WiMAX Module

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WiMAX Band 3,5 GHz

Computer Engineering
Sriwijaya University
Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Base Station and Subscriber Station

The objectives of this practical work :

- Students know the concept of data communication using bridging mode access.
- Students know differences bridging mode access.
- Students know how to set up the configuration bridging access mode.


WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless

communication standard which was designed to provide data rate up to 40 Mbps
(Megabit-per-second). On development until 2011, can be used up to 1 Gbit/s for fix
condition. The WiMAX is given by WiMAX forum than been made since June 2011.
On that forum WiMAX was decribed as a technology standard which function as
wireless lastmile as wire and DSL alternative.

WiMAX Purpose

WiMAX Bandwidth Range is suitable for some implementation, such as :

- Providing broadband mobile portable connectivity between city and province

- Providing wire and DSL alternative for last mile broadband access
- Providing data service, telecommunications (VoIP) and IPTV (Triple Play).
- Providing internet connection source as a part of business continuity plan.

Software Configuration

Software Parameter Setting Base Station

1. Connect console cable from serial com on laptop to console port in BS IDUSet BS
IDU parameter for the first time are using console serial cable. This console serial
cable can be made by crossover connectivity from serial laptop to serial port on BS
IDU with Pinout reference that shown in this table :

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

System Console Port (RS-232) Pinout

Pin Name RS-232 V.24 Description
2 RXD BB 104 Receive Data
3 TXD BA 103 Transmit Data
5 GND AB 102 System Ground

Make sure serial port setting on laptop is same with these parameters :

System Console Port Default Settings

Baud 57,600
Data Bits 8
Flow Control None
Parity None
Stop Bits 1

If console cable connections is OK, login and password request will appear. Input
Login : admin and Password : admin, then prompt will pop out :
+ AN100U#>

2. Set parameter setting in management interface to default.

1 AN100U#>
2 AN100U#> interfaces
3 AN100U(interfaces ->)#> management
4 AN100U(mgmConfig ->)#> set default

3. Set parameter setting in Ethernet interface to default.

1 AN100U#>
2 AN100U#> interfaces
3 AN100U(interfaces ->)#>ethernet
4 AN100U(interfaceEther ->)#> set default

4. Set IntSep parameter value setting in Ethernet interface to 1 (via management

1 AN100U(interfaceEther ->)#> set IntSep 1

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

5. Set Parameter Setting in Wireless Interface to default

1 AN100U#>
2 AN100U#> interfaces
3 AN100U(interfaces ->)#> wireless
4 AN100U(interfaceWireless ->)#> set default

6. Connect UTP straight cable from laptop LAN port to Management port in BS IDU

7. Set IP Address in laptop with this configuration :

IP Address :

Subnet Mask :

8. Make sure the connectivity from laptop to BS IDU by pinging tes to IP using Command Prompt. Good connection is shown with good Ping

9. Access BS IDU using browser via IP Management (default)

10. Setting Interface Configuration Management Interface

Additional Explananation :
- IP is default management IP address.

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

11. Interface Configuration Wireless Interface

Software Parameter Setting Subcriber Station

1. Connect straight UTP cable from LAN port in laptop to Data port in PoE. Connect
the cable until the LED in PoE showing OK indicator.
2. Setting IP in laptop with this configuration:
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
3. Make sure the laptop connection to BS IDU is connected by Pinging test to IP
Address using Command Prompt. Good connection is showed by
good PING result.
4. Access to SU-O using Telnet via Command Prompt, then Login
request will appear. Input admin on both Login and Password.

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

5. rfConfig parameter setting must be same with channel in BS IDU setting:

1 SUO#>
2 SUO#> set
3 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig LoRfFreq1 3550250
4 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig HiRfFreq1 3550250

Keterangan :
If LoRfFreq1 and HiRfFreq1 have been set up in another channel, to change channel
with another new channel, use this command:
1 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig LoRfFreq1 0
2 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig HiRfFreq1 0

6. phyConfig CyclicPrefix must be same with Guard Interval that has been set up in
1 SUO#>
2 SUO#> set
3 SUO(set ->)#>phyConfig CyclicPrefix 4

7. Change ethTag Active value parameter setting to 0 (zero)

1 SUO#>
2 SUO#> set
3 SUO(set ->)#>ethTag Active 0

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

8. Change managedSS value parameter setting to 0 (zero)

1 SUO#>
2 SUO#> set
3 SUO(set ->)#>managedSS 0

9. Do monitoring on SU-O radio link status with monitor command:

1 SUO#>
2 SUO#>monitor

Additional Note :
- Make sure Link Status : Registered (1)
- Registered (1) indicator is showing SU-O are connected and accessible to BS-IDU

10. Do pointing SU-O until it get maximum performance

Maximum performance indicators :
- RSSI value should as high as possible
- CRC Error Count value must as low as possible (doesnt keep increase)

11. Do Monitoring to radio SU-O link status performance with this command :
1 SUO#>
2 SUO#>show status

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

WiMAX Service Classes

- Students know how to create Service Class.
- Students know what are the functions of Service Class.
- Students know what parameters of Service Class aim for.

Service class is mechanism that used to handle data packet which can be found in MAC
WiMAX for data transfer usage. These Service Class are functionate for filling QoS
requirement for applications that been used in WiMAX network. Service Class are
located in Base Station and divided into downlink and uplink.

Service Class Purpose

Service Class is suitable for some implementation, such as :

- Providing QoS requirement based on the application

- Providing better quality service for real-time applications

Software Configuration

Software Configuration Base Station

1. Access to using any internet browsers

2. Login to Web Interface

Username : admin

Password : admin

3. Choose Service Class submenu to create service class

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

4. Go to Service Flows submenu and set SFID direction.

5. Go to Classifier submenu and set Subscriber Station classifier.

6. Go to Manage submenu and click Save

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint

- Students know the differences of Point-to-Point Topology and Point-to-Multipoint
- Students know how to set up both Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint Topology
- Students know Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint Topology performance.

WiMAX can be used in both Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint topology. In Point-

to-Point topology, has wide range with link-wireless and high capacity. Base Station
can set up communication and securtiy to establish connection to Subscriber Station.
While in Point-to-Multipoint topology, Base Station is used as central of all Subscriber
station connection that connected to Base Station. Commonly, Point-to-Multipoint is
used in office with long range.

Topology Implementation Purpose

- Providing Long range data communication

- Providing more access for Subscriber stations

Software Configuration Subscriber Station

Provide 2 Subscriber Stations to connect to Base Station and configure those

subscriber stations.

1st Subscriber Station

1. Change computer IP which is connected to 1st Subscriber Station to 192.168.101.[X]

[X] = 2 254
2. Login to Subscriber Station using Telnet and access to

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

3. Use these commands to configure 1st Subscriber Station

1 SUO#>
2 SUO#> set
3 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig LoRfFreq1 3550250
4 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig HiRfFreq1 3550250
5 SUO(set ->)#>phyConfig CyclicPrefix 4
6 SUO(set ->)#>ethTag Actve 0
7 SUO(set ->)#>managedSS 0

2nd Subscriber Station

1. Change computer IP which is connected to 1st Subscriber Station to 192.168.101.[X]

[X] = 2 254
2. Login to Subscriber Station using Telnet and access to

3. Use these commands to configure 2nd Subscriber Station

1 SUO#>
2 SUO#> set
3 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig LoRfFreq2 3550250
4 SUO(set ->)#>rfConfig HiRfFreq2 3550250
5 SUO(set ->)#>phyConfig CyclicPrefix 4
6 SUO(set ->)#>ethTag Actve 0
7 SUO(set ->)#>managedSS 0

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Software Configuration Base Station

1. Access to Base Station using web Browser and Login as admin

2. Create or use existed service class for both subscriber stations in Service Classes
3. Go to Service Flows submenu and set SFID direction.

4. Go to Classifier submenu and set Subscriber Station classifier.

5. Go to Manage submenu and click Save

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

VoIP Implementation over WiMAX Network

- Students know how to configure VoIP Server using Asterisk
- Students know how to configure VoiP Clients using softphone
- Students know about VoIP System

VoIP is communication technology based on Internet Protocol (IP). VoIP can be used
in both internet and intranet. VoIP has advantages like low cost communication
because VoIP is able to be used in intranet network.

VoIP Purpose

- As a telecommunication media
- Low cost communication
- Give better voice quality

Software Configuration Asterisk

1. Go to Asterisk folder (depending on where you install/download Asterisk)

2. Edit sip.conf to create VoIP clients.



Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

3. Edit extensions.conf for VoIP clients


4. Run Asterisk service using this command

/etc/init.d/asterisk start
asterisk vvvvvr

Software Configuration - Softphone

There are some softphone that can be used such as Zoiper, Ekiga, X-Lite and etc.
Here we use Zoiper as the softphone. Most of these softphones have same

1. Launch Zoiper app

2. Click Settings -> Preferences

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

3. Click Create Account -> SIP -> Next

4. Fill VoIP account information based on data in VoIP Server

5. Click Next until account creation is done

6. Try to call another VoIP client to make sure that account creation was successfully.

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Analyzing VoIP Quality of Service over

WiMAX Network Using Wireshark
- Students know how to analyze VoIP Quality of Service using Wireshark.
- Students know how to calculate VoIP Quality of Service manually.
- Students know what parameters which influence VoIP Quality.

VoIP has QoS parameters that are used as a measure to determine the quality of the
service. There are three parameters that affect the quality of VoIP, those are delay, jitter
and packet loss. Delay is the time it takes a data packet to reach its destination. Packet
loss occurs when data transmission is in progress. To know the value of these
parameters, can be used Wireshark to know and analyaze its value.

Analyzing Purpose

- To know and calculate delay value

- To know and calculate packet loss vlaue

Software Configuration Base Station

1. Access Base Station and Login as admin

2. Go to Service Classes submenu and create UGS or rtPS Service Class (because of
these service classes are recommended for VoIP)
3. Create SFID and Classifiers for Subsciber Stations to implement the service classes
4. Go to Manage submenu and click save
5. Close Web Browser and change server IP Address (for example:

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Virtual Machine Configuration Linux Ubuntu

6. Change VoIP Server IP Address to (if you use Virtual Machine, you have to
change the IP Address, but if not, you can skip this step) by running this command:
sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

7. Restart network adapter by running this command :

sudo systemctl restart networking

8. Run Asterisk service using these commands :

sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start
asterisk -vvvvvr

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Analyzing Data Packet Wireshark

1. Open Wireshark app and choose Network Adapter then click Start

2. Do VoIP communication between clients to let Wireshark display RTP packet.

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

3. Click Telephony menu and highlight RTP submenu and click RTP Streams

4. Click one of the streams and click Analyze

Computer Network Laboratory
Faculty of Computer Science
Sriwijaya University

Quality of Service Measurement Delay

To get Delay value, we need two parameters, Duration and Sent Data Packet. Based on
data we got, we have these information :

Duration : 297,86 s [IP Address]

RTP Packets : 14771 data packets [IP Address]

To calculate Delay, use this formula :


= 0,020165
= 20,165

Quality of Service Measurement Packet Loss Percentage

To get Packet Loss Percentage, we need two parameters, Sent Data Packets and
Received Data Packets. Based on data we got, we have these information :

Sent Data Packets : 14771

Received Data Packets : 14771

To calculate Packet Loss Percentage, use this formula :

(%) = 100

14771 14771
(%) = 100
(%) = 0%


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