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Seth Gullion

ENG 111
Final Draft Essay #2

One more Level

I cannot take this anymore. My eyes are so heavy; I cant think straight. Sleeping is so

important, but I need to beat this game, just one more level. I need more Cheetos; I grabbed a

handful and stuffed them in my mouth. Little bits were falling out of my mouth and I drooled for

more (GORE1-5). The game was reflecting off the walls from the TV. I was sitting alone in the

dark (CLICHE1). I heard footsteps upstairs and I was scared since it was so late. It was very

creepy and I decided to say, Is somebody there? My heart was beating at a fast rate, it felt

like it was about to burst out of my chest (WOUND). I saw a shadow at the edge of my balcony;

it was getting bigger and bigger. I did not move a muscle. All of a sudden, my sister was near the

balcony with a mad look on her face. She looked at me and said, Would you turn that down!

Im trying to sleep! I began to laugh and said, I cant sleep; somebody is going to get me while

Im sleeping (CLICHE2).

Video Games was my life, I remember when my sister and I went to go get the new

World of Warcraft game. It was on Halloween Day, the ad for the game was on the door of

GameStop (AD DESC). I looked at the ad with amazement, Im your number one fan (REF11)

I told myself. My sister told me Youre such a nerd (JB1). I looked at her with a grin on my

face, Im an awesome nerd (CHEESE1) I told her. She looked at me with a grin as well. The

1 Misery 1990 Quotes
ad persuaded me very well, the writing on the ad said unlimited amount of levels (AD1). There

were also things like the best addiction (AD2). Another one stated best game of the year

(AD3). All of this persuaded me to buy the game. My sister said you do know that the ad is a

bunch of crap. I replied You dont know nothing about video games (ARGUE).

However, the game was so tempting that I couldnt resist. My sister was looking me,

waiting for me to turn down the volume. Finally, I said alright Ill turn it down. She went back

in her room very mad as I turned down the volume. As I began to start the level, again I soon

became more tired. I paused the game and went into my bathroom to gaze in the mirror. My

reflection was quite hideous, my eyes were heavy and Cheeto cheese was all over my lips

(PORTRAIT). I can do other things than playing video games all night. However, I wanted to

keep going; playing video games is the one thing that I look forward to all day. When nighttime

comes, all my hunger goes away with all the hours that go into playing video games (FEAST).

My Grandparents tell me all the time that it is unhealthy to play video games. Theyre kind of

right, I love playing video games but it can get boring after a while. I remember my grandpa

telling me that kids playing video games will become mindless and stupid (MET). When he

said that I just ignored him, but video games are addicting. After beating one game, I waste my

money on getting another one. When I am at school that is all I talk about, the video games I

have and the new ones coming out. I never shut up about it at lunchtime when I am with all my

friends. Some people make fun of me, but I get used to it (DBF). Even when I am playing with

my friends, they get mad at me. I show no mercy when it comes to multiplayer (DOI). Its so

easy for me, I eat those levels up (CAN). When I sit on my couch and hold my controller I say I
have come here to chew bubblegum and kick assand Im all out of bubblegum (REF22). As a

result, they get frustrated with me and do not want to hang out with me.

The reflection in the mirror rather freaked me out, thats what someone looks like when

they get no sleep, I told myself. I went back into the living room and stared at my game console.

All the hours of playing were fun but it was time for me to go to bed. I slowly walked up the

stairs and went into my room. I then saw a large figure in the corner of my room (CLICHE3). I

walked to the corner of my room but nothing was there. The lack of sleep was having its effect

on me, I am going crazy I told myself. I looked at my clock, it was 2:30! I finally had enough

and went head first into my bed. Its going to be a long day tomorrow, I told myself as I closed

my eyes. The next morning was the worst moment of my life. I woke up and looked at the clock,

12:30! I couldnt believe it, 10 hours of sleep! I walked to my bathroom and turn the lights on,

the light burned my eyes. Everything around me is blurry, I need to know what I look like! I

shouted. My reflection in the mirror was slowly looking clear to me, then it happened. My

reflection was hideous, OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! (REF33). My hair was so

messy; it was all over the place. My lips were bright orange from the Cheetos I had last night.

There was redness in my eyes, it frightened me.

The realization had finally been accepted, video games was making my life miserable. I

told myself I am so ugly (JUST). Even though this look I had could be fixed, I was still in

shock of my horrible looks. I looked at my reflection and said if I ever showed up at school

looking like this everyone will make fun of me!. All the insults are going through my head,

Dude you look ridiculous! (JB2). I gazed at my teeth in the reflection, there were bits of

2 They Live 1988 Quotes
3 Trolls 2 1990 Quotes
Cheetos in between my teeth (GORE2-5). The sight disgusted me, I grabbed a floss pick and

started grinding the floss between my teeth. I slowly took out the food and made sure that

nothing was left. I looked at the floss pick and saw Cheeto pieces full of saliva (GORE3-5). It

was so nasty I felt like I was going to throw up right on the spot, something that I do a lot. If that

happened my parents would flip out. I would have no choice but to clean up that mess. All the

green ooze on the floor and chunks piled on top (GORE4-5). Just thinking about it is making me

feel weird, Im a nasty dude I said out loud (CHEESE2).

Not only did I look like a mess, but I also started to feel sick. It felt like all the food

inside of me was twirling around in my stomach (GORE5-5). A decision was made to stay home

rather than go to school today. It was a good decision, the insults that I would receive for my

look would be massive, NERD they would say (CHEESE3). I could easily make myself look

better by taking a shower and brushing my teeth. All of horror would leave my face and I would

look normal again (AMP). Thats too much work though and I am a lazy person. Flashbacks then

started coming through my head, the ad on Halloween. All the comments on the ad, cheap

(AD4), awesome (AD5), Best experience in years (AD6). I then decide to learn from my

mistakes and face the consequence. It was time for me to buy another video game.

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