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Lesson Plan Template

Date: 1/11/2017 Student: Aisha Ahmed Yahya

Time: 8:15 School: Wesgreen International School
MST: Ms. Wendy Wei Class: Grade 3
Unit: Addition and subtraction No. Ss 24

Prior Knowledge (What knowledge are you building on?)

Students know how two times with two digits (from grade 2).
Know how to add and subtract 1s, 10s and 100s (From place value unit).
Identified adding several numbers (from the previous lesson)
Identified number bound strategy (from the previous lesson).
Able to count in and back from 1 to 5 and 10 (From place value unit).
Lesson Activities: (What will students do in the lesson?)

Starter: (Carpet time)

Story time about greedy crocodile.
Using number bound.

Students text book: (Individual work)

In page 48 students will add the numbers.

Number bound game

Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, time bound
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:
Students better in adding small several numbers.
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
(How will you evaluate the objectives that were identified? Have students practiced what you
are asking them to do for evaluation?)

Checking their books
Personal focus (related to PDP): In this lesson I am working on my

Time management:
Specifying time of each part.
Math lesson ( 40 mins)
Activity Activity Ti Inter Teachers words & actions Childrens words Resources
Name objective/ me action and actions
Introduce the 2 Teacher Writing and reading for the students Student will listen to Classroom
Opening lesson+ make min with the lesson title, LO (Learning objective) the instruction board+ Markers
them clear student and the date. (To write LO,
about the date and the
lesson title of the
content. board.
Children 5 Students I will hold the greedy crocodile and say Students will listen Greedy
Story time prefer stories min and the story. to the story. crocodile prop
and its its Teacher When I will reach to the complete They will add the (act the story)+
great tool to operation, I will ask the students as a numbers at the end classroom
teach the greedy crocodile to add the numbers of the story. board+ marker
concept 3Q add the numbers (You can look at (Write the
briefly. the script in page 5) operation)
To make the 3 Teacher I will draw the maze to module for the Students will listen Classroom
Giving students clear min with student how do to the operation. to the instruction. Board+ Markers
instruction about their student I will say to them You have a maze Students will give (Draw the
work+ you need to reach to the end You will the total of the first question and
modeling the start from start and finish from finish rout. write the first
activity so I will do (1 route) as an examples on answer)
students know the board.
exactly about With my marker I will draw the direction
their tasks from the starting point to the ending
Enhance 20 Individu Monitor the students+ checking their The students will do Students text
Working on students min al work books+ help the students by giving certain number of book.
their text understanding clues. routes depend on
book . To monitor his/her ability:
comprehensio LA: They will do 4
n. routes (with using
hundred table).
MA: they will do 5
HA: They will do 6
Check 10 Students Depend on students ability I will ask Each student will -
Number students min with each student to find the missing use number bound
bound fluency in students number: to find the missing
game number number.
bound. LA: total 5
Improve MA: total 10
students HA: total 20
addition skills.
Finding a big meal number:

There was a greedy crocodile who was looking for a big number. He was searching about a giant amount to fill him up.
In a minute, he started walking slowly to find a big number.

Suddenly, he found number six. The crocodile looked at six with contempt "It a small number it wont fill me up"
Then, he started creeping in to look for bigger number, he found number 4.
He looked again miserably 4 is smaller than 6 it wont fill me up
He started to think about number 4 I have number 4 and number 6?
The greedy crocodile looked at the solution finally I will add them together.. But they wont fill me up. I need to find
He started searching again about bigger number, he found number 3. He stir to the number with saying NUMBER
After his anger, he remembered his trick with smiling but I will add them to make for me a magnificent number, lets try
now He started to add the numbers 6+4+3=?
Sadly the greedy Crocodile stopped thinking without knowing how to add the numbers so he terrified with shouting aloud
OOOOHHHHHHHH ITS HARD 3Q HELP ME PLEAS I answered him Ok Mr. Greedy 3Q can teach you now.

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