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Should Patients With Substance Use Disorders Be

Prescribed Benzodiazepines? No
Robert L. DuPont, MD

involved benzodiazepines and 77.2% of benzodiazepine over-

Patients with substance use disorders (SUDs) should not use benzo-
dose deaths involved opioids (Jones et al., 2013).
diazepines to treat anxiety, insomnia, or anything else, for the same I came to my strong opinion about the simple standard
reasons that they should not drink any alcohol or use other drugs, that physicians should not prescribe benzodiazepines to
regardless of their primary drug used. Once the addiction switch is patients with SUDs based on a combination of decades of
thrown on, it never again goes off. This question has additional clinical experience and research.
relevance today because in 2016, the US Food and Drug Adminis- In 1968, I made a fateful personal decision, when, at the
tration put black box warnings on all benzodiazepines and opioid age of 32, I completed my medical training. In my residency, I
analgesics about the serious risks associated with their concomitant had worked 1 day a week at the Norfolk Prison in Massachu-
use. Anxiety is not a benzodiazepine-deficiency disease. It is possible setts, where I was not only fascinated by the stories of the men
to treat anxiety and insomnia without medicines of any kind, and it is with whom I worked, but I wanted to use my training at the
possible to use medicines other than benzodiazepines for these Harvard Medical School and the National Institutes of Health to
common and serious mental disorders. Although many patients with help people in the criminal justice system. I chose to work full
SUDs are eager to use benzodiazepines, using alternatives is often time for the District of Columbia Department of Corrections
effective and it does not put the patients recovery in jeopardy. The (DCDC). At that time, the District of Columbia was suffering
standard I propose here is based on the experience of many people from a crime epidemic which had started about 5 years earlier.
with SUDs who have tried and failed to use benzodiazepines for The intense public concern about crime in the city led President
Lyndon Johnson in 1965 to establish the District of Columbia
Crime Commission (Johnson, 1965). In 1968, Richard Nixon
Key Words: anxiety, benzodiazepines, substance use disorders labeled the city the crime capital of the nation. Into this
(J Addict Med 2017;11: 8486)
vortex I asked a question: Is heroin a major driver of the rising
rate of crime? I collected urine from everyone coming into DC
jail in August of 1969. Using the primitive thin layer chroma-
P atients with substance use disorders (SUDs) should not
use benzodiazepines to treat anxiety, insomnia, or any-
thing else, for the same reasons that they should not drink any
tography tests then available, I discovered that 45% were
current heroin users (Kozel et al., 1972). The year of first
heroin use tracked the rise of crime (DuPont, 1971). Next up:
alcohol or use other drugs, regardless of their primary drug
What to do about heroin addiction? I turned to Drs Vincent
used. This question has additional relevance today, because in
Dole and Marie Nyswander in New York who pioneered
2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 2016) put
methadone maintenance treatment. On February 18, 1970, I
black box warnings that the benzodiazepines not be pre-
started one of the largest drug treatment programs in the
scribed to patients also using opioids because of risk of
countrythe Narcotics Treatment Administration (NTA). As
overdose death among other serious interactions. Data from
an employee of DCDC, I launched my nearly 50-year career in
opioid overdose deaths show the high prevalence of the
addiction medicine (DuPont and Greene, 1973). Our success
specific combination of opioids and benzodiazepines: nearly
with methadone in the District of Columbia was largely
one-third (30.1%) of all opioid overdose deaths in 2010
responsible for the US FDA approval of methadone mainten-
ance treatment in 1973 (it had previously been available only
for use as an Investigational New Drug [IND]). That same year,
From the Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc., Rockville, MD (RLD); I became the first Director of the newly created National
Georgetown University Medical School, Georgetown, Washington, DC Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (Drug Abuse Office and
Received for publication November 18, 2016; accepted December 19, 2016.
Treatment Act of 1973, 2016).
Disclosure: No funding was received for this work. Throughout my career, in addiction medicine, I had
The authors report no conflicts of interest. seen that the benzodiazepines were booze in a pill. I had no
Send correspondence and reprint requests to Robert L. DuPont, MD, Institute sympathy for these pills, seeing them as equivalent to the
for Behavior and Health, Inc., 6191 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD barbiturates which then were well-established as addictive
20852. E-mail:
Copyright 2017 American Society of Addiction Medicine
drugs. I saw how patients with SUDs used benzodiazepines.
ISSN: 1932-0620/17/1102-0084 Rather than using them at stable low does, these patients used
DOI: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000291 high doses of benzodiazepines and usually combined them

84 J Addict Med  Volume 11, Number 2, March/April 2017

Copyright 2017 American Society of Addiction Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
J Addict Med  Volume 11, Number 2, March/April 2017 SUDs and BZs Debate

with other drugs including alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. I stable drinker developing alcohol use disorder and betting on a
seldom saw a patient with a SUD who used only benzo- person in recovery becoming a controlled, safe drinker, or drug
diazepines. Patients said they were boosting the effects of user without suffering problems from that use is beyond hazard-
alcohol and opioids with their use of benzodiazepines, or they ous (DuPont, 2000). Not every physician who treats patients
were treating the adverse effects of using other drugs, like side with SUDs thinks it is a bad idea for them to drink alcohol
effects of cocaine, or opioid withdrawal. socially. The view that this is unwise and dangerous is, however,
When I left NIDA in 1978, I devoted myself to an widespread among clinicians, and this view has been increas-
entirely different medical problem starting in my own small ing. Why not apply the same standard commonly used for
clinical practice with a young woman with what I slowly came drinking alcohol among persons in recovery to using benzo-
to label agoraphobia. I became fascinated by the anxiety diazepines in this high-risk population? Benzodiazepine use by
disorders (ADs) and their treatment, especially cognitive individuals in recovery is playing Russian roulette. Some
behavioral therapy (CBT), and exposure and response pre- survive the gamble at least for a while and many do not. Prudent
vention (ERP) therapy. In short order, not wanting to keep my and experienced physicians are most likely to help their patients
new passion to myself, I founded the Anxiety Disorders suffering from SUDs deal with anxiety, insomnia, and other
Association of America, known today as the Anxiety and conditions that are commonly treated with benzodiazepines
Depression Association of America (ADAA), and what was without using these widely misused medications.
then called the Phobia Society of America (PSA) (DuPont, Recall that I cut my teeth in treating ADs using CBT and
1982). At the center of the ADs were the benzodiazepines. I ERP. Anxiety is not a benzodiazepine-deficiency disease. It is
became 1 of 8 principal investigators on the Cross-National possible to treat anxiety and insomnia successfully without
Collaborative Panic Study funded by the Upjohn Company, medicines of any kind, and it is possible to use medicines
maker of alprazolam (Xanax). This landmark study estab- other than benzodiazepines for these common and serious
lished the template for subsequent studies of the use of mental disorders (DuPont et al., 1998; Spencer et al., 2003). In
medications to treat ADs (Ballenger et al., 1988; Lesser addition, there are many effective strategies to successfully
et al., 1988; Noyes et al., 1988; Lesser et al., 1989). Alpra- manage clinically significant anxiety. The alternatives to the
zolam was the first medicine of any kind to be approved to benzodiazepines for clinically significant anxiety take more
treat agoraphobia and panic disorder. My own clinical practice work for the physician than writing a prescription for a
was filled with anxious patients, many of whom used benzo- benzodiazepine. Although many patients with SUDs are eager
diazepines. I could not believe my eyes; here I had patients to use benzodiazepines, using alternatives is often effective
lots of patientswho used benzodiazepines at low and stable and it does not put the patients recovery in jeopardy (DuPont,
doses over the course of many years. 1990a, 1990b, 1990c, 1995). The standard I propose here is
Of course, not all of my patients fit the diagnosis of not based on religion. It is experience, and not only my own
either an AD or SUD. There was a group of patients who had experience. It is the experience of many people with SUDs
both ADs and SUDs. Unsurprisingly, they mostly handled the who have tried and failed to use benzodiazepines for anxiety.
benzodiazepines like SUD patients, not like AD patients. My What if physicians choose to prescribe benzodiazepines
patients with ADs who did not have SUDs seldom used any to patients with SUDs? I suggest that they do so with caution
drugs nonmedically. Most either did not drink alcohol or they keeping their patients best interests rather than their wishes in
drank moderately with no episodes of excessive drinking. mind. Educate these SUD patients about the risks of using
These patients, whether prescribed benzodiazepines or not, benzodiazepines including both the risk of relapse to addic-
mostly did not have problems with their drinking. How do I tion and the risk overdose death. Involve the patients families
explain these striking observations about how these 2 groups in the decision. Watch these patients carefully and be prepared
of patients commonly handled the benzodiazepines? for trouble. When it comes to prescribing benzodiazepines
Once the addiction switch is thrown on, it never to patients with SUDs: generally the juice aint worth the
again goes off. This is true of smokers. A former smoker squeeze.
cannot smoke an occasional cigarette without risking reignit- Robert L. DuPont, MD, served as the first Director of
ing active nicotine addiction. This lifetime on position for the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) from 1973 to
the addiction switch applies also to alcohol and other drugs. 1978. He has been President of Institute for Behavior and
That is the wisdom of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), the real Health, Inc. since 1978 and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at
experts on recovery. They have no ambiguity on this point: to Georgetown University Medical School since 1980. Special-
be in recovery from addiction to alcohol, opioids or any other izing in addiction and anxiety, he has maintained a private
substance requires being abstinent from all drugs including practice of psychiatry in Rockville, MD, since 1969.
alcohol. The DSM-5 identifies SUDs as substance-specific;
not AA and NA. This clarity within AA and NA is the result of REFERENCES
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86 2017 American Society of Addiction Medicine

Copyright 2017 American Society of Addiction Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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