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Always Sometimes Never

(2) (1) (0)
A I am satisfied that I can turn to my family for Yes
help when something is troubling me.
P I am satisfied with the way my family talks Yes
about things with me and shares problems with me.
G I am satisfied that my family accepts and
supports my wishes to take on new activities Yes
or directions.
A I am satisfied with the way my family expresses
affection and responds to my emotions such as Yes
anger, sorrow, and love.
R I am satisfied with the way my family and I share time Yes

APGAR points : 10 (Highly Functional Family)

1. Social
Interaksi sosial baik, tidak menyukai orang yang egois dan Tidak disiplin

2. Cultural
Hidup di tengah keluarga baik, keturunan Minang, namun di rumah berbahasa

3. Religious
Agama Islam, sholat selalu dikerjakan
4. Economic
Selalu berusaha untuk bisa menabung uang, namun kadang-kadang lalai.

5. Education
Pendidikan dari TK , selalu ikut kuliah pengantar, jarang bolos kuliah
6. Medica

Tidak pernah menderita penyakit serius, kondisi tubuh jarang turun

VI. Family Lifeline

1. Lahir di Malang, 18 April 1996

2. Pindah ke Bukittinggi 1998-2000
3. Pindah ke Malang 2000-2002
4. Pindah ke Bogor 2002-sekarang
5. Belum pernah menderita penyakit serius

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