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Muffakham Jah College of Engg &Tech (re)creates History

The Muffakham Jah College of Engineering & Technology has recreated history by
fabricating and demonstrating successfully Sir J.C.Bose experiment in mm waves
under the dynamic leadership of Dr.M.A.Khadeer, Head of Department, Physics.
In the present world electromagnetic waves play an important role in every walk of life.
These waves were first predicted by Maxwell during 18 th century. The experimental
physicist Sir J. C. Bose from Kolkata has generated and detected the mm wave which is
used in short distance communications, military, automotive, detection of hidden objects,
and likely to be used in 5G mobile communications.
IEEE forum has recognized Sir J.C.Bose mm wave experiment as milestone experiment
in the field of science and technology then IEEE forum Hyderabad entrusted the
responsibility of creating the working model of Sir J.C.Bose experiment in mm waves to
MJCET .Then MJCET was able to successfully complete, demonstrate with precision and
accuracy. The model is available for public viewing at IEEE exhibits, Birla Science
MJCET is thankful to Dr. Jagirdhar, Dr.Tapas and Dr.Sarala Scientists, from RCI for their
valuable inputs and for testing the frequency generation. The team is greatful to Prof.
Kodali.V, Prof. Gopala Krishna, K. and Prof .Laxminarayana,K for sponsoring and
extending the moral support in creating this prestigious exhibit first time in the history .
In the early years of 20th century it was assumed that science could not easily take root in
India. But the pioneer of Indian scientific thought, Sir. J.C.Bose addressed the problem
many times and inspired young minds by inventing the mercury coherer.The Sir Jagadish
Chander Bose (1858-1937) from India did his graduation from kolkata and post
graduation from Cambridge University, London. He worked as Professor of physical
sciences and carried out his research at Presidency College. However one year after
Boses research, Marconi and Popov conducted similar experiments at much lower
frequency and won the Nobel Prize. He was the first to use the semiconductor junction to
detect radio waves, Horn Antenna and also developed point contact galena detector. He
also anticipated the existence of p-type and n-type semiconductors. His point contact
receiver is the present semi conductor diode which created the field of Electronics.
To pay homage to Sir J. C. Bose, IEEE wanted to make a working model of Sir J. C. Bose
experiment in mm waves. In this regard they approached different agencies, institutions
and colleges but the result was not encouraging, in spite of many technical difficulties,
MJCET, Hyderabad accepted the challenge of making the first working model of the
experiment in November 2012. The frequency of 60 GHz was measured by
Dr.M.A.Khadeer and his team and has been verified by scientists at RCI
Lab,DRDO,Hyderabad. This prestigious project got tremendous appreciation during
international symposium on fundamental physics conducted at G.P. Birla Science
center by national and international dignitaries, guests, delegates and students.
The team diligently worked under the leadership of Dr.M.A.Khadeer ,Project Manager,
Sir J. C. Bose experiment. The team members are Mr.Syed Ilyas Mohiuddin ,
Mrs.M.S.S.Bharathi , Mr.J. Prasanth Kumar, Assistant Professors , physics & ECE

Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology (MJCET) was established in the
year 1980 by Sultan-ul-uloom Education Society(SUES) which is formed by a group of
visionaries and intellectuals from various walks of life. Today that tiny acorn has
developed into a mighty oak. Today it is a premier institute.

The MJCET is the constituents institution of Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society.The

SUES was established in 1980 and has been performing vital service to students. The
institutions of the society offers individual opportunities for education in the discipline
of their choice while acquainting them with the requisite skills to function as responsible
members of society and face the challenges in industrial and economic scenario.The
chairman of the Society Janab Khan lateef Mohammed khan sahab and the Hon. secretary
of the Society Janab Zafar Javeed sahab have supported the problem based research
project and constantly encouraged the team in all aspects. The Advisor cum Director
Dr.Basheer Ahmed and Principal Prof.K.Krishnan have assisted in overcoming technical
difficulties faced during the project .Prof.Kaleem Fatima IEEE Chapter member has guided
the team to get the financial assistance from IEEE Forum and Prof.Dr.Shaik Zameeruddin
advised in many aspects in the completion of the project.

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