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Student Name: Emily Ng Period: 7

Printed Name of Person Interviewed: John Derek Tieken

Role of Individual:
Place/Name of Business: Tieken Smiles

Business Address: 3033 Marina Bay Dr., Suite 230

Phone Number: 281-334-4944

Date of Interview: November 9th, 2017

Type of Interview: __X__ In Person

1. For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job.
(fantasy vs. reality)

Most people assume that pursuing a medical career will lead them to wealth. Unfortunately, the medical
field is rigorous and takes time and effort to succeed, and not all physicians make six-figure salaries. Along with
that is the assumption that dentists only have bad experiences. It can be a very rewarding experience to be able to
relieve pain or restore confidence in their smile. Realistically, dentists need reputation to gain business and have
the ability to deal with anxious patients. Not only is there physical strain, but there is also an emotional pressure
to keep calm when the patient is nervous. Not only that, but dental school only covers the basics. When working,
dentists are always learning new information.

2. What is your current educational level? What continuing education and training are required?
(educational level and requirements)

To get into dental school, one must get a bachelors degree and pass the Dental Admission Test. Usually,
students applying to dental school major in a science-related course, such as biology or chemistry, but as long as
the prerequisites are met for admission, students can major in anything they wish. Dental school takes 4 more
years to complete, unless they are applying to be a hygienist, in which school will take only 2 years to complete.
If they want to be a specialist, students take up a residency that can last for 5 years or more.

3. Please describe the typical day to day activities of someone working in your field.
(day-to-day activities)

Crowns and fillings are the two most common appointments besides the regular hygiene check-up. Teeth
whitening procedures are not uncommon either. Crown prepping is a procedure that takes up some time, which
includes creating a mold through a machine and creating a temporary. There will be times in which a patient will
have an issue beyond the abilities of a general dentist, so they will be referred to a specialist.

Revised Fall 2017

4. How secure are you in your current position? What do you think is the future of your field?
(job security)

There is always a demand in careers related to healthcare. Dentists are usually not under managed care,
which is sometimes a better position than other practitioners because there is more freedom of choice for the
client and the dentist. Currently, many baby boomers are retiring from their positions, giving an opportunity for
the younger generation to replace them.

5. What is a typical (average or lowest to highest) salary of someone working in your field?

The average salary range can be from $175,000 to $275,000 for someone practicing general dentistry.
Specialists such as orthodontists and periodontists usually make more because of the years of education required
and specific service provided. Location also factors into pay; for example, cosmetic dentists earn more money in
the Hollywood area because of the very high demand for beautiful teeth.

6. What potential for growth is there in your field?

(growth potential)

The dentistry field is always needing general dentists. As previously stated, retiring baby boomers empty
out positions that need to be filled. Hygienists are also becoming popular because although they make less money
than a general dentist, they have more time for themselves and their career is less stressful.

***Questions 7-10 will be created by the ISM student.

7. Why do you like being a dentist?

I enjoy studying science subjects and being able to care for people. It is rewarding to be able to provide a
good smile to patients and restore confidence. Being my own boss does place a lot of responsibility and stress, but
being in control is worth it all.

8. What are the daily problems you come across at your job?

We have to do many procedures within a short time limit. Sometimes the anaesthesia takes too long to
take effect or the patient is in discomfort. Scans for crown models are sent to a lab, but the deliveries can take a
lot of time to be sent or there are other issues with the product. Anxious patients also take time to calm down
before we can start their appointment.

9. What are some skills one might not consider being essential or useful to dentistry?

As a dentist, crowns are one of the most commonly needed operations. To shape a crown, you have to
have good coordination and artistic skills to make sure the crown fit in correctly and have the same color as the
rest of the teeth. Attention to minor detail is important to make sure the crown looks natural and blends in. There
also needs to be good communication between you, your coworkers, and your patients in order to ensure their
treatment goes smoothly. Dental operations take time to do, so you must have patience with your work and
difficult clients.

10. What challenges did you have to overcome prior to becoming a dentist?

Going through dental school takes determination and effort. The career field is difficult and oftentimes
you can get discouraged easily. The workload can be overwhelming, especially when you see your friends already
graduating with a job while you are continuing your education. After school, starting up a business can become a
financial stress, adding on to tuition debt and student loans.

Revised Fall 2017

Interview Summary
What information from this interview will you select for your page typed,
bulleted list of research informationto be used in your presentation?
Create a bulleted summary list on the next page.

Revised Fall 2017

The pay range varies, wealth is not guaranteed.
Need to network to establish a reputation, which attracts clients.
Must learn how to calm people down.
Dental school does not mean all education is completed.
Can major in anything as long as dental school prerequisites are completed.
Take Dental Admissions Test before being accepted into dental school.
Dental school takes 4 years, hygiene school takes 2 years, specialists for 5+ years
Need BA or BS degree
Need to be motivated to complete education
Most appointments deal with crowns and fillings.
Many clients pay in cash due to lack of dental insurance.
Not under managed care.
Six-figure salaries for dentists with good reputation and referrals.
Positive job growth for aspiring dentists.
Need to have fine attention to detail along with coordination.
Must have good relationships with clients and coworkers.
Experience with anaesthesia.
Time management skills.
Persistence and determination to get through school.
Residency for specialists.
Not bound too much by insurance
Best dentists are motivated by desire to help people
Plan for inconveniences such as lab issues
Will cost a lot of money to open own practice
Dentistry is not necessarily all bad experiences

Revised Fall 2017

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