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The dawn of the spring color is fragrant, your white whiteth a white lily of the valley, a lily of
the valley a pure, languid, ill-lit one; the arrogant arrogance of velvet scarlet your mouth
oppresses; will give a small flower smile, an unforgettable beauty.

The rose will grow red with a rose and on the shoulders, the cornflower will turn blue and the
waxes will be enlightened.

The honey from the mouth will flow with the enchantment of the mind.

Imperceptibly penetrate into the soul of sticky slumber, imperceptibly penetrate into the soul
of sticky slumber.

Poppy heart will fool and reason will lull, hops the cheeks will bruise and twist the head, and
head, and head, and twist the head, and twist it.

O alvorecer da cor da primavera perfumado, o seu branco branco um lrio branco do vale, um
lrio do vale um puro, lnguido e mal iluminado; a arrogncia arrogante do escarlate de veludo
que sua boca oprime; D um sorriso de flor pequena, uma beleza inesquecvel.

A rosa crescer com uma rosa e nos ombros, o cornflower ficar azul e as ceras sero

O mel da boca fluir com o encantamento da mente.

Penetrar imperceptivelmente na alma do sono pegajoso, penetrar imperceptivelmente na

alma do sono pegajoso.

O corao da papoila enganar e a razo se acalmar, o lpulo das bochechas vai machucar e
torcer a cabea, cabea e cabea, e torcer a cabea e torci-la.

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