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Lesson Plan #2

Instructor: Myra Aguon

Grade Level: 1st Grade
Ages: 6 & 7

Diverse teaching styles

Lesson Plan Title: Cultures

Unit/Theme/Concept: Cultures (Social Studies)

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes

State Standards Addressed:

General Goal:
1.5a Students know the eight characteristics of culture include where I live, how I
dress, language, what I play, what I eat, family, celebrations, and art and

Cognitive Objective:
1.5a Given a Venn diagram worksheet, each student will compare with their
partner by writing at least four descriptive words in each column of the
chart with 80% or better on the worksheet.

Affective Objective:
1.5a Given the chance to work with partner, the student will participate work
cooperatively in an activity with a partner with 80% or better using the
behavior rubric.

Resources/Materials/Technology: computer, projector, PowerPoint presentation, white

board, pencils, erasers, culture worksheets, Venn diagram worksheets, Gonggi sets,
American jacks sets, and Gonggi rules.

Preparation the Environment:

The classroom will be set up with the students desks in a horse shaping facing
the front projector and whiteboard. The beginning of class is revolved around the
teachers demonstration, the concept map, PowerPoint presentation, Korean game
Gonggi sets, computer and projector must be set up before the students arrive. The
teacher should make sure that there are dry erase markers available.
The teacher must make sure to have culture worksheets, and Venn diagram
worksheets on the teachers desktop. The Venn diagram worksheets will be needed
through the lesson must be printed off before the students arrive. To limit distractions, the
teacher should close the door before beginning the class.
Prepare the Audience:
At the beginning of the class, the teacher will greet the students and provide them with a
plan for the day. When telling the students the plan they will play games to motivate
them to learn about the culture. The co-teacher, and resource teacher will provide support
and encouragement as well as to help motivate the students to learn about culture. Lastly,
the teacher will tell the students what he/she expects out of them as individual and a
whole class.

Teaching strategies/methodologies:

Warm-up: (9:00 AM 9:15 AM)

I will greet the students when they arrived. I will stand at the door when the students
come in the classroom. I will say Good morning students! Give them more inspire,
more positive, and motivate to learn! The students are getting organized and seated; the
concept map and PowerPoint Presentation will be projected on the whiteboard for their
viewing, and Gonggi sets on the table for game activity. I will give them an overview of
our days activities and objectives.
Good morning, students! How are you? I am good. Guess what? We will have
game activity! First I will teach you how to play Gonggi game. Then we will play
Gonggi game together! I want to review of the eight characteristics of culture to
make sure that you understand. Then, you will have partner to work on your Venn
diagrams worksheet if you and your partner have the similarities and differences.
Lastly, you will have to presenting about your culture worksheet to share with
your classmates in the front of the class. We will have lots of fun today!

Game Activity:
1. Use PowerPoint Presentation about Gonggi. I will show the pictures of Gonggi on
the slide three of PowerPoint Presentation that it will help students to be imagining
of what is Gonggi. I have to explain to the students about Gonggi that they will play
the Gonggi.
2. Show students a Gonggi set and ask students if they know what they are. Also I will
ask the students if they play Gonggi before. If one of them knows play the Gonggi
then encourage he or she can explain about Gonggi.
3. Explain to the students about what is Gonggi.
Gonggi, known as the Korean version of Jacks, is a game consisting of five-
seven small pieces, traditionally stones, and throwing and catching them in
various manners. The Korean game Gonggi is similar to the American game of
playing jacks. It can be played alone or with friends or family.
4. Show the students the Korean traditional game Gonggi video from YouTube. They
will watch a video of people playing Gonggi. It is really helpful for the students can
get a visual idea what Gonggi look likes and show how to play Gonggi.
It is known as the Korean traditional game. A brief history of Gonggi that
Gonggi has been played since 5th century. Adults and children play Gonggi
together. Also, this video explain and show you about how to play Gonggi.
5. Explain about the basic rules for Gonggi game on the PowerPoint.
There are five levels of the game. Level 1, the stones are thrown on the floor or
carpet and the player picks a tone to throw up in the air. While airborne, the
player should to pick up one stone on the floor. Then the player catches the stone.
These steps are repeated until all the stones have been caught. Level 2, the stones
are thrown on the floor again then the player catches the stones two at a time.
Level 3, the stones are thrown on the floor then stones are caught once in a
cluster of three, and the other in the amount of one. Level 4, the player throws one
stone in the air, places the others on the floor, and catches the airborne stone.
Then the player catches the four clustered stones on the playing surface. Level 5,
the player toss the stones from the palm of their hand in to the air. While
airborne, the player switches his hand backside up. The stones are then caught
the back of the hand. Then the player throws the stones in the air and catches
6. I will show and teach the students how to play Gonggi on the floor when the students
will sit on the floor with their Gonggi sets. The students will play Gonggi on the
floor and following the rules on how to play. We will playing Gonggi together.

- Learn content from PowerPoint presentation and video
- Record a lesson for the students
- Given an outline of a lesson on the whiteboard
- Use visual aids, such as PowerPoint presentation, pictures, and videos
- Students response when they use ASL

Instruction: (9:15 AM 9:30 AM)

1. I will draw a picture of a blank Venn diagram on the whiteboard.
2. Explain that a Venn diagram is used to compare and contrast things.
The ways that they are different go in the parts of the circle not overlapping and
the ways that they are the same go in the part of the circle that overlaps.
3. Ask the students to think about the similarities and differences amongst themselves.
4. Ask for two volunteers to stand up in front of the class. I will stand them next to
each other facing the class so everyone can see. I will ask students about examples of
how they are the same. For example, Bob and Jen both have black hair. After
discussing similarities, ask how they are different. For example, Bob has curly hair
and Jen has straight hair.
I will ask Bob and Jen what is their favorite color. Bobs favorite color is blue
and Jens favorite color is purple. I will ask both questions if they have in
common or not. Bob and Jen like hang out with their friends. I write, Hang out
with friends in the same part of the circle.
5. Explain to the students that we have to focus on the cultures if students have in
common or not.
I will ask Bob and Jen about their cultures. I will ask them if they celebrate
Christmas or not. Both said, Yes, we celebrate Christmas. Then I write
Celebrate Christmas in the same part of the circle.
6. Explain to the students that because of all of our differences, we are able to learn
from each other.
- Record a lesson for the students
- Use visual aids, such as Venn diagram on the whiteboard
- Give students examples of Venn diagram for notes
- Student responses to use ASL
- Have extra time to process oral explain and directions

Partner Activity Venn diagram worksheet: (9:30 AM 9:40 AM)

1. Call students name will be with their partner to work on Venn diagram worksheet
2. Pass out the Venn diagram worksheet to each student.
3. Given instruction to students:
You will with your partner to work on the Venn diagram where you and your
partner have in common or not. Look at the similarities and differences under the
parts of the circle. Similarities mean things you and your partner have in
common. Differences mean things that make you and your partner different. You
have to write five or more descriptive words in each column on the Venn diagram.
Look at the examples of Venn diagram on the whiteboard. It is helpful for you.
4. Tell students to begin and allow the students to get to work!
5. Rotate around the classroom and help students who need support. Assist these
students as needed.

- Give students examples of Venn diagram for notes
- Take more time to complete a Venn diagram worksheet

Presenting Activity: (9:40 AM 9:55 AM)

1. Use PowerPoint Presentation to review about the list of eight characteristics of
culture with the pictures.
I want to review about the eight characteristics of culture. I want to make sure
that the students understand about the culture.
2. Give students their culture worksheets.
All of you finished with your culture worksheet. Now, you will have to present
about your culture to the class. We will learn about you because we want to get to
know you. Please you respect each other about their culture.
3. Each student will present to the class and share with us about his or her culture with
culture worksheet.

- Students use ASL when they will present about their culture worksheet

Wrap Up: (9:55 AM 10 AM)

1. Once everyones done with his or her Venn diagram worksheet. I will collect the
students Venn diagram worksheets. We will have brief discussion about culture.
2. Show the students a website. I will encourage them to check this website to learn
about the cultures.
This website allows the students can watch the videos about cultures that it
really helpful for you that you will understand and more visualize from the videos
about cultures.
3. I will explain that we will continue to more learn about cultures on Wednesday.
4. Tell students to work on their mini project and they will have present about their
culture next Friday. I will tell students to check the blog for direction on their mini
5. Wish them a good work! Have fives to each student before students leave.
6. Wish them a good day and be safe!

I will accommodate for my students. I will give the students extra time to complete
worksheets. I will provide PowerPoint Presentation notes for the students. I will use
visual aids, such as whiteboard, PowerPoint, video, and charts. I will use visual images to
help the students to understand about the pictures with words on the PowerPoint
Presentation. I will read directions to use ASL to the students for instruction and use
small steps in instructions. I allow that the students are using American Sign Language
(ASL) when they response to questions. I will write on the whiteboard when the students
response to questions.

Assessment/Evaluation: Rubric and Checklist

Pre-Assessment: Inquiry questions
Formative Assessment: rubric scale (Venn diagram worksheet), behavior rubric
(individual), inquiry questions/discussions in the lesson, and observation during game
activity and partner activity.
Cognitive Objective:
1.5a Given a Venn Diagram worksheet, each student will compare with their
partner by writing at least four descriptive words in each column of the
chart with 80% or better on the worksheet.

Students Name: ____________________________

Category Strong Grasp Progressing Not in Evidence

5 points 3 points 1 point
Text support All statements are Most statements are Few or none of the
of comparison supported by the text. supported by the text. statements are
statements supported by the text.
Placement of All statements noting Most statements are Few statements are
statement similarities are placed in placed in the correct placed in the correct
within the the center circle and all circle, but student circle.
Venn diagram statements that note mixed up a few
differences are placed in statements.
the correct outer circle.
Number of Student is able to make Student is able to Student makes two or
quality four or more comparison make 3-2 comparison one comparison
statements statements in each circle. statements in each statements in each
circle. circle.


Total Score:
Affective Objective:
1.5a Given the chance to work with partner, the student will participate work
cooperatively in an activity with a partner with 80% or better using the
behavior rubric.

Behavior Rubric:

Students Name: _________________________

Partners Name: _________________________

1 point 3 points 5 points

Ability to work Partner was Partner was willing Partner was willing
cooperatively unwilling to help to share to share
out with work and responsibilities but responsibilities and
would not did not get their followed through
cooperate. work done. with those
Helpfulness Partner did not help Partner did their job Partner helped out
with the worksheet. and that was it. with all aspects of
the worksheet.
Attitude Partner was Partner was positive Partner was always
negative about the about the worksheet positive towards the
worksheet and and working worksheet and
working together. together most of the working with me.


Total Score: ___________

Gonggi Game Rules:
Venn Diagram Worksheet:
Name: _______________________________ Date: _______________________

Use Venn Diagram to compare and contrast that you and your partner have in common or
not. Similarities mean things you and your partner have in common. Differences mean
things that make you and your partner different. You have to write five or more
descriptive words in each column on the Venn diagram

Differences: Similarities: Differences:

Your name: Your partners name:

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