Human Impact On An Ecosystem Lesson Week Four

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Essential Question for Lesson #4: What do humans do to affect the health of the ecosystem?


For directions on how to complete this form, see EDSC Lesson Plan Directions and Scoring Guide in the SSCP Handbook at

Name CWID Subject Area

Jill Jermain, Lilian Rubi, Maribel Trejo Life Science
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Middle School Science, 7th Grade Unbalanced Ecosystem Ecosystem Biodiversity 7th Grade 50 minutes
Next Generation Science Standards Common Core State Standard Connections
RST.6-8.8: Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on
research findings, and speculation in a text
MS-LS2-5: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics RI.8.8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text,
assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant
Evaluate competing design solutions for maintaining biodiversity and sufficient to support the claims
and ecosystem services.
MP.4: Model with mathematics
6.RP.A.3: Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and
mathematical problems
Lesson Objective(s) Evidence
Students will illustrate and evaluate the interdependent
Student models should show a variety of ecosystem members
relationships of members within Yellowstone Parks ecosystem
and their relationships should be appropriate (i.e. students food
after a human impact, food production, by revising their food
web wouldnt show a mouse eating a coyote)
web and food energy pyramid model.
Type Purpose/Focus of Assessment Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
Teacher will present the
warm-up question on the front
The teacher will use the
Warm-Up Question: Engages board and students will write The warm-up question allows
Think-Pair-Share strategy. The
student interest, activates prior down the question in their the teacher to see if students
EL teacher will randomly call on 3
knowledge, and introduces the science notebooks. Students are prepared to move forward
students to share their answer
lesson use prior knowledge and in the lesson.
with the whole class.
experience to answer to the
best of their ability.
Allows the teacher to see if
The teacher will walk around
Reflect, Revise, Refine (RRR) Teacher hands out the RRR students were able to answer
the classroom to progress
Sheet: Help students to answer Sheet to each student and and understand the critical
monitor the students actively
Form questions and gather instructs students to fill out the questions from the article
filling out the handout and help
information on each segment or handout AFTER they are done before moving forward in the
answer any questions they may
selection of their article reading reading. lesson.

Sum N/A N/A N/A N/A

Instructional Strategies

Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set

Time Teacher Does Student Does
Teacher will present warm-up question on the front board and
students will need to answer the question via Think-Pair-Share once
Students will write down the warm-up question into their science
prompted by the teacher. Warm-up question: Give 3 examples of an
5 min notebooks and answer the question. Students will then take
ecological disaster caused by humans. Teacher will instruct students
turns sharing their answer with their neighbor.
to individually answer the warm-up question in their science
notebook and then share their answer with their neighbor. Teacher
will advise students to be prepared to be called on to share their
answer with the whole class.
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
First the teacher will show the students a short movie clip from
Before the Flood to engage students and help them begin to think
outside of yellowstone's ecosystem.
Students will listen and watch attentively to the movie clip from
The teacher will have four different grade-level articles for students
Before the Flood.
25 min to read and annotate individually. The articles will be about how an
Students will individually read and annotate the article that they
unbalanced ecosystem occurs from an ecological disaster caused by
were assigned to.
humans. The article will be based on four different disasters. Each
student in the lab group of four will receive a different article to read
and become an expert on one article.
Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
After students finish reading and annotating the article, the teacher
will handout the Reflect, Revise, and Refine (RRR) Sheet for Students will answer all the questions on the Reflect, Revise, and
students to glue down in their science notebooks. The teacher will Refine sheet based on the article they read in class. If students
20 min
instruct students that they have the remainder of the class period to dont finish the RRR Sheet, then they will need to complete it at
answer the RRR Sheet based on the article they read. Whatever home for homework.
the students dont finish in class will be homework.
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia
Four ecological human-causing disaster articles: Food production, Fracking (oil drilling), water resources, invasive species/hunting.
Reflect, Revise, Refine (RRR) Sheet
Before the Flood:

Co-Teaching Strategies

English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
Students will write short, even
bullet-point responses as evidence
If students can demonstrate that
Guided Notes will be provided for of thinking. Working with partners
Guided Notes will be provided for the concepts are within reach,
Striving Readers since this lesson can help scaffold students to
ELs since this lesson has a lot of they can be challenged with
has a lot of reading and decoding understanding. And Teacher can
reading and decoding text. reading the additional articles on
text. observe students during individual
their own.
work to guide students with probing



For directions on how to complete this form, see EDSC Lesson Plan Directions and Scoring Guide in the SSCP Handbook at

Name CWID Subject Area

Jill Jermain, Lilian Rubi, Maribel Trejo Life Science
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Middle School Science, 7th Grade Unbalanced Ecosystem Ecosystem Biodiversity 7th Grade 50 minutes
Next Generation Science Standards Common Core State Standard Connections
MS-LS2-5: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
RST.6-8.8: Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on
research findings, and speculation in a text
Evaluate competing design solutions for maintaining biodiversity RI.8.8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text,
and ecosystem services. assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant
and sufficient to support the claims

MP.4: Model with mathematics
6.RP.A.3: Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and
mathematical problems
Lesson Objective(s) Evidence
Students will illustrate and evaluate the interdependent
Student models should show a variety of ecosystem members
relationships of members within Yellowstone Parks ecosystem
and their relationships should be appropriate (i.e. students food
after a human impact, food production, by revising their food
web wouldnt show a mouse eating a coyote)
web and food energy pyramid model.
Type Purpose/Focus of Assessment Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
Teacher will present the
warm-up question on the front
The teacher will use the
Warm-Up Question: Engages board and students will write The warm-up question allows
Think-Pair-Share strategy. The
student interest, activates prior down the question in their the teacher to see if students
EL teacher will randomly call on 3
knowledge, and introduces the science notebooks. Students are prepared to move forward
students to share their answer
lesson use prior knowledge and in the lesson.
with the whole class.
experience to answer to the
best of their ability.
The teacher will give students
Jigsaw Activity: The purpose of informal feedback during their
the activity is to have students group discussions and Students group discussion and
Teacher will start the jigsaw
discuss the articles that they whole-class discussion. Teacher whole-class discussion allows
activity after the warm-up for
Form read and get a better can also ask pressing questions the teacher to gauge student
the day to follow-up on the
understanding on how human and follow-up questions to understanding of the material
previous day's readings.
impact may cause an imbalance probe for more information or they read.
in an ecosystem. redirect students thoughts and
Sum N/A N/A N/A N/A
Instructional Strategies
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Time Teacher Does Student Does

Students will write down the warm-up question into their science
Teacher will present warm-up question on the front board and
notebooks and answer the question. Students will then take
students will need to answer the question via Think-Pair-Share once
turns sharing their answer with their neighbor.
prompted by the teacher. Teacher will instruct students to
individually answer the warm-up question in their science notebook
5 min
and then share their answer with their neighbor. Teacher will advise
students to be prepared to be called on to share their answer with
the whole class.

Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Students that read the same article( Food production, Fracking
Teacher will have all the students that read the same article together
(oil drilling), water resources,...etc.) will come together in an
in an expert group to discuss the human impact and how it affects
expert group to discuss the natural disaster and how it affects
the health of the ecosystem. They will also answer the probing
the health of the ecosystem. Students will also answer the
questions that the teacher has created for their specific article:
probing questions that the teacher has created for their specific
1.How would the addition of an invasive species affect the
15 min ecosystem? Hunting? Drilling for oil? Using land for food production?
1.How would the addition of an invasive species affect the
Water resources?
ecosystem? Hunting? Drilling for oil? Using land for food
2.Do any of these additions cause an unbalanced ecosystem? Why or
production? Water resources?
why not?
2.Do any of these additions cause an unbalanced ecosystem?
3.Explain how these human activities disrupt the energy transfer in
Why or why not?
an ecosystem.
3.Explain how these human activities may disrupt the energy
4.What are some solutions that the article suggests to solve the
transfer in an ecosystem.
problem? 4.What are some solutions that the article suggests to solve the

Teacher will take the four expert groups, Food production, Fracking One student from each expert group will then join a new group
(oil drilling), water resources, and invasive species/hunting. and so that their is an expert in each one. The new groups should
divide them into four separate groups so that the new group has a have a member from the Food production group, Fracking (oil
human impact for each one. The new groups should have a drilling) group, and water resources group etc.
member from the Food production, Fracking (oil drilling), water
resources, and invasive species/hunting group.
Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Students will take their handout and exchange information from
the experts of the other groups. By doing so each student will
have answered all the probing questions by collecting
Teacher will then instruct students to take their handout and answer
information from the food production, Fracking (oil drilling),
their missing questions for the three other human impact disasters.
water resources, invasive species/hunting experts so that at
They will do so by exchanging information from the experts of the
the end they have notes about how each natural disaster affects
other groups. For example: The water resource expert will have to
the ecosystem.
collect information for the Food production, Fracking (oil drilling),
and invasive species/hunting experts so that at the end they have
notes about how each different human impact affects the
30 min ecosystem.
Students will then have a whole-class discussion to discuss how
each disaster may create an unbalanced ecosystem and disrupt
Teacher will then have a whole-class discussion to go over the
the ecological pyramid and their corresponding food chains
probing questions and discuss how each disaster may create an
unbalanced ecosystem and disrupt the ecological pyramid and their
corresponding food chains. The teacher will tell students to keep
their responses in mind because they will be using the information
refine their food energy pyramid.

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia

-Four human impact effect articles on Food production, Fracking (oil drilling), water resources, invasive species/hunting. .
-Human impact effects handout.
Co-Teaching Strategies

English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
The lesson includes, reading,
The teacher can give students that The lesson includes, reading, If students are demonstrate that
writing, and speaking in the
are at lower reading levels articles writing, and speaking in the English the concepts are within reach,
English language. If necessary the
that are easier to read and language. If necessary the teacher they can be challenged with
teacher can help ELs prepare
comprehend. Students will also can give the student multiple ways higher reading level articles and
responses, practice with a
work in groups of students of to respond( i.e. written or oral) more challenging follow-up
partner, before sharing ideas with
varying levels. depending on their special need. questions during the discussion.
the class, reducing anxiety.


For directions on how to complete this form, see EDSC Lesson Plan Directions and Scoring Guide in the SSCP Handbook at

Name CWID Subject Area

Jill Jermain, Lilian Rubi, Maribel Trejo Life Science
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Middle School Science, 7th Grade Unbalanced Ecosystem Ecosystem Biodiversity 7th Grade 50 minutes
Next Generation Science Standards Common Core State Standard Connections
RST.6-8.8: Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on
research findings, and speculation in a text
MS-LS2-5: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics RI.8.8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text,
assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant
Evaluate competing design solutions for maintaining biodiversity and sufficient to support the claims
and ecosystem services.
MP.4: Model with mathematics
6.RP.A.3: Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and
mathematical problems
Lesson Objective(s) Evidence
Students will illustrate and evaluate the interdependent
Student models should show a variety of ecosystem members
relationships of members within Yellowstone Parks ecosystem
and their relationships should be appropriate (i.e. students food
after a human impact, food production, by revising their food
web wouldnt show a mouse eating a coyote)
web and food energy pyramid model.
Type Purpose/Focus of Assessment Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
Warm-Up Question: Teacher
will present the warm-up Warm-Up Question: The
question on the front board and teacher will use the Warm-Up Question: The
Warm-Up Question: Engages
students will write down the Think-Pair-Share strategy. The warm-up question allows the
student interest, activates prior
EL question in their science teacher will randomly call on 3 teacher to see if students are
knowledge, and introduces the
notebooks. Students use prior students to share their answer prepared to move forward in
knowledge and experience to with the whole class. the lesson.
answer to the best of their
Modeling: Students will Modeling: The teacher will ask Modeling: During the creation Modeling: Modeling showcases
organize information, make another scenario questions that of the model, students discuss students conceptual
connections, and note states You are a park ranger, types of organisms, understanding of the subject
relationships through the use of and you noticed that their relationships between matter. They are able to
graphics and passed article seems to be smoke off in the organisms in an ecosystem and comprehend the important
readings. Students will also distance. After further the effects on their ecosystem concepts of the lesson and use
understand how a fire can investigation you realize that based on the fire. Teacher will drawings and graphics to
disrupt the health of an part of Yellowstone is on fire! monitor students as they work display their understanding.
ecosystem How will this natural disaster on this activity in their lab
affect the health of the group. Eventually a rubric will Gallery Walk: For teachers, its
Gallery Walk: Allows students to ecosystem? The teacher will be used to grade their posters a chance to gauge the depth of
discuss and display their final then instruct students to refine after the class Gallery Walk student understanding of
work around the classroom in a their previous models based on concludes. particular concepts and to
non-threatening way with the this question. challenge misconceptions.
assurance of getting some Gallery Walk: A grading rubric
feedback from their fellow Gallery Walk: Students will walk will be used by the teacher to
peers. around the classroom and evaluate the group posters.
observe other lab groups food
web posters and energy food
pyramids. Each lab group will
start at a different station and
take individual notes about the
poster in their science lab
Sum N/A N/A N/A N/A
Instructional Strategies
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Teacher will present warm-up question on the front board and Students will write down the warm-up question into their science
students will need to answer the question via Think-Pair-Share once notebooks and answer the question. Students will then take
5 min
prompted by the teacher. Teacher will instruct students to turns sharing their answer with their neighbor.
individually answer the warm-up question in their science notebook
and then share their answer with their neighbor. Teacher will advise
students to be prepared to be called on to share their answer with
the whole class.
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
The teacher will announce to the class that they are required to use Students will brainstorm as a group to decide how they will
their food web and food energy pyramid from the last Gallery Walk. construct their food energy pyramid.
5 min The teacher will explain, that they must refine their model based off
of a human impact, in this case a food production. The teacher will
allow the class to brainstorm and discuss with their group how they
will construct their web and pyramid model.
Students will revise their food web and food energy pyramid
After brainstorming is complete, the teacher will hand out a large model on the construction paper handed out by the teacher, and
10 min piece of construction paper to each group as well as colored Sharpie use the colored Sharpie pens to draw and label the model. Lab
pens. Teacher will monitor students as they work on this activity, groups will hand in their poster to the teacher once they are
asking questions about what students learned in the food finished.
production article during the jigsaw activity. The teacher will collect
each poster at the end of the allotted time frame.

Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Students will walk around the classroom and observe other lab
The teacher will display each lab groups poster that was collected
groups food web and food energy pyramid posters. Each lab
around the classroom where students will have easy access to
group will start at a different station and take individual notes
examining the posters. There are 10 groups of 4 in the class,
about the poster in their science lab notebooks. At their first
therefore each group will have 3 min to examine each poster and
station, groups will observe what is posted and record their
30 min take notes before moving onto the next poster. The teacher will
groups responses, thoughts, and comments. After 3 min, the lab
monitor the stations while students participate in the gallery walk.
groups will rotate to the next station and repeat their recordings
Teacher may need to clarify or provide hints if students dont
until they have visited all stations. At the end of class, students
understand or misinterpret what is posted at a station. Teacher will
will have the opportunity to participate and share their findings
conclude the gallery walk by discussing student learning from the
with the whole class.
task as a whole class. The posters will be graded using a rubric.
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia
Smart Board, Projector, Construction Paper, Colored Sharpie Pens, Food Energy Pyramid Poster and Food Web Rubric
Co-Teaching Strategies

English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
The lesson relies primarily on
The lesson relies primarily on
listening and speaking skills,
listening and speaking skills, which
which engages ELs without
engages SNs without relying on
relying on decoding text.
decoding text. Students will write
Students will write short, even
The lesson relies primarily on short, even bullet-point responses If students are demonstrate that
bullet-point responses as
listening and speaking skills, which as evidence of thinking. Students the concepts are within reach,
evidence of thinking. ELs prepare
engages striving readers without prepare responses, practice with a they can be challenged with
responses, practice with a
relying on decoding text. Students partner, before sharing ideas with unknown ecosystem members to
partner, before sharing ideas with
will write short, even bullet-point the class, reducing anxiety. Working consider for their food web and
the class, reducing anxiety.
responses as evidence of thinking. with partners can help scaffold food pyramid.
Teacher can observe students
students to understanding. And
during paired conversations if
Teacher can observe students during
student is ready to share with the
individual work and paired
conversations to guide students with
probing questions.

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