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TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

Katherine Banta
Name of the tool Popplet
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1. Type in URL: 2. Click log in on right side of
of how to use the the screen. 3. Click sign up button at the bottom 4. Enter your
tool information and hit next and click on The free plan 5. By clicking
make new popplet, you will be able to name your Popplet, type in
ideas, change colors, add pictures, and draw. 6. After the students are
done; they can save and share their work with others. 7. To share a
Popplet and add others to edit, click on the grey share button at the
top right corner of the screen and enter in emails of the people you
would like to share it with.
Ideas for how the With SOL 2.4 in Science the student will investigate and understand that
tool can be used plants and animals undergo a series of orderly changes as they mature
in PK-12 and grow. Key concepts include a) animal life cycles b) plant life cycles.
Students can work together to make a Popplet describing the plant and
animal life cycles using pictures, and drawings. With SOL 2.10 in History,
the student will explain the responsibilities of a good citizen, with
emphasis on a) respecting and protecting the rights and property of
others b) taking part in the voting process when making classroom
decisions c) describing actions that can improve the school and
community d) demonstrating self-discipline and self-reliance e)
practicing honesty and trustworthiness. The students will work together
using Popplet to come up with and share examples of responsibilities of
a good citizen. With SOL 3.1 in History, the student will explain how the
contributions of ancient Greece and Rome have influenced the present
world in terms of architecture, government (direct and representative
democracy), and sports. Students will work together and design two
Popplets. One for Ancient Greece, and the other for Ancient Rome. The
students will list and describe the contributions each ancient civilization
had on the present world along with pictures from media and drawings.
Positives and Positives: Popplet is free and simple to use. It is a great tool to use for
challenges of collaborating with others. Popplet allows you to change the colors, fonts,
using the tool add media, and draw pictures in the boxes. You can invite others to join
and add ideas to your Popplet. Challenges: You have to sign up for a
membership. The free trial only allows you to make up to 10 Popplets. It
might be difficult and confusing for young children.
Audrey Joyner
Name of the tool Scribblar
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1. Type in URL 2. Log in as guest. 3. Fill in
of how to use the name, email, and create a password. 4. You should be lead to a blank
tool room. 5. There are tools on the top and on the right hand side of the
screen to use for drawing. 6. At the top, on room options click, send
invite to include others to collaborate.
Ideas for how the With SOL A.7 The student will investigate and analyze function (linear
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative
tool can be used and quadratic) families and their characteristics both algebraically and
in PK-12 graphically, including a) determining whether a relation is a function b)
domain and range c) zeros of a function d) x-and-y intercepts e) finding
the values of a function for elements in its domain f) making connections
between and among multiple representations of functions including
concrete, verbal, numeric, graphic, and algebraic. Students can
collaborate with teachers by using Scribblar for extra help outside of the
classroom.With SOL 8.8 in English, the student will edit writing for
correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence
structure, and paragraphing. A) Use a variety of graphic organizers,
including sentence diagrams, to analyze and improve sentence
formation and paragraph structure b) use and punctuate correctly varied
sentence structures to include conjunctions and transition words c)
choose the correct case and number for pronouns in prepositional
phrases with compound objects d) maintain consistent verb tense across
paragraphs e) use comparative and superlative degrees in adverbs and
adjectives f) use quotation marks with dialogue and direct quotations g)
use correct spelling for frequently used words. Students will upload
rough drafts to Scribblar and peer review each others work using the
different editing tools Scribblar provides. With SOL HCAD 1.1 the student
will read and notate music including 1) identifying components of three-
and four- part choral scores. Students will use Scribblar to work through
notations and learn which notes are which by collaborating with others.
Positives and Positives: Scribblar is simple to use, free and easy for collaboration. It is
challenges of a great tool for tutoring. You can save and share PDF and Word
using the tool documents. There is a chat screen on the side for more collaboration.
Challenges: The free room is only limited to three people at a time.
Scribblar is not an app, so students will have to have a computer to use
the website.
Elisabeth Biswas
Name of the tool Google Slides
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions It is very helpful to have a Google account prior to entering the website.
of how to use the 1. Type in URL 2. Click on go to slides. 3.
tool Choose a presentation template from the gallery at the top. 4. The tools
at the top of the screen can be used to change fonts, backgrounds, and
add pictures. 5. To add others to Google Slides, click on the blue share
button at the top right corner. 6. You can either email the template or
send out a link.
Ideas for how the With SOL 3.7 in Science the student will investigate and understand the
tool can be used major components of soil, its origin, and its importance to plants and
in PK-12 animals including humans. Key concepts include a) soil provides the
support and nutrients necessary for plant growth b) topsoil is a natural
product of subsoil and bedrock c) rock, clay, silt, sand, and humus are
components of soils d) soil is a natural resource and should be
conserved. Students will work together on Google Slides to produce
slides that describe the major components of soil and its importance to
plants, animals, and humans. With SOL 3.11 in Science the student will
investigate and understand different sources of energy. Key concepts
include a) energy from the sun b) sources of renewable energy c)
sources of nonrenewable energy. Students will work together on Google
Slides to produce slides that explain the sources of energy and describe
how to conserve it.
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative
Positives and Positives: Google Slides is very easy to use, many people can go on at
challenges of once. There is an app, so you can work on Google Slides from anywhere.
using the tool If you do not have a Google account, it is very easy to create one and
sign up. There are a variety of templates to choose from. Challenges: If
there are more than three people to a group and some are not
contributing, your project will end up with blank slides, which could
affect the other group members.

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