Olimpiada Engleza

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Clasa a X-a Seciunea A
23 ianuarie 2016

I. ENGLISH IN USE (50 points)

1. Complete the following text by writing one word in the gap. (10 points)
The explosive growth (1). the Internet over the past decade has been accompanied (2)a
rise in new ways of interacting in cyberspace. One way of interacting is by blogging. For those
(3)have never heard of it, blog is short for web log. The beauty of blogging is that anyone
(4)put a blog on the web and write (5)any topic (6)the sun. Favourite subjects tend
to be sports, politics, food and gossip. Some of the most interesting blogs can be found on the
Internet newspaper sites (7)readers post their comments on articles in the news. One
surprising development of blogging is that they are now being (8)as a source of news
themselves. It is (9)uncommon for journalists to use information that they have found on blog
sites to write their articles. On the downside, (10), there have been cases in which people have
written bad things about their jobs and bosses on a blog and then ended up getting the sack.

2. Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS tocomplete
the gaps. (20 points)
The (1).(COMPETE) racing of horses is one of humankinds most ancient
sports. Horse racing was an organised sport in all major (2)(CIVILISE) from Central
Asia to the Mediterranean and became a public (3)(OBSESS) in the Roman
Empire. The sport has (4) ..(TRADITION) been associated with kings and the
nobility. It became a (5) . (PROFESSION) sport in the 18th century. Its the second
most (6) (WIDE) attended spectator sport in the US, after baseball.

In the UK the Jockey Club, founded in 1750, has complete (7).. (RESPONSIBLE)
for horse racing.Although science has been (8) ..(ABLE) to find a breeding system that
guarantees the birth of a champion, it is possible to produce horses that are
(9)(SUCCESS) on the racetrack. Commercial breeding is a very (10)
..(PROFIT) business, and racehorses are worth millions of pounds. Modern racing
has survived because it is a major venue for legalised gambling.
3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between three and six words, including the word given.
(20 points)
1. Its possible that she didnt go to work yesterday, but I dont know for sure. HAVE
Sheto work yesterday, but I dont know for sure.
2. Jack keeps asking silly questions, its driving me mad! WISH
I..silly questions, its driving me mad!
3. Pavels advice helped me so much that I was able to solve the problem immediately.SUCH
Pavel...........that I was able to solve the problem immediately.
4. Paul wishes that he hadnt started arguing with his best friend. HAD
Paul regrets.with his best friend.
5. My girlfriend doesnt really want us to go out tonight. RATHER
My girlfriend.go out tonight.
6. Bill didnt think that Michael could fix his car. ABILITY
Bill didnt think that Michaelhis car.
7. Who left first yesterday? LEAVE
8. The weather was getting worse, so Joe was forced to give up his attempt to climb to the
summit. BUT
Due to the worsening weather, Joe had.to give up his attempt to climb
to the summit.
9. Someone snatched Sues bag at the concert. HAD
Sue.at the concert.
10. I want to buy a car but, without your financial help, Ill be unable to do it. ABLE
I want to buy a car but I wont..you help me financially.

II. WRITING (50 points)

You see this advertisement in an English language magazine and you decide to apply for the post
advertised, as it would give you the opportunity to spend the summer in England.

We are hiring people to work as shop assistants in our international bookshops in the months of
July and August.
*Do you like reading?
*Have you worked in a similar post before?
*Do you have a good level of English? Send in your application to Mr. Miller, saying why you
think you are suitable for a position in one of our bookshops.

Write your letter in 160-180 words.

NOT! Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 2 ore.

Clasa a X-a Seciunea A
23 ianuarie 2016



SUBJECT 110 points SUBJECT 2.....................20 points

3. who 3.OBSESSION
4. can/may 4.TRADITIONALLY
6. under 6.WIDELY
8. used 8.UNABLE
10. however 10.PROFITABLE

SUBJECT 3......................... 20 points II. WRITING . 50 points

1. may/might not have gone Letter-writing:

2. wish Jack stopped asking -correct letter format with clear paragraphs;
3. gave (me) such helpful advice/s -appropriate introduction and ending;
advice was such a help -well-balanced arguments, a clear development
4. having had an argument using appropriate cohesive devices;
5. would rather we did not -formal register;
6. had the ability to fix -conformity to the required length;
7. was the first to leave -a generally high level of fluency and
8. no (other)/little accuracy;
choice/alternative/option but -relevance of content to the task set.
9. had her bag snatched For awarding points please see the general
10. be able to (do it) unless marking scheme.

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