HHP 430 - Reflection Paper - Anne Crutchfield

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Tanner Bradley

Dr. Buchanan


HHP 430 Reflection

Anne Crutchfield

I thought Coach Crutchfields presentation was very good and informational. I

have always wondered what the job of the Athletic Director of a college was. It was

interesting to hear about her interim job along with her coaching job and her career up

to where she is now.

During the presentation, coach Crutchfield as I stated before, talked about her

journey to where she is now. I learned that it is good to know people and build

relationships. By that I mean she mentioned how she was a player here at E&H and

then she taught and coached high school, then she was asked to coach at E&H. So, if

you make a good impression and make good connections.

I learned there is a lot more to an AD than I thought there was. Coach Crutchfield

mentioned how much paperwork and responsibility comes with it. I knew there was a lot

of responsibility, but all the paperwork and rules that she has to complete and follow are

very important.

She also spoke a lot about the NCAA and their different sections and rules. I had

no idea how much there was to the NCAA, and it opened up a whole new side of the

NCAA for me. It was interesting to hear how the NCAA DI. DII, and DIII are funded. She
informed us that the majority of the funding comes from the NCAA DI mens basketball

championship. The amount of that is about 800 Million for the March Madness

tournament. That funds the rest of the divisions in the NCAA. About 26 Million of that

goes to DIII schools.

Overall, I thought it was a very good presentation and very informative. I learned

a lot about the NCAA and about collegiate ADs. I think it was nice that coach

Crutchfield took time out of her day to inform us about the NCAA and her job.

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