Rollerblading and Skateboarding Injuries in Children Northeast England

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348 34rAccid Emerg Med 1999;16:348-350

Rollerblading and skateboarding injuries in

children in northeast England
I Hassan, B J Dorani

Abstract popularity of rollerblading.59 Since its intro-

Objectives-To establish the demographic duction in the 1 980s the popularity of
profile and injury characteristics of chil- rollerblading has been increasing rapidly and
dren presenting with rollerblading or currently it is the fastest growing recreational
skateboarding associated injuries. This sport in the United States.5 6 More recently a
study also examines the circumstances similar trend of increasing popularity of roller-
leading to these injuries with a view to blading as a recreational and fashionable sport
suggesting preventive measures. has also been seen in the UK. Rollerbladers are
Methods-A prospective study using a now commonly seen in town and city streets
proforma to collect data from each child and parks in Britain. Injuries associated with
presenting with rollerblading or skate- rollerblading are increasingly being seen in
boarding related injuries. Injury details British accident and emergency (A&E)
were obtained from clinical and radiologi- departments. 1-
cal records. The injury severity score Although the American experience with
(ISS) was calculated for each child and rollerblading associated injuries is fairly exten-
statistical analysis was done using x'. sively reported,"'0 British experience remains
Results-Eighty one children presented somewhat limited. Previous reports from the
with rollerblading associated injuries ac- UK have been confined to patients with bony
counting for 7% of childhood injuries seen injuries requiring orthopaedic consultation
during the eight month study period. The only,'0 children presenting to a specialist inner
mean age was 10.3 years and sex distribu- city children's hospital only," or patients of all
tion was equal. Soft tissue injuries ac- age groups" seen in a district general hospital.
counted for 51% and fractures for 49% of Most previous reports indicate that rollerblad-
the injuries. Wrist fractures alone ac- ing injuries are mainly a problem of
counted for 86% of all fractures seen. Sev- childhood.6 11 14 This prospective study there-
enty per cent of soft tissue injuries fore aims to establish the size and profile of this
involved the upper limb. The overall mean rapidly emerging problem encountered in chil-
ISS was 3.0 with a range from 1 to 9. Injury dren in a busy British district general hospital
was attributed to fall secondary to loss of with a predominantly urban catchment popu-
control or collision with an obstacle while lation. This paper adds to the growing body of
rollerblading in the majority of children. information on this emerging problem about
Injury occurred while rollerblading in which little has been written so far. Such infor-
residential or public places in 99% of the mation can be used effectively for planning of
children. In contrast skateboarding re- local services and preventive measures.
lated injuries were much rarer and caused Methods
soft tissue injuries only. This prospective study was undertaken in the
Conclusion-This study has revealed a A&E department of a busy district general
higher incidence of rollerblading injuries hospital in northeast England. Data were
than previously suspected. Effective man- collected during an eight month study period
agement strategies should include not between September 1997 and April 1998. A
only the treatment of these injuries but proforma was designed to collect data from
also attention to their causes and preven- each child who presented to the A&E depart-
tion. ment with rollerblading or skateboarding asso-
(JAccid Emerg Med 1999;16:348-350)
ciated injuries. Data collected included age,
Keywords: rollerblading associated injuries; skateboard- sex, duration of injury, place of occurrence of
ing associated injuries; children; prevention injury, the mechanism of injury, and the type of
Accident and injury sustained. The place of occurrence of
Emergency injury was classified as residential area, school,
Department, Queen Injury is the leading cause of morbidity and public park or playground, main road,
Elizabeth Hospital, mortality in children and young adults.' The pavement/footpath, public sporting place, or
Gateshead, Tyne and recent government green paper Our Healthier others (specified). The mechanism of injury
Wear NE6 6SX Nation placed great emphasis on the problem was established by obtaining specific details of
I Hassan
B J Dorani of childhood injuries and suggested targets to the circumstances that led to the injury for
reduce accidental injuries that result in a each child. Details of the actual injury
Correspondences to: hospital visit or consultation with a family doc- sustained were obtained from both clinical and
Mr Hassan, Staff Grade in tor by at least one fifth by the year 2010.2 radiological records. The injury severity score
Accident and Emergency
Medicine. The decline in the popularity of skateboard- (ISS) was calculated for each child. Statistical
ing in the United States3" has coincided with, analysis was done using X2 and considered sig-
Accepted 29 April 1999 and arguably resulted from, the increase in the nificant at p<0.05.
Rolerblading and skateboarding injuries in children 349

(2.0) years), the sex distribution of this group

Table 1 Anatomical distribution ofsoft tissue injuries (41
children) was almost equal. There were 47 soft tissue
No (%/) of injuries among these 41 children. More than
Soft tissue injury Anatomic location injuries two thirds of the soft tissue injuries involved
Sprains Wrist 9 (19.0)
the upper extremity and joint sprains ac-
Elbow 7 (15.0) counted for 40% the injuries. The mean ISS
Lower extremity 3 (6.3) for this group was 1 (see table 1).
Contusions Wrist 4 (8.5) The 40 children with fractures did not differ
Elbow 4 (8.5)
Forearm 2 (4.2) in age and sex composition from those with
Hand 1 (2.1) soft tissue injuries. In this group the mean
Face 1 (2.1)
Lacerations Face and neck 5 (10.6) (SD) ISS was 4 (1) but ranged from 1 to 9.
Arm 1 (2.1) There were 53 separate fractures in the 40
Abrasions Upper extremity 2 (4.2) children and significantly the upper limb was
Chest 1 (2.1)
Face 1 (2.1) involved in all but one injury. Furthermore
Knee 1 (2.1) fractures at or around the wrist alone ac-
Minor head injury Head 5 (10.6) counted for 86% of the total (see table 2).
Total injuries 47 (100) Overall 76 (92%) children were injured due
to a fall while rollerblading. The majority
Table 2 Anatomical distribution offractures (n=56) of the falls were simply attributed to
loss of balance or loss of control. Other causes
No (N) of of fall included attempts to avoid collision with
Site offractures children
fixed or moving obstacles such as walls, lamp
Distal radius only 22 (55.0) posts, moving motor vehicles, or fellow roller-
Distal radius and distal ulna 12 (30.0)
Shaft of radius 1 (2.5) bladers. More unusual mechanisms of injury
Shafts of radius and ulna 1 (2.5) included one child being struck by a plastic
Phalanges (finger) 3 (7.5) object and another spontaneously twisting the
Medial malleolus 1 (2.5)
ankle while rollerblading. Another child devel-
Total 40 (100) oped a painful ankle "spontaneously" imnmedi-
ately after rollerblading.
The accident that caused the rollerblading
Results injury occurred on driveways and back lanes in
Eighty one children were seen with rollerblad- residential areas, roads, and other public areas
ing associated injuries. This represented just in 80 (99%) of the children. Only one of the
over 1% of the 7566 children seen in the injuries occurred in a designated sporting area
department and 7% of childhood injuries seen (see fig 1).
during the eight month study period. The The incidence of rollerblading associated
mean (SD) age was 10.3 (2.3) years, although injuries in the late summer and winter months
the ages ranged from 5 to 15 years. Males was relatively low with fewer than one third of
slightly outnumbered females with a ratio of the children presenting in the first five months
1.1:1. (September to January) of the study. Thereaf-
The overall mean (SD) ISS was 3 (2) with a ter, a sharp rise in the incidence of rollerblad-
range of 1 to 9. The incidence of soft tissue ing associated injuries was noted with the onset
injuries was 51% (n=41) and fractures 49% of spring.
(n=40). Interestingly, only 16 children were seen
Of the 41 children with soft tissue injuries, with skateboarding injuries; this represents
the overall mean (SD) age was 10 (2.2) years. only 0.2% of children attending the A&E
Although males tended to be older (mean (SD) department during this study period. Their
age 11(2.0) years) compared with females (9 ages ranged from 4 to 15 years with a mean
(SD) of 10 (2.6) years (there were 11 males
aged 9.4 (3.0) and five females aged 11.2 (0.9)
years). All had soft tissue injuries only and the
upper limb alone was involved in over two
thirds of the children. The accident leading to
c the injury included falls in 11 children. The
la- skateboard ran over the finger in three
=0 children. One child dropped his skateboard on
his toe and another child tripped while
0 skateboarding. The accident that led to the
injury occurred while skateboarding outdoors
on driveways near the child's home in 10
instances and in public parks in three. The
accident occurred indoors in two patients and
on the pavement in one.
Rollerblading is an increasingly popular recrea-
tional sport in the UK in children and young
adults. Consequently, rollerblading associated
Figure 1 Place of injury (n=81). *Residence = gardens, driveways, streets, and back lanes injuries are being seen more frequently
in the vicinity of the child's home. in British A&E departments.'"" Published
350 Hassan, Dorani

British data on rollerblading associated injuries the provision of designated rollerblading areas,
is relatively scarce, although the American this study would also support the need for a
experience is well documented.5'-0 Previous rollerblading safety campaign. Children of sus-
reports from the UK have examined patients of ceptible age groups, as well as their parents,
all age groups requiring admission for bony can be reached by focusing any such cam-
injuries,'0 general A&E populations of all age paigns at middle and high schools.
groups," or patients from a specialist inner city This study has demonstrated the vulnerabil-
children's A&E department." To plan an effec- ity of the wrist to both soft tissue injuries and
tive local action aimed at making rollerblading particularly fractures. It would be tempting to
safer we need to size and characterise our local suggest that the use of protective equipment
experience. This prospective study reports the may reduce the risk of these injuries. However,
experience of the A&E department of a British opinions differ about the effectiveness of
district general hospital with rollerblading protective equipment in preventing such
associated injuries in children. This paper adds injuries. 10 17 Even a large population based
to the growing body of literature on this rapidly study, which suggested that training in roller-
emerging significant cause of injuries in blading and the use of protective equipment
children. reduces the risk of injury, could not offer
Interestingly, this study has shown that definitive proof in support.'8 Further prospec-
rollerblading associated injuries are not un- tive population based studies may clarify the
common and account for a significant number role of protective equipment in reducing the
of injuries seen in children. Although these severity of rollerblading associated injuries.
injuries accounted for just over 1 % of the pae- In conclusion, this study has revealed a
diatric emergency workload they accounted for higher incidence of rollerblading associated
7% of paediatric trauma attendance to this injuries than previously suspected. We suggest
department during the study period. The inju- the provision of rollerblading parks and roller-
ries tended to be more common during the blading safety education campaigns to make
warmer months and affected both boys and rollerblading safer for children. Emergency
girls equally. However the injuries predomi- physicians need to be alert to identify any unu-
nantly involved girls under and boys over the sual or evolving injury mechanisms or causes of
age of 10 years. This age pattern was consistent morbidity to patients. Effective management
for both children with fractures as well as those strategies should include not only the treat-
with soft tissue injuries. The injury pattern ment of these injuries but also attention to the
showed fractures in 49% of the children, and causes and prevention.
both fractures and soft tissue injuries predomi-
nantly affected the upper extremity with an The authors gratefully acknowledge the nursing and medical
staff of the A&E Department of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
overall mean ISS of 3. The vast majority of Gateshead for their valuable assistance with data collection. A
fractures involved the wrist and forearm. These special thank you also to Professor S Jarvis and Dr Liz Towner,
Department of Community Child Health, University of
findings are not dissimilar to reports of Newcastle upon Tyne for their kind advice.
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from Scotland, Germany, and Australia.""-14 In Funding: none.
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