The Big Red Door - December 2017

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The Big Red Door


The Monthly Newsletter of St. Andrews, St. Matthews, and Emmanuel Episcopal Churches December, 2017

In this Issue
Presence, Not Presents
Warning: This Article Is NOT Safe for Little I know its trite to say that all I want for
The Rectors Desk ................1 Kids Waiting for Santa Christmas is peace and love and all that. But
Our New Look .....................2 I wonder what would happen if we all said
When I was a little kid, about four years that? And prayed that? And really meant it?
Nave Gazing........................ 2 old, I remember waking up late on Christ-
mas Eve to the sound of my father swear- I wonder how that would affect the world?
Advent Calendar ing. This wasnt unusual, but it was late, and If we didnt run ragged trying to impress
for Home ..............................3 I was afraid he would chase off Santa. So, I others. If just visiting each other was
Serving Schedules padded down the hall to have a peek. enough. If just a phone call was enough. A
for December. ..................4, 5 card wishing others well.
There was my dad, in the living room, put-
Community Caring .............. 5 ting together toys and arranging stuff. So, at We dont really need commercials to remind
four years old, my bubble was burst. Dad us to do that. We dont need those Thanks-
News Around the
Kingdom ..............................6
was Santa. Wow. I went back to bed and giving newspapers crammed full of ads. We
didnt tell anyone what I saw because I was dont need Christmas music on Labor Day.
Food and Fellowship ............7 afraid that if they knew that I knew then We know we should do these things every
they would take all my loot away. day. Its just what friends do.
Food Pantries .......................7
I kept this up for years not the peeking, And it should remind us that God came into
News Cont. ...........................7
but the pretending not to know the real this world as a vulnerable human being just
Spiritual Development. ........8 scoop. Finally, my mom had the talk with to be with be like us, so that one day,
me. Kid, there is no Santa. Even then I we could be like him. God came among us
Pastoral Needs and Prayer didnt tell her that I already knew this. because God wants to be our friend. Not
Requests .........................9 for our presents, but for our presence!
In a way, though, I think it was a good
December Birthdays/
Anniversaries .......................9
thing. You see, I was awfully good at pour- The utter simplicity of that is awesome to
ing through the Sears catalog and making me. This is not some theological delving
Our Creed .......................10 long, long lists of all the stuff I wanted. But into atonement or eschatology. It skirts
when I finally realized that my mom and around those ponderous theories of the
December Worship dad and grandparents were Santa, I cut Trinity and gets right to the point: God is
Schedule .............................10 back a bit because, even at that age, I knew our friend.
about tough financial times and not being
St. Andrews, able to afford everything I wanted. And we know that with friends, we dont
St. Matthews, need to impress. Just a call now and then.
and Emmanuel faith- I think it made it easier to understand just a Just a visit or a card. And during all this fuss
fully serve Gods little bit that this is why Santa would bring of Christmas, lets not forget to invite this
Kingdom in the me socks and underwear and school sup- one friend into our lives.
Diocese of Central plies and not just piles of toys. And soon I
New York stopped making those lists because I could And so, my friends, Happy Advent and
see the look in my moms eyes. Merry Christmas! And share some time with
our friend who loves us so much during this
Even to this day, I continually frustrate my very special season. It seems appropriate,
mom when she asks what I want for Christ- since the holiday and this friend share the
mas by saying, Nothing. I dont have any- same name!
place to put it.
Fr. Steve
Page 2 The Big Red Door


Welcome to our first issue of The Big Red Door. This is a joint newsletter effort of St. Andrews, St. Mat-
thews, and Emmanuel Episcopal Churches here in the Northern Kingdom of Chenango County. (I use
Northern Kingdom because I once heard Fr. Dave Hanselman once refer to the lower part of the county
as the Southern Kingdom.) For this first issue, we are shaking out all the bugs and kinks, but, in time, we
hope to have something that is chock full of information that youll need to keep connected with the move-
ment of Christ in this little part of his kingdom.

Please, please, if you hear of anything that is of interest to you and that you think other folks of these con-
gregations need to know, email Fran at or Fr. Steve at

Welcome to our new column, Nave Gazing! We'll be using this little corner of The Big Red Door to talk about
all things liturgical, from the architecture of the church to the words of our services. Just for full disclosure,
I stole the title of this article from my friend, Fr. Brooks at St. Thomas'. Just fuller disclosure he stole it
from me when I was in Kingsport!!! And fullest disclosurethe text is mostly his. . . this time.

But before we dive in too deep, let's talk about that word in the title: Nave. It comes from the Latin word
for "ship" and shares this origin with words like "navy" and
"naval." The nave of the church is the area where the con-
gregation sits between the back doors and the steps leading
up to the altar. Look up next time you walk into the nave
of your church. The way the rafters arch and the lines of
the ceiling converge ought to remind you of the underside
of a ship. This is our vessel, and in it, we journey together!

We also ought to look at the word "liturgy" while we're

embarking on this journey. This one's origins are a little less
certain. We know it comes from Greek, and scholars have
narrowed it down to two definitions. The first is "the work
of the people;" the second is "public works at private ex-
pense." While this distinction often splits liturgy nerds into
two deeply divided camps, I think there's some common
ground. What we do in our liturgies is not just about the priest; the priest merely gathers the people and
presides while the people celebrate. Every service relies on the work of many people, including those folks
whose work is simply to pray from their pews. And that is a good and joyful thing!

At the same time, the second definition is how ancient peoples described great spectacles of celebration, like
parades, chariot races, and Olympic Games. Some benefactor or benefactors would foot the bill so that eve-
ryone could enjoy the show.

We live into both of those definitions in our own nave. We do the work of the people every Sunday, but we
don't do it solely for ourselves. We do that public work for the benefit of all. We do that work for anyone
that comes through our doors. We do that work for Norwich, for South New Berlin, for New Berlin. We
do that work for everyone. We do that work for the Kingdom of God.

Fr. Steve (with lots of help from Fr. Brooks)

The Big Red Door Page 3
Page 4 The Big Red Door


St. Andrews
Sunday Usher Lector Chalice Acolyte Hospitality Altar Guild

12/3/17 Terry Renee Jill Bennett Maria Colleen Jeanne

11:00 AM Thomsen Collum Ackerman Ackerman Westcott
12/10/17 Tom Slenz Carl Alan Charlie Heather Jeanne
11:00 AM Berdzinski Widmark Ackerman Anderson Westcott

12/17/17 Terry Joan Axtell- Jeanne Jeanne

11:00 AM Thomsen Morning Westcott Westcott
12/24/17 Dick Joan Axtell Lynne Maria & NO Jeanne
10:30 PM Gestwick & Walton Charlie COFFEE Westcott
Carl Ackerman HOUR
12/31/17 Joint Service Emmanuel Episcopal Church Jeanne
9:30 AM Westcott

St. Matthews
Sunday Chalice/Lector Morning Usher Altar Guild
12/3 8:00 Bonnie Friedel Teresa Peter North Pat Lindau
AM Clarke
12/10 8:00 Cheryl TenWolde Paul Lindau
12/17 8:00 Pat Lindau Harmon
AM TenWolde
12/24 8:00 Teresa Clarke Peter North
12/31 9:30 Christmas Lessons
AM & Carols At

Serving in some capacity during a Sunday service can be an

immensely rewarding thing. And its easy to be trained. Please
consider giving of your time and talent. Pray about it, and if you feel
called to be a lector (reader), server, usher, morning prayer leader, or
any one of the several folks who make worship possible, then act
now! Contact Fr. Steve at He will set up a training
time for you and work you into the schedule.
The Big Red Door Page 5

Date Usher Lector Eucharistic Acolyte Chalice Altar Guild

Amy & Bill Russell Russell Ketch Matthew Bernie Dye Sally Miers
Dec. 3
Spittler Ketch Giglio
Dec. 10 Kai & Dave Tony Giglio Kisten Giglio Cindy Thompson
Morn- Loomis
Fred & Sally Gary Nancy Dye Matthew Sally Miers Sharon Everard
Miers Tompkins Giglio
Dec. 17
Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Christmas Eve
Dec. 24 Service Service Service Eve Service Service
4:30 PM
Nancy Dye
Barb & Tony Giglio Kisten Giglio Matthew Nancy Dye
Gary Giglio
Dec. 31
9:30 Bernie & Gary Tomp- Russell Ketch Bernie Dye Sally Miers Sally Miers
A.M. Nancy Dye kins
at Em-


Chenango County Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian housing ministry affiliated with Habitat
for Humanity International. The primary target population for the project is to help families of all ages and of all
racial/ethnic compositions currently living in substandard housing throughout Chenango County, who need a
hand up rather than a hand out. Through volunteer labor, management expertise, and tax-deductible donations of
money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates homes with the help of the
homeowners. Houses are sold at no profit to partner families, and no-interest mortgages
are issued over a fixed period. Small monthly mortgage payments, including taxes and
insurance, are repaid over an average of 20/30 years and deposited into a revolving Fund
for Humanity, which supports the construction of more houses and rehab projects.
CCHH relies heavily on volunteers of all skill levels, not just building skills.

CCHH is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization of the Internal

Revenue Code. Learn more about CCHH on Facebook and Website: Please feel free to contact Sandra Colton at 607-334-7492 or
Kathy Knudsen at 607-639-1176 for information.

Watch for our April 14, 2018 fundraiser to be held at the Norwich YMCA, which will consist of soup,
baked goods, and raffles provided by various Chenango county restaurants/businesses and individual
Page 6 The Big Red Door


Holy Baptism

The next opportunity for Holy Baptism is The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, January 7th, 2018 (other
dates before that can be arranged as appropriate). Please let Fr. Steve know if you, your child or other loved one
would like to be baptized by emailing him at or call 607.334.8801.

The Tasting Tea at St. Matthews

On November 5, 2017, the 47th annual Tasting Tea was
held at St. Matthews Church, South New Berlin. The idea of
having such an event was first brought to the ECW in 1971 by
Christine Preston, who was an active member of the group at the
church. She had read about a Tasting Tea in Yankee Magazine and
convinced the ladies that it could be done here. Thus, every year
crafts are made in the parish hall at Work Bees. Those having
no skills cant escape, for some unskilled labor will be found for
them! It is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship. Formerly, a
cookbook was sold containing all the recipes for the foods to be tasted. Because of the prevalence of cell phones
these days, we simply posted recipes to be photographed this time.
All present enjoyed visiting with each other and tasting the different foods, while shopping in a fun atmos-
phere. St. Matthews ECW thanks all who supported this event. The proceeds will go towards our Christmas Do-
nations, such as the Spirit of Christmas in New Berlin.

Sherburnes Blessing of the Creche
The blessing of Sherburne's village crche will be on Sunday, December 3rd at 5:00PM on the
front lawn of the UCC Church (the big church on the southeast corner of Sherburne's main in-
tersection). Everyone is invited to a reception of hot chocolate and goodies at the UCC Church
following the blessing. Because it is Epiphany Episcopal Church's turn to do this, the Rev. Eliz-
abeth Gilett and their choir director, Red Raville will be leading the singing.

Calling All Emmanuel Parishioners!!!

Sally Miers has finally decided to pass the baton and is searching for a replacement
to head up the Hospitality Committee. This person will be in charge of coordinat-
ing a schedule for coffee hour and wrangling folks to help out on special occasions.
You will work closely with office staff, the sexton, and Fr. Steve. Please consider stepping up and helping us out
on this very important part of church life. So many people think that the other person will do it. . . but we need
YOU! If you are interested, contact Sally at Thank you so much!
The Big Red Door Page 7


Soul Kitchen (Emmanuel, Norwich) On the second Thursday of the month from
September through May. This community-wide meal is open to anyone who wants a good, hot dinner. There is
one seating only, with the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in getting involved with Soul Kitchen
please contact Gary Brookins at

Pot Luck Thursdays Come join your friends at St. Matthews for their monthly pot luck supper.
Pot lucks are held on the fourth Thursday of the month. And the food is always is the company.


Our Food Pantry Outreach Hours

Emmanuel, Norwich: M-W-F, 10:00 a.m.Noon; M & W, 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
St. Andrews, New Berlin: M, 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
St. Matthews (at First Baptist), South New Berlin: M, 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m., W, 2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.

Fr. Steve met with Mayor Terry Potter of New Berlin to talk about
that community's annual Spirit of Christmas. Each year the village,
churches, Chobani, and other organizations come together to pro-
vide food baskets and toys to families in need during the Christmas
season. Along with the toys and food, our churches and other
churches have collected socks and underwear for children from
toddlers to teens. The actual give-away will be December 16 at the
fire hall in New Berlin. For more information call the Village
Office at 607.847.6389.

All three churches will be decorating with poinsettias. Please consider helping beautify
the church this Christmas by donating poinsettias. Send a donation to the church office in
memory or thanksgiving of someone you have lost or cherish. Fill out this form and in-
clude it with your donation. We need this information by DECEMBER 11. Thank you!


In Memory of: __________________________________________

In Thanksgiving For: _____________________________________

Church Designation: _____________________________________

Page 8 The Big Red Door

Prayer Book 101 A Romp Through the Prayer Book
As Episcopalians we are all familiar with the red
book in our pews. The Book of Common Prayer
is what makes us who we are as Anglicans. Its
what connects us to others in our denomination.
But its more than just Eucharistic Prayer C or
the Rite of Baptism or Burial for the Dead. The
Prayer Book IS our theology. Everything we be-
lieve as Christians is found somewhere in the
Bible, but HOW we believe it is found in the
Prayer Book.

Come join Fr. Steve during Advent and

Christmas (and maybe some Epiphany) as he
explores the cherished liturgies, prayers, and documents that make up our common faith in our Book of Com-
mon Prayer. Part history class, part theology class, always fun. Youll learn something you didnt know every
time you attend.

Classes will begin December 6 and continue until Epiphany and will be held at St. Andrews at 7:00 p.m.8:00
p.m. each Wednesday. There is no cost and no materials (other than a prayer book, and weve got those).

Thanks to a generous donation to St. Andrews Episcopal Church,

the vestry has decided to make available funds to allow
Episcopalians in the area to attend spiritual retreats at Holy Cross
Monastery in West Park, NY. These retreats can be solitary or
spiritual classes taught by one of the monks. For more information
on the monastery and the retreats please go to and click on guest house. This will
give you a taste of what is available.

We will have more information available as Spring approaches, but the plan is for the grant to pay for four or
five retreats per year (you will have to get yourself there). As details are worked out, we will let you know.

In the meantime, we plan on inviting Brother Joseph Wallace-Williams from the monastery to come and speak
to us next year. We are very excited about this and hope you will take advantage of it.

Stations of the Cross

Come join your friends at St. Andrews every Second Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. to walk the Stations of the
Cross. This is a wonderful way to enter into contemplative prayer. NOTE: after Fr. Steves Prayer Book 101 class is
complete, Stations of the Cross will be held at 7:00 p.m.
The Big Red Door Page 9

Greening of the Church

There are great holiday opportunities to help green the churchdecorating it for Christmas. Greening of
St. Matthews will be December 21st at 6:00 p.m. Greening of St. Andrews will be after church (around noon)
on December 17th. Come and help out. Who knows...we might even play some Christmas music!!!!


Please pray for these people as you say your daily prayers: Immediate Needs: Florence
Hand, Mariba Chmielewski, Frank Giglio, Sharon Fox, Nancy Nolan Gibbon, Mila Lent,
Rebecca Bliss, Betsy Somers, Jean McDowell, Logan Lewis, Elaine Sharki, Miley Parker,
Sharon D, Joyce Lawrence, Mary Alice Whitney, Laura Chapin, Lex Supensky, Charlie
McMullen, Marcia, Kay Nearing, Gary Loomis, Janice Coleman, Anne Tucker. Contin-
ued Prayers: Jax, Gina, Dave R, Amy, Janet Kenyon Burrell. Those in Nursing Homes or
Homebound: Mariba Chmielewski, Jim Haynes, Helen Donahe, Caroline Mason.

2 John Sayko; Benjamin Dye; Nancylee Gridley; 18 Sarah Prindle; Vaughn Labor, Robert & Beverly
Richard Lindner, Sandra & Carl Colton, Joey Fagan
Friedel 19 Saralyn Reynolds, Jack Lawton, Melissa Friedel
3 Trevin Cruz 20 Patricia Brookins, Barb & Gary Tompkins, Jamie
4 George Denning, Tom Moore, Linton Wainright Norwood
5 Holly Sullivan 21 Barb Berdzinksi
7 Cody Gebo; Ian May, Linda Slentz Baulch 22 Gina Denning; Peter Miers
8 John Shepler, Phil Giltner 23 Thomas Kriener
9 Morgan Rogers; Dave & Kai Loomis 24 Scott Campbell
10 Thomas Mason, Nicole Anderson 25 Joseph Harris; Lorraine Jenkins , Jennine Palmiter
11 Nancy Dye, Pauline Smith 27 Marshall Morris, Andrea Perkins Miller
12 Connor Supensky, Brian Prentice 29 Deborah Hitchcock; Jennifer Fink, Alan G. Wid
14 Helen Donahe mark
15 Ralph Malloch, Matthew Slentz 30 Shaun Zampetti
16 Ken Slentz, John & Sue Parker 31 Peter Smith
17 Michelle Campbell
Page 10 The Big Red Door

Whatever brought you to experience worship with us, welcome.
If youve come searching for a Christian community that manages to be both
joyful and reverent, welcome.
If youre hoping to find a church that is grounded in tradition but
engaged in the present and open to the future, welcome.
If youve been looking for a place where your doubts and questions can be as at home as your
hopes and certainties, welcome.
If youve been wondering whether theres a place for you at all in the Christian church, you are
welcome here. You really are.

December Service Schedule

Sunday 8:00 St. Matthews 9:30 Emmanuel 11:00 St. Andrews
Dec 3 (Advent 1) Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist

Dec 10 (Advent 2) Holy Eucharist Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist

Dec 17 (Advent 3) Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Morning Prayer

Dec 24 (Advent 4) Simple Eucharist in

Chapel at 9:30 a.m.
(brief, no music)
Dec 24 Christmas 8:00 PM at 4:30 PM at Emman- 10:30 PM at St. An-
Eve St. Matthews uel drews

December 31 Joint Service at Emmanuel 9:30 AM Christmas Lessons and Carols

The Big Red Door Page 11

Newsletter offices are located at:



If you have news you would like to share, contact us at:

(607) 334-8801

web site:

Follow us on Facebook, Emmanuel Episcopal Church

The Big Red Door NON-PROFIT

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