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ABC School Clinical Evaluation Tool

Assignment 5: Evaluation of Clinical Performance and Clinical Failure

Melissa Ackerly

SUNY Delhi


Kirsty Digger

Measurement and Evaluation in Nursing Education

November 27, 2017


NURS 202

Student's Name: Tim Semester: 3 Year: 2

The clinical objectives contained in this evaluation tool represent expected competencies that must be met in order to successfully
complete Nursing IV. They are derived from the Course Objectives. Clinical Evaluation takes place on a formative and summative
basis.Achievement of objectives is determined by student clinical laboratory performance, clinical conference discussion and/or written

Criteria for Evaluation

To receive a passing grade in the clinical laboratory, the student must attain a satisfactory rating in ALL clinical objectives at the
end of the course. An unsatisfactory rating in any clinical objective at the end of the course will result in a clinical failure. A failure in
clinical laboratory constitutes a failure for the entire course.

Definition of Terms:

S- Satisfactory - Clinical performance is safe. Demonstrates expected skills and integration of learning as provider of care,
and/or manager of care and/or member of the profession as defined in the course objectives.

U- Unsatisfactory - Clinical performance inadequate; indicates lack of skill, unsafe nursing practice, and lack of integration of
learning as provider of care; and/or manager of care; and/or member of the profession. Functions below expectations of
students at this level.

NA- Not Applicable - Experience is not available.

Formative Evaluation: is based on a continuous collection of observations used to guide and direct student learning. Observations will
beshared with students on an ongoing basis.

Summative Evaluation: is the overall assessment of student performance which will occur at the mid-point and end of the

1. Integrate principles from the sciences and liberal arts in caring for adults with complex health care needs.

Behavior Comments S U
Compare and contrast clients statuswith s
textbook picture of pathophysiology.
Interpret diagnostic data to determine reason for Student consistently reverts to EMT style of client VS and HS/LS in a rapid u
abnormalities. and inaccurate manner leading to lab referral for remediation for proper
technique in assessment of VS and location of landmarks and patterns for
HS and LS identification.
Correlate principles from science and liberal arts s
in discussing a rationale for formulating nursing
care plan.
Communicate understanding of clients Student is inconsistent and impulsive when providing medications to the u
medications by explaining implications, actions, client. Often needs prompting to associate medications to assessments
dosage, range, side and adverse effects of and client response.
medication administered.
Articulate rationale underlying clients treatment Student articulates well in clinical paperwork and when verbally prompted. u
and nursing care.

2. Integrate all phases of the nursing process when providing care for adults with complex health care needs with minimal assistance from

Behavior Comments S U
Perform a comprehensive assessment of the With exception: inaccurate/missed VS and missing abdominal assessment. u
adult clients physical and psychosocial status Student continues to miss critical physical assessments leading to lab
using Maslows Hierarchy of Needs as a referrals x 3 for remediation.
Data Collection techniques include: Student collects data and develops appropriate care plans for clinical u
1. interviewing client and family. paperwork. Student is able to perform accurate assessments, but
inconsistent to appropriately demonstrate application of the assessments
2. review of current and old chart.
to the clients care.
3. review of nursing care plan.
4. medications review.

5. consultation with health care team

6. physical assessment.
7. home assessment.
8. health teaching needs.
9. psychological assessment
Interpret deviations from normaldiscovered in Student misses assessments and therefore may not discover abnormal u
Assessment phases states of the clients well-being.
Identify actual and potential client problems - Paperwork reflects student is capable of identifying needs and proper use s
physical, psycho-social, and educational, using of terminology is present.
correct nursing diagnostic terminology.
Prioritize nursing diagnoses. s
Coordinate with client/family/ significant other Student is reluctant to accept or seek guidance from other members of the u
and health care team to establish realistic healthcare team.
measurable, client short-term and long-term
goals relevant to the problem.
Identify appropriate health care resources to s
meet clients needs (personal, equipment) when
caring for individual client or groups of clients.
Involve client, family and/or significant others in s
plan of care.
Coordinate nursing care with care provided by Student is verbally resistant to the policies, procedures, and practices of u
other health care team members. the healthcare team at this facility.
Promote a safe environment for delivering client Student has been evaluated by clinical faculty on 3 separate units, u
care. remediated in the nursing learning lab x 3 and received written and verbal
academic warnings for unsafe client care.
Initiate nursing care that is appropriate to s
nursing diagnosis and meets the clients short
and long-term goals.
Administer medications safely using 5 Rights Documented errors and near misses in students file for unsafe medication u

and documents appropriately. administration practices.

Consistently teach client/family/ significant
others, information relevant to health promotion
and restoration.
Implement nursing care in an organized manner s
to meet clients psychosocial and physiological
Adapt critical elements criteria to individual Missed abdominal assessment prior to performing a G-tube feeding with u
client needs when performing technical skills. instructor. Student had to be prompted to assess the client.
Document client status and progress Unable to determine as student presents data indicating client monitoring s
appropriately. is appropriate, yet has demonstrated inconsistent assessments of client
Evaluate effectiveness of short and long-term s
Modify plan of care to reflect changes in clients s

3. Respect adult clients cultural, ethnic and economic factors when planning care.

Behavior Comments S U
Perform assessment of clients cultural/ethnic s
background and economic status.
Relate clients cultural and ethnic beliefs, values s
and practices to health-seeking behavior.
Relate the impact of economic status on health- s
seeking behavior.
Recognize health problems associated with s
specific populations.
Plan care based on clients cultural/ethnic s
background and economic status.
Implement nursing care that respects clients s
cultural and ethnic background

Evaluate the effect of clients cultural and ethnic s

background on nursing care.

4. Demonstrate behaviors that are consistent with ethical and legal parameters when caring for adults with complex health care

Behavior Comments S U
Respect client rights/confidentiality. s
Demonstrate non-judgmental attitude when s
rendering care.
Adhere to clinical agencies policies and Note: student is critical of the P & P for this facility, but has not demonstrated s
procedures. non-compliance.
Evaluate ethical issues as they relate to client s
care assignment.

5. Critique the effectiveness of communication techniques when caring for clients and families with complex health care needs.

Behavior Comments S U
Analyze verbal and non-verbal patterns of s
Initiate, sustain and terminate relationships s
with clients and families in a therapeutic
Intervene when client/family/significant N/A
other, health care team members behavior is
Offer support to client and family in their N/A
coping and adaptive behaviors when making
health care and end of life decisions.

6. Communicate effectively as a manager of client care.


Behavior Comments S U
Communicate significant information to s
client/family/significant others.
Initiate referrals based on identified needs to
selected community resources
Communicate significant information Student received written warning to share vital patient information with s
regarding client status to members of the instructor/staff- improvement shown.
multidisciplinary team and instructor
throughout the shift
Facilitate continuity of care by communicating s
client-related information concisely and
appropriately during change of shift report.
Advocate for client rights. s

7. Utilize self-evaluation for personal and professional development

Behavior Comments S U
Assume responsibility for personal and Student relies heavily on academic strengths and requires much u
professional growth. encouragement to identify areas of weakness.
1. Identify own strengths and weaknesses. Student does not utilize the learning laboratory as a resource for skill practice
2. Formulate a plan to strengthen areas of as requested.
3. Consult appropriate resources to
implement plan.
4. Evaluate outcome of plan.
5. Complete assignments promptly.
6. Promote group process during
7. Presentations in a clinical conference are
organized, complete and relevant to
8. Request experiences that enhance
Demonstrate flexibility in response to s

unexpected changes in work volume,

emergencies and personnel.
Prepare for and be on time for clinical s
Adhere to guidelines for reporting absences, s
appearance, and promptness set forth in
Passaic Count Community College nursing
student handbook and clinical agencies.

8. Analyze the effects of complex health problems on the developmental status of adult clients

Behavior Comments S U
Consider the impact of the adult current s
health status on ability to meet
developmental tasks.
Incorporate knowledge of physical changes, s
psychosocial needs and developmental tasks
of adult clients when planning care.

9. Differentiate the role of the Associate Degree Nurse from other health care team members when managing care for small numbers of

Behavior Comments S U
Plan and implements care for groups of adult s
clients (2-4)
Apply time management and organizational s
skills to care of multiple clients.
Set priorities for action with individual client s
or groups of clients.
Demonstrate the ability to make appropriate s
client care assignments.
Demonstrate ability to make independent s

Discuss evaluation and quality assurance s

criteria as they apply to client assignment.
Participate in multidisciplinary client s
Consult appropriate resources to solve client Student delegated undesirable duties to other students and staff- verbal s
care problems. remediation on-site.

10. Incorporate the effects of advanced technological and social trends into the care of the adults with complex health care needs.

Behavior Comments S U
Provide information on available choices of s
care to clients with complex health care
Initiate referrals based on identified needs to s
selected community resources.
Demonstrate evidence of use of outside s
resource such as studies in the care of clients.
Utilize computer information in planning and s
evaluating client care.
Discuss the model of health care delivery s
system/critical pathway at the institution.
Discuss the role of JCAHO and Standards of s
Nursing Practice as they relate to care of


Faculty Comments:

1. Integrate principles from the sciences and liberal arts in caring for adults with complex health care needs.

The student has strong communication skills and can recall or recite accurate information related to the client from the textbook or

other written and verbal sources. This student has admirable skill in demonstrating written and verbal associations of the clients
condition to planning and implementing care. This student does not consistently demonstrate or communicate these strengths when
applying care to the client resulting in potentially unsafe client care.

2. Integrate all phases of the nursing process when providing care for adults with complex health care needs with minimal assistance
from faculty.

The student has been able to demonstrate the ability to perform accuracy in assessing client health status, but is inconsistent with safe and
effective care using the nursing process. The students assessments, analysis, planning, and implementation have led the student to need
remediation on several occasions. The remediation included opportunities to forego resistance to new nursing knowledge and skill practices, over
previously learned activities. The student was actively engaged in client care on alternate units with other clinical faculty reporting similar
inconsistent client safety concerns related to appropriate/accurate client assessments and nursing care. The student can readily identify what the
desirable goals and outcomes are for the client. Student can also present in a plan of care what could be modified as the clients condition changes
for the better or worse. This student requires frequent observation and guidance while providing direct client care.

7. Utilize self-evaluation for personal and professional development.

This student has exceptional abilities in presenting valuable understanding, purpose, identification, and appropriate assessment and
treatment of multiple client conditions. Unfortunately, student is unable or unwilling to apply this knowledge to application of
providing consistently safe and effective nursing care. Student has been offered many opportunities to embrace nursing standards for
professional development and has failed to employ strategies critical to assure basic safe care of clients.

* Please note there is usually a signature page for faculty in addition to student comments and signature

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