htm301 Leadership Development Plan

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To initiate a personalized plan for enhancing HTM competencies within the
context of coursework, meaningful experiences, and professional passions

The LDP assignment synthesizes Phase One of the HTM 301 course (learning
about the HTM competencies) and Phase Two of the course (practice and
receive feedback on the competencies) into a personalized plan. The assignment
includes four sections:

Section One-Vision and Goals: This section asks students to envision their
dream job consistent with their thoughts on the ideal leader and personal values.

Section Two-Reflections: This section guides students through a series of

reflection questions about their leadership experience to date, their opportunities
to practice the competencies in the HTM 301 course, and their mentor network.
Students synthesize what they learned about themselves and consider their own
strengths and weaknesses related to their vision and goals.

Section Three-Competency Assessment: In this section, students list four

specific behaviors for each of the 12 competencies to illustrate that competency
in the HTM context. Then, students synthesize their feedback and reflections to
assess themselves on each competency based on a rating scale of 1-7. A
summary of the students assessment of his/her own strengths and weaknesses
concludes the section.

Section Four-Development Activity Ideas: The final section of the LDP

commits the student to enhancing their leadership competencies through the
ongoing process of customized learning activities. Students identify three
competencies they want to improve and outline development activity ideas within
the context of their upcoming coursework, meaningful experiences, and career.

Completed Development Plan Template Four Sections (Attached)
Electronic Submission of Competency Self-Ratings
Presentation of LDP During Individual Instructor Meeting as Scheduled


About Me

Student Name Brandon S. Hess

Section and Semester HTM 301 Fall 2017

Degree Emphasis Events

Current Job Station Operations Rep. UAL

Expected Graduation Spring 2019

My PRINT 1-3

The Ideal Hospitality Leader

What is unique about the context of the hospitality and tourism industry?
How do leaders excel in this context?
How do current managers and faculty members define/talk about/say is important about leading
in the context of the hospitality and tourism industry?
How has my view of leading in the hospitality and tourism industry changed?
What are the behaviors for each of the competencies that are most connected to my vision of the
ideal leader in the HTM context?

Provide a narrative about your vision of the ideal leader in the hospitality and
tourism context and the leader you envision yourself becoming.

Seems like the obvious statement but I feel because its so obvious it tends to be overlooked.
Lead by example. As a leader in hospitality your best training method is to embody the
employees/team you want. Just as in any other field, Hospitality leaders must stay
competitive. Our industry changes weekly, being forward thinking and innovative will pave
the way for growth and success in our field.

The type of leader that I envision for myself is all of the traits I listed but above all, I will
lead from integrity, respect and wisdom. Integrity is key to trust, Youre only as good as
your name. Respect is an absolute must in order for you to get a team of people to stand
behind you in this very harsh industry. Lastly wisdom, not because I feel I need to know
everything, however I find that a person that self-educates gains a competitive advantage
over others. The only sustainable competitive advantage is your ability to learn fast, thats
the competitor Arie de Geus

Career Goals

What are the possible ways to sustain the lifestyle I want in the experience economy?
What kind of work would take advantage of my talents, as I perceive them now?
What am I considering that I never thought possible before?
Even though the job doesnt exist today, how would I really like to spend my time?

Based on what you know about your values, passions, and talents, what would
be your dream career in the long term? Hint: Think Bigger.
I imagine this changing but here is where I currently stand. I enjoy traveling in complete
luxury and my dream career would be a traveling consultant independent of a company. I
want to help hospitality entities around the world raise their standards to the ever changing
expectations of the modern traveler.

Travel director with Maritz or similar company for a few years. Then into more of a
marketing role with a corporation to create exciting experiences that fuel economic

What would be an ideal position/career/life choice for you 5 years after


List a short-term career goal achieved by your graduation date.

I will be fluent in Spanish and then working on a third language (German). This allow
me to better positon myself in the global market.

Other Goals
What extracurricular things could I do to help toward my dream job?
What scares me that I should try to overcome?
What skills do I think I want to develop?
How can I get more involved in the industry in ways that suit my personality?
Who do I know that I should reach out to that might help with my career?
How can I learn more about the possibilities for me upon graduation?

Identify 3 goals for your college journey. Begin each statement I Will

1. I will join Toastmasters International.

2. I will me more active in an on campus club.

3. I will work toward an internship with The Points Guy in New York.


Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses during the simulations. Identify the
changes you made from the first simulation to the second and areas where you
think you made the most improvements.

Ill start by saying that both simulations proved successful. The feedback that I received
from the 1st simulation was that I come across too strong, thus leading to overpowering
the discussion. This creates a working environment that isnt conducive to teamwork.
During the 2nd simulation I made a point to stand back at the beginning, allow the
thoughts to flow in, then come in and offer my suggestions. I enjoyed the approach as it
allowed for a better flow of the entire group. I was able to release some control.

My Perception and the Perceptions of Others

What did the industry observers say I did well/competency strengths?

How do my peers talk about my role on a team?
How did feedback from others surprise me?
What were the key lessons from my mentor network?
What disappointed me?
What exhilarated me?
What can I change/not change?
What would I do differently if I could?
What is my role in the outcomes of the semester?

Consider the questions above and synthesize what you learned about yourself
this semester.

As I shared in class, overall I feel that this semester just solidified/confirmed what I
already knew about myself. Ive spend a lot of time in both my career and growing up
being made very aware about how I operate. One aspect I have enjoyed exploring is my
need for control. The fact of the matter is I dont need control, in fact I enjoy sitting
back and watching things fall into place. This was confirmed between both of my
simulations. My relationship with control comes from wanting things done to a certain
standard. I grew up in a very strict, high expectation household that has followed me
during my early stages of life professionally. I have gotten to the point of recognizing
others abilities, if they can be trusted, it is easier for me to release. As evident in my first
simulation, things werent progressing as they should (in my mind of course) so I took
the wheel. The most surprising feedback I received is that I tend to come across
intimidating. This has never been my intention but it was great getting that candid
feedback so I can better recognize how I operate. While I feel my behaviors/actions are
warranted at times and I dont have much intention of changing them, I do realize and am
open to reshaping them. I strive to be the best me possible and will always accept


For each competency, list four behaviors that convey the essence of the
competency in action aligned with your vision of the ideal leader in hospitality and
tourism. You may find it helpful to review the competency definitions article and
industry interviews. Then, for each competency, assess yourself currently using
the rating scale below. These ratings will serve as your baseline assessment,
and you will reassess your own development in future semesters. Your ratings
are for the purpose of learning and growth onlyratings will not influence course
grades. Enter a number of 1 through 7 for yourself for each of the competencies.

Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model

1 2 3 4 5 6

Business Savvy Competencies Behaviors and Self-Assessment

Numberwise Rating
1: Balancing a budget 3: Finding ways to economize

2: Using Excel 4:
Planning Rating
1: Creating schedules 3:

2: Choosing classes for next semester 4

Strategic Decision-Making Rating
1: Deciding which flights to delay/cancel 3:

2: Finding a major 4
Superior Technical Service Rating
1: Creating process improvements 3
2: 4


Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model

1 2 3 4 5 6

People Savvy Competencies Behaviors and Self-Assessment

Interpersonal Communication Rating
1: Effective email communication 3

2: Interoffice communication 4
Networked Rating
1: Attending association events 3: Making an effort to meet others

2: Staying in touch with past employers 4: Sharing networks

Coaching/Training Rating
1: Training new employees 3: Providing constructive feedback

2: Leading recurrent instruction 4:

Superior Expressive Service Rating
1: Knowing when to provide service 3

2: Anticipating needs 4


Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model

1 2 3 4 5 6

Self-Savvy Competencies Behaviors and Self-Assessment

Professionalism Rating
1: Well dressed 3: Having tact

2: Well spoken 4
Time Management | Priorities Rating
1: Pro & Cons lists 3:

2: Managing your workload 4

Self-Development Rating
1: Learning a new skill 3:

2: Being receptive to feedback 4

Spirit of Optimism Rating
1: Not letting things get you down 3: Excited about life & work

2: Being solution oriented 4: Whats next attitude



Summary of Competency Assessment

From the entire list of 12 competencies, identify your top three strengths as well
as three competencies that you need to develop.

Competency Strengths Competencies to Develop

1. Strategic Decision-Making 1. Self-Development

2. Professionalism 2. Interpersonal Communication

3. Superior Expressive Service 3. Spirit of Optimism

Develop Activity Ideas

Development activities are customized mini projects that students design to

enhance one or more of their competency areas. A typical development activity
takes 10-20 total hours to complete during a semester. Development activities
help students move closer to their idealized vision as leaders. Students
customize development activities to take place in their own learning spaces
school, work, social clubs and other personal settings. It may be helpful to review
the list of starter ideas on the following pages as well as the student created
website Kaleidoscope Resources. In the table below, list 5 development activity
ideas (project titles) that will help you develop one or more competencies,
provide an opportunity to enhance your leadership, and/or help achieve a goal.
At least one of your activities should also help move you in the direction of your
dream job. The first row of the table is filled in as an example.

Development Activity Ideas Description of Alignment

Start a Music Festival Student Interest Group Planning competency improvement and aligned
with career goal








Examples of Development Activities Competencies

Prepare a breakeven analysis for a product/service/division
Summarize existing industry data and present it to laymen in the company
Compile a package of refresher materials on common accounting and financial techniques
used by middle managers

Prepare an event plan
Develop a system to discuss department action plans
Identify processes for translating the corporate vision

Strategic Decision-Making
Volunteer to work an event list resources and ways you used them to improve the event
Create a booklet of stories of how employees made guest-centered decisions
Develop a troubleshooting guide for common guest problems

Technical Service
Flowchart a process and brainstorm ways to improve it present to management
Conduct a speed of service study identify ways to improve
Prepare an options list for company management that summarizes a variety of entertaining
options, group names, and prices. Implement a method for maintaining it

Interpersonal Communication
Facilitate a brainstorming session. Include prioritizing and a system for accountability of
agreed upon action items
Sit in on employee reviews. Write a list of dos and donts for your personal use
Lead a team on project - ask the members to give you feedback on your leadership style

Join an industry associations committee
Do informational interviews
Systematize how you will use your mentor network

Prepare a company culture orientation
Research the new employee the millennials, connect to company and present it to
Design a discussion document to be used for formal coaching sessions with subordinates

Superior Expressive Service

Compile a list of the top ten insider tips employees can use to connect with guests
Volunteer to work with customers. Ask a valued mentor to observe you and give you
Create a calendar of 52 ways to improve personality of service implement one per week

Examples of Development Activities Competencies (Continued)

Work with student association to bring in retail partner for student suits
Develop a personal consistency audit a self-assessment for evaluating your trustworthiness
Give a professional presentation or conduct a professional meeting

Time Management/Priorities
Develop a personal system for integrating values/priorities into day to day work
Create a personal plan for integrating the company vision/mission into your work
Create a personal environmental scanning system on your computer

Create a formalized feedback system with your mentors
Design and execute a development activity per semester
Make it a way of life

Spirit of Optimism
Keep a journal about how you exuded positive traits throughout the week
Volunteer for a role you would never think you would enjoy
Observe those who display this trait write dos and donts for your personal use

Examples of Development Activities Coursework

Start a contemporary leadership article/book group

Ask to document student presentations and compile a highlight video
Seek new technology to incorporate into your assignments
Visually represent data in artful ways as part of your assignments
Create a summary of additional resources for your favorite class gift it to the teacher
Translate a research project into a poster and present at the student research symposium
Translate course learning into discussion topics and implement them at the HTM couch

Examples of Development Activities - Meaningful Experiences

Pitch a professor on how you can help them create experiential learning assignments
Design an alumni panel focused on study abroad
Brainstorm student success fee ideas and conduct a peer workshop
Add a section to the Kaleidoscope Resources website focusing on 480 leadership
experiences make a presentation in the 480 class about the new resource
Become a student ambassador for an existing industry association
Create a video of student testimonies describing their most meaningful college experiences
outside the classroom
Coordinate a service learning project that benefits the community

Examples of Development Activities - Professional Passions

Conduct informational interviews with professionals in your dream job
Plan a learning event on campus that brings in speakers aligned with your passions
Create a student driven campaign to cultivate potential employers unique to your passions
Research electronic resume templates and conduct a student seminar
Seek alumni in unique fields and buy them a coffee
Create a mentor network assignment for yourself
Create a tutorial on how to find company data using SDSU library resources



Minimal Effort Needs Improvement Met Requirements Good Work Role Model
F D/C- C/C+ B/B+/B- A/A-
Not all sections Lacking detail or Completed every All sections of the All sections of the
completed. demonstrating section without LDP demonstrate LDP demonstrate
misunderstanding of demonstrating an attention to detail and attention to detail and
concepts. integrated plan for thoughtful thoughtful,
Organization lacking customized personalized personalized
or presentation of learning. Section responses. Some responses. Vision
work may be sloppy. answers are vague sections may still lack and goals
and surface level. clarity or need demonstrate
additional outside commitment to
research to move coursework,
beyond the ordinary experiences, and
responses. Goals career. Reflections
are clear, but reveal deep learning
ordinary. Reflections and ability to
may be surface level. synthesize feedback
Competencies do not sources.
reveal personal Competency
approach at the assessment includes
behavior level. detailed behaviors
Develop activities and a spectrum of
may be vague. ratings aligned with
written reflections.
Develop activities
clearly aligned.


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