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By SJ ACADEMY | 22:16:00 No comments


Directions (1-20) Read each sentence to find out whether there is grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any,
will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e)
(Ignore the errors of punctuation if any.)
1. I am (a)/ better acquainted (b)/ with the country (c)/ than you. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (D) Place are after you.(I am than you are)
2. It is said (a)/ by some persons (b)/ that one of the bank (c)/ could solve economic problem. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (C) Replace bank with banks.
3. The boy who (a)/ you see there (b)/ made the top score (c)/ in the last match. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (A) Replace who with Whom.(Here relative pronoun should be in objective case as the subject and
object (you see) are given).
4. Being occupied (a)/ with important matters (b)/ he had no leisure(c)/ to see us. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (E) No Error
5. The sun whose (a)/ ray give life to the (b)/ earth was venerated as (c)/ god by our ancestors. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (B) Replace ray with rays.
6. He was not promoted (a)/ to the rank of Colonel (b)/ till for a few (c)/ months of his resignation. (d)/ No Error.
Ans: (C) Replace for with before.
7. Our soldiers (a)/ were better trained (b)/ than that (c)/ of enemies. (d)/ No Error.
Ans: (C) Replace that with those. (That is used in singular and those in plural.)
8. If it were possible (a)/ to get near when (b)/ one of the volcanic eruptions take place (c)/ we should see a grand
sight. (d) No Error (e).
Ans: (C) Replace take with took. (The two verbs in the sentence were and should are in past.)
9. One must use (a)/ his best efforts (b)/ if one (c)/ wishes to succeed. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (B) Replace his with ones.
10 It is suggested (a)/ that a ring road (b)/ be built (c)/ to relieve the congestion. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (E) No error
11. Yavanika is one (a)/ of the latest (b)/ addition to good drama (c)/ which appeared in recent times. (d)/ No Error
Ans: (C) Replace addition with additions.
12. Children visiting the (a)/ park are amused (b)/ by the monkeys (c)/ play in the cages. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (D) Replace play with playing. (The verb shows an ongoing action.)
13. The car flew off the road (a)/ and feel into the valley (b)/ because Amit (c)/ was driving faster. (d). No Error (e).
Ans: (D) Replace faster with fast. (Faster is comparative and no comparison is involved here.)
14. Sadhana was the one person (a)/ who could somehow manage (b)/ to working in the section (c)/ for such a
long time.(d)/ No Error(e)
Ans: (C) Replace to working with to work. (Infinitive (to v1) should be used here.)
15. In spite of the late hour (a)/ and the bad weather (b)/ Naveen decided to leave it out (c)/ and to drink at
the bar. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (D) Remove to
16. Sooner than he had arrived (a)/ his friends arranged a reception (b)/ in his honour in (c)/ the best hotel in
town. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (A) Replace sooner than with as soon as
17. The number of people (a)/ applying were so large (b)/ that the college had to (c)/ stop issuing application
forms. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (B) Replace were with was. (The subject is the number which is singular.)
18. Surekha was trying for admission (a)/ in the Engineering College (b)/ even though her parents wanted (c)/ her to
take up Medicine. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (B) Replace in with to. (Admission to an institution.)
19. Despite of a good monsoon (a)/ this year, the production (b) of food grains in the (c)/ country did not
go up. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (A) Either despite or in spite of.
20. The last of the Mughal (a)/ emperors of India was imprisoned (b)/ and was later sent into (c) exile by the
British. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (E) No Error
18. On hearing from you (a)/ I will come not only (b)/ to the airport but will (c)/ also help you in customs
clearance. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (b) put not only before come (place of not only).
19. I have been (a)/ working for this (b)/ organization for (c)/ the last ten years. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (E) No Error
20. The officer along with (a)/ his family members were (b)/ invited at the reception party (c)/ organized
by his employer.(d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (B) Replace were with was. (The noun coming before along with is the subject of the sentence.)
21. As soon as I will (a)/ reach Patna I will (b)/ send you the books (c)/ you have asked for. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (A) Remove will. (With time or condition denoting words (as soon as, here) will, shall or modal
is not used.)
22. Our Housing Society comprises of (a)/ eight blocks and (b)/ forty-eight flats on an (c)/ area of about thousand
sq. meters. (d)/No Error (e).
Ans: (A) Remove of. (consist of = comprise)
23. A nation wide survey has (a)/ brought up an (b)/ interesting finding regarding (c)/ infant morality rate in
India. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (B) Replace up with out. (Bring up = to look after, Bring out = to publish)
24. One of my good quality (a)/ is that I do not (b)/ take things like (c)/ this very seriously. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (A) Replace quality with qualities (after one of noun is plural).
25. It being a (a)/ pleasant morning I (b)/ decided to go out (c)/ on walking in the garden. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (D) Replace on walking with for a walk.
26. When your father inquired (a)/ about your marks (b)/ you lied to him, (c) have you not? (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (D) Replace have you not with didnt you.(In question tag auxiliary verb of the main sentence is
27. If we had Mohan (a)/ In our team we (b)/ would have won the match (c)/ against your team. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (E) (Despite being in past conditional where had +v3 should have been used, had in the sense of
possession remains the same in past perfect also.)
28. My observation is that (a)/ between Raghav and (b)/ Deepa, Raghav is (c)/ the most intelligent. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (D) Replace the most with more. (For two, comparative degree is used not superlative.)
29. I always prefer (a)/ working in a (b)/ relaxed atmosphere than (c)/ one full of tension and anxiety. (d)/ No Error
Ans: (C) Replace than with to (Prefer to).
30. No sooner did (a)/ I reach (b)/ Delhi railway station than (c)/ the train departed. (d)/ No Error (e).
Ans: (E) No Error
31.In my opinion (a) / this boy is very honest (b) / and can be depended. (c) / No error (d)
Correct Option :c. The correct form is depended upon.
16. You may not know it 1)/ but this engine is 2) / claimed to have twice (claimed to be)3) / as powerful
as the previous one. 4) / No error 5)

17. Nothing ever becomes real 1)/ till it is experienced. 2) / Even a proverb is no proverb to you 3)/ till
your life has illustrated with it.(illustrated with) 4)/ No error 5)

18. I remember my childhood days 1)/ when I (was) used to go 2) to the farm with my father 3) / and
help him in his work. 4)/ No error 5)

19. I missed the last train 1) / which I usually catch 2) / and have(had) to stay at the station 3) / on my
way back home yesterday. 4) / No error 5)

20. Suresh babu, who is(has been) living 1) / in this town since 1955, 2)/ is a well-known scholar of
history 3) / and a distinguished musician. 4) / No error 5)

11. If you had read 1) / the relevant literature carefully 2)/ you would have answered 3)/ most of the
questions correctly. 4) No error 5)(ne)

12. The house where the dead man was found 1) / is being guarded by(the) police 2)/ to prevent it from
being entered 3)/ and the evidence interfered with. 4) / No error 5)

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