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Baby Life-Crisis Parents

The target audience is baby boomers aged 49-67 years old, that donate money to charity.

These baby life-crisis parents are parents, whose children recently left for college or parents that

miss taking care of children. Since these baby life-crisis parents long for the presence of children

and are well established in their careers, this type of donor is more inclined to give back to

organizations that aid children.

The baby life-crisis parents are based in Jacksonville, which is fantastic for charities,

since Jacksonville is No. 6 on the top 15 most giving cities, according to philanthropy. Also,

philanthropy reports, married couples are 1.6 times more apt to donate to charities and those who

possess a bachelor degree are 1.5 times more likely to donate, then singles and those without a

bachelor degree, who are 1 times more likely to give. In short, Jacksonville couples are more

likely to donate and especially those with a bachelor degree.

Specifically, motifinvesting expands on the baby boomer's demographics. Out of all the

living generations, baby boomers total 43 percent of the giving population. Also, baby boomers

are the 2nd most generous, supporting 4.5 charities with an average annual gift of over one

thousand dollars. Although, baby boomers have the most donors nationwide, with 51 million

donors aiding charities.

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

According to USNews, baby boomers are settled in their careers, earning at or around

their peak wages. As 35 percent of baby boomers earn 100 thousand dollars or more, baby

boomers have 70 percent of all disposable income. Also, 80 percent of baby boomers have

retirement savings.

While the millennial generation is extremely knowledgeable about tech and are

adventurous, the misconception is that baby boomers are "out of touch" with the current world.

Although that is a complete fallacy, according to dmn3. As technology is advancing, several

baby boomers are taking advantage of the new devices that are available to them. While their

children are either at school or working, baby boomers spend more time online.

The green buzz agency broadens on baby boomer's loyalty. As baby boomers have tried

many products and services, they are loyal to brands that they are comfortable with. Thus, baby

boomers are highly valued to loyalty plans that businesses create.

Also, baby boomers are the generation that massively stood up for their beliefs with

protests and rewrote their parent's rules. Several of these baby boomers were teenagers when

protests were held more civil liberties for women and equal rights across genders and races.

Also, this generation wanted to give back to their communities more than any other generation,

as the national service report.

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

From this demographic and psychographic research, there are a few aspects that the baby

life-crisis parents emulate. First, that they are caring middle-aged parents that crave after the idea

of nurturing children again. Second, they have the highest disposable income of any other

income and regularly support the charities they are loyal to. Third, they are not passive in the

digital age, but actively use technology.

Accordingly, these baby life-crisis parents use few social media sources to receive

information as many prefer to use Facebook according to medium. Although, this audience is

online more than millennials, baby boomers like to gather information from newspapers. Since,

they are online a lot, 65 percent of baby boomers also enjoy getting information Facebook

according to markingprofs.

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

A Dog is a Girl's Best Friend

A young three-year-old girl had a dream of owning a dog and several people worked to

fulfill her dream. To everyone's dismay, Rue was diagnosed with cancer in the prime of her

toddler years. Immediately, her life and her families and friend's lives around her were forever

changed too.

In Rue's dream story, her mom said, "Rue had been the healthiest kid. Had never, I don't

think she has even received a fever before this, so this was a shocker. It was the last thing that I

thought anybody would tell me." It's apparent that this diagnosis was a shock for Rue's family.

A sponsor was able to surprise Rue at a staged Dream's Come True event with her dream.

Like a few times before, Rue went to a Dream's Come True event and was expecting to enjoy her

time spent there, but not to receive her dream. The room was set up with large Elsa cut-outs and

Rue was enjoying the company of those around her. Soon after, Rue received the dream she had

been hoping that the organization could fulfill. Rue's dream, a dog named Bolt ran into the room

and greeted her. Rue had a huge smile on her face and brought Bolt to her dad.

Recounting the entire experience, Rues dad said, "Dreams Come True has been very,

very kind to my family. They have reached out to us, asked us what the dream was, [was] patient

with us, you know Rue is only three." As an organization that centers on children with particular

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

circumstances, Dreams Come True strives to work with the families and get them as involved as


Like a Navy Seal, Rue is a fighter who refuses to give up on her mission. Since she began

her fight at three-years-old, Rue and her family have continued to remain strong during this

disheartening experience. Although, the family have found enormous comfort in the organization

that pursued them. Rue's father said, "You get your dream and it's still not over. You still get

invited for Rue to be in a fashion show or daddy-daughter golf day at top golf [or] get in the pool

at Jaguar Stadium. They don't forget you."

Regrettably, since Rue's development of leukemia in 2015, her health declined. Although

the organization provided support through granting Rue's dream and invited her to encouraging

events, Rue did not win her fight against cancer.

Dream Manager Natalie Lupo was a prominent part of the fulfillment of Rue's dream.

Lupo said, "Seeing the faces of the dreamers once they receive their gift is my favorite part about

working at Dream's Come True. I understand the weight that a life-threatening illness brings a

person and the entire group of extended support, like family and friends. I hope that by

completing these wishes, we have lightened up their lives in an extremely positive way."

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

While Rue's story is unique there are many other dreamers with similar stories. They are

waiting for their dreams to be fulfilled. Rue's story is an example of other dreamers who received

their dreams too and this was only possible through generous donations.

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True



Clara Howington

Public Relations Specialist, Dreams Come True

(904) 321-6723

Police Escort Motorcycles for Charity

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Sept. 25, 2017) - Police partner with Dreams Come True to host Ride

for Dreams on November 18.

During the 9th annual fundraiser, police will escort a group of motorcyclists around the

Jacksonville area and seven of the bridges. The proceeds are given to Dreams Come True, which

grants wishes to children in need.

Jacksonville Police Chief Anthony Grootens said, "This fundraising event uplifts the

officers. Knowing that the money makes a difference on many children's lives is heartwarming."

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

There are three ticket options ranging from $25 to $50. Every ticket includes breakfast,

lunch and live music. Catering the event is Opeland's of New Orlean's and Texas Roadhouse.

"I have supported Dreams Come True and all their wonderful endeavors for years. The

motorcycle ride draws tourists from around the state and encourages locals to participate in an

amazing cause" said Mayor of Jacksonville Lenny Curry.

The event is held at Adamec Harley-Davidson on Baymeadows. Tickets for the event are

available for purchase online.

Dreams Come True is a nonprofit organization that helps children with difficult illnesses

by granting dreams. Currently, there are over 400 children dreaming. Find more information

about Dreams Come True and Ride for Dreams on their website


Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

Clara Howington

Dreams Come True


Print Ad and Billboard

Pages: 1

Why are we advertising?

To get people to donate to Dream's Come True. By seeing these ads, the goal is to get people to

feel the urge to help the children that are in need.

Who are we talking to?

Baby life-crisis parents around 49-67 years old. These are parents whose children are college

aged or parents who have never had children and want a baby.

What do they currently think?

They know little of what Dream's Come True does and their events and because of their lack of

knowledge for the organization, they do not have an opinion. In terms of their donating, these

adults think that they already donate to many other organizations, however the goal for these ads

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

is to convey to the baby life-crisis parents that their money is going to be used for a greater

purpose than the organizations that the target audience donates to.

What would we like them to think?

We want the baby life-crisis parents to think that we need their donations to grant wishes for the

children in the program. That without their generous donations, wishes will not be granted. With

their donations, they are helping to ease the pain that the child and family are experiencing.

What is the single most persuasive idea we can convey?

That these wishes transform the children's lives in a positive way.

Why should they believe it?

The baby life-crisis parents should believe it, because of the powerful testimonials that children,

who have already received their gifts, have given to the public and the testimonials of family and

friends of the non-profit. The organization has already granted numerous children's wishes and

brought joy into their families.

Creative Guideline

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

Colors The main two colors for these ads should be purple-blue and white with the same hue

from the Dream's Come True website. The background of the ad should be white. The text

should be a bold black script. Also, a star will need a bright gold color.

Graphics For the graphic, use the cloud bubble that is already displayed on the Dream's Come

True website. The cloud bubble outline is the main focus of the ad. The outline of the cloud

bubble should be colored with the purple-blue color and glitter.

Fill the inner area of the cloud bubble with an image of a smiling child receiving a star,

resembling a dream. The star, that the child is receiving, should be a bright gold color. The child

should be a cartoon child with a long sleeve and pant pajamas set on. Either put moons or

shooting stars on the child's cartoon pajamas.

In the left-hand corner of the ad, put the square Dream's Come True logo, but change the

white color for the purple-blue and script to white.

Have a text box directly above the cloud bubble and in the right-hand side of the ad.

Words In the text box above the cloud bubble say, "Only You Can Grant Dreams". In the text

box in the right-hand side of the ad say, "For more information on granting wishes, go to

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

Billboard vs Print AD: The print billboard should follow the guidelines given above. Although

the print ad is more condensed in poster form, so re-arrange the square logo to be in the left

bottom corner of the print .

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

Clara Howington, PR Specialist

Dreams Come True


For use: Nov. 16, 2017 Dec. 26, 2017

:30 Radio PSA

Ride for Dreams

SFX: Motorcycle sound effects :05

VO: Male :10




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Making Dreams Come True









VO: Child





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Making Dreams Come True

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

Date: 12/4/17

Mateos Journey

A teenager, who had the opportunity to travel to Europe, had his life turned upside-down

by a life-threatening disease. Mateo was enjoying a lunch with his brother, father and father's

friend at Chick-fil-a one Thursday afternoon. Trips to Chick-fil-a on Thursday for lunch is a

tradition for Mateo's father and his friend. Although this Thursday was special, because Mateo

and his brother were invited.

Also, Mateo and his brother were already excited as they were scheduled to travel to

Europe later in that day. While the friend was talking to Mateo and his brother about their trip,

Mateo's father became very upset. Mateo said, "He blurts, like in the middle of the restaurant,

you have cancer" in his testimonial on the Dreams Come True website.

Obviously, Mateo and his brother were not able to travel to Europe. While in the hospital,

Mateo became infatuated with American history. He enjoyed learned about the civil wars and

fun-facts about previous American presidents. One excited thing that Mateo learned about was

the private bowling alley created by Richard Nixon in 1967.

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

Because the private bowling alley caught Mateo's attention, he wished he could travel to

Washington D.C. with his family. Immediately, the Dreams Come True team began looking for a

way into the White House.

Luckily for the organization, the board of directors at Dreams Come True have important

contacts in the area and notable recognition in the community. The former president of the

executive board, David Long was influential in granting Mateo's wish.

Through Long's contacts, he contacted Congressman Rutherford. While Rutherford used

his own contacts to reach the White House and request a special tour for Mateo and his family,

Rutherford and Dream's Come True were instrumental in creating a huge surprise for Mateo.

First, Mateo traveled to Washington D.C. and was able to experience the bowling alley

that he learned so much about while in the hospital, then he was given a huge gift.

"Coming here, that's all I thought that was going to happen, bowling in the White House.

Just go to the bowling alley a day and then we'd leave. The next thing I know we go to the

Pentagon, we're having lunch with a three-star general, tour of the White House West and East

wing. Like words can't explain the process of how to go through to make this happen" said

Mateo in his dream story.

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

From this experience, Mateo and his family were given a beautiful gift during his fight.

Dream's Come True recruited their board of directors to help extend their contacts to the White

House. To fund this dream, Dream's Come True used funds from donations given by the general

local and national community.

Dream's Come True needs donations from patrons like you! Without your support, people

like Mateo would not have received their wish. It's understood that not everyone is able to give

to the non-profit, so volunteers are also in dire need to help with events.

Dream's Come True is in desperate need of volunteers who have a heart for children and

impacting their community in a positive way! During events, all types of abilities are highly

valued. Do you have strong lungs that can blow up lots of balloons, good with technology or a

natural entertainer? All these talents and more are sought after for events.

For more information concerning Dream's Come True, Mateo's story, donating or

volunteering, visit

Home Office 6803 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32216 ph 904-296-3030 fx 904-296-4244

Making Dreams Come True

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