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Abigail White

CALL Personal Philosophy

I value CALL as an effective way to facilitate student progression in the language as well

as increase class participation. Furthermore, I recognize the need to use CALL as an instrument

to enhance classroom instruction and course curriculum, not replace it. CALL is used most

effectively when it reinforces classroom content and increases student engagement and


In addition, I recognize the importance of the SAMR scale in evaluating certain CALL

techniques or activities. Technology is prevalent in many aspects of society and is an effective

tool for language learning, but it is important to examine why certain technologies are

implemented in the classroom. According to the SAMR model, technology can be a direct

substitute for traditional techniques, or it can be used to create new techniques. Although it is

not necessarily ineffective to solely use technology as a direct substitute for more traditional

resources, technology can be used to its full potential when tasks are redesigned or created by

the implementation of technology. Technology is used to its full potential when it allows

students to complete activities that were not previously possible. This concept includes tools

like Voicethread, which could revolutionize a speaking class. Using Voicethread, teachers could

have students record their mouths making difficult English phonemes or sounds, and then later

review those recordings to determine point of articulation issues. Previously one on one

articulation instruction would have taken too much time or would have been impractical in a

classroom setting but is now possible through Voicethread. While new activities could be

created through these technologies it is essential to ensure that the technology is used to fit
the curriculum and lesson plans, and that lesson plans are not designed around technology.

Technology is only effective when it fosters progression in the language, technology that merely

entertains is not effective.

Although designing new activities through technology is an effective way to foster

progression in students, technology also has other inherent benefits for the classroom.

Technology assisted language learning can increase classroom engagement as well as increase

student understanding of the material. Computer games such as Quizziz and Kahoot increase

participation and enthusiasm in the classroom, which helps students better master the

material. In addition, technology can be an effective source of scaffolding. For students in a

writing class, programs such as Grammarly or ProWritingAid, can help students increase their

written fluency as the programs correct aspects of their grammar and offer suggestions based

on their personal writing style. Reading comprehension can also be increased with programs

such as Readlang, which translates unknown words into the readers L1 and then creates a set

of flashcards based on those unknown words.

While I plan to adopt CALL principles into my future classrooms I understand it is

important to have a strong foundation in teaching and SLA principles before technology can be

used effectively. The technology used should be commensurate with the profieciency levels of

the students, as well as relative to their specific language goals.

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