Effect of Smoking On Intraoperative Sputum and Postoperative Pulmonary Complication in Minor Surgical Patients

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Respiratory Medicine (2004) 98, 760766

Effect of smoking on intraoperative sputum and

postoperative pulmonary complication in minor
surgical patients
Soichiro Yamashitaa,*, Hiroshi Yamaguchib, Misa Sakaguchia,
Sumii Yamamotoa, Kenji Aokia, Yuka Shigaa, Yu Hisajimaa

Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, Iwaki Kyoritsu General Hospital, Iwaki,
Fukushima, Japan
Department of Anesthesia, Ryugasaki Saiseikai Hospital, Ryugasaki, Ibaraki, Japan
Received 18 August 2003; accepted 27 January 2004

KEYWORDS Summary The effect of smoking for postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs)
Smoking; in minor surgical patients who have an early recovery has not been evaluated.
Sputum; Smoking may also affect intraoperative sputum volume. We thus evaluated whether
Postoperative pulmonary smoking had a relation to intraoperative sputum volume or PPCs in minor surgical
patients. Smoking status was determined through the interviewer-assisted ques-
tionnaires. Intraoperative sputum volume was judged using the number of trials to
suck up sputum from the trachea. Current and Ex-smokers were significantly more
likely to have an increased intraoperative sputum volume when compared with Non-
smokers (18.3% and 17.9% vs. 9.4%) although the relationship between smoking and
PPCs was not demonstrated. In the multivariate models, Current and Ex-Smokers was
identified as an independent risk factor of an increased intraoperative sputum
volume (odds ratio, 2.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.64.6). The patients with o2
months smoking cessation were more likely to have an increased intraoperative
sputum volume. In conclusion, smoking is the risk factor of an increased
intraoperative sputum volume, and preoperative smoking cessation X2 months is
recommended to reduce the risk of an increased intraoperative sputum volume,
although the relationship between smoking and PPCs was not elucidated in minor
surgical patients.
& 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Previous studies reported that current smokers

were twosix times more likely to develop PPCs
Smoking is well known to be a risk factor for than non-current smokers.24 However, these stu-
surgical patients contributing to the development dies may be intended for patients undergoing major
of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs).1 surgery including abdominal or thoracic surgery
who are likely to have a reduced pulmonary
function5 and a prolonged bed rest following
*Corresponding author. Acute Care Neurology, The Johns surgery. The effect of smoking for the development
Hopkins Medical Institutions, Jefferson 1-109, 600N Wolfe
Street, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. Tel.: 1-410-614-6996; fax:
of PPCs in patients undergoing minor surgery who
1-410-502-7869. have an early recovery following surgery has not
E-mail address: soichi2003@aol.com (S. Yamashita). been evaluated.

0954-6111/$ - see front matter & 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Smoking, sputum, pulmonary complication in minor surgery 761

On the other hand, smoking contributes to an interview. Non-smoker was defined as a person who
increased sputum volume due to mucous hyperse- had never smoked.
cretion6,7 and decreased ciliary activity.810 An
increased sputum volume may cause the develop- Intraoperative sputum volume
ment of some troubles related with respiratory
system during intraoperative period, for example, Intraoperative sputum volume was judged using the
an unexpected rise in airway pressure, a deteriora- number of trials to suck up sputum from the
tion of systemic oxygenation, and so on. An trachea at the end of surgery. We used an original
appropriate management for such airway condi- scale: 0 no sputum was sucked up, 1 sputum
tions is required to prevent the development of not was all sucked up on the first aspiration trial only,
only intraoperative pulmonary troubles but also 2 twice or more aspiration trials were needed to
PPCs. So it is informative for surgical patients and suck up sputum, 3 sucking up sputum was needed
clinicians to evaluate the relationship between during surgery in the case of problems associated
preoperative smoking habits and intraoperative with an increased sputum volume, and the troubles
sputum volume. were improved by sucking up sputum. Intraopera-
We thus evaluated whether preoperative cigar- tive sputum volume was defined as increased when
ette smoking habits had a relation to intraoperative the scale was 2 or 3.
sputum volume or PPCs in minor surgical patients
undergoing general anesthesia.
Postoperative pulmonary complications

Methods The development of PPCs was defined as present

when the patients met the following criteria during
Study population the first postoperative 30 days period or until they
were discharged; (1) bronchoconstriction: the
This study protocol was approved by the local presence of wheezing associated with dyspnea or
ethical committee, Iwaki Kyoritsu General Hospi- arterial oxygen saturation o95% under oxygen 5 l/
tal, Fukushima, Japan. We performed the prospec- min via face mask, and the use of bronchodilator
tive cohort study on the consecutive patients medication (aerosol treatment using salbutamol,
undergoing elective minor surgery which was intravenous aminophylline 5 mg/kg, or intravenous
planned to walk or have a meal from the first hydrocortisone 125 mg), (2) atelectasis: the evi-
postoperative day, including eye, ear, nasopharyn- dence of pulmonary atelectasis on chest radio-
geal, oral, neck, superficial, and orthopedic sur- graph associated with dyspnea or arterial oxygen
gery, under general anesthesia with their tracheae saturation o95% under oxygen 5 l/min via face
intubated from November 2000 to January 2002. mask, (3) pulmonary infection: the presence of
Excluded from this study were patients who had pulmonary infiltration on chest radiograph with the
problem of consciousness, who had heart failure, signs of systemic infection (body tempera-
whose tracheae were intubated or tracheostomized tureX38.01C and leukocytosis or leukopenia), (4)
before surgery, and whose tracheae were planned postoperative tracheal reintubation due to respira-
to be tracheostomized during surgery. After all, tory failure, and (5) death related to pulmonary
consecutive 1011 patients were enrolled in this complications.
Preoperative cigarette smoking habits
The following patient- and surgery-related data
The following smoking-related data were obtained were obtained through the standardized question-
for each patient through the interviewer-assisted naires, medical records, and physical examina-
questionnaires a day before surgery: smoking habits tions: gender, age, body mass index (weight in
(Current, Ex- or Non-smoker), total pack-years kilograms divided by height in meters squared),
smoked (one pack-year was defined as 20 cigarettes American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physi-
per day for 1 year), and the duration of smoking- cal status, pre-existing history of pulmonary dis-
free period before surgery. Current smoker was eases, pre-existing history of chronic obstructive
defined as a person who had smoked until the day pulmonary disease (COPD), abnormal findings
of the interview. Ex-smoker was defined as a person of preoperative chest radiograph, preoperative
who had stopped smoking before the day of the medication (use of aminophylline or steroid),
762 S. Yamashita et al.

respiratory-related symptoms (chronic cough and Table 2 shows the relationship between preo-
sputum production), type of surgery, method of perative smoking habits and intraoperative sputum
anesthesia, duration of surgery, duration of intuba- volume or PPCs. Current and Ex-smokers were
tion, use of anti-cholinergic agent before the significantly more likely to have an increased
sputum volume evaluation, and the season in the intraoperative sputum volume when compared with
year of the surgery done (cold season was defined Non-smokers (18.3% and 17.9% vs. 9.4%, Po0:005
as NovemberApril which was half a year of the and Po0:001; respectively). Eight Ex-smokers and
maximum temperature below 161C in the area three Non-smokers in patients with an increased
around the hospital). intraoperative sputum volume needed to suck up
sputum during surgery because of an unexpected
rise in airway pressure or oxygen desaturation
Statistical analysis that were improved by sucking up sputum. In
these patients, 4 Ex-smokers and 2 Non-smokers
According to preoperative smoking habits, patients were patients with preoperative history of pulmon-
were divided into the three groups (Current, Ex- ary disease. The incidence of PPCs was not
and Non-smokers). The numbers of patient with an statistically different among the three groups.
increased intraoperative sputum volume or PPCs However, the incidence of PPCs in 140 patients
among Current, Ex- and Non-smokers, respectively, who had an increased intraoperative sputum
were determined by frequency distributions. Ana- volume was significantly greater than that
lysis of variance was used to compare the contin- in 868 patients who did not (6.4% vs. 0.8%,
uous variables. Chi-Square test (or Fishers exact Po0:0001).
test, where appropriate) was used to compare the The relationship between the duration of smok-
categorical variables. Logistic regression analysis ing-free period and the risk of an increased
was used to determine the significant predictors of intraoperative sputum volume is shown in Table 3.
an increased intraoperative sputum volume or Current smokers and Ex-smokers who had o2
PPCs. All variables suggested to have a relationship months smoking-free period were more likely to
with an increased intraoperative sputum volume or have an increased intraoperative sputum volume
PPCs in the univariate analysis (Po0:1) were when compared with Non-smokers. Especially, Ex-
included for the multivariate logistic regression smokers with o2 weeks smoking-free period had
analysis. high incidence of an increased intraoperative
Computer statistical application, Stat-View, ver.5 sputum volume. The relationship between the
(SAS Institute, Cary, NC), was used for the duration of smoking-free period and the risk of
statistical analysis. Po0:05 was considered as PPCs was not evaluated because the number of
statistically significant. patients with PPCs is insufficient to analyze
The variables related with an increased intrao-
perative sputum volume in the univariate analysis
Results (Po0:1) are shown in Table 4. Current and Ex-
smokers had significant risk for an increased
Three patients were excluded from the study intraoperative sputum volume than Non-smokers.
because the patients underwent unplanned tra- In Current and Ex-smokers, patients with total
cheostomy intraoperatively due to glottic stenosis pack-years smoked X20 were more likely to have
related with laryngeal tumor. Therefore, 1008 an increased intraoperative sputum volume
patients were included for statistical analysis. although not significantly. Multivariate analysis
Table 1 shows the demographic data. Most of was performed to find independent predictors of
Current and Ex-smokers were male, but most of an increased intraoperative sputum volume using
Non-smokers were female. The frequency of pre- the variables listed in Table 4. Current and Ex-
existing history of pulmonary disease or COPD was smokers (vs. Non-smokers) (odds ratio [OR], 2.7;
not statistically different among three groups, but 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.64.6), pre-existing
Current and Ex-smokers were significantly more history of pulmonary diseases (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.0
likely to have respiratory-related symptoms when 4.4), pre-existing history of COPD (OR, 3.3; 95% CI,
compared with Non-smokers. Type of surgery and 1.38.5), abnormal findings of chest radiograph
method of anesthesia were similar among three (OR, 4.7; 95% CI, 2.39.8), cold season at surgery
groups, but Non-smokers had longer duration of (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.63.8), were significantly
surgery and intubation than Current and Ex- independent predictors of an increased intraopera-
smokers. tive sputum volume.
Smoking, sputum, pulmonary complication in minor surgery 763

Table 1 The demographic data in this study.

Current smokers (n 159) Ex-smokers (n 369) Non-smokers (n 480)
Male gender 124 (78.0)* 301 (81.6)* 106 (22.3)
Age (yr)zz 40.9716.6 51.8718.0 58.0716.7
BMI (kg m2) 23.473.9*** 23.473.7*** 24.273.5
1 92 (57.9) 149 (40.4) 168 (35.0)
2 63 (39.6) 213 (57.7) 299 (62.3)
3 4 (2.5) 7 (1.9) 13 (2.7)

History of pulmonary disease 11 (6.9) 42 (11.4) 49 (10.2)

History of COPD 5 (1.3) 16 (3.3) 24 (3.1)
Abnormal findings of chest X-ray 8 (5.0) 21 (5.7) 27 (5.6)
Preoperative medication
Aminophylline 1 (0.6) 6 (1.6) 4 (0.8)
Steroid 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0.2)

Respiratory-related symptoms
Chronic cough 30 (18.9)** 62 (16.8)** 43 (9.0)
Sputum production 47 (30.0)*z 78 (21.1)* 50 (10.4)

Type of surgery
Eye 3 (1.9) 4 (1.1) 13 (2.7)
Ear 7 (4.4) 6 (1.6) 13 (2.7)
Nasopharyngeal 24 (15.1) 77 (21.0) 66 (13.8)
Oral 10 (6.3) 31 (8.4) 35 (7.3)
Neck 10 (6.3) 54 (14.7) 26 (5.4)
Superficial 8 (5.0) 35 (9.5) 86 (17.9)
Orthopedic 97 (61.0) 162 (43.9) 241 (50.2)

Method of anesthesia
General 36 (22.6) 87 (23.6) 102 (21.3)
General fentanyl 100 (62.9) 232 (62.9) 275 (57.3)
General morphine 4 (2.5) 15 (4.1) 16 (3.3)
General pentazocine 6 (8.2) 8 (7.3) 9 (16.3)
General epidural 13 (3.8) 27 (2.2) 78 (1.9)

Duration of surgery (min) 91.0763.9** 97.5771.8** 112.6769.4

Duration of intubation (min) 131.5770.3** 139.9776.8** 156.9775.5

Use of anti-cholinergic agent 30 (18.9) 74 (20.1) 79 (16.5)

Cold season at surgery done 85 (53.5) 213 (57.7) 288 (60.0)

Total pack-years smoked X20 68 (42.8)z 197 (53.4)

Figures are mean7SD, or the number of patients in the group (%).
Po0:0001; **Po0:01; ***Po0:05 vs. non-smokers; zPo0:05 vs. ex-smokers. zz
Po0:0001 among three smoking groups.

Table 5 showed the variables related with the Discussion

development of PPCs in the univariate analysis
(Po0:1). Multivariate analysis was performed to We found that preoperative smoking habit was
analyze independent risk factors of PPCs using the significantly related with an increased intraopera-
variables listed in Table 5. Pre-existing history of tive sputum volume in minor surgical patients
pulmonary diseases (OR, 12.6; 95% CI, 3.249.6), undergoing general anesthesia. Current and Ex-
chronic cough (OR, 4.3; 95% CI, 1.215.6), were smokers were approximately twice more likely to
significantly independent risk factors of PPCs. have an increased intraoperative sputum volume
764 S. Yamashita et al.

Table 2 The relationship between preoperative smoking habits and intraoperative sputum volume or PPCs.
Current smokers (n 159) Ex-smokers (n 369) Non-smokers (n 480)
Intraoperative sputum volume
0 82 197 308
1 48 106 127
2 29 58 42
3 0 8 3

Increased 29 (18.2)* 66 (17.9)** 45 (9.4)

Bronchoconstriction 3 4 8
Atelectasis 0 0 0
Pulmonary Infection 0 1 0
Reintubation 0 0 0

Total 3 (1.9) 5 (1.4) 8 (1.7)

Figures are the number of patients in the group (%).
Po0:005 vs. non-smokers. **Po0:001 vs. non-smokers.

Table 3 The relationship between the duration of smoking-free period and the risk of an increased
intraoperative sputum volume.
Duration of smoking-free period No. % RR (95% CI)
None (current smokers) 29/159 18.2 1.9 (1.33.0)
o1 wk. 36/157 22.9 2.4 (1.63.6)
X1 wk. and o2 wk. 8/35 22.9 2.4 (1.24.8)
X2 wk. and o2 mo. 6/32 18.8 2.0 (0.94.3)
X2 mo. 16/145 11.0 1.2 (0.72.0)
Non-smokers 45/480 9.3 Reference group
RR: relative risk, CI: confidence interval.

Table 4 The variables related to an increased intraoperative sputum volume in univariate analysis.
Variable OR (95% CI) P value
Current and Ex-smokers (vs. Non-smokers) 2.1 (1.53.1) 0.0001
Total pack-years smoked X20* 1.5 (0.92.3) 0.0983
Male gender 1.7 (1.22.4) 0.0057
ASAX3 3.9 (1.79.1) 0.0016
History of pulmonary disease 6.4 (4.110.0) o0.0001
History of COPD 12.5 (6.623.6) o0.0001
Abnormal findings of chest X-ray 9.6 (5.516.8) o0.0001
Chronic cough 1.8 (1.12.8) 0.0144
Sputum production 2.2 (1.43.3) 0.0002
Cold season at surgery 2.3 (1.53.5) o0.0001
OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval.
Total pack-years smoked X20 was analyzed in Current and Ex-smokers only.

than Non-smokers, and we identified as an inde- of ciliated epithelium.810 In Current and Ex-
pendent risk factor in multivariate analysis. This smokers, patients with total pack-years smoked
finding came from mucous hypersecretion asso- X20 were more likely to have an increased
ciated with airway inflammation6,7 and decreased intraoperative sputum volume although not signifi-
mucociliary clearance induced by the impairment cantly. Previous findings have showed that the
Smoking, sputum, pulmonary complication in minor surgery 765

Table 5 The variables related to PPCs in univariate analysis.

Variable OR (95% CI) P value
ASAX3 10.7 (2.840.3) 0.0005
History of pulmonary disease 21.8 (7.464.1) o0.0001
History of COPD 14.7 (5.142.4) o0.0001
Abnormal findings of chest X-ray 8.4 (2.825.0) 0.0001
Chronic cough 6.8 (2.518.5) 0.0002
Sputum production 3.8 (1.410.4) 0.0088
Cold season at surgery 3.2 (0.911.2) 0.0732
OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval.

extent of pack-years smoked had correlation with report which has recommended 2 months smoking
the ratio of CD8 T-lymphocytes playing a central cessation to reduce the risk of PPCs.15 Therefore,
role in small-airway inflammation to total T- preoperative smoking cessation at least X2 months
lymphocytes11 and the decrease of mucociliary is recommended to reduce the risk of an increased
clearance.12 intraoperative sputum volume. On the other hand,
In this study, we could not elucidate the relation- Ex-smokers with o2 weeks smoking-free period
ship between preoperative smoking habits and had high incidence of an increased intraoperative
PPCs. Previous studies have reported that current sputum volume. A transient increased sputum
smokers were twosix times more likely to develop volume in several days after smoking cessation
PPCs than non-current smokers.24 The difference has been reported.6 Our result may support the
may be due to the study population. These studies finding that reduction of cigarette consumption
have been intended for patients undergoing major closer to the time of surgery increased the risk of
surgery including abdominal or thoracic surgery PPCs.4 However, short-term preoperative smoking
who are apt to have a reduced pulmonary function5 cessation may benefit surgical patients by reducing
and a prolonged bed rest following surgery, and the blood carbon monoxide levels.16 The influence of
incidence of PPCs has been reported to be short-term preoperative smoking cessation on
approximately 20%. Our study population was clinical outcomes after surgery remains unclear.
patients undergoing minor surgery who have an Other predictors related with an increased
early recovery following surgery, and the incidence intraoperative sputum volume included male gen-
of PPCs was under 2%. Recent study has demon- der, ASAX3, pre-existing history of pulmonary
strated a low risk of PPCs in smokers undergoing diseases, pre-existing history of COPD, abnormal
joint replacement surgery, probably because of the findings of preoperative chest radiograph, chronic
distance of the operation site from the diaphragm cough, sputum production, and cold season at the
and early mobilization.13 Preoperative respiratory surgery. Male gender might be identified because
training using Inspirex (incentive spirometer) and most of Current and Ex-smokers were male.
aerosol treatment using bromhexine hydrochloride Respiratory-related histories and symptoms were
for patients with smoking might also influence our identified as risk factors. For such patients, we
results. However, it is supposed that preoperative have to note an increased intraoperative sputum
smoking habits is the risk factor of PPCs even for volume, and carry out an appropriate airway
minor surgical patients because the incidence of management to prevent the development of PPCs.
PPCs in patients who had an increased intraopera- On the other hand, cold season at the surgery was
tive sputum volume was significantly greater than identified. Most of cold season defined in this study
that in patients who did not. corresponds to winter season in Japan, and its dry
Current smokers and Ex-smokers who had o2 and cold weather condition may tend to cause an
months smoking-free period were more likely to airway inflammation.17 Clinicians should consider
have an increased intraoperative sputum volume that surgical patients at the time of weather like
when compared with Non-smokers. This result is winter have a risk for an increased intraoperative
consistent with previous findings. It has been sputum volume.
reported that sputum volume declines over a 6- Predictors related with the development of PPCs
week period after smoking cessation.6 Rennard were ASAX3, pre-existing history of pulmonary
et al.14 has showed a beneficial effect of smoking diseases, pre-existing history of COPD, abnormal
reduction for 2 months in reducing airway inflam- findings of preoperative chest radiograph, chronic
mation. Moreover, this result is compatible with the cough, and sputum production. Brooks-Brunn18 has
766 S. Yamashita et al.

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