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Day: Wednesday Date: 12/6/17

Subject: Science/Art

Common Core Standard(s):

S:ESS3:4:1.1 Recognize that astronomical objects in space are massive in size and are separated from one
another by vast distances.
S:ESS3:4:2.1 Recognize and describe the stars, like the Sun, as spherical in nature.

Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will be able to identify certain constellations and see them in
the night sky.

Resources/Materials List:
Spaghetti and mini Marshmallows
Cards with constellations on them for referencing
Paper and markers
Computer and projector for video

At the beginning of this lesson, I will open it up by showing a video about constellations. The students will see
how to find certain constellations in the sky and how to tell which ones are which. They will each be given a
card, a few pieces of spaghetti and a few mini marshmallows. I will give them directions and show an example
of how to create a constellation using the materials and then will ask them to create the ones on their cards. After
each child is done, they will begin a more creative activity about their own constellation. Each child will be
given a blank piece of paper where they will draw a constellation of their own and write what it means and a little
bit about it. I will ask each person to share their drawing and explain it to the class to wrap up my lesson.

Plans for differentiation:

Some students may struggle to piece together the spaghetti and marshmallows for the recreating of the
constellations on the cards, so I would help then a little or give them a partner to work with. For the students that
are quick to pick up on the spaghetti and marshmallow part would get more than one or would move on and be
asked to write more depth about their constellation that they created on their own.

I will walk around the room and keep track of the children that are doing the constellations correctly and help the
ones that are struggling or give them a better way to see how to build them correctly.

Plans for accommodation/modification:

If there is a child that I know will struggle, I would plan to give them an easier constellation to create or help
them get it started. For the constellation that they create on their own, I wouldnt ask them to write as much as
the others or for them to do a bulleted list on the back.

Whats next?
We will look in more depth at constellations and the background behind each one. We will talk about how to find
them in the sky and during what times you will see different constellations better.

Student Teacher Post-Instruction Reflection: Within 24 hours of implementing the lesson reflect in writing on
its effectiveness. Include feedback from the cooperating teacher.

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