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Lesson Plans for Week of 10/30/17-11/3/17

Monday- Students complete their ending of their opinion piece about the
implementation of healthy lunches at school. [LAFS.4.W.1.1,2.5,]Student
who complete their revise and editing before completing their final draft.
Task: Complete ending of essay
Topic: Healthy school lunches
Type: Opinion
Tuesday- Students will be introduced to their new prompt.
Student Prompt: Write an essay in which you give information about the
benefits of composting. Use information from the passages in your essay.
Text: Composting (Science Weekly), Natures Recycling, Your Compost
Corner, and How Compost Piles Work
Teacher Prompt: Write an essay in which you give information about the
benefits of consuming apples on the regular. Use information from the
passage in your essay.
Text: Apples The Health Benefits (Readworks), Are Some Apples Better
Than Others? (Philly Voice), and Why Apple A Day Keeps Doctor Away?

Have students read text first without revealing prompt.

Reveal prompt and have students complete their second read of article but
this time looking for a big idea.
Model big idea of benefits of apple
Circulate and conference with students to find first benefit of composting.
After students have found their big idea allow them to plan their first middle
on their planning sheet.
Wednesday- Students will reread passages for third time to find their second
middle. Students will plan their second middle as well as their beginning and
ending. LAFS.4.W.2.5
Thursday- Students will begin their writing piece. They will start with their
beginning. Craft focus : Insight [Cause/effect]
Friday- Students will begin writing their first middle. Craft focus: Evidence
and Elaboration

Shared Reading:
Monday- Complete text court for Museums: Worlds of Wonder Assessment
questions 4-6
Tuesday- Explicitly explain text structure w/ anchor chart
First read of Immigration text. Focus: Text Structure and Main Idea
Assessment: Students complete consensus map about main idea and text
Wednesday- Introduce second text Coming to USA . Review text
structure. Have students complete consensus map for text structure.
Multiple choice assessments:

1. What goals did the Ibrahim sisters have for their future?

1. They wanted to become doctors and go back to Somalia.

2. They wanted to live in camps in Africa with their family.
3. They wanted to stay in Boston because they like the religion and culture
4. They wanted to work for the International Rescue Committee.

2. Which of the following does the author describe first in the passage?

1. The author describes the future goals of the Ibrahim sisters.

2. The author describes the reasons the Ibrahim family left Somalia.
3. The author describes the life of the Ibrahim family in refugee camps.
4. The author describes how the Ibrahim family ended up in Boston.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that

1. The father of the Ibrahim family has a new job as a doctor in the United
2. the Ibrahim family had plenty of food in Somalia
3. it was hard for the Ibrahim family to adjust to life in the United States
4. life in the refugee camps was a lot of fun for the Ibrahim family

4. Read the following sentence and answer the question below:

'There are a lot of nice people, and there are a lot of cruel people, she said.

In the sentence, the word cruel most nearly means

1. angry
2. mean
3. interesting
4. happy

5. What would be another good title for this passage?

1. A Family from Somalia

2. A New Life in the United States
3. Escaping Famine and Finding Food
4. The Civil War in Somalia

Have students complete one written responses. Why did the Ibrahim family need
to leave Somalia?

Thursday The Twilight of the Italian Social Club. Have students complete
a multiple choice assessment.

1. What is a social club?

1. another name for a dance club

2. a gathering place for Italians
3. an organization formed by ethnic groups where people could gather
4. a club for young socialites

2. What does the author describe in the passage?

1. past and present Italian social clubs in New York City

2. the trials immigrants faced on their journey to America
3. a large party held by Van Westerhout Cittadini Molesi
4. the process by which young boys were allowed to join social clubs

3. What can be concluded from the following sentences? They were places where
men could gather after work and where families could gather on special
occasions When a neighborhood boy was allowed to join his local social club, it
was like a rite of passage for him. It meant that he was one step closer to becoming
a man.

1. Both men and women could become members of social clubs.

2. Membership at the social clubs was mostly for men.
3. Boys were allowed to join social clubs at age eighteen.
4. Women were never allowed in social clubs.

4. Italian social clubs were considered influential forces in the community. What
evidence from the text supports this conclusion?

1. Italians had social clubs not just in little Italy, but in many other
2. A member was required to pay dues to the club.
3. While the members of the clubs were all Americans, they still celebrated
Italian holidays.
4. Local politicians would often drop by the clubs at election time, to try and
get votes.

5. What is this passage mainly about?

1. the role of social clubs in New York City

2. the creation of Little Italy in New York City
3. the poor living conditions for immigrants in the 1800s and 1900s
4. the diversification of former Italian neighborhoods in New York City

Written Response:

How have Italian social clubs changed since the 1900s, and why? Name two
changes mentioned in the text and why they occurred.

LAFS.4.R.I.1.1,1.3.,2.5.,3.9; LAFS.4.W.1.2
Friday- Reading Performance Task (Synthesizing Information):
1. What are some struggles that immigrants or refugees face in their
home countries that caused them to come to America? Use at least one
example from each text to support your answer.
2. What are some challenges that newcomers might face in America?
Use at least one example form each text to support your answer.

Lafs.4.R.I.3.9,1.1; LAFS.4.W.1.2

ERT (Extended Reading Time):


Monday- Complete last of natural disaster projects. Work on information

poster with text features about their Greek God or Goddess.

Tuesday- Students complete first read of Portrait of an Animal Rescue

Expert. Model how to determine main idea with supporting key details.
Also help students use context clues for vocabulary skill building.

Wednesday- Students complete first read Teaching English in

Thailand. Model how to determine main idea with supporting key
details. Also help students use context clues for vocabulary skill building.

Thursday- Compare Justins job description as a wildlife rescue expert to

Michelles job as an educator who teaches Thailand students English.
Use j to text code text evidence. Use graphic organizer (Venn diagram).
Complete written response.

Friday- Compare how Justin feels about his job to how Michelle feels
about her job. Text code text evidence with the letter f. Use graphic
organizer. Complete written response.

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