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1. Do you have good neighbors? Are they friendly with you?

Tienes buenos vecinos? Son amistosos contigo?

*Yes I do, they are neither friendly nor talkative, but they respect me.
*Yes, they are friendly, but they're not my friends.
2. What are you doing now? Are you listening to music? / Cmo ests ahora? Ests
escuchando msica?
Now I am speaking with you. I am not listening to music.
3. Do your neighbors make a lot of noise? What kind of noise? / Tus vecinos hacen mucho
ruido? Qu clase de ruido?
They are not noisy; actually my neighborhood is very quiet.
4. Do you live in a house or an apartment? Who do you live with? / Vives en una casa o en un
apartamento? con quin vives?
I live in a house, with my grandfather, my mom and my big brother.
5. Are you doing exercise in this moment? / Ests haciendo ejercicio en este momento?
No, I am not. / No, I'm on my exam

6. Do you have noisy neighbors? / tiene vecinos ruidosos?

No, I dont. They are very peaceful and quiet.
7. Why are your parents doing now? / Qu estn haciendo tus padres ahora?
Well I only live with my mom, and my mom must be working.
8. What do you usually wear? / Qu usas habitualmente?
I usually wear a T-shirt , black pants and white shoes
9. What kind of books do you read? / Qu tipo de libros lees?
I like to read drama books and science fiction, my favorite book is the infinite game of James
10. How many bedrooms are there in your house? / Cuntas habitaciones hay en tu casa?
There are 6 bedrooms.
11. Is there a computer in your living room? / hay una computadora en su sala de estar?
No, but there's a computer in my brother's room.

12. How many people were there in your last English class? / Cunta gente haba en tu ltima
clase de ingls?
Im not sure. Almost 20 I think.

13. Was there a festival in your town last month? / hubo un festival en tu ciudad el mes
No, it wasnt. It was in August. / No, but if there was one in August for parties in TACNA.

14. What do you think about English? Do you think is very important for you? / Qu opinas
sobre English? Crees que es muy importante para ti?
English is very important for todays life, but I dont like it to be honest.
English today is very important because it is the most spoken language in the world. For me
if it is important to learn new languages, and I also like English.
15. Who is your best friend? /
My best friend is Katherine, she's my friend from school, she currently studies law at UpT.

16. What is your opinion about soccer? / Qu opinas sobre Soccer?

It's an interesting sport, I love it. I always see with my family when I play the selection of
Peru, and I'm happy because Peru is going to be in the World Cup Russia 2018

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