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20 Writing Journal

Prompts that will get

them Writing!
1. If and when I raise children, Ill never
2. Seven years from now, Ill be
3. Write about a day youd like to forget
4. If I could be anywhere in the world it would be
5. If you could be friends with character from a book
who would it be and why?
6. What would you do if all the electricity in the world
7. Invent a monster and describe it. Where does it live?
What does it eat? What does it do?
8. Whats your favorite kind of weather and why?
9. Write about what you didnt do this weekend
10. What technology item could you not live
11. Write about a time you tried to help and ended
up making things worse
12. Describe something you learned from a friend
13. Do you believe wishes come true?
14. How does it feel when someone thanks you?
15. Is school too easy or hard for you? Why or why
16. Whats your earliest memory?
17. Write about what it would be like to celebrate
something every single day
18. If you could go anywhere back in time where
would you go?
19. You are the ruler of your kingdom, what are the
laws you have in place?
20. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

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