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Westlaw Delivery Summary Report for PATRON ACCESS,-

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Citation Text: 216 A.2d 246
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10.3 Firm Offer Contract Sales and Lease Contracts: Formation, title and Risk

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216 A.2d 246 Page 1
90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv. 42
(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)

343I Requisites and Validity of Contract

343k23 Offer to Buy or Order for Goods
Superior Court of New Jersey 343k23(2) k. Withdrawal or Counter-
Appellate Division. mand. Most Cited Cases
E. A. CORONIS ASSOCIATES, a corporation of Uniform Commercial Code section dealing with
the State of New Jersey, Plaintiff-Respondent, signed offer to buy or sell which by its terms as-
v. sures that it will be held open reverses common law
M. GORDON CONSTRUCTION CO., a corpora- rule that an offer not supported by consideration
tion of the State of New Jersey, Defendant-Appel- can be revoked at any time prior to acceptance.
lant. N.J.S. 12A:2-205, N.J.S.A.
No. A-1005.
[2] Contracts 95 19
Argued Nov. 15, 1965.
Decided Jan. 12, 1966. 95 Contracts
95I Requisites and Validity
Action respecting general contractor's counterclaim 95I(B) Parties, Proposals, and Acceptance
for breach of contract by subcontractor. The Superi- 95k19 k. Revocation or Withdrawal of
or Court, Law Division, entered summary judgment Offer. Most Cited Cases
on cross-motions therefor in favor of subcontractor Subcontractor's letter to contractor which stated bid
and the general contractor appealed. The Superior but which gave no assurance that bid would be held
Court, Appellate Division, Collester, J.A.D., held open did not come within purview of statute stating
that doctrine of promissory estoppel could apply to that a signed written offer which by its terms gives
require subcontractor to perform in accordance with assurance that it will be held open is not revocable
its bid which was submitted to general contractor for lack of consideration during time stated or for a
which acted thereon in submitting its bid and which reasonable time. N.J.S. 12A:2-205, N.J.S.A.
was awarded contract prior to subcontractor's at-
tempt to withdraw bid, if general contractor could [3] Estoppel 156 85
establish the essentials of a cause of action based
on promissory estoppel. 156 Estoppel
156III Equitable Estoppel
Reversed and remanded. 156III(B) Grounds of Estoppel
156k82 Representations
West Headnotes 156k85 k. Future Events; Promissory
Estoppel. Most Cited Cases
[1] Sales 343 22(2)
Generally, estoppel only applies to representations
343 Sales of facts past or present.
343I Requisites and Validity of Contract
[4] Estoppel 156 85
343k22 Offer to Sell
343k22(2) k. Withdrawal of Offer. Most 156 Estoppel
Cited Cases 156III Equitable Estoppel
156III(B) Grounds of Estoppel
Sales 343 23(2)
156k82 Representations
343 Sales 156k85 k. Future Events; Promissory
Estoppel. Most Cited Cases

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216 A.2d 246 Page 2
90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv. 42
(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)

Significant function of promissory estoppel is to contractor's part and that there was detriment to
apply an estoppel to representations or promises as general contractor.
to future events.
[8] Judgment 228 181(15.1)
[5] Estoppel 156 85
228 Judgment
156 Estoppel 228V On Motion or Summary Proceeding
156III Equitable Estoppel 228k181 Grounds for Summary Judgment
156III(B) Grounds of Estoppel 228k181(15) Particular Cases
156k82 Representations 228k181(15.1) k. In General. Most
156k85 k. Future Events; Promissory Cited Cases
Estoppel. Most Cited Cases (Formerly 228k181(15))
Given an appropriate factual situation, doctrine of Elements of promissory estoppel are essentially
promissory estoppel applies. factual and inappropriate to a summary judgment.
R.R. 4:58-3.
[6] Estoppel 156 85
[9] Estoppel 156 116
156 Estoppel
156III Equitable Estoppel 156 Estoppel
156III(B) Grounds of Estoppel 156III Equitable Estoppel
156k82 Representations 156III(F) Evidence
156k85 k. Future Events; Promissory 156k116 k. Presumptions and Burden of
Estoppel. Most Cited Cases Proof. Most Cited Cases
Doctrine of promissory estoppel could apply to re- General contractor, attempting to invoke doctrine of
quire subcontractor to perform in accordance with promissory estoppel against subcontractor which
its bid which was submitted to general contractor had attempted to withdraw bid, was required to
which acted thereon in submitting its bid and which show that subcontractor could reasonably expect
was awarded contract prior to subcontractor's at- general contractor to rely on bid and this in turn
tempt to withdraw bid, if general contractor could would depend on subcontractor's actual knowledge
establish the essentials of a cause of action based or custom and usage in the trade.
on promissory estoppel.
[10] Estoppel 156 87
[7] Estoppel 156 116
156 Estoppel
156 Estoppel 156III Equitable Estoppel
156III Equitable Estoppel 156III(B) Grounds of Estoppel
156III(F) Evidence 156k82 Representations
156k116 k. Presumptions and Burden of 156k87 k. Relying and Acting on Rep-
Proof. Most Cited Cases resentations. Most Cited Cases
General contractor to successfully establish a cause If subcontractor's bid was so low as to put general
of action based on promissory estoppel against sub- contractor on notice that it was erroneous, general
contractor, which had attempted to withdraw pro- contractor, seeking to invoke doctrine of promis-
posal, must prove that it had received a definite and sory estoppel, cannot claim reliance on bid which
clear offer from subcontractor, that the general con- subcontractor attempted to withdraw.
tractor could expect reliance of a substantial nature, *71 **247 Sam J. Abraham, Linden, for appellant
that there was actual reasonable reliance on general (Magner, Abraham & Kahn, Linden, attorneys.)

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216 A.2d 246 Page 3
90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv. 42
(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)

Peter A. Adams, Newark, for respondent. Both Buildings delivered and erected $155,413.50
All structural steel equipped with clips for wood
girts & purlins
Before Judges GOLDMANN, FOLEY and
Both Buildings delivered and erected 98,937.50
The opinion of the court was delivered by This price is predicated on an erected price of .1175
COLLESTER, J.A.D. per Lb. of steel and we would expect to adjust the
price on this basis to conform to actual tonnage of
Summary judgment on cross-motions therefor was steel used in the project.
entered in favor of plaintiff E. A. Coronis Asso-
ciates (Coronis) on defendant M. Gordon Construc- Thank you very much for this opportunity to quote.
tion Company's (Gordon) counterclaim in the Su-
Very truly yours,
perior Court, Law Division.
**248 This litigation began when plaintiff brought
suit on three contracts not here pertinent. Defendant /s/ Arthur C. Pease
admitted liability thereon, but counterclaimed for
breach of a contract to supply and erect structural Arthur C. Pease'
steel on one of its projects. Gordon is a general Gordon contends that at some date prior to April 22
contractor. In anticipation of making a bid to con- the parties reached an oral agreement and that the
struct two buildings at the Port of New York Au- above letter was sent in confirmation.
thority's Elizabeth Piers it sought bids from subcon-
tractors. Coronis designs, fabricates, supplies and Bids were opened by the Port Authority on April
erects structural steel. On April 22, 1963 it sent the 19, 1963, and Gordon's bid was the lowest. He al-
following letter to Gordon: leges that Coronis was informed the same day. The
Port Authority contract was officially awarded to
*72 ‘April 22, 1963 Gordon on May 27, 1963 and executed about two
weeks later. During this period Gordon never ac-
Mr. David BenZvi cepted the alleged offer of Coronis. **249 Mean-
while, on June 1, 1963, Coronis sent a telegram, in
Gordon Construction Co.
pertinent part reading:
Elizabeth Avenue
‘Due to conditions beyond our control, we must
Linden, N.J. withdraw our proposal of April 22nd 1963 for
structural steel Dor Buildings 131 and 132 at the
Subject: Bldgs. 131 & 132 Elizabeth Port Authority Elizabeth-Port Piers at the earliest possible we will
Piers Structural Steel resubmit our proposal.’
Dear Mr. BenZvi:
*73 Two days later, on June 3, 1963, Gordon
We regret very much that this estimate was so replied by telegram as follows:
delayed. Be assured that the time consumed was ‘Ref your tel. 6-3 and for the record be advised that
due to routing of the plans through our regular we are holding you to your bid of April 22, 1963
sources of fabrication. for the structural steel of cargo bldgs 131 and 132.’

We are pleased to offer: Coronis never performed. Gordon employed the

All structural steel including steel girts and purlins Elizabeth Iron Works to perform the work and

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216 A.2d 246 Page 4
90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv. 42
(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)

claims as damages the difference between Coronis' ages of the trade whereby firm offers are made by
proposal of $155,413.50 and Elizabeth Iron Works' oral communication and relied upon without more
charge of $208,000. evidence, such offers remain revocable under this
Article since authentication by a writing is the es-
Gordon contends that the April 22 letter was an of- sence of this section.’ Uniform Commercial Code (
fer and that Coronis had no right to withdraw it. N.J.S. 12A:2-205, N.J.S.A.), comment, par. 2
Two grounds are advanced in support. First, Gor-
don contends that the Uniform Commercial Code We think it clear that plaintiff's writing does not
firm offer section, N.J.S. 12A:2-205, N.J.S.A., pre- come within the provision of section 2-205 of a
cludes withdrawal and, second, it contends that ‘signed writing which by its terms gives assurance
withdrawal is prevented by the doctrine of promis- that it will be held open.’ See Wilmington Trust
sory estoppel. Company v. Coulter, 200 A.2d 441

I Having so concluded, we need not consider the

question of whether the Coronis letter was an offer
[1][2] Prior to the enactment of the Uniform Com-
or whether the letter dealt with ‘goods.’ We note in
mercial Code an offer not supported by considera-
this connection that Coronis quoted the price for
tion could be revoked at any time prior to accept-
structural steel delivered and erected.
ance. American Handkerchief Corp. v. Frannat
Realty Co., 17 N.J. 12, 109 A.2d 793 (1954). The
drafters of the Code recognized that the common II
law rule was contrary to modern business practice
and possessed the capability to produce unjust res- Defendant also argues that even if plaintiff's writing
ults. See Corbin, ‘The Uniform Commercial Code- of April 22 is not a firm offer within the meaning of
Sales, Should it be Enacted,’ 59 Yale L.J. 821, 827 section 2-205, justice requires that we apply the
(1950). The response was section 2-205 (N.J.S. doctrine of promissory estoppel to preclude its re-
12A:2-205, N.J.S.A.) which reverses the common vocation.**250 Restatement, Contracts, s 90
law rule and states: provides:

‘An offer by a merchant to buy or sell goods in a ‘A promise which the promisor should reasonably
Signed writing which by its terms gives assurance expect to induce action or forbearance of a definite
that it will be held open is not revocable, for lack of and substantial character on the part of the prom-
consideration, during the time stated or if no time is isee and which does induce such action or forbear-
stated for a reasonable time. * * *’ (Emphasis ad- ance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by
ded) enforcement of the promise.'[FN1]

Coronis' letter contains no terms giving assurance it

FN1. The Restatement does not use the
will be held open. We recognize that just as an of-
term ‘promissory estoppel.’ It has been cri-
feree runs a risk in acting on an offer before accept-
ticized as too broad. Professor Corbin ap-
ing it, the offeror runs a risk *74 if his offer is con-
proves of the Restatement's stating of the
sidered irrevocable. Cf., James Baird Co. v. Gimbel
rule ‘in terms of action or forbearance in
Bros., Inc., 64 F.2d 344 (2 Cir. 1933). In their com-
reliance on a promise.’ 1A Corbin, Con-
ments to section 2-205 of the Code the drafters an-
tracts, s 204 (1963), cited with approval in
ticipated these risks and stated:
Friedman v. Tappan Development Corp.,
‘However, despite settled courses of dealing or us-
22 N.J. 523, 538, 126 A.2d 646 (1956). We

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216 A.2d 246 Page 5
90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv. 42
(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)

use the term ‘promissory estoppel’ for con- promisor at the time of making the promise intends
venience. to fulfill it. The reliance is on a promise, and not on
a misstatement of fact, and so the estoppel is
*75 Defendant argues that it relied on plaintiff's bid termed ‘promissory’ to mark the distinction. Willis-
in making its own bid and that in justice would res- ton on Contracts (rev. ed.), section 139.' ( 22 N.J.,
ult if plaintiff could now revoke. Thus, defendant at pp. 535, 536, 126 A.2d at p. 652)
contends that plaintiff's bid is made irrevocable by
application of the doctrine of promissory estoppel. The evolving nature of the doctrine under examina-
tion is illustrated by the variation in the expressions
[3][4] No New Jersey case has applied the rule in of the authorities in its characterization. Thus it has
our State. But our highest court has twice implied been called a ‘species *76 of consideration,’ Porter
that in appropriate circumstances it would. Fried- v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 60 F.2d 673,
man v. Tappan Development Corp., 22 N.J. 523, 675 (2 Cir. 1932), affirmed, 288 U.S. 436, 53 S.Ct.
126 A.2d 646 (1956); American Handkerchief 451, 77 L.Ed. 880 (1933); and the ‘equivalent of’ or
Corp. v. Frannat Realty Co., supra. The general a ‘substitute for’ consideration. Allegheny College
rule is that estoppel only applies to representations v. National Chautauqua County Bank of
of facts past or present. Berman v. One Forty-five Jamestown, 246 N.Y. 369, 159 N.E. 173, 175, 57
Belmont Ave. Corp., 109 N.J.Eq. 256, 261, 156 A. A.L.R. 980 (Ct.App.1927). The doctrine has found
830 (Ch.1931). The significant function of promis- basic acceptance throughout the country. However,
sory estoppel is to apply an estoppel to representa- the courts have not agreed on where the doctrine is
tions or promises as to future events. 31 C.J.S. Es- to be applied. They frequently state that in this
toppel s 80, pp. 466, 467 (1964). Writing for the country promissory estoppel ‘has been generally
court in Friedman, Justice Heher recognized that confined to charitable subscriptions, where diffi-
the doctrine was not truly an estoppel in the histor- culty **251 has been encountered in sustaining the
ical sense. He described the doctrine by stating: promise under the conventional theories of consid-
eration, and to certain promises between individuals
‘The term ‘promissory estoppel’ is of comparat-
for the payment of money, enforced as informal
ively recent origin in our jurisprudence, not alto-
contracts.’ Friedman v. Tappan Development
gether clear in its quality and import. It is not a true
Corp., supra, 22 N.J. at p. 536, 126 A.2d at p. 653;
estoppel, but a departure from the classic doctrine
1 Williston, Contracts (3d ed.1957), s 140, pp. 611,
of consideration that the promise and the considera-
612. While the doctrine is now recognized ‘almost
tion must purport to be the motive each for the oth-
universally’ in the charitable subscription cases, 1A
er, in whole or at least in part, and it is not enough
Corbin, op. cit., s 198, p. 204; 1 Williston, op. cit.,
that the promise induces the detriment or that the
p. 609, s 140, it also enjoys a much wider applica-
detriment induces the promise if the other half is
tion. Annotation 48 A.L.R.2d 1069, 1079-1087
wanting, Wisconsin & Michigan R. Co. v. Powers,
(1950); Annotation 115 A.L.R. 152, 156 (1938); 1A
191 U.S. 379, 386, 24 S.Ct. 107, 48 L.Ed. 229
Corbin, op. cit., ss 193-209. For example, promis-
(1903), Holmes, C.J.; Coast National Bank v.
sory estoppel has been applied to preclude reliance
Bloom, supra (113 N.J.L. 597, 602, 174 A. 576, 95
on the statute of limitations, Waugh v. Lennard, 69
A.L.R. 528 (E. & A.1934)), a professed adaptation
Ariz. 214, 211 P.2d 806 (Sup.Ct.1949); to avoid the
of the principle of estoppel to the formation of con-
statute of frauds, Alaska Airlines v. Stephenson,
tracts where, relying on a gratuitous promise, the
217 F.2d 295, 15 Alaska 272 (9 Cir. 1954); to pre-
promisee has suffered detriment. Martin v. Meles,
vent foreclosure of a mortgage, Bank of Fairbanks
179 Mass. 114, 60 N.E. 397 (Sup.Jud.Ct.1901),
v. Kaye, 227 F.2d 566, 16 Alaska 23 (9 Cir. 1955);
Holmes, C.J. There is in such circumstances no rep-
to enforce a pension plan, West v. Hunt Foods, 101
resentation of an existing fact, but merely that the

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216 A.2d 246 Page 6
90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv. 42
(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)

Cal.App.2d 597, 225 P.2d 978 (D.Ct.App.1951); to (D.Hawaii 1963), affirmed on other grounds, 318
require the granting of a franchise, Chrysler Cor- F.2d 410 (9 Cir. 1963); Reynolds v. Texarkana
poration v. Quimby, 1 Storey 264, 51 Del. 264, 144 Construction Company, 237 Ark. 583, 374 S.W.2d
A.2d 123, 885 (Sup.Ct.1958); to protect creditors 818 (Sup.Ct.1964); Drennan v. Star Paving Co., 51
by requiring directors of a corporation to convey Cal.2d 409, 333 P.2d 757 (Sup.Ct.1958); Norcross
land to it, Berman v. Griggs, 145 Me. 258, 75 A.2d v. Winters, 209 Cal.App.2d 207, 25 Cal.Rptr. 821
365 (Sup.Jud.Ct.1950); to enforce a release given (D.Ct.App.1962); Northwestern Engineering Co. v.
without consideration, Fried v. Fisher, 328 Pa. 497, Ellerman, 69 S.D. 397, 10 N.W.2d 879
196 A. 39, 115 A.L.R. 147 (Sup.Ct.1938); and to (Sup.Ct.1943); Union Tank Car Company v. Wheat
enforce an easement *77 granted without considera- Brothers, 15 Utah 2d 101, 387 P.2d 1000
tion or a writing, Miller v. Lawlor, 245 Iowa 1144, (Sup.Ct.1964). Cf., *78R. P. Farnsworth & Co. v.
66 N.W.2d 267, 48 A.L.R.2d 1058 (Sup.Ct.1954). Albert, 79 F.Supp. 27 (E.D.La.1948), reversed, 176
F.2d 198 (5 Cir. 1949); Harris v. Lillis, 24 So.2d
[5] We see no reason why, given an appropriate 689 (La.Ct.App.1946). Contra, James Baird Co. v.
factual situation, the doctrine would not apply in Gimbel Bros., Inc., 64 F.2d 344 (2 Cir. 1933);
this State. Our view is reinforced by the ever ex- Southeastern Sales & Service Co. v. T. T. Watson,
panding scope of liability designed to compensate Inc., 172 So.2d 239 (Fla.D.Ct.App.1965).
those injured by wrongful conduct. See, e.g., Ekalo
v. Constructive Service Corporation of America,46 **252 The Drennan case involved an oral bid by a
N.J. 82, 215 A.2d 1 (1965); Falzone v. Busch, 45 subcontractor for paving work at a school project
N.J. 559, 214 A.2d 12 (1965); Schipper v. Levitt & on which plaintiff general contractor was about to
Sons, Inc., 44 N.J. 70, 207 A.2d 314 (1965). As bid. Defendant's paving bid was the lowest, and the
Justice Jacobs said in Schipper: general contractor computed his own bid accord-
ingly. Plaintiff was the successful bidder but the
‘The law should be based on current concepts of following day was informed by defendant it would
what is right and just and the judiciary should be not do the work at its bid price. The California Su-
alert to the never-ending need for keeping its com- preme Court, per Justice Traynor, applied the doc-
mon law principles abreast of the times. Ancient trine of promissory estoppel to prevent defendant's
distinctions which make no sense in today's society revocation of its bid, stating:
and tend to discredit the law should be readily re-
jected. * * *’ (at p. 90, 207 A.2d at p. 325) ‘When plaintiff used defendant's offer in computing
his own bid, he bound himself to perform in reli-
We see no difference between substantial reliance ance on defendant's terms. Though defendant did
on a representation or promise as to current or past not bargain for this use of its bid neither did de-
facts and as to future facts. It is only right and just fendant make it idly, indifferent to whether it would
that a promise a promisor knows will induce action be used or not. On the contrary it is reasonable to
of a substantial character be enforced if it is in fact suppose that defendant submitted its bid to obtain
relied on. the subcontract. It was bound to realize the substan-
tial possibility that its bid would be the lowest, and
The authorities are not uniform in applying the doc-
that it would be included by plaintiff in his bid. It
trine of promissory estoppel to situations compar-
was to its own interest that the contractor be awar-
able to that before us. We believe the better line of
ded the general contract; the lower the subcontract
authority applies the doctrine. N. Litterio & Co. v.
bid, the lower the general contractor's bid was
Glassman Constr. Co., 115 U.S.App.D.C. 335, 319
likely to be and the greater its chance of acceptance
F.2d 736 (D.C.Cir. 1963); Air Conditioning Co. of
and hence the greater defendant's chance of getting
Hawaii v. Richards Constr. Co., 200 F.Supp. 167

© 2010 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

216 A.2d 246 Page 7
90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv. 42
(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)

the paving subcontract. Defendant had reason not Co., supra, 319 F.2d at p. 739.
only to expect plaintiff to rely on his bid but to
want him to. Clearly defendant had a stake in [8] The Law Division did not think promissory es-
plaintiff's reliance on its bid. Given this interest and toppel would apply in the situation Sub judice.
the fact that plaintiff is bound by his own bid, it is Therefore we reverse. We also remand since it is
only fair that plaintiff should have at least an op- necessary to determine if the elements of a promis-
portunity to accept defendant's bid after the general sory estoppel case are present. They are essentially
contract has been awarded to him.’ ( 333 P.2d at p. factual and inappropriate to a summary judgment.
760) R.R. 4:58-3; Robbins v. Jersey City, 23 N.J. 229,
128 A.2d 673 (1957). Gordon must show the exist-
[6] The South Dakota Supreme Court was confron- ence of an offer. The April 22 letter is subsequent
ted with a virtually identical set of facts in the in time to Gordon's bid to the Port Authority. It
Northwestern Engineering case. In applying cannot furnish the basis for this suit since it would
promissory estoppel it stated, have been impossible for Gordon**253 to have re-
lied on it when making its bid. However, it is al-
‘Obviously it would seem unjust and unfair, after leged that the letter merely confirmed prior oral
appellant was declared the successful bidder and agreements. The true facts must await a full hear-
imposed with all the obligations of such, to allow ing.
respondents to then retract their promise and permit
the effect of such retraction to fall upon the appel- [9][10] Similarly, Gordon must show that Coronis
lant.’ ( 10 N.W.2d, at p. 883) could reasonably expect Gordon to rely on the bid.
This will depend on Coronis' actual knowledge or
*79 Similarly, in the Reynolds case a subcontractor the custom and usage in the trade. N. Litterio & Co.
submitted a bid for the electrical work for a school v. Glassman Constr. Co., supra; *80 Hedden v. Lu-
project on which the general contractor was about pinsky, 405 Pa. 609, 176 A.2d 406 (Sup.Ct.1962).
to bid. The general contractor relied on the subcon- Gordon must also show actual reliance.[FN2] Nor-
tractor's bid. In applying promissory estoppel to cross v. Winters,supra. And we note that if Coronis'
prevent revocation the court held that, bid was so low as to put Gordon on notice that it
was erroneous it cannot claim reliance. Drennan v.
‘Justice demands that the loss resulting from the
Star Paving Co., supra; AmcIsaac & Menke Co. v.
subcontractor's carelessness should fall upon him
Freeman, 194 Cal.App.2d 327, 15 Cal.Rptr. 48
who was guilty of the error rather than upon the
(D.Ct.App.1961); cf., Feldman v. Urban Commer-
principal contractor who relied in good faith upon
cial, Inc., 70 N.J.Super. 463, 175 A.2d 683
the offer that he received.’ ( 374 S.W.2d, at p. 820)
(Ch.Div.1961). Finally, of course, detriment must
We agree. be shown.

FN2. We do not consider whether the ex-

III istence of section 2-205 of the Uniform
Commercial Code precludes reliance on an
[7] To successfully establish a cause of action offer not conforming to its provisions.
based on promissory estoppel Gordon must prove
that (1) it received a clear and definite offer from Reversed and remanded.
Coronis; (2) Coronis could expect reliance of a sub-
stantial nature; (3) actual reasonable reliance on N.J.Super.A.D. 1966.
Gordon's part, and (4) detriment. Restatement, Con- E. A. Coronis Associates v. M. Gordon Const. Co.
tracts, s 90; N. Litterio & Co. v. Glassman Constr. 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246, 3 UCC Rep.Serv.

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(Cite as: 90 N.J.Super. 69, 216 A.2d 246)



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