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Procedures and Routines


You will come in and initial the sign in paper.

Sit in your assigned seat.
I will call your name for attendance. Say here if you are present.
You may talk quietly or work on homework during this time, HOWEVER,
you MUST be quiet when the announcements come on.
If you miss school:
You must bring in an excuse and give it to me.
Early dismissal notes will be taken to the office.

Activity Period:

If you are leaving to go somewhere during this period, you must initial your
name on the sign in sheet and write the location you are going.
Monday October 2, 2017 Day 3
Name Name Name Name Name

Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom:

Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to:

Name Name Name Name Name

Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom:

Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to:

fireplaceName Name Name Name Name

Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom:

Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to:

Name Name Name Name Name

Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom:

Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to:

Name Name Name Name Name

Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom:

Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to:

Name Name Name Name Name

Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom: Homeroom:

Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to: Leaving to:
Procedures and Routines
A copy of the procedures and routines will be given to the students during the first
week of school. They will be reviewed in detail during this time. Students will sign
a contract stating that they have been given a copy of the rules and procedures at
this time in order to avoid the I didnt know excuse.

Entering/Leaving the Classroom

Anytime you leave the room, you MUST complete the sign out sheet and
take the hall pass (large protractor) with you. One person leaves the room
at a time.
You may NOT go to your locker at the end of the period. This leads to the
entire class leaving to go to their lockers.

Late to Class:

If you come late to class, you MUST have a late pass. No pass means
participation point deduction.

Missed Days of School

If you miss a day of school, it is YOUR responsibility to see me at the beginning of

class to see what assignments you might have missed. All assignments/notes will be
listed on the back board for you to reference anytime.
You will have one day to get caught up. For example: If you miss Monday, you will
have until Wednesday to get notes copied and homework finished. If you miss
Monday and a quiz/test is scheduled for Tuesday, you will take the quiz/test on
I will be willing to stay after school or help you during a study hall to get caught up.
Classroom Procedures

Calculators: As long as they are returned every day, you may use a calculator on
all assignments. If one vanishes without permission, no calculators will be used on
Folders/Binders: Keep all handouts in your folder. Keep it neat and organized.
Extra paper can be found on the shelf in the corner
This is math class, therefore your math assignments come first.
When you first come into class, notes will be written on the board. Start copying
them. Anything that is written on the board should be written in your notebook.
Answering questions: I will take volunteers, but I will also use a bean bag. If I toss
the bean bag to you, you will answer the question and then toss the bag back to me.
Remember: Its okay not to know, its not okay not to try.
After tests/quizzes: If you finish early, you must get something out to work on
QUIETLY. If you do not have anything to do, pick an activity from the Im Done
Jar and complete the activity.

Grading Procedures

Participation Grade: If you do not come prepared for class, points will be deducted
off your participation grade (1 point deduction for each day unprepared).
Class Attendance (each quarter):
Perfect Attendance: 10 points added to participation grade
Miss 3 or less days: 5 points added to participation grade
Homework: must be completed every day. Most days, I will allow time during class
for you to complete your homework. Use this time to your advantage and ask
questions on problems you do not understand! This time is a privilege; meaning I
can take it away if you use this time as socializing time. I may not always go over
the answers the next day.
Late work: will receive a point deduction for each day it is not turned in (this
includes weekends).
Homework/Note Checks: These will occur the day after a test. Therefore your
homework and notes absolutely must be caught up by this time. These are easy
points, dont miss easy points. I was not here that day is not an excuse!
SHOW YOUR WORK! What you typed into your calculator should be written on
the paper. If you show work then I can at least give you partial credit on some
Cheating/lying: If you cheat/copy/lie on homework, worksheets, quizzes, or tests
you will be given a zero for the assignment and receive the consequences assigned
by this district.


Class Participation (30 points per marking period)

Homework (25-40 points per chapter)
Notes (15-30 points per chapter)
Quizzes (10-30 points per chapter)
Worksheets (15-30 points per chapter)
Tests (60-80 points per chapter)
Projects and Activities (Varies according to time)
Rules and Procedures Contract

I have been given a copy of the rules and procedures for this class. I agree to
follow the rules and procedures. If I break the procedures or rules, I agree to
accept the consequences.

Student Signature: _________________________ Date:__________

Teacher Signature: _________________________ Date:__________

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