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DATE: September 30, 2017

TO: Professor Intiwiwat
FROM: Jada Martin
SUBJECT: Exercise #2 Page 273

According to the RFP NASA has requested to conduct research on Antarctic balloon flights. The
balloons are used to investigate the air currents in the Earths atmosphere.
Some of the categories of information that the RFP must include
1. Hypothesis
2. Research Platform and Background
3. Research Plan and Deliverables in the technical section
4. Top level schedule
5. Budget
It was specified that the proposal must be no longer than 15 pages
The RFP doesnt specify the exact order that the information must be in but I feel the appropriate
order should be as the categories were listed above.
1. The hypothesis should be first
2. The research platform and background next
3. Then the research plan
4. The budget
5. Top level schedule
The RFP doesnt specify the format that must be used but I feel that the proposal should be in the
form of a formal report.
The RFP does not specify the criteria that the proposals will be evaluated. I feel that the proposals
shall be evaluated based on the content, how long the proposal is, and how well the author
follows the guidelines that were given earlier in the document.

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