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Planning information

Please ask your MST for a copy of the yearly plan. Also ask for a copy of any curriculum documents
which are provided to support teachers (eg. course books).
What theme is currently being taught? Science: Keeping healthy
Math: Place value
English: Narrative
How long will this theme be taught for? Science: 6 weeks
Math : 3 weeks
English: 4 to 6 weeks.
When will they start the next theme? Which unit Science: 12/11/2017
should they be one during the TP block? Math: 29/11/2017
English: 12/11/2017
What is the theme on (during the TP block)? Science: Keeping healthy
Math: Place value- addition and subtraction
English: Narrative
What material/ resources/ ideas does the teacher Color pencils for drawing- Videos- Dice-
have for this theme? dictionaries.
How well are the children learning the required Color pencil can help the students notice the
material? important letters or words.
Dice: They can play game while they are learning
so they feel challenged.
Videos: See examples that linked to actual
What resources are available for this unit? Science: Food pyramid- CD- Video clips- Healthy
Math: Place value chart/grids/- hundred squares-
key words.
English: VCOP- Sentence building- PM writing-
big book.
What facilities are available for this unit? Worksheet for differentiation
What are the classroom rules? Listen to the teacher.
Keep your hand to yourself.
Sit sensibly on the carpet and your chair.
No cheating on tests
Are they applied consistently? Yes
How? What are the rewards/ consequences? Rewards:
Playing Basketball/ football- Extra playtime-
movies- fun science activities- games- drawing-
Zumba/ dance.
Punishments: lose table points- lose break time-
meet with parents- book to grade two- Meet
with the principal.
What is the school behaviour policy? Walking quietly and in line in the corridor.
Staying in class or in the playground before 7:30
Respecting other students.
Wearing cards if they will go to washroom or to
the nurse.

Take some time during the day to try and identify an innovation you may want to implement during
your TP block. You can discuss this with your MST but dont worry if you run out of time.

I want to increase the awareness of recycling by using the materials in the projects and in displays by
inventing box that gather the papers, bottles and other materials that can be recycled.

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