Benjamin Bloom 1

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Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy in the

Cognitive Domain
The following categories reflect progressively more complex cognitive levels. The tables below each show
verbs describing activities at that cognitive level.

1. Knowledge
Recognizes and recalls facts and specifics.
Word's reflect knowledge:
define record name
memorize list relate
repeat recall state

2. Comprehension
Interprets, translates, summarize or paraphrases information.
Words reflect comprehension:
restate tell locate
discuss review identify
describe report express

recognize explain

3. Application
Uses information in a situation different from original learning context.
Words reflect application of knowledge:
translate employ dramatize
interpret use practice
apply demonstrate illustrate
operate schedule sketch

4. Analysis
Separates whole into parts until relationship among elements is clear.
Words reflect analysis:
classify differentiate experiment
distinguish appraise test
analyze calculate compare
contrast criticize diagram
question relate examine
translate interpret inventory
inspect debate

5. Synthesis
Combines elements to form new entity from original ones.
Words reflect synthesis:
synthesize compose plan
propose design formulate
design construct create
set up organize manage
prepare integrate predict
summarize assemble collect

6. Evaluation
Involves acts of decision making, judging or selecting based on criteria and rational.
Words reflect evaluation:
judge appraise evaluate
rate compare score
revise value select
measure estimate assess

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