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Storyboard Grading Rubric

Category Excellent (3) Good (2) Fair (1) Weak (0) Score

Equal Each team Each team Each team There was no /3

Contribution member member member group
contributed contributed contributed collaboration
fully to the adequately to very little to
final the final the final
presentation presentation presentation
Clarity of Speaks loudly Speaks loudly Speaks too Speaks too /3
Presentation and clearly and clearly quietly or not quietly or not
and keeps eye most of the clearly most of clearly
contact with time and the time and
the audience makes some makes little Does not
eye contacts eye contact attempt to
Answers answer
audience Answers Answers some audience
questions audience audience questions
clearly and questions but questions but
completely not clearly or not clearly or
completely completely

Research & Makes Makes Makes general No connections /3

Use of Facts meaningful meaningful connections to with research is
connections to connections to research and presented in
research and research and facts in either explanation or
facts in both facts in either explanation or storyboard
explanation explanation or storyboard visual choices
and storyboard storyboard visual choices
visual choices visual choices
but not both
Storyboard Storyboard has Storyboard has Storyboard has Storyboard does /3
both the both the the either the not accurately
appropriate appropriate appropriate represent
setting and all setting and setting or selected scene
the characters characters but characters but and act
are represented not all not both
characters are
Total /12

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