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Jun Seba


Shingo Annen
By: Jayne Schiess

Intro: My music presentation is on Jun Seba and Shingo Annen

I chose to do Jun Seba and Shingo Annen because of the beautiful piece that
they had put together called Luv Sic. I have fund lots of their music very
inspirational and soothing to listen to. I feel like their music is very well put
together and you can tell it is something they live doing because of the
emotion the songs bring when you listen to them.
Jun Seba
Born: February 7, 1974
Died: February 26, 2010

Jun Seba was born February 7, 1974 in Tokyo, Japan. Jun Seba died at the
age of 36 in Tokyo, Japan in a traffic collision. Throughout his career as a
musician he was better known as his stage name Nujabes.
Biography: Working
Record Producer




Jun Seba also known as his stage name Nujabes (his name
backwards), was a Japanese record producer, DJ, Composer, and arranger.
Jun Seba owned two Shibuya record stores, T Records and Guinness
Records. Jun Seba a founded the independent record label Hydeout
Productions. As a producer he had produced three albums and as an artist he
made his first appearance in 2003.
He wasnt a very well known artist due to the fact that he has been
more involved with the underground rap scene. However I feel that is what
makes his music more enjoyable to listen to, because he is not focused on the
fame he is focused on his music.
Biography: Music
Instrumental mixes
Hip hop, jazz rap,
breakbeat, trip hop,
nu jazz
sampler, drum
machine, flute

Jun Seba was known for his nostalgic instrumental mixes. He had a
mellow atmosphere to his music combining hip hop with a smooth jazz. Jun
Seba has collaborated with many artists to create many different styles of
music or different type of songs. Jun Seba was also contributor to a well
known anime called Samurai Champloo, He helped create the background
music and soundtrack to the series.
Private person

After death

Jun Seba was a very quiet and private person and because of that not a
lot of information is given about him and his personal life. All that is really
known about him is everything about his music credits. After Jun Seba had
passed away his family held a private burial for him in Japan. Regarding his
music the production studio had stated that there is still some recordings that
Jun Seba had completed that had not yet been published and that they would
release as a tribute to Jun Seba.
Shingo Annen
Born: October 18, 1975

Shingo Annen was born in Tokyo Japan in 1975 and is still alive to the present
day. He is better known as his stage name Shing02
Biography: Working
Recording artist

Record producer


Shingo Annen also known as his stage name (Shing02), is a Japanese

American hip hop recording artist. Throughout his career Shingo has created
many albums, mixtapes, singles, EPs, and guest appearances on many well
known songs. Shingo has collaborated with many other artists including Jun
Seba, to create the perfect sound that people are looking for. Also known for
addressing situations that are happening in the world through his music and
making people aware of what is going on. "it was natural to have political and
social messages in my music; I was fortunate to be exposed to it. (Shingo
Annen, Shing02-Wikipedia) You can tell just by listening to his music he wants
to change the world and make it into a better place. His music really means
something to him, it is part of his life.
Biography: Music



Shingo Annen is one of the few multilingual rappers and is able to

compose songs entirely of either Japanese or English. Shingo Annen is
known for blending his hip hop style with many other music types such as jazz,
traditional Japanese music, reggae, and other forms of music.
He first received recognition after rapping Battlecry which is the theme song
to a well known anime series. Shingo Annen and Nujabes both created this

Getting into Hip


Shingo Annen grew up in Tanzania Japan and at the age of fifteen he

and his family moved to California in the San Francisco Bay area. He became
involved in many creative arts programs growing up, Later he moved to
Berkley for schooling and attended to the university of california where he
studied art. Since living in the Oakland and San Francisco Bay area he
became surrounded by the hip-hop culture and civil rights movement groups.
That is where his style of music comes from, his recognition of problems that
are happening around the world and his exploitation of it through his music.
Not a lot of information is known about Shingo Annen because he is a more
underground artist.
Composition History


Luv sic was created and later it became a six-part series. Luv Sic pt 1-3
was created during the time Jun Seba was alive. Part 4 and 5 were already
recorded and they were produced as a tribute to Jun Seba and then later part
6 was created after they found the beat Jun Seba and Shingo Ammen were
going use on his phone after his death from the accident. The spelling of the
title Luv Sic was created because it is about a love song but they took sic from
the latin sic, to symbolize how this isnt a typical love song. So it can be
broken down and translated as sick for love.
Just the title Luv Sic shows how passionate they are for music they
created this as a tribute to the thing they they both love doing so much and
that is what makes the music so enjoyable to listen to because of the emotion
and passion behind each instrument, word, and beat.
Composition History
Luv Sic (pt 1)
Published: 2001
Performers: Shingo
Annen (Shing02)
and Jun Seba
Letter to the
goddess of music

Luv Sic was first dedicated to the goddess of music about love, parting,
and uniting. It was written as something very personal and relating to the artist
... it was important to write something personal, a song that spoke about my
own vulnerability about wanting to have a lasting relationship with music. (
Shingo Annen). Music was something that meant a lot to both Jun Saba and
Shingo Annen. They spent many months collaborating together and creating
this trilogy (later became a hexology) that stood out from others. They created
this character in the song that pulled together the different parts even though
the melody and flow of the music would change this character did not.
Composition History
Luv Sic (pt 2)
Published: 2002
Performers: Shingo
Annen (Shing02)
and Jun Seba
September 11

Luv Sic pt 2 is a continuation of Luv sic. Shingo Annen and Jun Seba created
pt 2 around the same time 9/11 was. In the lyrics Shingo Annen added parts
about love and peace as in reference to what was going on, what he was
feeling towards the world at the time due to what was going on. He starts off
part 2 by saying Once again. He started this off to make it seem as if he was
writing to an old friend continuing on his story or his journey from part 1.
Composition History
Luv Sic (pt 3)
Published: 2004
Performers: Shingo
Annen (Shing02)
and Jun Seba
Power of music

Just like part 2 part 3 is a continuation of the series luv sic. At first part three
was going to transition into the power of music and how we need to go back to
our roots to discover it and really feel the passion and emotion behind good
music and the love that the artist have for it. It is easy to tell the difference
between good music and bad and it's the artist's passion and time it took to be
put into the songs they are creating. But later on as they were creating this a
young musician reached out to them and told them about his condition and
how he was dieing. Luv sic pt 3 later became a contribution to that artist as he
shortly passed away after reaching out to them about pt 3 of the song luv sic.
Luv Sic (pt 1)
Vocal Samples from Richard
Pryor and Bill Cosby
Musical Samples from Aki Listening
Piano, Saxophone, Drums Guide

Starting off with Luv Sic (pt 1). It was difficult to break down the instruments
and determine what they were due to the fact that Jun Seba is a very creative
musician and uses samples from other songs or voices from people to create
his beats. In this song it doesnt have a bunch of instruments to create this
masterpiece. He uses a Piano, saxophone and drums but he alters them to create a
certain sound or rhythm.
Timig Descriptions: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Timbre, Texture.

0:31 Nujabes starts off his music by creating a soothing beat from a drum that is harmonized by a Saxophone. He also placed a sample from
Bill Cosby . The beat from the drum stays consistent throughout the whole song of part one.

1:13 The first verse by Shingo Annen comes in and he starts developing his story. Instrumentally the drum stays the same but instead of a
Saxophone going with the beat of the drum it is replaced with a piano also more of a bass comes into play. The tempo picks up a bit and
it seems as if the melody also becomes more up beat.

1:35 The hook begins and when it starts and the vocals at this point start following the beat of the drum. Also the Saxophone that was played
at the beginning of the song joins in and is be played with the piano and drums but it is softer and played at a different pitch.

1:55 The Second verse begins at this point and the saxophone fades away so it is just the piano and beat of the drum and that brings it back
to its calm rhythm.

2:16 During the second verse they add a saxophone into the beat and it creates a more jazzy feel and thats where Jun Seba is known from
his hip hop but jazzy music. It creates a more soothing atmosphere and calm texture to the song.

2:58 The transition between the second verse and the hook was smoothing. Instrumental wise it kept the same beat with the piano and drums
the only difference was vocal wise, his pitch went more with the drum.

3:49 Till this point the keys that were being played by the piano stayed consistent. Once it got to this time the piano had added some extra
keys and even picked up the speed a little bit. It made the song seem as if it was coming to an end and it was wrapping up to the end. It
made the song more dynamic by picking up the speed and the temp from what it was.

4:00 The vocals stop and then the saxophone begins to play and start off just as the saxophone but then it becomes a scratch of the
saxophone once again combining the hip hop with jazz.

4:44 This part is the hook again where they are combing the saxophone piano bass as well as the beat of the drum and it fades softer till it
transitions to the beginning of part 2.

This is a very nostalgic song and everything harmonized together making very
enjoyable to listen to. With very creative lyrics and a strong voice to support
the versus. The piano in the background did a very good job with changing
the tone between each verse. Followed by a saxophone solo that really
showed how well jun seba was at creating a jazz hip hop by using a turntable.
Luv Sic (pt 2)
Musical Sample from Ivan
Lins and Elis Regina
Lyrical Sample from Shing02 Listening
Piano, Saxophones, Drum Guide

The transition between part 1 and part 2 was very subtle but it was easier to
listen to and differentiate between each song and verse due to the fact that
part two is calmer.
Timig Descriptions: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Timbre, Texture.

5:01 It starts off a lot softer and calmer than part 1. It has the same beat but seems to be played a little softer. It also has the keyboard in the
back to sound like a piano that is slightly modified and has longer keys than previously played. Jun Seba also incorporates a form of
beat boxing by mixing the turn table.

5:44 He keeps the same beet from the beginning of the song by keeping it smooth and calm with the piano but he also adds a soft form from
the saxophone in this point.

5:55 He adds a trumpet softly into the background that harmonises with the saxophone.

6:25 The pitch of the trumpet changes periodically through this part while still playing to the same rhythm then stops.

6:46 To this point it goes back to being just the keyboard and the beat of the drum going on. This pattern happens periodically throughout the
song and it creates a good texture that makes it very soothing to listen to because it flows together.

7:27 He adds two saxophones into this section that complement each other very well and that creates a loving atmosphere.

7:48 It goes back to original beat calming it back down with just the piano and drum.

8:09 Turntables are then added and the vocals have stopped this is creating a more hip hop feel by adding the more modern style of music
such as turntables and also a recording of a voice that is edited and has a mix into the beat while still flowing with the rhythm.

8:30 It goes back to when it is being played with the saxophone and piano as was previously played.

8:51 This is all instrumental, due to this part and the many instruments he is using is creating a piece with a lot of texture.

9:12 He then ends part two by playing the chorus again and then having it fade out.

Part 2 has a lot softer of a melody than the other two parts. The two
saxophones that are being played at the same time do a very good job at
complimenting each other while at the same time not drowning out the piano
and drum in the background. Even Shingo Annen Having a softer tone in his
voice still stands out above the instruments. Overall the song was more gentle
and calming probably due to the fact that the song was created after the 9/11
Luv Sic (pt 3)
Musical Sample from Nana
Caymmi and Daly-Wilson Big
Band Listening
Violins, Piano, Bass, Drum

Lastly is Luv Sic part 3. The tempo pics back up again in this segment and in
this one the it adds a violin into it and even though the tempo pics back up
from part 2, the violin keeps it sounding gentle and more emotional.
Timig Descriptions: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Timbre, Texture.

9:40 He is creating a transition in the tone of music from part two to part three in this time by keeping the beat but then changing the tempo of
the piano at the beginning and is changing the rhythm and melody in his beat.

10:00 The vocals seem to be more faded than in the previous parts of the song and the pitch of the piano seems to be stronger and more
heard. This is creating a more uplifting and hopeful melody

10:42 The subtle sound of violins in the back just drop at this moment and the vocals come in louder and accentuate the words that are being

11:22 The violins in the back begin to play again

11:33 The vocals stop and the instruments seem to gain more power and you really get to hear the harmony between all the instruments

12:55 It seems like the vocals throughout this whole part as in comparison between the other parts of the song have a longer flow and is more
smooth than the previous.

13:04 Once again the vocals stop and it is just the instruments but this time unlike the last the violins in the back have a stronger appearance

13:14 The beat in the background that has been playing the entire time up to this point ends and that creates a more classic jazzy feel with just
the piano and violins in the back. The atmosphere becomes more relaxed.

13:34 The vocals and beat join in at the same time and it creates a powerful and moving tone once it plays.

13:44 Vocals stop again with just the instruments playing

13:54 Vocals come on but have more of a stronger tone than how it was previously being shown.

14:44 Vocals drop once again and it dies down through this time ending with just the instruments harmonizing together.

In this song they add a bunch of little breaks in between many versus creating
a very different texture than in the other two parts. I love this piece because he
uses a very soft sound from the violin and bass in the background and it
makes it more polyphonic. The whole time through part 3 there isnt a big
change instrumentally. This is creating a more consistent tone.

Now that you have seen my presentation I would encourage everyone to listen
to the musical piece that I had listened to so you have a better understanding
of what I was talking about.
Bibliography and References

Thank you for your time.

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