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Early users of monsoon winds for navigation

Sila Tripati

The maritime history of India can be traced back to the Harappan Civilization. Studies suggest that even at
that time, monsoon winds and currents assisted in navigation. Recent archaeological exploration and exca-
vations along the Indian margin, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and coasts of Southeast Asia provide convincing
evidence about a maritime network and connections between mariners of India and other parts of the world
in ancient times. The author of Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (PES) (60100 CE) has credited Hippalus
(~45 CE), the Greek mariner, with the discovery of monsoon winds and the mid-ocean route to the Indian
ports from the Mediterranean. However, archaeological findings of Harappan Civilization, as well as the
Vedic and Sangam period texts, suggest that the mariners of India who were trading in the Indian Ocean
and adjoining seas had knowledge about monsoon winds much before Hippalus. In this paper, an attempt
has been made to demonstrate the fact that knowledge of the monsoon winds was familiar to Indian mari-
ners during the Harappan Civilization as well as in the later period.

The monsoon refers to the seasonal information on the circulation of oceanic phenomena of the ocean, namely tides,
wind; in other words, a seasonal reversal water; The ocean flows round this world currents and waves were known to the
in the direction of the wind is character- on all sides, to which Eggelings com- seafarers of India 18,19.
istic of the Indian monsoon 1,2. The word mentary adds, accordingly turning to the As evident from the above, ancient In-
monsoon originates from the Arabic right (south) whence the ocean flows dian literature describes the phenomena
word mausim or mausam meaning round this world (from the east) south- of winds and oceanic circulations vividly.
seasonal winds 35. Monsoon winds blow wards. The review of the passage indi- Even the ship motif punch marked coins
from the southwest during June to Sep- cates that it refers to the southwest (PMC) (6th5th centuries BCE) have
tember (summer monsoons) and from the monsoon which lasts from May to Sep- masts with criss-cross riggings which
northeast from OctoberNovember to tember 12. The Baudhayana Dharmasutra suggest that sails were used during those
FebruaryMarch (winter monsoon and explicitly mentions maritime naviga- days. Thus, the ship motif coins with
trade winds) (the months of the season tion13. The Buddhist Jataka stories and mast(s) of the Satavahanas (2nd century
are based on the current calendar; it the Jain Canonical mention ships mov- BCE to 3rd century AD ), Salankayanas
would have been 55 days later in 2000 ing by force of wind Pavanabalasama- (300440 CE) and Pallavas (6th to 9th
BC due to axial precession). Heavy rain haya 14. The Sangam period (3rd century century CE ) are unambiguous evidences
accompanies the former in the entire In- BCE to 3rd century CE) texts, namely of the knowledge of open sea navigation
dian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Akananuru, Purananuru, Mathuraikan- and understanding of wind patterns 20,21.
The latter is dry and cold and flows out chi or Madurraikanchi mention that In addition to Indian literature, the au-
of the interior of Asia from the northeast. Tamil mariners sailed with the help of thor of Periplus Maris Erithrei (60100
Until the early historical period, Indian wind and sails 15. The Sangam texts also CE ) mentioned ports, anchorages, along
literature mentioned the use of monsoon refer to four types of wind blowing from with the Erythraean Sea which includes
wind and currents in maritime trade 6. different directions, viz. kontal (east the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea,
However, Schoff7 and Hariharan8 referred wind), kotal (west wind), vatai (north Bay of Bengal and above all, also refers
to the Greek mariner, Hippalus (~45 CV) wind) and tenral (south wind) and the to the Southwest (summer) monsoon 7.
who discovered the monsoon wind sys- movement of various sizes of vessels Similarly, in the Natural History, Pliny
tem in the early centuries of the Christian with the help of wind in the mid sea and (77 CE) has also mentioned the southwest
era. Subsequently, sailors of Rome, landing at the shore 4. The extensive monsoon10. However, neither Periplus
Greece, Arabia and Portugal used mon- maritime activity during the Mauryan nor Pliny has referred to the currents of
soon wind and currents for their voyages Empire as outlined in the Arthasastra is the Indian Ocean. In the Record of Bud-
to India in different periods911. Therefore, a clear indication of the depth of knowl- dhistic Kingdoms, Fa-Hien, the Chinese
it is necessary to trace the origin of navi- edge of winds and currents of that traveller (414 CE) referred to his voyage
gation in India with the aid of archaeo- period. Further, the Arthasastra mentions from Tamralipti to Ceylon and men-
logical findings and literary sources that the administration of ports, navy and tioned the favourable Northeast (winter)
deal with monsoon wind and currents, provides a set of rules and regulations for monsoon wind and currents along the
which forms the objective of this paper. navigation 16. Besides the above refer- east coast of India which enabled him to
ences, in the Meghdoot Kalidas (4th cen- reach Ceylon in just fourteen days 22.
Reference to wind and currents in tury CE) has elaborately accounted the
Indian literature arrival of monsoons in India 17. Aryasura Hippalus and monsoon winds
in the Jatakamala (4th century CE ) men-
The text, Satapatha Brahmana (9th8th tions waves and currents with currents Periplus acclaimed Hippalus (Greek
century BCE) furnishes the first recorded being termed as salila. Three physical mariner) as the discoverer of the
1618 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 2017
monsoon winds and direct monsoon not refer to any information about Hip- Nava, Ratha being the general terms for
route to India 7,8. Thus the credit of dis- palus in his writings, whereas Pliny boat or ship and Navya for navigation or
covery of monsoon winds was bestowed stated that nothing of any individual sailor 38. Among all these types of water
upon Hippalus. Wheeler 23 has applauded (navigator) named Hippalus is known; he crafts, nau was the sea vessel in which
Hippalus and states, Hippalus is one of knew Hippalus, the name of the wind, oars, sails, masts and anchors were car-
the great names in the history of naviga- obviously the southwest monsoon10,33,34. ried. During favourable wind, sails were
tion. Further, Casson 24 and Warming- Mazzarino26 remarked that Pliny was used so that naus could float and move
ton10 have suggested that during the ignorant of the tradition adopted by Pe- with speed 40,41.
reign of Claudius (4156 CE), Hippalus riplus, who initially suggested that Hip-
discovered the mid-ocean route to the palus had discovered the monsoon. This Evidence of use of monsoon winds
Indian ports and sailed with the aid of tradition originated among Egyptian during the Harappan Civilization
monsoon winds. This route was consid- sailors. Many scholars have questioned
ered to be the shortest between the Medi- on this content, and the argument must The discovery of vestiges of the Harap-
terranean or Arabian ports and the Indian be rejected. The discovery of monsoon pan Civilization from the northwest
coast. But Posidonius recorded that dur- winds was made in successive stages; it region of the Indian subcontinent obvi-
ing Ptolemy Lathyros, Eudoxos of Cyzi- was basically because merchants pre- ously indicates the existence of highly
cos (Eudoxus of Cyzicus) (116 CE) made ferred new markets, that the new re- advanced urban civilization. The Meso-
two overseas trips to India by the end of quirements of trade and commerce potamian cuneiform texts suggest mari-
the second century BCE10, which indi- determined changes in navigational tech- time contacts and exchange of goods
cates that monsoon winds were known to niques 35. During monsoon, inclement between the Harappan and Mesopota-
Eudoxos of Cyzicos earlier than Hip- weather does not continue all through the mian civilizations (Figure 1). Moreover,
palus. Ptolemy VII was keen on develop- whole season. Hence the ships sailing the excavations at Harappa (Figure 2),
ing the Red Sea maritime trade. As a from the Red Sea coast set sail before the Mohenjo-Daro (Figure 3) and Lothal
result, direct sailing between India and Southwest monsoon and return during (Figure 4) have yielded evidence of boats
Egypt was started by Eudoxus of Cyzicus the Northeast monsoon. The use of winds on seals, incised on pottery and terracotta
in 120110 BCE (ref. 25). Eudoxus of for navigation made it easy for seamen models that shed more light on the mari-
Cyzicus followed the directions of an In- and traders from Egypt to stay a short time contacts of the Harappan Civiliza-
dian and sailed to India following the while on the Indian coast before return- tion4248. Regarding the maritime
monsoon winds 26 and that Indian is be- ing to their Red Sea ports thus increasing knowledge of the people of the Harappan
lieved to be a surviving sailor of a ship- contacts with local Indians. Civilization, it is suggested that the
wreck4. Monsoon was known to all efficiency of boats not only depended on
mariners who sailed along the Arabian their size and design, but also on the
and African coast from the time much Rig Veda and monsoon winds knowledge of mariners of the sea,
before Hippalus 27. The Indian and Arab weather conditions and awareness of
sailors exploited monsoon winds to sail Though there are diverse opinions on the landmarks. Harbour facilities were
between their countries much before the Rig Veda (Rg Veda) (1700 and 1100 BCE) equally important. There was every pos-
westerners 24. McCrindle 28 had described and its period, it is believed that Rig sibility that a marine connection existed
that incidental knowledge suggests that Veda is the oldest literary work of the from the mouth of the River Indus to
there were regular voyages from the Indian subcontinent. There are several shores of Gulf of Khambhat and Kutch
ports of the east coast of Africa to India hymns that have referred to the wind, region where smaller vessels were plied
with the help of monsoon winds, long waves, tides, water, thunder and rain, to cater to the requirements of Bagasra,
before Hippalus discovered the winds rivers, sea, etc. 4,36,37. Similarly, many Kuntasi, Kanmer, Juni Kuran including
and introduced the knowledge to the verses praise Parjanya (the thunder and Dholavira. Moreover the route was
Roman world. Periplus and Pliny differ rain), which shows that the Rig Vedic shorter 49. In an inscription, Sargon of
in their accounts about the voyages to people were aware of the rainy season Agade (2300 BCE) stated that he built
India using monsoon winds. Periplus which comes in a certain period every ships from Meluhha, Magan, and Dilmun
mentioned that, before heading out to- year 3. Monsoon winds are termed as ma- and tied those ships at the quay of
wards the open sea, ships stop either at ruts in the Rig Veda, whereas in the later Agade. Similarly, Gudea of Lagash as-
Qana or Aromata, whereas Pliny states Vedic texts, monsoon was referred to as serted that ships along with timber came
that crossing of the Indian Ocean devel- salila vada (sahla vada) (the wind from to Lagash from Meluhha, Magan, and
oped through various stages and it was the ocean, especially SW monsoon) 38 and Dilmun as a tribute. The above informa-
possible at last to sail directly from Oce- the Buddhist texts mentioned kalamegha tion shows that sailors involved in long
lis to the west coast of India without any (dark clouds) and varshavalshaga (heavy distance trade crossed the Persian Gulf
stopover 29. rains) 5,39. Despite the available informa- and must have observed the changes in
Even the historiography of the naviga- tion on monsoon, rain, and wind in the the seasonal winds 50,51. Moreover, some
tor has questioned the very existence of Rig Veda, the following questions were merchant records suggest that seasonality
Hippalus 30 and scholars believed that often asked: was the sea known to the in maritime trade may have been because
Hippalus was the name given to the Rig Vedic people? Were the Rig Vedic of monsoon winds 52.
wind31. Villiers 32 mentioned that Hip- people familiar with seafaring? Numer- The southwest (summer) monsoon first
palus gave his name to monsoon winds ous statements can be found in the Rig reaches the Konkan coast, then Porban-
and it continued afterwards. Strabo did Veda concerning Samudra for sea, Nau, dar and after a month it hits Kachchh,

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 2017 1619

Sind and Makran coasts. The seafarers of ing from the west coast of India were not proposed that following the same degree
the Harappan Civilization might have required to moor during July and August north latitude, sailors could travel from
faced violent and stormy monsoons in at Sutkagen-Dor 55. If the vessels of the Muscat to Lakhpat (the Great Rann). Fol-
the Arabian Sea and other winds in the Mesopotamia or Gulf sailed in May, they lowing 2330 parallel they could travel
Gulf. But it is clear that the inclement would have to anchor or dock during the from Ras al Hadd to the Gulf of Kutch.
weather of the monsoon did not prevail rough monsoon months. In order to avoid Along the coast of the Gulf of Kutch, the
throughout the whole monsoon period53. the stormy monsoon weather, the boats Harappan Civilization sites namely Ba-
During the southwest monsoon, except of the Gulf and Mesopotamia sailed from gasra, Kuntasi, Shikarpur are located in
off the Makran coast for an eastward the Gulf in September with the assistance bays and estuaries and experience severe
journey, there was no sailing in other re- of westerly wind and made use of north- monsoon. Under such conditions, small
gions. Probably sailors sailed either east monsoon wind and currents in mid seagoing vessels were probably used for
before or after the southwest monsoon. November for the return journey53,54. maritime trade which could ply through-
Sailing in the Gulf throughout the year 54 During the winter season (October and out the year between Oman and the west
was possible. The withdrawal of summer November) and in later months, the coast of India except during May and
monsoon starts from September after northeast monsoon winds head towards July49.
reaching Sind. Therefore the impact of the Arabian Peninsula from India (Figure
summer monsoon is very minimal along 5). The finding of the seal, ivory comb,
the coast of Pakistan, and no cyclonic etc. at Ras al-Hadd, suggests that the
activities take place along the Makran people of the Harappan Civilization ap-
coast and weather conditions remain pear to have sailed directly between Gu-
sunny. The monsoon does not reach jarat and Oman, and today, it is the
Gwadar and sailing can continue be- natural landfall for ships using the mon-
tween Muscat, Oman, Gwadar and India soon winds 56.
except in May and July. This implies that During the ancient period, maritime
Indian ships were able to sail in the Ara- trade and shipping were based on knowl-
bian Sea before the beginning of the edge of ship building, monsoon winds
winds. This indicates that shipping in the and use of celestial bodies for naviga- Figure 2. a, b, The Harappan seal de-
Harappan waters was restricted to the tion. It is believed that the people of picts a ship with mast and sail recovered
Makran coast for three months until the Harappan Civilization were aware of from the excavations of Harappa.
end of winter monsoon and the return these aspects and used them meticu-
voyage was made with the westerly mon- lously. Periplus and Pliny have stated
soon winds in the month of May53. The that for safe sailing, mariners had fol-
settlement of the Harappan Civilization lowed one latitude to cross the Arabian
at Makran coast was remarkable because coast (Ocelis) and reach Muziris, west
the sea was free from danger in the vicin- coast of India. Further, Tchernia 33 ob-
ity of anchorage. The monsoon weather served that crossing of high seas was
does not bring strong winds and currents possible if a sailor could stay on one par-
at Sutkagen-Dor as it does on the west allel following the stars. Taking this into
coast of India 49. Moreover, vessels sail- account, in her recent work Ratnagar 49

Figure 3 a, b. A seal and a terracotta

amulet from MohenjoDaro depict ship
with cabin and birds.

Figure 4. Clay model boats have been

Figure 1. Figure showing the sites mentioned in the text. found from Lothal excavations.

1620 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 2017


Figure 5 a, b. Surface winds and currents during Northeast monsoon and Southwest monsoon over the Arabian Sea and Persian
Gulf regions (Hellerman and Rosenstein and OSCAR data sets).

The above information suggests that direct contact between the Mesopota- sails were designed to utilize monsoon
sailors of Harappan Civilization were mians and the Harappan Civiliza- wind force, and boats could sail with the
aware of monsoon winds and followed tion53,54,57. Bowen42 and McGrail 58 have aid of winds blowing from behind at an
both coastal and mid-sea voyages. It was suggested that boats sailed, keeping the angle less than 30 from the dead
not necessary that boats covered the en- coast in sight because frequent repairs, astern60,61. With the help of square sails,
tire distance at a stretch from the mouth maintenance and replenishment were re- it might have been possible for a vessel
of the Tigris and Euphrates to Sind or quired, even though the coastal route to sail from Gujarat or the Makran coast
Gujarat. The Ur III period findings sug- lacked sheltered places. The northeast to Ras al-Junayz in three months with
gest that Mesopotamian boats sailed to monsoon wind facilitated sailing from the support of surface current and wind
Magan, then to Dilmun. Most of the Sutkagen-Dor to the coast of Oman. pressure, either by coastal or deep sea
cargo acquired was certainly of Indian Without the northeast monsoon wind, a route. Moreover, square sails are suitable
origin. It establishes the fact that the coastal route may not have been conven- for windward navigation, and their use is
Mesopotamian and the Harappan Civili- ient. There were several coastal sites evidenced from the Harappan Civiliza-
zation boats have sailed in the Tigris and which served as safe anchorages and re- tion seal (Figure 2) 43,62. It would be in-
Euphrates and Gujarat regions. fuelling stations, but they were not ports. teresting to know whether the stitched
Sutkagen-Dor, the coastal and farthest The northeast monsoon winds and cur- boats of the Harappan Civilization were
western Harappan site, served as an end rents were suitable for voyaging along able to resist the weather conditions of
point for the boats coming from the Gulf the Makran coast. A vessel could turn the southwest monsoon or not. It de-
outside monsoon point. The frequent south of Oman or north western for pended on the strength of construction of
trips of different vessels, transhipment, Musandam or beyond after reaching stitched boats and quality of sails used;
and storage of cargo would have increased Jask59. Further, there is no evidence of besides, the mariners of Harappan Civili-
sea transport. In addition, archaeological the use of lateen sail during this period. zation had traditional knowledge to as-
evidence and textual sources suggest As a result, in all probability, square certain the coast from the colour of the

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 8, 25 OCTOBER 2017 1621

sea, landmarks and birds. The discovery (PES) or the Periplus Maris Erythraei 3. Das, P. K., The Monsoons, NBT, New
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by Dales 45 corroborates that the people has dealt with Hippalus, has undergone 4. Rao, T. S. S. and Griffiths, R. C., Under-
of Harappan Civilization used birds for many revisions, and cannot be precisely standing the Indian Ocean Perspectives
on Oceanography, UNESCO, Paris, 1998.
finding directions in mid-sea (Figure dated, there is no reference to Hippalus.
5. Panikkar, N. K. and Srinivasan, T. M.,
3 b). The above evidence delineates the Therefore the theory of Hippalus can be Pro. R. S. Edinburg, 197172, 72, 263
acquaintance with coastal navigation, but completely ignored. The Indian literature 272.
it cannot be ruled out that the people of of the pre- and post-Hippalus period 6. Mookerji, R. K., A History of Indian
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Mediterranean Contacts with India (eds 52. Warren, B. A., In Monsoons (eds Fein, J. script. The author also acknowledge help re-
De Romanis, F. and Tchernia, A.), Mano- S. and Stephen, P. L.), A Wiley Inter- ceived from V. K. Banakar, Aparna Saieesh
har, New Delhi, 2005, pp. 80160. science Publication, New York, 1987, Gandhi and Michael G. Selvan for providing
36. Singh, B., Rig Vedic Harappans, Aditya pp. 137158. the wind and current data, Dinesh Kumar
Prakashan, New Delhi, 1995. 53. Ratnagar, S., Trading Encounters from Maharana and Rudra Prasad Behera for pre-
37. Griffith, R. T. H. (tr.), The Hymns of the the Euphrates to the Indus in the Bronze paring figures. The author is thankful to
Rgveda, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers, Age, Oxford University Press, New anonymous reviewers for their comments and
Delhi, 1973. Delhi, 2004. suggestions. This is NIO contribution no. 6066.
38. Macdonell, A. A. and Keith, A. B., Vedic 54. Ratnagar, S., Encounters the Westerly
Index of Names and Subjects. 1, Motilal Trade of the Harappan Civilization,
Banarasidass Publishers, Delhi, 1912. OUP, New Delhi, 1981. Sila Tripati is in the CSIR-National Insti-
39. Tripathi, M. P., Development of Geo- 55. Ratnagar, S., Understanding Harappa tute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa
graphic Knowledge in Ancient India, Civilization in the Greater Indus Valley, 403 004, India.
Varanasi, 1969. Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2015. e-mail:

Edited by R. Srinivasan, and printed & published by G. Madhavan for Current Science Association, Bengaluru 560 080.
Typeset by W INTECS Typesetters (Ph: 2332 7311), Bengaluru and Printed at Printek Printers, Bengaluru (Ph: 2328 7763)
2017, Current Science Association

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