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Non-Unifying "NANO RECEIVER" confirmed working (just add the ... https://github.


treeder / logitech_unifier

Open Nephiel opened this issue on Feb 6, 2013 26 comments

Nephiel commented on Feb 6, 2013 Assignees

No one assigned
Some Unifying-ready Logitech devices, such as the M305 mouse, come with a non-Unifying receiver. It looks
None yet
the same, but instead of the Unifying logo it has "NANO RECEIVER" written on the case. The device ID of the
nano receiver is 0xc52f.
I have M305 and M175 mice. both of them come with one of these Nano receivers. I added the ID to the
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code and your pairing tool worked, both mice pair successfully.

All it needs is a new define in line 29: Milestone

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14 participants
and including this new ID in the comparison in line 59:
info.product != USB_DEVICE_ID_M305_NANO_RECEIVER &&

I'm posting this here in case you want to add it to the code.

djart01 commented on Nov 5, 2013


can you send me please the modified files? I want to "hack" my receiver which comes with M325 to work
with other mouses. Thank you very very very much! jardadjart@gmail.com

Lekensteyn commented on Nov 5, 2013

@djart01 Are you aware that more modern tools exist, such as ltunify (simple) and https://github.com
/pwr/Solaar (more advanced)?

djart01 commented on Nov 5, 2013

I am so sorry, I need it for windows :-( my mistake.

Lekensteyn commented on Nov 5, 2013

@djart01 There exist a receiver (yours?) that can only pair to a single device. In order to use it with other
devices, you need to unbind (unpair) it first. Anyway, since you are using windows you should try the
software provided by Logitech, SetPoint.

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