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Kayla Reagan

November 28, 2017

Professor Reynolds

English 310-01

Dear Reader Letter

Dear Professor Reynolds,

In this letter, I will discuss how my work addresses the course objectives outlined in the syllabus
this semester. Furthermore, I will be explaining my strengths and weaknesses in regards to
these topics and how they affect me as both a learner and a future educator.

As for the learning objectives, directly below I will go through each objective and provide
evidence that proves it was properly addressed.

1. demonstrate understanding of an extensive body of literature for adolescents, the various

genres, and the critical study of YA literature. Topics will include historical perspectives and
current trends in literature, literature by and about women and minority groups, oral literature,
and non-Western literature. For this objective, I believe I addressed its components through the
novels we have read during the semester. Throughout this course, we read novels such as
American Born Chinese, Bronx Masquerade, a
nd All American Boys. Each of the aforementioned
novels are both by and about individuals who are apart of minority groups. Also, novels we read
such as B
ronx Masquerade, Speak, Out of the Dust, Wonder, a
nd The Thing About Jellyfish were
all written by women. Furthermore, Speak, Out of the Dust, and T
he Thing About Jellyfish were
not only written by women but also about women. We also analyzed different genres such as
graphic novels (American Born Chinese), mixed genre novels (Bronx Masquerade), and even
novels composed of poems (O
ut of the Dust). During the semester, we were also able to view
both current trends and historical perspectives within the novels we read. Specifically, in All
American Boys the topic of police brutality was the main focus of the novel, while in Out of the
Dust we were allowed an insight to the issues faced during the Great Depression. Overall,

through all of the novels we read as a class this semester, I was able to gain more
knowledge and better my understanding about Young Adult literature.

2. analyze current adolescent interests, including visual & audio stimuli & psychological
development and how they relate to YA texts. For this objective, I both learned how to include
visual and auditory stimuli when discussing Young Adult literature and also utilized its use
myself. During the semester, we watched videos such as The Danger of a Single Story, which
brought awareness to the dangers of only reading certain types of literature by certain types of
people. Also, while discussing The Thing About Jellyfish we watched a video that contained
jellyfish swimming so we could get a visual to go along with the novel. We also had a virtual
class which incorporated student interest since we are in a technology driven society.
Additionally, we were able to Makewhich always engages student interest, such as creating
our own circuits. As for visual and audio stimuli that I have used myself, throughout this
semester I have used tools such as Prezi, Weebly, and also Makers projects (attached below) in
order to talk about literature.

3. identify possible objectionable books & materials & prepare a rationale for either using or not
using materials with students; aware of criteria for selection of print and non-print material. For
this objective, I both read and wrote a rationale for the novel Perks of Being a Wallflower w
hich is
on the banned books list. For my rationale, I argued that P
erks should be used in the classroom
because it discusses the journey of a teen who was able to cope with all of the struggles life
threw at him. By reading novels such as Chboskys, teenagers are able to see someone make it
through hard times and even become stronger and happier individuals. Furthermore, my
self-selected reading Looking for Alaska, is also a banned book. Though both of these books are
seen as objectionable due to topics such as suicide, sexual content, language, drug and alcohol
use, along with others, they also present real issues that our teenagers are struggling with on a
daily basis.

4. distinguish and justify the use of various theoretical lens by which to approach the study of
YA literature For this objective, I wrote a total of two critical theory papers throughout this
course, each having a first and final draft. Though I only wrote from one lens, that one being
psychoanalytic, it taught me the importance of viewing text through specific lenses. By viewing
text with a certain topic in mind, we are able to deepen our understanding and take a closer look
at what the text is actually saying and what it means. Also, in this course we discussed various
theories and criticisms such as psychoanalytic, feminist, new criticism, along with many others.

The ways we discussed theoretical lenses included reading Critical Theory Today, Critical
Encounters, doing the Critical Theory Card activity. By reading about critical theory and
using it in my own papers, I was able to gain a better understanding of its importance and
relevance in the classroom.

5. apply multi-media approaches to learning and to literature; recognize and appraise new texts,
and professional materials and organizations which will help them keep current in the future.
For this objective, I used multiple tools throughout this semester to demonstrate both my
learning experience and to enhance others. As an example, for my discussion leader
conversation, I created a Prezi in order to make my presentation more engaging and easier to
follow. Also, to illustrate my own learning journey, I used Weebly to create a website that would
make my portfolio both organized and more interactive than a binder. By using multi-media
approaches now, I am not only strengthening my skills using digital tools to later use in my
classroom, but also sharing the different tools available to my peers.

In regards to the strengths I believe have discovered about myself this semester, I have realized
three main things:

1. I am able to integrate technology when teaching.

2. I am able to appeal to the multiple types of learners that are present within classrooms.
3. I am passionate about reading.

Throughout this semester, I have realized that I actually enjoy incorporating technology when I
am teaching. I have used multiple digital formats such as Prezi, PowerPoint, Google Slides,
Google Docs, Weebly, Planner 5D, and others. By incorporating these tools I am also appealing
to multiple learning styles. For example, by having something for students to view, I am
appealing to more visual learners. I have also included videos in my lessons and presentations I
have given which appealed to both visual and auditory learners. Though both my integration of
technology and my ability to appeal to multiple types of learners is important, the most
important strength to me is my passion for reading. Without the passion I have for passing on a
love for reading, I would not be as dedicated and motivated to persuade others to start reading
and never stop.

In regards to the weaknesses I believe have discovered about myself this semester, I have
realized three main things that I need to do:

1. Read texts on a deeper level

2. Provide better explanations and more compelling evidence
3. Become more comfortable with theoretical lenses

As for the weaknesses I have noticed, I have realized that I need to dive into texts deeper than I
currently do. For example, when writing my critical theory essays, I do not believe that I was ever
truly able to answer the question so what?. I believe that in the future if I take time to take in
the importance of the words I read, I will then be able to answer that question. Also, I believe
that I need to work on providing better explanations and evidence for claims that I make in my
papers. For instance, in my rationale paper, I was not able to persuade you that the book Perks
of Being a Wallflower should be taught in schools. As a future teacher, I want to be able to justify
why I choose the texts I do to the parents of my students and convince them that texts labeled
as banned can still be beneficial to children. To do this, I believe I need to do more in-depth
research on the books I choose to implement in my classroom. Lastly, I believe that I need to
work on my understanding of theoretical lenses so that I am able to incorporate them in my own
classroom. Though I have learned the multiple types of lenses and completely understand their
importance, I am not sure if I am able to explain them to middle schoolers. Before I feel
comfortable implementing theoretical lenses, I need to feel comfortable with my own ability to
both use those lenses and write about them.

As can be seen, this semester has taught me a lot about literature I would like to one day use in
my classroom and techniques about how to teach those texts. I have also discovered my own
strengths and weaknesses as a future educator and as a student. I will continue my journey of
becoming both a better learner and teacher and hope to only improve as my time continues at


Kayla Reagan

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