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Public Relations Planning Ch

Public (Audience; specific & defined)/ Characteristics (Describe the audience)

Target Audience
1. Immigrants living in the US ( target
audience 18-45 who live in the US) This audience arent citizens of the US and often love to stay in
communication with their family overseas and may be
interested in what the company has to offer ( potential clients)

2. College Students ( 17-24)

This audience is likely on a budget. They use their phones

constantly and and crave instant access. They need reliable,
affordable phone options.

3. Parents of kids (under 18)

This audience is made up of parents looking to purchase phone

lines for first time phone users. They are looking for deals and
reliable phones for their offspring and are open to considering
all options.

4. People who are on a budget

This group is looking for affordable phone line options and
valuable family deals. More expensive phone lines like AT&T
and Verizon Wireless are slightly out of their budgets. This
group may not be aware of the deals and options that T-Mobile
has to offer.

Goal: T-Mobile is dedicated to fostering the most afforable and most conveinant service to all its potential customers while enouraging its subscribers to volu
Goal: T-Mobile is dedicated to fostering the most afforable and most conveinant service to all its potential customers while enouraging its subscribers to volu

Goal: This is a generalized statement of the outcome you hope your plan achieves. Example: To enhance student and faculty awareness of the services provided

Objective 1: To increase the amount of college students porting over from other carriers by 10% from August 2017- 2018.

Objective 2: To increase customer awareness of the commmunity outreach program Huddle up T- Mobile offers by 15% by this time next year.

Objectives: These are statements that define particular ambitions of your organization. They must include the following components (1) A definition of what is b
which to measure success (3) Quantities or percentages to be achieved (4) A deadline or amount of time for accomplishment (5) Directly identify one or more ta
2015 to August 2016.

Objective 1

Tactic 1: Prepare a press release that explains why college students would benefit from our services.
Tactic 2: Prepare a pitch letter describing our general services that consistently beat our competitors while
focusing on our features and why they've proven to show how it's benefited our current customers.

Tactic 3: Twitter post twice daily using hashtag "Campus Exclusive" to create awareness of the savings
offered to college students.

Tactic 4: Create a feature story that features a college student that speaks on how theyve benefited from
the company services

Tactics: This is the "how-to" of the plan. What PR function will accomplish this specific objective? Is it a press release, feature story, pitch letter, VNR, ANR, etc.?

Strategic Message: "To create awareness of the value of the plans, the breadth of the coverage, the reliability of the network, and the quality of the service t
were here." - T-Mobile USA

Strategic Message: What is the broad concept, keyed directly to objectives, that you are trying to accomplish with this plan? This is very similar to a mission state
social, and leadership development through sport and recreation activities within a fun and supportive environment.
Public Relations Planning Chart
Describe what you want the audience to do?
We want this audience to share the benefits they received using our
international services to stay in communication with their loved
ones using social media platforms such as twitter, facebook and/or

I would like this audience to share in spreading awareness with

their school mates on college campuses on the benefits of our
services by posting in their school forums testomonials and what
they appreciate most about the service. Would also want this
audience to take advantage of "Campus Exclusive," that will allow
them to pay at a discounted rate while using the hashtag Campus
Exclusiveon their school forums on how this has helped them saved

I would like this audience to see that T-mobile strives to make

communication with their loved ones easy by offering services that
will allow them easy access to locate their child in the chance that
they are missing while having easy access to locate them on a map.
Would also like this audience to take advantage of participating in
the Huddle Up program T- Mobile launched aiming to provide after
school programs for kids.

I would like for customers who take advantage of the low prices T-
Mobile offers to create awareness by word of mouth and refer
family members and friends.

tial customers while enouraging its subscribers to volunteer and help those within the community.
tial customers while enouraging its subscribers to volunteer and help those within the community.

student and faculty awareness of the services provided by the KSU Fitness Center.

August 2017- 2018.

ile offers by 15% by this time next year.

e the following components (1) A definition of what is being measured (awareness, attendance) (i.e. specify a desired outcome) (2) A starting point, or baseline again
for accomplishment (5) Directly identify one or more target publics. Example: To increase "followers" of the KSU Fitness Center on social media by 30 percent from A

Objective 2

Tactic 1: Prepare an audio news release that can be featured on a popular blog site between September 2017 to December 2017 describing the different out rea
programs T- Mobile offers.
Tactic 2: Post on Twitter twice daily incorporating the hashtag Huddle Up, the outreach program that T- Mobile is apart of.

Tactic 3: Creating a video news release that shows how T-Mobile connects those in a single parent home and those in urban communites with local mentors and
they strive to go above not only in the services they offer but within the community.

Tactic 4: Prepare a press release that contains statistics on how our program Huddle Up has helped many familes since its launch in 2006 in hopes of creating aw
of people living in these tough conditions and creating after school programs for kids.

ress release, feature story, pitch letter, VNR, ANR, etc.? Example: Create a detailed social media schedule that outlines dates and posts/tweets for Twitter and Facebo

iability of the network, and the quality of the service that's meant to do one thing: help you stick together with the people who make your life come alive. Thats

plish with this plan? This is very similar to a mission statement. Example: The Fitness Center is dedicated to fostering the holistic development of KSU Students' physica
What is their opinion of the organization?

This audience are for the most part unaware of the company and it's tie to the foreign community
around the world.

This audience thinks of this service as most convienant as far as price but may not believe this
company offers the best service because of past reputation of poor service not considering that in
recent years many changes and improvements have occurred. This audience may not be convinced
T- Mobile offers the best service.

This audience finds this service easy and afforable to get started. These customers are aware of the
cost efficient rates to stay in contact with their kids. This audience appreciates T- mobile's
flexibility with grandfathering their customers in rate plan promotions even after its been expired.

This audience appreciates how easy it is to budget with the services provided by T- Mobile.
Because T-Mobile is a non-contracted prepaid company, it is nearly impossible to go over on what's
promised you'll pay monthly. For the average person on a budget it makes it easier and and more
comforting to know what you'll be paying month to month.

p those within the community.

p those within the community.

ness Center.

d (awareness, attendance) (i.e. specify a desired outcome) (2) A starting point, or baseline against
Example: To increase "followers" of the KSU Fitness Center on social media by 30 percent from August

Objective 2

a popular blog site between September 2017 to December 2017 describing the different out reach
uddle Up, the outreach program that T- Mobile is apart of.

connects those in a single parent home and those in urban communites with local mentors and why
hin the community.

ur program Huddle Up has helped many familes since its launch in 2006 in hopes of creating awareness
ool programs for kids.

ate a detailed social media schedule that outlines dates and posts/tweets for Twitter and Facebook.

o do one thing: help you stick together with the people who make your life come alive. Thats why

ple: The Fitness Center is dedicated to fostering the holistic development of KSU Students' physical,

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