Reflection T 1 2

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Reflection three

(Letter T)

On this lesson I taught my students an English lesson about the letter T. I prepared 4
activities for my students, and I used the differentiation in the activities. For the low level, they
should make the letter by using the playdough, and because it is the first term, so some students
need to develop their fine motor skills. For the medium level, my students should find the letter,
and trace the letter which is the third activity. The hard activity was the lacing or weaving the
letter and this activity for the high level, and they should trace and write the letter.

The thing that went well is that my students were engaging while they are doing the
activities and it seems they like it. The things that didnt go well when I exchanged the places
children started to play and run rather than moving quietly and that happened because I didnt
used my bell for exchanging the tables I forgot it. In the next lesson, I will be using my bell to
have a better and managed lesson and control them.

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