Producto Acreditable Glosary

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1) lgebra: Algebra
The part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used
to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
2) Clculo: Calculation
A mathematical determination of the size or number of something.
3) Calculadora cientfica: Scientific calculator
The scientific calculator is used to calculate complex mathematical
operations, which can not be solved with other simpler mathematical
4) Cimientos: Foundations
The lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level.
5) Cinta mtrica: Tape measure
Tape that has marked the length of the meter and its divisions and serves to
measure distances or lengths.
6) Concreto: Concrete
Mixture of stones, sand, water and cement that when solidifying is one of the
most resistant building materials to make bases and walls
7) Diseo estructural: Structural design
Is realized from the potentialities that a material can offer as well as its natural
characteristics that make it specific, its low cost and the mechanical
properties that it possesses.
8) Edificaciones: Buildings
Generic name that designates any large construction made of stone or
resistant materials and is intended to serve as space for the development of
a human activity.
9) Encofrado: Formwork
A frame formed by a set of metal or wooden plates conveniently arranged to
receive the concrete that, when hardened, forms the walls of the buildings
constructed with this material.
10) Escuadra: Squad
Line drawing instrument made of wood, metal or plastic, which has the shape
of an isosceles right triangle or is constituted by two perpendicular rules.
11) Estacin total: Total station
Electro-optical device used in topography, whose operation is based on
electronic technology.
12) Esttica: Static
Lacking in movement, action, or change, especially in a way viewed as
undesirable or uninteresting.
13) Estructuras: Structures
Set of relationships that hold together the parts of a whole.
14) Geologa: Geology
Science that studies the origin, formation and evolution of the Earth, the
materials that compose it and its structure.
15) Geotecnia: Geotechnical
Part of the applied geology that studies the composition and properties of the
most superficial zone of the terrestrial crust, for the seat of all type of
constructions and public works.
16) Hidrulica: Hydraulics
Part of the mechanics that studies the balance and movement of fluids.
17) Ladrillo: Brick
A piece of baked clay, usually in rectangular shape, used in the construction
of walls, walls, pillars, etc.
18) Mecnica de suelos: Soil mechanics
It is the application of the laws of physics and natural sciences to the
problems involving the charges imposed on the surface layer of the earth's
19) Mezcladora de concreto: Concrete Mixer
Machine for making concrete.
20) Pala Mecnica: Mechanical Shovel
It is a machine frequently used in building construction, mining, public works
such as roads.
21) Plomada: Plumb
Instrument, formed by a metal weight hanging from a rope, which serves to
point the vertical line.
22) Sismologa: Seismology
Part of geology that studies earthquakes.
23) Teodolito: Theodolite
Precision topographic instrument for measuring angles of different planes.
24) Topografa: Topography
Technique that consists of describing and representing in a plane the surface
or the relief of a terrain.
25) Volquete: Tipper
Truck whose box can be lifted by a hydraulic system to overturn its contents.

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