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Teaching Practice Task 2 Monitoring the Learning

Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of the course EPR 3023 Teaching Methods for
the Primary School Teacher (Course learning outcomes 4 Plan and implement appropriate modes of
assessment for primary mathematics teaching and learning)

Objective: Describe how you monitored the learning when the students were working on their
activities and identify the tools used to record your data. For each lesson you teach, you will describe
the tool that you use to monitor the work of the children. In the second column, you will describe how
you used that tool and you will reflect on how useful it was.

Grade Level: grade 2 MST Name: Amal

For each Tools used to monitor the Explain why you used that tool and
lesson learning (rubric, notes, reflect on how successful it was
taught chart)
1 writing how well they are I used this tool to check on the student
Lesson 1 doing and also to write understanding on the lesson, and also to
what they didnt do in the know their strength and weakness in this
activity. activity and what I have to explain it for
them if they faced any difficulty.
2 Observing the students I used this strategy especially for the LA
Lesson 2 and check on them if students who doesnt know how to
theyre facing any answer the questions correctly and facing
difficulties in doing the some difficulties in understanding the
task. questions.
3 Rubrics referring to my This tool is helpful for the teacher
Lesson 3 MSTs where she sees the because the teacher will be working on
things that the student did the rubric she have and how shes going
during their practices and to put the grade for the student.
give them a grade on it.
4 Using checklist. I used checklist that includes the rate of the
Lesson 4 students understanding, whether if they
understood the lesson very well or they
should improve it a little bit more, so I was
roaming around and check on the students if
they knew how to solve the activity or they
still need to improve their understanding,
and I was ticking beside the student name
and write if they need an improvement or

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5 Using charts. My MST has a chart that include the
Lesson 5 students name and their ability, and in
this way the teacher will be able to
monitor the students learning and check
on their understanding. And she can
know which of the students understood
the lesson and how many of them didnt
so she can take note and get them all set
up so she re-teach them the lesson to
make sure of their understanding.
6 Evaluating sheet. The MST gives the students an evaluation
Lesson 6 sheet that includes smiley face/poker face
and sad face, which the students will be
using it after they finish the activity so
the teacher can know who understand
the lesson and who didnt, and by this
way she will know if she should have
another strategies in teaching the
students who didnt understand the
lesson to keep them all on track.
7 Correcting their books. This was the most useful tool for me
Lesson 7 because in that case I was able to directly
see who understand the lesson and who
didnt and by this way I will be focusing
and monitoring the students who didnt
understand the lesson completely.

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