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A veces Mango dice Adios

Alicia y yo charlamos en Una casa propia

las escaleras de Edna POV
1st person, detailled, subjective
POV- 1st person, detailed, subjective
Literary devices
1st person, subjective Literary devices
Personification of Mango Street
Simile - <<como la nieve, un
espacio al cual llegar>> Themes in relation to youth
Important quote-
Simile <<como la hoja antes del Youth are ambitious
<<No, esta no es mi casa, digo yo y poema>> Youth are caring
sacudo mi Cabeza como si con
Themes in relation to youth Yong people mature and discover
sacudirla pudiera borrar el ano que
he vivido all. Yo no soy de aqu. No Young people are ambitious
quiero nunca querer ser de aqu.>> -
Shows her longing to have her own
house and escape

Themes in relation to Youth

young people long to belong

young people have goals

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