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Subject Area Social Studies

Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1

Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals GLO(s):
Students will assess the impacts of historical globaliztation on Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will Related Issue 2: To what extent should contemporary
2.1: recognize and appreciate historical and society respond to the legacies of historical
contemporary consequences of European globalization?
contact, historical globalization and
imperialism on Aboriginal societies Critical Inquiry Question: What are the most
2.2: exhibit a global consciousness with influential impacts of historical globalization on
respect to the human condition
contemporary society?
2.3: accept social responsibilities associated
with global citizenship
2.4: recognize and appreciate the validity of
oral histories
2.5: recognize and appreciate various
perspectives regarding the prevalence and
impacts of Eurocentrism
2.6: examine impacts of cultural contact
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous
peoples (exchange of goods and
technologies, depopulation, influences on
government and social institutions)
2.7: explore the foundations of historical
globalization (rise of capitalism,
industrialization, imperialism,
2.8: explore the relationship between
historical globalization and imperialism
2.9: examine multiple perspectives on the
political, economic and social impacts of
historical globalization and imperialism
2.10: examine imperialist policies and
practices that affected Indigenous peoples
(British rule in India, British and French
rule in Canada, post-colonial governments
in Canada)
2.11: analyze contemporary global issues
that have origins in policies and practices of
post-colonial governments in Canada and
other locations (consequences of residential
schools, social impact on Indigenous
peoples, loss of Indigenous languages, civil
2.12: evaluate various attempts to address
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

consequences of imperialist policies and

practices on Indigenous peoples in Canada
and other locations (GC, PADM, TCC)
2.13: examine legacies of historical
globalization and imperialism that continue
to influence globalization (TCC, GC)

Prior understandings Students will be able to

Dimensions Of Thinking
Related Issue 1: S.1: Develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
1.3: appreciate how identities and culture evaluate ideas and information from multiple sources
shape, and are shaped, by globalization determine relationships among multiple and varied
1.5: explore understandings and dimensions sources of information
of globalization (political, economic, social) assess the validity of information based on context,
1.7: analyze opportunities presented by bias, sources objectivity, evidence or reliability
globalization to identities and cultures predict likely outcomes based on factual information
(acculturation, accommodation, cultural evaluate personal assumptions and opinions to
develop and expanded appreciation of a topic or an
revitalization, affirmation of identity,
integration) synthesize information from contemporary and
1.8: analyze challenges presented by historical issues to develop an informed position
globalization to identities and cultures evaluate the logic of assumptions underlying a
(assimilation, marginalization, position
accommodation, integration, assemble seemingly unrelated information to support
homogenization) an idea or to explain an event
analyze current affairs from a variety of perspectives
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

Where does this lead? S.2: Develop skills of historical thinking:

analyze multiple historical and contemporary
Related Issue 3: perspectives within and across cultures
3.1: recognize and appreciate multiple analyze connections among patterns of historical
perspectives that exist with respect to the change by identifying cause and effect relationships
relationships among analyze similarities and differences among historical
politics, economics, the environment and
evaluate the impact of significant historical periods
and patterns of change on the contemporary world
3.2: recognize and appreciate impacts of
discern historical facts from historical interpretations
globalization on the interdependent through an examination of multiple sources
relationships among people, the economy and identify reasons underlying similarities and
the environment differences among historical narratives
develop a reasoned position that is informed by
historical and contemporary evidence
demonstrate an understanding of how changes in
technology can benefit or harm societyin the
context of the present, the future and various historical
time periods
use current, reliable information sources from around
the world

S.3: Develop skills of geographic thinking:

analyze the impact of physical and human geography
on history
make inferences and draw conclusions from maps and
other geographical sources
locate, gather, interpret and organize information,
using historical maps
develop and assess geographical representations to
demonstrate the impact of factors of geography on
world events
assess the impact of human activities on the land and
the environment
assess how human interaction impacts geopolitical
use current, reliable information sources from around
the world, including online atlases

S.4: Demonstrate skills of decision making and problem

demonstrate leadership in groups to achieve
consensus, solve problems, formulate positions and
take action, if appropriate, on important issues
develop inquiry strategies to make decisions and solve
generate and apply new ideas and strategies to
contribute to decision making and problem solving
describe a plan of action to use technology to solve a
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence


Poll Everywhere word cloud asking What does globalization mean to you in order to
understand how well students grasp the interconnectivity component of Related Issue 1.

Quizzes, Tests, Assignments Performance Tasks, Projects

Chapter 5/6 Quiz Rwanda Creative Project

Culminating Essay
Unit Final Test

Other Evidence (observations, work samples, Student self-assessment


Exit Slips Source Analysis Peer Review

Souce Analysis Essay Organizer
Classroom Debates
SEE-I on Legacies
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

Poll Essay
Source Chapter Rwanda
Learning Title Everywhere Exit Slips SEE-I Planning Essay Unit Test
Analysis 5/6 Quiz Project
Word Cloud Guide
Type F F F F F/S F/S F/S F/S S

Weighting 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 20% 5% 35% 30%

2.1: recognize and appreciate
historical and contemporary
consequences of European contact,
historical globalization and
imperialism on Aboriginal societies
2.2: exhibit a global consciousness
with respect to the human
2.3: accept social responsibilities

associated with global citizenship

2.4: recognize and appreciate the

validity of oral histories

2.5: recognize and appreciate
various perspectives regarding the
prevalence and impacts of
2.6: examine impacts of cultural
contact between Indigenous and
non-Indigenous peoples (exchange
of goods and technologies,
depopulation, influences on
government and social institutions)
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

2.7: explore the foundations of

historical globalization (rise of
capitalism. industrialization,
imperialism, Eurocentrism)
2.8: explore the relationship
between historical globalization
and imperialism
2.9: examine multiple perspectives
on the political, economic and
social impacts of historical
globalization and imperialism
2.10: examine imperialist policies
and practices that affected
Indigenous peoples (British rule in
India, British and French rule in
Canada, post-colonial governments
in Canada)
2.11: analyze contemporary global
issues that have origins in policies
and practices of post-colonial
governments in Canada and other
locations (consequences of
residential schools, social impact
on indigenous peoples, loss of
Indigenous languages, civil strife)
2.12: evaluate various attempts to
address consequences of
Imperialist policies and practices
on Indigenous peoples in Canada
and other locations

2.13: examine legacies of historical

globalization and imperialism that
continue to influence globalization
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

Assessment Tool Overview

Assessment Assessment Assessment
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR Learning AS Learning OF Learning
The Poll Everywhere Word Cloud is a pre-
assessment activity where I can assess previous
knowledge regarding globalization based off
learning from Related Issue 1. The question will
Poll Everywhere
Word Cloud
be posed to the class what does globalization
mean to you? They will txt in their one word
responses, and from there we will discuss both
the similarities and differences between
modern and historical globalization.
Exit slips are a great way to formatively assess
students understanding regarding the
important content of that days lesson. They can
Exit Slips
also be used to review prior concepts, or check
to see if linkages between peoples, events and
terms are being created.
An important theme of this unit is legacies.
Having the students create SEE-I for the term is
important because it will not only further their
conceptual understanding, it also helps
familiarize them with a concept that may
appear repeatidly on their final exam.
Throughout the unit students will complete
various source analysis that allow them to use
critical thinking skills in order to analyize and
describe the source being used. This is an
important skill not only for examination
preparation, it also is used to ensure students
are creating ties between modern media
Source Analysis
depictions, and the concept of globalization. By
having students work in paris to peer assess,
the not only gain experience by viewing the
work of another, it also gives them an
opportunity to self assess once the process is
complete so they can track their progess when
it comes to an otherwise difficult task.
Chapter 5/6 Quiz The chapter 5/6 quiz will serve as a midpoint
evaluation for the students. It will also provide
an effective learning opportunity for the
instructure in regards to which terms or
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

concepts the students are grasping well, and

which ones may need to be revisited.

The Rwanda project is an important one for

related issue 2. Students will be allowed ot
create a newapaper article, record a video,
write and perform a song, or create a poster to
explain their thinking. They will be asked to
recap the events that occurred in Rwanda and
explain how the very same events have spilled
Rwanda Project over in the Democratic Republic of Congo and
continue to have an impact today. Finally, they
will be asked to tie the two together, by
analyzing how a historical globalization event is
relevant to modern globalization. This serves as
an excellent learning opportunity, because it
answers the question of relevance when
dealing with a unit that is largely history based.
By assigning an essay planning guide to the
students, it helps lesson the burdon of the
writing process. The essay planning guide will
be due before the students start working on
their essays. Students will use events,
individuals or ideas from the unit they feel
Essay Planning
most adequately answers the critical inquiry
question to formulate their repsonses. This is a
beneficial process because the students are
given feedback regarding the direction they are
going before they begin to fully cultivate their
thoughts, therefore providing them with an
opportunity to correct if need be.
As stated above, students will be asked to
answer the critical inquiry question from the
beginning of the unit. Students will write a 5
Essay paragaph response using their completed essay
planning guides to direct their thinking. Essay
formats will follow the standards layed out an
expected on their final examination.
Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan Grade Level 10-1
Wyatt Sehn Topic Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization
Length of Unit (days) 6 Weeks (27 Classes)

The unit test is an opportunity to assess

students understanding throught the course of
the unit. Related issue 2 covers a substantial
amount of historical information including
Unit Test terms, individuals and events, so providing an
effective study guide for the students well in
advance will help narrow their thinking
regarding what concepts need to be

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