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Karina was a very clever girl. At school she was never satisfied just to go away after a
particular class, her head was always full with questions such as If I mix these
ingredients with these toxic substances, I will have another solution or she thought If
I read advanced level science books I will be better so she always wanted to know
some more. In this way, she was quite different.

Karinas was very inspired by her teachers in science and followed up one project after
another in quite high-level science topics she said if I have time, I improve what I am
doing . One was to do with the luminescence of plant juices; another was to do with the
relationships between fitness, exercise and anatomy; and another was to do with the
adhesibility of viscous substances (for example the stickiness of paint!). Three of Karina's
teachers had to do their homework each night in preparation for the next day's questions
from Karina.

After several weeks of experimenting, Karina had her potion ready! From her studies of the
behavior of plant juices in natural and artificial light she expected her potion to have very
unusual light absorbing properties. When painted on a surface she expected that light
absorbance would be partial to total. Total light absorption meant that the surface would be
invisible. Karina the clever schoolgirl had invented 'invisible paint'.

Karina tried the invisible paint in very simple ways. She thought if I paint some areas
they are invisible in normal light, and that the true image could only be seen when
viewed with crossed polarized light. Nancy also invented the correct viewing goggles.

Karina then painted several things of classroom furniture one evening and watched the
next morning as the class filled up. Bruised knees and loud curses greeted the first public
appearance of invisible paint. Nancy prepared a paint potion that would only last for about
fifteen minutes and the class was horrified as furniture slowly appeared. Nancy decided
she would know nothing, as cries of 'witchcraft' echoed around the room!

It was several days later when sitting with Karina , that Molly her best friend remarked,
"Girl, I wish I had some of that paint potion that made the chairs invisible in the class
"Why, what would you do with it?" Karina asked very gently.
"Well, If I have a little bit of that potion, I am happy because I would paint out some of
the fatter parts of my body, and the viewers would think that I was a model girl so imagine
If I have a perfect body, I have my boyfriend back to me.

Karina was struck dumb because Molly had just suggested an application that had not
even occurred to Karina. This promoted Nancy to spend several more hours in her
chemistry lab fine-tuning the properties of her paint potion. After a week Karina had just
the right properties of paint for the application wished for by Molly.

Molly's first idea concerned painting her dog Rayita was not Molly's dog of choice, she had
inherited Rayita when the neighbors moved to another County and remarked that there
was no space for Rayita in their newly purchased down town apartment. Though a very
friendly creature, Rayita was no beauty and Molly suggested beauty treatment as their
next experiment with invisible paint. He asked for help to another friend called Carlos.

"Carlos you are very good with a paint brush and you always do a smashing job with face
make up for the school play, if you do you cover some imperfections on Rayita, She will
look much better asked Molly.

"Well I will try to transform your friendly ugly Rayita into a beauty that even dog haters
would love," promised Carlos.

After about twenty minutes of difficult brushwork Carlos transformed Rayita into a beauty.
The ugly monster was no more. Instead a creature that would do justice to the cover page
of 'Dog's World' was parading around looking at himself in Molly's mirror not knowing who
he was looking at.

"Let's go down to the Mall and see who else notices the New Rayita", suggested Molly.

Down at the Mall Molly stood with the New Rayita on his leash, while Karina and Carlos
watched from a bench just across the way. Several dogs with their owners flounced past.
There was no question about the old saying that 'dogs and their owners look alike'. It
seemed also true, at least for the most part, that male owners preferred male dogs, and
females theirs. Notwithstanding the differences among the human passers-by, the dogs all
stopped and stared at the New Rayita. Several strained at their leashes to get a closer
view several could obviously not understand the mismatch between view and odor. The
old Rayita had always had a strong sweaty stale male odor, which certainly seemed
incongruent with the smart sensual appearance of the New Rayita! A group of women all
with their respective bitches on leash, stopped close to Karina and Carlos and proceeded
with a round of cheek kissing. Their dogs would normally not mix with the other underdogs,
because each had been brought up to think that it was the 'Unique Creature of the Mall' --
and that deference should be deferred by all underdogs! New Rayita was a hit and all dogs
were curious about this creature. Nancy told Molly to take Smog home before the effects
of the paint wore off, and Old Smog appeared out of the New Smog!

After the experiments with Rayita the girls decided it was time for a human try.
"If we pick a face that everyone knows, Carlos can paint Molly like that face and we
can see how the world reacts", suggested Karina.

"Well how about Cleopatra?" proposed Carlos," Everyone knows her face!"

"What you mean Cleopatra Jenkins from the Lower Sixth, she looks like the back of a bus,
" spluttered Molly.

"Don't be stupid Molly! " said Karina, if you continue saying silly things, I will stop the
"Carlos refers to Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt from biblical times."

Karina made a postcard with a picture of a beautiful woman with very black painted eyes
wearing an unusual headdress, which the caption claimed was the said Cleopatra Queen
of the Upper and Lower Nile.

After quite a short while under Carlos brush applied the invisible paint, Molly really wanted
to look like Queen Cleopatra of postcard fame. Even without any head dress 'Mollypatra'
looked facially like a ravishing Queen of the Niles! When the three girls walked down the
boulevard, many young men talked about the New Queen of the Niles. Unfortunately not
all comments about Molly's appearance were loving. "How can such a beautiful face be
carried on such a heavy undercarriage?" shouted out Thomas Timpson -- one very loud
boy from the lower Sixth, who actually had no clue that he was referring to the painted face
and actual body of Molly Mounds.

"Well its clear," said karina, If We modify the body of molly, it will be better
So the girls decided that they would dress Molly in an open dress and paint parts of her
body with invisible paint, as well as her face.

Carlos and Karina dressed down so that there would be no detraction from the dolled up
and fully painted Molly. Karina collected pictures of several classical film stars selecting
specifically 'femme fatale characters from the silver screen'. Carlos did some preliminary
sketches and had great ideas for the decoration of 'Mouthwatering Molly'!
Carlos and Karina left their cross-polarizing glasses at home when they accompanied
"Mouthwatering Molly" to the Midsummer Ball! This meant that they could watch the
painted Molly in all of her New Glory as 'Lower Sixth Form film star femme fatale' they
saw her just as all of the passersby would also see her and they were both stunned!

The three sat on stools at the bar at the left side of the stage so that everyone coming
though the main doors would immediately see them. They sipped on their soft drinks as if
they were nightclub cocktails. They decided to introduce their New Glory as Samantha, a
cousin of Molly's who came to take the place of a suddenly sick Molly. In no time at all they
were surrounded by boys with their tongues hanging out of their mouths, almost down to
the floor in a couple of cases. Most of the girls kept their distance, but the spitting
comments could be heard across the ballroom.

Carlos and Karina both quite liked being in the centre of the attention, for they too had
enhanced their status just by being next to Samantha. For such serious girls this amassed
attention was proving to be quite attractive, almost addictive! Molly as Samantha -- was
reveling in all of this attention. Samantha turned out to be quite a different personality to
Molly. Samantha was informing all around that she was from a privileged family
background, and just waiting for the next installment of her inheritance! Carlos and Karina
had to remind themselves that Molly was playing the character of Samantha right up to the
point of a completely invented and wishful biography!

"Tell us more about the family yacht?" asked Thomas Timpson of Samantha. Carlos and
Karina were just now hearing the conversation and hoping that Samantha was not enticing
Molly onto impossible ground. "Oh well," continued , " Daddy doesn't talk too much these
days about the yacht, I expect he might have sold it to buy a private jet!"

Carlos and Karina decided it was time to intervene before Thomas Timpson was
completely seduced by the thoughts of married fortunes, were he able to ensnare the
voluptuous Samantha. Accidently, Carlos and Karina collided spilling their freshly-filled fruit
juice glasses all over Samantha's dress and upper body. Then the unexpected happened,
slowly the invisible paint started to dissolve and wash off! Samantha's dress and body
showed the real body of Molly emerged from beneath the much thinner format of
Samantha. Thomas Timpson could not believe his eyes as an enlarging body emerged in
front of his gaze.
"What's all this then?" a puzzled young man asked the streaked Samantha who was not
quite aware that a transformation was occurring.

Carlos and Karina spontaneously decided that they must save Molly at all costs.
Thankfully only Molly's body paint was dissolving away, and the face of voluptuous
Samantha was still in place.

"Come Samantha" said Nancy forcefully, as she pulled Molly away from her dissolving
tryst with Thomas Timpson. "We promised that if we visit the sick Molly before the end
of the evening, she will feel better !" Molly was just about to erupt with anger, because
she as Samantha was enjoying herself. Clearly Molly was not aware of the dissolving
invisible paint and the streakiness of her emerging fuller body She said worried if
everyone knows who I am, nobody will come to me in order to know me. However
the three had agreed on the rescue phrase about 'visiting the sick Molly' -- if there was an
emergency and the other two thought a quick exodus was required. Molly huffed and
puffed angrily as the other two pulled her outside quickly -- away from prying eyes, whose
owners were all witnessing a transformation of size before their eyes. Then as they passed
a mirror, Molly saw for herself how her proportions were changing. "God", murmured

Back in Karina's garage they talked with the sad Molly, who wanted to keep the mythical
face of Samantha as long as possible. She thought If I keep this beautiful face, I will
have the opportunity to know handsome boys "

Molly really suffered lot after the ritual washing with the orange juice. Molly had quickly
learnt the difference between the 'painted Samantha' and the 'real Molly'. She told her two
friends that if she decides between being a sensible person or an artificial she wants
to be unique and very special but sensible

Carlos brushed up her painting skills and entered art-college, where she had a great
education into an opening world of art opportunities!

Karen experimented further with different solvents to extend the lifetime and stability of
invisible paint. She was one of the few girls to be awarded a patent on their invention while
still in her teens! Nancy was now still a very clever young woman and 'Invisible Paint' had
a great future!

Karina era una chica muy inteligente. En la escuela nunca estaba satisfecha slo para irse
despus de una clase en particular, su cabeza siempre estaba lleno de preguntas como si
mezclo estos ingredientes con estas sustancias txicas, tendr otra solucin o ella pens
Si leo libros de ciencia de nivel avanzado ser mejor as que ella siempre quiso saber un
poco ms. De esta manera, ella era muy diferente.

Karina fue inspirada por sus profesores de ciencias y sigui un proyecto tras otro en
temas de ciencia bastante alto, dijo que "si tengo tiempo, mejoro lo que estoy haciendo".
Uno tena que ver con la luminiscencia de los jugos vegetales; otro era hacer con las
relaciones entre la aptitud, el ejercicio y la anatoma; y otra era la adhesividad de
sustancias viscosas (por ejemplo, la viscosidad de la pintura!). Tres de los profesores de
Karina tenan que hacer su tarea cada noche en preparacin para las preguntas del da

Despus de varias semanas de experimentacin, Karina tena su pocin lista! De sus

estudios sobre el comportamiento de los jugos de plantas en luz natural y artificial,
esperaba que su pocin tuviera propiedades de absorcin de luz muy inusuales. Cuando
se pintaba sobre una superficie, esperaba que la absorbancia de la luz fuera parcial al
total. La absorcin total de luz significaba que la superficie sera invisible. Karina, la astuta
colegiala, haba inventado pintura invisible.

Karina prob la pintura invisible de formas muy sencillas. Ella pens "si pinto algunas
reas son invisibles" en luz normal, la verdadera imagen slo poda ser vista cuando se
mira con luz polarizada cruzada. Nancy tambin invent las gafas de visin correctas.

Karina luego pint varias cosas tales como el aula una noche y observ a la maana
siguiente mientras la clase se llenaba.. Nancy prepar una pocin de pintura que slo
durara unos quince minutos y la clase qued horrorizada cuando los muebles
aparecieron lentamente. Nancy decidi que hara como no saba nada, y se oyeron gritos
de 'brujera' reson en la habitacin!

Fue varios das despus cuando se sent con Karina, que Molly, su mejor amiga,
"Chica, me gustara tener algo de esa pocin de pintura que hizo que las sillas fueran
invisibles en la sala de clase!"

-Por qu, qu hara tu con l? -pregunt Karina muy suavemente.

"Bueno, si tengo un poquito de esa pocin, me siento feliz porque pintara algunas de las
partes ms gordas de mi cuerpo, y los espectadores pensarn que yo soy una modelo
as que imagnate Si tengo un cuerpo perfecto, Tengo a mi novio deregreso.

Karina se qued muda porque Molly acababa de sugerir una solicitud que ni siquiera se le
haba ocurrido a Karina. Esto promovi a Nancy para pasar varias horas ms en su
laboratorio de qumica de ajuste de las propiedades de su pocin de pintura. Despus de
una semana, Karina tena las propiedades correctas de pintura para la aplicacin deseada
por Molly.

La primera idea de Molly en relacin con la pintura de su perro Rayita no era el perro de
Molly de eleccin, haba heredado Rayita cuando los vecinos se mudaron a otro condado
y coment que no haba espacio para Rayita en su apartamento recin comprado en el
centro de la ciudad. Aunque una criatura muy amigable, Rayita no era una belleza y Molly
sugiri tratamientos de belleza como su prximo experimento con pintura invisible. Pidi
ayuda a otro amigo llamado Carlos.

"Carlos eres muy bueno con un pincel y siempre haces un gran trabajo con la cara
compensa el juego de la escuela, si te cubre algunas imperfecciones en Rayita, se ver
mucho mejor" pregunt Molly.

-Bueno, intentar transformar tu feo y amable Rayita en una belleza que incluso a los
aborrecedores de los perros les encantara -le prometi Carlos-.

Despus de unos veinte minutos de difcil pincelada, Carlos transform a Rayita en una
belleza. El monstruo feo ya no estaba. En vez de eso, una criatura que haca justicia a la
portada de "Dog's World" estaba desfilando mirando a s mismo en el espejo de Molly sin
saber a quin estaba mirando.

-Vamos al centro comercial y veamos quin ms nota la Nueva Rayita -sugiri Molly-.

Abajo en el Mall Molly se qued con la nueva Rayita en su correa, mientras Karina y
Carlos miraban desde un banco justo al otro lado del camino. Varios perros con sus
dueos pasaron volando. No haba ninguna pregunta sobre el viejo refrn que 'los perros
y sus dueos se parecen'. Tambin pareca cierto, al menos en su mayor parte, que los
propietarios masculinos preferan los perros machos y las mujeres. A pesar de las
diferencias entre los transentes humanos, los perros se detuvieron y miraron al Nuevo
Rayita. Varios se esforzaron en sus correas para obtener una visin ms cercana - varios
obviamente no poda entender el desajuste entre la vista y el olor. La vieja Rayita siempre
haba tenido un fuerte olor a sudor y sudoroso masculino, que sin duda pareca
incongruente con la elegante apariencia sensual de la Nueva Rayita! Un grupo de mujeres
con sus respectivas perras en correa, se detuvo cerca de Karina y Carlos y procedi con
una ronda de mejillas besando.

Despus de los experimentos con Rayita las chicas decidieron que era hora de un intento
"Si tomamos una cara que todo el mundo sabe, Carlos puede pintar a Molly como esa
cara y podemos ver cmo reacciona el mundo", sugiri Karina.

-Bueno, qu hay de Cleopatra? -pregunt Carlos. -Todos conocen su rostro!

-Lo que quieres decir con Cleopatra Jenkins de la Sexta parte inferior, se parece a la parte
trasera de un autobs -farfull Molly-.

"No seas estpida Molly!", Dijo Karina, si sigues diciendo tonteras, parar el plan
"Carlos se refiere a Cleopatra la Reina de Egipto desde tiempos bblicos".

Karina hizo una tarjeta postal con una foto de una mujer hermosa con ojos pintados muy
negros que usaban un tocado inusual, que el subttulo demand era el dicha Cleopatra
Reina del Nilo superior y ms bajo.

Despus de un corto tiempo bajo el cepillo de Carlos aplicado la pintura invisible, Molly
realmente quera parecerse a la reina Cleopatra de la fama postal. Incluso sin ningn
vestido de cabeza 'Mollypatra' se vea facialmente como una encantadora reina de los
Niles! Cuando las tres chicas caminaron por el bulevar, muchos jvenes hablaron de la
Nueva Reina de los Niles. Desafortunadamente no todos los comentarios sobre la
apariencia de Molly fueron cariosos. -Cmo puede llevarse una cara tan hermosa en un
tren tan pesado? grit Thomas Timpson, un chico muy fuerte de la sexta inferior, que en
realidad no tena ni idea de que se refera a la cara pintada y el cuerpo real de Molly

-Bueno, claro -dijo la karina-, si modificamos el cuerpo de Molly, ser mejor.

As que las chicas decidieron que vestiran a Molly con un vestido abierto y pintaran
partes de su cuerpo con pintura invisible, as como su rostro.

Carlos y Karina se vistieron para que no hubiera detraccin de los dolled y completamente
pintado Molly. Karina coleccion imgenes de varias estrellas de cine clsicas
seleccionando especficamente "personajes fatales de mujer de la pantalla de plata".
Carlos hizo algunos bocetos preliminares y tena grandes ideas para la decoracin de
'Mouthwatering Molly'!
Carlos y Karina dejaron sus gafas de polarizacin cruzada en casa cuando acompaaron
a "Mouthwatering Molly" a la bola de verano! Esto significaba que podan ver a la pintada
Molly en toda su Nueva Gloria como "Estrella de la Sexta Sexta estrella de cine fatale" - la
vieron como todos los transentes tambin la veran - y ambos quedaron atnitos!

Los tres se sentaron en los taburetes en la barra en el lado izquierdo del escenario de
modo que todos que venan sin embargo las puertas principales los vieran
inmediatamente. Tomaron sus refrescos como si fueran ccteles nocturnos. Decidieron
introducir su Nueva Gloria como Samantha, una prima de Molly que vino a tomar el lugar
de una repentinamente enferma Molly. En poco tiempo estaban rodeados de muchachos
con la lengua colgando de la boca, casi hasta el suelo en un par de casos. La mayora de
las chicas mantuvieron su distancia, pero los comentarios de escupir se escucharon en el
saln de baile.

A Carlos ya Karina les gustaba estar en el centro de la atencin, porque ellos tambin
haban mejorado su estatus simplemente al estar al lado de Samantha. Para esas chicas
serias, esta atencin amasada estaba resultando ser bastante atractiva, casi adictiva!
Molly - como Samantha - se deleitaba en toda esta atencin. Samantha result ser una
personalidad muy diferente a Molly. Samantha estaba informando a todos alrededor que
ella era de un fondo familiar privilegiado, y slo esperando la prxima entrega de su
herencia! Carlos y Karina tuvieron que recordar que Molly estaba interpretando el
personaje de Samantha hasta el punto de una biografa completamente inventada y

Cuntanos ms sobre el yate familiar? -pregunt Thomas Timpson de Samantha. Carlos

y Karina estaban escuchando la conversacin y esperando que Samantha no molestara a
Molly en terreno imposible. -Bueno -continu-, pap no habla demasiado en estos das
sobre el yate, supongo que podra haberlo vendido para comprar un jet privado!

Carlos y Karina decidieron que era hora de intervenir antes de que Thomas Timpson
estuviera completamente seducido por los pensamientos de las fortunas casadas, si
pudiera atrapar a la voluptuosa Samantha. De forma accidental, Carlos y Karina chocaron
derramando sus vasos recin llenos de jugo de fruta en todo el vestido de Samantha y la
parte superior del cuerpo. Entonces ocurri lo inesperado, lentamente la pintura invisible
empez a disolverse y lavarse! El vestido y el cuerpo de Samantha mostraban que el
verdadero cuerpo de Molly emerga de debajo del formato mucho ms delgado de
Samantha. Thomas Timpson no poda creer en sus ojos cuando un cuerpo de expansin
emergi frente a su mirada.
-Qu es todo esto entonces? -pregunt un desconcertado joven a Samantha, que no
saba que se estaba produciendo una transformacin.

Carlos y Karina decidieron espontneamente que deban salvar a Molly a toda costa.
Afortunadamente slo la pintura corporal de Molly se estaba disolviendo, y la cara de la
voluptuosa Samantha todava estaba en su lugar.

Venga Samantha ", dijo Nancy con fuerza, mientras sacaba a Molly de su cita de
disolucin con Thomas Timpson." Prometimos que si visitamos a la enferma Molly antes
del final de la tarde, ella se sentir mejor! "Molly estaba a punto de entrar en furia porque
Samantha se estaba divirtiendo ... Claramente Molly no era consciente de la disolucin de
la pintura invisible y la aspereza de su emergente cuerpo ms lleno Ella dijo preocupada
"si todo el mundo sabe quin soy, nadie vendr a m para conocerme" Sin embargo los
tres estaban de acuerdo en la frase de rescate sobre "visitar a la enferma Molly" - si haba
una emergencia y los otros dos pensaron que un xodo rpido era necesario Molly huffed
y hinch con enojo como los otros dos la sac rpidamente - lejos de miradas indiscretas,
cuyos dueos eran testigos de una transformacin de tamao ante sus ojos, y cuando
pasaron ante un espejo, Molly vio por s misma cmo cambiaban sus proporciones: -
Dios! -murmur Molly-.

De regreso en el garaje de Karina hablaron con la triste Molly, que quera mantener el
rostro mtico de Samantha el mayor tiempo posible. Ella pens: "Si guardo esta hermosa
cara, tendr la oportunidad de conocer chicos guapos" "

Molly sufri mucho despus del lavado ritual con el zumo de naranja. Molly haba
aprendido rpidamente la diferencia entre la "Samantha pintada" y la "verdadera Molly".
Ella le dijo a sus dos amigos que si ella decide ser una persona sensata o artificial quiere
ser nica y muy especial pero sensible

Carlos retoc sus habilidades de pintura y entr en el arte de la universidad, donde tuvo
una gran educacin en un mundo de apertura de las oportunidades de arte!

Karen experiment an ms con diferentes disolventes para prolongar la vida til y la

estabilidad de la pintura invisible. Ella era una de las pocas muchachas a ser concedida
una patente en su invencin mientras que todava en sus adolescencias! Nancy ahora era
todava una joven muy inteligente y 'Invisible Paint' tena un gran futuro!

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