chan's operation was good. The
hemorrhaging had been external, so she was able to recover much
more quickly than first expected. Even so, staying in the hospital
had been torture. It had been more so because her mind had been
ill at ease.
Her mom and Mr. Ku were married in a small ceremony held at
a nearby wedding hall. It was her mother's second wedding, but it
was Mr. Ku's first. Her mother, wearing a wedding gown, looked
quite beautiful for someone reaching the age of fifty. A nervous
Mr. Ku sweated all throughout the ceremony. Only a few close
relatives, the Coffee Prince crew, and the market vendors came
to the wedding.
“My heart would tremble at your sweet sweet voice—“
En Chan sang the wedding song with En Se. It was her mother's
good fortune to be able to wed a bachelor as a widow with two
daughters of marriageable age. Not to mention it was her mother
who had needed convincing. It'd been five months since their
family had moved into Mr. Ku's house after nearly being thrown
out into the streets. While En Chan was undergoing post-op
rehabilitation, Mr. Ku had been earnestly seeking her mother's
The two of them flew off to Jeju Island for their honeymoon.
En Chan had already been on the verge of tears in thoughts of her
father when her mother burst out crying first, and so she hadn't
had a choice but to comfort her. En Chan reassured herself that
although in some ways her mother's remarriage was upsetting,
there would also be more good things waiting in the future. It
would help them financially, and it would lighten the burden on
her to act as the head of the family, and they would now be able
to discuss En Se and her mom's futures. She didn't know if she
would ever be able to bring herself to call Mr. Ku “Father,” but
she got a feeling that she would come to rely on him. That was
the way it had to be, and that was the way she hoped it would

A few days later, En Chan returned to the coffee house after

having greeted her mother and her new stepfather, who'd
returned for their honeymoon.
“I'm sure there's a lot you have to take care of, I told you to
take the day off.”
“There's nothing to take care of.”

After the magazine article, the cafe saw even more
customers. There were even people who'd stopped by deliberately
just to taste the coffee, so there were days when none of them
got a moment's rest. After the damages had been repaired, Coffee
Prince had reopened under Mr. Hong's management. Nak Kyun had
gone back to school and was only working evenings part-time, and
Ha Rim was now living in a basement single and was studying
quite diligently to get back into college. Sun Ki, who'd gone
missing for months, began coming out to Coffee Prince last
month. While En Chan was in the hospital, Han Kyul had said his
farewells to the Coffee Prince crew and had gone into Dong Yi
Group headquarters.
“Ahjussi, you gonna eat that?”
“Oh, yea, here. Take it.”
En Chan polished off all the leftovers, as she did everyday.
These days, she never felt satisfied, no matter how much she ate.
When she wasn't eating, she didn't feel hungry, but once she
began, she couldn't stop. She may have to get an x-ray taken, to
make sure her stomach wasn't harboring a beggar's ghost.
“En Se asked me to go with her to the audition tomorrow....”
Sun Ki trailed off. Nobody knew how Sun Ki had been able to
come back to Coffee Prince. All they knew was that Han Kyul was
somehow connected to it because all Sun Ki would say was that
the sajang had been helped him.
“You're off tomorrow, aren't you?”
En Chan knew why Sun Ki was hesitating. As a man with a past,
he was asking her permission to hang out with En Se. She'd been
dense to the feelings between her mother and Mr. Ku, but she'd
had at least an inkling of the attraction between En Se and Sun
Ki. She didn't know it when En Se was simply loitering around the
cafe, but once Sun Ki returned to the store, she'd drop in
constantly and hang around Sun Ki.
“If you go with her, I'd feel better about it. She pretends to be
strong on the outside, but she's actually a pretty fragile kid. You
have no idea how nervous she gets before an audition. Take care
of her for me, yea?”
“Don't shrink like that every time you see me. I'm ok now. And
it's not even like you did it to me or anything. You know, for a guy,
you really don't get over things, huh? Forget about it, kid.”
En Chan pat Sun Ki and on the back and went into the lounge
to get ready to take off for the night.
Nak Kyun and Ha Rim, who'd been changing, jumped in
“Nuna! What's the matter with you! Try knocking first, yea?”
“Ya, I've seen all there is to see. What's with the sudden
shyness, huh?”
En Chan slapped the bare backs of both boys and took out her
clothes from the cabinet.
“It isn't the same anymore. You look like a girl now. Your hair's
longer and you've lost weight.”
“Yea, you've really lost a lot of weight these days, nuna. But
you eat so freakin' much! Where does that all go? Or do you
secretly....” Nak Kyun made a retching sound.
“Ya, what am I, crazy? Why in the world would I throw up
something as precious as food?”
“Or do you go jogging marathon-style at night under the
“You're the one who looks like he needs to exercise. There's
nothing to see.”
En Chan tapped Ha Rim's side and came out of the lounge.
When she came out from changing in the bathroom, the punk
from the land of the crows was waiting for her.
“Nuna, ma'am, I'm here to pick you up.”
“Man, you're one annoying kid.”
Even so, En Chan took the helmet the punk held out.
“Ahjussi, I'm heading out.”
“All right. Good work. See you tomorrow.”
En Chan had recently found out that the name of the punk
from the land of crows was Hwang Min Yeop. Min Yeop was
planning on entering the army once he graduated high school. He
said until the day he enlisted, he would take responsibility for her
when she came to and went from work. At first she tried to
dissuade him, but the kid had a stubborn streak, and there was
nothing she could do. It looked like he was unnecessarily
burdened by some kind of guilt, but she figured, he'd had it
coming, so she'd let it be.
En Chan got onto the back of Min Yeop's motorcycle.
If I can accept Min Yeop's apologetic mind, couldn't he forgive
me as well....
Everyone else believed that En Chan was doing fine. To others'
views, she did, indeed, look fine. She ate well, she smiled often,
and was energetic, like she'd been before. But actually, En Chan
had been suffering from insomnia for the past five months. Until
the day she left the hospital, En Chan waited for him. He'd been
cold and cruel on the phone and wouldn't even pick up her calls
anymore, and she'd heard that he was furious in feelings of
betrayal, but she'd believed that he would eventually come to see
her. But he did not. He couldn't be seen in the coffee house or
room S11. He couldn't be found anywhere, as if he'd never existed
in this world.

< Part 2 >

It was time for Coffee Prince's employee meeting.

“So what? We're going to raise Coffee Prince to become like
“Well, it's hard to say it'll grow as big as a worldwide chain,
but it looks like he's willing to try out a franchise. He'll be
investing, and we'll be providing the Princes' coffee and
management know-how.”
“In other words, Coffee Prince Branches 2, 3, and 4? Our
sajangnim's doing this, right?”
Han Kyul was still “sajangnim” to them all. En Chan shook her
“It's Dong Yi Foods. I'm going to meet the president of that
company tonight and hear more about it. You have to come with
me, Mr.Hong.”
“All right. But do you really think we can pull it off?”
“I think as long as we don't overdo it, we can. What do you
think about opening up the second branch first and see how it
goes and decide then whether we should keep expanding or not?
The biggest asset our store has is that most of the customers are
regulars, so we know them pretty well. Ha Rim always gives
customers comments on their tie colors, new hairstyles, things
like that, and En Chan hyung's memorized who wants their cup
filled up and who wants only half a cup, who wants their coffee
extra hot and who wants their coffee just as quickly as possible.
There are a lot of people who come here because they find stuff
like that comfortable. If there are too many branches, we'll lose
our edge. Personally, I'd like to see branches set up in the
countrysides. Not in the busy parts of town but in the outskirts,
like us here, and small, so that they'll give off the feel of a
friendly neighbor.”
“Ya, take Nak Kyun in my stead. Looks like he'd do a better
“I can't, tonight.”
“Today's his girlfriend's birthday.”
“Oh, it's Soo Ae's birthday today, huh?”
En Chan found herself looking at him proudly. After returning
to school, Nak Kyun had found a girlfriend. It was unbelievable
that he hadn't had one before, but seeing that Nak Kyun had
become far softer and more carefree made En Chan realize just
how strong the influence of love was.
“Then you meet him by yourself tonight, Chan. When the talks
start getting a little more detailed, let's all meet him together
and discuss it in earnest.”
“All right. I should be going now. It's Friday and there's
probably going to be a lot of traffic.”
“Oh, by the way, En Chan, starting tomorrow, I want you to go
and get trained to become a barista.”
“Huh? Me?”
“You're not going to go back to the dojo, right? When we start
building the second and third branches we're going to get busy, so
you should take advantage of the time you have now to ge
trained. I've already signed you up, so start tomorrow. What's the
“I don't know if I'll be able to do a good job....”
“You'll be fine. You work better under pressure. He said the
longer the line of customers were, the faster and more accurately
you seemed to work.”
“Who said that?”
“Oh-h... the c-customers did......”

< Part 3 >

Leaves scattered in the chilly wind. The streets had been

emptied by the abrupt cold. The air inside the crowded bus was
stuffy. En Chan opened the window slightly and the cold wind that
rushed in blew through her hair. A gold earring twinkled on the
end of her right ear.
The atmosphere of the jazz cafe Da Soop, where she hadn't
been back since she'd worked there part-time, was still as good as
ever. There were not a few customers who sat enjoying the slow
jazz flowing through the air. When she arrived, Han Sung was
already sitting down.
“You're here pretty early. I'm not late am I?”
“There wasn't as much traffic as I thought there would be. Did
you eat dinner?”
“With my coworkers. You haven't eaten yet?”
Saying he hadn't had time, Han Sung ordered a steak and En
Chan ordered beer.
“You seemed quite surprised to receive my call.”
“Oh... yes. I didn't know you would.”

“About two weeks ago, I met Han Kyul at company
headquarters. He entered the company as a regular employee and
he's already been promoted to proxy director. He's in the financial
department. Did you know that?”
En Chan shook her head and took in a mouthful of beer.
“Actually, this franchise idea was first brought up by him, too.
He'd thought it out pretty carefully. He even submitted a
marketing plan, and I have to say, it was quite convincing. It
might be that he was just smart about it, but it made even me
feel that it would be a waste not to consider it.”
The moment Han Kyul's name had come out from Han Sung's
mouth, En Chan's heart had begun racing. To tell the truth, she
had anticipated hearing news about Han Kyul from Han Sung. But
now that he was telling her what she'd wanted to hear, she began
to feel more and more depressed. She felt angry and sad that he
was doing so well and hadn't once contacted her in all that time.
“Your hair's much longer now,” said Han Sung, looking at the
hair that covered En Chan's ears.
“You think so? I'm getting bored because it's not growing fast
Han Sung leaned back and looked steadily at En Chan. En Chan
avoided the uncomfortable gaze and drank her beer.
“Is Han Kyul still acting the same way? Have you tried calling
En Chan raised her hand and ordered more beer.
“Take it easy.”
“I'm not going to make a fool of myself like you did, so don't
“You haven't changed a bit, have you?” Han Sung smiled before
returning to his meal. While he finished, En Chan found herself
buzzed after her first drink in a while. Han Sung had already
learned all about the details of Coffee Prince from the marketing
plan that Han Kyul had submitted, so the information En Chan
offered was basically supplementary. Han Sung had the deciding
authority, but he would have to discuss the details of the plan
with his own subordinates.
“And Mr. Hong is in favor of this plan, right?”
“Well, Coffee Prince was Han Kyul's project, wasn't it? Coffee
Prince was born through that person. The concepts for interior
design, order forms, all of it. If he wants to do it, how can any of
us say no? All of us employees owe him so much and we've all
fallen for him.”
“Fallen for him?”

“He was like a guardian angel. He appeared just when we
were all struggling and helped us all and then vanished into thin
air. Of course we've all fallen for him.”
“That's not what Han Kyul says.”
“What does he say? Did he say anything? I mean, he still
remembers us?”
“He said that his workers never ceased to stimulate and spur
him on.”
“Stimulate? Yea, we did that. Nak Kyun went AWOL in the
beginning and then Ha Rim left home, and Sun Ki.... Do you know
anything, by the way? How he dealt with Sun Ki's case?”
“I suspected as much.”
En Chan let out a sigh and took another sip of her beer.
“He's a mysterious one, that man. I can never tell what he's
“Both of you have gotten much thinner. And sharper.”
“He rebelled like crazy, so why did he end up going into the
company anyway? Does he like work that much? He probably lives
buried in work, huh?”
En Chan, who'd begun to drink more quickly, began to slur her
words. She slouched and her eyes clouded over while she began
to talk wildly.
“Man, I feel like shit. These days, I remind myself of a bum. I
eat and eat and eat and I'm still hungry, and I put clothes on but I
feel cold like I'm naked. Man, I'm pathetic. Freakin' pathetic. Like
a freakin' idiot. My insides hurts like I drank vodka on an empty
stomach. My insides hurts so much....”
En Chan, who'd been grumbling, stopped speaking. It was
because she'd seen Han Kyul and Yu Ju walking in the entrance
together. Han Sung turned his head and looked at the two of
them. Han Kyul's face went rigid as well. En Chan gripped the
bottle she was holding tightly as if to break it.
Han Sung stood up.
“So we end up meeting here.”
En Chan put her elbows on the table and put her head on her
palm. She glared at Han Kyul who was walking toward them with
a scowl on his face.
“I forgot that the two of you are regulars here. It looks like
you were in the middle of talking business, so please, continue.”
Han Kyul turned Yu Ju around and began to walk away when
En Chan, who'd been watching him, yelled,
“YA! Choi Han Kyul!”
She stabbed the air with her finger and sprung up from her
chair. She teetered but did not fall.
“You, boy am I glad to see YOU! YOU! Who the hell are you!
What kind of stingy-ass jerk of a man are you!”
Han Kyul, completely ignoring En Chan, turned to Han Sung
and said,
“Looks like she's drunk. You should probably take her outside.”
“Are you drunk, En Chan?”
At Han Sung's question, En Chan shook her head vigorously.
The shaking made her dizzy and she reeled, but she soon
found her balance and continued to glare at Han Kyul.
“You were the one who thought I was a guy in the first place.
You never asked me if I was really a guy or not. And now you're
not even giving me a chance to explai myself? You bastard! Just
who the hell do you think you are, huh? HUH? Say something, you
twisted, miserable human being!”
Han Kyul looked at her, incredulous, before turning around, as
if to say she wasn't worth dealing with, and began to walk away.
Until En Chan said this.
“You tell Ha Rim to come out, but you go in? What a traitor.”
Han Kyul whipped around and walked toward her with a
terrifying expression on his face. En Chan flinched inside, but she
placed her bets on the excuse that she was drunk, and stood her
ground, glaring at him.
“What? Am I wrong?”
En Chan lifted her chin up and began to shoot her words at the
cold gaze that looked down at her from so close.
“You pervert cabbage slug! If you're a man, act like one and
act your age! How can you be so un-understanding? If your
employee's been laid up in a hospital bed with an injury, shouldn't
you come by to visit at least once? Even if I'd committed a mortal
sin, you should've asked what my reason was for it. Am I wrong,
you flea-minded old geezer!”
The customers in the store were looking on with amusement.
But now Han Kyul himself was too angry to back away.
“All right. Fine. Try explaining yourself, why don't you? Try
explaining the reason why you laughed at me and played around
with my mind for months and months. It's probably a damn good
one, right? It's not something as stupid as a few hundred bucks,
“Damn it! Yea! It was as stupid as a few hundred bucks! What
are you going to do about it! Must be nice to have so much money,
ahjussi. Must be nice to be able to earn money without having to
lie to anyone! Was I so wrong? And when the hell did I ever laugh
at you or play around with your mind?! I never did that!”

“Never did that? Never pretended to be an honest, flawlessly
innocent kid so you could steal my heart away?!”
“When! When! I never did that! I tried to tell you honestly!
But I got scared, all right?! I got scared that if I told you, I might
lose it all! Why couldn't you help me and figure it out first? You
dense moron! How can you know me for three months and not
even know? Do you know what that did to my self-respect?
Goddamn it! Am I.... am I really not it? You really don't feel
anything towards me?”
Suddenly En Chan's face flushed bright red. She felt like she
was going to die from humiliation. But she stood her ground. She
stood her ground because she thought to herself that if she
walked out from here, it would be the end. If she was never going
to be able to see him again, she wanted him to tell her straight
out right here, right now. She wanted him to tell her if she
wasn't, so she could at least wake up....
“What am I, a gay? Why would I feel anything towards a man?”
He'd said it straight out. En Chan felt like someone had struck
her with a chair. Wanting him to tell her straight out... apparently
that had been a lie. Maybe it was because she was drunk, but the
thought that she couldn't let him go rose up from inside of her.
She wanted to grab onto him as a friend, at least, or even blood
brothers. To think that she'd never see him again made her heart
ache so badly she felt like she was going to die. She couldn't live
like this anymore. This was too pathetic and heartbreaking and
“It was better when you were a boy. I wanted to make you my
little brother because you were cute. You remember me saying
that, right? But what? You're a woman? What would I do with a girl
like you? You stop at nothing to get at some money and you stab
people in the back. You bitch.”
At Han Kyul's ruthless words En Chan flinched, wounded. But
her desperation rose higher than her anger. En Chan bit down on
her lip as she lifted her hair to show her ear.
“Th-then let me be your little brother. I still have your mark.
C-can't I be that, at least?”
The tears in her eyes shined and twinkled like the gold earring
on her ear. Everyone who'd been watching them froze in silence.
Only Han Kyul, who was breathing hard, looked like a living
creature. Han Kyul shouted, his eyes more furious than they had
been before,
“You think you're the only one who's lost self-respect? You
stepped all over my pride! You ripped it to shreds!”
Han Kyul clenched his jaw and growled. When he saw a
teardrop fall from En Chan's eyes, he finally exploded.
“How could a male not recognize a female? Do you know how
humiliating that is to a man? There are some things men never
want to let women see! Goddamn it!”
Han Kyul left. En Chan, who'd gone pale, rubbed her tears
away with the back of her hand. She repeated the words he'd just
said. Things men never want to let women see? What things? What
did I see?
En Chan's self-control crumbled. She was angry and hurting
and sad and in despair so she screamed desperately,
“I didn't see anything! I don't even know what you're talking
about, so how could I have seen it?!”
And then he reappeared. He quickly walked over to her in big
En Chan flinched in surprise at his roughness and caught her
breath. He had come at her so recklessly that she thought that
maybe he was going to hit her.
“It's this, stupid,” he said, almost at her nose.
The moment she thought, 'This? What's this?' her head was
grabbed and pulled. En Chan realized that she was being kissed.
When his tongue came into her mouth, she finally realized what
'this' was as well. En Chan, who'd been frozen, began to melt.
Emotions and excitement suffused her as she wrapped her arms
around his neck and hung on. A tingle of pleasure ran down her
entire body. As if asking for a deeper kiss, En Chan's body began
to bend backwards, and Han Kyul pulled her toward him with all
his might. When their deep and passionate kiss ended, her lips,
still lost in ecstasy, were straining toward his. Even when she
belatedly realized that he'd pulled away and opened her eyes, En
Chan was still in a daze. Han Kyul was smiling at her. Everyone
who'd been watching their deep kiss came out of their trance and
burst into applause and cheers.
After Han Kyul had run out pulling En Chan along by her hand,
Han Sung and Yu Ju sat in front of each other awkwardly.
“Feels like I've just finished watching a movie.”
“It's a happy ending.”
“Men don't care about stuff like that.”
“What do they care about then?”
“Sex scenes and action.”
“You know, I think that's the most romantic thing I've ever
heard you say.”
“Was I really that dry?”
Han Sung gave Yu Ju a rare smile.
“Thank you for helping.”

“Say nothing of it. It's also the owner's obligation to make pay
attention to his business partner's emotional health. The lady got
drunk quite easily on her own.”
“And Han Kyul got excited quite easily on his own as well.
They must be made for each other.”
Han Sun and Yu Ju looked at each other with friendly eyes for
the first time in a long time, just like they used to back before
they'd been lovers, back when they'd been like brother and


“And Sun Ki's too busy these days. I think we're going to have
to hire some new people.”
[Are you sure it's for real? Can the guy really sing?]
En Chan was talking on the phone on her way to barista
“Enough to make you fall in love. Even I would want to give
him a recording deal.”
[How could I trust your ear? All guys who live in karaoke bars
know how to sing.]
“He made the audition, so what else is there to say? You think
the judges were all scarecrows? Why do you think they just gave
him the contract fee on the spot like that? You always pick on
only me. Psh.”
[Hey, I gotta go. Conference.]
“I gotta go too, I'm at the lecture hall. See ya.”
[Wait. Where were we going to eat lunch again tomorrow? I'll
come pick you up.]
“You don't have to do that. It's just a few stops if I take the
subway. I'll see you at the entrance.”
[I'm just afraid you're going to be late like last time.]
“Oh, don't complain about ten minutes.”
En Chan had already arrived at the lecture hall and Han Kyul
had to go into his meeting, but they couldn't hang up. They hid
the passionate words they wanted to say to each other and acted
[Ya, I don't want people thinking we're two men on a date, so
dress accordingly.]
“In that case you should come wearing a dress, ahjussi.”
[Are you gonna keep on talking back to me? Girls are supposed
to be soft-spoken and refined.]
“Maybe I'll gather together all the un-soft-spoken and un-
refined girls around and make an anti-cafe against you, ahjussi.
Ha, you scared?”
[Turning it into a fan cafe would probably be a piece of cake. I
could probably make them turn to my side with a single picture.
Hey, I really got to go now. Kissy kissy, Snookums.]
“Hey, I'm still a part of that anti-cafe, all right, Mr. Kinky? I'm
hanging up now.”
The two of them giggled to themselves as they hung up and
returned to their respective tasks. Han Kyul had risen to the
position of head director, and had moved to the accounting
department. To a next-generation proprietor, these promotions
were actually meaningless; nevertheless, Han Kyul was learning
the ropes step by step in preparation to take over the company.
As long as he had made up his mind to compete with Han Sung for
the top, he had no intention of losing. That there was a worthy
adversary was beneficial for the company as well.

The next day, En Chan rummaged around in her closet for

some time before asking for En Se's help. All that En Chan had in
her closet were t-shirts and jeans and oversized jumpers. Other
than that, there was only the dress suit that she'd worn for her
mother's wedding, but that was appropriate for an amusement
park. En Se, having laid out her own clothes in front of her sister,
continued to hassle her into choosing quickly. In the end, En Chan
put on a flowered blouse and skirt and a feminine jacket. She'd
decided to pull out all the stops because she wanted to look
pretty for him and also because of what he'd said about two men
on a date.
On her one off day every two weeks, En Chan planned to eat
dinner with her family. En Chan had been busy with the franchise
project, barista training and working in the cafe, and having
passed the audition, En Se was also practicing singing and dancing

day and night, and wasn't often seen around. And so, they had set
apart this day to come together to eat out.
Mom and ahjussi were beginning to look more and more like a
real wedded couple. What them care and provide for each other
sometimes made her feel that all her work had been for nothing.
It made her feel kind of lonely, but when she thought back to the
way she felt when she was with Han Kyul, she could more that
understand their feelings. For the first time since her father died,
her family sat around at the dinner table, happy and cheerful.
They were coming out of the restaurant when En Se said,
“I'm gonna take off. I have an appointment.”
“You're going to go meet Sun Ki? The two of your practice
together everyday, and you still have to see him on your off day?
You give birth to a daughter and you raise her with your own
hand, and all this, for what?”
En Se had provided an opening for En Chan to say,
“M-me too....”
If Mr. Ku hadn't been there, Mom would've had to walk the
lonely way back to the house all by herself. She suddenly felt
thankful for Mr. Ku.
En Chan ran to the subway station so as not to be late, but she
just missed the train. It was all because of this damned flapping
skirt. She got on the next train and had three stops to go when it
became their designated meeting time. It was obvious that he
was going to give her hell for being late again. She took out her
cell phone and tried to call him, but it acted up and wouldn't
work. She pounded on it and shook it, holding it out in all
different directions, but she couldn't get through. To make things
even worse, the playground was a sea of people. She sweated up
a storm trying to find him in the pulsing crowds.
En Chan, exhausted, looked at the sneakers that came into
view and lifted her head.
“Oh! Finally!”
En Chan took in deep breaths and smiled apologetically, but
Han Kyul's angry face didn't loosen up.
“Do you know what time it is?!”
“I'm sorry. Really, I'm really sorry. I was on my way and I
missed the train and.... I freakin' ran. Look at me, I'm sweating.
My physical strength's not what it used to be. I haven't worked out
in a while....”
“Then you should've turned your phone on at least! How long
were you going to make me wait in this crowd? You promised and
promised that you wouldn't be late! Do you know how much I
worried about you?”
“Y-you worried about me? Why would you worry about me? You
worried I was going to get into a subway accident or something?
I'm fine. I'm fine and I'm here, so please don't be mad.”
“Why'd you turn off your phone.”
“Oh, this stupid phone. It hasn't been working since I was in
the subway. This stupid piece of junk...”
En Chan took out her phone from her pocket and was hitting it
with the palm of her hand when Han Kyul snatched it away. He
then chucked it on the floor.
“What's the point of carrying around a phone that doesn't even
Still dissatisfied, he stomped on the broken phone and ground
his heel into it. People walking by gathered 'round to watch him,
amused. En Chan, surprised, gave up trying to stop him and
simply watched on. She folded her arms across her chest and
watched a seething Han Kyul for a while before saying,
“Feel better?”
Han Kyul breathed deeply and said,
“Then look at me.”
After all the trouble she'd gone through to dress up, running
had mussed her up all over. En Chan quickly rearranged her
clothes and hair and posed for him.
“Mmmm. The lady has put on a skirt.”
“You finally see me?”
“Isn't it a bit small, though? We need to buy you some
En Chan glared at him and he smiled and said,
“You're pretty. Very pretty.”
“Prettier than Miss World?”
“Miss World? Ohhh... Ya, that's been bothering you until now,
huh? It's been on your mind for a while.”
Han Kyul chuckled to himself as he poked En Chan's cheek with
his finger.
“Hey, I didn't have any fun that time. I don't even remember
“Psh. What do you take me for, an idiot? You were smiling like
your lips were going to rip apart and you threw me out into the
streets and sped off.”
“I told you, I was already beginning to find you cute back
then. Do you know how head-splitting it is to find a boy cute? If
you're going to make up for how much you made me suffer, you
have to do cute things for me at least 200 more times.”
“Who made who suffer? It's news to me.”

“I'm a master at the poker face. Never showing on our faces
what's going on in our insides is our family specialty.”
“Whatever you say, sir. Let's go eat.”
En Chan turned around and headed toward the entrance. Han
Kyul, who'd followed behind her, put his arm around her shoulder
and pointed with his hand.
“Let's ride that first. I've always wanted to ride it.”
As if nothing had happened, the two of them went inside the
amusement park. They mixed into the crowd and got on rides and
ate ice cream and walked down flower paths. Sometimes they'd
clasp hands, other times he'd have his arm around her, and other
times they would simply look at each other....
After exiting the amusement park, they ate dinner at a high
observatory restaurant. They sat down side by side on yellow
banana shaped leather sofas in the small balcony-like area that
jutted out from the rest of the space. They ate dinner and drank
wine, looking out at the magnificent scenery from the window.
“Are you going to keep growing your hair out?” asked Han Kyul
as he brought his lips to her hair and gave it a kiss. En Chan was
resting her head on his shoulder.
“Yea. Why? You don't want me to?”
“It's not that I don't want you to. It's just that it doesn't fit
with the Coffee Prince concept. That's a place where princes
“Then you want me to continue to look like a boy?” asked En
Chan. Han Kyul nodded without a single moment's hesitation.
“I want you to look like a boy to other men. So they don't
move in on you.”
“You worry about the strangest things. There's nothing but
women all around me.”
“Don't hang around too much with women either. By the way,
you looked really out of shape back there. Let's start working out
together starting tomorrow.”
“And how am I supposed to find the time? These days, I wish
here were ten of me to go around. You know Chief Bong from
Dong Yi Foods? He's a total tightass. He wants to have conferences
every single day. He's already changed the marketing plan several
“You meet Chief Bong every day? Hmm that geezer's got to go.
I'll have to change him. Even I can't see you every day, it makes
me jealous.”
“Ahjussi, don't overreact.”
“Cut down on the time you work at Coffee Prince. I've been
thinking about this for a while now, but I think you should pick

new employees and become the manager yourself. That way, you
can pay closer attention to the franchise project.”
“Hm..... I'll talk it over with Mr. Hong.”

The two of them leaned against each other, looking at the

night scenery. From time to time, Han Kyul would give En Chan's
shoulders a tight squeeze. And from time to time, he would lay
kisses on her head, her temples, and her cheeks, displaying his

“There's something I'm curious about. Before you found out at

the hospital, you really never once suspected? You never
wondered to yourself if I was a girl?”
“What do you think?”
“Hmm. Answer 1,” said En Chan, lifting up a finger. “Never.
Not even once. Answer 2, maybe just once. Answer 3, maybe in
your subconscious, but never thought about it consciously. Why?
Because you're a coward. Answer 4, you would've liked for me to
have been a girl. Now, which one is it?”
“Hmm... the answer bank is pretty scanty. I especially don't
like Answer 3. The answer is, Answer 5.”
“Answer 5?”
“I liked you, even if you were a boy.”
“What? What is that? What the?! Then when you kissed me on
Valentine's Day, that wasn't just a prank?”
“I told you. There are some things men never want to let
women to see.”
“Oh, right, I've been meaning to ask you. What is that? You
didn't want to let me see you kiss me? I didn't have my eyes open
when you did.”
“No, it's not that... it's just.... well, it's a type of......
“The what?”
“Do you really have to hear the answer?”
“I can't stand being curious.”
“It's.... like sexual arousal.”
En Chan whipped her head around to look at Han Kyul in
shock. Han Kyul looked at her as if daring her to say anything and
then reached out and put her head back on his shoulder.
“You mean, you thought I was a boy and you felt that? That's
why the tongue.....”
“No way...... pervert cabbage slug!!”
“Yea, I don't know what else to say. But you know, when I think
about it, Answer 3 might be right as well. If you were a girl, I
would have to kick you out of the store, and I would've had to
doubt whether you'd come to like me or my money.”
“You narcissist.”
“Not a narcissist... maybe a coward, like you said?”
“It's late. It's almost midnight.”
“I'll give you an answer bank.”
“Huh? You didn't ask a question, though.”
Han Kyul lifted up a finger in front of En Chan's face and said,
“Answer 1. You sleep with me tonight. Answer 2. You go to
Dong Yi Hotel room S11 with me right now. Answer 3. We talk in
my bed until the morning. Answer 4. You live with me for the rest
of your life.”
After the last sentence, En Chan couldn't say anything for the
pounding in her chest. Her heart was racing like a frenzied
maniac. She hadn't talked to him about it, but it wasn't as if she
hadn't give their future some thought before. The conclusion was
always a deep sigh. She'd comforted herself by telling herself to
be thankful and satisfied with her present happiness with him. To
treat each moment preciously and to love him to her fullest.
“Now, what's your answer?”
With that, Han Kyul held out his cheek.
“What're you doing?”
“Answer me with kisses.”
“People are watching.”
“Hurry up. Or I'm going to feel up your chest.”
En Chan smacked his head with a cushion.
“God, you kinky pervert!”
Han Kyul shook his head and rearranged his mussed up hair
before holding out his cheek again. En Chan scowled at him for a
while before deciding there was nothing else that could be done.
She leaned over slowly and smacked kisses on his cheek. When
she stopped at the third kiss, he turned around.
“Answer 3? What was Answer 3 again?” He asked her, looking
“Man, I don't know if I should really answer this lame proposal,
En Chan stretched out her arms and held Han Kyul's head in
her hands.
“I'm afraid if I'm not with you, you're going to die of boredom,
so I'll do you the favor.”
En Chan smiled as she kissed Han Kyul on his lips. When she
pulled away, he abruptly tackled her and En Chan fell backwards
onto the sofa. Han Kyul was smiling above the fallen En Chan. He
stroked her cheek and said playfully,
“You're awfully snuggly, snookums.”
“Come on, get off! The waitress is watching.”
Han Kyul pressed down on En Chan's shoulder as she tried to
get up and lowered his lips.
“Get used to it. I don't care what other people think.”
Should she stop his kiss? But when she closed her eyes, she
couldn't see anyone else either. There was nothing that could be
done. She had to get used to it. He had said, after all, that it was
for the rest of her life.....


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