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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Formal Observation Report R.

Teacher Intern: Abby Dykema Date: Observation #
Mentor Teacher: Time of Observation: Approx. time spent planning this
lesson: 2
Grade Level: 3 Subject/ Topic: Math
[*Sections denoted with * are for supervisors use only.]


Main Focus:
Brief Context: Students will practice
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
Objectives: [Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.]
Students will recall and apply multiplication strategies through games and assignments
Students will work collaboratively with peers
Students will memorize multiplication facts of 2
Assessment: [Formative and Summative]
Formative: Observation
Summative: Flipbooks
Worldview Integration: Students will apply their knowledge of different multiplication strategies
Instructional Resources:
Game board/cards/game chips
Youtube Video (Schoolhouse Rock)

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines )

Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Expression Multiple Means of
Representation Engagement
Options for Perception Options for action/interaction Options for recruiting
Students will have the Students will play a game with interest
opportunity to practice peers Students will have the
multiplication through opportunity to experience each
technology, interacting with a station and play games with
peer, and a flipbook with the peers and through technology
Options for Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Effort
Language/Symbols & Persistence
Students will write down their Students will stay moving and
answers and share how they will have the opportunity to play
got their answers within a small games with their peers and
group through technology
Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Options for Self-Regulation
Students have 3 stations to Function Students will have to complete
have different experiences to an online quiz and go through
help strengthen their the flipbook to check their
understanding of the strategies understanding of the strategies
and memorize their facts of
multiplication with 2s
* Supervisors Comments:


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building (Note any specific ways in
which you plan to build or strengthen relationships and community student-student & teacher -
Students will work in small groups and in partners. Students know they are held to expectations to respect one
another. As a teacher, I will respect my students and offer any guidance or prompting that I find necessary.

CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: (Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self regulation,

Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention:
Students will follow a timer to know when they rotate, students will then follow instructions from
the teacher
I will remind students of the expectations
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students:
If a students disobeys or distracts other students, I will separate them from the group to work

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute
to the learning.
Students will be rotating stations. One group will be at one corner of the room and the big circle table
to work on computers. Another group will be playing a game on the floor in the front of the class. The
last group will sit at the small circle table with the teacher to work on the flipbooks.

*Supervisors Comments:

Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to engage your students into the content.]
1. Explain to students that we are going to divide the class into 3 groups and do rotation stations
a. Each station will be 15 minutes
2. Station 1 involves computers
a. Review expectations for using computers
i. No games, unless it is the game you are supposed to play
ii. Do not pick up, drop, or throw the computer!
iii. No water or food on the table with the computer
b. You will go to our 3rd grade share site, and click the link that says Khan Academy
a. You will have to answer questions by multiplying by 2
i. If you finish with extra time elft, go back to the share site and click the link that
says Ski Racer
a. Ask if the students have any questions
5. Station 2 will be working on a flipbook
a. Explain that I will be walking around, but will spend the most time at this station to help
with understanding
b. Show that the flipbook covers all the strategies we have learned for multiplication, plus
new methods to help us memorize the facts
c. We will be skipping the last page (page 5) of the flipbook, but expect the students to do
every other page
d. The teacher will explain it to the students in a small group to help with understanding
e. Ask if the students have any questions
6. The third station will be a game!
a. Within your small group, you will need to find a partner
i. There may have to be one group of 3 for some groups, that is okay!!
b. Each group will get one game paper (show students the game paper: a grid sheet with
numbers inside) and will get cards with numbers on them (show students the cards)
c. The cards will start in one pile, face down
d. Each student takes a turn picking up a card, and it is your job to multiply that number by
i. For example, lets say I pick up the card that says 6. What would my answer be?
ii. Ask for a student volunteer to share the answer (12)
iii. The answer is 12! So then I take one of these game chips, find the number 12 on
the game board, and cover it with my chip
iv. Lets say I said that the answer was 10, then my partner would tell me that I was
wrong and I would not be able to cover the number. Id have to wait another to
turn to try and cover another number
v. Whichever partner has the most chips on the game board at the end, wins
e. Ask if the students have any questions
7. Divide the class into 3 groups and assign them to a rotation station
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
1. Walk around to help students set up/answer any questions
2. Go to the group with the flipbooks
a. Ask if they have any questions so far
b. Once they get to page 3 (repeated addition) explain that in each
problem, you are multiplying by 2, so the first number will always
stay 2
c. Then, they have to count how many 2s there are
i. Point to 2+2+2
ii. Ask how many 2s there are (3)
iii. There are 3! So what do you think we are multiplying by (3)
iv. Ask what 2+2+2 is (6)
v. Ask what 2x3 is (3)
d. If students are showing a lack of understanding, continue with more
guidance through the rest of the repeated addition
e. Once students make the connection between repeated addition and
multiplication, let them finish that page independently
3. After 15 minutes, have the students point to where they are going next
a. Allow students to rotate, and repeat #2
4. Repeat #3
1. When the students have been to each rotation station, call them back to their seats
a. Show Schoolhouse Rock, multiplication by 2 video
3. If there is extra time, allow free time for the students
*Supervisors Comments: (Communication with students, questioning strategies, student
engagement, assessment in instruction, flexibility & responsiveness)


CANDIDATE NOTED EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Please note recent evidence of your
efforts as a professional.

Confidence/Teacher Presence:
Enthusiasm/ Energy Conveyed:
Pace & Flow:
Professional Appearance:

*Supervisors Summary Comments:



What about your lesson went especially well? What evidence is there to support this?
What might you re-consider if teaching this lesson again? Why?

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