7472 Project2 TRC

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Tammy Hotchkiss

University of West Georgia MEDT7472

Project 2 Distance Education Instructional Design Plan

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


Course Title: Introduction to Polynomials
Course Grade Level: Undergraduate


For this assignment, I have chosen to create a math course entitled Introduction to Polynomials
POLYN101. The course will be created with Canvas using ADDIE design model.

I began by analyzing the course to see what training would be needed to assist entry level algebra
students that were struggling with polynomial equations. My target audience will be college
students. Next, I designed learning platform using a linear lesson plan that would increase in
difficulty as the student progressed through the course using six modules each outlined in detail
under the Module Design portion of this design plan.

Throughout the course, tutorial videos will be used to enhance and deepen understanding of the
daily material. Other resources such as a Picktochart and a Moovly will be implemented to
support the more complex mathematical concepts.

Students will be evaluated through testing to ensure they are learning the material. Testing will
consist of an initial assessment test, two weekly tests and a final exam.

When taking the weekly tests, correct answers will receive immediate feedback with a response
of Good Job! If the student provides an incorrect answer to the question, they will receive a
detailed message with instructions referencing the material in original lesson.

Students will also be asked to complete a survey upon completion to evaluate the pros and cons
of the course.


The module design has six modules: Begin Here, Week 1, Week 2, Project, Final Exam, and
Course Evaluation and Reflection.

The first module, Begin Here, will introduce the students to the course and provide details on
how to navigate the structure. There will be an online discussion entitled Meet & Greet,
encouraging students to interact with one another. This module contains an assessment test to
evaluate their math skill level prior to starting the course. A writing resource page will provide
links to resources that may be necessary for discussion board assignments.

The second module, Week 1, consists of five daily topics:

Monday - Introduction to Polynomials
Tuesday - Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Wednesday - Multiplying Polynomials
Thursday - FOIL Method *
Friday - Dividing Polynomials

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


The third module, Week 2 consists of five daily topics:
Monday - Factoring Greatest Common Factor
Tuesday - Factoring Trinomials
Wednesday - AC Method **
Thursday - Factor by Grouping
Friday - Difference of Squares and Perfect Square Trinomials

* Contains Piktochart infographic created by Tammy Hotchkiss

** Contains Moovly video created by Tammy Hotchkiss

Week 1 & Week 2 daily lessons consists of:

Instructions the daily topic with a Khan Academy tutorial video related to the lesson
Homework reading assignment from the required textbook
Homework vocabulary questions
Weekly discussion post on the students choice of daily topic
Weekly test covering the material taught

The fourth module, Project will contain a project assignment. Project will require students to
choose one of the topics from this course and create a Powtoon or Prezi presentation. Students
will upload the video to YouTube and embed video into their discussion post. The final video
must be more than 2 minutes, but less than 5 minutes in length.

Topics for the Project Assignment:

1. Introduction to Polynomials
2. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
3. Multiplying Polynomials
4. FOIL Method
5. Dividing Polynomials
6. Factoring Greatest Common Factor
7. Factoring Trinomials
8. AC Method
9. Factor by Grouping
10. Difference of Squares and Perfect Square Trinomials

The fifth contains the Final Exam. Final exam consists of 10 questions that are 5 points each
totaling 50 points.

The sixth module contains the Course Evaluation and Reflection used to collect information on
the pros and cons of the course experience.


There are tabs located on the left side of the screen used for navigation within Canvas.
The Announcements tab will be used for weekly reminders of when assignments are due to assist
the students in staying on track with the educators expectations.

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


The Q & A Discussion is located under the Pinned Discussions tab. This forum will serve to
post all inquiries related to the class, as well as a channel to communicate course related

The Outcomes tab will be used to track mastery of the course material using grading rubrics.
Students will receive points for participating in discussions, completing homework assignments,
weekly tests, and the final exam.

Weekly tests, practice tests, and the final exam will be located under the Quizzes tab. Test due
dates will be referenced in the course syllabus and homework assignments. The practice quiz
will be available to allow students the opportunity to learn how to navigate the quiz module on a
nongraded assignment. The final exam is located in the Quizzes tab.


Students will interact with peers and instructor through the Q & A discussion board. Students
will also be able to interact with the instructor through email or in-person communication. Office
hours will be listed in the course syllabus. Students will be required to make daily posts on the
discussion boards and provide meaningful responses to peer posts with proper structural,
grammar and mechanical writing.


1. Student will observe videos related to the daily mathematical concept.

2. Students will complete daily reading assignments.
3. Student will complete daily vocabulary homework assignments.
4. Students will respond to a weekly discussion post related to the weekly material.
5. Students will take a test upon completion of each weeks assignment.
6. Students will complete a final exam that will cover all the material taught.


Technology will be provided through web deliverable materials such as Piktochart infographics,
Moovly presentations, and Khan Academy online video tutorials. Students will also be required
to create their own Powtoon or Prezi presentation for a project. Students will be provided links
and examples of how to use the technology required to complete this task.


1. Daily Vocabulary Homework

2. Weekly Discussion Posts
3. Weekly Assessment Test
4. Q & A Discussion Board
5. Final Exam
6. Course Evaluations and Reflection

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


Students will be given an assessment test at the beginning of the course to determine their skill
level in math before beginning the lesson. This will enable the instructor to gauge their level of
math compentency. The daily homework assignments, discussion board assignments, weekly
tests, and a final exam will provide the instructor valuable information to compare to the initial
assessment to determine if learning has occurred.

Example of Homework:
Monday-Week 2
Homework Assignment:
(Due Monday by Midnight)

1 Read chapter 11.1 page 800-805.

2 Complete the Vocabulary Questions 1-6 p.805
Submit answers in dropbox.
Use Word Document with your full name and course number in the top left corner of the page. (2 points)


Upon satisfactory completion of this course, students should be able to perform the following:

Communicate effectively through discussion board assignments

Demonstrate understanding of the basic skills necessary to complete math equations
containing polynomials such as add, subtract, multiply, divide, and factor
Identify the proper method to use when factoring polynomials
Define basic math terminolgy related to polynomials through homework assignments
Demonstrate their understanding of basic math concepts through discussion board
assignments, successful completion of homework and satisfactory completion of testing
Develop skills necessary to identify and complete mathematical equations with Factoring
Polynomials, Add-Subtract Polynomials, Multiply Polynomials, FOIL, and Divide
Develop skills necessary to identify and complete mathematical equations with Greatest
Common Factor, Factor Polynomials, AC Method, Factor by Grouping, and Difference
of Square/Perfect Squares


1. Email Contact for Instructor

2. Q & A Discussion Board
3. Tutorial Videos
4. Links to Online Resources within assignments (ie: Canvas and Prezi)
5. Links to Online Resources

Students will have a discussion forum entitled Q & A Discussion. Students will be encouraged

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


to post their general questions about the class here. Students will be encouraged to monitor this
board often, as updates are made when questions are asked and answered. All students are
encouraged to help others, if they know the answer. Students are encouraged to check it often!

Students will be provided detailed instructions and links to outside resources within assignments
that require technical expertise to assist them with completing the assignment.

The following additional resources will be provided:

Resources for Writing:

formatting: http://www.apastyle.org

Purdue Online Writing Lab OWL:


for Citations: https://www.zotero.org is a free, open source, web-based tool

for managing citations, organizing pdfs, and creating bibliographies.

for citations: http://endnote.com is citation management software

produced by ISI. A free 30-day trial is available through the EndNote website. The
software can be purchased at the Campus Store.

Resources for Math:


Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


Distance Learning Fall 2017

This course is an online course. An online course does not require face-to-face meetings.
All learning activities will take place online.

Course: POLYN101 Introduction to Polynomials

Semester Hours: 1
Semester / Year Fall 2016
Instructor Mrs. Tammy Hotchkiss
Email thotchk1@my.westga.edu

Website: Professor's Journal

Office Telephone: 678-763-4737
Office Location: On Campus - Math Building
Office Hours: Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Online Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:00am - 11:00am
Online Support:


A student enrolling in this course should have basic algebra concept skills such as operations
with integers, fractions, and decimals. An introductory course in algebra which includes the
study of the fundamental algebraic operations, factoring, algebraic fractions, equations and
inequalities, exponents and radicals or an adequate mathematics proficiency assessment with a
satisfactory score on a mathematics placement exam better would be beneficial.


This is an introductory course to assist students in learning the basic Principles of Polynomials.
This course will introduce students to a basic level of understanding in adding, subtracting,
multiplying, dividing, and various methods of factoring polynomials.


The conceptual framework of the College of Education forms the basis on which programs,
courses, experiences, and outcomes are created. With the goal of Developing Exemplary
Practitioners, our programs incorporate ten descriptors (knowledgeable, reflective, inquisitive,
decisive, adaptive, proactive, leading, collaborative, culturally sensitive, empathetic), clustered
into three interrelated and overlapping themes, that demonstrate our commitment to (a)
Professional Excellence; (b) Field-Based Inquiry; and (c) the Betterment of Society. These
themes and descriptors are integral components of the conceptual framework and provide the
basis for developing exemplary practitioners who are prepared to improve schools and

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


National and state standards (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards [NBPTS], International Society
for Technology in Education [ISTE], American Association for School Librarians [AASL], and Georgia
Professional Standards [GaPSC]) also are incorporated as criteria against which candidates are measured.

The mission of the College of Education is to provide excellence in the initial and advanced
preparation of professionals for a variety of settings, to foster an innovative learning community,
and to empower a faculty committed to teaching and the dissemination of knowledge. This
courses objectives, activities, and assignments are related directly to the conceptual framework
and national standards, as identified below.


A variety of instructional strategies will be employed in this course including readings,

evaluative analysis and review, small group discussion, individual and small group hands-on
production, and self-reflection and assessment. A variety of interactive technologies will be used
for communication, discussion, instruction, and sharing of resources, projects, and other

As such, you will be required to complete the following online activities during this course
(times are approximate):

Discussion posts/blogging 160 minutes

Audio/video instruction 40 minutes
Other online assignments/activities 160 minutes
Total 360 minutes

Additionally, it is anticipated that students will need to work independently for twice the number
minutes listed above to complete the online activities.

Instructor Note:

What the above is trying to say is that you have to work about 6 hours (360 minutes) per week.
The verbiage is required for our SACS accreditation, and it is awkward because we are using the
old face-to-face seat-time trying to quantify online seat time. It satisfies the needs of
administrators to count things. Just try to schedule in 3 hours per week for this course. If you
struggle with technology, add a few more hours to that number. If you require assistance with
Canvas, please try Canvas Help at https://guides.instructure.com.


Upon satisfactory completion of this course, students should be able to perform the following:

Communicate effectively through discussion board assignments

Demonstrate understanding of the basic skills necessary to complete math equations
containing polynomials such as add, subtract, multiply, divide, and factor

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


Identify the proper method to use when factoring polynomials
Define basic math terminolgy related to polynomials through homework assignments
Demonstrate their understanding of basic math concepts through discussion board
assignments, successful completion of homework and satisfactory completion of testing
Develop skills necessary to identify and complete mathematical equations with Factoring
Polynomials, Add-Subtract Polynomials, Multiply Polynomials, FOIL, and Divide
Develop skills necessary to identify and complete mathematical equations with Greatest
Common Factor, Factor Polynomials, AC Method, Factor by Grouping, and Difference
of Square/Perfect Squares


Required Text:
Martin-Gay, E. (2015). Pre Algebra & Introductory Algebra, 4th Edition. Berkley, CA:Pearson.
ISBN-10: 032195579X ISBN-13: 978-0321955791

Students will need:

Access to the Internet, through Internet accessible devices such as a computer, notebook,
standard web camera, and standard microphone.

REQUIREMENTS Minimum Recommended
Web Camera 640 x 480 resolution 1280 x 720 resolution
PC Users Windows Vista Windows 8
iMac Users Mac OS X 10.5 or higher Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Internet Download Speed .768 Mbps 1.5 Mbps
Internet Upload Speed .384 Mbps 1 Mbps
RAM 1024 MB 2 GB
Ports 1935, UDP/TCP 1935, UDP/TCP


Class Participation

Participation is expected and necessary. You need to participate in the course regularly. Lack of
participation, failure to complete work in a timely manner, or other noted absence of
participation may lower a students cumulative point total by 10 points.

You will find a discussion forum named Q & A Discussion in Canvas under the Pinned
Disucssions. This forum will serve to post all your inquiries related to the class, as well as a
channel to communicate course related announcements. Please post your general questions about
the class here. Monitor this board often, as updates are made when questions are asked and
answered. This is a general questions forum; however, in order to benefit the class as a whole,
please limit your posts to questions relevant to this class. All students are encouraged to help
others, if you know the answer. Check it often!

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472



You will have daily discussion assignments. You are required respond to the discussion prompts
provided by the instructor. With a few exceptions, you are expected to make an initial posting on
each evening. You are expected to read and participate in ALL online discussions. In some of the
discussion, you will be required to post your initial thoughts and respond to other postings.
Please make certain to read each instruction. In order for a discussion to be considered complete
you must respond to the postings in a meaningful manner (I agree or this is interesting are
not proper responses).

Note that I may add/delete discussions in addition to the ones listed in the syllabus and
class schedule. If this is the case, you will be promptly notified of this addition.
The topic of the discussion is subject to change, so check often.

Student Work

All student work submitted during the course is required to be original. All projects must be
complete in order to be graded. It is strongly recommended that you begin work on ALL of the
assignments as soon as you begin the course. You are allowed to work ahead. Do not rely solely
on the suggested schedule to tell you when to start and finish these assignments.

Due Dates

All products/assignments/discussions will be due on the due dates posted. Do not fall behind in
the class. Late assignments will not be accepted and will be assigned a score of zero. Missed
assignments may be made up only in the event of valid emergencies. If you know you will have
any issues submitting any of your assignments on time, contact me PRIOR to the deadline to
make possible arrangements.

Submitting Assignments

Students are expected to submit assignments on time. Valid reasons for submitting work late
must be cleared by the professor in advance. It is the students responsibility to contact the
professor when extenuating circumstances take place. Ten percent of the total grade might be
deducted for each day an assignment is late up to 50%. Without exceptions, late discussion board
postings/replies will result in a grade of zero. All Canvas assignments are due by midnight on the
date due. Any assignments posted after midnight are considered late. Each assignment in Canvas
has a due date and a cut-off date. No late assignments more than 2 days late will be accepted.


Students will have daily reading assignments, daily homework assignments, daily discussion
board assignments, weekly video tutorial assignments, weekly tests, and a final exam at the end
of the two weeks course.

1. Math Reading Assignments

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


The second module, Week 1, Chapter 10, consists of five daily topics:
Monday - Introduction to Polynomials
Tuesday - Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Wednesday - Multiplying Polynomials
Thursday - FOIL Method *
Friday - Dividing Polynomials

The third module, Week 2, Chapter 11, consists of five daily topics:
Monday - Factoring Greatest Common Factor
Tuesday - Factoring Trinomials
Wednesday - AC Method **
Thursday - Factor by Grouping
Friday - Difference of Squares and Perfect Square Trinomials

* Contains Piktochart infographic created by Tammy Hotchkiss

** Contains Moovly video created by Tammy Hotchkiss

Above, you will see references to the math assignments; full instructions for each of the
assignments will appear in the proper Canvas modules for each week and each day. Upon
completion of each weeks assignments, students will be provided an online review test of topics

Note: To receive full credit, all assignments, tests and final exam must be completed by the prospective due dates.

2. Video and Reading Assignments for Participation

Week 1 & Week 2 daily lessons consists of:

Instructions the daily topic with a Khan Academy tutorial video related to the lesson
Homework reading assignment from the required textbook *
Homework vocabulary questions
Weekly discussion post on the students choice of daily topic
Weekly test covering the material taught

* Required Text:
Martin-Gay, E. (2015). Pre Algebra & Introductory Algebra, 4th Edition. Berkley, CA:Pearson.
ISBN-10: 032195579X ISBN-13: 978-0321955791

3. Discussion Boards.

Throughout the course, students will be given discussion assignments communicating with peers
about topics related to mathematical methods. Class assignments of this nature will be evaluated
according to the quality and appropriateness of the information retrieved and posted to Canvas.
Instructor reserves the right to change or delete topics. Complete submission instructions are
provided in Canvas. (Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4; knowledge, skills, disposition; teacher observation)
IMPORTANT: You need to take your writing in this class very seriously. In addition to the

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


criteria delineated above, structural, grammar, and/or mechanical errors will result in a loss of
points. Discussions with numerous structural, grammar or mechanical errors, or missing the
writers name and the date of submission will result in a lower grade. If you are concerned about
your writing proficiency, please make use of the College Writing Center or a personal tutor.

Resources for Writing:

formatting: http://www.apastyle.org

Purdue Online Writing Lab OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

for Citations: https://www.zotero.org is a free, open source, web-based tool for

managing citations, organizing pdfs, and creating bibliographies.

for citations: http://endnote.com is citation management software produced by

ISI. A free 30-day trial is available through the EndNote website. The software can be purchased
at the Campus Store.

Resources for Math:


File Naming Protocol:

Follow this file naming convention FOR ALL SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS in this course are:

1 Your last name followed by an underscore ("_") - with NO SPACES - (e.g., Hotchkiss_)

2 The initials of your first and middle names followed by an underscore ("_") - with NO
SPACES - (e.g., TR_)

3 The Assignment Title (a concise version - keep it short) and an underscore ("_") - with NO
SPACES - (e.g., InitialReflection_)

4 The course number (i.e., for this course, 1111)

Use the order as described above and assemble the 4 elements into a string with NO SPACES
(e.g., Hotchkiss_TR_InitialReflection_1111.docx).

*REMEMBER: You do not need to add the final extension to the file name (e.g., ".docx") when using MS Word.
MS Word does this for you.


Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


The following grading scale will be used:
A = 181 - 200 points
B = 161 - 180 points
C = 141 - 160 points
F = Below 140 points

Activity Points Available Assessment Tools

1. Meet & Greet 5 points Checklist

2. WEEK 1 10 Checklist

a. Intro Polynomials Homework ( 2 points )

b. Add Subtract
( 2 points )
Polynomials Homework
c. Multiply Polynomials Homework ( 2 points )
d. FOIL Homework ( 2 points )
e. Divide Polynomials Homework ( 2 points )

3. WEEK 2 10 Checklist

a. Greatest Common
( 2 points )
Factor Homework
b. Factor Homework ( 2 points )
c. A C Method Homework ( 2 points )
d. Grouping Homework ( 2 points )
e. Difference Squares
( 2 points )
Perfect Squares

4. Weekly Discussions 10 Checklist

Week 1 Discussion ( 5 points )

Week 2 Discussion ( 5 points )

5. Project 30 Checklist

6. TESTS 135

a. Assessment Test ( 5 points ) Assessment Test

b. Week 1 ( 10 questions - 4 pt/Q ) Test 1
c. Week 2 ( 10 questions - 4 pt/Q ) Test 2
d. Final Exam
( 10 questions - 5 pt/Q ) Final Exam



Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


Academic Honesty: All work completed in this course must be the individual students
original work developed during this course.

Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty. Plagiarism occurs
when a student uses or purchases ghostwritten papers. It also occurs when a student utilizes the
ideas or information obtained from another person without giving credit to that person. If
plagiarism or another act of academic dishonesty occurs, it will be dealt with in accordance with
the academic misconduct policy as stated in the Connection and Student Handbook,
Undergraduate Catalog, and the Graduate Catalog.

Attendance: This course is taught completely online. Students are expected to log in to the
Canvas course daily to check the course modules, email, contribute to discussion boards, etc.

Disability: All students are provided with equal access to classes and materials, regardless of
special needs, temporary or permanent disability, special needs related to pregnancy, etc. If you
have any special learning needs, particularly (but not limited to) needs defined under the
Americans with Disabilities Act, and require specific accommodations, please do not hesitate to
make those known, either yourself or through the Coordinator of Disability Services. Students
with documented special needs may expect accommodation in relation to classroom
accessibility, modification of testing, special test administration, etc.
Any student with a disability documented through Student Services is encouraged to contact the
instructor right away so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged. In addition, certain
accommodations (which will be discussed in class) are available to all students, within
constraints of time and space.

Extra Credit:

Extra credit activities are not available in this course.

Late Work:

Work submitted after the due date may be subject to penalties to be determined by the instructor.
This policy MAY be waived if the student has an emergency situation (illness, death, etc.) AND
discusses the situation with the instructor BEFORE the due date.

Student Email Policy:

Students are provided an email account through the University, which is the official means of
communication between the University and student. It is the students responsibility to check this
email account for important University related information.

Disciplinary procedures described in the latest University Handbook, Undergraduate

Catalog, and Graduate Catalog, will be followed when violations take place. Infractions
may include cheating, plagiarism, disruptive behavior, and disorderly conduct.
Professional Conduct:

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472


Students are expected to conduct themselves professionally. This is an essential quality for all
professionals who will be working in the schools.

Professionalism includes but is not limited to the following:

Participating in interactions and class activities in a positive manner.
Collaborating and working equitably with fellow students in the class.
Actively participating in class each week.
Turning in assignments on time (late assignments will result in a loss of points).
Treating class members and colleagues with respect in and out of the virtual classroom.
Eliminating interruptions in campus classrooms. This includes cell phones and beepers.

Tammy Hotchkiss MEDT 7472

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