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September 20, 2017

Wile E. Coyote,
Incident Report
This is a courtesy memo regarding a recent in our production systems. I wanted to bring this to your
attention personally as important decisions will need to be made for our course of action.

On September 19th at approximately 12:36pm EDT we encountered a faulty oil line at our robotics
and machinery labs located at 163 Industrial Blvd. NW 35522. While we are still gathering data about
the cause of this incident, our analysts have indicated that we have only approximately 36 hours to
mitigate the leak before a catastrophic factory meltdown. From inferences made by our team, it
appears that Roadrunner maybe the cause behind this incident, as a blue and purple blur was seen on
our security footage moments before the leak began.

There a are a few challenges that we must address before continuing:

The first is that we dont have sure-fire proof as the Roadrunners involvement in the leak; because of
this we cant begin the legal process of pressing charges until this suspicion is confirmed. The second
issue to be addressed right of the bat is that until this is fixed, our production lines are at a standstill
since they require the incoming fuel to power the conveyor belts. Should we opt to continue
production while this incident is being handled, we may need to authorize one of our business
partners to manufacture for us for the time being, and we will need to give them an order notice ASAP.

The next, and more important, issue to address is the need to patch the leak before it spreads to our
electrical engineering department. The combination of oil leakage and the sparks generated the EE
dept. will lead to a catastrophic combination that would not only set a blaze the factory, but could
potentially light our TNT and explosives department goods on fire as well. Needless to say we will do
everything in our power to ensure this doesnt happen.

Solution 1
Our first option, as mentioned above, is that we utilize one of our business contacts, Men In Black or
Aperture Science, to manufacture, brand, and ship our products for the next 36 hours. This would
solve our production problems while we repair the factory and is overall a viable option for the next 3
Business partner options:

We have reached out to APerture and the MIB and have received estimates for their services. Exact
figures will be detailed in the cost and analysis section. Our blueprint are being compiled and
uploaded to a secure encrypted online portal as I write this. We will then forward the information to
the selected party upon your decision.

Solution 2
Our second solution, targeted are the repair side of our operation, is to buy custom production grade
valves to cut the oil off before the pipeline leak area. This part would have to be rushed ordered from
the Dominican Republic and will cost, part and installation included, approximately $50,000. Now the
part should arrive within 12 hours, which would give us enough time to install before the leak spreads
to the EE dept.

Solution 3
Now in the event that our business partners fall through and our team is unable to mitigate the oil spill
we have a final solution: Evacuate the facility, abandon its use and relocate to space. Yes, while this
sounds ridiculous, Marvin the Martian, one of our top customers, has made a fortune mining for
diamonds in the asteroid belt using the TNT we provided to him. He has offered to help us rebuild and
setup shop in the cosmos in exchange for our continued assistance in his capitalist venture. He also
has requested a 49% stake in our ACME Inc. as an investor. While this would drastically change the
course of ACME going forward, it nevertheless is a viable option should we have to take these drastic

Cost and Analysis

We have estimated the charges for both our business partner options which have been detailed as
Aperture Science Innovators Men In Black

$35,000 /hr $1,100 Unit

+ $20,000 for rush order + $17,500 for rush order

While Aperture Science has a higher up front rush order cost, we would be wise to calculate how many
units we will be producing per hour to accurately estimate our expenses.

Custom Production Grade Valves

$50,000 (all inclusive)

The cost of shipping, and installation of the custom production grade valves.

Private Investigator (PI)

Approx. $800/hr

In the event we need to gather more data about our culprit, we may want to look into some
investigator help.

All inclusive price of Solution 1, 2, and the PI would undercut the long term cost of Solution 3 by a
fortune, and we would retain all equity in our company.

I recommend our that we take the offer by Aperture Science. After doing some calculations our team
has estimated that in an average hour we output around 47 units. While they are charging more for
our rush orders, their set hourly rate will more than pay for itself when compared to the MIB per unit
pricing plan. I truly believe that ACME will be able to receive and install the custom oil valve before
consequences get dire, and should focus our attention and efforts at Solution 2 fully before further
negotiation with Marvin the Martian. If we are unable to have the problem solved 8 hours before
meltdown then we will issue an emergency evacuation procedure for all ACME employees and
workers. I strongly suggest we also utilize a private investigator to look into Roadrunner and his
activities. Should we find sufficient evidence to convict him for damaging our oil line we would be able
to pursue legal action that would ultimately pay for our expenses. I look forward to hearing your

Tyler Coatsworth

Production Line Manager

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