Identifying Errors

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Name: Shaikha Abdulla

ID: H00354386
Course code: EDU2303
Student name Amal Hatem
Age of student 8 years old
Language spoken in the home Arabic
How long have they been studying 4 years
Phonic/Letter knowledge Developing level

M- Mastery level
D- Developing level
E- Emerging level
Math skills Developing level

M- Mastery level
D- Developing level
E- Emerging level

Lerner Preferences Drawing Painting Swimming

(what do they enjoy doing?)
Socio-emotional development Calm but respond if you ask her-shy but
(how are they in the class?) has a lot of friends.

Saying Stoberry instead of strawberry

1. What is the error? Wrong pronunciation.

2. Speaking stage: Speech Emergence
3. Productive errors - result in the language
learner producing incorrect utterances.

Keshavarz, 2012 (as cited in Taylor, 2016).

Saying Stoberry instead of strawberry
1. Intralingual errors: due to the difficulty of the
second/target language. Avoidance: Some syntactic
structures are difficult to produce by some learners.
Consequently, these learners Second Language
Learning Errors avoid these structures and use instead
simpler structures. (Touchie, 1986)

2. Type of the error? (Phonological Errors) : spelling

pronunciation of words.(Touchie, 1986)

3. Remediate: asking for clarification (clarification

request): Sorry?;(Li, 2013).
Saying Batats instead of Potato

1. What is the error? Saying the letter B instead of the

letter P in the word Potato.

2. Speaking stage: Speech Emergence

3. Productive errors - result in the language learner
producing incorrect utterances. Keshavarz, 2012 (as
cited in Taylor, 2016).

4. Intralingual and developmental errors: because she

still learning the L2 and because of her limited
experience.(she had difficulties in the language)
(Heydari & Bagheri, 2012).
Saying Batats instead of Potato

1. Interference: the 1L language interfere and

affects the childs 2L.

2. Type of the error? (Phonological Errors) :Lack of

certain L2 phonemes in the learners L1
(Touchie, 1986).

3. Remediate: alerting the learner to the error and

providing the correct form (explicit correction):
No, you should say potato; (Li, 2013).
I lav
1. What is the error? Writing from right to left
2. Stage: Writing stage: Stage 6: Initial, Medial and
Final Sounds (spelled how they sound) (UAB, 2015).

3. Productive errors: learner producing incorrect

utterances. Keshavarz, 2012 (as cited in Taylor,
4. Interlingual errors: the source is the first language
interference. these kinds of errors are influenced by
the native languages which interfere with target
language learning (Heydari & Bagheri, 2012).
1. Interference errors: errors that reflect the
structure of the L1

2. Writing from right to left is a feature of the

Arabic language.

3. Remediate:
teach her that every time she write
something in English to put her left hand
and then write starting from her left hand
and going far from her left hand.
Spelling the word Lav

1. What is the error? Wrong spilling of the word


2. Writing stage: Stage 6: Initial, Medial and Final

Sounds (spelled how they sound) (UAB, 2015).

3. Productive errors: learner producing incorrect

utterances. Keshavarz, 2012 (as cited in Taylor,
1. Intralingual and development errors: errors
occurred when the learners have not really
acquired significant knowledge of the target
language(Touchie, 1986).
2. Type of the error? Orthographic error Similar
pronunciation of the word but Different spelling.

3. Remediate:
Model for her the correct spelling
Using the school library and provide books for the
whole class will improve this skill.
1. Heydari, P., & Bagheri, M. (2012). Error Analysis: Sources of L2 Learners Errors. 2, 1583-1589.
2. Keshavarz, M. (2012).Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis,(2nd ed.). Tehran: Rahamana Press
3. Li, S. (2013). Oral corrective feedback. ELT Journal, 196-198.
4. Touchie, H. Y. (1986). Second language learning errors their types, casuses and treatment . JALT
Journal, 8, 75-80. file:///C:/Users/Win%208.1/Downloads/art5%20(3).pdf
5. University of Alabama at Birmingham (2015, September). Adapted from the work of Richard
Gentry & the Conventions of Writing Developmental Scale, The Wright Group. Retrieved from:

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