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Grade 6 Novel Study

Pick-Your-Own Project
Student: _________________________

1. Write a future letter 2. For each chapter, write a 6-word summary. Choose
from one of the characters your words carefully so they have maximum impact!
in the book to another Single words, phrases, and sentences are all ok. Make
character in the book. sure you capture the main idea of each chapter with your
words. Use things like word clouds and visual poetry to
For example: Write a
make your ideas come to life.
letter from Jessie to
3. Re-write the
climax from the point of 4. Create a new book
view of a different jacket. Taking into
character- not the consideration the important
protagonist. It can be parts and themes of the
5. Draw or re-create a the antagonist, another novel, create a new book
major character, or cover and summary for the
major scene from the
even a minor character. back of the book.
In your own vision and
words, illustrate a scene
from the novel. Provide a
summary as to why you 6. Create a movie trailer. Using what you know about
chose to recreate the scene the book, create a brief movie trailer that would make an
in that particular way. audience want to see the movie based on the book.
You can recreate the scene **Please know that no extra class time will be given for
by drawing, digitally multimedia production, so only choose this option if you
illustrating, using textiles or have access to your own equipment at home.**
working with a group to act
out a scene.

8. Choose a character and create a

prologue for them. Now that you
7. As a reporter, write an interview with one know what has happened in the novel,
provide a background story for this
of the characters. Ask at least 10 thought
character to explain what happened
provoking questions that the character will
prior to the novel.
answer. Thought provoking questions should be
open-ended, not yes or no answers.
1. Write a future letter
Choose two characters from the novel and write a letter from one to the other that takes place after the novel ends.
The letter must be at least two pages double spaced. You can take artistic liberties but you must stay in character.
For example, Winnie should not be writing to Tuck about the new iPad she just got. Ensure your letter is relevant to
the story, but do not rewrite a chapter from the book.

2. For each chapter write a 6-word summary

Review each chapter (prologue all the way through the epilogue) and summarize them in six
words each. These could make up phrases, sentences or simply individual words. Consider
your words and format carefully. Ensure that this option creates some sort of visual with the
words you use. This could be in the form of a word cloud, visual poetry or another type of
visual representation of the words/phrases. This project must take up at least one page and
you must submit a plain copy that shows the words you use for each chapter.

3. Rewrite the climax

Take the climax of Tuck Everlasting and rewrite it from another characters perspective. You may use any of the
characters present for the climax for this project option. This project must be at minimum two pages double spaced
and should follow story writing format.

4. Create a book jacket

Consider the cover of the novel, or research other covers for this novel, why did the illustrator choose to do it this
way? Now, plan your own novel cover taking the content of the novel into consideration. This may be drawn by hand or
illustrated on the computer. Then, write a teaser trailer for the back of the book that would persuade the audience to
read this book. For this project, the illustration should be on half of a standard piece of paper and the summary should
take up the second half.

5. Draw or recreate a major scene from the novel

Choose an important scene in the novel and either hand-draw or illustrate it on the computer. Make sure you stay true
to the description in the book because youll need to explain why you drew/illustrated the scene in that particular
way. Make sure you include all important details to the scene including setting, character and relevant action.

6. Create a movie trailer

Based on the important ideas and scenes in the book, put together a movie trailer that entices an audience to see the
movie. The trailer can be animated, stop motion, live action or another form you so chose. Keep in mind that no extra
class time will be given for this option, so only chose this project if you have the means and know-how to edit your
trailer as home.

7. Write an interview
Choose one character youd like to interview from the novel. Write 10 interesting questions you would ask them and
then come up with their answers. These should not be yes or no questions, they should be relevant to the story and not
questions like Whats your favorite food? However, the questions you ask might be outside the scope of the novel and
you will then develop answers based on the characters background and personality.

8. Create a prologue
Choose one character from the novel and write them a prologue, or background story. This story should be at minimum
two pages double spaced and should provide antecedent action and background on this character. The prologue should
provide information that ties into the novel at some point.
Novel Study Planning Page
Student Name: ________________________________
My Project:___________________________________
Due Date:_____________________________________

Planning & Initial Thoughts

Important Quotes/Information Materials Needed (paper, computer etc.)

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Make final changes?
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