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High prevalence of malnutrition Adriana Garfolo

Fbio Ancona Lopez

among patients with solid Antonio Srgio Petrilli

non-hematological tumors as
found by using skinfold and
circumference measurements
Instituto de Oncologia Peditrica, Department of Pediatrics, Universidade
Federal de So Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina, So Paulo, Brazil
INTRODUCTION status in children and adolescents with can- ABSTRACT
Malnutrition in cancer patients is related cer, with comparison of the deficits between
solid non-hematological and hematological CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Malnutrition in can-
to factors associated with the treatment and
cer patients has many causes. Nutritional status
with the disease itself, and others such as the malignancy diseases at the beginning of the is usually assessed from weight/height indices.
economic and social conditions. Food intake, induction therapy. These present limitations for the nutritional as-
energy expenditure and nutrient absorption sessment of cancer patients: their weights include
tumor mass, and lean mass changes are not
and metabolism, as well as complications such PATIENTS AND METHODS reflected in weight/height indices. The objec-
as oral and gastrointestinal toxicity and neph- The subjects were children aged over tive was to evaluate differences between two
rotoxicity caused by drugs used to treat neo- one year and adolescents who were evalu- anthropometric methods and compare deficits,
in non-hematological tumor patients and hema-
plasias and infections play an important role in ated between March 1998 and January 2000 tological disease patients.
the etiology of malnutrition in cancer.1 within the support group for children with
DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study at
Food intake and appetite alterations have cancer [Grupo de Apoio Criana com Cncer Instituto de Oncologia Peditrica, Universidade
been identified as some of the main causes (GRAACC)] at the Pediatric Oncology Insti- Federal de So Paulo.
of malnutrition. The acceptance of foods is tute [Instituto de Oncologia Peditrica (IOP)], METHODS: Children and adolescents were
influenced by emotional and psychological Universidade Federal de So Paulo. The patients evaluated between March 1998 and January
were evaluated during their first month of treat- 2000. Traditional anthropometric measurements
factors, in addition to those associated with
were obtained in the first month of treatment
the treatment and the disease itself.2 Metabolic ment, in the form of a cross-sectional study (induction therapy), by weight-for-height (W/H)
disturbance is another problem among cancer while they were undergoing therapy to induce using z-scores index for children and body mass
patients, and this is often represented by cata- clinical remission. They were divided according index (BMI) for adolescents. Body composition
evaluations consisted of specific anthropometric
bolic status. It has been shown that the weight to their disease type (solid non-hematological measurements: triceps skinfold thickness (TSFT),
losses that occur in cachexia lead to reductions tumors and hematological malignancies). mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and
in lean body tissue.3,4 The inclusion criteria for subjects were arm muscle circumference (AMC). Data were
analyzed to compare nutritional assessment
Among children and adolescents, the that they should be children and adolescents methods for diagnosing malnutrition prevalence.
treatment itself, and particularly chemothera- referred to Instituto de Oncologia Peditrica The chi-squared test was used for comparative
py and radiotherapy, seems to be an important with a diagnosis of malignant disease; they analyses between tumor patients and hematologi-
cal disease patients.
nutritional risk factor. Their treatment is as- should be aged over one year; and a dietitian
sociated with nausea and vomiting, oral muco- should have made an initial assessment. RESULTS: Analysis was done on 127 patients
with complete data. Higher percentages of
sitis, constipation, xerostomia, dysgeusia and The exclusion criteria for subjects were deficits were found among tumor patients, by
food aversion, and it thus plays an important that they should not present any cancer- W/H z-scores or BMI and by MUAC and AMC.
role in decreased food intake, nutrient loss, related diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Higher percentages of deficits were shown by
TSFT (40.2%) and MUAC (35.4%) than by W/H
energy expenditure alterations and weight loss, cardiopathy, chronic obstructive pulmonary z-scores or BMI (18.9%).
particularly lean body mass.5 These conditions disease (COPD), gastrointestinal diseases,
CONCLUSION: Non-hematological tumor pa-
predispose such patients towards malnutrition, nephropathy etc; and they should not be tients presented higher malnutrition prevalence
especially when there are frequent periods of relapsed patients. than did hematological disease patients. Body
chemotherapy treatment.6 composition measurements by TSFT and MUAC
Nutritional assessment detected more patients with malnutrition than
Because of weight variations that are did W/H or BMI.
associated with tumor size, other methods The weight-for-height (W/H) z-score
KEY WORDS: Malnutrition. Nutritional as-
should be utilized to identify malnutrition, was classified in accordance with the World sessment. Anthropometr y. Cancer. Child.
in addition to the weight-for-age and weight- Health Organization (WHO) 1999 criteria Adolescent.
for-height methods. Thus, the present study for malnutrition in children,7 and the body
was carried out with the objective of evalu- mass index (BMI) percentiles in accordance
ating and comparing two simple anthropo- with the WHO 1995 criteria for malnutrition
metrical methods for assessing the nutritional in adolescents.8

Sao Paulo Med J. 2005;123(6):277-81.


Triceps skinfold thickness (TSFT), mid- improve the accuracy and reproducibility of Observed value 100
upper arm circumference (MUAC) and arm the measurements. MUAC was determined Percentage adequacy = _____________X
Ideal value
muscle circumference (AMC) were measured at the midpoint between the acromion and
at the same time, during the first month of olecranon. From these two measurements, The oncological treatment protocols used
treatment, in the first chemotherapy cycle. AMC was calculated as follows: consisted of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and
TSFT was determined by grasping the skin surgery, depending on the tumor diagnosis
and adjacent subcutaneous tissue between AMC = MUAC (TSFT x 0.314) (Table 1).
the thumb and forefinger, shaking it gently The Medical Ethics Committee of Uni-
to exclude underlying muscle, and pulling These variables were interpreted in versidade Federal de So Paulo gave its ap-
it away from the body just far enough to accordance with the Frisancho (1993) proval for the nutritional study protocol. The
allow the jaws of the caliper (Harpenden percentiles charts9 and their percentages of corresponding consent from all the subjects
and Cescorf models) to impinge on the skin. adequacy were demonstrated, which were parents or guardians was obtained after the
Duplicate readings were made at this site to obtained as follows: study protocol had been explained to them.

Table 1. Diagnoses of 127 children and adolescents with cancer (72 boys and 55 girls), studied in So Paulo
Diagnosis Proposed treatment protocol n

Solid non-hematological tumors 68

Osteosarcoma GBCTTO: doxorubicin, carboplatin, cisplatin, ifosfamide and surgery 26

Central nervous system tumors

Astrocytomas carboplatin, vincristine and surgery 7
Medulloblastomas ifosfamide, etoposide, irradiation and surgery 3
Craniopharyngiomas bleomycin and surgery 2
Choroid plexus carcinoma ifosfamide and surgery 1
Rhabdoid cerebral sarcoma surgery 1
Neuroblastomas III and IV (high risk) CAP-ICE: cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, platinum and ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide and surgery 9

Wilms tumor III and IV actinomycin D, vincristine, adriblastin, surgery and/or radiation 6

Rhabdomyosarcoma IRS: Surgery, radiation, vincristine, doxorubicin/actinomycin, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide and vepesid 3

Ewings sarcoma IESS-II: vincristine, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, ifosfamide and etoposide; surgery and 2
local radiation

Primitive neuroectodermal tumor 2
Liver sarcoma 2
Germ cell tumor 1
Leiomyosarcoma 1
Renal carcinoma 1
Adenocarcinoma 1

Hematological malignancies 59

Acute lymphocytic leukemia GBTLI LLA-93. Induction therapy for basic risk patients: dexamethasone, vincristine, daunorubicin and 32
MADIT (methotrexate, cytarabine and intrathecal dexamethasone). For high risk patients: dexamethasone,
vincristine, daunorubicin, L-asparaginase and MADIT. Intensification therapy: 6-mercaptan, methotrexate
and MADIT.

Acute myelocytic leukemia LMAIO-97. Induction therapy: 2-CDA, cytarabine (experimental therapy), MADIT, DAV-1 and DAV-2 (dau- 8
norubicin, cytarabine and etoposide). Consolidation therapy: cytarabine, mitoxantrone and etoposide.

Non-Hodgkins lymphoma Low risk: prednisone, cyclophosphamide, vincristine and methotrexate. High risk: B-cell lymphoma: pred- 12
nisone, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, VM 26, cytarabine, etoposide, ifosfamide and adri-
blastin. T-cell lymphoma: prednisone, dexamethasone, intrathecal methotrexate, vincristine, daunorubicin,
l-asparaginase, 6-mercaptan, cyclophosphamide and cytarabine.

Hodgkins disease MOPP (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone) or ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, 7
vinblastine and dacarbazine) and local radiation.

Total 127

GBCTTO: Brazilian Cooperative Group for Bone Tumor Treatment; IRS: Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study; IESS-II: Intergroup Ewings Sarcoma Study II; GBTLI
LLA-93: Brazilian Treatment Group for Childhood Leukemia; LMAIO-97: International Outreach.

Sao Paulo Med J. 2005;123(6):277-81.


Data analysis DISCUSSION observe statistical differences in TSFT between

Data were analyzed qualitatively by per- Many studies have demonstrated that pa- patients with solid tumors and hematological
centage values, to compare the nutritional tients with cancer are malnourished. Sanchez malignancies, but the percentage deficit was
assessment methods for diagnosing malnu- et al. (1992) found a malnutrition rate of 14% higher for the solid tumor group. Because cor-
trition. The Pearson chi-squared test and its from weight-for-height indices and 47% from ticosteroids improve fat stores further, in order
degree of association by the phi () coefficient biochemical indices. However, patients with to increase the catabolism of muscle protein,
was utilized for comparative analyses between solid tumors seem to be more prone to devel- it should be expected that more differences
the two groups (solid tumors and hematologi- oping malnutrition.11 A study by Schiavetti et would be found in fat tissue.16 On the other
cal disease) and between the deficits found us- al. (2001) found a malnutrition rate of 26% hand, catabolism of lean body mass is associ-
ing z-scores and other methods. A p-value of from weight-for-height indices among Italian ated with a poor quality of life, co-morbidity
less than 0.05 was considered significant.10 children with solid tumors, during antineo- factors like infection and organ complications,
plastic therapy.12 Elhasid et al. (1999) evaluated and increased mortality risk.17 Children and
RESULTS biochemical indices rather than anthropometric adolescents with cancer, especially solid tu-
Out of a total of 137 patients evaluated, 127 indices among 50 children with solid tumors.13 mors, have reduced body protein stores, due to
presented complete data and were used in the They observed that 36% of them had preal- greater whole-body protein breakdown. This
analysis. The evaluation was done during the first bumin levels that were lower than normal at catabolic state may occur as a consequence of
month of treatment, in the first chemotherapy the time of diagnosis. Another study, among the malignant disease itself, anticancer therapy
cycle of the induction therapy. Among the 127 osteosarcoma patients only, demonstrated that or complications of the therapy, e.g. infections
patients analyzed, 68 (53.5%) had solid tumors malnutrition prevalence increased during on- and organ failure.18 Therefore, catabolism of
and 59 (46.5%) hematological malignancies; cological treatment, as measured both by BMI lean body mass is a common effect of the dis-
56.7% were male and 43.3% female. The mean and by TSFT, MUAC and AMC.14 ease, thereby making the evaluation of body
and median ages were 8.98 5.77 and 6.67 years Our results have demonstrated that the composition an essential part of the assessment
(range: 1.92 24.58 years) for the hematological z-score or BMI and the AMC and MUAC of such patients. Furthermore, children and
disease group and 9.72 6.42 and 10.5 years indexes were, statistically, significantly more adolescents with cancer present problems
(range: 1.08 23.75 years) for the solid tumor depleted among children and adolescents with their weight measurements because of
group, respectively. Table 1 shows the cancer with solid tumors than with hematological tumor size, amputation and sometimes edema.
diagnoses of the 127 patients. diseases. Patients with solid tumors seem to Thus, measurement of body composition is
The comparative analysis of deficits accord- be nutritionally depleted, while those with an important procedure in evaluating patients
ing to z-scores and TSFT, MUAC and AMC lymphoma and leukemia tend to demonstrate in several situations, especially with regard to
demonstrated significant differences between fewer nutritional problems. This effect may catabolic diseases.19
z-score and TSFT, and z-score and MUAC (p < be associated with the nature of the disease as Although there are numerous methods
0.05). Thus, the overall analysis showed signifi- well as with the therapy. for such assessments, the majority are too
cantly higher percentages of deficits using TSFT Hematological malignancies consist expensive and impractical for day-to-day use
(40.2%) and MUAC (35.4%) than when using of cells that proliferate rapidly, and this at the bedside or in the field. However, the
W/H z-scores or BMI (18.9%). Patients with characteristic enables earlier diagnosis and anthropometric parameters of TSFT and
solid tumors presented greater deficits than did greater response to chemotherapy.15 On the circumferences are practical and, if properly
those with hematological malignancy diseases, other hand, in the present study, the children measured, may provide good nutritional indi-
but statistical differences were observed only for and adolescents with hematological disease cators in pediatric cancer populations.20
z-score, TSFT and AMC, with a low degree of received corticosteroids as therapy to induce Smith et al. (1991) observed a malnutri-
association (Table 2). It was further observed remission. These drugs are associated with tion prevalence of 5% at the time of diagnosis,
that TSFT, MUAC and AMC identified greater several side effects: the effects most relevant among children and adolescents with cancer,
numbers of malnourished patients than did to nutritional status are increased appetite, as measured by the z-scores of weight-for-
the z-score, particularly in the hematological gains in fat mass and loss of muscle protein.16 height and height-for-age. However, in the
disease group. In spite of this, in the present study we did not same study, 20 and 23% of the patients were

Table 2. Distribution of 127 malnourished children and adolescents according to tumor group and nutritional assessment methods

Hematological malignancies n = 59 Solid non-hematological tumor n = 68 Statistical analyses*

Malnutrition criterion Number Percentage Malnutrition criterion Number Percentage Chi-squared Phi coefficient

Z-score/BMI 4 6.8 z-score/BMI 20 29.4 p < 0.05 0.28

TSFT 20 33.9 TSFT 31 45.6 NS 0.11

MUAC 15 25.4 MUAC 30 44.1 p < 0.05 0.18

AMC 6 10.2 AMC 23 33.8 p < 0.05 0.28

Statistical differences between solid non-hematological tumors and hematological malignancies; BMI = body mass index; TSFT = triceps skinfold thickness; MUAC = mid-upper arm circumfer-
ence; AMC = arm muscle circumference; Comparative analysis of z-score deficits with TSFT, MUAC and AMC: z-score versus TSFT: p < 0.05; z-score versus MUAC: p <0.05; z-score versus
AMC: p = NS (not significant).

Sao Paulo Med J. 2005;123(6):277-81.


depleted, accordance to MUAC and TSFT, Our results corroborate those of Brennan hematological disease groups. Our study has
respectively. These results thus demonstrated et al. (1999),22 and have also demonstrated also demonstrated that the fat tissue and cir-
that anthropometry of the arm was more ef- that the AMC and MUAC indices were, sta- cumference indices were more powerful indi-
ficacious for detecting early malnutrition.21 tistically, significantly more depleted among cators of nutritional deficits than were weight
In the present study, we observed that children and adolescents with solid tumors indices, especially when using the WHO
weight measurements underestimated the mal- than among children and adolescents with definitions for the classifications. This may
nutrition prevalence among children and ado- hematological diseases. be associated with the corticosteroid therapy
lescents with cancer, in comparison with TSFT, Taskinen & Saarinen-Pihkala (1998)23 that the hematological group underwent and
MUAC and AMC. Brennan et al.22 compared evaluated the nutritional status of children the weight of the tumor in the other cancer
three methods for evaluating nutritional status. with solid tumors, at the time of diagnosis patients. Nonetheless, additional factors such
They demonstrated that weight and height and during preoperative and postoperative as the sensitivity and specificity of the methods
overestimated the status, while anthropometry chemotherapy. They found that the tradi- should also be investigated.
of the arm was shown to be independent of tional methods (weight-for-height, loss of
tumor size and, hence, was a better indicator weight and albumin) for assessing protein CONCLUSIONS
of nutritional status. Their findings indicated energy malnutrition did not detect more Patients with solid tumors presented
positive correlation between MUAC or skin- than two-thirds of the patients with reduced higher malnutrition prevalence than those
fold thickness and insulin-like growth factor I muscle protein mass, as indicated by muscle with hematological tumors. It is imperative
(IGF-I). In the same study, they observed that thickness ultrasonography. However, mid- that clinicians and dieticians be aware of the
solid tumor patients were more depleted, as arm muscle area and prealbumin had the need for more accurate assessment of nutri-
measured by MUAC and skinfold thickness, best validity. tional status in children and because of the
than were leukemia patients. The prevalence Thus, our study has confirmed the catabolism of the disease, and the side effects
analysis showed that 1 out of the 12 children results of Brennan and others regarding nu- of the oncological treatment, particularly in
with acute leukemia was malnourished, but tritional status in solid tumor cases, and has muscle tissue. TSFT and MUAC detected a
13 out of the 26 children with solid tumors shown the importance of body composition greater number of cancer patients with mal-
fulfilled the definition of malnutrition. measurements in both the solid tumor and nutrition than did W/H or BMI.

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Sao Paulo Med J. 2005;123(6):277-81.



Adriana Garfolo. Nutritionist, coordinator of the Clinical Alta prevalncia de desnutrio em pacientes com tumores slidos no-hematolgicos medida pelas pregas
Nutrition Service, Instituto de Oncologia Peditrica (IOP) cutneas e circunferncias
Grupo de Apoio Criana com Cncer (GRAACC), De-
partment of Pediatrics, Universidade Federal de So Paulo CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Em pacientes com cncer, a desnutrio tem mltiplas causas. Medidas antropo-
Escola Paulista de Medicina, So Paulo, Brazil. mtricas de peso e estatura so o mtodo mais utilizado para avaliao do estado nutricional. Infelizmente,
esse mtodo limitado em pacientes com cncer, pois o peso inclui o tumor e a relao peso/estatura no
Fbio Ancona Lopez, MD, PhD. Full professor, Discipline leva em conta alteraes especficas de tecido magro. O objetivo deste estudo avaliar diferenas entre
of Nutrology, Department of Pediatrics, Universidade
medidas antropomtricas e de composio corporal em crianas e adolescentes com cncer.
Federal de So Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina,
So Paulo, Brazil. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo de corte transversal realizado no Instituto de Oncologia Peditrica,
Universidade Federal de So Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina, So Paulo, Brasil.
Antonio Srgio Petrilli, MD, PhD. Associate professor,
Oncology Unit, Department of Pediatrics; and General MTODOS: Crianas e adolescentes com cncer com idade acima de um ano foram avaliadas de maro
Director of Instituto de Oncologia Peditrica (IOP) Grupo de 1998 a janeiro de 2000. Medidas antropomtricas tradicionais foram coletadas no primeiro ms de
de Apoio Criana com Cncer (GRAACC), Department tratamento oncolgico (terapia de induo) por meio do escore-z de peso para estatura (P/E) nas crianas
of Pediatrics, Universidade Federal de So Paulo Escola e ndice de massa corprea (IMC) nos adolescentes. A avaliao da composio corporal foi composta
Paulista de Medicina, So Paulo, Brazil.
por medidas de prega cutnea triciptal (PCT), circunferncia do brao (CB) e circunferncia muscular do
brao (CMB). Os dados foram analisados comparando-se as prevalncias de desnutrio entre os mtodos
Address for correspondence: de avaliao nutricional. O teste do qui-quadrado e o grau de associao foram usados para comparar
Adriana Garfolo as taxas entre portadores de tumores slidos e hematolgicos.
Rua Botucatu, 743
So Paulo (SP) Brasil CEP 04023-062
RESULTADOS: 139 pacientes foram avaliados, 127 tinham dados completos para anlise. O estudo
Tel. (+55 11) 5080-8440 demonstrou maior percentual de dficit nos portadores de doenas slidas no-hematolgicas pelo P/E ou
Fax (+55 11) 50808480 IMC, CB, e CMB. A anlise global tambm sugere que a PCT (40%) e a CB (35%) demonstraram maior
E-mail: percentual de dficit quando comparadas ao escore-z de P/E ou IMC (19%).
CONCLUSO: Pacientes com tumores slidos apresentaram maior prevalncia de desnutrio. As medidas
de composio corporal por meio da PCT e CB detectaram mais pacientes desnutridos do que o P/E e
o IMC.
Copyright 2005, Associao Paulista de Medicina PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Desnutrio. Avaliao nutricional. Antropometria. Cncer. Criana. Adolescente.

Sao Paulo Med J. 2005;123(6):277-81.

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